
116 lines
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Read stream form Audio input {#audio_river_read}
Objectifs: {#audio_river_read_objectif}
- Understand basis of river
- Create a simple recording interface that print the average of sample absolute value.
When you will create an application based on the river audio interface you need :
Include: {#audio_river_read_include}
Include manager and interface node
@snippet read.cpp audio_river_sample_include
Initilize the River library: {#audio_river_read_init}
We first need to initialize etk sub library (needed to select the log level of sub-libraries and file access abstraction
@snippet read.cpp audio_river_sample_init
Now we will initilaize the river library.
To do this We have 2 posibilities:
With a file:
// initialize river interface
With a json string:
@snippet read.cpp audio_river_sample_read_config_file
// initialize river interface
For the example we select the second solution (faster to implement example and resource at the same position.
river::init / river::initString must be called only one time for all the application, this represent the hardware configuration.
It is NOT dynamic
To understand the configuration file Please see @ref audio_river_config_file
This json is parsed by the @ref {#ejson_mainpage_what} it contain some update like:
- Optionnal " in the name of element.
- The possibilities to remplace " with '.
Get the river interface manager: {#audio_river_read_river_interface}
An application can have many interface and only one Manager. And a process can contain many application.
Then, we will get the first application manager handle.
@snippet read.cpp audio_river_sample_get_interface
*Note:* You can get back the application handle when you create a new one with the same name.
Create your read interface: {#audio_river_read_river_read_interface}
Generic code:
@snippet read.cpp audio_river_sample_create_read_interface
Here we create an interface with:
- The frequency of 48000 Hz.
- The default Low level definition channel
- A data interface of 16 bits samples coded in [-32768..32767]
- Select input interaface name "microphone"
set data callback: {#audio_river_read_get_data}
The best way to get data is to instanciate a simple callback.
The callback is called when sample arrive and you have the nbChunk/frequency
to process the data, otherwise you can generate error in data stream.
@snippet read.cpp audio_river_sample_set_callback
Callback inplementation: {#audio_river_read_callback}
Simply declare your function and do what you want inside.
@snippet read.cpp audio_river_sample_callback_implement
start and stop the stream: {#audio_river_read_start_stop}
@snippet read.cpp audio_river_sample_read_start_stop
Remove interfaces: {#audio_river_read_reset}
@snippet read.cpp audio_river_sample_read_reset
Full Sample: {#audio_river_read_full_sample}
@snippet read.cpp audio_river_sample_read_all