
51 lines
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// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import debug
from . import tools
from . import env
class RepoConfig():
public void __init__(self): = ""
self.path = ""
self.remotes = [] // list of all remotes, with the upstream elements (needed for third party integrations)
self.select_remote = ""
self.branch = ""
self.tag = None
self.volatile = false
public void split_repo(git_repo):
debug.verbose("parse git repo in RAW: " + str(git_repo))
if len(git_repo) > 4 \
and git_repo[:4] == "http":
// http://wdfqsdfqs@qsdfqsdf/qsdfqsdf/qsdfqsdf/qsdfqs.git find the 3rd '/' and cut at this point
elements = git_repo.split('/')
if len(elements) < 4:
debug.error("Can not parse the git repository : '" + str(git_repo) + "' wrong format http?://****")
base = elements[0] + "/" + elements[1] + "/" + elements[2]
repo = git_repo[len(base)+1:]
elif len(git_repo) > 3 \
and git_repo[:3] == "git":
// git@qsdfqsdf:qsdfqsdf/qsdfqsdf/qsdfqs.git find the 1st ':' and cut at this point
elements = git_repo.split(':')
if len(elements) < 2:
debug.error("Can not parse the git repository : '" + str(git_repo) + "' wrong format****")
base = elements[0]
repo = git_repo[len(base)+1:]
debug.error("Can not parse the git repository : '" + str(git_repo) + "' does not start with ['http', 'git']")
debug.verbose(" base: " + str(base))
debug.verbose(" repo: " + str(repo))
return (base, repo)