[DEV] start transcode
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fileset-config file-format-version="1.2.0" simple-config="true" sync-formatter="false">
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Normal file
Normal file
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Compiled python modules.
# Setuptools distribution folder.
# Python egg metadata, regenerated from source files by setuptools.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# This file is a template, and might need editing before it works on your project.
# use the official gcc image, based on debian
# can use verions as well, like gcc:5.2
# see https://hub.docker.com/_/gcc/
image: gcc
- pwd
- git clone --depth 1 --branch master https://gitlab.com/atria-soft/ci.git
- ls -l *
- ls -l ..
- apt-get update -qy
- apt-get install -y python-dev python-pip
#- pip install setuptools
- ./setup.py install
#- export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:./lutin/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/:./lutin/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/lutin/:./lutin/build/lib:./lutin/build/lib/lutin/
# - ./ci/build_send.py --tag=$TAG --status=START;
stage: build
# instead of calling g++ directly you can also use some build toolkit like make
# install the necessary build tools when needed
# before_script:
# - apt update && apt -y install make autoconf
- export TARGET=-tLinux
- export CONF=-mdebug
- export BUILDER=-cgcc
# - ./ci/build_send.py --tag=$TAG --status="$STATUS";
# artifacts:
# paths:
# - mybinary
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
language: cpp
#sudo: false
sudo: required
dist: trusty
- master
- dev
- ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
- g++-4.9
- expect
- binutils-mingw-w64-i686 # 32bit MinGW
- gcc-mingw-w64-i686
- g++-mingw-w64-i686
- binutils-mingw-w64-x86-64 # 64bit MinGW
- gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64
- g++-mingw-w64-x86-64
- os: linux
env: CONF=release BUILDER=gcc TARGET=Linux TAG=Linux COMPILATOR_OPTION="--compilator-version=4.9"
compiler: gcc
- os: linux
env: CONF=debug BUILDER=clang TARGET=Linux
compiler: clang
- os: linux
env: CONF=release BUILDER=gcc TARGET=Windows TAG=Mingw
compiler: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc
- os: linux
env: CONF=release BUILDER=gcc TARGET=Android TAG=Android DISABLE_PACKAGE=-p
compiler: gcc
- os: osx
env: CONF=release BUILDER=clang TARGET=MacOs TAG=MacOs
compiler: clang
- os: osx
env: CONF=release BUILDER=clang TARGET=IOs TAG=IOs
compiler: clang
- ./setup.py build
- export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:./lutin/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/:./lutin/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/lutin/:./lutin/build/lib:./lutin/build/lib/lutin/
- cd ..
# download NDK
- if [ "$TAG" == "Android" ]; then
git clone --depth 1 --branch master https://github.com/HeeroYui/android-download-tool;
- git clone --depth 1 --branch master https://github.com/atria-soft/ci.git
- cd -
- cd ..
- pwd
- ls -l
- if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]; then
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/travis/Library/Python/2.7/bin/;
- ./ci/build_send.py --tag=$TAG --status=START;
- ./lutin/build/scripts-2.7/lutin -w -j4 -C -P -t $TARGET -c $BUILDER $COMPILATOR_OPTION $BUS -m $CONF $GCOV $DISABLE_PACKAGE test-c; STATUS=$?
- ./ci/build_send.py --tag=$TAG --status="$STATUS";
- yui.heero@gmail.com
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
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Checkstyle-Configuration: Marc Checks
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Normal file
Normal file
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Normal file
Normal file
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
Mozilla Public License Version 2.0
1. Definitions
1.1. "Contributor"
means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to
the creation of, or owns Covered Software.
1.2. "Contributor Version"
means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used
by a Contributor and that particular Contributor's Contribution.
1.3. "Contribution"
means Covered Software of a particular Contributor.
1.4. "Covered Software"
means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached
the notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code
Form, and Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case
including portions thereof.
1.5. "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses"
(a) that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described
in Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or
(b) that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of
version 1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the
terms of a Secondary License.
1.6. "Executable Form"
means any form of the work other than Source Code Form.
1.7. "Larger Work"
means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in
a separate file or files, that is not Covered Software.
1.8. "License"
means this document.
1.9. "Licensable"
means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible,
whether at the time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and
all of the rights conveyed by this License.
1.10. "Modifications"
means any of the following:
(a) any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to,
deletion from, or modification of the contents of Covered
Software; or
(b) any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered
1.11. "Patent Claims" of a Contributor
means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method,
process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such
Contributor that would be infringed, but for the grant of the
License, by the making, using, selling, offering for sale, having
made, import, or transfer of either its Contributions or its
Contributor Version.
1.12. "Secondary License"
means either the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, the GNU
Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General
Public License, Version 3.0, or any later versions of those
1.13. "Source Code Form"
means the form of the work preferred for making modifications.
1.14. "You" (or "Your")
means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this
License. For legal entities, "You" includes any entity that
controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with You. For
purposes of this definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct
or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity,
whether by contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than
fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial
ownership of such entity.
2. License Grants and Conditions
2.1. Grants
Each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free,
non-exclusive license:
(a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark)
Licensable by such Contributor to use, reproduce, make available,
modify, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise exploit its
Contributions, either on an unmodified basis, with Modifications, or
as part of a Larger Work; and
(b) under Patent Claims of such Contributor to make, use, sell, offer
for sale, have made, import, and otherwise transfer either its
Contributions or its Contributor Version.
2.2. Effective Date
The licenses granted in Section 2.1 with respect to any Contribution
become effective for each Contribution on the date the Contributor first
distributes such Contribution.
2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope
The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under
this License. No additional rights or licenses will be implied from the
distribution or licensing of Covered Software under this License.
Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a
(a) for any code that a Contributor has removed from Covered Software;
(b) for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third party's
modifications of Covered Software, or (ii) the combination of its
Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor
Version); or
(c) under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the absence of
its Contributions.
This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks,
or logos of any Contributor (except as may be necessary to comply with
the notice requirements in Section 3.4).
2.4. Subsequent Licenses
No Contributor makes additional grants as a result of Your choice to
distribute the Covered Software under a subsequent version of this
License (see Section 10.2) or under the terms of a Secondary License (if
permitted under the terms of Section 3.3).
2.5. Representation
Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its
Contributions are its original creation(s) or it has sufficient rights
to grant the rights to its Contributions conveyed by this License.
2.6. Fair Use
This License is not intended to limit any rights You have under
applicable copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other
2.7. Conditions
Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 are conditions of the licenses granted
in Section 2.1.
3. Responsibilities
3.1. Distribution of Source Form
All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any
Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under
the terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source
Code Form of the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this
License, and how they can obtain a copy of this License. You may not
attempt to alter or restrict the recipients' rights in the Source Code
3.2. Distribution of Executable Form
If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then:
(a) such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code
Form, as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of
the Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code
Form by reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more
than the cost of distribution to the recipient; and
(b) You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this
License, or sublicense it under different terms, provided that the
license for the Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter
the recipients' rights in the Source Code Form under this License.
3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work
You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice,
provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for
the Covered Software. If the Larger Work is a combination of Covered
Software with a work governed by one or more Secondary Licenses, and the
Covered Software is not Incompatible With Secondary Licenses, this
License permits You to additionally distribute such Covered Software
under the terms of such Secondary License(s), so that the recipient of
the Larger Work may, at their option, further distribute the Covered
Software under the terms of either this License or such Secondary
3.4. Notices
You may not remove or alter the substance of any license notices
(including copyright notices, patent notices, disclaimers of warranty,
or limitations of liability) contained within the Source Code Form of
the Covered Software, except that You may alter any license notices to
the extent required to remedy known factual inaccuracies.
3.5. Application of Additional Terms
You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support,
indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered
Software. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on
behalf of any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear that any
such warranty, support, indemnity, or liability obligation is offered by
You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify every Contributor for any
liability incurred by such Contributor as a result of warranty, support,
indemnity or liability terms You offer. You may include additional
disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability specific to any
4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation
If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this
License with respect to some or all of the Covered Software due to
statute, judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with
the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b)
describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description must
be placed in a text file included with all distributions of the Covered
Software under this License. Except to the extent prohibited by statute
or regulation, such description must be sufficiently detailed for a
recipient of ordinary skill to be able to understand it.
5. Termination
5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically
if You fail to comply with any of its terms. However, if You become
compliant, then the rights granted under this License from a particular
Contributor are reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until such
Contributor explicitly and finally terminates Your grants, and (b) on an
ongoing basis, if such Contributor fails to notify You of the
non-compliance by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after You have
come back into compliance. Moreover, Your grants from a particular
Contributor are reinstated on an ongoing basis if such Contributor
notifies You of the non-compliance by some reasonable means, this is the
first time You have received notice of non-compliance with this License
from such Contributor, and You become compliant prior to 30 days after
Your receipt of the notice.
5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent
infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions,
counter-claims, and cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version
directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then the rights granted to
You by any and all Contributors for the Covered Software under Section
2.1 of this License shall terminate.
5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all
end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which
have been validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License
prior to termination shall survive termination.
* *
* 6. Disclaimer of Warranty *
* ------------------------- *
* *
* Covered Software is provided under this License on an "as is" *
* basis, without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or *
* statutory, including, without limitation, warranties that the *
* Covered Software is free of defects, merchantable, fit for a *
* particular purpose or non-infringing. The entire risk as to the *
* quality and performance of the Covered Software is with You. *
* Should any Covered Software prove defective in any respect, You *
* (not any Contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing, *
* repair, or correction. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an *
* essential part of this License. No use of any Covered Software is *
* authorized under this License except under this disclaimer. *
* *
* *
* 7. Limitation of Liability *
* -------------------------- *
* *
* Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort *
* (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any *
* Contributor, or anyone who distributes Covered Software as *
* permitted above, be liable to You for any direct, indirect, *
* special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character *
* including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of *
* goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any *
* and all other commercial damages or losses, even if such party *
* shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages. This *
* limitation of liability shall not apply to liability for death or *
* personal injury resulting from such party's negligence to the *
* extent applicable law prohibits such limitation. Some *
* jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of *
* incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion and *
* limitation may not apply to You. *
* *
8. Litigation
Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the
courts of a jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal
place of business and such litigation shall be governed by laws of that
jurisdiction, without reference to its conflict-of-law provisions.
Nothing in this Section shall prevent a party's ability to bring
cross-claims or counter-claims.
9. Miscellaneous
This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject
matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be
unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
necessary to make it enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides
that the language of a contract shall be construed against the drafter
shall not be used to construe this License against a Contributor.
10. Versions of the License
10.1. New Versions
Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section
10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or
publish new versions of this License. Each version will be given a
distinguishing version number.
10.2. Effect of New Versions
You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version
of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software,
or under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license
10.3. Modified Versions
If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to
create a new license for such software, you may create and use a
modified version of this License if you rename the license and remove
any references to the name of the license steward (except to note that
such modified license differs from this License).
10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary
If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is Incompatible With
Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of the License, the
notice described in Exhibit B of this License must be attached.
Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular
file, then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE
file in a relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to look
for such a notice.
You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership.
Exhibit B - "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" Notice
This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
/** Basic module interface.
* @author Edouard DUPIN */
open module org.atriasoft.island {
exports org.atriasoft.island;
//exports org.atriasoft.island.model;
//exports org.atriasoft.island.actions;
requires transitive io.scenarium.logger;
requires java.base;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
package org.atriasoft.island;
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
// Local import
import org.atriasoft.island.internal.Log;
public class Env {
public static final int ret_manifest_is_not_existing = -5;
public static final int ret_action_is_not_existing = -10;
public static final int ret_action_executing_system_error = -11;
public static final int ret_action_wrong_parameters = -12;
public static final int ret_action_partial_done = -13;
public static final int ret_action_fail = -14;
public static int ret_action_need_updtate = 15;
public static String system_base_name = "island";
public static void set_system_base_name(String val) {
system_base_name = val;
public static String get_system_base_name() {
return system_base_name;
public static String get_system_config_name() {
return "." + system_base_name + "Config.json";
private static boolean fetch_manifest = true;
public static void set_fetch_manifest(boolean val) {
fetch_manifest = val;
public static boolean get_fetch_manifest() {
return fetch_manifest;
private static int wait_between_sever_command = 0;
public static void set_wait_between_sever_command(int val) {
wait_between_sever_command = val;
public static int get_wait_between_sever_command() {
return wait_between_sever_command;
public static String filter_command = "";
public static void set_filter_command(String val) {
filter_command = val;
public static String get_filter_command() {
return filter_command;
public static boolean need_process_with_filter(String data) {
if (filter_command.equals("")) {
return true;
if (data.length() < filter_command.length()) {
return false;
if (data.substring(0,filter_command.length()).equals(filter_command)) {
return true;
return false;
private static boolean display_folder_instead_of_git_name = true;
public static void set_display_folder_instead_of_git_name(boolean val) {
display_folder_instead_of_git_name = val;
public static boolean get_display_folder_instead_of_git_name() {
return display_folder_instead_of_git_name;
private static Path island_root_path = null;
private static Path island_path_user_config = null;
private static Path island_path = null;
private static Path island_path_config_old = null;
private static Path island_path_config = null;
private static Path island_path_manifest = null;
static {
//String tmp = island_root_path.toAbsolutePath().toString();
//Log.info("Current absolute path is: " + tmp);
island_root_path = Paths.get("");
Path tmpPath = island_root_path;
while (!Files.isDirectory(tmpPath.resolve("." + get_system_base_name()))) {
tmpPath = tmpPath.getParent();
if (tmpPath == null) {
Log.critical("the root path of " + get_system_base_name() + " must not be upper parent paths of (" + island_root_path.toAbsolutePath() + ")");
island_root_path = tmpPath;
island_path_user_config = island_root_path.resolve(get_system_config_name());
island_path = island_root_path.resolve("." + get_system_base_name());
island_path_config_old = island_path.resolve("config.txt");
island_path_config = island_path.resolve("config.json");
island_path_manifest = island_path.resolve("manifest");
//# @brief to use later to know where the ".island" parent path is ...
//# @return the parent path of the ".island"
public static Path get_island_root_path() {
return island_root_path;
public static Path get_island_path() {
return island_path;
public static Path get_island_path_config() {
return island_path_config;
public static Path get_island_path_config_old() {
return island_path_config_old;
public static Path get_island_path_manifest() {
return island_path_manifest;
public static Path get_island_path_user_config() {
return island_path_user_config;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Log.error("island_root_path = " + island_root_path.toAbsolutePath());
Log.error("island_path_user_config = " + island_path_user_config.toAbsolutePath());
Log.error("island_path = " + island_path.toAbsolutePath());
Log.error("island_path_config_old = " + island_path_config_old.toAbsolutePath());
Log.error("island_path_config = " + island_path_config.toAbsolutePath());
Log.error("island_path_manifest = " + island_path_manifest.toAbsolutePath());
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
package org.atriasoft.island;
public class MainIsland {
//debug.verbose("List of actions: " + str(actions.get_list_of_action()))
my_args = arguments.Arguments()
my_args.add_section("option", "Can be set one time in all case")
my_args.add("h", "help", desc="Display this help")
my_args.add("v", "verbose", list=[
], desc="display debug level (verbose) default =2")
my_args.add("c", "color", desc="Display message in color")
my_args.add("n", "no-fetch-manifest", haveParam=false, desc="Disable the fetch of the manifest")
my_args.add("F", "filter", haveParam=true, desc="Filter the action on a list of path or subpath: -f library")
my_args.add("f", "folder", haveParam=false, desc="Display the folder instead of the git repository name")
my_args.add("w", "wait", haveParam=true, desc="Wait between 2 acces on the server (needed when the server is really slow to remove ssh connection) (default=" + str(env.get_wait_between_sever_command()) + ")")
local_argument = my_args.parse()
// @brief Display the help of this makefile.
public void usage():
color = debug.get_color_set()
// generic argument displayed :
print(" Action availlable" )
list_actions = actions.get_list_of_action();
for elem in list_actions:
print(" " + color['green'] + elem + color['default'])
print(" " + actions.get_action_help(elem))
print(" " + color['green'] + "init" + color['default'])
print(" initialize a 'island' interface with a manifest in a git ")
print(" " + color['green'] + "sync" + color['default'])
print(" Syncronise the currect environement")
print(" " + color['green'] + "status" + color['default'])
print(" Dump the status of the environement")
print(" ex: " + sys.argv[0] + " -c init http://github.com/atria-soft/manifest.git")
print(" ex: " + sys.argv[0] + " sync")
public void check_boolean(value):
if value == "" \
or value == "1" \
or value == "true" \
or value == "true" \
or value == true:
return true
return false
// preparse the argument to get the verbose element for debug mode
public void parse_generic_arg(argument, active):
debug.extreme_verbose("parse arg : " + argument.get_option_name() + " " + argument.get_arg() + " active=" + str(active))
if argument.get_option_name() == "help":
if active == false:
return true
elif argument.get_option_name()=="jobs":
if active == true:
return true
elif argument.get_option_name()=="wait":
if active == true:
return true
elif argument.get_option_name() == "verbose":
if active == true:
return true
elif argument.get_option_name() == "folder":
if active == true:
return true
elif argument.get_option_name() == "color":
if active == true:
if check_boolean(argument.get_arg()) == true:
return true
elif argument.get_option_name() == "filter":
if active == true:
return true
elif argument.get_option_name() == "no-fetch-manifest":
if active == false:
return true
return false
// open configuration of island:
config_file = env.get_island_path_user_config()
if os.path.isfile(config_file) == true:
debug.debug("Find basic configuration file: '" + config_file + "'")
// the file exist, we can open it and get the initial configuration:
configuration_file = __import__(env.get_system_config_name()[:-3])
if "get_exclude_path" in dir(configuration_file):
data = configuration_file.get_exclude_path()
debug.debug(" get default config 'get_exclude_path' val='" + str(data) + "'")
if "get_default_color" in dir(configuration_file):
data = configuration_file.get_default_color()
debug.debug(" get default config 'get_default_color' val='" + str(data) + "'")
parse_generic_arg(arg_element.ArgElement("color", str(data)), true)
if "get_default_debug_level" in dir(configuration_file):
data = configuration_file.get_default_debug_level()
debug.debug(" get default config 'get_default_debug_level' val='" + str(data) + "'")
parse_generic_arg(arg_element.ArgElement("verbose", str(data)), true)
if "get_default_folder" in dir(configuration_file):
data = configuration_file.get_default_folder()
debug.debug(" get default config 'get_default_folder' val='" + str(data) + "'")
parse_generic_arg(arg_element.ArgElement("folder", str(data)), true)
if "get_default_wait" in dir(configuration_file):
data = configuration_file.get_default_wait()
debug.debug(" get default config 'get_default_wait' val='" + str(data) + "'")
parse_generic_arg(arg_element.ArgElement("wait", str(data)), true)
if "get_default_filter" in dir(configuration_file):
data = configuration_file.get_default_filter()
debug.debug(" get default config 'get_default_filter' val='" + str(data) + "'")
parse_generic_arg(arg_element.ArgElement("filter", str(data)), true)
// parse default unique argument:
for argument in local_argument:
parse_generic_arg(argument, true)
// remove all generic arguments:
new_argument_list = []
for argument in local_argument:
if parse_generic_arg(argument, false) == true:
// now the first argument is: the action:
if len(new_argument_list) == 0:
debug.warning("Missing the action to do ...")
// TODO : move tin in actions ...
list_actions = actions.get_list_of_action();
action_to_do = new_argument_list[0].get_arg()
new_argument_list = new_argument_list[1:]
if action_to_do not in list_actions:
debug.warning("Wrong action type : '" + str(action_to_do) + "' availlable list: " + str(list_actions) )
// todo : Remove this
if action_to_do != "init" \
and os.path.exists(env.get_island_path()) == false:
debug.error("Can not execute a island cmd if we have not initialize a config: '" + str("." + env.get_system_base_name()) + "' in upper 6 parent path")
ret = actions.execute(action_to_do, my_args.get_last_parsed()+1)
exit (ret)
// stop all started threads;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
package org.atriasoft.island.internal;
import io.scenarium.logger.LogLevel;
import io.scenarium.logger.Logger;
public class Log {
private static final String LIB_NAME = "island";
private static final String LIB_NAME_DRAW = Logger.getDrawableName(LIB_NAME);
private static final boolean PRINT_CRITICAL = Logger.getNeedPrint(LIB_NAME, LogLevel.CRITICAL);
private static final boolean PRINT_ERROR = Logger.getNeedPrint(LIB_NAME, LogLevel.ERROR);
private static final boolean PRINT_WARNING = Logger.getNeedPrint(LIB_NAME, LogLevel.WARNING);
private static final boolean PRINT_INFO = Logger.getNeedPrint(LIB_NAME, LogLevel.INFO);
private static final boolean PRINT_DEBUG = Logger.getNeedPrint(LIB_NAME, LogLevel.DEBUG);
private static final boolean PRINT_VERBOSE = Logger.getNeedPrint(LIB_NAME, LogLevel.VERBOSE);
private static final boolean PRINT_TODO = Logger.getNeedPrint(LIB_NAME, LogLevel.TODO);
private static final boolean PRINT_PRINT = Logger.getNeedPrint(LIB_NAME, LogLevel.PRINT);
public static void critical(final String data) {
Logger.critical(LIB_NAME_DRAW, data);
public static void critical(final String data, final Exception e) {
Logger.critical(LIB_NAME_DRAW, data + " : " + e.getMessage());
public static void debug(final String data) {
Logger.debug(LIB_NAME_DRAW, data);
public static void error(final String data) {
Logger.error(LIB_NAME_DRAW, data);
public static void info(final String data) {
Logger.info(LIB_NAME_DRAW, data);
public static void print(final String data) {
Logger.print(LIB_NAME_DRAW, data);
public static void todo(final String data) {
Logger.todo(LIB_NAME_DRAW, data);
public static void verbose(final String data) {
Logger.verbose(LIB_NAME_DRAW, data);
public static void warning(final String data) {
Logger.warning(LIB_NAME_DRAW, data);
private Log() {}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
// Local import
from realog import debug
import os
import sys
from . import env
import death.Arguments as arguments
list_actions = []
__base_action_name = env.get_system_base_name() + "Action_"
public void init(files):
global list_actions;
debug.verbose("List of action for island: " + str(len(files)))
for elem_path in files :
debug.verbose("parse file : " + elem_path)
base_name = os.path.basename(elem_path)
if len(base_name) <= 3 + len(__base_action_name):
// reject it, too small
base_name = base_name[:-3]
if base_name[:len(__base_action_name)] != __base_action_name:
// reject it, wrong start file
name_action = base_name[len(__base_action_name):]
debug.debug(" '" + os.path.basename(elem_path)[:-3] + "' file=" + elem_path)
//# @brief Get the wall list of action availlable
//# @return ([string]) the list of action name
public void get_list_of_action():
global list_actions;
out = []
for elem in list_actions:
return out
//# @brief Get a description of an action
//# @param[in] action_name (string) Name of the action
//# @param[in] function_name (string) Name of the fucntion to call
//# @param[in] default_value (*) Renurned value of the call if function does not exist
//# @return (*) the getted value or the default_value
public void get_function_value(action_name, function_name, default_value = None):
global list_actions;
for elem in list_actions:
if elem["name"] == action_name:
// finish the parsing
the_action = __import__(__base_action_name + action_name)
if function_name not in dir(the_action):
return default_value
method_to_call = getattr(the_action, function_name)
return method_to_call()
return default_value
//# @brief Get the global help value of a module
//# @param[in] action_name (string) Name of the action
//# @return The first line of description
public void get_action_help(action_name):
value = get_function_value(action_name, "help", "---")
return value.split("\n")[0]
public void usage(arguments, action_name):
color = debug.get_color_set()
// generic argument displayed for specific action:
//print("Specific argument for the command: '" + action_name + "'" )
//print(" " + get_desc(action_name))
value = get_function_value(action_name, "help")
debug.info("\t" + str(value))
value = get_function_value(action_name, "help_example")
if value != None:
for elem in value.split("\n"):
debug.info("\t" + value)
public void execute(action_name, argument_start_id):
global list_actions;
// TODO: Move here the check if action is availlable
for elem in list_actions:
if elem["name"] != action_name:
debug.info("action: " + str(elem));
// finish the parsing
the_action = __import__(__base_action_name + action_name)
my_under_args_parser = arguments.Arguments()
my_under_args_parser.add("h", "help", desc="Help of this action")
if "add_specific_arguments" in dir(the_action):
the_action.add_specific_arguments(my_under_args_parser, elem["name"])
have_unknow_argument = false
if "have_unknow_argument" in dir(the_action):
have_unknow_argument = the_action.have_unknow_argument()
my_under_args = my_under_args_parser.parse(argument_start_id, have_unknow_argument)
// search help if needed ==> permit to not duplicating code
for elem in my_under_args:
if elem.get_option_name() == "help":
usage(my_under_args_parser, action_name)
return 0
// now we can execute:
if "execute" not in dir(the_action):
debug.error("execute is not implmented for this action ... '" + str(action_name) + "'")
return -11
debug.info("execute: " + action_name)
for elem in my_under_args:
debug.debug(" " + str(elem.get_option_name()) + "='" + str(elem.get_arg()) + "'")
ret = the_action.execute(my_under_args)
if ret == None:
return 0
if ret < 0:
debug.info(" ==========================")
debug.info(" == Some error occured ==")
debug.info(" ==========================")
return ret
debug.error("Can not do the action...")
return -10
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import debug
from island import tools
from island import env
from island import config
from island import multiprocess
from island import manifest
from island import commands
import status
import os
//# @brief Get the global description of the current action
//# @return (string) the description string (fist line if reserved for the overview, all is for the specific display)
public void help():
return "Ckeckout a specific branch in all repository"
//# @brief Add argument to the specific action
//# @param[in,out] my_args (death.Arguments) Argument manager
//# @param[in] section Name of the currect action
public void add_specific_arguments(my_args, section):
my_args.add("r", "remote", haveParam=true, desc="Name of the remote server")
my_args.add_arg("branch", optionnal=false, desc="Branch to checkout (if '__TAG__' ==> checkout specific repository tags)")
//# @brief Execute the action required.
//# @return error value [0 .. 50] the <0 value is reserved system ==> else, what you want.
//# None : No error (return program out 0)
//# -10 : ACTION is not existing
//# -11 : ACTION execution system error
//# -12 : ACTION Wrong parameters
public void execute(_arguments):
argument_remote_name = ""
branch_to_checkout = ""
for elem in _arguments:
if elem.get_option_name() == "remote":
debug.info("find remote name: '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
argument_remote_name = elem.get_arg()
elif elem.get_option_name() == "branch":
branch_to_checkout = elem.get_arg()
debug.error("Wrong argument: '" + elem.get_option_name() + "' '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
// check system is OK
configuration = config.get_unique_config()
// update the local configuration file:
file_source_manifest = new Path(env.get_island_path_manifest(), configuration.get_manifest_name())
if os.path.exists(file_source_manifest) == false:
debug.error("Missing manifest file : '" + str(file_source_manifest) + "'")
mani = manifest.Manifest(file_source_manifest)
all_project = mani.get_all_configs()
debug.info("checkout of: " + str(len(all_project)) + " projects")
id_element = 0
have_error = false
for elem in all_project:
id_element += 1
base_display = tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, len(all_project), elem)
if status.checkout_elem(elem, argument_remote_name, branch_to_checkout, base_display) == false:
have_error = true
if have_error == true:
return env.ret_action_fail
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import debug
from island import tools
from island import env
from island import multiprocess
from island import config
from island import manifest
from island import commands
import os
//# @brief Get the global description of the current action
//# @return (string) the description string (fist line if reserved for the overview, all is for the specific display)
public void help():
return "Write the command you want to be executed in every repository"
//# @brief Set the option argument are not able to check if the argument are correct or not
//# @return (boolean) have parameter without arguments
public void have_unknow_argument():
return true
//# @brief Execute the action required.
//# @return error value [0 .. 50] the <0 value is reserved system ==> else, what you want.
//# None : No error (return program out 0)
//# -10 : ACTION is not existing
//# -11 : ACTION execution system error
//# -12 : ACTION Wrong parameters
public void execute(_arguments):
cmd = ""
for elem in _arguments:
debug.info("Get data element: " + str(elem.get_arg()))
cmd += elem.get_arg() + " "
// check system is OK
configuration = config.get_unique_config()
file_source_manifest = new Path(env.get_island_path_manifest(), configuration.get_manifest_name())
if os.path.exists(file_source_manifest) == false:
debug.error("Missing manifest file : '" + str(file_source_manifest) + "'")
mani = manifest.Manifest(file_source_manifest)
all_project = mani.get_all_configs()
debug.info("status of: " + str(len(all_project)) + " projects")
id_element = 0
for elem in all_project:
id_element += 1
base_display = tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, len(all_project), elem)
debug.info("execute command : " + base_display)
//debug.debug("elem : " + str(elem))
git_repo_path = new Path(env.get_island_root_path(), elem.path)
if os.path.exists(git_repo_path) == false:
debug.info("" + base_display + "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + " (not download)")
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
ret = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=git_repo_path)
if ret[0] == 0:
debug.info("ret=" + ret[1])
debug.info("err=" + ret[2])
debug.info("Execution ERROR")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import debug
from island import tools
from island import env
from island import config
from island import multiprocess
from island import manifest
from island import commands
import os
//# @brief Get the global description of the current action
//# @return (string) the description string (fist line if reserved for the overview, all is for the specific display)
public void help():
return "Commit in all repository"
//# @brief Add argument to the specific action
//# @param[in,out] my_args (death.Arguments) Argument manager
//# @param[in] section Name of the currect action
public void add_specific_arguments(my_args, section):
my_args.add("m", "message", haveParam=true, desc="Message to commit data")
my_args.add("a", "all", desc="Commit all elements")
my_args.add("", "amend", desc="Ammend data at the previous commit")
//# @brief Execute the action required.
//# @return error value [0 .. 50] the <0 value is reserved system ==> else, what you want.
//# None : No error (return program out 0)
//# -10 : ACTION is not existing
//# -11 : ACTION execution system error
//# -12 : ACTION Wrong parameters
public void execute(_arguments):
argument_message = ""
argument_amend = ""
argument_all = ""
for elem in _arguments:
if elem.get_option_name() == "message":
debug.info("find message: '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
argument_message = " --message \"" + elem.get_arg() + "\" ";
elif elem.get_option_name() == "all":
argument_all = " --all "
elif elem.get_option_name() == "amend":
argument_amend = " --amend "
debug.error("Wrong argument: '" + elem.get_option_name() + "' '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
// check system is OK
configuration = config.get_unique_config()
file_source_manifest = new Path(env.get_island_path_manifest(), configuration.get_manifest_name())
if os.path.exists(file_source_manifest) == false:
debug.error("Missing manifest file : '" + str(file_source_manifest) + "'")
mani = manifest.Manifest(file_source_manifest)
all_project = mani.get_all_configs()
debug.info("commit : " + str(len(all_project)) + " projects")
id_element = 0
for elem in all_project:
id_element += 1
base_display = tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, len(all_project), elem)
debug.info("commit: " + base_display)
git_repo_path = new Path(env.get_island_root_path(), elem.path)
if os.path.exists(git_repo_path) == false:
debug.error("can not commit project that not exist")
if os.path.exists(new Path(git_repo_path,".git")) == false:
// path already exist but it is not used to as a git repo ==> this is an error
debug.warning("path '" + git_repo_path + "' is already existing but not used for a git repository. Clean it and restart")
// simply update the repository ...
debug.verbose("commit in project:")
// fetch the repository
cmd = "git commit " + argument_amend + argument_all + argument_message
debug.debug("execute : " + cmd)
multiprocess.run_command_direct(cmd, cwd=git_repo_path)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import debug
from island import tools
from island import env
from island import config
from island import multiprocess
from island import manifest
from island import commands
import status
import os
//# @brief Get the global description of the current action
//# @return (string) the description string (fist line if reserved for the overview, all is for the specific display)
public void help():
return "Push a delover (develop & master & tag) on the remotre server"
//# @brief Add argument to the specific action
//# @param[in,out] my_args (death.Arguments) Argument manager
//# @param[in] section Name of the currect action
public void add_specific_arguments(my_args, section):
my_args.add("r", "remote", haveParam=true, desc="Name of the remote server")
//# @brief Execute the action required.
//# @return error value [0 .. 50] the <0 value is reserved system ==> else, what you want.
//# None : No error (return program out 0)
//# -10 : ACTION is not existing
//# -11 : ACTION execution system error
//# -12 : ACTION Wrong parameters
public void execute(_arguments):
argument_remote_name = ""
for elem in _arguments:
if elem.get_option_name() == "remote":
debug.info("find remote name: '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
argument_remote_name = elem.get_arg()
debug.error("Wrong argument: '" + elem.get_option_name() + "' '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
// check system is OK
configuration = config.get_unique_config()
file_source_manifest = new Path(env.get_island_path_manifest(), configuration.get_manifest_name())
if os.path.exists(file_source_manifest) == false:
debug.error("Missing manifest file : '" + str(file_source_manifest) + "'")
mani = manifest.Manifest(file_source_manifest)
destination_branch = mani.deliver_master
source_branch = mani.deliver_develop
all_project = mani.get_all_configs()
debug.info("fetch : " + str(len(all_project)) + " projects")
id_element = 0
for elem in all_project:
id_element += 1
// configure remote name:
if argument_remote_name == "":
argument_remote_name = elem.select_remote["name"]
base_display = tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, len(all_project), elem)
debug.info("deliver-push: " + base_display)
status.deliver_push(elem, argument_remote_name, destination_branch, source_branch, base_display)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import debug
from island import tools
from island import env
from island import multiprocess
from island import config
from island import manifest
from island import commands
import status
import os
//# @brief Get the global description of the current action
//# @return (string) the description string (fist line if reserved for the overview, all is for the specific display)
public void help():
return "Deliver the current repository (develop & master MUST be up to date and you MUST be on master)"
//# @brief Add argument to the specific action
//# @param[in,out] my_args (death.Arguments) Argument manager
//# @param[in] section Name of the currect action
public void add_specific_arguments(_my_args, _section):
_my_args.add("f", "from", haveParam=true, desc="source branche to deliver")
_my_args.add("t", "to", haveParam=true, desc="desticantion branche of the deliver")
//# @brief Execute the action required.
//# @return error value [0 .. 50] the <0 value is reserved system ==> else, what you want.
//# None : No error (return program out 0)
//# -10 : ACTION is not existing
//# -11 : ACTION execution system error
//# -12 : ACTION Wrong parameters
public void execute(_arguments):
argument_from = None
argument_to = None
for elem in _arguments:
if elem.get_option_name() == "from":
debug.info("find source branch name: '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
argument_from = elem.get_arg()
elif elem.get_option_name() == "to":
debug.info("find destination branch name: '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
argument_to = elem.get_arg()
debug.error("Wrong argument: '" + elem.get_option_name() + "' '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
// check system is OK
configuration = config.get_unique_config()
file_source_manifest = new Path(env.get_island_path_manifest(), configuration.get_manifest_name())
if os.path.exists(file_source_manifest) == false:
debug.error("Missing manifest file : '" + str(file_source_manifest) + "'")
mani = manifest.Manifest(file_source_manifest)
destination_branch = mani.deliver_master
source_branch = mani.deliver_develop
if argument_from != None:
source_branch = argument_from
if argument_to != None:
destination_branch = argument_to
all_project = mani.get_all_configs()
debug.info("Check if all project are on master: " + str(len(all_project)) + " projects")
id_element = 0
deliver_availlable = true
for elem in all_project:
id_element += 1
base_display = tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, len(all_project), elem)
debug.verbose("deliver-ckeck: " + base_display)
if status.deliver_check(elem, argument_remote_name, id_element, base_display, source_branch, destination_branch) == false:
deliver_availlable = false
if deliver_availlable == false:
debug.error("deliver-ckeck: Correct the warning to validate the Merge")
debug.info("deliver-ckeck: ==> All is OK")
id_element = 0
for elem in all_project:
id_element += 1
base_display = tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, len(all_project), elem)
debug.info("deliver: ========================================================================")
debug.info("deliver: == " + base_display)
debug.info("deliver: ========================================================================")
git_repo_path = new Path(env.get_island_root_path(), elem.path)
// Check the validity of the version,
version_description, add_in_version_management = status.get_current_version_repo(git_repo_path)
if version_description == None:
debug.info("deliver: ==> version: " + str(version_description))
// go to the dev branch
select_branch = commands.get_current_branch(git_repo_path)
// Checkout destination branch:
commands.checkout(git_repo_path, destination_branch)
// create new repo tag
new_version_description = status.create_new_version_repo(git_repo_path, version_description, add_in_version_management, source_branch, destination_branch)
debug.info("new version: " + str(new_version_description))
if new_version_description == None:
// merge branch
if mani.deliver_mode == "merge":
merge_force = true
merge_force = false
commands.merge_branch_on_master(git_repo_path, source_branch, merge_force, branch_destination=destination_branch)
version_path_file = new Path(git_repo_path, "version.txt")
// update version file:
tools.file_write_data(version_path_file, tools.version_to_string(new_version_description))
commands.add_file(git_repo_path, version_path_file)
commands.commit_all(git_repo_path, "[RELEASE] Release v" + tools.version_to_string(new_version_description))
commands.tag(git_repo_path, "v" + tools.version_to_string(new_version_description))
commands.checkout(git_repo_path, source_branch)
commands.reset_hard(git_repo_path, destination_branch)
tools.file_write_data(version_path_file, tools.version_to_string(new_version_description))
commands.add_file(git_repo_path, version_path_file)
commands.commit_all(git_repo_path, status.default_update_message)
commands.checkout(git_repo_path, destination_branch)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import debug
from island import tools
from island import env
from island import config
from island import multiprocess
from island import manifest
from island import commands
import os
//# @brief Get the global description of the current action
//# @return (string) the description string (fist line if reserved for the overview, all is for the specific display)
public void help():
return "Fecth all the repository (get all modification on the server)"
//# @brief Add argument to the specific action
//# @param[in,out] my_args (death.Arguments) Argument manager
//# @param[in] section Name of the currect action
public void add_specific_arguments(my_args, section):
my_args.add("r", "remote", haveParam=true, desc="Name of the remote server")
//# @brief Execute the action required.
//# @return error value [0 .. 50] the <0 value is reserved system ==> else, what you want.
//# None : No error (return program out 0)
//# -10 : ACTION is not existing
//# -11 : ACTION execution system error
//# -12 : ACTION Wrong parameters
public void execute(_arguments):
argument_remote_name = ""
for elem in _arguments:
if elem.get_option_name() == "remote":
debug.info("find remote name: '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
argument_remote_name = elem.get_arg()
debug.error("Wrong argument: '" + elem.get_option_name() + "' '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
// check system is OK
debug.info("fetch manifest : '" + str(env.get_island_path_manifest()) + "'")
commands.fetch(env.get_island_path_manifest(), "origin")
configuration = config.get_unique_config()
file_source_manifest = new Path(env.get_island_path_manifest(), configuration.get_manifest_name())
if os.path.exists(file_source_manifest) == false:
debug.error("Missing manifest file : '" + str(file_source_manifest) + "'")
mani = manifest.Manifest(file_source_manifest)
all_project = mani.get_all_configs()
debug.info("fetch : " + str(len(all_project)) + " projects")
id_element = 0
for elem in all_project:
id_element += 1
// configure remote name:
if argument_remote_name == "":
argument_remote_name = elem.select_remote["name"]
base_display = tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, len(all_project), elem)
debug.info("fetch: " + base_display)
//debug.debug("elem : " + str(elem))
git_repo_path = new Path(env.get_island_root_path(), elem.path)
if os.path.exists(git_repo_path) == false:
debug.error("can not fetch project that not exist")
if os.path.exists(new Path(git_repo_path,".git")) == false:
// path already exist but it is not used to as a git repo ==> this is an error
debug.error("path '" + git_repo_path + "' is already existing but not used for a git repository. Clean it and restart")
// simply update the repository ...
debug.verbose("Fetching project: ")
commands.fetch(git_repo_path, argument_remote_name)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import debug
from island import tools
from island import env
from island import config
from island import commands
from island import multiprocess
from island import manifest
import os
//# @brief Get the global description of the current action
//# @return (string) the description string (fist line if reserved for the overview, all is for the specific display)
public void help():
return "Init a island repository (need 'fetch' after)"
//# @brief Add argument to the specific action
//# @param[in,out] my_args (death.Arguments) Argument manager
//# @param[in] section Name of the currect action
public void add_specific_arguments(my_args, section):
my_args.add("b", "branch", haveParam=true, desc="Select branch to display")
my_args.add("m", "manifest", haveParam=true, desc="Name of the manifest")
//# @brief Execute the action required.
//# @return error value [0 .. 50] the <0 value is reserved system ==> else, what you want.
//# None : No error (return program out 0)
//# -10 : ACTION is not existing
//# -11 : ACTION execution system error
//# -12 : ACTION Wrong parameters
public void execute(_arguments):
if len(_arguments) == 0:
debug.error("Missing argument to execute the current action ...")
// the configuration availlable:
branch = "master"
manifest_name = "default.xml"
address_manifest = ""
for elem in _arguments:
if elem.get_option_name() == "branch":
debug.info("find branch name: '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
branch = elem.get_arg()
elif elem.get_option_name() == "manifest":
debug.info("find mmanifest name: '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
manifest_name = elem.get_arg()
elif elem.get_option_name() == "":
if address_manifest != "":
debug.error("Manifest adress already set : '" + address_manifest + "' !!! '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
address_manifest = elem.get_arg()
debug.error("Wrong argument: '" + elem.get_option_name() + "' '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
if address_manifest == "":
debug.error("Init: Missing manifest name")
debug.info("Init with: '" + address_manifest + "' branch='" + branch + "' name of manifest='" + manifest_name + "'")
// check if .XXX exist (create it if needed)
if manifest.is_lutin_init() == true:
debug.error("System already init: path already exist: '" + str(env.get_island_path()) + "'")
// check if the git of the manifest if availlable
// create the file configuration:
conf = config.get_unique_config()
debug.info("Clone the manifest")
ret_values = commands.clone(env.get_island_path_manifest(), address_manifest, branch_name=branch)
if ret_values == false:
debug.info("'" + str(ret_values) + "'")
debug.error("Init does not work")
return false
debug.info("Init done correctly ...")
return None
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import debug
from island import tools
from island import env
from island import config
from island import multiprocess
from island import manifest
from island import commands
import status
import os
//# @brief Get the global description of the current action
//# @return (string) the description string (fist line if reserved for the overview, all is for the specific display)
public void help():
return "Manifest Ckeckout a specific branch of repository"
//# @brief Add argument to the specific action
//# @param[in,out] my_args (death.Arguments) Argument manager
//# @param[in] section Name of the currect action
public void add_specific_arguments(my_args, section):
my_args.add("r", "remote", haveParam=true, desc="Name of the remote server")
my_args.add_arg("branch", optionnal=false, desc="Branch to checkout (if '__TAG__' ==> checkout specific repository tags)")
//# @brief Execute the action required.
//# @return error value [0 .. 50] the <0 value is reserved system ==> else, what you want.
//# None : No error (return program out 0)
//# -10 : ACTION is not existing
//# -11 : ACTION execution system error
//# -12 : ACTION Wrong parameters
public void execute(_arguments):
argument_remote_name = ""
branch_to_checkout = ""
for elem in _arguments:
if elem.get_option_name() == "remote":
debug.info("find remote name: '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
argument_remote_name = elem.get_arg()
elif elem.get_option_name() == "branch":
branch_to_checkout = elem.get_arg()
debug.error("Wrong argument: '" + elem.get_option_name() + "' '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
// check system is OK
configuration = config.get_unique_config()
elem = configuration.get_manifest_config()
base_display = tools.get_list_base_display(0, 0, elem)
if status.checkout_elem(elem, argument_remote_name, branch_to_checkout, base_display) == false:
return env.ret_action_fail
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import debug
from island import tools
from island import env
from island import config
from island import multiprocess
from island import manifest
from island import commands
import status
import os
//# @brief Get the global description of the current action
//# @return (string) the description string (fist line if reserved for the overview, all is for the specific display)
public void help():
return "Push the manifest delivery"
//# @brief Add argument to the specific action
//# @param[in,out] my_args (death.Arguments) Argument manager
//# @param[in] section Name of the currect action
public void add_specific_arguments(my_args, section):
//# @brief Execute the action required.
//# @return error value [0 .. 50] the <0 value is reserved system ==> else, what you want.
//# None : No error (return program out 0)
//# -10 : ACTION is not existing
//# -11 : ACTION execution system error
//# -12 : ACTION Wrong parameters
public void execute(_arguments):
for elem in _arguments:
debug.error("pull Wrong argument: '" + elem.get_option_name() + "' '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
// check system is OK
configuration = config.get_unique_config()
file_source_manifest = new Path(env.get_island_path_manifest(), configuration.get_manifest_name())
if os.path.exists(file_source_manifest) == false:
debug.error("Missing manifest file : '" + str(file_source_manifest) + "'")
elem = configuration.get_manifest_config()
// Check the manifest is up to date ...
base_display = tools.get_list_base_display(0, 0, elem)
mani = manifest.Manifest(file_source_manifest)
destination_branch = mani.deliver_master
source_branch = mani.deliver_develop
status.deliver_push(elem, "origin", destination_branch, source_branch, base_display)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import debug
from island import tools
from island import env
from island import config
from island import multiprocess
from island import manifest
from island import commands
import status
import os
//# @brief Get the global description of the current action
//# @return (string) the description string (fist line if reserved for the overview, all is for the specific display)
public void help():
return "Deliver the manifest (merge develop vertion and create a branch with the specific current tags)"
//# @brief Add argument to the specific action
//# @param[in,out] my_args (death.Arguments) Argument manager
//# @param[in] section Name of the currect action
public void add_specific_arguments(my_args, section):
// must be on the branch we choice to merge ...
//# @brief Execute the action required.
//# @return error value [0 .. 50] the <0 value is reserved system ==> else, what you want.
//# None : No error (return program out 0)
//# -10 : ACTION is not existing
//# -11 : ACTION execution system error
//# -12 : ACTION Wrong parameters
public void execute(_arguments):
argument_remote_name = ""
for elem in _arguments:
debug.error("pull Wrong argument: '" + elem.get_option_name() + "' '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
// check system is OK
configuration = config.get_unique_config()
file_source_manifest = new Path(env.get_island_path_manifest(), configuration.get_manifest_name())
if os.path.exists(file_source_manifest) == false:
debug.error("Missing manifest file : '" + str(file_source_manifest) + "'")
elem = configuration.get_manifest_config()
mani = manifest.Manifest(file_source_manifest)
destination_branch = mani.deliver_master
source_branch = mani.deliver_develop
// Check the manifest is up to date ...
base_display = tools.get_list_base_display(0, 0, elem)
debug.verbose("deliver-ckeck: " + base_display)
if status.deliver_check(elem, argument_remote_name, 0, base_display, source_branch, destination_branch) == false:
debug.error("Can not deliver a MANIFEST that is not ready to merge", crash=false)
return env.ret_action_fail
all_tags = check_all_tags(mani)
if all_tags == None:
debug.error("Need the Tags are set in sub-repository", crash=false)
return env.ret_action_fail
// deliver the manifest (if Needed ...)
base_display = tools.get_list_base_display(0, 0, elem)
debug.info("manifest-deliver: ========================================================================")
debug.info("manifest-deliver: == " + base_display)
debug.info("manifest-deliver: ========================================================================")
git_repo_path = new Path(env.get_island_root_path(), elem.path)
// Check the validity of the version,
version_description, add_in_version_management = status.get_current_version_repo(git_repo_path)
if version_description == None:
return env.ret_action_fail
debug.info("manifest-deliver: ==> version: " + str(version_description))
// go to the dev branch
select_branch = commands.get_current_branch(git_repo_path)
// create new repo tag
new_version_description = status.create_new_version_repo(git_repo_path, version_description, add_in_version_management, source_branch, destination_branch)
debug.info("new version: " + str(new_version_description))
if new_version_description == None:
// merge branch
commands.checkout(git_repo_path, destination_branch)
if mani.deliver_mode == "merge":
merge_force = true
merge_force = false
commands.merge_branch_on_master(git_repo_path, source_branch, merge_force, branch_destination=destination_branch)
manifest.tag_manifest(file_source_manifest, all_tags);
version_path_file = new Path(git_repo_path, "version.txt")
// update version file:
tools.file_write_data(version_path_file, tools.version_to_string(new_version_description))
commands.add_file(git_repo_path, version_path_file)
commands.commit_all(git_repo_path, "[RELEASE] Release v" + tools.version_to_string(new_version_description))
commands.tag(git_repo_path, "v" + tools.version_to_string(new_version_description))
commands.checkout(git_repo_path, source_branch)
commands.reset_hard(git_repo_path, destination_branch)
tools.file_write_data(version_path_file, tools.version_to_string(new_version_description))
commands.add_file(git_repo_path, version_path_file)
commands.commit_all(git_repo_path, status.default_update_message)
commands.checkout(git_repo_path, destination_branch)
debug.info("manifest-deliver: ==> DONE")
public void check_all_tags(mani):
all_project = mani.get_all_configs()
debug.info("Check all: " + str(len(all_project)) + " projects have a current tag ...")
id_element = 0
check_have_error = false
list_tags = []
for elem in all_project:
id_element += 1
base_display = tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, len(all_project), elem)
if elem.volatile == true:
debug.info(base_display + "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + " (Not Managed)")
tags_comment = ""
git_repo_path = new Path(env.get_island_root_path(), elem.path)
if os.path.exists(git_repo_path) == false:
debug.error(base_display + volatile + "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + " (not download)", crash=false)
check_have_error = true
ret_current_tags = commands.get_tags_current(git_repo_path)
debug.verbose("tags found: " + str(ret_current_tags))
if len(ret_current_tags) == 0:
for elem_tag in ret_current_tags:
if len(tags_comment) != 0:
tags_comment += ","
tags_comment += elem_tag
if len(ret_current_tags) == 0:
debug.error(base_display + "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + " (NO TAG DETECTED)", crash=false)
check_have_error = true
debug.info(base_display + "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + " " + tags_comment)
if check_have_error == true:
return None
return list_tags
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import debug
from island import tools
from island import env
from island import config
from island import multiprocess
from island import manifest
from island import commands
import status
import os
//# @brief Get the global description of the current action
//# @return (string) the description string (fist line if reserved for the overview, all is for the specific display)
public void help():
return "Display status spécifically of the manifest"
//# @brief Add argument to the specific action
//# @param[in,out] my_args (death.Arguments) Argument manager
//# @param[in] section Name of the currect action
public void add_specific_arguments(_my_args, _section):
_my_args.add("t", "tags", haveParam=false, desc="Display if the commit is on a tag (and display it)")
//# @brief Execute the action required.
//# @return error value [0 .. 50] the <0 value is reserved system ==> else, what you want.
//# None : No error (return program out 0)
//# -10 : ACTION is not existing
//# -11 : ACTION execution system error
//# -12 : ACTION Wrong parameters
public void execute(_arguments):
argument_remote_name = ""
argument_display_tag = false
for elem in _arguments:
if elem.get_option_name() == "tags":
argument_display_tag = true
debug.error("Wrong argument: '" + elem.get_option_name() + "' '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
// check system is OK
configuration = config.get_unique_config()
elem = configuration.get_manifest_config()
base_display = tools.get_list_base_display(0, 0, elem)
ret = status.display_status(elem, argument_remote_name, argument_display_tag, 0, base_display)
if ret != None:
return env.ret_action_need_updtate
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import debug
from island import tools
from island import env
from island import config
from island import multiprocess
from island import manifest
from island import commands
import os
//# @brief Get the global description of the current action
//# @return (string) the description string (fist line if reserved for the overview, all is for the specific display)
public void help():
return "Syncronize all the repository referenced"
//# @brief Add argument to the specific action
//# @param[in,out] my_args (death.Arguments) Argument manager
//# @param[in] section Name of the currect action
public void add_specific_arguments(my_args, section):
//# @brief Execute the action required.
//# @return error value [0 .. 50] the <0 value is reserved system ==> else, what you want.
//# None : No error (return program out 0)
//# -10 : ACTION is not existing
//# -11 : ACTION execution system error
//# -12 : ACTION Wrong parameters
public void execute(_arguments):
for elem in _arguments:
debug.error("pull Wrong argument: '" + elem.get_option_name() + "' '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
// check system is OK
configuration = config.get_unique_config()
debug.info("update manifest : '" + str(env.get_island_path_manifest()) + "'")
is_modify_manifest = commands.check_repository_is_modify(env.get_island_path_manifest())
if is_modify_manifest == true:
commands.fetch(env.get_island_path_manifest(), "origin")
commands.pull(env.get_island_path_manifest(), "origin")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import debug
from island import tools
from island import env
from island import config
from island import multiprocess
from island import manifest
from island import commands
import os
//# @brief Get the global description of the current action
//# @return (string) the description string (fist line if reserved for the overview, all is for the specific display)
public void help():
return "Push all repository to the upper server"
//# @brief Add argument to the specific action
//# @param[in,out] my_args (death.Arguments) Argument manager
//# @param[in] section Name of the currect action
public void add_specific_arguments(_my_args, _section):
_my_args.add("r", "remote", haveParam=true, desc="Name of the remote server")
//# @brief Execute the action required.
//# @return error value [0 .. 50] the <0 value is reserved system ==> else, what you want.
//# None : No error (return program out 0)
//# -10 : ACTION is not existing
//# -11 : ACTION execution system error
//# -12 : ACTION Wrong parameters
public void execute(_arguments):
argument_remote_name = ""
for elem in _arguments:
if elem.get_option_name() == "remote":
debug.info("find remote name: '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
argument_remote_name = elem.get_arg()
debug.error("Wrong argument: '" + elem.get_option_name() + "' '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
// check system is OK
configuration = config.get_unique_config()
file_source_manifest = new Path(env.get_island_path_manifest(), configuration.get_manifest_name())
if os.path.exists(file_source_manifest) == false:
debug.error("Missing manifest file : '" + str(file_source_manifest) + "'")
mani = manifest.Manifest(file_source_manifest)
all_project = mani.get_all_configs()
debug.info("fetch : " + str(len(all_project)) + " projects")
id_element = 0
for elem in all_project:
id_element += 1
base_display = tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, len(all_project), elem)
debug.info("push: " + base_display)
//debug.debug("elem : " + str(elem))
git_repo_path = new Path(env.get_island_root_path(), elem.path)
if os.path.exists(git_repo_path) == false:
debug.error("can not push project that not exist")
if os.path.exists(new Path(git_repo_path,".git")) == false:
// path already exist but it is not used to as a git repo ==> this is an error
debug.error("path '" + git_repo_path + "' exist but not used for a git repository. Clean it and restart")
// get the current branch:
// get local branch
cmd = "git branch -a"
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
ret_branch = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=git_repo_path)
list_branch = ret_branch[1].split('\n')
list_branch2 = []
list_branch3 = []
select_branch = ""
for elem_branch in list_branch:
if len(elem_branch.split(" -> ")) != 1:
if elem_branch[2:10] == "remotes/":
elem_branch = elem_branch[:2] + elem_branch[10:]
if elem_branch[:2] == "* ":
list_branch2.append([elem_branch[2:], true])
select_branch = elem_branch[2:]
list_branch2.append([elem_branch[2:], false])
// simply update the repository ...
debug.verbose("Push project: ")
// fetch the repository
cmd = "git push"
if argument_remote_name != "":
cmd += " " + argument_remote_name
cmd += " " + elem.select_remote["name"]
cmd += " " + select_branch + ":" + select_branch
debug.info("execute : " + cmd)
multiprocess.run_command_direct(cmd, cwd=git_repo_path)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import debug
from island import tools
from island import env
from island import multiprocess
from island import config
from island import manifest
from island import commands
import status
import os
//# @brief Get the global description of the current action
//# @return (string) the description string (fist line if reserved for the overview, all is for the specific display)
public void help():
return "Get the status of all the repositories"
//# @brief Add argument to the specific action
//# @param[in,out] my_args (death.Arguments) Argument manager
//# @param[in] section Name of the currect action
public void add_specific_arguments(_my_args, _section):
_my_args.add("r", "remote", haveParam=true, desc="Name of the remote server")
_my_args.add("t", "tags", haveParam=false, desc="Display if the commit is on a tag (and display it)")
//# @brief Execute the action required.
//# @return error value [0 .. 50] the <0 value is reserved system ==> else, what you want.
//# None : No error (return program out 0)
//# -10 : ACTION is not existing
//# -11 : ACTION execution system error
//# -12 : ACTION Wrong parameters
public void execute(_arguments):
argument_remote_name = ""
argument_display_tag = false
for elem in _arguments:
if elem.get_option_name() == "remote":
debug.info("find remote name: '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
argument_remote_name = elem.get_arg()
elif elem.get_option_name() == "tags":
argument_display_tag = true
debug.error("Wrong argument: '" + elem.get_option_name() + "' '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
// check system is OK
configuration = config.get_unique_config()
file_source_manifest = new Path(env.get_island_path_manifest(), configuration.get_manifest_name())
if os.path.exists(file_source_manifest) == false:
debug.error("Missing manifest file : '" + str(file_source_manifest) + "'")
mani = manifest.Manifest(file_source_manifest)
is_modify_manifest = commands.check_repository_is_modify(env.get_island_path_manifest())
if is_modify_manifest == true:
debug.info("!!!!!!!!!!!! MANIFEST is modify !!!!!!!!")
all_project = mani.get_all_configs()
debug.info("status of: " + str(len(all_project)) + " projects")
id_element = 0
elem = configuration.get_manifest_config()
base_display = tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, len(all_project), elem)
status.display_status(elem, argument_remote_name, argument_display_tag, id_element, base_display)
is_behind = false
for elem in all_project:
id_element += 1
base_display = tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, len(all_project), elem)
ret = status.display_status(elem, argument_remote_name, argument_display_tag, id_element, base_display)
if ret != None:
is_behind = true
if is_behind == true:
return env.ret_action_need_updtate
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import debug
from island import tools
from island import env
from island import config
from island import multiprocess
from island import manifest
from island import commands
import update_links
import os
//# @brief Get the global description of the current action
//# @return (string) the description string (fist line if reserved for the overview, all is for the specific display)
public void help():
return "Update all the branche to the trackin branch in local (no remote access)"
//# @brief Add argument to the specific action
//# @param[in,out] my_args (death.Arguments) Argument manager
//# @param[in] section Name of the currect action
public void add_specific_arguments(my_args, section):
my_args.add("r", "reset", haveParam=false, desc="Rebase the repository instead of 'reset --hard'")
//# @brief Execute the action required.
//# @return error value [0 .. 50] the <0 value is reserved system ==> else, what you want.
//# None : No error (return program out 0)
//# -5 : env.ret_manifest_is_not_existing : Manifest does not exit
//# -10 : env.ret_action_is_not_existing : ACTION is not existing
//# -11 : env.ret_action_executing_system_error : ACTION execution system error
//# -12 : env.ret_action_wrong_parameters : ACTION Wrong parameters
//# -13 : env.ret_action_partial_done : ACTION partially done
public void execute(_arguments):
reset_instead_of_rebase = false
for elem in _arguments:
if elem.get_option_name() == "rebase":
reset_instead_of_rebase = true
debug.info("==> Request reset instead of rebase")
debug.error("SYNC Wrong argument: '" + elem.get_option_name() + "' '" + elem.get_arg() + "'", ret_value=env.ret_action_wrong_parameters)
// check system is OK
configuration = config.get_unique_config()
debug.info("update manifest : '" + str(env.get_island_path_manifest()) + "'")
is_modify_manifest = commands.check_repository_is_modify(env.get_island_path_manifest())
if is_modify_manifest == true:
debug.warning("Manifest is modify")
ret_track = commands.get_current_tracking_branch(env.get_island_path_manifest())
is_forward = commands.is_forward(env.get_island_path_manifest(), ret_track)
if is_forward == true:
// fetch the repository
debug.warning("sync-local: Not update ==> the MANIFEST is forward the remote branch " + str(commands.get_forward(env.get_island_path_manifest(), ret_track)))
debug.verbose("Check behind:")
is_behind = commands.is_behind(env.get_island_path_manifest(), ret_track)
if is_behind == false:
// fetch the repository
debug.info("sync-local: MANIFEST is up-to-date")
if reset_instead_of_rebase == true:
debug.info("sync-local: MANIFEST Reset to " + ret_track)
commands.reset_hard(env.get_island_path_manifest(), ret_track)
debug.info("sync-local: MANIFEST Rebase to " + ret_track)
commands.rebase(env.get_island_path_manifest(), ret_track)
file_source_manifest = new Path(env.get_island_path_manifest(), configuration.get_manifest_name())
if os.path.exists(file_source_manifest) == false:
debug.error("Missing manifest file : '" + str(file_source_manifest) + "'", ret_value=env.ret_manifest_is_not_existing)
mani = manifest.Manifest(file_source_manifest)
all_project = mani.get_all_configs()
debug.info("synchronize : " + str(len(all_project)) + " projects")
id_element = 0
count_error = 0
for elem in all_project:
id_element += 1
base_display = tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, len(all_project), elem)
debug.info("sync-local: " + base_display)
//debug.debug("elem : " + str(elem))
git_repo_path = new Path(env.get_island_root_path(), elem.path)
if os.path.exists(git_repo_path) == false:
// The Repository does not exist ==> Nothing to do...
debug.warning("sync-local: ==> Not download")
count_error += 1
if os.path.exists(new Path(git_repo_path,".git")) == false:
// path already exist but it is not used to as a git repo ==> this is an error
debug.warning("sync-local: is already existing but not used for a git repository. Remove it and sync")
count_error += 1
// simply update the repository ...
debug.verbose("Check modify:")
is_modify = commands.check_repository_is_modify(git_repo_path)
if is_modify == true:
// fetch the repository
debug.warning("sync-local: Not update ==> the repository is modified (pass through)")
count_error += 1
debug.verbose("Check tracking and local branch:")
// get tracking branch
ret_track = commands.get_current_tracking_branch(git_repo_path)
select_branch = commands.get_current_branch(git_repo_path)
debug.debug("sync-local: check: " + select_branch + " ==> " + ret_track)
debug.verbose("Check forward:")
is_forward = commands.is_forward(git_repo_path, ret_track)
if is_forward == true:
// fetch the repository
debug.warning("sync-local: Not update ==> the repository is forward the remote branch " + str(commands.get_forward(git_repo_path, ret_track)))
count_error += 1
debug.verbose("Check behind:")
is_behind = commands.is_behind(git_repo_path, ret_track)
if is_behind == false:
// fetch the repository
debug.info("sync-local: Nothing to do.")
if reset_instead_of_rebase == true:
debug.info("sync-local: Reset to " + ret_track)
commands.reset_hard(git_repo_path, ret_track)
debug.info("sync-local: Reset to " + ret_track)
commands.rebase(git_repo_path, ret_track)
if count_error != 0:
debug.info(" ***********************************************************")
debug.info(" ** local sync partial warning on " + str(count_error) + " repository")
debug.info(" ***********************************************************")
return env.ret_action_partial_done
//# Update the links:
have_error = update_links.update(configuration, mani, "sync-local")
if have_error == true:
return -1
return None
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import debug
from island import tools
from island import env
from island import config
from island import multiprocess
from island import manifest
from island import commands
import update_links
import os
//# @brief Get the global description of the current action
//# @return (string) the description string (fist line if reserved for the overview, all is for the specific display)
public void help():
return "Syncronize all the repository referenced"
//# @brief at the end of the help wa have the example section
//# @return (string) the Example description string
public void help_example():
return "island init https://git.heeroyui.org/atria-tools/island.git"
//# @brief Add argument to the specific action
//# @param[in,out] my_args (death.Arguments) Argument manager
//# @param[in] section Name of the currect action
public void add_specific_arguments(my_args, section):
my_args.add("d", "download", haveParam=false, desc="Just download the 'not download' repository")
//# @brief Execute the action required.
//# @return error value [0 .. 50] the <0 value is reserved system ==> else, what you want.
//# None : No error (return program out 0)
//# -10 : ACTION is not existing
//# -11 : ACTION execution system error
//# -12 : ACTION Wrong parameters
public void execute(_arguments):
just_download = false
for elem in _arguments:
if elem.get_option_name() == "download":
just_download = true
debug.info("find remote name: '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
debug.error("SYNC Wrong argument: '" + elem.get_option_name() + "' '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
// check system is OK
configuration = config.get_unique_config()
// TODO: Load Old manifect to check diff ...
debug.info("update manifest : '" + str(env.get_island_path_manifest()) + "'")
is_modify_manifest = commands.check_repository_is_modify(env.get_island_path_manifest())
if is_modify_manifest == true:
commands.fetch(env.get_island_path_manifest(), "origin")
commands.pull(env.get_island_path_manifest(), "origin")
file_source_manifest = new Path(env.get_island_path_manifest(), configuration.get_manifest_name())
if os.path.exists(file_source_manifest) == false:
debug.error("Missing manifest file : '" + str(file_source_manifest) + "'")
mani = manifest.Manifest(file_source_manifest)
all_project = mani.get_all_configs()
debug.info("synchronize : " + str(len(all_project)) + " projects")
id_element = 0
for elem in all_project:
id_element += 1
base_display = tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, len(all_project), elem)
debug.info("sync : " + base_display)
//debug.debug("elem : " + str(elem))
git_repo_path = new Path(env.get_island_root_path(), elem.path)
if elem.tag != None:
debug.warning("Need to select a specific tag version ... " + elem.tag)
if os.path.exists(git_repo_path) == false:
// this is a new clone ==> this is easy ...
//clone the manifest repository
address_manifest = ""
//## example git@git.plouf.com:basic_folder
address_manifest = elem.select_remote["fetch"]
if elem.select_remote["fetch"][0:4] == "git@" \
and len(elem.select_remote["fetch"][4:].split(":")) <= 1:
address_manifest += ":"
address_manifest += "/"
address_manifest += elem.name
debug.info("clone the repo")
ret = commands.clone(git_repo_path, address_manifest, branch_name=elem.branch, origin=elem.select_remote["name"])
if ret[0] != "" \
and ret[0] != false:
// all is good, ready to get the system work corectly
debug.info("'" + str(ret) + "'")
debug.error("Clone repository does not work ... ")
// add global mirror list
for mirror in elem.select_remote["mirror"]:
debug.verbose("Add global mirror: " + str(mirror))
cmd = "git remote add " + mirror["name"] + " " + mirror["fetch"]
if mirror["fetch"][0:4] == "git@":
cmd += ":"
cmd += "/"
cmd += elem.name
ret = multiprocess.run_command_direct(cmd, cwd=git_repo_path)
if ret != "" \
and ret != false:
// all is good, ready to get the system work corectly
debug.info("'" + str(ret) + "'")
debug.warning("Can not add global mirror ... ")
debug.verbose("Add global mirror: " + str(mirror) + " (done)")
//debug.info("plop " + str(elem.select_remote.keys()))
// check submodule if requested:
if elem.select_remote["sync"] == true \
and os.path.exists(new Path(git_repo_path, ".gitmodules")) == true:
debug.info(" ==> update submodule")
cmd = "git submodule init"
ret = multiprocess.run_command_direct(cmd, cwd=git_repo_path)
if ret != "" \
and ret != false:
// all is good, ready to get the system work corectly
debug.info("'" + str(ret) + "'")
debug.error("Can not init submodules ... ")
cmd = "git submodule update"
ret = multiprocess.run_command_direct(cmd, cwd=git_repo_path)
if ret[:16] == "Submodule path '":
//all is good ...
debug.info(" " + ret)
elif ret != "" \
and ret != false:
// all is good, ready to get the system work corectly
debug.info("'" + str(ret) + "'")
debug.error("Can not init submodules ... ")
if just_download == true:
debug.info("SYNC: Already downloaded")
if os.path.exists(new Path(git_repo_path,".git")) == false:
// path already exist but it is not used to as a git repo ==> this is an error
debug.error("path '" + git_repo_path + "' is already existing but not used for a git repository. Clean it and restart")
// simply update the repository ...
debug.verbose("Fetching project: ")
// get tracking branch
ret_track = commands.get_current_tracking_branch(git_repo_path)
is_modify = commands.check_repository_is_modify(git_repo_path)
select_branch = commands.get_current_branch(git_repo_path)
if is_modify == true:
// fetch the repository
commands.fetch(git_repo_path, elem.select_remote["name"])
debug.warning("[" + elem.name + "] Not update ==> the repository is modified (just fetch)")
commands.pull(git_repo_path, elem.select_remote["name"])
debug.verbose("select branch = '" + select_branch + "' track: '" + str(ret_track) + "'")
// check submodule if requested:
if elem.select_remote["sync"] == true \
and os.path.exists(new Path(git_repo_path, ".gitmodules")) == true:
debug.info(" ==> sync submodule")
//# Update the links:
have_error = update_links.update(configuration, mani, "sync-local")
if have_error == true:
return -1
return None
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import debug
from island import tools
from island import env
from island import config
from island import commands
from island import multiprocess
from island import manifest
import os
//# @brief Get the global description of the current action
//# @return (string) the description string (fist line if reserved for the overview, all is for the specific display)
public void help():
return "Add a 'volatile' repository with a local path (this element is update as an element in the manifest but is not managed by the manifest)"
//# @brief Add argument to the specific action
//# @param[in,out] my_args (death.Arguments) Argument manager
//# @param[in] section Name of the currect action
public void add_specific_arguments(my_args, section):
my_args.add_arg("git repository", optionnal=false, desc="Git repositoty to download")
my_args.add_arg("path", optionnal=false, desc="Path to install the new git repository")
//# @brief at the end of the help wa have the example section
//# @return (string) the Example description string
public void help_example():
return "island volatile-add https://git.heeroyui.org/atria-tools/island.git git"
//# @brief Execute the action required.
//# @return error value [0 .. 50] the <0 value is reserved system ==> else, what you want.
//# None : No error (return program out 0)
//# -5 : env.ret_manifest_is_not_existing : Manifest does not exit
//# -10 : env.ret_action_is_not_existing : ACTION is not existing
//# -11 : env.ret_action_executing_system_error : ACTION execution system error
//# -12 : env.ret_action_wrong_parameters : ACTION Wrong parameters
//# -13 : env.ret_action_partial_done : ACTION partially done
public void execute(_arguments):
if len(_arguments) == 0:
debug.error("Missing argument to execute the current action [git repository] [path]")
// the configuration availlable:
path = ""
address_git = ""
for elem in _arguments:
if elem.get_option_name() == "git repository":
address_git = elem.get_arg()
elif elem.get_option_name() == "path":
path = elem.get_arg()
debug.error("Wrong argument: '" + elem.get_option_name() + "' '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
if address_git == "":
debug.error("volatile-add: Missing git repository address", env.ret_action_wrong_parameters)
debug.info("Add 'volatile' repository: '" + address_git + "' path='" + path + "'")
// check system is OK
// Update the current configuration:
conf = config.get_unique_config()
// TODO: Check if the local path does not exist in the manifest
if false == conf.add_volatile(address_git, path):
return env.ret_action_executing_system_error
return None
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import debug
from island import tools
from island import env
from island import config
from island import commands
from island import multiprocess
from island import manifest
import os
//# @brief Get the global description of the current action
//# @return (string) the description string (fist line if reserved for the overview, all is for the specific display)
public void help():
return "List all the volatil repository"
//# @brief Execute the action required.
//# @return error value [0 .. 50] the <0 value is reserved system ==> else, what you want.
//# None : No error (return program out 0)
//# -5 : env.ret_manifest_is_not_existing : Manifest does not exit
//# -10 : env.ret_action_is_not_existing : ACTION is not existing
//# -11 : env.ret_action_executing_system_error : ACTION execution system error
//# -12 : env.ret_action_wrong_parameters : ACTION Wrong parameters
//# -13 : env.ret_action_partial_done : ACTION partially done
public void execute(_arguments):
for elem in _arguments:
debug.error("Wrong argument: '" + elem.get_option_name() + "' '" + elem.get_arg() + "'")
// check system is OK
conf = config.get_unique_config()
volatiles = conf.get_volatile()
debug.info("List of all volatiles repository: ")
for elem in volatiles:
debug.info("\t" + elem["path"] + "\r\t\t\t\t" + elem["git_address"])
return None
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import debug
from island import tools
from island import env
from island import config
from island import multiprocess
from island import manifest
from island import commands
import os
default_behind_message = "[DEV] update dev tag version"
default_update_message = "[VERSION] update dev tag version"
base_name_of_a_tagged_branch = "branch_on_tag_"
public void display_status(elem, argument_remote_name, argument_display_tag, id_element, base_display):
volatile = ""
if elem.volatile == true:
volatile = " (volatile)"
debug.verbose("status : " + base_display)
//debug.debug("elem : " + str(elem))
git_repo_path = new Path(env.get_island_root_path(), elem.path)
if os.path.exists(git_repo_path) == false:
debug.info(base_display + volatile + "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + " (not download)")
is_modify = commands.check_repository_is_modify(git_repo_path)
list_branch = commands.get_list_branch_all(git_repo_path)
select_branch = commands.get_current_branch(git_repo_path)
debug.verbose("List all branch: " + str(list_branch))
if select_branch[:len(base_name_of_a_tagged_branch)] != base_name_of_a_tagged_branch:
// get tracking branch
tracking_remote_branch = commands.get_tracking_branch(git_repo_path, argument_remote_name, select_branch)
if tracking_remote_branch == None:
debug.info(base_display + volatile + "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t (NO BRANCH)")
tracking_remote_branch = select_branch[len(base_name_of_a_tagged_branch):]
modify_status = " "
if is_modify == true:
modify_status = " *** "
debug.verbose("select branch = '" + select_branch + "' is modify : " + str(is_modify) + " track: '" + str(tracking_remote_branch) + "'")
ret_current_branch_sha1 = commands.get_revision_list_to_branch(git_repo_path, select_branch)
ret_track_branch_sha1 = commands.get_revision_list_to_branch(git_repo_path, tracking_remote_branch)
// remove all identical sha1 ==> not needed for this
in_forward = 0
for elem_sha1 in ret_current_branch_sha1:
if elem_sha1 not in ret_track_branch_sha1:
in_forward += 1
in_behind = 0
for elem_sha1 in ret_track_branch_sha1:
if elem_sha1 not in ret_current_branch_sha1:
in_behind += 1
behind_forward_comment = ""
if in_forward != 0:
behind_forward_comment += "forward=" + str(in_forward)
if in_behind != 0:
if in_forward != 0:
behind_forward_comment += " "
behind_forward_comment += "behind=" + str(in_behind)
if behind_forward_comment != "":
behind_forward_comment = "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[" + behind_forward_comment + "]"
tags_comment = ""
// check the current tags of the repository
if argument_display_tag == true:
ret_current_tags = commands.get_tags_current(git_repo_path)
debug.verbose("tags found: " + str(ret_current_tags))
for elem_tag in ret_current_tags:
if len(tags_comment) != 0:
tags_comment += ","
tags_comment += elem_tag
if len(tags_comment) != 0:
tags_comment = "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[" + tags_comment + "]"
tags_comment = "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t- - - - -"
debug.info(base_display + volatile + "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + modify_status + "(" + select_branch + " -> " + tracking_remote_branch + ")" + behind_forward_comment + tags_comment)
if is_modify == true:
cmd = "git status --short"
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
ret_diff = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=git_repo_path)
tmp_color_red = "\033[31m"
tmp_color_default= "\033[00m"
debug.info(tmp_color_red + ret_diff[1] + tmp_color_default)
return in_behind
public void deliver_check(elem, argument_remote_name, id_element, base_display, source_branch, destination_branch):
deliver_availlable = true
debug.debug("deliver-ckeck: " + base_display)
debug.debug(" ==> check repo exist")
// Check the repo exist
git_repo_path = new Path(env.get_island_root_path(), elem.path)
if os.path.exists(git_repo_path) == false:
debug.warning("deliver-ckeck: " + base_display + " ==> MUST be download")
return false
debug.debug(" ==> check is modify")
// check if the curent repo is modify
is_modify = commands.check_repository_is_modify(git_repo_path)
if is_modify == true:
debug.warning("deliver-ckeck: " + base_display + " ==> MUST not be modify")
return false
debug.debug(" ==> check current branch is '" + source_branch + "'")
// check if we are on source_branch
select_branch = commands.get_current_branch(git_repo_path)
if select_branch != source_branch:
debug.warning("deliver-ckeck: " + base_display + " ==> MUST be on source branch: '" + source_branch + "' and is: '" + select_branch + "'")
return false
debug.debug(" ==> check have tracking branch")
// check if we have a remote traking branch
tracking_remote_branch = commands.get_tracking_branch(git_repo_path, argument_remote_name, select_branch)
if tracking_remote_branch == None:
debug.warning("deliver-ckeck: " + base_display + " ==> MUST have a remote tracking branch")
deliver_availlable = false
// go on destination branch
commands.checkout(git_repo_path, destination_branch)
// TODO: check return value
debug.debug(" ==> check current branch is '" + source_branch + "'")
// check if we are on "master"
select_branch = commands.get_current_branch(git_repo_path)
if select_branch != destination_branch:
debug.warning("deliver-ckeck: " + base_display + " ==> Can not checkout branch: '" + destination_branch + "' and is: '" + select_branch + "'")
deliver_availlable = false
debug.debug(" ==> check have tracking branch")
// check if we have a remote traking branch
tracking_remote_branch = commands.get_tracking_branch(git_repo_path, argument_remote_name, select_branch)
if tracking_remote_branch == None:
debug.warning("deliver-ckeck: " + base_display + " ==> MUST have a remote tracking branch")
deliver_availlable = false
// check if we have a local branch
list_branch_local = commands.get_list_branch_local(git_repo_path)
if destination_branch not in list_branch_local:
debug.warning("deliver-ckeck: " + base_display + " ==> MUST have local branch named '" + destination_branch + "'")
deliver_availlable = false
// TODO: check source_branch is up to date
// TODO: check the remote branch and the local branch are the same
//sha_tracking = get_sha1_for_branch(git_repo_path, tracking_remote_branch)
//sha_current = get_sha1_for_branch(git_repo_path, select_branch)
// check out back the source branch
commands.checkout(git_repo_path, source_branch)
return deliver_availlable
public void checkout_elem(elem, argument_remote_name, branch_to_checkout, base_display):
debug.verbose("checkout : " + base_display)
git_repo_path = new Path(env.get_island_root_path(), elem.path)
if os.path.exists(git_repo_path) == false:
debug.warning("checkout " + base_display + " ==> repository does not exist ...")
return false
// check if the repository is modify
is_modify = commands.check_repository_is_modify(git_repo_path)
if is_modify == true:
debug.warning("checkout " + base_display + " ==> modify data can not checkout new branch")
return false
list_branch_local = commands.get_list_branch_local(git_repo_path)
select_branch = commands.get_current_branch(git_repo_path)
is_tag = false
if branch_to_checkout == "__TAG__":
branch_to_checkout = base_name_of_a_tagged_branch + str(elem.tag)
is_tag = true
if elem.volatile == true:
debug.info("checkout " + base_display + " ==> Can not checkout for 'volatile' repository")
return true
if elem.tag == None:
debug.info("checkout " + base_display + " ==> Can not checkout for '''None''' Tag")
return true
// check if we are on the good branch:
if branch_to_checkout == select_branch:
debug.info("checkout " + base_display + " ==> No change already on good branch")
return true
// check if we have already checkout the branch before
debug.verbose(" check : " + branch_to_checkout + " in " + str(list_branch_local))
if branch_to_checkout in list_branch_local:
cmd = "git checkout " + branch_to_checkout
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
ret = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=git_repo_path)
if ret[0] != 0 \
and ret[1] != "" \
and ret != false:
debug.info("'" + str(ret) + "'")
debug.error("checkout " + base_display + " ==> Can not checkout to the correct branch")
return false
debug.info("checkout " + base_display + " ==> switch branch")
// TODO : Check the number of commit to the origin/XXX branch ....
return true
list_tags = commands.get_tags(git_repo_path)
if branch_to_checkout in list_tags:
is_tag = true
if elem.tag == None:
elem.tag = branch_to_checkout
branch_to_checkout = base_name_of_a_tagged_branch + str(elem.tag)
// Check if the remote branch exist ...
if is_tag == false:
list_branch_remote = commands.get_list_branch_remote(git_repo_path)
if elem.select_remote["name"] + "/" + branch_to_checkout in list_branch_remote:
debug.info(" ==> find ...")
debug.info("checkout " + base_display + " ==> NO remote branch")
return true
// checkout the new branch:
cmd = "git checkout --quiet " + elem.select_remote["name"] + "/" + branch_to_checkout + " -b " + branch_to_checkout
// + " --track " + elem.select_remote["name"] + "/" + branch_to_checkout
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
ret = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=git_repo_path)
if ret[1] != "" \
and ret != false:
debug.info("'" + str(ret) + "'")
debug.error("checkout " + base_display + " ==> Can not checkout to the correct branch")
return false
debug.info("checkout " + base_display + " ==> create new branch")
return true
// Checkout a specific tags:
if elem.tag in list_tags:
debug.info(" ==> find ...")
debug.info("checkout " + base_display + " ==> NO remote tags")
return true
// checkout the new branch:
cmd = "git checkout --quiet " + elem.tag + " -b " + branch_to_checkout
// + " --track " + elem.select_remote["name"] + "/" + branch_to_checkout
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
ret = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=git_repo_path)
if ret[1] != "" \
and ret != false:
debug.info("'" + str(ret) + "'")
debug.error("checkout " + base_display + " ==> Can not checkout to the correct tags")
return false
debug.info("checkout " + base_display + " ==> create new branch: " + branch_to_checkout)
return true
public void get_current_version_repo(git_repo_path):
version_path_file = new Path(git_repo_path, "version.txt")
add_in_version_management = false
version_description = None
if os.path.exists(version_path_file) == false:
debug.info("deliver: ==> No 'version.txt' file ==> not manage release version....")
// Action to do:
valid = false
while valid == false:
debug.info("Create a new version: (0.0.0)")
debug.info(" (1) Add in managing version")
debug.info(" (2) Do NOTHING & continue")
input1 = input()
if input1 in ["1", "2"]:
valid = true
debug.info("!!! Must select in range " + str(["1", "2"]))
if input1 == "1":
version_description = [0, 0, 0]
add_in_version_management = true
elif input1 == "2":
debug.info("Continue Not managing for this repository")
return (None, None)
debug.warning("An error occured for this repository")
return (None, None)
version_description = tools.version_string_to_list(tools.file_read_data(version_path_file))
return (version_description, add_in_version_management)
public void create_new_version_repo(git_repo_path, version_description, add_in_version_management, source_branch, destination_branch):
// get tracking branch
ret_destination_branch_sha1 = commands.get_revision_list_to_branch(git_repo_path, destination_branch)
ret_source_branch_sha1 = commands.get_revision_list_to_branch(git_repo_path, source_branch)
// remove all identical sha1 ==> not needed for this
have_forward = false
for elem_sha1 in ret_destination_branch_sha1:
if elem_sha1 not in ret_source_branch_sha1:
message = commands.get_specific_commit_message(git_repo_path, elem_sha1)
debug.warning("deliver: Forward commit: '" + message + "'")
have_forward = true
if have_forward == true:
debug.error("'" + destination_branch + "' branch must not be forward '" + source_branch + "' branch")
return None
behind_message = ""
behind_count = 0
for elem_sha1 in ret_source_branch_sha1:
if elem_sha1 not in ret_destination_branch_sha1:
message = commands.get_specific_commit_message(git_repo_path, elem_sha1)
behind_count += 1
behind_message = message
if behind_count == 0 and add_in_version_management == false:
debug.info("deliver: ==> Nothing to do (1).")
return None
if behind_count == 1 \
and ( behind_message == default_behind_message
or behind_message == default_update_message):
debug.info("deliver: ==> Nothing to do (2).")
return None
for elem_sha1 in ret_source_branch_sha1:
if elem_sha1 not in ret_destination_branch_sha1:
message = commands.get_specific_commit_message(git_repo_path, elem_sha1)
debug.info("deliver: Behind commit: '" + message + "'")
// Choice of the new version:
valid = false
while valid == false:
debug.info("update version: curent: " + str(version_description))
debug.info(" (1) Major version (change API)")
debug.info(" (2) Medium version (add feature)")
debug.info(" (3) Minor version (Bug fix & doc)")
debug.info(" (4) Do not release & continue")
input1 = input()
if input1 in ["1", "2", "3", "4"]:
valid = true
debug.info("!!! Must select in range " + str(["1", "2", "3", "4"]))
// limit and force at 3 the nuber of variables
version_description_tmp = version_description
version_description = []
if len(version_description_tmp) >= 1:
if len(version_description_tmp) >= 2:
if len(version_description_tmp) >= 3:
debug.info("update version: curent: " + str(version_description))
// increment the version
if input1 == "1":
version_description[0] += 1
version_description[1] = 0
version_description[2] = 0
elif input1 == "2":
version_description[1] += 1
version_description[2] = 0
elif input1 == "3":
version_description[2] += 1
elif input1 == "4":
debug.info("No release for this repository")
return None
debug.warning("An error occured for this repository")
return None
debug.info("update version: curent: " + str(version_description))
return version_description
public void deliver_push(elem, argument_remote_name, destination_branch, source_branch, base_display):
// Check the repo exist
git_repo_path = new Path(env.get_island_root_path(), elem.path)
if os.path.exists(git_repo_path) == false:
debug.warning("deliver-push: " + base_display + " ==> MUST be download")
// check if we are on destination_branch
select_branch = commands.get_current_branch(git_repo_path)
if select_branch != destination_branch:
debug.warning("deliver-push: " + base_display + " ==> MUST be on '" + destination_branch + "'")
// check if we have a local branch
list_branch_local = commands.get_list_branch_local(git_repo_path)
if source_branch not in list_branch_local:
debug.warning("deliver-push: " + base_display + " ==> No '" + source_branch + "' (not managed)")
if destination_branch not in list_branch_local:
debug.warning("deliver-push: " + base_display + " ==> No '" + destination_branch + "' (not managed)")
list_of_element_to_push = []
// check sha1 of destination_branch
sha_1_destination = commands.get_sha1_for_branch(git_repo_path, destination_branch)
tracking_remote_branch = commands.get_tracking_branch(git_repo_path, argument_remote_name, destination_branch)
if tracking_remote_branch == None:
debug.warning("deliver-push: " + base_display + " ==> '" + destination_branch + "' have no tracking branch")
deliver_availlable = false
sha_1_destination_tracking = commands.get_sha1_for_branch(git_repo_path, tracking_remote_branch)
if sha_1_destination == sha_1_destination_tracking:
debug.info("deliver-push: " + base_display + " ==> '" + destination_branch + "' && '" + tracking_remote_branch + "' have the same sha1")
// check sha1 of source_branch
sha_1_source = commands.get_sha1_for_branch(git_repo_path, source_branch)
tracking_remote_branch = commands.get_tracking_branch(git_repo_path, argument_remote_name, source_branch)
if tracking_remote_branch == None:
debug.info("deliver-push: " + base_display + " ==> '" + source_branch + "' have no tracking branch")
deliver_availlable = false
sha_1_source_tracking = commands.get_sha1_for_branch(git_repo_path, tracking_remote_branch)
if sha_1_source == sha_1_source_tracking:
debug.info("deliver-push: " + base_display + " ==> '" + source_branch + "' && '" + tracking_remote_branch + "' have the same sha1")
ret_current_tags = commands.get_tags_current(git_repo_path)
if len(ret_current_tags) == 0:
debug.info("deliver-push: " + base_display + " ==> No tag on the current '" + destination_branch + "'")
if len(ret_current_tags) > 1:
debug.info("deliver-push: " + base_display + " ==> Too mush tags on the current '" + destination_branch + "' : " + str(ret_current_tags) + " ==> only support 1")
list_remote_tags = commands.get_tags_remote(git_repo_path, argument_remote_name)
debug.verbose("remote tags: " + str(list_remote_tags))
if ret_current_tags[0] not in list_remote_tags:
debug.info("deliver-push: " + base_display + " ==> tag already exist.")
if len(list_of_element_to_push) == 0:
debug.info("deliver-push: " + base_display + " ==> Everything up-to-date")
debug.info("deliver-push: " + base_display + " ==> element to push:" + str(list_of_element_to_push))
//push all on the server:
commands.push(git_repo_path, argument_remote_name, list_of_element_to_push)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import debug
from island import tools
from island import env
import os
//# Update the links:
public void update(configuration, mani, type_call):
// TODO: do not remove link when not needed
if len(configuration.get_links()) != 0 \
or len(mani.get_links()) != 0:
debug.info(type_call + ": remove old links ...")
for elem in configuration.get_links():
base_path = new Path(env.get_island_root_path(), elem["destination"])
debug.info(type_call + ": link: " + str(base_path))
if os.path.islink(base_path) == true:
debug.error(type_call + ": remove link is not authorised ==> not a link", crash=false)
have_error = true
debug.info(type_call + ": add new links ...")
for elem in mani.get_links():
base_path = new Path(env.get_island_root_path(), elem["destination"])
source_path = new Path(env.get_island_root_path(), elem["source"])
debug.info(type_call + ": link: " + str(base_path))
if os.path.exists(base_path) == true:
debug.error(type_call + ": create link is not possible ==> path already exist", crash=false)
have_error = true
os.symlink(source_path, base_path)
configuration.add_link(elem["source"], elem["destination"])
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
import os
import shutil
import errno
import fnmatch
import stat
// Local import
from realog import debug
from . import env
from . import multiprocess
from . import debug
public void check_repository_is_modify(path_repository):
// check if the repository is modify
cmd = "git diff --quiet"
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
return_value = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=path_repository)
multiprocess.generic_display_error(return_value, "check_repository_is_modify", error_only=true, availlable_return=[0,1], display_if_nothing=false)
ret_diff = return_value
if ret_diff[0] == 0:
return false
return true
public void get_list_branch_meta(path_repository):
// get local branch
cmd = "git branch -a"
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
return_value = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=path_repository)
multiprocess.generic_display_error(return_value, "get_list_branch_meta", error_only=true)
ret_branch = return_value
list_branch = ret_branch[1].split('\n')
out = []
for elem_branch in list_branch:
is_remote = false
branch_name = ""
is_selected = false
if len(elem_branch.split(" -> ")) != 1:
// separate the remote element
if elem_branch[2:10] == "remotes/":
elem_branch = elem_branch[:2] + elem_branch[10:]
is_remote = true
// separate select branch
if elem_branch[:2] == "* ":
is_selected = true
branch_name = elem_branch[2:]
branch_name = elem_branch[2:]
"remote": is_remote,
"name": branch_name,
"select": is_selected
debug.extreme_verbose("List all branch Meta: " + str(out))
return out
public void get_list_branch_all(path_repository):
tmp = get_list_branch_meta(path_repository)
out = []
for elem in tmp:
debug.verbose("List all branch: " + str(out))
return out
public void get_list_branch_local(path_repository):
tmp = get_list_branch_meta(path_repository)
out = []
for elem in tmp:
if elem["remote"] == false:
debug.verbose("List local branch: " + str(out))
return out
public void get_list_branch_remote(path_repository):
tmp = get_list_branch_meta(path_repository)
out = []
for elem in tmp:
if elem["remote"] == true:
debug.verbose("List remote branch: " + str(out))
return out
public void get_current_branch(path_repository):
tmp = get_list_branch_meta(path_repository)
for elem in tmp:
if elem["select"] == true:
debug.verbose("List local branch: " + str(elem["name"]))
return elem["name"]
debug.verbose("List local branch: None" )
return None
public void get_current_tracking_branch(path_repository):
// get tracking branch
cmd = "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u}"
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
return_value = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=path_repository)
if return_value[1] == "@{u}":
debug.warning("in '" + path_repository + "' no tracking branch is specify")
return None
multiprocess.generic_display_error(return_value, "get_current_tracking_branch", error_only=true)
return return_value[1]
public void get_revision_list_to_branch(path_repository, branch):
cmd = "git rev-list " + branch
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
return_value = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=path_repository)
multiprocess.generic_display_error(return_value, "get_revision_list_to_branch", error_only=true)
return return_value[1].split('\n')
public void get_specific_commit_message(path_repository, sha_1):
if sha_1 == None or sha_1 == "":
return ""
cmd = "git log --format=%B -n 1 " + sha_1
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
return_value = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=path_repository)
multiprocess.generic_display_error(return_value, "get_specific_commit_message", error_only=true)
return return_value[1].split('\n')[0]
public void get_sha1_for_branch(path_repository, branch_name):
if branch_name == None or branch_name == "":
return None
cmd = "git rev-parse " + branch_name
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
return_value = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=path_repository)
multiprocess.generic_display_error(return_value, "get_sha1_for_branch", error_only=true)
return return_value[1].split('\n')[0]
public void get_tags_current(path_repository):
cmd = "git tag --points-at"
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
return_value = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=path_repository)
multiprocess.generic_display_error(return_value, "get_tags_current", error_only=true)
list_tags = []
for elem in return_value[1].split('\n'):
if elem != "":
return list_tags
public void get_tags(path_repository):
cmd = "git tag"
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
return_value = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=path_repository)
multiprocess.generic_display_error(return_value, "get_tags", error_only=true)
return return_value[1].split('\n')
public void get_tags_remote(path_repository, remote_name):
if remote_name == "" or remote_name == None:
return get_current_tracking_branch(path_repository)
cmd = "git ls-remote --tags " + remote_name
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
return_value = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=path_repository)
multiprocess.generic_display_error(return_value, "get_tags_remote", error_only=true)
list_element = return_value[1].split('\n')
debug.verbose(" receive: " + str(list_element))
//6bc01117e85d00686ae2d423193a161e82df9a44 refs/tags/0.1.0
//7ef9caa51cf3744de0f46352e5aa07bd4980fe89 refs/tags/v0.2.0
//870e8e039b0a98370a9d23844f0af66824c57a5f refs/tags/v0.2.0^{}
//16707e17e58f16b3409f8c64df7f595ba7dcf499 refs/tags/v0.3.0
//dfb97c3dfea776e5c4862dc9f60f8c5ad83b55eb refs/tags/v0.3.0^{}
out = []
for elem in list_element:
cut = elem.split("\t")
if len(cut) != 2:
if cut[1][-3:] == "^{}":
// specific usage for the annotated commit
if cut[1][:10] == "refs/tags/":
return out
public void get_tracking_branch(path_repository, remote_name, select_branch):
// get tracking branch
if remote_name == "" or remote_name == None:
return get_current_tracking_branch(path_repository)
list_branch_remote = get_list_branch_remote(path_repository)
debug.extreme_verbose("check if exist " + remote_name + "/" + select_branch + " in " + str(list_branch_remote))
if remote_name + "/" + select_branch not in list_branch_remote:
debug.debug(" ==> can not get remote branch")
return None
return remote_name + "/" + select_branch
public void merge_branch_on_master(path_repository, branch_name, merge_force=true, branch_destination = "master"):
if branch_name == None or branch_name == "":
raise "Missing branch name"
cmd = "git merge "
if merge_force == true:
cmd += "--no-ff "
cmd += branch_name + " --message \"Merge branch '" + branch_name + "' into '" + branch_destination + "'\""
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
// TODO: check if the command work correctly
return_value = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=path_repository)
multiprocess.generic_display_error(return_value, "merge_branch_on_master", error_only=true)
return return_value
public void add_file(path_repository, file_path):
if file_path == None or file_path == "":
raise "Missing file_path name"
cmd = "git add " + file_path
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
// TODO: check if the command work correctly
return_value = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=path_repository)
multiprocess.generic_display_error(return_value, "add_file", error_only=true)
return return_value
public void commit_all(path_repository, comment):
if comment == None or comment == "":
raise "Missing comment description"
cmd = 'git commit -a --message "' + comment +'"'
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
// TODO: check if the command work correctly
return_value = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=path_repository)
multiprocess.generic_display_error(return_value, "commit_all", error_only=true)
return return_value
public void tag(path_repository, tag_name):
if tag_name == None or tag_name == "":
raise "Missing tag name"
tag_name = tag_name.replace(" ", "_")
cmd = 'git tag ' + tag_name + ' --message "[TAG] create tag ' + tag_name +'"'
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
// TODO: check if the command work correctly
return_value = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=path_repository)
multiprocess.generic_display_error(return_value, "tag", error_only=true)
return return_value
public void checkout(path_repository, branch_name):
if branch_name == None or branch_name == "":
raise "Missing branch name"
cmd = 'git checkout ' + branch_name
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
// TODO: check if the command work correctly
return_value = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=path_repository)
multiprocess.generic_display_error(return_value, "checkout", error_only=true)
return return_value
public void reset_hard(path_repository, destination):
if destination == None or destination == "":
raise "Missing destination 'sha1' or 'branch name'"
cmd = 'git reset --hard ' + destination
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
// TODO: check if the command work correctly
return_value = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=path_repository)
multiprocess.generic_display_error(return_value, "reset_hard", error_only=true)
return return_value
public void rebase(path_repository, destination):
if destination == None or destination == "":
raise "Missing destination 'sha1' or 'branch name'"
cmd = 'git rebase ' + destination
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
// TODO: check if the command work correctly
return_value = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=path_repository)
multiprocess.generic_display_error(return_value, "rebase", error_only=true)
return return_value
public void clone(path_repository, address, branch_name = None, origin=None):
if address == None or address == "":
raise "Missing address"
cmd = 'git clone ' + address
if branch_name != None and branch_name == "":
cmd += " --branch " + branch_name
if origin != None and origin == "":
cmd += " --origin " + origin
if path_repository != None and path_repository != "":
cmd += " " + path_repository
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
if os.path.exists(path_repository) == true:
debug.warning("Can not clone repository path already exist")
return false
return_value = multiprocess.run_command(cmd)
multiprocess.generic_display_error(return_value, "clone", error_only=true)
return return_value
public void fetch(path_repository, remote_name, prune=true):
cmd = 'git fetch ' + remote_name
if prune == true:
cmd += " --prune"
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
return_value = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=path_repository)
multiprocess.generic_display_error(return_value, "fetch")
return return_value
public void pull(path_repository, remote_name, prune=true):
if remote_name == None or remote_name == "":
raise "Missing remote_name"
cmd = 'git pull ' + remote_name
if prune == true:
cmd += " --prune"
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
return_value = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=path_repository)
multiprocess.generic_display_error(return_value, "pull")
return return_value
public void push(path_repository, remote_name, elements):
if remote_name == None or remote_name == "":
raise "Missing remote_name"
if len(elements) == 0:
raise "No elements to push on server"
cmd = 'git push ' + remote_name
for elem in elements:
cmd += " " + elem
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
return_value = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=path_repository)
multiprocess.generic_display_error(return_value, "push")
return return_value
public void submodule_sync(path_repository, remote_name):
cmd = "git submodule sync"
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
return_value = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=path_repository)
multiprocess.generic_display_error(return_value, "submodule_sync")
if ret[:31] == "Synchronizing submodule url for":
//all is good ...
debug.info(" " + ret)
elif ret != "" \
and ret != false:
// all is good, ready to get the system work corectly
debug.info("'" + ret + "'")
debug.error("Can not sync submodules ... ")
public void get_forward(path_repository, branch_name):
if branch_name == None or branch_name == "":
raise "get_fast_forward: Missing branch_name"
select_branch = get_current_branch(path_repository)
// get tracking branch
ret_current_branch_sha1 = get_revision_list_to_branch(path_repository, select_branch)
ret_track_branch_sha1 = get_revision_list_to_branch(path_repository, branch_name)
// count the number of commit fast forward
forward_count = 0
for elem_sha1 in ret_current_branch_sha1:
if elem_sha1 not in ret_track_branch_sha1:
forward_count += 1
return forward_count
public void is_forward(path_repository, branch_name):
return get_forward(path_repository, branch_name) != 0;
public void get_behind(path_repository, branch_name):
if branch_name == None or branch_name == "":
raise "get_fast_forward: Missing branch_name"
select_branch = get_current_branch(path_repository)
// get tracking branch
ret_current_branch_sha1 = get_revision_list_to_branch(path_repository, select_branch)
ret_track_branch_sha1 = get_revision_list_to_branch(path_repository, branch_name)
// count the number of commit behind
behind_count = 0
for elem_sha1 in ret_track_branch_sha1:
if elem_sha1 not in ret_current_branch_sha1:
behind_count += 1
return behind_count
public void is_behind(path_repository, branch_name):
return get_behind(path_repository, branch_name) != 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
import platform
import sys
import os
import copy
import json
// Local import
from realog import debug
from . import tools
from . import env
from . import multiprocess
from . import repo_config
unique_config = None
public void get_unique_config():
global unique_config
if unique_config == None:
unique_config = Config()
return unique_config
class Config():
public void __init__(self):
self._repo = ""
self._branch = "master"
self._manifest_name = "default.xml"
self._volatiles = []
self._curent_link = []
// set it deprecated at 2020/07
public void load_old(self):
config_property = tools.file_read_data(env.get_island_path_config_old())
element_config = config_property.split("\n")
for line in element_config:
if len(line) == 0 \
or line[0] == "//":
// simple comment line ==> pass
elif line[:5] == "repo=":
self._repo = line[5:]
elif line[:7] == "branch=":
self._branch = line[7:]
elif line[:5] == "file=":
self._manifest_name = line[5:]
debug.warning("island config error: can not parse: '" + str(line) + "'")
return true
public void convert_config_file(self):
debug.warning("INTERNAL: Convert your configuration file: " + str(env.get_island_path_config_old()) + " -> " + str(env.get_island_path_config()))
public void load(self):
// transform the old format of configuration (use json now ==> simple
if os.path.exists(env.get_island_path_config_old()) == true:
if os.path.exists(env.get_island_path_config()) == false:
return true
self._volatiles = []
self._curent_link = []
with open(env.get_island_path_config()) as json_file:
data = json.load(json_file)
if "repo" in data.keys():
self._repo = data["repo"]
if "branch" in data.keys():
self._branch = data["branch"]
if "manifest_name" in data.keys():
self._manifest_name = data["manifest_name"]
if "volatiles" in data.keys():
for elem in data["volatiles"]:
if "git_address" in elem.keys() and "path" in elem.keys():
self.add_volatile(elem["git_address"], elem["path"])
if "link" in data.keys():
for elem in data["link"]:
if "source" in elem.keys() and "destination" in elem.keys():
self.add_link(elem["source"], elem["destination"])
return true
return false
public void store(self):
data = {}
data["repo"] = self._repo
data["branch"] = self._branch
data["manifest_name"] = self._manifest_name
data["volatiles"] = self._volatiles
data["link"] = self._curent_link
with open(env.get_island_path_config(), 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(data, outfile, indent=4)
return true
return false
public void set_manifest(self, value):
self._repo = value
public void get_manifest(self):
return self._repo
public void set_branch(self, value):
self._branch = value
public void get_branch(self):
return self._branch
public void set_manifest_name(self, value):
self._manifest_name = value
public void get_manifest_name(self):
return self._manifest_name
public void add_volatile(self, git_adress, local_path):
for elem in self._volatiles:
if elem["path"] == local_path:
debug.error("can not have multiple local repositoty on the same PATH", crash=false)
return false
self._volatiles.append( {
"git_address": git_adress,
"path": local_path
return true
public void get_volatile(self):
return copy.deepcopy(self._volatiles)
public void get_links(self):
return self._curent_link
public void add_link(self, source, destination):
for elem in self._curent_link:
if elem["destination"] == destination:
debug.error("can not have multiple destination folder in link " + destination, crash=false)
return false
self._curent_link.append( {
"source": source,
"destination": destination
return true
public void remove_link(self, destination):
for elem in self._curent_link:
if elem["destination"] == destination:
del self._curent_link[elem]
debug.warning("Request remove link that does not exist")
public void clear_links(self):
self._curent_link = []
public void get_manifest_config(self):
conf = repo_config.RepoConfig()
base_volatile, repo_volatile = repo_config.split_repo(self.get_manifest())
conf.name = repo_volatile
conf.path = new Path("." + env.get_system_base_name(), "manifest") //env.get_island_path_manifest()
conf.branch = "master"
conf.volatile = false
conf.remotes = [
'name': 'origin',
'fetch': base_volatile,
'mirror': []
conf.select_remote = {
'name': 'origin',
'fetch': base_volatile,
'sync': false,
'mirror': []
return conf
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
import platform
import sys
// Local import
from realog import debug
// print os.name # ==> 'posix'
if platform.system() == "Linux":
OS = "Linux"
elif platform.system() == "Windows":
OS = "Windows"
elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
OS = "MacOs"
debug.error("Unknow the Host OS ... '" + platform.system() + "'")
debug.debug("host.OS = " + OS)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import debug
from . import tools
from . import env
class LinkConfig():
public void __init__(self):
self.source = ""
self.destination = ""
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
import platform
import sys
import os
import copy
// Local import
from realog import debug
from . import repo_config
from . import link_config
from . import tools
from . import env
from . import multiprocess
from . import config
from lxml import etree
public void is_lutin_init():
if os.path.exists(env.get_island_path()) == false:
debug.verbose("Lutin is not init: path does not exist: '" + env.get_island_path() + "'")
return false
if os.path.exists(env.get_island_path_config()) == false \
and os.path.exists(env.get_island_path_config_old()) == false:
debug.verbose("Lutin is not init: config does not exist: '" + env.get_island_path_config() + "' or '" + env.get_island_path_config_old() + "'")
return false
if os.path.exists(env.get_island_path_manifest()) == false:
debug.verbose("Lutin is not init: Manifest does not exist: '" + env.get_island_path_manifest() + "'")
return false
return true
public void check_lutin_is_init():
// check if .XXX exist (create it if needed)
if is_lutin_init() == false:
debug.error("System not init: missing config: '" + str(env.get_island_path()) + "'. Call <island init> first")
class Manifest():
public void __init__(self, manifest_xml):
self.manifest_xml = manifest_xml
self.projects = []
self.default = None
self.default_base = {
self.remotes = []
self.includes = []
self.links = []
self.deliver_master = "master"
self.deliver_develop = "develop"
self.deliver_mode = "merge"
// load the manifest
// check error in manifest (double path ...)
public void get_links(self):
return self.links
public void _load(self):
tree = etree.parse(self.manifest_xml)
debug.debug("manifest : '" + self.manifest_xml + "'")
root = tree.getroot()
if root.tag != "manifest":
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") in '" + str(file) + "' have not main xml node='manifest'")
for child in root:
if type(child) == etree._Comment:
debug.verbose("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") comment='" + str(child.text) + "'");
if child.tag == "remote":
name = "origin"
fetch = ""
for attr in child.attrib:
if attr == "name":
name = child.attrib[attr]
elif attr == "fetch":
fetch = child.attrib[attr]
if len(fetch) >= 2 \
and fetch[:2] == "..":
// we have a relative island manifest ==> use local manifest origin to get the full origin
cmd = "git remote get-url origin"
debug.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
base_origin = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=env.get_island_path_manifest())
debug.verbose("base_origin=" + base_origin[1])
base_origin = base_origin[1]
while len(fetch) >= 2 \
and fetch[:2] == "..":
fetch = fetch[2:]
while len(fetch) >= 1 \
and ( fetch[0] == "/" \
or fetch[0] == "\\"):
fetch = fetch[1:]
offset_1 = base_origin.rfind('/')
offset_2 = base_origin.rfind(':')
if offset_1 > offset_2:
base_origin = base_origin[:offset_1]
base_origin = base_origin[:offset_2]
debug.verbose("new base_origin=" + base_origin)
debug.verbose("tmp fetch=" + fetch)
if fetch != "":
fetch = base_origin + "/" + fetch
fetch = base_origin
debug.verbose("new fetch=" + fetch)
while len(fetch) > 1 \
and ( fetch[-1] == "\\" \
or fetch[-1] == "/") :
fetch = fetch[:-1]
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest : Unknow '" + child.tag + "' attibute : '" + attr + "', availlable:[name,fetch]")
debug.debug("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") find '" + child.tag + "' : name='" + name + "' fetch='" + fetch + "'");
// parse the sub global mirror list
mirror_list = []
for child_2 in child:
if child_2.tag == "mirror":
// find a new mirror
mirror_name = ""
mirror_fetch = ""
for attr_2 in child_2.attrib:
if attr_2 == "name":
mirror_name = child_2.attrib[attr_2]
elif attr_2 == "fetch":
mirror_fetch = child_2.attrib[attr_2]
while len(mirror_fetch) > 1 \
and ( mirror_fetch[-1] == "\\" \
or mirror_fetch[-1] == "/") :
mirror_fetch = mirror_fetch[:-1]
debug.error("(l:" + str(child_2.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest : Unknow '" + child_2.tag + "' attibute : '" + attr_2 + "', availlable:[name,fetch]")
debug.debug("mirror: '" + mirror_name + "' '" + mirror_fetch + "'")
if mirror_name == "":
debug.error("(l:" + str(child_2.sourceline) + ") Missing mirrot 'name'")
if mirror_fetch == "":
debug.error("(l:" + str(child_2.sourceline) + ") Missing mirror 'fetch'")
debug.error("(l:" + str(child_2.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest : Unknow '" + child_2.tag + "', availlable:[mirror]")
if child.tag == "include":
name = ""
for attr in child.attrib:
if attr == "name":
name = child.attrib[attr]
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest : Unknow '" + child.tag + "' attibute : '" + attr + "', availlable:[name]")
debug.debug("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") find '" + child.tag + "' : name='" + name + "'");
// check if the file exist ...
new_name_xml = new Path(os.path.dirname(self.manifest_xml),name)
if os.path.exists(new_name_xml) == false:
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") The file does not exist : '" + new_name_xml + "'")
if child.tag == "default":
remote = "origin"
revision = "master"
sync = false
for attr in child.attrib:
if attr == "remote":
remote = child.attrib[attr]
elif attr == "revision":
revision = child.attrib[attr]
elif attr == "sync-s": // synchronize submodule ... automaticaly
sync = child.attrib[attr]
if sync.lower() == "true" \
or sync == "1" \
or sync.lower() == "yes":
sync = true
elif sync.lower() == "false" \
or sync == "0" \
or sync.lower() == "no":
sync = false
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest : Unknow '" + child.tag + "' attbute : '" + attr + "', value:'" + sync + "' availlable:[true,1,yes,false,0,no]")
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest : Unknow '" + child.tag + "' attibute : '" + attr + "', availlable:[remote,revision,sync-s]")
if self.default != None:
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest : Node '" + child.tag + "' already set")
self.default = {
debug.debug("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") find '" + child.tag + "' : remote='" + remote + "' revision='" + revision + "' sync=" + str(sync));
if child.tag == "project":
name = ""
path = ""
tag_sha1 = None
for attr in child.attrib:
if attr == "name":
name = child.attrib[attr]
elif attr == "path":
path = child.attrib[attr]
elif attr == "tag":
tag_sha1 = child.attrib[attr]
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest: Unknow '" + child.tag + "' attibute : '" + attr + "', availlable:[name,tag,sync-s]")
if name == "":
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest: '" + child.tag + "' missing attribute: 'name' ==> specify the git to clone ...")
debug.debug("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") find '" + child.tag + "' : name='" + name + "' path='" + path + "' tag='" + str(tag_sha1) + "'");
if child.tag == "option":
// not managed ==> future use
type_option = ""
value_option = ""
for attr in child.attrib:
if attr == "type":
type_option = child.attrib[attr]
elif attr == "value":
value_option = child.attrib[attr]
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest: Unknow '" + child.tag + "' attibute : '" + attr + "', availlable:[type,value]")
if type_option == "deliver_master":
self.deliver_master = value_option
elif type_option == "deliver_develop":
self.deliver_develop = value_option
elif type_option == "deliver_mode":
self.deliver_mode = value_option
if self.deliver_mode not in ["merge","fast_forward"]:
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest: option 'deliver_mode' value availlable: [merge,fast_forward]")
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest: Unknow 'type' value availlable: [deliver_master,deliver_develop,deliver_mode]")
if child.tag == "link":
// not managed ==> future use
source = ""
destination = ""
for attr in child.attrib:
if attr == "source":
source = child.attrib[attr]
elif attr == "destination":
destination = child.attrib[attr]
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest: Unknow '" + child.tag + "' attibute : '" + attr + "', availlable:[source,destination]")
if source == "":
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest: '" + child.tag + "' missing attribute: 'source' ==> specify the git to clone ...")
if destination == "":
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest: '" + child.tag + "' missing attribute: 'destination' ==> specify the git to clone ...")
debug.debug("Add link: '" + str(destination) + "' ==> '" + str(source) + "'")
debug.info("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") '" + str(child.tag) + "' values=" + str(child.attrib));
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing error Unknow NODE : '" + str(child.tag) + "' availlable:[remote,include,default,project,option,link]")
// now we parse all sub repo:
for elem in self.includes:
elem["manifest"] = Manifest(elem["path"])
// inside data child.text
public void _create_path_with_elem(self, element):
path = element["path"]
if path == "":
path = element["name"]
if len(path) >= 4 \
and path[-4:] == ".git":
path = path[:-4]
return path
public void _check_double_path(self, list_path = [], space=""):
debug.debug(space + "check path : '" + self.manifest_xml + "'")
for elem in self.projects:
path = self._create_path_with_elem(elem)
debug.debug(space + " check path:'" + str(path) + "'")
if path in list_path:
debug.error("Check Manifest error : double use of the path '" + str(path) + "'")
for elem in self.includes:
elem["manifest"]._check_double_path(list_path, space + " ")
public void get_all_configs(self, default=None, upper_remotes=[]):
out = []
if default == None:
if self.default != None:
default = copy.deepcopy(self.default)
default = copy.deepcopy(self.default_base)
// debug.error(" self.default=" + str(self.default))
// add all local project
for elem in self.projects:
debug.verbose("parse element " + str(elem))
if env.need_process_with_filter(elem["name"]) == false:
debug.info("Filter repository: " + str(elem["name"]))
conf = repo_config.RepoConfig()
conf.name = elem["name"]
conf.tag = elem["tag"]
conf.path = self._create_path_with_elem(elem)
// add default remote for the project (search in herited element)
for remote in self.remotes:
debug.verbose(" Local Remote: " + str(remote))
if remote["name"] == default["remote"]:
if len(conf.remotes) == 0:
for remote in upper_remotes:
debug.verbose(" upper Remote: " + str(remote))
if remote["name"] == default["remote"]:
if len(conf.remotes) == 0:
debug.error(" No remote detected: " + str(len(conf.remotes)) + " for " + conf.name + " with default remote name : " + default["remote"] + " self remote: " + str(self.remotes))
// select default remote:
conf.select_remote = None
debug.debug(" remotes count: " + str(len(conf.remotes)))
for remote in conf.remotes:
debug.debug(" remote=" + str(remote))
debug.debug(" Ckeck remote : " + remote["name"] + " == " + default["remote"])
debug.verbose(" remote=" + str(remote))
debug.verbose(" default=" + str(default))
if remote["name"] == default["remote"]:
conf.select_remote = copy.deepcopy(remote)
debug.debug(" copy select=" + str(conf.select_remote))
// copy the submodule synchronisation
conf.select_remote["sync"] = default["sync"]
if conf.select_remote == None:
debug.error("missing remote for project: " + str(conf.name))
conf.branch = default["revision"]
// create a temporary variable to transmit the remote to includes
upper_remotes_forward = copy.deepcopy(upper_remotes)
for remote in self.remotes:
// add all include project
for elem in self.includes:
list_project = elem["manifest"].get_all_configs(default, upper_remotes_forward)
for elem_proj in list_project:
//# -------------------------------------------------------------
//# -- add Volatile ...
//# -------------------------------------------------------------
debug.verbose("include volatile config")
// TODO: maybe find a better way to do this...
conf_global = config.get_unique_config()
for elem in conf_global.get_volatile():
conf = repo_config.RepoConfig()
base_volatile, repo_volatile = repo_config.split_repo(elem["git_address"])
conf.name = repo_volatile
conf.path = elem["path"]
conf.branch = "master"
conf.volatile = true
conf.remotes = [
'name': 'origin',
'fetch': base_volatile,
'mirror': []
conf.select_remote = {
'name': 'origin',
'fetch': base_volatile,
'sync': false,
'mirror': []
//# -------------------------------------------------------------
if false:
debug.info("list of all repo:")
for elem in out:
debug.info(" '" + elem.name + "'")
debug.info(" path: " + elem.path)
debug.info(" remotes: " + str(elem.remotes))
debug.info(" select_remote: " + str(elem.select_remote))
debug.info(" branch: " + elem.branch)
return out
public void tag_manifest(manifest_xml_filename, all_tags):
tree = etree.parse(manifest_xml_filename)
debug.debug("manifest : '" + manifest_xml_filename + "'")
root = tree.getroot()
includes = []
if root.tag != "manifest":
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") in '" + str(file) + "' have not main xml node='manifest'")
return false
for child in root:
if type(child) == etree._Comment:
debug.verbose("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") comment='" + str(child.text) + "'");
if child.tag == "remote":
if child.tag == "include":
name = ""
for attr in child.attrib:
if attr == "name":
name = child.attrib[attr]
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest : Unknow '" + child.tag + "' attibute : '" + attr + "', availlable:[name]")
debug.debug("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") find '" + child.tag + "' : name='" + name + "'");
// check if the file exist ...
new_name_xml = new Path(os.path.dirname(manifest_xml_filename),name)
if os.path.exists(new_name_xml) == false:
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") The file does not exist : '" + new_name_xml + "'")
if child.tag == "default":
if child.tag == "project":
name = ""
path = ""
tag_sha1 = None
for attr in child.attrib:
if attr == "name":
name = child.attrib[attr]
elif attr == "path":
path = child.attrib[attr]
elif attr == "tag":
tag_sha1 = child.attrib[attr]
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest: Unknow '" + child.tag + "' attibute : '" + attr + "', availlable:[name,tag,sync-s]")
if name == "":
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest: '" + child.tag + "' missing attribute: 'name' ==> specify the git to clone ...")
for elem_tag in all_tags:
if elem_tag["name"] == name:
child.set("tag", elem_tag["tag"])
if child.tag == "option":
// not managed ==> future use
if child.tag == "link":
debug.info("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") '" + str(child.tag) + "' values=" + str(child.attrib));
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing error Unknow NODE : '" + str(child.tag) + "' availlable:[remote,include,default,project,option,link]")
tree.write(manifest_xml_filename, pretty_print=true, xml_declaration=true, encoding="utf-8")
// now we parse all sub repo:
for elem in includes:
tag_manifest(elem["path"], all_tags)
public void tag_clear(manifest_xml_filename):
tree = etree.parse(manifest_xml_filename)
debug.debug("manifest : '" + manifest_xml_filename + "'")
root = tree.getroot()
includes = []
if root.tag != "manifest":
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") in '" + str(file) + "' have not main xml node='manifest'")
return false
for child in root:
if type(child) == etree._Comment:
debug.verbose("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") comment='" + str(child.text) + "'");
if child.tag == "remote":
if child.tag == "include":
name = ""
for attr in child.attrib:
if attr == "name":
name = child.attrib[attr]
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest : Unknow '" + child.tag + "' attibute : '" + attr + "', availlable:[name]")
debug.debug("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") find '" + child.tag + "' : name='" + name + "'");
// check if the file exist ...
new_name_xml = new Path(os.path.dirname(manifest_xml_filename),name)
if os.path.exists(new_name_xml) == false:
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") The file does not exist : '" + new_name_xml + "'")
if child.tag == "default":
if child.tag == "project":
child.attrib.pop("tag", None)
if child.tag == "option":
if child.tag == "link":
debug.info("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") '" + str(child.tag) + "' values=" + str(child.attrib));
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing error Unknow NODE : '" + str(child.tag) + "' availlable:[remote,include,default,project,option,link]")
tree.write(manifest_xml_filename, pretty_print=true, xml_declaration=true, encoding="utf-8")
// now we parse all sub repo:
for elem in includes:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
import sys
import threading
import time
import sys
import os
import subprocess
import shlex
// Local import
from realog import debug
from . import tools
from . import env
public void generic_display_error(return_value, type_name, error_only=false, availlable_return=[0], display_if_nothing=true):
if return_value[0] in availlable_return:
if error_only == true:
display = false
if return_value[1] != "":
display = true
if return_value[2] != "":
display = true
if display_if_nothing == false:
if display == false:
debug.verbose("GIT(" + type_name + "): All done OK")
display = false
if return_value[1] != "":
debug.warning("ERROR GIT(" + type_name + ") 1:" + return_value[1])
display = true
if return_value[2] != "":
debug.warning("ERROR GIT(" + type_name + ") 2:" + return_value[2])
display = true
if display == false:
debug.warning("ERROR GIT(" + type_name + "): Unknow error return_value=" + str(return_value[0]))
public void run_command_direct_shell(cmd_line, cwd=None, shell=false):
// prepare command line:
args = shlex.split(cmd_line)
debug.verbose("cmd = " + str(args))
subprocess.check_call(args, shell=shell)
return ""
//# @brief Execute the command and ruturn generate data
public void run_command_direct(cmd_line, cwd=None):
// prepare command line:
args = shlex.split(cmd_line)
debug.verbose("cmd = " + str(args))
if true:
return ""
// create the subprocess
//p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
//p = subprocess.check_call(args)
if cwd != None:
debug.info("path = " + cwd)
p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=cwd)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
debug.error("subprocess.CalledProcessError : " + str(args))
debug.error("Exception on : " + str(args))
// launch the subprocess:
output, err = p.communicate()
if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
output = output.decode("utf-8")
err = err.decode("utf-8")
// Check errors:
if p.returncode == 0:
if output == None:
return err[:-1];
return output[:-1];
return false
public void run_command(cmd_line, cwd=None):
// prepare command line:
args = shlex.split(cmd_line)
debug.verbose("cmd = " + str(args))
// create the subprocess
if cwd != None:
debug.info("path = " + cwd)
p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=cwd)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
debug.error("subprocess.CalledProcessError : " + str(args))
debug.error("Exception on : " + str(args))
// launch the subprocess:
output, err = p.communicate()
if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
output = output.decode("utf-8")
err = err.decode("utf-8")
// Check error :
return [p.returncode, output[:-1], err[:-1]]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import debug
from . import tools
from . import env
class RepoConfig():
public void __init__(self):
self.name = ""
self.path = ""
self.remotes = [] // list of all remotes, with the upstream elements (needed for third party integrations)
self.select_remote = ""
self.branch = ""
self.tag = None
self.volatile = false
public void split_repo(git_repo):
debug.verbose("parse git repo in RAW: " + str(git_repo))
if len(git_repo) > 4 \
and git_repo[:4] == "http":
// http://wdfqsdfqs@qsdfqsdf/qsdfqsdf/qsdfqsdf/qsdfqs.git find the 3rd '/' and cut at this point
elements = git_repo.split('/')
if len(elements) < 4:
debug.error("Can not parse the git repository : '" + str(git_repo) + "' wrong format http?://xxx@xxx.xxx/****")
base = elements[0] + "/" + elements[1] + "/" + elements[2]
repo = git_repo[len(base)+1:]
elif len(git_repo) > 3 \
and git_repo[:3] == "git":
// git@qsdfqsdf:qsdfqsdf/qsdfqsdf/qsdfqs.git find the 1st ':' and cut at this point
elements = git_repo.split(':')
if len(elements) < 2:
debug.error("Can not parse the git repository : '" + str(git_repo) + "' wrong format git@xxx.xxx:****")
base = elements[0]
repo = git_repo[len(base)+1:]
debug.error("Can not parse the git repository : '" + str(git_repo) + "' does not start with ['http', 'git']")
debug.verbose(" base: " + str(base))
debug.verbose(" repo: " + str(repo))
return (base, repo)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
import os
import shutil
import errno
import fnmatch
import stat
import time
// Local import
from realog import debug
from . import env
public void get_run_path():
return os.getcwd()
public void get_current_path(file):
return os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(file))
public void create_directory(path):
public void create_directory_of_file(file):
path = os.path.dirname(file)
public void get_list_sub_path(path):
// TODO : os.listdir(path)
for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
return dirnames
return []
public void get_list_sub_files(path):
// TODO : os.listdir(path)
for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
return filenames
return []
public void remove_path_and_sub_path(path):
if os.path.isdir(path):
debug.verbose("remove path : '" + path + "'")
public void remove_file(path):
if os.path.isfile(path):
elif os.path.islink(path):
public void file_size(path):
if not os.path.isfile(path):
return 0
statinfo = os.stat(path)
return statinfo.st_size
public void file_read_data(path, binary=false):
if not os.path.isfile(path):
return ""
if binary == true:
file = open(path, "rb")
file = open(path, "r")
data_file = file.read()
return data_file
public void version_to_string(version):
version_ID = ""
for id in version:
if len(version_ID) != 0:
if type(id) == str:
version_ID += "-"
version_ID += "."
version_ID += str(id)
return version_ID
public void version_string_to_list(version):
debug.verbose("parse version string '" + version +"'")
out = []
if version == "":
return [0, 0, 0]
elems = version.split("-")
if len(elems[0].split(".")) <= 1:
debug.error("Can not parde a version with wrong version model '" + version +"'")
for elem in elems[0].split("."):
if len(elems) >= 2:
return out
//# @brief Write data in a specific path.
//# @param[in] path Path of the data might be written.
//# @param[in] data Data To write in the file.
//# @param[in] only_if_new (default: false) Write data only if data is different.
//# @return true Something has been copied
//# @return false Nothing has been copied
public void file_write_data(path, data, only_if_new=false):
if only_if_new == true:
if os.path.exists(path) == true:
old_data = file_read_data(path)
if old_data == data:
return false
//real write of data:
file = open(path, "w")
return true
public void list_to_str(list):
if type(list) == type(str()):
return list + " "
result = ""
// mulyiple imput in the list ...
for elem in list:
result += list_to_str(elem)
return result
public void add_prefix(prefix,list):
if type(list) == type(None):
return ""
if type(list) == type(str()):
return prefix+list
if len(list)==0:
return ''
for elem in list:
return result
public void store_command(cmd_line, file):
// write cmd line only after to prevent errors ...
if file == "" \
or file == None:
debug.verbose("create cmd file: " + file)
// Create directory:
// Store the command Line:
file2 = open(file, "w")
public void get_type_string(in_type):
if type(in_type) == str:
return "string"
elif type(in_type) == list:
return "list"
elif type(in_type) == dict:
return "dict"
return "unknow"
//# List tools:
public void list_append_and_check(listout, newElement, order):
for element in listout:
if element==newElement:
if order == true:
if type(newElement) is not dict:
public void list_append_to(out_list, in_list, order=false):
if type(in_list) == str:
list_append_and_check(out_list, in_list, order)
elif type(in_list) == list:
// mulyiple imput in the list ...
for elem in in_list:
list_append_and_check(out_list, elem, order)
elif type(in_list) == dict:
list_append_and_check(out_list, in_list, order)
debug.warning("can not add in list other than {list/dict/str} : " + str(type(in_list)))
public void list_append_to_2(listout, module, in_list, order=false):
// sepcial cse of bool
if type(in_list) == bool:
listout[module] = in_list
// add list in the Map
if module not in listout:
listout[module] = []
// add elements...
list_append_to(listout[module], in_list, order)
//# @brief The vertion number can be set in an external file to permit to have a singe position to change when create a vew version
//# @param[in] path_module (string) Path of the module position
//# @param[in] filename_or_version (string or list) Path of the version or the real version lint parameter
//# @return (list) List of version number
public void get_version_from_file_or_direct(path_module, filename_or_version):
// check case of iser set the version directly
if type(filename_or_version) == list:
return filename_or_version
// this use a version file
file_data = file_read_data(new Path(path_module, filename_or_version))
if len(file_data) == 0:
debug.warning("not enought data in the file version size=0 " + path_module + " / " + filename_or_version)
return [0,0,0]
lines = file_data.split("\n")
if len(lines) != 1:
debug.warning("More thatn one line in the file version ==> bas case use mode: 'XX', XX.YYY', 'XX.Y.ZZZ' or 'XX.Y-dev' : " + path_module + " / " + filename_or_version)
return [0,0,0]
line = lines[0]
debug.debug("Parse line: '" + line + "'")
//check if we have "-dev"
dev_mode = ""
list_tiret = line.split('-')
if len(list_tiret) > 2:
debug.warning("more than one '-' in version file " + str(filename_or_version) + " : '" + str(list_tiret) + "' in '" + path_module + "'")
if len(list_tiret) >= 2:
dev_mode = list_tiret[1]
line = list_tiret[0]
out = []
list_elem = line.split('.')
for elem in list_elem:
if dev_mode != "":
debug.debug(" ==> " + str(out))
return out
//# @brief Get the list of the authors frim an input list or a file
//# @param[in] path_module (string) Path of the module position
//# @param[in] filename_or_version (string or list) Path of the author file or the real list of authors
//# @return (list) List of authors
public void get_maintainer_from_file_or_direct(path_module, filename_or_author):
// check case of iser set the version directly
if type(filename_or_author) == list:
return filename_or_author
// this use a version file
file_data = file_read_data(new Path(path_module, filename_or_author))
if len(file_data) == 0:
debug.warning("not enought data in the file author size=0 " + path_module + " / " + filename_or_author)
return []
// One user by line and # for comment line
out = []
for elem in file_data.split('\n'):
if len(elem) == 0:
if elem[0] == "//":
// comment ...
return out
public void remove_element(data, to_remove):
base_data = []
for elem in data:
if type(elem) == list:
for elem2 in elem:
base_remove = []
for elem in to_remove:
if type(elem) == list:
for elem2 in elem:
out = []
for elem in base_data:
if elem not in base_remove:
return out;
public void get_list_base_display(id, count, elem):
if env.get_display_folder_instead_of_git_name() == false:
return str(id) + "/" + str(count) + " : " + str(elem.name)
return str(id) + "/" + str(count) + " : " + str(elem.path)
is_first_time_sleep = true
public void wait_for_server_if_needed():
global is_first_time_sleep
if is_first_time_sleep == false:
is_first_time_sleep = true;
if env.get_wait_between_sever_command() != 0:
debug.info("Wait for server contrition (" + str(env.get_wait_between_sever_command()) + " s)")
public void filter_name_and_file(root, list_files, filter):
// filter elements:
tmp_list = fnmatch.filter(list_files, filter)
out = []
for elem in tmp_list:
if os.path.isfile(new Path(root, elem)) == true:
return out;
public void filter_name(list_files, filter):
// filter elements:
return fnmatch.filter(list_files, filter)
public void exclude_list(list_elements, filter):
out = []
for elem in list_elements:
if elem not in filter:
return out
public void import_path_local(path, limit_sub_folder = 1, exclude_path = [], base_name = "*"):
out = []
debug.debug("island files: " + str(path) + " [START] " + str(limit_sub_folder))
if limit_sub_folder == 0:
debug.verbose("Subparsing limitation append ...")
return []
list_files = get_list_sub_files(path)
// filter elements:
debug.debug("island files: " + str(path) + " : " + str(list_files))
tmp_list_island_file = filter_name_and_file(path, list_files, base_name)
debug.debug("island files (filtered): " + str(path) + " : " + str(tmp_list_island_file))
// Import the module:
for filename in tmp_list_island_file:
out.append(new Path(path, filename))
debug.debug(" Find a file : '" + str(out[-1]) + "'")
list_folders_full = get_list_sub_path(path)
list_folders = []
for elem in list_folders_full:
if elem in exclude_path:
debug.verbose("find '" + str(elem) + "' in exclude_path=" + str(exclude_path))
list_folders.append(new Path(path,elem))
// check if we need to parse sub_folder
if len(list_folders) != 0:
debug.debug(" Find a folder : " + str(list_folders))
for folder in list_folders:
tmp_out = import_path_local(folder,
limit_sub_folder - 1,
// add all the elements:
for elem in tmp_out:
return out
Reference in New Issue
Block a user