* fix : loop on sessionimpl->close if impl is sqlite and sqlite_close return SQLITE_BUSY
* fix : loop on sessionimpl->close if impl is sqlite and sqlite_close return SQLITE_BUSY, try 50 times with 100ms sleeping
* bug : into current implementation od path_unix.cpp I can't use simbol $ like a simbol, not a variable prefix, for example,
I need to use path /home/user/O1$$/folder. I propose to use escape sequence for this, for ex., if I want to use Poco::Glob, I can do
std::set<std::string> files;
std::string path = "/home/user/O1$$/folder"
Poco::replaceInPlace(path, "$", "\\$");
Poco::Glob::glob(path, files);
* fix : loop on sessionimpl->close if impl is sqlite and sqlite_close return SQLITE_BUSY, try 50 times with 100ms sleeping (fix code style)
bug : into current implementation od path_unix.cpp I can't use simbol $ like a simbol, not a variable prefix, for example,
I need to use path /home/user/O1$$/folder. I propose to use escape sequence for this, for ex., if I want to use Poco::Glob, I can do
std::set<std::string> files;
std::string path = "/home/user/O1$$/folder"
Poco::replaceInPlace(path, "$", "\\$");
Poco::Glob::glob(path, files);
add test
* fix : try to finalize stmt if its busy (on close session)
* fix : try to finalize stmt if its busy (on close session)
* SQlite 3.19.3
* epoll_event memset fix
with -std=c++14 the sizeof(eventsIn) give as result the number of array elements not the bytes number, so the memset is wrong
* fix for older gcc
on older version of gcc struct epoll_event eventsOut[epollSize] = { 0 }; does not compile
* Use appveyor.yaml from c++11 branch so that CI run ok.
* Use .travis.yml from the c++ branch so that Travis CI jobs run ok.
* Add c++11 scripts and Linux config so that Travis CI jobs are ok.
* Use mkdocumentation & mkrelease from c++11 branch.
* Use PocoDoc config files from c++11 branch.
* define POCO_ENABLE_C11 as the default
* CMake: ignore Crypto for now. To be fixed since it fails.
* Backport c++11 changes from the c++11 branch
* Add Cygwin config with c++11 setup.
* Update appveyor.yml from c++11 branch.
* Fix OpenSSLInitialized thread safety (#1739)
The init/uninit methods can be called from multiple threads, and thus need synchronization with a mutex.
* Renamed mutex variable and use ScopedLock.
* Change reference count variable to be an integer, since it’s protected by a mutex and no longer needs to be atomic.
Allows informational logging to be turned off. All find-related messages,
warnings, errors, etc. are still always logged. The option is ON by default
to preserve existing behaviour.
* Fix for issue #1043
The fix for this issue was partially implemented in development branch.
However, there are still some issue, that were not covered:
1. The std::string overload will sets SQL_LONGVARCHAR as fSqlType if the
output parameter is of type VARCHAR(MAX)
2. The UTF16String overload of bind method:
a) always resolves fSqlType using the size of formal parameter const
std::string& val.
b) allocates half of the size of the SP's output parameter.
3. The _utf16Strings member is not sychronized in Binder::synchronize()
4. The _utf16Strings member is not reset in Binder::reset() method.
* Fixed compiler error for GCC
Fixed compiler error caused by improper getting of UTF16String length in
* Fix input param initialization in unit test
* The destructor of BasicBufferedStreamBuf() calls Allocator::deallocate which can throw exceptions. In particular it throws Poco::SystemException when can't lock mutex.
* Added poco_unexpected(); into exception handler