process when some symbols are missing. Instead, all needed info is saved in the .num files, including what conditions are needed for a specific symbol to exist. This was needed for the work I'm doing with shared libraries under VMS.
859 lines
22 KiB
Executable File
859 lines
22 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
# generate a .def file
# It does this by parsing the header files and looking for the
# prototyped functions: it then prunes the output.
# Intermediary files are created, call libeay.num and ssleay.num,...
# Previously, they had the following format:
# routine-name nnnn
# But that isn't enough for a number of reasons, the first on being that
# this format is (needlessly) very Win32-centric, and even then...
# One of the biggest problems is that there's no information about what
# routines should actually be used, which varies with what crypto algorithms
# are disabled. Also, some operating systems (for example VMS with VAX C)
# need to keep track of the global variables as well as the functions.
# So, a remake of this script is done so as to include information on the
# kind of symbol it is (function or variable) and what algorithms they're
# part of. This will allow easy translating to .def files or the corresponding
# file in other operating systems (a .opt file for VMS, possibly with a .mar
# file).
# The format now becomes:
# routine-name nnnn info
# and the "info" part is actually a colon-separated string of fields with
# the following meaning:
# existence:platform:kind:algorithms
# - "existence" can be "EXIST" or "NOEXIST" depending on if the symbol is
# found somewhere in the source,
# - "platforms" is empty if it exists on all platforms, otherwise it contains
# comma-separated list of the platform, just as they are if the symbol exists
# for those platforms, or prepended with a "!" if not. This helps resolve
# symbol name replacements for platforms where the names are too long for the
# compiler or linker, or if the systems is case insensitive and there is a
# clash. This script assumes those redefinitions are place in the file
# crypto/idhacks.h.
# - "kind" is "FUNCTION" or "VARIABLE". The meaning of that is obvious.
# - "algorithms" is a comma-separated list of algorithm names. This helps
# exclude symbols that are part of an algorithm that some user wants to
# exclude.
my $crypto_num= "util/libeay.num";
my $ssl_num= "util/ssleay.num";
my $do_update = 0;
my $do_rewrite = 0;
my $do_crypto = 0;
my $do_ssl = 0;
my $do_ctest = 0;
my $do_ctestall = 0;
my $rsaref = 0;
my $VMS=0;
my $W32=0;
my $W16=0;
my $NT=0;
# Set this to make typesafe STACK definitions appear in DEF
my $safe_stack_def = 0;
my @known_platforms = ( "__FreeBSD__", "VMS", "WIN16", "WIN32",
"WINNT", "PERL5", "NeXT" );
my @known_algorithms = ( "RC2", "RC4", "RC5", "IDEA", "DES", "BF",
"CAST", "MD2", "MD4", "MD5", "SHA", "RIPEMD",
"MDC2", "RSA", "DSA", "DH", "HMAC", "FP_API" );
my $options="";
open(IN,"<Makefile.ssl") || die "unable to open Makefile.ssl!\n";
while(<IN>) {
$options=$1 if (/^OPTIONS=(.*)$/);
# The following ciphers may be excluded (by Configure). This means functions
# defined with ifndef(NO_XXX) are not included in the .def file, and everything
# in directory xxx is ignored.
my $no_rc2; my $no_rc4; my $no_rc5; my $no_idea; my $no_des; my $no_bf;
my $no_cast;
my $no_md2; my $no_md4; my $no_md5; my $no_sha; my $no_ripemd; my $no_mdc2;
my $no_rsa; my $no_dsa; my $no_dh; my $no_hmac=0;
my $no_fp_api;
foreach (@ARGV, split(/ /, $options))
$W32=1 if $_ eq "32";
$W16=1 if $_ eq "16";
if($_ eq "NT") {
$W32 = 1;
$NT = 1;
$VMS=1 if $_ eq "VMS";
$do_ssl=1 if $_ eq "ssleay";
$do_ssl=1 if $_ eq "ssl";
$do_crypto=1 if $_ eq "libeay";
$do_crypto=1 if $_ eq "crypto";
$do_update=1 if $_ eq "update";
$do_rewrite=1 if $_ eq "rewrite";
$do_ctest=1 if $_ eq "ctest";
$do_ctestall=1 if $_ eq "ctestall";
$rsaref=1 if $_ eq "rsaref";
#$safe_stack_def=1 if $_ eq "-DDEBUG_SAFESTACK";
if (/^no-rc2$/) { $no_rc2=1; }
elsif (/^no-rc4$/) { $no_rc4=1; }
elsif (/^no-rc5$/) { $no_rc5=1; }
elsif (/^no-idea$/) { $no_idea=1; }
elsif (/^no-des$/) { $no_des=1; }
elsif (/^no-bf$/) { $no_bf=1; }
elsif (/^no-cast$/) { $no_cast=1; }
elsif (/^no-md2$/) { $no_md2=1; }
elsif (/^no-md4$/) { $no_md4=1; }
elsif (/^no-md5$/) { $no_md5=1; }
elsif (/^no-sha$/) { $no_sha=1; }
elsif (/^no-ripemd$/) { $no_ripemd=1; }
elsif (/^no-mdc2$/) { $no_mdc2=1; }
elsif (/^no-rsa$/) { $no_rsa=1; }
elsif (/^no-dsa$/) { $no_dsa=1; }
elsif (/^no-dh$/) { $no_dh=1; }
elsif (/^no-hmac$/) { $no_hmac=1; }
# If no platform is given, assume WIN32
if ($W32 + $W16 + $VMS == 0) {
$W32 = 1;
# Add extra knowledge
if ($W16) {
if (!$do_ssl && !$do_crypto)
print STDERR "usage: $0 ( ssl | crypto ) [ 16 | 32 | NT ] [rsaref]\n";
$max_ssl = $max_num;
$max_crypto = $max_num;
my $ssl="ssl/ssl.h";
my $crypto ="crypto/crypto.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/des/des.h" unless $no_des;
$crypto.=" crypto/idea/idea.h" unless $no_idea;
$crypto.=" crypto/rc4/rc4.h" unless $no_rc4;
$crypto.=" crypto/rc5/rc5.h" unless $no_rc5;
$crypto.=" crypto/rc2/rc2.h" unless $no_rc2;
$crypto.=" crypto/bf/blowfish.h" unless $no_bf;
$crypto.=" crypto/cast/cast.h" unless $no_cast;
$crypto.=" crypto/md2/md2.h" unless $no_md2;
$crypto.=" crypto/md4/md4.h" unless $no_md4;
$crypto.=" crypto/md5/md5.h" unless $no_md5;
$crypto.=" crypto/mdc2/mdc2.h" unless $no_mdc2;
$crypto.=" crypto/sha/sha.h" unless $no_sha;
$crypto.=" crypto/ripemd/ripemd.h" unless $no_ripemd;
$crypto.=" crypto/bn/bn.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/rsa/rsa.h" unless $no_rsa;
$crypto.=" crypto/dsa/dsa.h" unless $no_dsa;
$crypto.=" crypto/dh/dh.h" unless $no_dh;
$crypto.=" crypto/hmac/hmac.h" unless $no_hmac;
$crypto.=" crypto/stack/stack.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/buffer/buffer.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/bio/bio.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/dso/dso.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/lhash/lhash.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/conf/conf.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/txt_db/txt_db.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/evp/evp.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/objects/objects.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/pem/pem.h";
#$crypto.=" crypto/meth/meth.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/asn1/asn1.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/asn1/asn1_mac.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/err/err.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/pkcs7/pkcs7.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/pkcs12/pkcs12.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/x509/x509.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/x509/x509_vfy.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/x509v3/x509v3.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/rand/rand.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/comp/comp.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/tmdiff.h";
my $symhacks="crypto/symhacks.h";
my @ssl_symbols = &do_defs("SSLEAY", $ssl, $symhacks);
my @crypto_symbols = &do_defs("LIBEAY", $crypto, $symhacks);
if ($do_update) {
if ($do_ssl == 1) {
if ($do_rewrite == 1) {
open(OUT, ">$ssl_num");
close OUT;
} else {
open(OUT, ">>$ssl_num");
close OUT;
if($do_crypto == 1) {
if ($do_rewrite == 1) {
open(OUT, ">$crypto_num");
} else {
open(OUT, ">>$crypto_num");
close OUT;
} elsif ($do_ctest || $do_ctestall) {
print <<"EOF";
/* Test file to check all DEF file symbols are present by trying
* to link to all of them. This is *not* intended to be run!
int main()
if $do_ssl == 1;
if $do_crypto == 1;
print "}\n";
} else {
if $do_ssl == 1;
if $do_crypto == 1;
sub do_defs
my $file;
my @ret;
my %syms;
my %platform; # For anything undefined, we assume ""
my %kind; # For anything undefined, we assume "FUNCTION"
my %algorithm; # For anything undefined, we assume ""
my %rename;
my $cpp;
foreach $file (split(/\s+/,$symhacksfile." ".$files))
open(IN,"<$file") || die "unable to open $file:$!\n";
my $line = "", my $def= "";
my %tag = (
(map { $_ => 0 } @known_platforms),
(map { "NO_".$_ => 0 } @known_algorithms),
PERL5 => 0,
_WINDLL => 0,
TRUE => 1,
my $symhacking = $file eq $symhacksfile;
while(<IN>) {
last if (/BEGIN ERROR CODES/);
if ($line ne '') {
$_ = $line . $_;
$line = '';
if (/\\$/) {
$line = $_;
$cpp = 1 if /^\#.*ifdef.*cplusplus/;
if ($cpp) {
$cpp = 0 if /^\#.*endif/;
s/\/\*.*?\*\///gs; # ignore comments
s/{[^{}]*}//gs; # ignore {} blocks
if (/^\#\s*ifndef (.*)/) {
} elsif (/^\#\s*if !defined\(([^\)]+)\)/) {
} elsif (/^\#\s*ifdef (.*)/) {
} elsif (/^\#\s*if defined\(([^\)]+)\)/) {
} elsif (/^\#\s*error\s+(\w+) is disabled\./) {
if ($tag[$#tag] eq "NO_".$1) {
} elsif (/^\#\s*endif/) {
if ($tag{$tag[$#tag]}==2) {
} else {
} elsif (/^\#\s*else/) {
my $t=$tag[$#tag];
$tag{$t}= -$tag{$t};
} elsif (/^\#\s*if\s+1/) {
# Dummy tag
} elsif (/^\#\s*if\s+0/) {
# Dummy tag
} elsif (/^\#\s*define\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)/
&& $symhacking) {
my $s = $1;
my $a =
$2.":".join(",", grep(!/^$/,
map { $tag{$_} == 1 ?
$_ : "" }
$rename{$s} = $a;
if (/^\#/) {
my @p = grep(!/^$/,
map { $tag{$_} == 1 ? $_ :
$tag{$_} == -1 ? "!".$_ : "" }
my @a = grep(!/^$/,
map { $tag{"NO_".$_} == -1 ? $_ : "" }
$def .= "#INFO:".join(',',@p).":".join(',',@a).";";
if (/^\s*DECLARE_STACK_OF\s*\(\s*(\w*)\s*\)/) {
} elsif (/^\s*DECLARE_PKCS12_STACK_OF\s*\(\s*(\w*)\s*\)/) {
} elsif (/^\s*DECLARE_ASN1_SET_OF\s*\(\s*(\w*)\s*\)/) {
} elsif (/^DECLARE_PEM_rw\s*\(\s*(\w*)\s*,/ ||
/^DECLARE_PEM_rw_cb\s*\(\s*(\w*)\s*,/ ) {
# Things not in Win16
$syms{"PEM_read_${1}"} = 1;
$platform{"PEM_read_${1}"} = "!WIN16";
$syms{"PEM_write_${1}"} = 1;
$platform{"PEM_write_${1}"} = "!WIN16";
# Things that are everywhere
$syms{"PEM_read_bio_${1}"} = 1;
$syms{"PEM_write_bio_${1}"} = 1;
if ($1 eq "RSAPrivateKey" ||
$1 eq "RSAPublicKey" ||
$1 eq "RSA_PUBKEY") {
$algorithm{"PEM_read_${1}"} = "RSA";
$algorithm{"PEM_write_${1}"} = "RSA";
$algorithm{"PEM_read_bio_${1}"} = "RSA";
$algorithm{"PEM_write_bio_${1}"} = "RSA";
elsif ($1 eq "DSAPrivateKey" ||
$1 eq "DSAparams" ||
$1 eq "RSA_PUBKEY") {
$algorithm{"PEM_read_${1}"} = "DSA";
$algorithm{"PEM_write_${1}"} = "DSA";
$algorithm{"PEM_read_bio_${1}"} = "DSA";
$algorithm{"PEM_write_bio_${1}"} = "DSA";
elsif ($1 eq "DHparams") {
$algorithm{"PEM_read_${1}"} = "DH";
$algorithm{"PEM_write_${1}"} = "DH";
$algorithm{"PEM_read_bio_${1}"} = "DH";
$algorithm{"PEM_write_bio_${1}"} = "DH";
} elsif (/^DECLARE_PEM_write\s*\(\s*(\w*)\s*,/ ||
/^DECLARE_PEM_write_cb\s*\(\s*(\w*)\s*,/ ) {
# Things not in Win16
$syms{"PEM_write_${1}"} = 1;
$platform{"PEM_write_${1}"} .= ",!WIN16";
# Things that are everywhere
$syms{"PEM_write_bio_${1}"} = 1;
if ($1 eq "RSAPrivateKey" ||
$1 eq "RSAPublicKey" ||
$1 eq "RSA_PUBKEY") {
$algorithm{"PEM_write_${1}"} = "RSA";
$algorithm{"PEM_write_bio_${1}"} = "RSA";
elsif ($1 eq "DSAPrivateKey" ||
$1 eq "DSAparams" ||
$1 eq "RSA_PUBKEY") {
$algorithm{"PEM_write_${1}"} = "DSA";
$algorithm{"PEM_write_bio_${1}"} = "DSA";
elsif ($1 eq "DHparams") {
$algorithm{"PEM_write_${1}"} = "DH";
$algorithm{"PEM_write_bio_${1}"} = "DH";
} elsif (/^DECLARE_PEM_read\s*\(\s*(\w*)\s*,/ ||
/^DECLARE_PEM_read_cb\s*\(\s*(\w*)\s*,/ ) {
# Things not in Win16
$syms{"PEM_read_${1}"} = 1;
$platform{"PEM_read_${1}"} .= ",!WIN16";
# Things that are everywhere
$syms{"PEM_read_bio_${1}"} = 1;
} elsif (
($tag{'TRUE'} != -1)
&& ($tag{'CONST_STRICT'} != 1)
if (/\{|\/\*|\([^\)]*$/) {
$line = $_;
} else {
$def .= $_;
my $algs;
my $plays;
foreach (split /;/, $def) {
my $s; my $k = "FUNCTION"; my $p; my $a;
next if(/\#undef/);
next if(/typedef\W/);
next if(/\#define/);
if (/^\#INFO:([^:]*):(.*)$/) {
$plats = $1;
$algs = $2;
} elsif (/^\s*OPENSSL_EXTERN\s.*?(\w+)(\[[0-9]*\])*\s*$/) {
$s = $1;
$k = "VARIABLE";
} elsif (/\(\*(\w*)\([^\)]+/) {
$s = $1;
} elsif (/\w+\W+(\w+)\W*\(\s*\)$/s) {
# K&R C
} elsif (/\w+\W+\w+\W*\(.*\)$/s) {
while (not /\(\)$/s) {
$s = $1;
} elsif (/\(/ and not (/=/)) {
print STDERR "File $file: cannot parse: $_;\n";
} else {
$syms{$s} = 1;
$kind{$s} = $k;
$p = $plats;
$a = $algs;
$a .= ",BF" if($s =~ /EVP_bf/);
$a .= ",CAST" if($s =~ /EVP_cast/);
$a .= ",DES" if($s =~ /EVP_des/);
$a .= ",DSA" if($s =~ /EVP_dss/);
$a .= ",IDEA" if($s =~ /EVP_idea/);
$a .= ",MD2" if($s =~ /EVP_md2/);
$a .= ",MD4" if($s =~ /EVP_md4/);
$a .= ",MD5" if($s =~ /EVP_md5/);
$a .= ",RC2" if($s =~ /EVP_rc2/);
$a .= ",RC4" if($s =~ /EVP_rc4/);
$a .= ",RC5" if($s =~ /EVP_rc5/);
$a .= ",RIPEMD" if($s =~ /EVP_ripemd/);
$a .= ",SHA" if($s =~ /EVP_sha/);
$a .= ",RSA" if($s =~ /EVP_(Open|Seal)(Final|Init)/);
$a .= ",RSA" if($s =~ /PEM_Seal(Final|Init|Update)/);
$a .= ",RSA" if($s =~ /RSAPrivateKey/);
$a .= ",RSA" if($s =~ /SSLv23?_((client|server)_)?method/);
$platform{$s} .= ','.$p;
$algorithm{$s} .= ','.$a;
if (defined($rename{$s})) {
(my $r, my $p) = split(/:/,$rename{$s});
my @ip = map { /^!(.*)$/ ? $1 : "!".$_ } split /,/, $p;
$syms{$r} = 1;
$kind{$r} = $kind{$s}."(".$s.")";
$algorithm{$r} = $algorithm{$s};
$platform{$r} = $platform{$s}.",".$p;
$platform{$s} .= ','.join(',', @ip).','.join(',', @ip);
# Prune the returned symbols
$platform{"crypt"} .= ",!PERL5,!__FreeBSD__,!NeXT";
delete $syms{"SSL_add_dir_cert_subjects_to_stack"};
delete $syms{"bn_dump1"};
$platform{"BIO_s_file_internal"} .= ",WIN16";
$platform{"BIO_new_file_internal"} .= ",WIN16";
$platform{"BIO_new_fp_internal"} .= ",WIN16";
$platform{"BIO_s_file"} .= ",!WIN16";
$platform{"BIO_new_file"} .= ",!WIN16";
$platform{"BIO_new_fp"} .= ",!WIN16";
$platform{"BIO_s_log"} .= ",!WIN32,!WIN16,!macintosh";
if(exists $syms{"ERR_load_CRYPTO_strings"}) {
$platform{"ERR_load_CRYPTO_strings"} .= ",!VMS,!WIN16";
$syms{"ERR_load_CRYPTOlib_strings"} = 1;
$platform{"ERR_load_CRYPTOlib_strings"} .= ",VMS,WIN16";
# Info we know about
$platform{"RSA_PKCS1_RSAref"} = "RSAREF";
$algorithm{"RSA_PKCS1_RSAref"} = "RSA";
push @ret, map { $_."\\".&info_string($_,"EXIST",
$algorithm{$_}) } keys %syms;
sub info_string {
(my $symbol, my $exist, my $platforms, my $kind, my $algorithms) = @_;
my %a = defined($algorithms) ?
map { $_ => 1 } split /,/, $algorithms : ();
my $pl = defined($platforms) ? $platforms : "";
my %p = map { $_ => 0 } split /,/, $pl;
my $k = defined($kind) ? $kind : "FUNCTION";
my $ret;
# We do this, because if there's code like the following, it really
# means the function exists in all cases and should therefore be
# everywhere. By increasing and decreasing, we may attain 0:
# ifndef WIN16
# int foo();
# else
# int _fat foo();
# endif
foreach $platform (split /,/, $pl) {
if ($platform =~ /^!(.*)$/) {
} else {
foreach $platform (keys %p) {
if ($p{$platform} == 0) { delete $p{$platform}; }
delete $p{""};
delete $a{""};
$ret = $exist;
$ret .= ":".join(',',map { $p{$_} < 0 ? "!".$_ : $_ } keys %p);
$ret .= ":".$k;
$ret .= ":".join(',',keys %a);
return $ret;
sub maybe_add_info {
(my $name, *nums, my @symbols) = @_;
my $sym;
my $new_info = 0;
print STDERR "Updating $name info\n";
foreach $sym (@symbols) {
(my $s, my $i) = split /\\/, $sym;
$i =~ s/^(.*?:.*?:\w+)(\(\w+\))?/$1/;
if (defined($nums{$s})) {
(my $n, my $dummy) = split /\\/, $nums{$s};
if (!defined($dummy) || $i ne $dummy) {
$nums{$s} = $n."\\".$i;
#print STDERR "DEBUG: maybe_add_info for $s: \"$dummy\" => \"$i\"\n";
if ($new_info) {
print STDERR "$new_info old symbols got an info update\n";
} else {
print STDERR "No old symbols needed info update\n";
sub print_test_file
(*OUT,my $name,*nums,my @symbols)=@_;
my $n = 1; my @e; my @r;
my $sym; my $prev = ""; my $prefSSLeay;
(@r)=grep(/^\w+\\.*?:.*?:FUNCTION/ && !/^SSLeay\\.*?:.*?:FUNCTION/,@symbols);
@symbols=((sort @e),(sort @r));
foreach $sym (@symbols) {
(my $s, my $i) = $sym =~ /^(.*?)\\(.*)$/;
if ($s ne $prev) {
if (!defined($nums{$sym})) {
printf STDERR "Warning: $sym does not have a number assigned\n"
} else {
print OUT "\t$s();\n";
$prev = $s; # To avoid duplicates...
sub print_def_file
(*OUT,my $name,*nums,my @symbols)=@_;
my $n = 1; my @e; my @r;
if ($W32)
{ $name.="32"; }
{ $name.="16"; }
print OUT <<"EOF";
; Definition file for the DLL version of the $name library from OpenSSL
DESCRIPTION 'OpenSSL $name - http://www.openssl.org/'
if (!$W32) {
print <<"EOF";
print "EXPORTS\n";
(@r)=grep(/^\w+\\.*?:.*?:FUNCTION/ && !/^SSLeay\\.*?:.*?:FUNCTION/,@symbols);
@symbols=((sort @e),(sort @r));
foreach $sym (@symbols) {
(my $s, my $i) = $sym =~ /^(.*?)\\(.*)$/;
if (!defined($nums{$s})) {
printf STDERR "Warning: $s does not have a number assigned\n"
} else {
(my $n, my $i) = split /\\/, $nums{$s};
my @p = split(/,/, ($i =~ /^.*?:(.*?):/,$1));
printf OUT " %s%-40s@%d\n",($W32)?"":"_",$s,$n
# It is very important to check NT before W32
if ($NT && (!@p || (grep(/^WINNT$/,@p)
&& !grep(/^!WINNT$/,@p)))
|| $W32 && (!@p || (grep(/^WIN32$/,@p)
&& !grep(/^!WIN32$/,@p)))
|| $W16 && (!@p || (grep(/^WIN16$/,@p)
&& !grep(/^!WIN16$/,@p))));
printf OUT "\n";
sub load_numbers
$max_num = 0;
$num_noinfo = 0;
$prev = "";
open(IN,"<$name") || die "unable to open $name:$!\n";
while (<IN>) {
next if /^\s*$/;
if (defined $ret{$a[0]}) {
print STDERR "Warning: Symbol '",$a[0],"' redefined. old=",$ret{$a[0]},", new=",$a[1],"\n";
if ($max_num > $a[1]) {
print STDERR "Warning: Number decreased from ",$max_num," to ",$a[1],"\n";
if ($max_num == $a[1]) {
# This is actually perfectly OK
#print STDERR "Warning: Symbol ",$a[0]," has same number as previous ",$prev,": ",$a[1],"\n";
if ($#a < 2) {
# Existence will be proven later, in do_defs
} else {
$ret{$a[0]}=$a[1]."\\".$a[2]; # \\ is a special marker
$max_num = $a[1] if $a[1] > $max_num;
if ($num_noinfo) {
print STDERR "Warning: $num_noinfo symbols were without info.";
if ($do_rewrite) {
printf STDERR " The rewrite will fix this.\n";
} else {
printf STDERR " You should do a rewrite to fix this.\n";
sub parse_number
(my $str, my $what) = @_;
(my $n, my $i) = split(/\\/,$str);
if ($what eq "n") {
return $n;
} else {
return $i;
sub rewrite_numbers
my $thing;
print STDERR "Rewriting $name\n";
my @r = grep(/^\w+\\.*?:.*?:\w+\(\w+\)/,@symbols);
my $r; my %r; my %rsyms;
foreach $r (@r) {
(my $s, my $i) = split /\\/, $r;
my $a = $1 if $i =~ /^.*?:.*?:\w+\((\w+)\)/;
$i =~ s/^(.*?:.*?:\w+)\(\w+\)/$1/;
$r{$a} = $s."\\".$i;
$rsyms{$s} = 1;
my @s=sort { &parse_number($nums{$a},"n") <=> &parse_number($nums{$b},"n") } keys %nums;
foreach $sym (@s) {
(my $n, my $i) = split /\\/, $nums{$sym};
next if defined($i) && $i =~ /^.*?:.*?:\w+\(\w+\)/;
next if defined($rsyms{$sym});
$i="NOEXIST::FUNCTION:" if !defined($i) || $i eq "";
printf OUT "%s%-40s%d\t%s\n","",$sym,$n,$i;
if (exists $r{$sym}) {
(my $s, $i) = split /\\/,$r{$sym};
printf OUT "%s%-40s%d\t%s\n","",$s,$n,$i;
sub update_numbers
(*OUT,$name,*nums,my $start_num, my @symbols)=@_;
my $new_syms = 0;
print STDERR "Updating $name numbers\n";
my @r = grep(/^\w+\\.*?:.*?:\w+\(\w+\)/,@symbols);
my $r; my %r; my %rsyms;
foreach $r (@r) {
(my $s, my $i) = split /\\/, $r;
my $a = $1 if $i =~ /^.*?:.*?:\w+\((\w+)\)/;
$i =~ s/^(.*?:.*?:\w+)\(\w+\)/$1/;
$r{$a} = $s."\\".$i;
$rsyms{$s} = 1;
foreach $sym (@symbols) {
(my $s, my $i) = $sym =~ /^(.*?)\\(.*)$/;
next if $i =~ /^.*?:.*?:\w+\(\w+\)/;
next if defined($rsyms{$sym});
die "ERROR: Symbol $sym had no info attached to it."
if $i eq "";
if (!exists $nums{$s}) {
printf OUT "%s%-40s%d\t%s\n","",$s, ++$start_num,$i;
if (exists $r{$s}) {
($s, $i) = split /\\/,$r{$sym};
printf OUT "%s%-40s%d\t%s\n","",$s, $start_num,$i;
if($new_syms) {
print STDERR "$new_syms New symbols added\n";
} else {
print STDERR "No New symbols Added\n";
sub check_existing
(*nums, my @symbols)=@_;
my %existing; my @remaining;
foreach $sym (@symbols) {
(my $s, my $i) = $sym =~ /^(.*?)\\(.*)$/;
foreach $sym (keys %nums) {
if (!exists $existing{$sym}) {
push @remaining, $sym;
if(@remaining) {
print STDERR "The following symbols do not seem to exist:\n";
foreach $sym (@remaining) {
print STDERR "\t",$sym,"\n";