Major hack of There should be no more need to redo the
process when some symbols are missing. Instead, all needed info is saved in the .num files, including what conditions are needed for a specific symbol to exist. This was needed for the work I'm doing with shared libraries under VMS.
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,6 +4,12 @@
Changes between 0.9.5a and 0.9.6 [xx XXX 2000]
*) Major change in util/ to include extra information
about each symbol, as well as presentig variables as well
as functions. This change means that there's n more need
to rebuild the .num files when some algorithms are excluded.
[Richard Levitte]
*) Allow the verify time to be set by an application,
rather than always using the current time.
[Steve Henson]
@ -5,22 +5,72 @@
# It does this by parsing the header files and looking for the
# prototyped functions: it then prunes the output.
# Intermediary files are created, call libeay.num and ssleay.num,...
# Previously, they had the following format:
# routine-name nnnn
# But that isn't enough for a number of reasons, the first on being that
# this format is (needlessly) very Win32-centric, and even then...
# One of the biggest problems is that there's no information about what
# routines should actually be used, which varies with what crypto algorithms
# are disabled. Also, some operating systems (for example VMS with VAX C)
# need to keep track of the global variables as well as the functions.
# So, a remake of this script is done so as to include information on the
# kind of symbol it is (function or variable) and what algorithms they're
# part of. This will allow easy translating to .def files or the corresponding
# file in other operating systems (a .opt file for VMS, possibly with a .mar
# file).
# The format now becomes:
# routine-name nnnn info
# and the "info" part is actually a colon-separated string of fields with
# the following meaning:
# existence:platform:kind:algorithms
# - "existence" can be "EXIST" or "NOEXIST" depending on if the symbol is
# found somewhere in the source,
# - "platforms" is empty if it exists on all platforms, otherwise it contains
# comma-separated list of the platform, just as they are if the symbol exists
# for those platforms, or prepended with a "!" if not. This helps resolve
# symbol name replacements for platforms where the names are too long for the
# compiler or linker, or if the systems is case insensitive and there is a
# clash. This script assumes those redefinitions are place in the file
# crypto/idhacks.h.
# - "kind" is "FUNCTION" or "VARIABLE". The meaning of that is obvious.
# - "algorithms" is a comma-separated list of algorithm names. This helps
# exclude symbols that are part of an algorithm that some user wants to
# exclude.
my $crypto_num="util/libeay.num";
my $ssl_num= "util/ssleay.num";
my $crypto_num= "util/libeay.num";
my $ssl_num= "util/ssleay.num";
my $do_update = 0;
my $do_rewrite = 0;
my $do_crypto = 0;
my $do_ssl = 0;
my $do_ctest = 0;
my $do_ctestall = 0;
my $rsaref = 0;
my $W32=1;
my $VMS=0;
my $W32=0;
my $W16=0;
my $NT=0;
# Set this to make typesafe STACK definitions appear in DEF
my $safe_stack_def = 0;
my @known_platforms = ( "__FreeBSD__", "VMS", "WIN16", "WIN32",
"WINNT", "PERL5", "NeXT" );
my @known_algorithms = ( "RC2", "RC4", "RC5", "IDEA", "DES", "BF",
"CAST", "MD2", "MD4", "MD5", "SHA", "RIPEMD",
"MDC2", "RSA", "DSA", "DH", "HMAC", "FP_API" );
my $options="";
open(IN,"<Makefile.ssl") || die "unable to open Makefile.ssl!\n";
while(<IN>) {
@ -35,20 +85,23 @@ my $no_rc2; my $no_rc4; my $no_rc5; my $no_idea; my $no_des; my $no_bf;
my $no_cast;
my $no_md2; my $no_md4; my $no_md5; my $no_sha; my $no_ripemd; my $no_mdc2;
my $no_rsa; my $no_dsa; my $no_dh; my $no_hmac=0;
my $no_fp_api;
foreach (@ARGV, split(/ /, $options))
$W32=1 if $_ eq "32";
$W32=0 if $_ eq "16";
$W16=1 if $_ eq "16";
if($_ eq "NT") {
$W32 = 1;
$NT = 1;
$VMS=1 if $_ eq "VMS";
$do_ssl=1 if $_ eq "ssleay";
$do_ssl=1 if $_ eq "ssl";
$do_crypto=1 if $_ eq "libeay";
$do_crypto=1 if $_ eq "crypto";
$do_update=1 if $_ eq "update";
$do_rewrite=1 if $_ eq "rewrite";
$do_ctest=1 if $_ eq "ctest";
$do_ctestall=1 if $_ eq "ctestall";
$rsaref=1 if $_ eq "rsaref";
@ -74,6 +127,16 @@ foreach (@ARGV, split(/ /, $options))
# If no platform is given, assume WIN32
if ($W32 + $W16 + $VMS == 0) {
$W32 = 1;
# Add extra knowledge
if ($W16) {
if (!$do_ssl && !$do_crypto)
print STDERR "usage: $0 ( ssl | crypto ) [ 16 | 32 | NT ] [rsaref]\n";
@ -132,21 +195,37 @@ $crypto.=" crypto/rand/rand.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/comp/comp.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/tmdiff.h";
my @ssl_func = &do_defs("SSLEAY", $ssl);
my @crypto_func = &do_defs("LIBEAY", $crypto);
my $symhacks="crypto/symhacks.h";
my @ssl_symbols = &do_defs("SSLEAY", $ssl, $symhacks);
my @crypto_symbols = &do_defs("LIBEAY", $crypto, $symhacks);
if ($do_update) {
if ($do_ssl == 1) {
open(OUT, ">>$ssl_num");
&update_numbers(*OUT,"SSLEAY",*ssl_list,$max_ssl, @ssl_func);
if ($do_rewrite == 1) {
open(OUT, ">$ssl_num");
close OUT;
} else {
open(OUT, ">>$ssl_num");
close OUT;
if($do_crypto == 1) {
open(OUT, ">>$crypto_num");
&update_numbers(*OUT,"LIBEAY",*crypto_list,$max_crypto, @crypto_func);
if ($do_rewrite == 1) {
open(OUT, ">$crypto_num");
} else {
open(OUT, ">>$crypto_num");
close OUT;
@ -161,20 +240,20 @@ if($do_crypto == 1) {
int main()
if $do_ssl == 1;
if $do_crypto == 1;
print "}\n";
} else {
if $do_ssl == 1;
if $do_crypto == 1;
@ -182,43 +261,30 @@ EOF
sub do_defs
my $file;
my @ret;
my %funcs;
my %syms;
my %platform; # For anything undefined, we assume ""
my %kind; # For anything undefined, we assume "FUNCTION"
my %algorithm; # For anything undefined, we assume ""
my %rename;
my $cpp;
foreach $file (split(/\s+/,$files))
foreach $file (split(/\s+/,$symhacksfile." ".$files))
open(IN,"<$file") || die "unable to open $file:$!\n";
my $line = "", my $def= "";
my %tag = (
FreeBSD => 0,
(map { $_ => 0 } @known_platforms),
(map { "NO_".$_ => 0 } @known_algorithms),
WIN16 => 0,
PERL5 => 0,
_WINDLL => 0,
NO_FP_API => 0,
TRUE => 1,
NO_RC2 => 0,
NO_RC4 => 0,
NO_RC5 => 0,
NO_IDEA => 0,
NO_DES => 0,
NO_BF => 0,
NO_CAST => 0,
NO_MD2 => 0,
NO_MD4 => 0,
NO_MD5 => 0,
NO_SHA => 0,
NO_MDC2 => 0,
NO_RSA => 0,
NO_DSA => 0,
NO_DH => 0,
NO_HMAC => 0,
my $symhacking = $file eq $symhacksfile;
while(<IN>) {
last if (/BEGIN ERROR CODES/);
if ($line ne '') {
@ -231,9 +297,9 @@ sub do_defs
$cpp = 1 if /^#.*ifdef.*cplusplus/;
$cpp = 1 if /^\#.*ifdef.*cplusplus/;
if ($cpp) {
$cpp = 0 if /^#.*endif/;
$cpp = 0 if /^\#.*endif/;
@ -242,103 +308,132 @@ sub do_defs
if (/^\#\s*ifndef (.*)/) {
} elsif (/^\#\s*if !defined\(([^\)]+)\)/) {
} elsif (/^\#\s*ifdef (.*)/) {
} elsif (/^\#\s*if defined(.*)/) {
} elsif (/^\#\s*if defined\(([^\)]+)\)/) {
} elsif (/^\#\s*error\s+(\w+) is disabled\./) {
if ($tag[$#tag] eq "NO_".$1) {
} elsif (/^\#\s*endif/) {
if ($tag{$tag[$#tag]}==2) {
} else {
} elsif (/^\#\s*else/) {
my $t=$tag[$#tag];
$tag{$t}= -$tag{$t};
} elsif (/^\#\s*if\s+1/) {
# Dummy tag
} elsif (/^\#\s*if\s+0/) {
# Dummy tag
} elsif (/^\#/) {
} elsif (/^\#\s*define\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)/
&& $symhacking) {
my $s = $1;
my $a =
$2.":".join(",", grep(!/^$/,
map { $tag{$_} == 1 ?
$_ : "" }
$rename{$s} = $a;
if (/^\#/) {
my @p = grep(!/^$/,
map { $tag{$_} == 1 ? $_ :
$tag{$_} == -1 ? "!".$_ : "" }
my @a = grep(!/^$/,
map { $tag{"NO_".$_} == -1 ? $_ : "" }
$def .= "#INFO:".join(',',@p).":".join(',',@a).";";
if (/^\s*DECLARE_STACK_OF\s*\(\s*(\w*)\s*\)/) {
} elsif (/^\s*DECLARE_PKCS12_STACK_OF\s*\(\s*(\w*)\s*\)/) {
} elsif (/^\s*DECLARE_ASN1_SET_OF\s*\(\s*(\w*)\s*\)/) {
} elsif (/^DECLARE_PEM_rw\s*\(\s*(\w*)\s*,/ ||
/^DECLARE_PEM_rw_cb\s*\(\s*(\w*)\s*,/ ) {
if (!($no_rsa && ($1 eq "RSAPrivateKey" ||
$1 eq "RSAPublicKey" ||
$1 eq "RSA_PUBKEY"))) {
if($W32) {
$funcs{"PEM_read_${1}"} = 1;
$funcs{"PEM_write_${1}"} = 1;
$funcs{"PEM_read_bio_${1}"} = 1;
$funcs{"PEM_write_bio_${1}"} = 1;
/^DECLARE_PEM_rw_cb\s*\(\s*(\w*)\s*,/ ) {
# Things not in Win16
$syms{"PEM_read_${1}"} = 1;
$platform{"PEM_read_${1}"} = "!WIN16";
$syms{"PEM_write_${1}"} = 1;
$platform{"PEM_write_${1}"} = "!WIN16";
# Things that are everywhere
$syms{"PEM_read_bio_${1}"} = 1;
$syms{"PEM_write_bio_${1}"} = 1;
if ($1 eq "RSAPrivateKey" ||
$1 eq "RSAPublicKey" ||
$1 eq "RSA_PUBKEY") {
$algorithm{"PEM_read_${1}"} = "RSA";
$algorithm{"PEM_write_${1}"} = "RSA";
$algorithm{"PEM_read_bio_${1}"} = "RSA";
$algorithm{"PEM_write_bio_${1}"} = "RSA";
elsif ($1 eq "DSAPrivateKey" ||
$1 eq "DSAparams" ||
$1 eq "RSA_PUBKEY") {
$algorithm{"PEM_read_${1}"} = "DSA";
$algorithm{"PEM_write_${1}"} = "DSA";
$algorithm{"PEM_read_bio_${1}"} = "DSA";
$algorithm{"PEM_write_bio_${1}"} = "DSA";
elsif ($1 eq "DHparams") {
$algorithm{"PEM_read_${1}"} = "DH";
$algorithm{"PEM_write_${1}"} = "DH";
$algorithm{"PEM_read_bio_${1}"} = "DH";
$algorithm{"PEM_write_bio_${1}"} = "DH";
} elsif (/^DECLARE_PEM_write\s*\(\s*(\w*)\s*,/ ||
/^DECLARE_PEM_write_cb\s*\(\s*(\w*)\s*,/ ) {
if (!($no_rsa && ($1 eq "RSAPrivateKey" ||
$1 eq "RSAPublicKey" ||
$1 eq "RSA_PUBKEY"))) {
if($W32) {
$funcs{"PEM_write_${1}"} = 1;
$funcs{"PEM_write_bio_${1}"} = 1;
# Things not in Win16
$syms{"PEM_write_${1}"} = 1;
$platform{"PEM_write_${1}"} .= ",!WIN16";
# Things that are everywhere
$syms{"PEM_write_bio_${1}"} = 1;
if ($1 eq "RSAPrivateKey" ||
$1 eq "RSAPublicKey" ||
$1 eq "RSA_PUBKEY") {
$algorithm{"PEM_write_${1}"} = "RSA";
$algorithm{"PEM_write_bio_${1}"} = "RSA";
elsif ($1 eq "DSAPrivateKey" ||
$1 eq "DSAparams" ||
$1 eq "RSA_PUBKEY") {
$algorithm{"PEM_write_${1}"} = "DSA";
$algorithm{"PEM_write_bio_${1}"} = "DSA";
elsif ($1 eq "DHparams") {
$algorithm{"PEM_write_${1}"} = "DH";
$algorithm{"PEM_write_bio_${1}"} = "DH";
} elsif (/^DECLARE_PEM_read\s*\(\s*(\w*)\s*,/ ||
/^DECLARE_PEM_read_cb\s*\(\s*(\w*)\s*,/ ) {
if($W32) {
$funcs{"PEM_read_${1}"} = 1;
$funcs{"PEM_read_bio_${1}"} = 1;
# Things not in Win16
$syms{"PEM_read_${1}"} = 1;
$platform{"PEM_read_${1}"} .= ",!WIN16";
# Things that are everywhere
$syms{"PEM_read_bio_${1}"} = 1;
} elsif (
($tag{'TRUE'} != -1) &&
($tag{'FreeBSD'} != 1) &&
($tag{'CONST_STRICT'} != 1) &&
(($W32 && ($tag{'WIN16'} != 1)) ||
(!$W32 && ($tag{'WIN16'} != -1))) &&
($tag{'PERL5'} != 1) &&
# ($tag{'_WINDLL'} != -1) &&
((!$W32 && $tag{'_WINDLL'} != -1) ||
($W32 && $tag{'_WINDLL'} != 1)) &&
((($tag{'NO_FP_API'} != 1) && $W32) ||
(($tag{'NO_FP_API'} != -1) && !$W32)) &&
($tag{'NO_RC2'} == 0 || !$no_rc2) &&
($tag{'NO_RC4'} == 0 || !$no_rc4) &&
($tag{'NO_RC5'} == 0 || !$no_rc5) &&
($tag{'NO_IDEA'} == 0 || !$no_idea) &&
($tag{'NO_DES'} == 0 || !$no_des) &&
($tag{'NO_BF'} == 0 || !$no_bf) &&
($tag{'NO_CAST'} == 0 || !$no_cast) &&
($tag{'NO_MD2'} == 0 || !$no_md2) &&
($tag{'NO_MD4'} == 0 || !$no_md4) &&
($tag{'NO_MD5'} == 0 || !$no_md5) &&
($tag{'NO_SHA'} == 0 || !$no_sha) &&
($tag{'NO_RIPEMD'} == 0 || !$no_ripemd) &&
($tag{'NO_MDC2'} == 0 || !$no_mdc2) &&
($tag{'NO_RSA'} == 0 || !$no_rsa) &&
($tag{'NO_DSA'} == 0 || !$no_dsa) &&
($tag{'NO_DH'} == 0 || !$no_dh) &&
($tag{'NO_HMAC'} == 0 || !$no_hmac))
($tag{'TRUE'} != -1)
&& ($tag{'CONST_STRICT'} != 1)
if (/{|\/\*/) { # }
if (/\{|\/\*|\([^\)]*$/) {
$line = $_;
} else {
$def .= $_;
@ -347,31 +442,26 @@ sub do_defs
my $algs;
my $plays;
foreach (split /;/, $def) {
my $s; my $k = "FUNCTION"; my $p; my $a;
next if(/#define/);
next if(/\#undef/);
next if(/typedef\W/);
next if(/EVP_bf/ and $no_bf);
next if(/EVP_cast/ and $no_cast);
next if(/EVP_des/ and $no_des);
next if(/EVP_dss/ and $no_dsa);
next if(/EVP_idea/ and $no_idea);
next if(/EVP_md2/ and $no_md2);
next if(/EVP_md4/ and $no_md4);
next if(/EVP_md5/ and $no_md5);
next if(/EVP_rc2/ and $no_rc2);
next if(/EVP_rc4/ and $no_rc4);
next if(/EVP_rc5/ and $no_rc5);
next if(/EVP_ripemd/ and $no_ripemd);
next if(/EVP_sha/ and $no_sha);
next if(/EVP_(Open|Seal)(Final|Init)/ and $no_rsa);
next if(/PEM_Seal(Final|Init|Update)/ and $no_rsa);
next if(/RSAPrivateKey/ and $no_rsa);
next if(/SSLv23?_((client|server)_)?method/ and $no_rsa);
next if(/\#define/);
if (/\(\*(\w*)\([^\)]+/) {
$funcs{$1} = 1;
if (/^\#INFO:([^:]*):(.*)$/) {
$plats = $1;
$algs = $2;
} elsif (/^\s*OPENSSL_EXTERN\s.*?(\w+)(\[[0-9]*\])*\s*$/) {
$s = $1;
$k = "VARIABLE";
} elsif (/\(\*(\w*)\([^\)]+/) {
$s = $1;
} elsif (/\w+\W+(\w+)\W*\(\s*\)$/s) {
# K&R C
@ -382,69 +472,181 @@ sub do_defs
$funcs{$1} = 1;
$s = $1;
} elsif (/\(/ and not (/=/)) {
print STDERR "File $file: cannot parse: $_;\n";
} else {
$syms{$s} = 1;
$kind{$s} = $k;
$p = $plats;
$a = $algs;
$a .= ",BF" if($s =~ /EVP_bf/);
$a .= ",CAST" if($s =~ /EVP_cast/);
$a .= ",DES" if($s =~ /EVP_des/);
$a .= ",DSA" if($s =~ /EVP_dss/);
$a .= ",IDEA" if($s =~ /EVP_idea/);
$a .= ",MD2" if($s =~ /EVP_md2/);
$a .= ",MD4" if($s =~ /EVP_md4/);
$a .= ",MD5" if($s =~ /EVP_md5/);
$a .= ",RC2" if($s =~ /EVP_rc2/);
$a .= ",RC4" if($s =~ /EVP_rc4/);
$a .= ",RC5" if($s =~ /EVP_rc5/);
$a .= ",RIPEMD" if($s =~ /EVP_ripemd/);
$a .= ",SHA" if($s =~ /EVP_sha/);
$a .= ",RSA" if($s =~ /EVP_(Open|Seal)(Final|Init)/);
$a .= ",RSA" if($s =~ /PEM_Seal(Final|Init|Update)/);
$a .= ",RSA" if($s =~ /RSAPrivateKey/);
$a .= ",RSA" if($s =~ /SSLv23?_((client|server)_)?method/);
$platform{$s} .= ','.$p;
$algorithm{$s} .= ','.$a;
if (defined($rename{$s})) {
(my $r, my $p) = split(/:/,$rename{$s});
my @ip = map { /^!(.*)$/ ? $1 : "!".$_ } split /,/, $p;
$syms{$r} = 1;
$kind{$r} = $kind{$s}."(".$s.")";
$algorithm{$r} = $algorithm{$s};
$platform{$r} = $platform{$s}.",".$p;
$platform{$s} .= ','.join(',', @ip).','.join(',', @ip);
# Prune the returned functions
# Prune the returned symbols
delete $funcs{"SSL_add_dir_cert_subjects_to_stack"};
delete $funcs{"RSA_PKCS1_RSAref"} unless $rsaref;
delete $funcs{"bn_dump1"};
$platform{"crypt"} .= ",!PERL5,!__FreeBSD__,!NeXT";
if($W32) {
delete $funcs{"BIO_s_file_internal"};
delete $funcs{"BIO_new_file_internal"};
delete $funcs{"BIO_new_fp_internal"};
} else {
if(exists $funcs{"ERR_load_CRYPTO_strings"}) {
delete $funcs{"ERR_load_CRYPTO_strings"};
$funcs{"ERR_load_CRYPTOlib_strings"} = 1;
delete $funcs{"BIO_s_file"};
delete $funcs{"BIO_new_file"};
delete $funcs{"BIO_new_fp"};
if (!$NT) {
delete $funcs{"BIO_s_log"};
delete $syms{"SSL_add_dir_cert_subjects_to_stack"};
delete $syms{"bn_dump1"};
$platform{"BIO_s_file_internal"} .= ",WIN16";
$platform{"BIO_new_file_internal"} .= ",WIN16";
$platform{"BIO_new_fp_internal"} .= ",WIN16";
$platform{"BIO_s_file"} .= ",!WIN16";
$platform{"BIO_new_file"} .= ",!WIN16";
$platform{"BIO_new_fp"} .= ",!WIN16";
$platform{"BIO_s_log"} .= ",!WIN32,!WIN16,!macintosh";
if(exists $syms{"ERR_load_CRYPTO_strings"}) {
$platform{"ERR_load_CRYPTO_strings"} .= ",!VMS,!WIN16";
$syms{"ERR_load_CRYPTOlib_strings"} = 1;
$platform{"ERR_load_CRYPTOlib_strings"} .= ",VMS,WIN16";
push @ret, keys %funcs;
# Info we know about
$platform{"RSA_PKCS1_RSAref"} = "RSAREF";
$algorithm{"RSA_PKCS1_RSAref"} = "RSA";
push @ret, map { $_."\\".&info_string($_,"EXIST",
$algorithm{$_}) } keys %syms;
sub print_test_file
(*OUT,my $name,*nums,my $all,my @functions)=@_;
my $n = 1; my @e; my @r;
my $func; my $prev = "";
sub info_string {
(my $symbol, my $exist, my $platforms, my $kind, my $algorithms) = @_;
push(@functions, keys %nums) if $all;
@functions=((sort @e),(sort @r));
my %a = defined($algorithms) ?
map { $_ => 1 } split /,/, $algorithms : ();
my $pl = defined($platforms) ? $platforms : "";
my %p = map { $_ => 0 } split /,/, $pl;
my $k = defined($kind) ? $kind : "FUNCTION";
my $ret;
foreach $func (@functions) {
if ($func ne $prev) {
if (!defined($nums{$func})) {
printf STDERR "$func does not have a number assigned\n"
} else {
print OUT "\t$func();\n";
# We do this, because if there's code like the following, it really
# means the function exists in all cases and should therefore be
# everywhere. By increasing and decreasing, we may attain 0:
# ifndef WIN16
# int foo();
# else
# int _fat foo();
# endif
foreach $platform (split /,/, $pl) {
if ($platform =~ /^!(.*)$/) {
} else {
foreach $platform (keys %p) {
if ($p{$platform} == 0) { delete $p{$platform}; }
delete $p{""};
delete $a{""};
$ret = $exist;
$ret .= ":".join(',',map { $p{$_} < 0 ? "!".$_ : $_ } keys %p);
$ret .= ":".$k;
$ret .= ":".join(',',keys %a);
return $ret;
sub maybe_add_info {
(my $name, *nums, my @symbols) = @_;
my $sym;
my $new_info = 0;
print STDERR "Updating $name info\n";
foreach $sym (@symbols) {
(my $s, my $i) = split /\\/, $sym;
$i =~ s/^(.*?:.*?:\w+)(\(\w+\))?/$1/;
if (defined($nums{$s})) {
(my $n, my $dummy) = split /\\/, $nums{$s};
if (!defined($dummy) || $i ne $dummy) {
$nums{$s} = $n."\\".$i;
#print STDERR "DEBUG: maybe_add_info for $s: \"$dummy\" => \"$i\"\n";
$prev = $func; # To avoid duplicates...
if ($new_info) {
print STDERR "$new_info old symbols got an info update\n";
} else {
print STDERR "No old symbols needed info update\n";
sub print_test_file
(*OUT,my $name,*nums,my @symbols)=@_;
my $n = 1; my @e; my @r;
my $sym; my $prev = ""; my $prefSSLeay;
(@r)=grep(/^\w+\\.*?:.*?:FUNCTION/ && !/^SSLeay\\.*?:.*?:FUNCTION/,@symbols);
@symbols=((sort @e),(sort @r));
foreach $sym (@symbols) {
(my $s, my $i) = $sym =~ /^(.*?)\\(.*)$/;
if ($s ne $prev) {
if (!defined($nums{$sym})) {
printf STDERR "Warning: $sym does not have a number assigned\n"
} else {
print OUT "\t$s();\n";
$prev = $s; # To avoid duplicates...
sub print_def_file
(*OUT,my $name,*nums,my @functions)=@_;
(*OUT,my $name,*nums,my @symbols)=@_;
my $n = 1; my @e; my @r;
if ($W32)
@ -478,18 +680,27 @@ EOF
print "EXPORTS\n";
(@r)=grep(/^\w+\\.*?:.*?:FUNCTION/ && !/^SSLeay\\.*?:.*?:FUNCTION/,@symbols);
@symbols=((sort @e),(sort @r));
@functions=((sort @e),(sort @r));
foreach $func (@functions) {
if (!defined($nums{$func})) {
printf STDERR "$func does not have a number assigned\n"
foreach $sym (@symbols) {
(my $s, my $i) = $sym =~ /^(.*?)\\(.*)$/;
if (!defined($nums{$s})) {
printf STDERR "Warning: $s does not have a number assigned\n"
} else {
printf OUT " %s%-40s@%d\n",($W32)?"":"_",$func,$n;
(my $n, my $i) = split /\\/, $nums{$s};
my @p = split(/,/, ($i =~ /^.*?:(.*?):/,$1));
printf OUT " %s%-40s@%d\n",($W32)?"":"_",$s,$n
# It is very important to check NT before W32
if ($NT && (!@p || (grep(/^WINNT$/,@p)
&& !grep(/^!WINNT$/,@p)))
|| $W32 && (!@p || (grep(/^WIN32$/,@p)
&& !grep(/^!WIN32$/,@p)))
|| $W16 && (!@p || (grep(/^WIN16$/,@p)
&& !grep(/^!WIN16$/,@p))));
printf OUT "\n";
@ -501,6 +712,8 @@ sub load_numbers
$max_num = 0;
$num_noinfo = 0;
$prev = "";
open(IN,"<$name") || die "unable to open $name:$!\n";
while (<IN>) {
@ -508,27 +721,138 @@ sub load_numbers
next if /^\s*$/;
if (defined $ret{$a[0]}) {
print STDERR "Warning: Symbol '",$a[0],"' redefined. old=",$ret{$a[0]},", new=",$a[1],"\n";
if ($max_num > $a[1]) {
print STDERR "Warning: Number decreased from ",$max_num," to ",$a[1],"\n";
if ($max_num == $a[1]) {
# This is actually perfectly OK
#print STDERR "Warning: Symbol ",$a[0]," has same number as previous ",$prev,": ",$a[1],"\n";
if ($#a < 2) {
# Existence will be proven later, in do_defs
} else {
$ret{$a[0]}=$a[1]."\\".$a[2]; # \\ is a special marker
$max_num = $a[1] if $a[1] > $max_num;
if ($num_noinfo) {
print STDERR "Warning: $num_noinfo symbols were without info.";
if ($do_rewrite) {
printf STDERR " The rewrite will fix this.\n";
} else {
printf STDERR " You should do a rewrite to fix this.\n";
sub update_numbers
sub parse_number
(*OUT,$name,*nums,my $start_num, my @functions)=@_;
my $new_funcs = 0;
print STDERR "Updating $name\n";
foreach $func (@functions) {
if (!exists $nums{$func}) {
printf OUT "%s%-40s%d\n","",$func, ++$start_num;
if($new_funcs) {
print STDERR "$new_funcs New Functions added\n";
(my $str, my $what) = @_;
(my $n, my $i) = split(/\\/,$str);
if ($what eq "n") {
return $n;
} else {
print STDERR "No New Functions Added\n";
return $i;
sub rewrite_numbers
my $thing;
print STDERR "Rewriting $name\n";
my @r = grep(/^\w+\\.*?:.*?:\w+\(\w+\)/,@symbols);
my $r; my %r; my %rsyms;
foreach $r (@r) {
(my $s, my $i) = split /\\/, $r;
my $a = $1 if $i =~ /^.*?:.*?:\w+\((\w+)\)/;
$i =~ s/^(.*?:.*?:\w+)\(\w+\)/$1/;
$r{$a} = $s."\\".$i;
$rsyms{$s} = 1;
my @s=sort { &parse_number($nums{$a},"n") <=> &parse_number($nums{$b},"n") } keys %nums;
foreach $sym (@s) {
(my $n, my $i) = split /\\/, $nums{$sym};
next if defined($i) && $i =~ /^.*?:.*?:\w+\(\w+\)/;
next if defined($rsyms{$sym});
$i="NOEXIST::FUNCTION:" if !defined($i) || $i eq "";
printf OUT "%s%-40s%d\t%s\n","",$sym,$n,$i;
if (exists $r{$sym}) {
(my $s, $i) = split /\\/,$r{$sym};
printf OUT "%s%-40s%d\t%s\n","",$s,$n,$i;
sub update_numbers
(*OUT,$name,*nums,my $start_num, my @symbols)=@_;
my $new_syms = 0;
print STDERR "Updating $name numbers\n";
my @r = grep(/^\w+\\.*?:.*?:\w+\(\w+\)/,@symbols);
my $r; my %r; my %rsyms;
foreach $r (@r) {
(my $s, my $i) = split /\\/, $r;
my $a = $1 if $i =~ /^.*?:.*?:\w+\((\w+)\)/;
$i =~ s/^(.*?:.*?:\w+)\(\w+\)/$1/;
$r{$a} = $s."\\".$i;
$rsyms{$s} = 1;
foreach $sym (@symbols) {
(my $s, my $i) = $sym =~ /^(.*?)\\(.*)$/;
next if $i =~ /^.*?:.*?:\w+\(\w+\)/;
next if defined($rsyms{$sym});
die "ERROR: Symbol $sym had no info attached to it."
if $i eq "";
if (!exists $nums{$s}) {
printf OUT "%s%-40s%d\t%s\n","",$s, ++$start_num,$i;
if (exists $r{$s}) {
($s, $i) = split /\\/,$r{$sym};
printf OUT "%s%-40s%d\t%s\n","",$s, $start_num,$i;
if($new_syms) {
print STDERR "$new_syms New symbols added\n";
} else {
print STDERR "No New symbols Added\n";
sub check_existing
(*nums, my @symbols)=@_;
my %existing; my @remaining;
foreach $sym (@symbols) {
(my $s, my $i) = $sym =~ /^(.*?)\\(.*)$/;
foreach $sym (keys %nums) {
if (!exists $existing{$sym}) {
push @remaining, $sym;
if(@remaining) {
print STDERR "The following symbols do not seem to exist:\n";
foreach $sym (@remaining) {
print STDERR "\t",$sym,"\n";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user