Merge branch 'chandra' into master
Conflicts: upnp/src/api/upnpapi.c upnp/src/genlib/net/http/httpreadwrite.c upnp/src/genlib/net/sock.c
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,50 @@
Version 1.8.0
2011-02-07 Chandra Penke <chandrapenke(at)>
Add HTTPS support using OpenSSL. HTTPS support is optional and can
be enabled by passing the --enable-open-ssl argument to the
configure script.
The following methods are introduced to the public API:
When enabled, HTTPS can be used by using "https://" instead of
"http://" when passing URLs to the HTTP Client API.
2011-02-07 Chandra Penke <chandrapenke(at)>
Refactor HTTP Client API to be more generic.
The following features are added:
- Support for persistent HTTP connections (reusing HTTP
connections). Tthis is still a work in progress and relies on
applications to interpret the 'Connection' header
- Support for specifying request headers when making
requests. Useful for interacting with web services that require
custom headers.
- Support for retrieving response headers (this is a API only
change, some more work needs to be done to implement the actual
functionality. Specifically copy_msg_headers in httpreadwrite.c
needs to be implemented)
- Common API for all HTTP methods.
- Support for PUT, and DELETE methods.
The following methods are introduced to the public HTTP Client API
UpnpOpenHttpConnection, UpnpCloseHttpConnection, UpnpMakeHttpRequest,
UpnpWriteHttpRequest, UpnpEndHttpRequest, UpnpGetHttpResponse,
Removed a lot of duplicate code in httpreadwrite.c
2011-01-17 Chandra Penke <chandrapenke(at)>
Include upnpconfig.h in FileInfo.h to automatically include large
@ -402,6 +402,11 @@ if test "x$enable_ipv6" = xyes ; then
AC_DEFINE(UPNP_ENABLE_IPV6, 1, [see upnpconfig.h])
RT_BOOL_ARG_ENABLE([open_ssl], [no], [open-ssl support])
if test "x$enable_open_ssl" = xyes ; then
AC_DEFINE(UPNP_ENABLE_OPEN_SSL, 1, [see upnpconfig.h])
RT_BOOL_ARG_ENABLE([notification_reordering], [yes], [GENA notification reordering in gena_device.c])
if test "x$enable_notification_reordering" = xyes ; then
@ -61,6 +61,10 @@
/* Other systems ??? */
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#define LINE_SIZE 180
#define NAME_SIZE 256
#define MNFT_NAME_SIZE 64
@ -584,6 +588,29 @@ EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpInit2(
unsigned short DestPort);
* \brief Initializes the OpenSSL library, and the OpenSSL context for use
* with pupnp
* \note This method is only enabled if pupnp is compiled with open-ssl support.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INIT: The SDK is already initialized.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INIT_FAILED: The SDK initialization
* failed for an unknown reason.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpInitSslContext(
/*! If set to 1 initializes the OpenSSL library. Otherwise the application
* is responsible for initializing it. If set to 1, then OpenSSL is intialized
* with all error strings, and all ciphers loaded. */
int initOpenSslLib,
/*! The SSL_METHOD to use to create the context. See OpenSSL docs
* for more info */
const SSL_METHOD *sslMethod);
* \brief Terminates the Linux SDK for UPnP Devices.
@ -1885,6 +1912,19 @@ EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpUnSubscribeAsync(
* @{
* \brief Different HTTP methods.
enum Upnp_HttpMethod_e {
typedef enum Upnp_HttpMethod_e Upnp_HttpMethod;
* \brief Downloads a file specified in a URL.
@ -1926,10 +1966,12 @@ EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpDownloadUrlItem(
* The SDK allocates the memory for \b handle and \b contentType, the
* application is responsible for freeing this memory.
* \note Memory for \b contentType is freed when freeing the memory
* for handle.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b url, \b handle,
* \b contentType, \b contentLength or \b httpStatus
* is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: The \b url is not a valid
* URL.
@ -1970,10 +2012,12 @@ EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpOpenHttpGet(
* The SDK allocates the memory for \b handle and \b contentType, the
* application is responsible for freeing this memory.
* \note Memory for \b contentType is freed when freeing the memory
* for handle.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b url, \b handle,
* \b contentType, \b contentLength or \b httpStatus
* is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: The \b url is not a valid
* URL.
@ -2135,7 +2179,7 @@ EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpCloseHttpGet(
* and sends the POST request to the server if the connection to the server
* succeeds.
* The SDK allocates the memory for \b handle and \b contentType, the
* The SDK allocates the memory for \b handle, the
* application is responsible for freeing this memory.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
@ -2161,7 +2205,7 @@ EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpOpenHttpPost(
/*! [in,out] A pointer in which to store the handle for this connection. This
* handle is required for futher operations over this connection. */
void **handle,
/*! [in] A buffer to store the media type of content being sent. */
/*! [in] A buffer to store the media type of content being sent. Can be NULL. */
const char *contentType,
/*! [in] The length of the content, in bytes, being posted. */
int contentLength,
@ -2220,6 +2264,234 @@ EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpCloseHttpPost(
* value is negative, timeout is infinite. */
int timeout);
* \brief Opens a connection to the server.
* The SDK allocates the memory for \b handle, the
* application is responsible for freeing this memory.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b url, or \b handle
* is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: The \b url is not a valid
* URL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* download this file.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_ERROR: Error occured allocating a socket and
* resources or an error occurred binding a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT: An error occurred connecting a
* socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: Too many sockets are currently
* allocated.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpOpenHttpConnection(
/*! [in] The URL which contains the host, and the scheme to make the connection. */
const char *url,
/*! [in,out] A pointer in which to store the handle for this connection. This
* handle is required for futher operations over this connection. */
void **handle,
/*! [in] The time out value sent with the request during which a response
* is expected from the receiver, failing which, an error is reported.
* If value is negative, timeout is infinite. */
int timeout);
* \brief Makes a HTTP request using a connection previously created by
* \b UpnpOpenHttpConnection.
* \note Trying to make another request while a request is already being processed
* results in undefined behavior. It's up to the user to end a previous
* request by calling \b UpnpEndHttpRequest.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b url, \b handle
* or \b contentType is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: The \b url is not a valid
* URL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* download this file.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_ERROR: Error occured allocating a socket and
* resources or an error occurred binding a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT: An error occurred connecting a
* socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: Too many sockets are currently
* allocated.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpMakeHttpRequest(
/* ![in] The method to use to make the request. */
Upnp_HttpMethod method,
/*! [in] The URL to use to make the request. The URL should use the same
* scheme used to create the connection, but the host can be different
* if the request is being proxied. */
const char *url,
/*! [in] The handle to the connection. */
void *handle,
/*! [in] Headers to be used for the request. Each header should be terminated by a CRLF as specified
* in the HTTP specification. If NULL then the default headers will be used. */
UpnpString *headers,
/*! [in] The media type of content being sent. Can be NULL. */
const char *contentType,
/*! [in] The length of the content being sent, in bytes. Set to \b UPNP_USING_CHUNKED to use
* chunked encoding, or \b UPNP_UNTIL_CLOSE to avoid specifying the content length to the server.
* In this case the request is considered unfinished until the connection is closed. */
int contentLength,
/*! [in] The time out value sent with the request during which a response
* is expected from the receiver, failing which, an error is reported.
* If value is negative, timeout is infinite. */
int timeout);
* \brief Writes the content of a HTTP request initiated by a \b UpnpMakeHttpRequest call.
* The end of the content should be indicated by a call to \b UpnpEndHttpRequest
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b handle, \b buf
* or \b size is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: Too many sockets are currently
* allocated.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpWriteHttpRequest(
/*! [in] The handle of the connection created by the call to
* \b UpnpOpenHttpConnection. */
void *handle,
/*! [in] The buffer containing date to be written. */
char *buf,
/*! [in] The size, in bytes of \b buf. */
size_t *size,
/*! [in] A timeout value sent with the request during which a response is
* expected from the server, failing which, an error is reported. If
* value is negative, timeout is infinite. */
int timeout);
* \brief Indicates the end of a HTTP request previously made by
* \b UpnpMakeHttpRequest.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: \b handle is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* download this file.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_ERROR: Error occured allocating a socket and
* resources or an error occurred binding a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT: An error occurred connecting a
* socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: Too many sockets are currently
* allocated.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpEndHttpRequest(
/*! [in] The handle to the connection. */
void *handle,
/*! [in] The time out value sent with the request during which a response
* is expected from the receiver, failing which, an error is reported.
* If value is negative, timeout is infinite. */
int timeout);
* \brief Gets the response from the server using a connection previously created
* by \b UpnpOpenHttpConnection
* \note Memory for \b contentType is only valid until the next call to the HTTP API
* for the same connection.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b handle,
* is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: The \b url is not a valid
* URL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* download this file.
* \li \c UPNP_E_NETWORK_ERROR: A network error occurred.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_READ: An error or timeout occurred reading
* from a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_BIND: An error occurred binding a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT: An error occurred connecting a
* socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: Too many sockets are currently
* allocated.
* \li \c UPNP_E_BAD_RESPONSE: A bad response was received from the
* remote server.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpGetHttpResponse(
/*! [in] The handle of the connection created by the call to
* \b UpnpOpenHttpConnection. */
void *handle,
/*! [in] Headers sent by the server for the response. If NULL then the
* headers are not copied. */
UpnpString *headers,
/*! [out] A buffer to store the media type of the item. */
char **contentType,
/*! [out] A pointer to store the length of the item. */
int *contentLength,
/*! [out] The status returned on receiving a response message. */
int *httpStatus,
/*! [in] The time out value sent with the request during which a response
* is expected from the server, failing which, an error is reported
* back to the user. If value is negative, timeout is infinite. */
int timeout);
* \brief Reads the content of a response using a connection previously created
* by \b UpnpOpenHttpConnection.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b handle, \b buf
* or \b size is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_BAD_RESPONSE: A bad response was received from the
* remote server.
* \li \c UPNP_E_BAD_HTTPMSG: Either the request or response was in
* the incorrect format.
* \li \c UPNP_E_CANCELED: another thread called UpnpCancelHttpGet.
* Note: In case of return values, the status code parameter of the passed
* in handle value may provide additional information on the return
* value.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpReadHttpResponse(
/*! [in] The handle of the connection created by the call to
* \b UpnpOpenHttpConnection. */
void *handle,
/*! [in,out] The buffer to store the read item. */
char *buf,
/*! [in,out] The size of the buffer to be read. */
size_t *size,
/*! [in] The time out value sent with the request during which a response is
* expected from the server, failing which, an error is reported back to
* the user. If value is negative, timeout is infinite. */
int timeout);
* \brief Closes the connection created with \b UpnpOpenHttpConnection
* and frees any memory associated with the connection.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: \b handle, or is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_READ: An error or timeout occurred reading
* from a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: Too many sockets are currently
* allocated.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpCloseHttpConnection(
/*! [in] The handle of the connection to close, created by the call to
* \b UpnpOpenHttpPost. */
void *handle);
* \brief Downloads an XML document specified in a URL.
@ -107,5 +107,9 @@
* (i.e. configure --enable-ipv6) */
/** Defined to 1 if the library has been compiled with OpenSSL support
* (i.e. configure --enable-open_ssl) */
#endif /* UPNP_CONFIG_H */
@ -78,6 +78,10 @@
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#define IN6_IS_ADDR_GLOBAL(a) \
((((__const uint32_t *) (a))[0] & htonl(0x70000000)) \
@ -178,6 +182,12 @@ int UpnpSdkDeviceregisteredV6 = 0;
/*! Global variable used in discovery notifications. */
Upnp_SID gUpnpSdkNLSuuid;
/*! Global variable used as to store the OpenSSL context object
* to be used for all SSL/TLS connections
SSL_CTX *gSslCtx = NULL;
* \brief (Windows Only) Initializes the Windows Winsock library.
@ -521,6 +531,24 @@ exit_function:
int UpnpInitSslContext(int initOpenSslLib, const SSL_METHOD *sslMethod)
if (gSslCtx)
return UPNP_E_INIT;
if (initOpenSslLib) {
gSslCtx = SSL_CTX_new(sslMethod);
if (!gSslCtx) {
#ifdef DEBUG
* \brief Prints thread pool statistics.
@ -590,7 +618,12 @@ int UpnpFinish(void)
UpnpClient_Handle client_handle;
struct Handle_Info *temp;
if (gSslCtx) {
gSslCtx = NULL;
if (UpnpSdkInit != 1)
UpnpPrintf(UPNP_INFO, API, __FILE__, __LINE__,
@ -2847,8 +2880,12 @@ int UpnpOpenHttpPost(
int contentLength,
int timeout)
return http_OpenHttpPost(
url, handle, contentType, contentLength, timeout);
int status = http_OpenHttpConnection(url, handle, timeout);
if (status == UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
return http_MakeHttpRequest(HTTPMETHOD_POST, url, handle, NULL, contentType,
contentLength, timeout);
return status;
@ -2858,7 +2895,7 @@ int UpnpWriteHttpPost(
size_t *size,
int timeout)
return http_WriteHttpPost(handle, buf, size, timeout);
return http_WriteHttpRequest(handle, buf, size, timeout);
@ -2867,35 +2904,56 @@ int UpnpCloseHttpPost(
int *httpStatus,
int timeout)
return http_CloseHttpPost(handle, httpStatus, timeout);
int status = http_EndHttpRequest(handle, timeout);
if (status == UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
status = http_GetHttpResponse(handle, NULL, NULL, NULL, httpStatus, timeout);
status = http_CloseHttpConnection(handle);
return status;}
int UpnpOpenHttpGet(
const char *url_str,
void **Handle,
const char *url,
void **handle,
char **contentType,
int *contentLength,
int *httpStatus,
int timeout)
return http_OpenHttpGet(
url_str, Handle, contentType, contentLength, httpStatus, timeout);
int status = UpnpOpenHttpConnection(url, handle, timeout);
if (status == UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
status = UpnpMakeHttpRequest(HTTPMETHOD_GET, url, *handle, NULL, NULL, 0, timeout);
if (status == UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
status = UpnpEndHttpRequest(*handle, timeout);
if (status == UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
status = UpnpGetHttpResponse(*handle, NULL, contentType, contentLength, httpStatus, timeout);
return status;
int UpnpOpenHttpGetProxy(
const char *url_str,
const char *url,
const char *proxy_str,
void **Handle,
void **handle,
char **contentType,
int *contentLength,
int *httpStatus,
int timeout)
return http_OpenHttpGetProxy(
url_str, proxy_str, Handle, contentType, contentLength,
httpStatus, timeout);
int status = UpnpOpenHttpConnection(proxy_str, handle, timeout);
if (status == UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
status = UpnpMakeHttpRequest(HTTPMETHOD_GET, url, *handle, NULL, NULL, 0, timeout);
if (status == UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
status = UpnpEndHttpRequest(*handle, timeout);
if (status == UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
status = UpnpGetHttpResponse(*handle, NULL, contentType, contentLength, httpStatus, timeout);
return status;
@ -2923,13 +2981,13 @@ int UpnpCancelHttpGet(void *Handle)
int UpnpCloseHttpGet(void *Handle)
return http_CloseHttpGet(Handle);
return UpnpCloseHttpConnection(Handle);
int UpnpReadHttpGet(void *Handle, char *buf, size_t *size, int timeout)
return http_ReadHttpGet(Handle, buf, size, timeout);
return http_ReadHttpResponse(Handle, buf, size, timeout);
@ -2939,6 +2997,57 @@ int UpnpHttpGetProgress(void *Handle, size_t *length, size_t *total)
int UpnpOpenHttpConnection(const char *url,
void **handle, int timeout)
return http_OpenHttpConnection(url, handle, timeout);
int UpnpMakeHttpRequest(Upnp_HttpMethod method, const char *url,
void *handle, UpnpString *headers,
const char *contentType, int contentLength,
int timeout)
return http_MakeHttpRequest(method, url, handle, headers, contentType,
contentLength, timeout);
int UpnpWriteHttpRequest(void *handle, char *buf,
size_t *size, int timeout)
return http_WriteHttpRequest(handle, buf, size, timeout);
int UpnpEndHttpRequest(void *handle, int timeout)
return http_EndHttpRequest(handle, timeout);
int UpnpGetHttpResponse(void *handle, UpnpString *headers,
char **contentType, int *contentLength, int *httpStatus,
int timeout)
return http_GetHttpResponse(handle, headers, contentType, contentLength,
httpStatus, timeout);
int UpnpReadHttpResponse(void *handle, char *buf,
size_t *size, int timeout)
return http_ReadHttpResponse(handle, buf, size, timeout);
int UpnpCloseHttpConnection(void *handle)
return http_CloseHttpConnection(handle);
int UpnpDownloadUrlItem(const char *url, char **outBuf, char *contentType)
int ret_code;
@ -54,8 +54,9 @@
/* entity positions */
static str_int_entry Http_Method_Table[NUM_HTTP_METHODS] = {
@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ static str_int_entry Http_Method_Table[NUM_HTTP_METHODS] = {
@ -1454,7 +1456,8 @@ parse_status_t parser_parse_headers(INOUT http_parser_t *parser)
if (tok_type == TT_CRLF) {
/* end of headers */
if ((parser->msg.is_request)
&& (parser->msg.method == HTTPMETHOD_POST)) {
&& (parser->msg.method == HTTPMETHOD_POST ||
parser->msg.method == HTTPMETHOD_PUT)) {
parser->position = POS_COMPLETE; /*post entity parsing */
/*is handled separately */
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -52,10 +52,19 @@
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#define MSG_NOSIGNAL 0
/* OpenSSL context defined in upnpapi.c */
extern SSL_CTX *gSslCtx;
int sock_init(SOCKINFO *info, SOCKET sockfd)
@ -82,11 +91,37 @@ int sock_init_with_ip(SOCKINFO *info, SOCKET sockfd,
int sock_ssl_connect(SOCKINFO *info)
int status = 0;
info->ssl = SSL_new(gSslCtx);
if (!info->ssl) {
status = SSL_set_fd(info->ssl, info->socket);
if (status == 1) {
status = SSL_connect(info->ssl);
if (status == 1) {
int sock_destroy(SOCKINFO *info, int ShutdownMethod)
int ret = UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
if (info->socket != INVALID_SOCKET) {
if (info->ssl) {
info->ssl = NULL;
shutdown(info->socket, ShutdownMethod);
if (sock_close(info->socket) == -1) {
@ -163,16 +198,36 @@ static int sock_read_write(
setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, &set, sizeof(set));
if (bRead) {
if (info->ssl) {
numBytes = (long)SSL_read(info->ssl,
buffer, (size_t)bufsize);
else {
/* read data. */
numBytes = (long)recv(sockfd, buffer, (size_t)bufsize, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
} else {
byte_left = bufsize;
bytes_sent = 0;
while (byte_left > 0) {
if (info->ssl) {
num_written = SSL_write(info->ssl,
buffer + bytes_sent, (size_t)byte_left);
else {
/* write data. */
num_written = send(sockfd,
buffer + bytes_sent, (size_t)byte_left,
if (num_written == -1) {
setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET,
@ -312,6 +312,7 @@ int token_cmp(token *in1, token *in2)
int parse_hostport(
const char *in,
size_t max,
int defaultPort,
hostport_type *out)
char workbuf[256];
@ -402,9 +403,10 @@ int parse_hostport(
if (port == 0)
/* Bad port number. */
} else
} else {
/* Port was not specified, use default port. */
port = 80;
port = defaultPort;
/* The length of the host and port string can be calculated by */
/* subtracting pointers. */
hostport_size = (size_t)(c - workbuf);
@ -673,6 +675,7 @@ int parse_uri(const char *in, size_t max, uri_type *out)
int begin_path = 0;
size_t begin_hostport = 0;
size_t begin_fragment = 0;
int defaultPort = 80;
begin_hostport = parse_scheme(in, max, &out->scheme);
if (begin_hostport) {
@ -687,9 +690,13 @@ int parse_uri(const char *in, size_t max, uri_type *out)
in[begin_hostport] == '/' &&
in[begin_hostport + 1] == '/') {
begin_hostport += 2;
if (token_string_casecmp(&out->scheme, "https") == 0) {
defaultPort = 443;
begin_path = parse_hostport(&in[begin_hostport],
max - begin_hostport,
max - begin_hostport,
if (begin_path >= 0) {
begin_path += (int)begin_hostport;
} else
@ -85,16 +85,20 @@ typedef enum
/* end of private section. */
/* method in a HTTP request. */
/* method in a HTTP request.
* IMPORTANT: The enum values of the standard HTTP method should match
* those of Upnp_HttpMethod enum defined in upnp.h */
typedef enum
@ -222,111 +222,6 @@ int http_Download(
OUT char* content_type );
* Function: http_WriteHttpPost
* Parameters:
* IN void *Handle: Handle to the http post object
* IN char *buf: Buffer to send to peer, if format used
* IN size_t *size: Size of the data to be sent.
* IN int timeout: time out value
* Description:
* Formats data if format used is UPNP_USING_CHUNKED.
* Writes data on the socket connected to the peer.
* Return: int
* UPNP_E_SUCCESS - On Success
* UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM - Invalid Parameter
* -1 - On Socket Error.
int http_WriteHttpPost(IN void *Handle,
IN char *buf,
IN size_t *size,
IN int timeout);
* Function: http_CloseHttpPost
* Parameters:
* IN void *Handle; Handle to the http post object
* IN OUT int *httpStatus; HTTP status returned on receiving a
* response message
* IN int timeout; time out value
* Description:
* Sends remaining data if using UPNP_USING_CHUNKED
* format. Receives any more messages. Destroys socket and any socket
* associated memory. Frees handle associated with the HTTP POST msg.
* Return: int
* UPNP_E_SUCCESS - On success
* UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM - Invalid Parameter
int http_CloseHttpPost(IN void *Handle,
IN OUT int *httpStatus,
IN int timeout);
* Function: http_OpenHttpPost
* Parameters:
* IN const char *url_str; String as a URL
* IN OUT void **Handle; Pointer to buffer to store HTTP
* post handle
* IN const char *contentType; Type of content
* IN int contentLength; length of content
* IN int timeout; time out value
* Description:
* Makes the HTTP POST message, connects to the peer,
* sends the HTTP POST request. Adds the post handle to buffer of
* such handles
* Return : int;
* UPNP_E_SUCCESS - On success
* UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM - Invalid Parameter
int http_OpenHttpPost(IN const char *url_str,
IN OUT void **Handle,
IN const char *contentType,
IN int contentLength,
IN int timeout);
* Function: http_ReadHttpGet
* Parameters:
* IN void *Handle; Handle to the HTTP get object
* IN OUT char *buf; Buffer to get the read and parsed data
* IN OUT size_t *size; Size of the buffer passed
* IN int timeout; time out value
* Description:
* Parses already existing data, then gets new data.
* Parses and extracts information from the new data.
* Return: int
* UPNP_E_SUCCESS - On success
* UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM - Invalid Parameter
int http_ReadHttpGet(
IN void *Handle,
IN OUT char *buf,
IN OUT size_t *size,
IN int timeout);
* Function: http_HttpGetProgress
@ -347,79 +242,242 @@ int http_HttpGetProgress(
OUT size_t *length,
OUT size_t *total);
* Function: http_CloseHttpGet
* Parameters:
* IN void *Handle; Handle to HTTP get object
* Description:
* Clears the handle allocated for the HTTP GET operation
* Clears socket states and memory allocated for socket operations.
* Return: int
* UPNP_E_SUCCESS - On Success
* UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM - Invalid Parameter
int http_CloseHttpGet(IN void *Handle);
* \brief Makes the HTTP GET message, connects to the peer,
* sends the HTTP GET request, gets the response and parses the response.
* \brief Opens a connection to the server.
* If a proxy URL is defined then the connection is made there.
* The SDK allocates the memory for \b handle, the
* application is responsible for freeing this memory.
* \return integer
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS - On Success
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM - Invalid Paramters
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b url, or \b handle
* is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: The \b url is not a valid
* URL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* download this file.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_ERROR: Error occured allocating a socket and
* resources or an error occurred binding a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT: An error occurred connecting a
* socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: Too many sockets are currently
* allocated.
int http_OpenHttpGet(
/* [in] String as a URL. */
const char *url_str,
/* [in,out] Pointer to buffer to store HTTP post handle. */
void **Handle,
/* [in,out] Type of content. */
char **contentType,
/* [out] length of content. */
int *contentLength,
/* [out] HTTP status returned on receiving a response message. */
int *httpStatus,
/* [in] time out value. */
EXPORT_SPEC int http_OpenHttpConnection(
/*! [in] The URL which contains the host, and the scheme to make the connection. */
const char *url,
/*! [in,out] A pointer in which to store the handle for this connection. This
* handle is required for futher operations over this connection. */
void **handle,
/*! [in] The time out value sent with the request during which a response
* is expected from the receiver, failing which, an error is reported.
* If value is negative, timeout is infinite. */
int timeout);
* \brief Makes the HTTP GET message, connects to the peer,
* sends the HTTP GET request, gets the response and parses the response.
* \brief Makes a HTTP request using a connection previously created by
* \b UpnpOpenHttpConnection.
* If a proxy URL is defined then the connection is made there.
* \note Trying to make another request while a request is already being processed
* results in undefined behavior. It's up to the user to end a previous
* request by calling \b UpnpEndHttpRequest.
* \return integer
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS - On Success
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM - Invalid Paramters
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b url, \b handle
* or \b contentType is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: The \b url is not a valid
* URL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* download this file.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_ERROR: Error occured allocating a socket and
* resources or an error occurred binding a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT: An error occurred connecting a
* socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: Too many sockets are currently
* allocated.
int http_OpenHttpGetProxy(
/* [in] String as a URL. */
const char *url_str,
/* [in] String as a URL. */
const char *proxy_str,
/* [in,out] Pointer to buffer to store HTTP post handle. */
void **Handle,
/* [in,out] Type of content. */
char **contentType,
/* [out] length of content. */
int *contentLength,
/* [out] HTTP status returned on receiving a response message. */
int *httpStatus,
/* [in] time out value. */
EXPORT_SPEC int http_MakeHttpRequest(
/* ![in] The method to use to make the request. */
Upnp_HttpMethod method,
/*! [in] The URL to use to make the request. The URL should use the same
* host and scheme used to create the connection. */
const char *url,
/*! [in] The handle to the connection. */
void *handle,
/*! [in] Headers to be used for the request. Each header should be terminated by a CRLF as specified
* in the HTTP specification. If NULL then the default headers will be used. */
UpnpString *headers,
/*! [in] The media type of content being sent. Can be NULL. */
const char *contentType,
/*! [in] The length of the content being sent, in bytes. Set to \b UPNP_USING_CHUNKED to use
* chunked encoding, or \b UPNP_UNTIL_CLOSE to avoid specifying the content length to the server.
* In this case the request is considered unfinished until the connection is closed. */
int contentLength,
/*! [in] The time out value sent with the request during which a response
* is expected from the receiver, failing which, an error is reported.
* If value is negative, timeout is infinite. */
int timeout);
* \brief Writes the content of a HTTP request initiated by a \b UpnpMakeHttpRequest call.
* The end of the content should be indicated by a call to \b UpnpEndHttpRequest
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b handle, \b buf
* or \b size is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: Too many sockets are currently
* allocated.
EXPORT_SPEC int http_WriteHttpRequest(
/*! [in] The handle of the connection created by the call to
* \b UpnpOpenHttpConnection. */
void *handle,
/*! [in] The buffer containing date to be written. */
char *buf,
/*! [in] The size, in bytes of \b buf. */
size_t *size,
/*! [in] A timeout value sent with the request during which a response is
* expected from the server, failing which, an error is reported. If
* value is negative, timeout is infinite. */
int timeout);
* \brief Indicates the end of a HTTP request previously made by
* \b UpnpMakeHttpRequest.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: \b handle is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* download this file.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_ERROR: Error occured allocating a socket and
* resources or an error occurred binding a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT: An error occurred connecting a
* socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: Too many sockets are currently
* allocated.
EXPORT_SPEC int http_EndHttpRequest(
/*! [in] The handle to the connection. */
void *handle,
/*! [in] The time out value sent with the request during which a response
* is expected from the receiver, failing which, an error is reported.
* If value is negative, timeout is infinite. */
int timeout);
* \brief Gets the response from the server using a connection previously created
* by \b UpnpOpenHttpConnection
* \note Memory for \b contentType is only valid until the next call to the HTTP API
* for the same connection.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b handle,
* \b contentType, \b contentLength or \b httpStatus
* is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: The \b url is not a valid
* URL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* download this file.
* \li \c UPNP_E_NETWORK_ERROR: A network error occurred.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_READ: An error or timeout occurred reading
* from a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_BIND: An error occurred binding a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT: An error occurred connecting a
* socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: Too many sockets are currently
* allocated.
* \li \c UPNP_E_BAD_RESPONSE: A bad response was received from the
* remote server.
EXPORT_SPEC int http_GetHttpResponse(
/*! [in] The handle of the connection created by the call to
* \b UpnpOpenHttpConnection. */
void *handle,
/*! [in] Headers sent by the server for the response. If NULL then the
* headers are not copied. */
UpnpString *headers,
/*! [out] A buffer to store the media type of the item. */
char **contentType,
/*! [out] A pointer to store the length of the item. */
int *contentLength,
/*! [out] The status returned on receiving a response message. */
int *httpStatus,
/*! [in] The time out value sent with the request during which a response
* is expected from the server, failing which, an error is reported
* back to the user. If value is negative, timeout is infinite. */
int timeout);
* \brief Reads the content of a response using a connection previously created
* by \b UpnpOpenHttpConnection.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b handle, \b buf
* or \b size is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_BAD_RESPONSE: A bad response was received from the
* remote server.
* \li \c UPNP_E_BAD_HTTPMSG: Either the request or response was in
* the incorrect format.
* \li \c UPNP_E_CANCELED: another thread called UpnpCancelHttpGet.
* Note: In case of return values, the status code parameter of the passed
* in handle value may provide additional information on the return
* value.
EXPORT_SPEC int http_ReadHttpResponse(
/*! [in] The handle of the connection created by the call to
* \b UpnpOpenHttpConnection. */
void *handle,
/*! [in,out] The buffer to store the read item. */
char *buf,
/*! [in,out] The size of the buffer to be read. */
size_t *size,
/*! [in] The time out value sent with the request during which a response is
* expected from the server, failing which, an error is reported back to
* the user. If value is negative, timeout is infinite. */
int timeout);
* \brief Closes the connection created with \b UpnpOpenHttpConnection
* and frees any memory associated with the connection.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: \b handle, or is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_READ: An error or timeout occurred reading
* from a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: Too many sockets are currently
* allocated.
EXPORT_SPEC int http_CloseHttpConnection(
/*! [in] The handle of the connection to close, created by the call to
* \b UpnpOpenHttpPost. */
void *handle);
* Function: http_SendStatusResponse
@ -40,8 +40,12 @@
* \file
#include "upnpconfig.h"
#include "UpnpInet.h" /* for SOCKET, netinet/in */
#include "UpnpGlobal.h" /* for UPNP_INLINE */
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
/* The following are not defined under winsock.h */
#ifndef SD_RECEIVE
@ -57,6 +61,9 @@ typedef struct
SOCKET socket;
/*! The following two fields are filled only in incoming requests. */
struct sockaddr_storage foreign_sockaddr;
SSL *ssl;
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -112,6 +119,20 @@ int sock_init_with_ip(
/*! [in] Remote socket address. */
struct sockaddr *foreign_sockaddr);
* \brief Associates an SSL object with the socket and begins
* the client-side SSL/TLS handshake.
* \return Integer:
int sock_ssl_connect(
/*! [out] Socket Information Object. */
SOCKINFO* info);
* \brief Shutsdown the socket using the ShutdownMethod to indicate whether
* sends and receives on the socket will be dis-allowed.
@ -288,6 +288,8 @@ int parse_hostport(
const char *in,
/*! [in] Sets a maximum limit. */
size_t max,
/*! [in] The default port if the port is not specified. */
int defaultPort,
/*! [out] Output parameter where the host and port are represented as
* an internet address. */
hostport_type *out);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user