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introduction | detailed information | Configure & Build | API description | Custom log formatting
Custom LOG formatting
Overriding the Default File Sink's file header
The default file header can be customized in the default file sink in calling
Overriding the Default FileSink's log formatting
The default log formatting is defined in LogMessage.hpp
static std::string DefaultLogDetailsToString(const LogMessage& msg);
Adding thread ID to the log formatting
An "all details" log formatting function is also defined - this one also adds the "calling thread's ID"
static std::string FullLogDetailsToString(const LogMessage& msg);
Override default sink log formatting
For convenience the Default sink has a function for doing exactly this
void overrideLogDetails(LogMessage::LogDetailsFunc func);
Example code for replacing the default log formatting for "full details" formatting (it adds thread ID)
auto worker = g3::LogWorker::createLogWorker();
auto handle= worker->addDefaultLogger(argv[0], path_to_log_file);
handle->call(&g3::FileSink::overrideLogDetails, &LogMessage::FullLogDetailsToString);
See test_message.cpp for details and testing
Example code for overloading the formatting of a custom sink. The log formatting function will be passed into the
this will override the default log formatting
namespace {
std::string MyCustomFormatting(const LogMessage& msg) {
... how you want it ...
void MyCustomSink::ReceiveLogEntry(LogMessageMover message) {
std::string formatted = message.get().toString(&MyCustomFormatting) << std::flush;
auto worker = g3::LogWorker::createLogWorker();
auto sinkHandle = worker->addSink(std::make_unique<MyCustomSink>(),
// ReceiveLogMessage(...) will used the custom formatting function "MyCustomFormatting(...)
introduction | detailed information | Configure & Build | API description | Custom log formatting