[DEV] nearly ready to be tested
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
import lutinDebug as debug
import datetime
import lutinTools
import lutinModule
import lutinTools as tools
import os
import fnmatch
import lutinExtProjectGenerator
from collections import defaultdict
# id example : FFBA2F79187F44AE0034CC66
genericID = 100000
def convert_name_in_base_id(name,fill=True):
out = ""
out = "FF"
for element in name.lower():
if element == "a": out += "01"
elif element == "b": out += "02"
@ -52,7 +55,7 @@ dictId = {}
def convert_folder_in_base_id(name, package):
global dictId
debug.info(" generate Id for : " + package + ":" + name);
debug.verbose(" generate Id for : " + package + ":" + name);
if package not in dictId.keys():
dictId[package] = {"lastID": 100000, "sub":{}}
if name not in dictId[package]["sub"].keys():
@ -61,12 +64,6 @@ def convert_folder_in_base_id(name, package):
dictId[package]["sub"][name] = {"id":generatedID}
return dictId[package]["sub"][name]["id"]
def create_tree(fileList):
tree = {}
from collections import defaultdict
FILE_MARKER = '<files>'
@ -158,34 +155,45 @@ def generate_tree(treedata, package, tree = []):
XCodeTypeElements = {
'a': ('archive.ar', 'PBXFrameworksBuildPhase'),
'app': ('wrapper.application', None),
's': ('sourcecode.asm', 'PBXSourcesBuildPhase'),
'c': ('sourcecode.c.c', 'PBXSourcesBuildPhase'),
'cpp': ('sourcecode.cpp.cpp', 'PBXSourcesBuildPhase'),
'framework': ('wrapper.framework', 'PBXFrameworksBuildPhase'),
'h': ('sourcecode.c.h', None),
'hpp': ('sourcecode.c.h', None),
'icns': ('image.icns', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase'),
'm': ('sourcecode.c.objc', 'PBXSourcesBuildPhase'),
'j': ('sourcecode.c.objc', 'PBXSourcesBuildPhase'),
'mm': ('sourcecode.cpp.objcpp', 'PBXSourcesBuildPhase'),
'nib': ('wrapper.nib', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase'),
'plist': ('text.plist.xml', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase'),
'json': ('text.json', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase'),
'png': ('image.png', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase'),
'rtf': ('text.rtf', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase'),
'tiff': ('image.tiff', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase'),
'txt': ('text', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase'),
'xcodeproj': ('wrapper.pb-project', None),
'xib': ('file.xib', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase'),
'strings': ('text.plist.strings', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase'),
'bundle': ('wrapper.plug-in', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase'),
'dylib': ('compiled.mach-o.dylib', 'PBXFrameworksBuildPhase'),
'fsh': ('sourcecode.glsl', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase'),
'frag': ('sourcecode.glsl', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase'),
'vsh': ('sourcecode.glsl', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase'),
'vert': ('sourcecode.glsl', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase')
'a': ('archive.ar', 'PBXFrameworksBuildPhase', ''),
'xcodeproj': ('wrapper.pb-project', None, '""'),
'app': ('wrapper.application', None, ''),
'framework': ('wrapper.framework', 'PBXFrameworksBuildPhase', 'SDKROOT'),
'dylib': ('compiled.mach-o.dylib', 'PBXFrameworksBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'h': ('sourcecode.c.h', None, '"<group>"'),
'H': ('sourcecode.c.h', None, '"<group>"'),
'hpp': ('sourcecode.c.h', None, '"<group>"'),
'hxx': ('sourcecode.c.h', None, '"<group>"'),
'S': ('sourcecode.asm', 'PBXSourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
's': ('sourcecode.asm', 'PBXSourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'c': ('sourcecode.c.c', 'PBXSourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'cpp': ('sourcecode.cpp.cpp', 'PBXSourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'cxx': ('sourcecode.cpp.cpp', 'PBXSourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'm': ('sourcecode.c.objc', 'PBXSourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'j': ('sourcecode.c.objc', 'PBXSourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'mm': ('sourcecode.cpp.objcpp', 'PBXSourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'icns': ('image.icns', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'nib': ('wrapper.nib', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'plist': ('text.plist.xml', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'json': ('text.json', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'rtf': ('text.rtf', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'png': ('image.png', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'tiff': ('image.tiff', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'txt': ('text', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'fsh': ('sourcecode.glsl', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'frag': ('sourcecode.glsl', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'vsh': ('sourcecode.glsl', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'vert': ('sourcecode.glsl', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'svg': ('image.png', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'xml': ('sourcecode.xml', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'prog': ('text.xml', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'ttf': ('text', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'conf': ('text', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'emf': ('text', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'xib': ('file.xib', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'strings': ('text.plist.strings', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'bundle': ('wrapper.plug-in', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"'),
'storyboard':('file.storyboard', 'PBXResourcesBuildPhase', '"<group>"')
class ExtProjectGeneratorXCode(lutinExtProjectGenerator.ExtProjectGenerator):
@ -193,17 +201,26 @@ class ExtProjectGeneratorXCode(lutinExtProjectGenerator.ExtProjectGenerator):
lutinExtProjectGenerator.ExtProjectGenerator.__init__(self, "XCode")
# set default framwork:
[ "Foundation.framework",
"XCTest.framework" ]);
def set_project_name(self, name):
self.name = name
self.baseId = convert_name_in_base_id(name)
def add_files(self, group, basePath, srcList):
genericID = 100001
groupBaseID = convert_name_in_base_id(group)
if group in self.groups.keys() :
debug.error("use case not manage yet ...")
reworkedListFile = []
if group not in self.groups.keys() :
self.groups[group] = {
"list-files" : [],
"extra-flags" : []
for element in srcList:
debug.info("plop : " + str(element))
debug.info("plop : " + str(basePath))
@ -217,17 +234,38 @@ class ExtProjectGeneratorXCode(lutinExtProjectGenerator.ExtProjectGenerator):
if pos >= 0:
extention = simpleName[pos+1:]
reworkedListFile.append({ "path" : path,
"name" : simpleName,
"id" : groupBaseID + str(genericID)})
genericID += 1
self.groups[group] = {
"id" : groupBaseID + str(genericID + 100000),
"list-files" : reworkedListFile,
"extra-flags" : []
"path" : path,
"name" : simpleName,
def add_data_file(self, basePath, srcList):
realBasePath = os.path.realpath(basePath)
if realBasePath[-1] == "/":
realBasePath = realBasePath[:-1]
debug.debug("add data file : " + str(srcList))
for realName,destName in srcList:
tools.copy_file(realBasePath+'/'+realName, 'out/iOs/' + self.name + '.xcodeproj/data/' + destName, force=True)
self.add_files("data", 'out/iOs/' + self.name + 'xcodeprj/data', [destName])
def add_data_folder(self, basePath, srcList):
realBasePath = basePath
if realBasePath[-1] == "/":
realBasePath = realBasePath[:-1]
debug.debug("add data folder : " + str(srcList))
for inputPath,outputPath in srcList:
tmpPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(realBasePath + '/' + inputPath))
tmpRule = os.path.basename(inputPath)
debug.warning(" add folder : '" + tmpPath + "' rule : '" + tmpRule + "'")
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(tmpPath):
tmpList = filenames
if len(tmpRule)>0:
tmpList = fnmatch.filter(filenames, tmpRule)
# Import the module :
for cycleFile in tmpList:
#for cycleFile in filenames:
self.add_data_file(tmpPath, [[cycleFile, outputPath+cycleFile]])
def generate_project_file(self):
@ -248,9 +286,15 @@ class ExtProjectGeneratorXCode(lutinExtProjectGenerator.ExtProjectGenerator):
for files in element["list-files"]:
debug.debug(" PBXBuildFile ?? " + str(files))
if files["extention"] in XCodeTypeElements.keys():
if XCodeTypeElements[files["extention"]][1] == "PBXSourcesBuildPhase":
data +=' /* ' + files["name"] + ' */\n'
data +=' ************************ = { isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = ' + files["id"] + '; };\n'
if XCodeTypeElements[files["extention"]][1] == "PBXSourcesBuildPhase" \
or XCodeTypeElements[files["extention"]][1] == "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase"\
or XCodeTypeElements[files["extention"]][1] == "PBXSourcesBuildPhase"\
or XCodeTypeElements[files["extention"]][1] == "PBXVariantGroup":
data +=' ' + convert_folder_in_base_id(files["declare-name"] + '_PBXBuildFile', group)
data +=' /* ' + files["name"] + ' in ' + group + ' */ = {'
data +=' isa = PBXBuildFile;'
data +=' fileRef = ' + convert_folder_in_base_id(files["declare-name"], group) + ';'
data +=' };\n'
data +='/* End PBXBuildFile section */\n'
data +='\n'
data +='/* Begin PBXContainerItemProxy section */\n'
@ -281,82 +325,19 @@ class ExtProjectGeneratorXCode(lutinExtProjectGenerator.ExtProjectGenerator):
debug.debug(" PBXBuildFile ?? " + str(files))
data +=' /* ' + files["name"] + ' */\n'
if files["extention"] in XCodeTypeElements.keys():
data +=' ' + convert_folder_in_base_id(files["declare-name"], group) + ' = {'
data +=' isa = PBXBuildFile;'
data +=' lastKnownFileType = ' + XCodeTypeElements[files["extention"]][0] + ';'
data +=' path = ' + files["path"] + ';'
data +=' name = ' + files["name"] + ';'
data +=' sourceTree = "<group>"; };\n'
data +=' sourceTree = ' + XCodeTypeElements[files["extention"]][2] + '; };\n'
data +=' ' + convert_folder_in_base_id(files["declare-name"], group) + ' = {'
data +=' isa = PBXBuildFile;'
data +=' lastKnownFileType = ' + XCodeTypeElements[files["extention"]][0] + ';'
#data +=' lastKnownFileType = ' + XCodeTypeElements[files["extention"]][0] + ';'
data +=' path = ' + files["path"] + ';'
data +=' name = ' + files["name"] + ';'
data +=' sourceTree = "<group>"; };\n'
data +=' FFBA2F78187F44AE0034CC66 /* Foundation.framework */ = {''
data +=' isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = Foundation.framework; path = System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };\n'
data +=' FFBA2F7A187F44AE0034CC66 /* CoreGraphics.framework */ = {'
data +=' isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = CoreGraphics.framework; path = System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };
data +=' FFBA2F7C187F44AE0034CC66 /* UIKit.framework */ = {
data +=' isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = UIKit.framework; path = System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };
data +=' FFBA2F7E187F44AE0034CC66 /* GLKit.framework */ = {
data +=' isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = GLKit.framework; path = System/Library/Frameworks/GLKit.framework; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };
data +=' FFBA2F80187F44AE0034CC66 /* OpenGLES.framework */ = {
data +=' isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = OpenGLES.framework; path = System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGLES.framework; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };
data +=' FFBA2F84187F44AE0034CC66 /* edn-Info.plist */ = {
data +=' isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = "edn-Info.plist"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
data +=' FFBA2F86187F44AE0034CC66 /* en */ = {
data +=' isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = en; path = en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
data +=' FFBA2F88187F44AE0034CC66 /* main.m */ = {
data +=' isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = main.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
data +=' FFBA2F8A187F44AE0034CC66 /* edn-Prefix.pch */ = {
data +=' isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = "edn-Prefix.pch"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
data +=' FFBA2F8B187F44AE0034CC66 /* AppDelegate.h */ = {
data +=' isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = AppDelegate.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
data +=' FFBA2F8C187F44AE0034CC66 /* AppDelegate.m */ = {
data +=' isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = AppDelegate.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
data +=' FFBA2F8F187F44AE0034CC66 /* Base */ = {
data +=' isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.storyboard; name = Base; path = Base.lproj/Main_iPhone.storyboard; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
data +=' FFBA2F92187F44AE0034CC66 /* Base */ = {
data +=' isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.storyboard; name = Base; path = Base.lproj/Main_iPad.storyboard; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
data +=' FFBA2F94187F44AE0034CC66 /* Shader.fsh */ = {
data +=' isa = PBXFileReference;
data +=' lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.glsl;
data +=' name = Shader.fsh;
data +=' path = Shaders/Shader.fsh;
data +=' sourceTree = "<group>";
data +=' };
data +=' FFBA2F96187F44AE0034CC66 /* Shader.vsh */ = {
data +=' isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.glsl; name = Shader.vsh; path = Shaders/Shader.vsh; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
data +=' FFBA2F98187F44AE0034CC66 /* ViewController.h */ = {
data +=' isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ViewController.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
data +=' FFBA2F99187F44AE0034CC66 /* ViewController.m */ = {
data +=' isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = ViewController.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
data +=' FFBA2F9B187F44AE0034CC66 /* Images.xcassets */ = {
data +=' isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = folder.assetcatalog; path = Images.xcassets; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
data +=' FFBA2FA1187F44AE0034CC66 /* ednTests.xctest */ = {
data +=' isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.cfbundle; includeInIndex = 0; path = ednTests.xctest; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
data +=' FFBA2FA2187F44AE0034CC66 /* XCTest.framework */ = {
data +=' isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = XCTest.framework; path = Library/Frameworks/XCTest.framework; sourceTree = DEVELOPER_DIR; };
data +=' FFBA2FAA187F44AF0034CC66 /* ednTests-Info.plist */ = {
data +=' isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = "ednTests-Info.plist"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
data +=' FFBA2FAC187F44AF0034CC66 /* en */ = {
data +=' isa = PBXFileReference;
data +=' lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings;
data +=' name = en;
data +=' path = en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings;
data +=' sourceTree = "<group>";
data +=' };
data +=' FFBA2FAE187F44AF0034CC66 /* ednTests.m */ = {\n'
data +=' isa = PBXFileReference;\n'
data +=' lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc;\n'
data +=' path = ednTests.m;\n'
data +=' sourceTree = "<group>";\n'
data +=' };\n'
data +='/* End PBXFileReference section */\n'
data +='\n'
@ -366,11 +347,14 @@ class ExtProjectGeneratorXCode(lutinExtProjectGenerator.ExtProjectGenerator):
data +=' isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase;\n'
data +=' buildActionMask = 2147483647;\n'
data +=' files = (\n'
data +=' FFBA2F81187F44AE0034CC66 /* OpenGLES.framework in Frameworks */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F7B187F44AE0034CC66 /* CoreGraphics.framework in Frameworks */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F7D187F44AE0034CC66 /* UIKit.framework in Frameworks */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F7F187F44AE0034CC66 /* GLKit.framework in Frameworks */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F79187F44AE0034CC66 /* Foundation.framework in Frameworks */,\n'
for group in self.groups:
element = self.groups[group]
for files in element["list-files"]:
if files["extention"] not in XCodeTypeElements.keys():
if XCodeTypeElements[files["extention"]][1] == "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase":
data +=' ' + convert_folder_in_base_id(files["declare-name"] + '_PBXBuildFile', group)
data +=' /* ' + files["name"] + ' in ' + group + '*/,\n'
data +=' );\n'
data +=' runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n'
data +=' };\n'
@ -382,9 +366,8 @@ class ExtProjectGeneratorXCode(lutinExtProjectGenerator.ExtProjectGenerator):
data +=' ' + convert_folder_in_base_id("?mainTreeGroup?", self.name) + ' = {\n'
data +=' isa = PBXGroup;\n'
data +=' children = (\n'
for group, element in self.groups:
for group in self.groups:
data +=' ' + convert_folder_in_base_id("?tree?", group) + ' /* ' + group + ' */,\n'
data +=' ' + convert_folder_in_base_id("?tree?", "frameworks") + ' /* Frameworks */,\n'
data +=' ' + convert_folder_in_base_id("?tree?", "Products") + ' /* Products */,\n'
data +=' );\n'
data +=' sourceTree = "<group>";\n'
@ -397,55 +380,14 @@ class ExtProjectGeneratorXCode(lutinExtProjectGenerator.ExtProjectGenerator):
data +=' name = Products;\n'
data +=' sourceTree = "<group>";\n'
data +=' };\n'
data +=' ' + convert_folder_in_base_id("?tree?", "frameworks") + ' /* Frameworks */ = {\n'
data +=' isa = PBXGroup;\n'
data +=' children = (\n'
data +=' FFBA2F78187F44AE0034CC66 /* Foundation.framework */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F7A187F44AE0034CC66 /* CoreGraphics.framework */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F7C187F44AE0034CC66 /* UIKit.framework */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F7E187F44AE0034CC66 /* GLKit.framework */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F80187F44AE0034CC66 /* OpenGLES.framework */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2FA2187F44AE0034CC66 /* XCTest.framework */,\n'
data +=' );\n'
data +=' name = Frameworks;\n'
data +=' sourceTree = "<group>";\n'
data +=' };\n'
# treeview :
for group, element in self.groups:
for group in self.groups:
element = self.groups[group]
main_dict = defaultdict(dict, ((FILE_MARKER, []),))
for line in element["list-files"]:
attach(line["declare-name"], main_dict)
data += generate_tree(main_dict, group)
data +=' FFBA2F82187F44AE0034CC66 /* edn */ = {\n'
data +=' isa = PBXGroup;\n'
data +=' children = (\n'
data +=' FFBA2F8B187F44AE0034CC66 /* AppDelegate.h */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F8C187F44AE0034CC66 /* AppDelegate.m */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F8E187F44AE0034CC66 /* Main_iPhone.storyboard */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F91187F44AE0034CC66 /* Main_iPad.storyboard */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F94187F44AE0034CC66 /* Shader.fsh */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F96187F44AE0034CC66 /* Shader.vsh */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F98187F44AE0034CC66 /* ViewController.h */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F99187F44AE0034CC66 /* ViewController.m */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F9B187F44AE0034CC66 /* Images.xcassets */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F83187F44AE0034CC66 /* Supporting Files */,\n'
data +=' );\n'
data +=' path = edn;\n'
data +=' sourceTree = "<group>";\n'
data +=' };\n'
data +=' FFBA2F83187F44AE0034CC66 /* Supporting Files */ = {\n'
data +=' isa = PBXGroup;\n'
data +=' children = (\n'
data +=' FFBA2F84187F44AE0034CC66 /* edn-Info.plist */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F85187F44AE0034CC66 /* InfoPlist.strings */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F88187F44AE0034CC66 /* main.m */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F8A187F44AE0034CC66 /* edn-Prefix.pch */,\n'
data +=' );\n'
data +=' name = "Supporting Files";\n'
data +=' sourceTree = "<group>";\n'
data +=' };\n'
data +='/* End PBXGroup section */\n'
data +='\n'
@ -509,14 +451,14 @@ class ExtProjectGeneratorXCode(lutinExtProjectGenerator.ExtProjectGenerator):
data +=' buildActionMask = 2147483647;\n'
data +=' files = (\n'
# list of all resources to copy
data +=' FFBA2F95187F44AE0034CC66 /* Shader.fsh in Resources */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F93187F44AE0034CC66 /* Main_iPad.storyboard in Resources */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F90187F44AE0034CC66 /* Main_iPhone.storyboard in Resources */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F9C187F44AE0034CC66 /* Images.xcassets in Resources */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F87187F44AE0034CC66 /* InfoPlist.strings in Resources */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F97187F44AE0034CC66 /* Shader.vsh in Resources */,\n'
for group in self.groups:
element = self.groups[group]
for files in element["list-files"]:
if files["extention"] in XCodeTypeElements.keys():
if XCodeTypeElements[files["extention"]][1] == "PBXResourcesBuildPhase":
data +=' ' + convert_folder_in_base_id(files["declare-name"] + '_PBXBuildFile', group) + ' = {'
data +=' /* ' + files["name"] + ' in ' + group + ' */'
data +=' ,\n'
data +=' );\n'
data +=' runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n'
data +=' };\n'
@ -530,11 +472,15 @@ class ExtProjectGeneratorXCode(lutinExtProjectGenerator.ExtProjectGenerator):
data +=' buildActionMask = 2147483647;\n'
data +=' files = (\n'
# list of all file to compile ...
data +=' FFBA2F9A187F44AE0034CC66 /* ViewController.m in Sources */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F8D187F44AE0034CC66 /* AppDelegate.m in Sources */,\n'
data +=' FFBA2F89187F44AE0034CC66 /* main.m in Sources */,\n'
# TODO : review this ==> generate to many files ...
for group in self.groups:
element = self.groups[group]
for files in element["list-files"]:
if files["extention"] not in XCodeTypeElements.keys():
if XCodeTypeElements[files["extention"]][1] == "PBXSourcesBuildPhase":
data +=' ' + convert_folder_in_base_id(files["declare-name"] + '_PBXBuildFile', group)
data +=' /* ' + group + " : " + files["name"] + ' */,\n'
data +=' );\n'
data +=' runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n'
data +=' };\n'
@ -546,6 +492,17 @@ class ExtProjectGeneratorXCode(lutinExtProjectGenerator.ExtProjectGenerator):
data +='/* End PBXTargetDependency section */\n'
data +='\n'
data +='/* Begin PBXVariantGroup section */\n'
# not really needed, because it is for internal system data position ==> maybe change it if necessary ...
for group in self.groups:
element = self.groups[group]
for files in element["list-files"]:
if files["extention"] not in XCodeTypeElements.keys():
if XCodeTypeElements[files["extention"]][1] == "PBXSourcesBuildPhase":
data +=' ' + convert_folder_in_base_id(files["declare-name"] + '_PBXBuildFile', group)
data +=' FFBA2F85187F44AE0034CC66 /* InfoPlist.strings */ = {\n'
data +=' isa = PBXVariantGroup;\n'
@ -707,10 +664,16 @@ class ExtProjectGeneratorXCode(lutinExtProjectGenerator.ExtProjectGenerator):
data +=' };\n'
data +='/* End XCConfigurationList section */\n'
data +=' };\n'
data +=' rootObject = ******************* /* Project object */;\n'
data +=' rootObject = ' + convert_folder_in_base_id("?PBXProject?", self.name) + ' /* Project object */;\n'
data +='}\n'
outName = 'out/iOs/' + self.name + '.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj'
tools.file_write_data(outName, data)
# TODO : Generate all dependency files ...
@ -668,9 +668,22 @@ class Module:
# TODO : Check values...
def ext_project_add_module(self, target, projectMng, addedModule = []):
if self.name in addedModule:
debug.verbose("add a module to the project generator :" + self.name)
debug.verbose("local path :" + self.originFolder)
projectMng.add_files(self.name, self.originFolder, self.src)
projectMng.add_data_file(self.originFolder, self.files)
projectMng.add_data_folder(self.originFolder, self.folders)
for depend in self.depends:
target.project_add_module(depend, projectMng, addedModule)
def create_project(self, target, projectMng):
projectMng.add_files(self.name, self.local_path[0], self.src)
self.ext_project_add_module(target, projectMng)
@ -217,6 +217,12 @@ class Target:
for modName in listOfAllTheModule:
def project_add_module(self, name, projectMng, addedModule):
for module in self.moduleList:
if module.name == name:
module.ext_project_add_module(self, projectMng, addedModule)
def build(self, name, packagesName=None):
if name == "dump":
debug.info("dump all")
Reference in New Issue
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