2013-04-18 01:46:47 +02:00
2013-04-22 21:37:13 +02:00
import lutinDebug as debug
import lutinTarget
import lutinTools
2013-07-10 09:21:53 +02:00
import lutinHost
2013-07-11 13:53:19 +02:00
import lutinMultiprocess
2013-04-22 21:37:13 +02:00
import os
class Target ( lutinTarget . Target ) :
2013-05-08 12:17:45 +02:00
def __init__ ( self , typeCompilator , debugMode , generatePackage ) :
2013-04-22 21:37:13 +02:00
2013-07-03 21:32:04 +02:00
self . folder_ndk = os . getenv ( ' PROJECT_NDK ' , lutinTools . GetRunFolder ( ) + " /../android/ndk " )
self . folder_sdk = os . getenv ( ' PROJECT_SDK ' , lutinTools . GetRunFolder ( ) + " /../android/sdk " )
2013-04-22 21:37:13 +02:00
arch = " ARMv7 "
2013-07-10 09:21:53 +02:00
if lutinHost . OS64BITS == True :
cross = self . folder_ndk + " /toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi- "
else :
cross = self . folder_ndk + " /toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi- "
2013-04-22 21:37:13 +02:00
if typeCompilator != " gcc " :
debug . error ( " Android does not support ' " + typeCompilator + " ' compilator ... availlable : [gcc] " )
2013-05-08 12:17:45 +02:00
lutinTarget . Target . __init__ ( self , " Android " , " gcc " , debugMode , generatePackage , arch , cross )
2013-04-22 21:37:13 +02:00
2013-04-23 21:48:36 +02:00
self . folder_bin = " /mustNotCreateBinary "
self . folder_lib = " /data/lib/armeabi "
self . folder_data = " /data/assets "
self . folder_doc = " /doc "
self . suffix_package = ' .pkg '
# board id at 14 is for android 4.0 and more ...
2013-04-22 21:37:13 +02:00
self . boardId = 14
self . global_include_cc . append ( " -I " + self . folder_ndk + " /platforms/android- " + str ( self . boardId ) + " /arch-arm/usr/include " )
self . global_include_cc . append ( " -I " + self . folder_ndk + " /sources/cxx-stl/system/include/ " )
self . global_sysroot = " --sysroot= " + self . folder_ndk + " /platforms/android- " + str ( self . boardId ) + " /arch-arm "
self . global_flags_cc . append ( " -D__ARM_ARCH_5__ " )
self . global_flags_cc . append ( " -D__ARM_ARCH_5T__ " )
self . global_flags_cc . append ( " -D__ARM_ARCH_5E__ " )
self . global_flags_cc . append ( " -D__ARM_ARCH_5TE__ " )
if self . arch == " ARM " :
# -----------------------
# -- arm V5 :
# -----------------------
self . global_flags_cc . append ( " -march=armv5te " )
self . global_flags_cc . append ( " -msoft-float " )
else :
# -----------------------
# -- arm V7 (Neon) :
# -----------------------
self . global_flags_cc . append ( " -mfpu=neon " )
self . global_flags_cc . append ( " -mfloat-abi=softfp " )
self . global_flags_ld . append ( " -mfpu=neon " )
self . global_flags_ld . append ( " -mfloat-abi=softfp " )
self . global_flags_cc . append ( " -D__ARM_ARCH_7__ " )
self . global_flags_cc . append ( " -D__ARM_NEON__ " )
# the -mthumb must be set for all the android produc, some ot the not work coretly without this one ... (all android code is generated with this flags)
self . global_flags_cc . append ( " -mthumb " )
# -----------------------
# -- Common flags :
# -----------------------
self . global_flags_cc . append ( " -fpic " )
self . global_flags_cc . append ( " -ffunction-sections " )
self . global_flags_cc . append ( " -funwind-tables " )
self . global_flags_cc . append ( " -fstack-protector " )
self . global_flags_cc . append ( " -Wno-psabi " )
self . global_flags_cc . append ( " -mtune=xscale " )
self . global_flags_cc . append ( " -fno-exceptions " )
self . global_flags_cc . append ( " -fomit-frame-pointer " )
self . global_flags_cc . append ( " -fno-strict-aliasing " )
self . global_flags_xx . append ( " -fno-rtti " )
self . global_flags_xx . append ( " -Wa,--noexecstack " )
2013-04-23 21:48:36 +02:00
2013-04-22 21:37:13 +02:00
2013-04-23 21:48:36 +02:00
def CheckRightPackage ( self , pkgProperties , value ) :
for val in pkgProperties [ " RIGHT " ] :
if value == val :
return True
return False
2013-04-22 21:37:13 +02:00
2013-07-13 22:15:07 +02:00
def GetStagingFolderData ( self , binaryName ) :
return self . GetStagingFolder ( binaryName ) + self . folder_data
2013-04-23 21:48:36 +02:00
def MakePackage ( self , pkgName , pkgProperties ) :
# http://alp.developpez.com/tutoriels/debian/creer-paquet/
debug . debug ( " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ " )
debug . info ( " Generate package ' " + pkgName + " ' " )
debug . debug ( " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ " )
self . folder_javaProject = self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) \
+ " /src/ " \
+ pkgProperties [ " COMPAGNY_TYPE " ] \
+ " / " + pkgProperties [ " COMPAGNY_NAME2 " ] \
+ " / " + pkgName + " / "
self . file_finalAbstraction = self . folder_javaProject + " / " + pkgName + " .java "
2013-08-26 22:31:51 +02:00
compleatePackageName = pkgProperties [ " COMPAGNY_TYPE " ] + " . " + pkgProperties [ " COMPAGNY_NAME2 " ] + " . " + pkgName
2013-07-13 22:15:07 +02:00
debug . printElement ( " pkg " , " absractionFile " , " <== " , " dynamic file " )
# Create folder :
lutinTools . CreateDirectoryOfFile ( self . file_finalAbstraction )
# Create file :
tmpFile = open ( self . file_finalAbstraction , ' w ' )
2013-08-26 22:04:33 +02:00
if pkgProperties [ " ANDROID_APPL_TYPE " ] == " APPL " :
tmpFile . write ( " /** \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " * @author Edouard DUPIN, Kevin BILLONNEAU \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " * @copyright 2011, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " * @license BSD v3 (see license file) \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " * @note This file is autogenerate ==> see documantation to generate your own \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " */ \n " )
2013-08-26 22:31:51 +02:00
tmpFile . write ( " package " + compleatePackageName + " ; \n " )
2013-08-26 22:04:33 +02:00
tmpFile . write ( " import org.ewol.EwolActivity; \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " public class " + pkgName + " extends EwolActivity { \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " public void onCreate(android.os.Bundle savedInstanceState) { \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); \n " )
2013-08-26 22:31:51 +02:00
tmpFile . write ( " initApkPath( \" " + pkgProperties [ " COMPAGNY_TYPE " ] + " \" , \" " + pkgProperties [ " COMPAGNY_NAME2 " ] + " \" , \" " + pkgName + " \" ); \n " )
2013-08-26 22:04:33 +02:00
tmpFile . write ( " } \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " } \n " )
else :
# wallpaper mode ...
tmpFile . write ( " /** \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " * @author Edouard DUPIN, Kevin BILLONNEAU \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " * @copyright 2011, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " * @license BSD v3 (see license file) \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " * @note This file is autogenerate ==> see documantation to generate your own \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " */ \n " )
2013-08-26 22:31:51 +02:00
tmpFile . write ( " package " + compleatePackageName + " ; \n " )
2013-08-26 22:04:33 +02:00
tmpFile . write ( " import org.ewol.EwolWallpaper; \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " public class " + pkgName + " extends EwolWallpaper { \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " public static final String SHARED_PREFS_NAME = \" " + pkgName + " settings \" ; \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " public Engine onCreateEngine() { \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " Engine tmpEngine = super.onCreateEngine(); \n " )
2013-08-26 22:31:51 +02:00
tmpFile . write ( " initApkPath( \" " + pkgProperties [ " COMPAGNY_TYPE " ] + " \" , \" " + pkgProperties [ " COMPAGNY_NAME2 " ] + " \" , \" " + pkgName + " \" ); \n " )
2013-08-26 22:04:33 +02:00
tmpFile . write ( " return tmpEngine; \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " } \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " } \n " )
2013-07-13 22:15:07 +02:00
tmpFile . flush ( )
tmpFile . close ( )
2013-04-23 21:48:36 +02:00
lutinTools . CopyFile ( pkgProperties [ " ICON " ] , self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /res/drawable/icon.png " , True )
2013-08-25 23:28:25 +02:00
2013-08-26 22:04:33 +02:00
if pkgProperties [ " ANDROID_MANIFEST " ] != " " :
2013-08-25 23:28:25 +02:00
debug . printElement ( " pkg " , " AndroidManifest.xml " , " <== " , pkgProperties [ " ANDROID_MANIFEST " ] )
lutinTools . CopyFile ( pkgProperties [ " ANDROID_MANIFEST " ] , self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /AndroidManifest.xml " , True )
2013-04-23 21:48:36 +02:00
else :
2013-08-25 23:28:25 +02:00
debug . printElement ( " pkg " , " AndroidManifest.xml " , " <== " , " package configurations " )
tmpFile = open ( self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /AndroidManifest.xml " , ' w ' )
tmpFile . write ( " <?xml version= \" 1.0 \" encoding= \" utf-8 \" ?> \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " <!-- Manifest is autoGenerated with Ewol ... do not patch it--> \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " <manifest xmlns:android= \" http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android \" \n " )
2013-08-26 22:31:51 +02:00
tmpFile . write ( " package= \" " + compleatePackageName + " \" \n " )
2013-08-25 23:28:25 +02:00
tmpFile . write ( " android:versionCode= \" 1 \" \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " android:versionName= \" " + pkgProperties [ " VERSION " ] + " \" > \n " )
2013-08-26 22:31:51 +02:00
tmpFile . write ( " <uses-feature android:glEsVersion= \" 0x00020000 \" android:required= \" true \" /> \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion= \" " + str ( self . boardId ) + " \" /> \n " )
2013-08-26 22:04:33 +02:00
if pkgProperties [ " ANDROID_APPL_TYPE " ] == " APPL " :
tmpFile . write ( " <application android:label= \" " + pkgName + " \" \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " android:icon= \" @drawable/icon \" > \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " <activity android:name= \" . " + pkgName + " \" \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " android:label= \" " + pkgProperties [ " NAME " ] )
if " debug " == self . buildMode :
tmpFile . write ( " -debug " )
tmpFile . write ( " \" \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " android:icon= \" @drawable/icon \" \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " android:hardwareAccelerated= \" true \" \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " android:configChanges= \" orientation \" > \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " <intent-filter> \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " <action android:name= \" android.intent.action.MAIN \" /> \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " <category android:name= \" android.intent.category.LAUNCHER \" /> \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " </intent-filter> \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " </activity> \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " </application> \n " )
2013-08-25 23:28:25 +02:00
else :
2013-08-26 22:04:33 +02:00
tmpFile . write ( " <application android:label= \" " + pkgName + " \" \n " )
2013-08-26 22:31:51 +02:00
tmpFile . write ( " android:permission= \" android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER \" \n " )
2013-08-26 22:04:33 +02:00
tmpFile . write ( " android:icon= \" @drawable/icon \" > \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " <service android:name= \" . " + pkgName + " \" \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " android:label= \" " + pkgProperties [ " NAME " ] )
if " debug " == self . buildMode :
tmpFile . write ( " -debug " )
tmpFile . write ( " \" \n " )
2013-08-26 22:31:51 +02:00
tmpFile . write ( " android:icon= \" @drawable/icon \" > \n " )
2013-08-26 22:04:33 +02:00
tmpFile . write ( " <intent-filter> \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " <action android:name= \" android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService \" /> \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " </intent-filter> \n " )
2013-08-26 22:31:51 +02:00
tmpFile . write ( " <meta-data android:name= \" android.service.wallpaper \" \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " android:resource= \" @xml/ " + pkgName + " _resource \" /> \n " )
2013-08-26 22:04:33 +02:00
tmpFile . write ( " </service> \n " )
2013-08-26 22:31:51 +02:00
if len ( pkgProperties [ " ANDROID_WALLPAPER_PROPERTIES " ] ) != 0 :
2013-08-26 22:04:33 +02:00
tmpFile . write ( " <activity android:label= \" Setting \" \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " android:name= \" . " + pkgName + " Settings \" \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " android:theme= \" @android:style/Theme.Light.WallpaperSettings \" \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " android:exported= \" true \" \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " android:icon= \" @drawable/icon \" > \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " </activity> \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " </application> \n " )
# write package autorisations :
2013-08-25 23:28:25 +02:00
if True == self . CheckRightPackage ( pkgProperties , " WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE " ) :
tmpFile . write ( " <uses-permission android:name= \" android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE \" /> \n " )
if True == self . CheckRightPackage ( pkgProperties , " CAMERA " ) :
tmpFile . write ( " <uses-permission android:name= \" android.permission.CAMERA \" /> \n " )
if True == self . CheckRightPackage ( pkgProperties , " INTERNET " ) :
tmpFile . write ( " <uses-permission android:name= \" android.permission.INTERNET \" /> \n " )
if True == self . CheckRightPackage ( pkgProperties , " MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS " ) :
tmpFile . write ( " <uses-permission android:name= \" android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS \" /> \n " )
if True == self . CheckRightPackage ( pkgProperties , " READ_CALENDAR " ) :
tmpFile . write ( " <uses-permission android:name= \" android.permission.READ_CALENDAR \" /> \n " )
if True == self . CheckRightPackage ( pkgProperties , " READ_CONTACTS " ) :
tmpFile . write ( " <uses-permission android:name= \" android.permission.READ_CONTACTS \" /> \n " )
if True == self . CheckRightPackage ( pkgProperties , " READ_FRAME_BUFFER " ) :
tmpFile . write ( " <uses-permission android:name= \" android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER \" /> \n " )
if True == self . CheckRightPackage ( pkgProperties , " READ_PROFILE " ) :
tmpFile . write ( " <uses-permission android:name= \" android.permission.READ_PROFILE \" /> \n " )
if True == self . CheckRightPackage ( pkgProperties , " RECORD_AUDIO " ) :
tmpFile . write ( " <uses-permission android:name= \" android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO \" /> \n " )
if True == self . CheckRightPackage ( pkgProperties , " SET_ORIENTATION " ) :
tmpFile . write ( " <uses-permission android:name= \" android.permission.SET_ORIENTATION \" /> \n " )
if True == self . CheckRightPackage ( pkgProperties , " VIBRATE " ) :
tmpFile . write ( " <uses-permission android:name= \" android.permission.VIBRATE \" /> \n " )
if True == self . CheckRightPackage ( pkgProperties , " ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION " ) :
tmpFile . write ( " <uses-permission android:name= \" android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION \" /> \n " )
if True == self . CheckRightPackage ( pkgProperties , " ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION " ) :
tmpFile . write ( " <uses-permission android:name= \" android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION \" /> \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " </manifest> \n \n " )
tmpFile . flush ( )
tmpFile . close ( )
2013-08-26 22:31:51 +02:00
# end generating android manifest
if pkgProperties [ " ANDROID_APPL_TYPE " ] != " APPL " :
#create the Wallpaper sub files : (main element for the application
debug . printElement ( " pkg " , pkgName + " _resource.xml " , " <== " , " package configurations " )
lutinTools . CreateDirectoryOfFile ( self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /res/xml/ " + pkgName + " _resource.xml " )
tmpFile = open ( self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /res/xml/ " + pkgName + " _resource.xml " , ' w ' )
tmpFile . write ( " <?xml version= \" 1.0 \" encoding= \" utf-8 \" ?> \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " <wallpaper xmlns:android= \" http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android \" \n " )
if len ( pkgProperties [ " ANDROID_WALLPAPER_PROPERTIES " ] ) != 0 :
tmpFile . write ( " android:settingsActivity= \" " + compleatePackageName + " . " + pkgName + " Settings \" \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " android:thumbnail= \" @drawable/icon \" /> \n " )
tmpFile . flush ( )
tmpFile . close ( )
# create wallpaper setting if needed (class and config file)
if len ( pkgProperties [ " ANDROID_WALLPAPER_PROPERTIES " ] ) != 0 :
lutinTools . CreateDirectoryOfFile ( self . folder_javaProject + pkgName + " Settings.java " )
debug . printElement ( " pkg " , self . folder_javaProject + pkgName + " Settings.java " , " <== " , " package configurations " )
tmpFile = open ( self . folder_javaProject + pkgName + " Settings.java " , ' w ' ) ;
tmpFile . write ( " package " + compleatePackageName + " ; \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " import " + compleatePackageName + " .R; \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " import android.content.SharedPreferences; \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " import android.os.Bundle; \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " import android.preference.PreferenceActivity; \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " public class " + pkgName + " Settings extends PreferenceActivity implements SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " { \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " super.onCreate(icicle); \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " getPreferenceManager().setSharedPreferencesName( " + pkgName + " .SHARED_PREFS_NAME); \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " addPreferencesFromResource(R.xml. " + pkgName + " _settings); \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " getPreferenceManager().getSharedPreferences().registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this); \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " } \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " @Override protected void onResume() { \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " super.onResume(); \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " } \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " @Override protected void onDestroy() { \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " getPreferenceManager().getSharedPreferences().unregisterOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this); \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " super.onDestroy(); \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " } \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences,String key) { } \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " } \n " )
tmpFile . flush ( )
tmpFile . close ( )
debug . printElement ( " pkg " , self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /res/xml/ " + pkgName + " _settings.xml " , " <== " , " package configurations " )
lutinTools . CreateDirectoryOfFile ( self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /res/xml/ " + pkgName + " _settings.xml " )
tmpFile = open ( self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /res/xml/ " + pkgName + " _settings.xml " , ' w ' ) ;
tmpFile . write ( " <?xml version= \" 1.0 \" encoding= \" utf-8 \" ?> \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " <PreferenceScreen xmlns:android= \" http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android \" \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " android:title= \" Settings \" \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " android:key= \" " + pkgName + " _settings \" > \n " )
WALL_haveArray = False
for WALL_type , WALL_key , WALL_title , WALL_summary , WALL_other in pkgProperties [ " ANDROID_WALLPAPER_PROPERTIES " ] :
debug . info ( " find : ' " + WALL_type + " ' " ) ;
if WALL_type == " list " :
debug . info ( " create : LIST " ) ;
tmpFile . write ( " <ListPreference android:key= \" " + pkgName + " _ " + WALL_key + " \" \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " android:title= \" " + WALL_title + " \" \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " android:summary= \" " + WALL_summary + " \" \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " android:entries= \" @array/ " + pkgName + " _ " + WALL_key + " _names \" \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " android:entryValues= \" @array/ " + pkgName + " _ " + WALL_key + " _prefix \" /> \n " )
WALL_haveArray = True
elif WALL_type == " bool " :
debug . info ( " create : CHECKBOX " ) ;
tmpFile . write ( " <CheckBoxPreference android:key= \" " + pkgName + " _ " + WALL_key + " \" \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " android:title= \" " + WALL_title + " \" \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " android:summary= \" " + WALL_summary + " \" \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " android:summaryOn= \" " + WALL_other [ 0 ] + " \" \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " android:summaryOff= \" " + WALL_other [ 1 ] + " \" /> \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " </PreferenceScreen> \n " )
tmpFile . flush ( )
tmpFile . close ( )
if WALL_haveArray == True :
for WALL_type , WALL_key , WALL_title , WALL_summary , WALL_other in pkgProperties [ " ANDROID_WALLPAPER_PROPERTIES " ] :
if WALL_type == " list " :
debug . printElement ( " pkg " , self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /res/values/ " + WALL_key + " .xml " , " <== " , " package configurations " )
lutinTools . CreateDirectoryOfFile ( self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /res/values/ " + WALL_key + " .xml " )
tmpFile = open ( self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /res/values/ " + WALL_key + " .xml " , ' w ' ) ;
tmpFile . write ( " <?xml version= \" 1.0 \" encoding= \" utf-8 \" ?> \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " <resources xmlns:xliff= \" urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2 \" > \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " <string-array name= \" " + pkgName + " _ " + WALL_key + " _names \" > \n " )
for WALL_subKey , WALL_display in WALL_other :
tmpFile . write ( " <item> " + WALL_display + " </item> \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " </string-array> \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " <string-array name= \" " + pkgName + " _ " + WALL_key + " _prefix \" > \n " )
for WALL_subKey , WALL_display in WALL_other :
tmpFile . write ( " <item> " + WALL_subKey + " </item> \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " </string-array> \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " </resources> \n " )
tmpFile . flush ( )
tmpFile . close ( )
2013-08-25 23:28:25 +02:00
2013-08-26 22:31:51 +02:00
#add properties on wallpaper :
# myModule.pkgAdd("ANDROID_WALLPAPER_PROPERTIES", ["list", key, title, summary, [["key","value display"],["key2","value display 2"]])
# myModule.pkgAdd("ANDROID_WALLPAPER_PROPERTIES", ["list", "testpattern", "Select test pattern", "Choose which test pattern to display", [["key","value display"],["key2","value display 2"]]])
# myModule.pkgAdd("ANDROID_WALLPAPER_PROPERTIES", ["bool", key, title, summary, ["enable string", "disable String"])
# myModule.pkgAdd("ANDROID_WALLPAPER_PROPERTIES", ["bool", "movement", "Motion", "Apply movement to test pattern", ["Moving test pattern", "Still test pattern"]
2013-08-25 23:28:25 +02:00
#copy needed resources :
for res_source , res_dest in pkgProperties [ " ANDROID_RESOURCES " ] :
if res_source == " " :
lutinTools . CopyFile ( res_source , self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /res/ " + res_dest + " / " + os . path . basename ( res_source ) , True )
2013-04-23 21:48:36 +02:00
# Doc :
# http://asantoso.wordpress.com/2009/09/15/how-to-build-android-application-package-apk-from-the-command-line-using-the-sdk-tools-continuously-integrated-using-cruisecontrol/
debug . printElement ( " pkg " , " R.java " , " <== " , " Resources files " )
2013-07-03 21:32:04 +02:00
lutinTools . CreateDirectoryOfFile ( self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /src/noFile " )
2013-07-10 09:21:53 +02:00
cmdLine = self . folder_sdk + " /build-tools/17.0.0/aapt p -f " \
2013-04-23 21:48:36 +02:00
+ " -M " + self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /AndroidManifest.xml " \
+ " -F " + self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /resources.res " \
+ " -I " + self . folder_sdk + " /platforms/android- " + str ( self . boardId ) + " /android.jar " \
+ " -S " + self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /res/ " \
+ " -J " + self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /src "
2013-07-11 13:53:19 +02:00
lutinMultiprocess . RunCommand ( cmdLine )
2013-04-23 21:48:36 +02:00
#aapt package -f -M ${manifest.file} -F ${packaged.resource.file} -I ${path.to.android-jar.library}
# -S ${android-resource-directory} [-m -J ${folder.to.output.the.R.java}]
lutinTools . CreateDirectoryOfFile ( self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /build/classes/noFile " )
debug . printElement ( " pkg " , " *.class " , " <== " , " *.java " )
# more information with : -Xlint
2013-07-03 21:32:04 +02:00
# + self.file_finalAbstraction + " "\ # this generate ex: out/Android/debug/staging/tethys/src/com/edouarddupin/tethys/edn.java
2013-08-25 23:28:25 +02:00
#generate android java files:
filesString = " "
for element in pkgProperties [ " ANDROID_JAVA_FILES " ] :
if element == " DEFAULT " :
filesString + = self . folder_ewol + " /sources/android/src/org/ewol/EwolAudioTask.java "
filesString + = self . folder_ewol + " /sources/android/src/org/ewol/EwolCallback.java "
filesString + = self . folder_ewol + " /sources/android/src/org/ewol/EwolConstants.java "
filesString + = self . folder_ewol + " /sources/android/src/org/ewol/Ewol.java "
filesString + = self . folder_ewol + " /sources/android/src/org/ewol/EwolRendererGL.java "
filesString + = self . folder_ewol + " /sources/android/src/org/ewol/EwolSurfaceViewGL.java "
filesString + = self . folder_ewol + " /sources/android/src/org/ewol/EwolActivity.java "
2013-08-26 22:04:33 +02:00
filesString + = self . folder_ewol + " /sources/android/src/org/ewol/EwolWallpaper.java "
2013-08-25 23:28:25 +02:00
else :
filesString + = element + " "
2013-08-26 22:31:51 +02:00
if len ( pkgProperties [ " ANDROID_WALLPAPER_PROPERTIES " ] ) != 0 :
filesString + = self . folder_javaProject + pkgName + " Settings.java "
2013-08-25 23:28:25 +02:00
2013-04-23 21:48:36 +02:00
cmdLine = " javac " \
+ " -d " + self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /build/classes " \
+ " -classpath " + self . folder_sdk + " /platforms/android- " + str ( self . boardId ) + " /android.jar " \
2013-08-25 23:28:25 +02:00
+ filesString \
2013-07-12 06:50:54 +02:00
+ self . file_finalAbstraction + " " \
2013-04-23 21:48:36 +02:00
+ self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /src/R.java "
2013-07-11 13:53:19 +02:00
lutinMultiprocess . RunCommand ( cmdLine )
2013-04-23 21:48:36 +02:00
debug . printElement ( " pkg " , " .dex " , " <== " , " *.class " )
2013-07-11 15:05:46 +02:00
cmdLine = self . folder_sdk + " /build-tools/17.0.0/dx " \
2013-04-23 21:48:36 +02:00
+ " --dex --no-strict " \
+ " --output= " + self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /build/ " + pkgName + " .dex " \
+ self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /build/classes/ "
2013-07-11 13:53:19 +02:00
lutinMultiprocess . RunCommand ( cmdLine )
2013-04-23 21:48:36 +02:00
debug . printElement ( " pkg " , " .apk " , " <== " , " .dex, assets, .so, res " )
2013-07-11 15:05:46 +02:00
#builderDebug="-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=8050,suspend=y "
builderDebug = " "
cmdLine = " java -Xmx128M " \
+ " -classpath " + self . folder_sdk + " /tools/lib/sdklib.jar " \
+ builderDebug \
+ " com.android.sdklib.build.ApkBuilderMain " \
+ self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /build/ " + pkgName + " -unalligned.apk " \
+ " -u " \
+ " -z " + self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /resources.res " \
+ " -f " + self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /build/ " + pkgName + " .dex " \
+ " -rf " + self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /data "
2013-07-11 13:53:19 +02:00
lutinMultiprocess . RunCommand ( cmdLine )
2013-04-23 21:48:36 +02:00
# doc :
# http://developer.android.com/tools/publishing/app-signing.html
if " debug " == self . buildMode :
# To create the debug Key ==> for all ...
#keytool -genkeypair -v -keystore $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/AndroidDebugKey.jks -storepass Pass__AndroidDebugKey -alias alias__AndroidDebugKey -keypass PassKey__AndroidDebugKey -keyalg RSA -validity 36500
# use default common generic debug key:
# generate the pass file (debug mode does not request to have a complicated key) :
tmpFile = open ( " tmpPass.boo " , ' w ' )
tmpFile . write ( " Pass__AndroidDebugKey \n " )
tmpFile . write ( " PassKey__AndroidDebugKey \n " )
tmpFile . flush ( )
tmpFile . close ( )
2013-07-11 15:05:46 +02:00
debug . printElement ( " pkg " , " .apk(signed debug) " , " <== " , " .apk (not signed) " )
2013-07-13 22:15:07 +02:00
# verbose mode :
#debugOption = "-verbose -certs "
debugOption = " "
2013-04-23 21:48:36 +02:00
cmdLine = " jarsigner " \
2013-07-13 22:15:07 +02:00
+ debugOption \
2013-04-26 09:27:19 +02:00
+ " -keystore " + lutinTools . GetCurrentPath ( __file__ ) + " /AndroidDebugKey.jks " \
2013-04-23 21:48:36 +02:00
+ self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /build/ " + pkgName + " -unalligned.apk " \
+ " alias__AndroidDebugKey " \
+ " < tmpPass.boo "
2013-07-11 13:53:19 +02:00
lutinMultiprocess . RunCommand ( cmdLine )
2013-04-23 21:48:36 +02:00
print ( " " )
else :
# keytool is situated in $(JAVA_HOME)/bin ...
#TODO : call the user the pass and the loggin he want ...
#$(if $(wildcard ./config/AndroidKey_$(PROJECT_NAME2).jks),$(empty), \
# $(Q)echo "./config/$(PROJECT_NAME2).jks <== dynamic key (NOTE : It might ask some question to generate the key for android)" ; \
# $(Q)keytool -genkeypair -v \
# -keystore ./config/$(PROJECT_NAME2).jks \
# -alias alias_$(PROJECT_NAME2) \
# -keyalg RSA \
# -validity 365 \
# note we can add : -storepass Pass$(PROJECT_NAME2)
# note we can add : -keypass PassK$(PROJECT_NAME2)
# Question poser a ce moment, les automatiser ...
# Quels sont vos prenom et nom ?
# EdoGetRunFolderuard DUPIN
# [Unknown] : Quel est le nom de votre unite organisationnelle ?
# org
# [Unknown] : Quelle est le nom de votre organisation ?
# [Unknown] : Quel est le nom de votre ville de residence ?
# Paris
# [Unknown] : Quel est le nom de votre etat ou province ?
# France
# [Unknown] : Quel est le code de pays a deux lettres pour cette unite ?
# FR
# [Unknown] : Est-ce CN=Edouard DUPIN, OU=org, O=EWOL, L=Paris, ST=France, C=FR ?
# oui
# [non] :
# Generation d'une paire de clees RSA de a 024 bits et d'un certificat autosigne (SHA1withRSA) d'une validite de 365 jours
# pour : CN=Edouard DUPIN, OU=org, O=EWOL, L=Paris, ST=France, C=FR
# keytool is situated in $(JAVA_HOME)/bin ...
#echo "apk(Signed) <== apk"
# sign the application request loggin and password :
#jarsigner \
# -keystore ./config/AndroidKey_$(PROJECT_NAME2).jks \
# $(TARGET_OUT_STAGING)/build/$(PROJECT_NAME2)-unalligned.apk \
# alias_$(PROJECT_NAME2)
debug . warning ( " TODO ... " )
2013-07-11 15:05:46 +02:00
debug . printElement ( " pkg " , " .apk(aligned) " , " <== " , " .apk (not aligned) " )
2013-04-23 21:48:36 +02:00
lutinTools . RemoveFile ( self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " / " + pkgName + " .apk " )
# verbose mode : -v
cmdLine = self . folder_sdk + " /tools/zipalign 4 " \
+ self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " /build/ " + pkgName + " -unalligned.apk " \
+ self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " / " + pkgName + " .apk "
2013-07-11 13:53:19 +02:00
lutinMultiprocess . RunCommand ( cmdLine )
2013-04-23 21:48:36 +02:00
# copy file in the final stage :
lutinTools . CopyFile ( self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " / " + pkgName + " .apk " ,
self . GetFinalFolder ( ) + " / " + pkgName + " .apk " ,
True )
def InstallPackage ( self , pkgName ) :
debug . debug ( " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ " )
debug . info ( " Install package ' " + pkgName + " ' " )
debug . debug ( " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ " )
cmdLine = self . folder_sdk + " /platform-tools/adb install -r " \
+ self . GetStagingFolder ( pkgName ) + " / " + pkgName + " .apk "
2013-07-11 13:53:19 +02:00
lutinMultiprocess . RunCommand ( cmdLine )
2013-04-23 21:48:36 +02:00
def UnInstallPackage ( self , pkgName ) :
debug . debug ( " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ " )
debug . info ( " Un-Install package ' " + pkgName + " ' " )
debug . debug ( " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ " )
cmdLine = self . folder_sdk + " /platform-tools/adb uninstall " + pkgName
2013-07-11 13:53:19 +02:00
RlutinMultiprocess . unCommand ( cmdLine )
2013-04-23 21:48:36 +02:00
def Log ( self , pkgName ) :
debug . debug ( " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ " )
debug . info ( " logcat of android board " )
debug . debug ( " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ " )
cmdLine = self . folder_sdk + " /platform-tools/adb shell logcat "
2013-07-11 13:53:19 +02:00
lutinMultiprocess . RunCommand ( cmdLine )
2013-04-22 21:37:13 +02:00