[DEV] add the default class for the android class

This commit is contained in:
Edouard DUPIN 2013-07-13 22:15:07 +02:00
parent 9d5d0ca041
commit 8478e412ae

View File

@ -83,6 +83,9 @@ class Target(lutinTarget.Target):
return True
return False
def GetStagingFolderData(self, binaryName):
return self.GetStagingFolder(binaryName) + self.folder_data
def MakePackage(self, pkgName, pkgProperties):
# http://alp.developpez.com/tutoriels/debian/creer-paquet/
@ -97,13 +100,28 @@ class Target(lutinTarget.Target):
self.file_finalAbstraction = self.folder_javaProject + "/" + pkgName + ".java"
lutinTools.CopyFile(self.folder_ewol + "/sources/android/PROJECT_NAME.java", self.file_finalAbstraction, True)
debug.printElement("pkg", "absractionFile", "<==", "dynamic file")
# Create folder :
# Create file :
tmpFile = open(self.file_finalAbstraction, 'w')
tmpFile.write( "/**\n")
tmpFile.write( " * @author Edouard DUPIN, Kevin BILLONNEAU\n")
tmpFile.write( " * @copyright 2011, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved\n")
tmpFile.write( " * @license BSD v3 (see license file)\n")
tmpFile.write( " * @note This file is autogenerate ==> see documantation to generate your own\n")
tmpFile.write( " */\n")
tmpFile.write( "package "+pkgProperties["COMPAGNY_TYPE"]+"."+pkgProperties["COMPAGNY_NAME2"]+"." + pkgName + ";\n")
tmpFile.write( "import org.ewol.EwolActivity;\n")
tmpFile.write( "public class " + pkgName + " extends EwolActivity {\n")
tmpFile.write( " public void onCreate(android.os.Bundle savedInstanceState) {\n")
tmpFile.write( " super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);\n")
tmpFile.write( " initApkPath(\""+pkgProperties["COMPAGNY_TYPE"]+"\", \""+pkgProperties["COMPAGNY_NAME2"]+"\", \"" + pkgName + "\");\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( "}\n")
os.system("sed -i \"s|__PROJECT_ORG_TYPE__|"+pkgProperties["COMPAGNY_TYPE"]+"|\" " + self.file_finalAbstraction)
os.system("sed -i \"s|__PROJECT_VENDOR__|"+pkgProperties["COMPAGNY_NAME2"]+"|\" " + self.file_finalAbstraction)
os.system("sed -i \"s|__PROJECT_NAME__|" + pkgName + "|\" "+ self.file_finalAbstraction)
os.system("sed -i \"s|__PROJECT_PACKAGE__|" + pkgName + "|\" " + self.file_finalAbstraction)
os.system("sed -i \"s|__CONF_OGL_ES_V__|2|\" " + self.file_finalAbstraction)
lutinTools.CopyFile(pkgProperties["ICON"], self.GetStagingFolder(pkgName) + "/res/drawable/icon.png", True)
@ -230,8 +248,11 @@ class Target(lutinTarget.Target):
debug.printElement("pkg", ".apk(signed debug)", "<==", ".apk (not signed)")
# verbose mode : -verbose
# verbose mode :
#debugOption = "-verbose -certs "
debugOption = ""
cmdLine = "jarsigner " \
+ debugOption \
+ "-keystore " + lutinTools.GetCurrentPath(__file__) + "/AndroidDebugKey.jks " \
+ self.GetStagingFolder(pkgName) + "/build/" + pkgName + "-unalligned.apk " \
+ " alias__AndroidDebugKey " \