
119 lines
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Build lib & build sample {#zeus_build}
Download: {#zeus_build_download}
ege use some tools to manage source and build it:
need google repo: {#zeus_build_download_repo}
see: http://source.android.com/source/downloading.html#installing-repo
On all platform:
mkdir ~/.bin
curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/.bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/.bin/repo
On ubuntu
sudo apt-get install repo
On archlinux
sudo pacman -S repo
lutin (build-system): {#zeus_build_download_lutin}
pip install lutin --user
# optionnal dependency of lutin (manage image changing size for application release)
pip install pillow --user
dependency: {#zeus_build_download_dependency}
mkdir -p WORKING_DIRECTORY/framework
repo init -u git://github.com/atria-soft/manifest.git
repo sync -j8
cd ../..
sources: {#zeus_build_download_sources}
They are already download in the repo manifest in:
cd WORKING_DIRECTORY/framework/atria-soft/zeus
Build: {#zeus_build_build}
you must stay in zour working directory...
library: {#zeus_build_build_library}
lutin -mdebug zeus
Sample: {#zeus_build_build_sample}
# generic gateway (with acces control)
lutin -mdebug zeus-gateway
# control acces with the user property
lutin -mdebug zeus-system-user
# simple picture service (example)
lutin -mdebug zeus-picture
# test service
lutin -mdebug zeus-test-service1
# test client
lutin -mdebug zeus-test-client
A fast way:
lutin -mdebug zeus-*
Run sample: {#zeus_build_run_sample}
you must copy a configuration file:
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/zeus-system-user/
cp framework/atria-soft/zeus/test1#atria-soft.com.json ~/.local/share/zeus-system-user/test1~atria-soft.com.json
in distinct bash:
lutin -mdebug zeus-gateway?run
lutin -mdebug zeus-system-user?run
lutin -mdebug zeus-picture?run
lutin -mdebug zeus-test-service1?run
lutin -mdebug zeus-test-client?run