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#elem-brief: user interface management
#elem-version: 1.0
#elem-author:Heero Yui<yui.heero@gmail.com>
// ----------------- Check authorisations -----------------------
#brief:Check if a user tocken is correct or not
#param:clientName:Name of the client
#param:tocken:String containing the Tocken
#return: true if the Tocken is validated or false if it is wrong
bool checkTocken(string, string)
#brief:Check the password of the curent user
#param:password:client/user password
#return: true if the pasword is validated or false if it is wrong
bool checkAuth(string)
// ----------------- Check GROUP right restriction for a client -----------------------
#brief:Get list of group availlable for a client name
#param:clientName:Name of the client
vector:string clientGroupsGet(string)
#brief:Add a group for a client
#param:clientName:Name of the client
#param:groupName:Name of the group to add
void clientGroupsAdd(string, string)
#brief:Remove a group for a client
#param:clientName:Name of the client
#param:groupName:Name of the group to remove
void clientGroupsRemove(string, string)
// ----------------- Check SERVICE right restriction for a client -----------------------
#brief:Filter a list of service with for a the user (restrict area)
#param:clientName:Name of the client
#param:currentList:Vector of name of the services
vector:string filterClientServices(string, vector:string)
#brief:Add a Service acces for a client
#param:clientName:Name of the client
#param:serviceName:Name of the Service access to add
void clientServiceAccessAdd(string, string)
#brief:Remove a group for a client
#param:clientName:Name of the client
#param:serviceName:Name of the Service access to add
void clientServiceAccessRemove(string, string)
// ----------------- Add / remove Client access request -----------------------
#brief:Request access form a client (the answer is asynchronous ... when user athorize it)
#param:clientName:Name of the client
#param:message:Message from the client to convince the user to athorise him to access
void clientRequestAccess(string, string)
#brief:Get the Number of client requesting an access of this user
#return: The count of pending request
uint32 getClientRequestAccessCount()
#brief:Get a pending request
#param:id:Id of the pending request
#return: a pair of value: name,message
// TODO: support real pair of value ...
vector:string getClientRequestAccessList(uint32)
#brief:Accept or refuse the access on a specific client (with message)
#param:answer:true The access is athorized, false otherwise
#param:clientName:Name of the client
#param:message:Answer message of the request
string getClientRequestAccessAnswer(bool, string, string)
#brief:Remove the access request on a specific client
#param:clientName:Name of the client
string getClientRequestAccessRemove(string)
// ----------------- Remove Client access -----------------------
#brief:Get the list of all client reference for this user
#return:All the client connected
string clientGetList()
#brief:Remove all Access of a specific client
#param:clientName:Name of the client
void clientRemove(string)
#brief:Suspend all Access of a specific client
#param:clientName:Name of the client
#param:while:The duration while the client has been suspended, if 0 this is infinite
void clientSuspend(string, duration)
#brief:Get the last connection of a user
#param:clientName:Name of the client
#return:The last connection time
time clientLastConnection(string, duration)