[DEV] continue think about object methodes and attributes
This commit is contained in:
@ -64,6 +64,77 @@ def remove_start_stop_spacer(data):
return dataout
class AttributeDefinition:
def __init__(self):
self.name = "";
self.brief = "";
self.type = "";
def set_name(self, name):
self.name = remove_start_stop_spacer(name);
def set_brief(self, desc):
self.name = "";
self.brief = remove_start_stop_spacer(desc);
self.type = "";
def set_type(self, type):
self.type = remove_start_stop_spacer(type);
def display(self):
debug.info(" BRIEF: " + self.brief)
debug.info(" " + self.type + " " + self.name + ";")
def generate_doxy_get(self, space):
out = ""
out += space + "/**\n"
out += space + " * @brief Get parameter " + self.brief + "\n"
out += space + " * @return Requested parameter\n"
out += space + " */\n"
return out
def generate_doxy_set(self, space):
out = ""
out += space + "/**\n"
out += space + " * @brief Set parameter " + self.brief + "\n"
out += space + " * @param[in] _value New parameter value\n"
out += space + " */\n"
return out
def generate_cpp(self, space):
out = "";
# TODO : Set it in protected
out += space + convert_type_in_cpp(self.type) + " m_" + self.name + "; //!<" + self.brief + "\n"
# TODO: set it in public ...
out += self.generate_doxy_get(space)
out += space + "virtual " + convert_type_in_cpp(self.type) + " get" + self.name.title() + "() {\n"
out += space + " return m_" + self.name.title() + ";\n"
out += space + "}\n"
out += self.generate_doxy_set(space)
out += space + "virtual void set" + self.name.title() + "(" + convert_type_in_cpp(self.type) + " _value);\n"
out += space + " m_" + self.name.title() + " = _value;\n"
out += space + "}\n"
return out;
def generate_hpp_proxy(self, space):
out = "";
out += self.generate_doxy_get(space)
out += space + "virtual zeus::Future<" + convert_type_in_cpp(self.type) + "> get" + self.name.title() + "();\n"
out += self.generate_doxy_set(space)
out += space + "virtual zeus::Future<void> set" + self.name.title() + "(" + convert_type_in_cpp(self.type) + " _value);\n"
return out;
def generate_cpp_proxy(self, space, class_name):
out = "";
out += space + "zeus::Future<" + convert_type_in_cpp(self.type) + "> " + class_name + "::get" + self.name.title() + "() {\n"
out += space + ' return m_srv.call("' + self.name + '.get");\n'
out += space + "}\n"
out += space + "zeus::Future<void> " + class_name + "::set" + self.name.title() + "(" + convert_type_in_cpp(self.type) + " _value) {\n"
out += space + ' return m_srv.call("' + self.name + '.set", _value);\n'
out += space + "}\n"
return out;
class FunctionDefinition:
def __init__(self):
self.name = "";
@ -210,6 +281,7 @@ class FunctionDefinition:
space = space[:-1]
return out;
class ServiceDefinition:
def __init__(self):
self.name = [""];
@ -217,6 +289,7 @@ class ServiceDefinition:
self.version = "";
self.api = "";
self.authors = []
self.attributes = []
self.functions = []
def set_name(self, value):
@ -237,8 +310,13 @@ class ServiceDefinition:
def add_function(self, value):
# TODO : Check if function already exist
def add_attribute(self, value):
# TODO : Check if attribute already exist
def display(self):
debug.info("Display service definition : ")
debug.info(" name: " + str(self.name))
@ -292,6 +370,9 @@ class ServiceDefinition:
out += space + " */\n"
out += space + "virtual ~" + self.name[-1] + "() = default;\n"
for elem in self.attributes:
out += elem.generate_cpp(space)
for elem in self.functions:
out += elem.generate_cpp(space)
@ -415,17 +496,6 @@ class ServiceDefinition:
out += space + 'ZEUS_INFO("===========================================================");\n';
out += space + 'ZEUS_INFO("== Instanciate service: ' + self.name[-1] + '");\n';
out += space + 'ZEUS_INFO("===========================================================");\n';
zeus::ServiceType<appl::SystemService> _serviceInterface([](ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::ClientProperty> _client){
return ememory::makeShared<appl::SystemService>(_client);
if (_ip != "") {
if (_port != 0) {
#out += space + '_serviceInterface.propertyNameService.set("' + self.name[-1].lower() + '");\n'
if self.brief != "":
out += space + '_serviceInterface.setDescription("' + self.brief + '");\n';
@ -437,12 +507,25 @@ class ServiceDefinition:
out += space + '_serviceInterface.addAuthor("' + elem.split("<")[0] + '", "' + elem.split("<")[1].replace(">","") + '");\n';
if len(self.functions) != 0:
out += space + "zeus::AbstractFunction* func = nullptr;\n"
for elem in self.attributes:
out += space + 'func = _serviceInterface.advertise("' + elem.name.title() + '.set", &' + class_name + '::set' + elem.name.title() + ');\n'
out += space + 'if (func != nullptr) {\n'
space += " "
if elem.brief != "":
out += space + 'func->setDescription("Set parameter ' + elem.brief + '");\n'
out += space + '}\n'
out += space + 'func = _serviceInterface.advertise("' + elem.name.title() + '.get", &' + class_name + '::get' + elem.name.title() + ');\n'
out += space + 'if (func != nullptr) {\n'
space += " "
if elem.brief != "":
out += space + 'func->setDescription("Get parameter ' + elem.brief + '");\n'
out += space + '}\n'
for elem in self.functions:
out += space + 'func = _serviceInterface.advertise("' + elem.name + '", &' + class_name + '::' + elem.name + ');\n'
out += space + 'if (func != nullptr) {\n'
space += " "
if elem.brief != "":
out += space + 'func->setDescription("' + elem.name + '");\n'
out += space + 'func->setDescription("' + elem.brief + '");\n'
for elem_p in elem.parameters:
if elem_p["name"] == "" \
and elem_p["brief"] == "":
@ -527,6 +610,8 @@ class ServiceDefinition:
out += space + " */\n"
out += space + "virtual ~" + self.name[-1] + "() = default;\n"
for elem in self.attributes:
out += elem.generate_hpp_proxy(space)
for elem in self.functions:
out += elem.generate_hpp_proxy(space)
@ -559,21 +644,37 @@ class ServiceDefinition:
out += "#include <" + filename.replace(".cpp",".hpp") + ">\n"
out += "\n"
for elem in self.attributes:
out += elem.generate_cpp_proxy("", class_name)
for elem in self.functions:
out += elem.generate_cpp_proxy("", class_name)
return [filename, out]
def tool_generate_idl(target, module, data_path):
def tool_generate_idl(target, module, data_option):
data_path = data_option["path"]
debug.debug("Parsing .zeus.idl [start] " + str(data_path))
name_file = os.path.basename(data_path)
if len(name_file) < 9 \
if len(name_file) < 9 \
and name_file[-9:] != ".zeus.idl":
debug.error("IDL must have an extention ended with '.zeus.idl' and not with '" + name_file[-9:] + "'")
elem_name = ""
if len(name_file) >= 13 \
and name_file[-13:] == ".srv.zeus.idl":
elem_name = name_file[:-13]
elif len(name_file) >= 16 \
and name_file[-16:] == ".struct.zeus.idl":
elem_name = name_file[:-16]
elif len(name_file) >= 13 \
and name_file[-13:] == ".obj.zeus.idl":
elem_name = name_file[:-13]
debug.error("IDL must have an extention ended with '(struct|obj|srv).zeus.idl' and not with '" + name_file + "'")
service_def = ServiceDefinition()
data = tools.file_read_data(os.path.join(module.get_origin_path(), data_path))
if len(data) == 0:
debug.error("Can not parse zeus.idl ==> no data in the file, or no file : " + os.path.join(module.get_origin_path(), data_path))
@ -584,6 +685,7 @@ def tool_generate_idl(target, module, data_path):
id_line = 0
multi_comment = False
current_def = FunctionDefinition()
current_attr = AttributeDefinition()
for line in data.split("\n"):
id_line += 1;
if len(line) == 0:
@ -631,6 +733,7 @@ def tool_generate_idl(target, module, data_path):
debug.extreme_verbose(" BRIEF: '" + doc_data + "'")
current_def = FunctionDefinition()
elif doc_keyword == "#param:":
debug.extreme_verbose(" PARAMETER: '" + doc_data + "'")
# TODO : Do it better ...
@ -638,31 +741,31 @@ def tool_generate_idl(target, module, data_path):
elif doc_keyword == "#return:":
debug.extreme_verbose(" RETURN: '" + doc_data + "'")
elif doc_keyword == "#srv-brief:":
elif doc_keyword == "#elem-brief:":
debug.extreme_verbose(" SRV-BRIEF: '" + doc_data + "'")
elif doc_keyword == "#srv-version:":
elif doc_keyword == "#elem-version:":
debug.extreme_verbose(" SRV-VERSION: '" + doc_data + "'")
elif doc_keyword == "#srv-type:":
elif doc_keyword == "#elem-type:":
debug.extreme_verbose(" SRV-TYPE: '" + doc_data + "'")
elif doc_keyword == "#srv-author:":
elif doc_keyword == "#elem-author:":
debug.extreme_verbose(" SRV-AUTHOR: '" + doc_data + "'")
debug.warning("line " + str(id_line) + " ==> Unknow: keyword: '" + doc_keyword + "'")
debug.error(" support only: '#brief:' '#param:' '#return:' '#srv-brief:' '#srv-version:' '#srv-type:' '#srv-author:'")
debug.error(" support only: '#brief:' '#param:' '#return:' '#elem-brief:' '#elem-version:' '#elem-type:' '#elem-author:'")
debug.extreme_verbose("Need to parse the fucntion line:")
debug.extreme_verbose("Need to parse the fucntion/attribute line:")
debug.extreme_verbose(" '" + line + "'")
if True:
if line[-1] != ")":
debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " Can not parse function the line dos not ended by a ')'")
if line[-1] == ")":
# Find a fundtion ==> parse it
#debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " Can not parse function the line dos not ended by a ')'")
#get first part (befor '('):
list_elems = line.split("(")
if len(list_elems) <= 1:
debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " fucntion parsing error missing the '(' element")
debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " function parsing error missing the '(' element")
fist_part = list_elems[0].replace(" ", " ").replace(" ", " ").replace(" ", " ")
argument_list = list_elems[1].replace(" ", "").replace(" ", "").replace(" ", "")[:-1]
if len(argument_list) != 0:
@ -690,7 +793,21 @@ def tool_generate_idl(target, module, data_path):
for elem in argument_list:
current_def = FunctionDefinition()
# if must be a simple element separate with a space
if len(line.split("(")) != 1:
debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " Can not parse function the line does not ended by a ')'")
elem = line.split(" ")
if len(elem) != 2:
debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " Can not parse attribute must be constituated with the type and the name")
if elem[0] not in get_list_type():
debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " Attribute type unknow : '" + elem[0] + "' not in " + str(get_list_type()))
# reset it ...
current_def = FunctionDefinition()
current_attr = AttributeDefinition()
if multi_comment == True:
debug.error("reach end of file and missing end of multi-line comment */")
debug.verbose("Parsing idl Done (no error ...)")
@ -725,7 +842,13 @@ def tool_generate_idl(target, module, data_path):
def parse_service_idl(module, idl_path):
module.add_action(tool_generate_idl, data=idl_path)
module.add_action(tool_generate_idl, data={"path":idl_path, "type":"service"})
def parse_object_idl(module, idl_path):
module.add_action(tool_generate_idl, data={"path":idl_path, "type":"object"})
def parse_struct_idl(module, idl_path):
module.add_action(tool_generate_idl, data={"path":idl_path, "type":"struct"})
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#srv-brief: picture interface management
#srv-version: 1.0
#srv-author:Heero Yui<yui.heero@gmail.com
#elem-brief: picture interface management
#elem-version: 1.0
#elem-author:Heero Yui<yui.heero@gmail.com
vector:string getAlbums()
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ def configure(target, my_module):
zeus_macro = macro.load_macro('zeus')
zeus_macro.parse_service_idl(my_module, 'appl/zeus-service-picture.zeus.idl')
zeus_macro.parse_service_idl(my_module, 'appl/zeus-service-picture.srv.zeus.idl')
#module_zeus = target.get_module('zeus')
#module_zeus.parse_service_idl(my_module, 'appl/zeus-service-picture.zeus.idl')
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#srv-brief: user interface management
#srv-version: 1.0
#srv-author:Heero Yui<yui.heero@gmail.com>
#elem-brief: user interface management
#elem-version: 1.0
#elem-author:Heero Yui<yui.heero@gmail.com>
// ----------------- Check authorisations -----------------------
#brief:Check if a user tocken is correct or not
@ -33,7 +33,9 @@ def configure(target, my_module):
zeus_macro = macro.load_macro('zeus')
zeus_macro.parse_service_idl(my_module, 'appl/zeus-service-user.zeus.idl')
zeus_macro.parse_service_idl(my_module, 'appl/zeus-service-user.srv.zeus.idl')
# use object for a first step ...
zeus_macro.parse_object_idl(my_module, 'appl/zeus-service-clientProperty.struct.zeus.idl')
#module_zeus = target.get_module('zeus')
#module_zeus.parse_service_idl(my_module, 'appl/zeus-service-user.zeus.idl')
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#srv-brief: video interface management
#srv-version: 1.0
#srv-author:Heero Yui<yui.heero@gmail.com>
#elem-brief: video interface management
#elem-version: 1.0
#elem-author:Heero Yui<yui.heero@gmail.com>
vector:string getAlbums()
vector:string getSubAlbums(string)
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ def configure(target, my_module):
zeus_macro = macro.load_macro('zeus')
zeus_macro.parse_service_idl(my_module, 'appl/zeus-service-video.zeus.idl')
zeus_macro.parse_service_idl(my_module, 'appl/zeus-service-video.srv.zeus.idl')
#module_zeus = target.get_module('zeus')
#module_zeus.parse_service_idl(my_module, 'appl/zeus-service-video.zeus.idl')
Reference in New Issue
Block a user