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Read an XML content


The first thing to do when reading or writing a XML file/stream, is to declare the Document interface

Include exml @snippet read.cpp exml_sample_include

Declare document interface @snippet read.cpp exml_sample_declare_doc

Read an XML file

File to read: "read.xml" @include read.xml

Reading a file is done like this: @snippet read.cpp exml_sample_read_file

The file naming is manage by @ref etk::FSNode that provide "DATA:" start string for internal application asset. You can use external path like "./plop/file.xml" too.

Read an XML Stream

Reading a stream is done like this: @snippet read.cpp exml_sample_read_stream1

In C and C++ it is very hard to read string with the \" then to simplify parsing of xml the parser engine support the use of simple ' interface: @snippet read.cpp exml_sample_read_stream2

Access at all Element datas

In an exml::Element (or exml::Document) the sub-nodes are accessible threw an abstraction class stores in an element name nodes

Get a node with its name: @snippet read.cpp exml_sample_read_get_node

Reading all file nodes: @snippet read.cpp exml_sample_read_folow_nodes

note: the itElem is a simple exml::Node that can be all the xml type. you can change the type by calling: toDocument(), toElement(), toString() ...

In a C style mode: @snippet read.cpp exml_sample_read_folow_nodes_c

In an exml::Element (or exml::Document or exml::Declaration) the sub-nodes are accessible threw an abstraction class stores in an element name attributes

Reading all Attributes of one node: @snippet read.cpp exml_sample_read_folow_attributes

In a C style mode: @snippet read.cpp exml_sample_read_folow_attributes_c

Get an attribute data: @snippet read.cpp exml_sample_read_get_direct_attribute

In an exml::Element (or exml::Document) the internal data text can be accessible threw the interface:

Get all the data in an element in text mode: @snippet read.cpp exml_sample_read_get_all_under_string

All example file

@snippet read.cpp exml_sample_read_all