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EWOL: Object config
- Understand base of e-property configuration parameter
- Create an configurable object
Configuration using
All ewol::Object have a configuration of parameters (the object name is a parameter), then we need to set get and use xml to update parameters.
Set a Parameter/Property
Parameter is managed by the [e-property](http://atria-soft.github.io/eproperty)
With a string configuration
if (tmpObject->properties.set("name", "new name of object") == false) {
APPL_ERROR("Can not set object parameter");
whith the object name
if (ewol::propertySetOnObjectNamed("objectName", "value", "16.2") == false) {
APPL_ERROR("Can not set object parameter");
Get Parameter
etk::String val = tmpObject->properties.get("name");
APPL_INFO("Get Object property: name='" << val << "'");
Implement configuration
#include <ewol/object/Object.hpp>
namespace appl {
class MyObj : public ewol::Object {
eproperty::Value<bool> propertyValue; //!< Property interface (all time start with "property")
//! @brief Constructor
MyObj(void) :
propertyValue(this, "value",
"Value of the parameter (descrition string)",
&appl::MyObj::onChangeParameterValue) {
// nothing to do..
void init() {
// do some stuff with the init value
//! @brief Destructor
virtual ~MyObj(void) { }
void onChangeParameterValue() {
APPL_DEBUG("The internal value has change, new value is : '" << *m_value << "'");
In the contructor we need to add:
"Value of the parameter (descrition string)",
- 'this': Pointer the main class to call it chen value change.
- "value": Is the name of the parameter.
- false: The default value.
- "....." Description of the parameter (optionnal).
- &appl::MyObj::onChangeParameterValue The callback when the value change (optionnal).
The last point is that the *propertyValue
same as propertyValue.get()
are inline fuction then it take no more CPU cycle to access the value than normal variable.
Some other parameter are availlable :
- eproperty::Value Basic parameter.
- eproperty::Range For numeric parameter that range value are check befor setting new value.
- eproperty::List For List of parameter values.
For more information see e-property