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Build lib & build sample
@tableofcontents Linux dependency packages
Ubuntu or Debian
sudo apt-get install g++ libgl1-mesa-dev zlib1g-dev libasound2-dev
# Compile with Clang:
sudo apt-get install clang
# For andoid compilation (jdk 7 does not work...):
sudo apt-get install javacc openjdk-6-jdk
# Cross compile for windows:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc-mingw-w64
# On 64 bits processor for compatibility:
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
sudo apt-get install g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386
# Cross compile for windows:
pacman -S mingw-w64-gcc
# Cross compile for Android:
in /etc/pacman.conf file uncomment:
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# update the system:
Pacman -Syu
# install lib C:
pacman -S lib32-glibc lib32-zlib lib32-gcc-libs
# install open-jdk 7.0
pacman -S jdk7-openjdk
# connect adb: (and you can do a "android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell" to enable computer key on device)
pacman -S android-udev
ewol use some tools to manage source and build it:
need google repo:
see: http://source.android.com/source/downloading.html#installing-repo
On all platform:
mkdir ~/.bin
curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/.bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/.bin/repo
On ubuntu
sudo apt-get install repo
On archlinux
sudo pacman -S repo
lutin (build-system):
pip install lutin --user
# optionnal dependency of lutin (manage image changing size for application release)
pip install pillow --user
The full build tool documentation is availlable here : lutin
mkdir -p WORKING_DIRECTORY/framework
repo init -u git://github.com/atria-soft/manifest.git
repo sync -j8
cd ../..
They are already download in the repo manifest in:
cd WORKING_DIRECTORY/framework/atria-soft/ewol
you must stay in zour working directory...
lutin -mdebug ewol
lutin -mdebug ewol-sample-*
Run sample:
Basic way
lutin -mdebug ewol-sample-*?run
With some option: (set global log leval at 2 (print, error, warning), and "appl" library at log level 6
lutin -mdebug ewol-sample-*?run:--elog-level=2:--elog-lib=appl:6
Build for Android and install:
lutin -tAndroid -mdebug ewol-sample-*
lutin -tAndroid -mdebug ewol-sample-*?install
Worktree explanation:
The workspace is a simple folder that contain all the modules ans sub module availlable for build. It will create a tree like this :
- workspace
- application: set your application here, it is a good position
- framework: framework download by repo
- atria-soft: graphic framework
- generic-library: open sources library that is wrapped on lutin builder
- musicdsp: Common library for audio interfacing
- tools: build tools (now only the IOs flasher)
- out:
- Android_arm_32
- Android_arm_64
- Windows_x86_32
- Windows_x86_64
- Linux_x86_32
- Linux_x86_64
- MacOs_x86_32
- MacOs_x86_64
- IOs_x86_32
- IOs_x86_64
All the build object are set in the out path, then to restart with a clean build simply remove this folder