[DEV] the Ctags is now availlable inmultiple files
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,15 +26,11 @@
#include <etk/tool.h>
#include <appl/Gui/TagFileList.h>
extern "C" {
// file browsing ...
#include <dirent.h>
#undef __class__
#define __class__ "TagFileList"
extern const char * const applEventCtagsListSelect = "appl-event-ctags-list-select";
extern const char * const applEventCtagsListUnSelect = "appl-event-ctags-list-un-select";
extern const char * const applEventCtagsListValidate = "appl-event-ctags-list-validate";
@ -77,7 +73,13 @@ uint32_t appl::TagFileList::GetNuberOfRaw(void) {
bool appl::TagFileList::GetElement(int32_t colomn, int32_t raw, etk::UString &myTextToWrite, draw::Color &fg, draw::Color &bg) {
if (raw >= 0 && raw < m_list.Size() && NULL != m_list[raw]) {
myTextToWrite = *m_list[raw];
if (0==colomn) {
// note : tmp while the list support multiple colomn
myTextToWrite = m_list[raw]->filename;
myTextToWrite = m_list[raw]->filename + ":" + etk::UString(m_list[raw]->fileLine);
} else {
myTextToWrite = etk::UString(m_list[raw]->fileLine);
} else {
myTextToWrite = "ERROR";
@ -105,18 +107,16 @@ bool appl::TagFileList::OnItemEvent(int32_t IdInput, ewol::eventInputType_te typ
} else {
m_selectedLine = raw;
const char * event = applEventCtagsListValidate;
if (previousRaw != m_selectedLine) {
if( m_selectedLine >=0
&& m_selectedLine < m_list.Size()
&& NULL != m_list[m_selectedLine] ) {
GenerateEventId(applEventCtagsListSelect, *m_list[m_selectedLine]);
event = applEventCtagsListSelect;
if( m_selectedLine >=0
&& m_selectedLine < m_list.Size()
&& NULL != m_list[m_selectedLine] ) {
GenerateEventId(event, etk::UString(m_list[raw]->fileLine)+":"+m_list[m_selectedLine]->filename);
} else {
if( m_selectedLine >=0
&& m_selectedLine < m_list.Size()
&& NULL != m_list[m_selectedLine] ) {
GenerateEventId(applEventCtagsListValidate, *m_list[m_selectedLine]);
// need to regenerate the display of the list :
@ -133,9 +133,9 @@ bool appl::TagFileList::OnItemEvent(int32_t IdInput, ewol::eventInputType_te typ
* @param[in] jump line id
* @return ---
void appl::TagFileList::Add(etk::UString file, int32_t line)
void appl::TagFileList::Add(etk::UString& file, int32_t line)
etk::UString *tmpFile = new etk::UString(file);
appl::TagListElement *tmpFile = new appl::TagListElement(file, line);
if (NULL != tmpFile) {
@ -34,13 +34,21 @@
extern const char * const applEventCtagsListSelect;
extern const char * const applEventCtagsListValidate;
extern const char * const applEventCtagsListUnSelect;
namespace appl {
class TagListElement {
etk::UString filename;
int32_t fileLine;
TagListElement(etk::UString& file, int32_t line) : filename(file), fileLine(line) {};
~TagListElement(void) {};
class TagFileList : public ewol::List
int32_t m_selectedLine;
etk::Vector<etk::UString *> m_list;
int32_t m_selectedLine;
etk::Vector<appl::TagListElement*> m_list;
@ -65,7 +73,7 @@ namespace appl {
* @param[in] jump line id
* @return ---
void Add(etk::UString file, int32_t line);
void Add(etk::UString& file, int32_t line);
@ -133,7 +133,9 @@ appl::TagFileSelection::TagFileSelection(void)
if (NULL == m_listTag) {
EWOL_ERROR("Can not allocate widget ==> display might be in error");
} else {
//m_widgetListFolder->RegisterOnEvent(this, ewolEventFSFolderValidate, ewolEventFileChooserListFolder);
m_listTag->RegisterOnEvent(this, applEventCtagsListValidate);
m_listTag->RegisterOnEvent(this, applEventCtagsListSelect);
m_listTag->RegisterOnEvent(this, applEventCtagsListUnSelect);
@ -168,11 +170,22 @@ void appl::TagFileSelection::OnReceiveMessage(ewol::EObject * CallerObject, cons
EWOL_INFO("ctags LIST ... : \"" << eventId << "\" ==> data=\"" << data << "\"" );
if (eventId == applEventctagsSelection) {
GenerateEventId(eventId, "???");
if (m_eventNamed!="") {
GenerateEventId(applEventctagsSelection, m_eventNamed);
//==> Auto remove ...
} else if (eventId == applEventCtagsListSelect) {
m_eventNamed = data;
} else if (eventId == applEventCtagsListUnSelect) {
m_eventNamed = "";
} else if (eventId == applEventCtagsListValidate) {
GenerateEventId(applEventctagsSelection, data);
//==> Auto remove ...
} else if (eventId == applEventctagsCancel) {
//Nothing selected ...
GenerateEventId(applEventctagsCancel, "");
//==> Auto remove ...
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ namespace appl {
appl::TagFileList* m_listTag;
etk::UString m_eventNamed;
virtual ~TagFileSelection(void);
@ -36,13 +36,6 @@
#undef __class__
#define __class__ "CTagsManager"
typedef struct{
char filename[MAX_FILE_NAME];
int32_t lineID;
} TagListFind_ts;
class CTagsManager: public ewol::EObject
@ -79,11 +72,9 @@ class CTagsManager: public ewol::EObject
etk::UString m_tagFilename;
tagFile * m_ctagFile;
// history system
void AddToHistory(int32_t bufferID);
int32_t m_historyPos;
etk::Vector<etk::File*> m_historyList;
etk::Vector<TagListFind_ts> m_currentList;
void JumpAtID(int32_t selectID);
void RegisterHistory(void);
static CTagsManager* s_elementPointer = NULL;
@ -127,6 +118,7 @@ CTagsManager::CTagsManager(void)
m_historyPos = 0;
EWOL_INFO("Ctags manager (INIT)");
@ -149,35 +141,15 @@ CTagsManager::~CTagsManager(void)
etk::UString CTagsManager::GetFolder(etk::UString &inputString)
char tmpVal[4096];
strncpy(tmpVal, inputString.c_str(), 4096);
tmpVal[4096-1] = '\0';
char *ptr = strrchr(tmpVal, '/');
if (NULL == ptr) {
ptr = strrchr(tmpVal, '\\');
etk::UString out = "./";
if (NULL != ptr) {
*ptr = '\0';
out = tmpVal;
out+= '/';
return out;
etk::UString out = "./";
return out;
const char * ednEventPopUpCtagsLoadFile = "edn-event-load-ctags";
void CTagsManager::OnReceiveMessage(ewol::EObject * CallerObject, const char * eventId, etk::UString data)
//EWOL_INFO("ctags manager event ... : \"" << eventId << "\" ==> data=\"" << data << "\"" );
if (eventId == ednMsgBufferId) {
//m_currentSelectedID = dataID;
} else if (eventId == ednEventPopUpCtagsLoadFile) {
} else if( eventId == ednEventPopUpCtagsLoadFile
|| eventId == ednMsgCtagsLoadFile) {
// open the new one :
etk::File tmpFilename = data;
m_tagFilename = tmpFilename.GetShortFilename();
@ -214,6 +186,16 @@ void CTagsManager::OnReceiveMessage(ewol::EObject * CallerObject, const char * e
} else {
} else if (eventId == applEventctagsSelection) {
// save the current file in the history
// parse the input data
char tmp[4096];
int32_t lineID;
sscanf(data.c_str(), "%d:%s", &lineID, tmp);
// generate envents
SendMultiCast(ednMsgOpenFile, tmp);
SendMultiCast(ednMsgGuiGotoLine, lineID - 1);
@ -240,40 +222,9 @@ void CTagsManager::LoadTagFile(void)
void CTagsManager::AddToHistory(int32_t bufferID)
void CTagsManager::RegisterHistory(void)
// check tho history position : remove if needed
if (m_historyPos < etk_max(m_historyList.Size()-1, 0) ) {
for(int32_t iii= m_historyPos; iii < m_historyList.Size(); iii++) {
m_historyList.EraseLen(m_historyPos, m_historyList.Size() - m_historyPos);
// add the current element
etk::File currentFilename = BufferManager::Get(bufferID)->GetFileName();
int32_t CTagsManager::MultipleJump(void)
APPL_INFO("Multiple file destination ...");
appl::TagFileSelection* tmpWidget = new appl::TagFileSelection();
if (NULL == tmpWidget) {
APPL_ERROR("Can not allocate widget ==> display might be in error");
} else {
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<m_currentList.Size() ; iii++) {
tmpWidget->AddCtagsNewItem(m_currentList[iii].filename, m_currentList[iii].lineID);
tmpWidget->RegisterOnEvent(this, applEventctagsSelection);
return 0;
void CTagsManager::JumpAtID(int32_t selectID)
etk::File myFile = m_currentList[selectID].filename;
APPL_INFO("save curent filename and position : ");
int32_t currentSelected = BufferManager::GetSelected();
Buffer* tmpBuf = BufferManager::Get(currentSelected);
@ -283,15 +234,11 @@ void CTagsManager::JumpAtID(int32_t selectID)
APPL_INFO(" OPEN the TAG file Destination : " << myFile );
SendMultiCast(ednMsgOpenFile, myFile.GetCompleateName());
SendMultiCast(ednMsgGuiGotoLine, m_currentList[selectID].lineID - 1);
void CTagsManager::JumpTo(void)
if (NULL != m_ctagFile) {
// get the middle button of the clipboard ==> represent the current selection ...
etk::UString data = ewol::clipBoard::Get(ewol::clipBoard::CLIPBOARD_SELECTION);
@ -306,29 +253,33 @@ void CTagsManager::JumpTo(void)
int32_t numberOfTags = 0;
// For all tags : Save in an internal Structure :
do {
etk::UString destinationFilename = m_tagFolderBase;
destinationFilename += "/";
destinationFilename += entry.file;
APPL_WARNING("plop : \"" << destinationFilename << "\" from : " << m_tagFolderBase << " " << entry.file);
etk::File myfile = destinationFilename;
TagListFind_ts myStruct;
strncpy(myStruct.filename, myfile.GetCompleateName().c_str(), MAX_FILE_NAME);
myStruct.filename[MAX_FILE_NAME-1] = '\0';
strncpy(myStruct.RegExp, entry.address.pattern, MAX_REG_EXP_SEARCH);
myStruct.RegExp[MAX_REG_EXP_SEARCH-1] = '\0';
myStruct.lineID = entry.address.lineNumber;
// at at the corect position
PrintTag(&entry, true);
} while (tagsFindNext (m_ctagFile, &entry) == TagSuccess);
etk::UString tmpFile(m_tagFolderBase + "/" + entry.file);
etk::File myfile(tmpFile);
int32_t lineID = entry.address.lineNumber;
PrintTag(&entry, true);
if (1==m_currentList.Size() ) {
if (tagsFindNext (m_ctagFile, &entry) == TagSuccess) {
APPL_INFO("Multiple file destination ...");
appl::TagFileSelection* tmpWidget = new appl::TagFileSelection();
if (NULL == tmpWidget) {
APPL_ERROR("Can not allocate widget ==> display might be in error");
} else {
tmpWidget->AddCtagsNewItem(myfile.GetCompleateName(), lineID);
do {
tmpFile = m_tagFolderBase + "/" + entry.file;
myfile = tmpFile;
lineID = entry.address.lineNumber;
PrintTag(&entry, true);
tmpWidget->AddCtagsNewItem(myfile.GetCompleateName(), lineID);
} while (tagsFindNext (m_ctagFile, &entry) == TagSuccess);
tmpWidget->RegisterOnEvent(this, applEventctagsSelection);
} else {
// Open a choice windows...
int32_t SelectID = MultipleJump();
APPL_INFO(" OPEN the TAG file Destination : " << tmpFile );
SendMultiCast(ednMsgOpenFile, myfile.GetCompleateName());
SendMultiCast(ednMsgGuiGotoLine, lineID - 1);
} else {
APPL_INFO("no tag find ...");
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ extern const char* const ednMsgGuiShowSpaces = "edn-Msg-Gui-ShowSpaces";
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiShowEndOfLine = "edn-Msg-Gui-ShowEndOfLine";
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiCtags = "edn-Msg-Gui-CTags";
extern const char* const ednMsgCtagsLoadFile = "edn-Msg-CTags-direct-load";
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiReloadShader = "edn-Msg-Gui-ReloadOpenGlShader";
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiShowEndOfLine; // data : "enable" "disable"
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiCtags; // data : "Load" "ReLoad" "Jump" "Back"
extern const char* const ednMsgCtagsLoadFile; // data : "filename of the ctags file"
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiReloadShader; // data : ""
@ -141,11 +141,19 @@ void APP_Init(void)
// add files
APPL_INFO("show list of files : ");
bool ctagDetected = false;
for( int32_t iii=0 ; iii<ewol::CmdLine::Nb(); iii++) {
APPL_INFO("need load file : \"" << ewol::CmdLine::Get(iii) << "\"" );
etk::UString tmpppp = ewol::CmdLine::Get(iii);
ewol::EObjectMessageMultiCast::AnonymousSend(ednMsgOpenFile, tmpppp);
if (tmpppp == "-t") {
ctagDetected = true;
} else if (true == ctagDetected) {
APPL_INFO("Load ctag file : \"" << tmpppp << "\"" );
ctagDetected = false;
ewol::EObjectMessageMultiCast::AnonymousSend(ednMsgCtagsLoadFile, tmpppp);
} else {
APPL_INFO("need load file : \"" << tmpppp << "\"" );
ewol::EObjectMessageMultiCast::AnonymousSend(ednMsgOpenFile, tmpppp);
APPL_INFO("==> Init Edn (END)");
Reference in New Issue
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