This commit is contained in:
Edouard Dupin 2012-01-23 12:41:40 +01:00
parent a9eb976b48
commit 6052df85dc
5 changed files with 208 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
#include <etk/String.h>
#include <etk/File.h>
#include <Display.h>
#include <charset.h>
#include <etk/unicode.h>
#include <ewol/ewol.h>
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class Buffer {
virtual void SelectNone(void);
virtual void Undo(void);
virtual void Redo(void);
virtual void SetCharset(charset_te newCharset) {};
virtual void SetCharset(unicode::charset_te newCharset) {};
//virtual void SelectAll(void);
virtual void Copy(int8_t clipboardID);

View File

@ -341,7 +341,6 @@ int32_t BufferText::Display(ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOText, ewol::OObject2DC
color_ts & myColorSpace = myColorManager->Get(COLOR_CODE_SPACE);
color_ts & myColorTab = myColorManager->Get(COLOR_CODE_TAB);
Colorize * selectColor = NULL;
char displayChar[MAX_EXP_CHAR_LEN];
memset(displayChar, 0, sizeof(char)*MAX_EXP_CHAR_LEN);
int mylen = m_EdnBuf.Size();
@ -361,20 +360,97 @@ int32_t BufferText::Display(ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOText, ewol::OObject2DC
#if 0
// TODO : change diplay methode :
// Extract the entire line on the buffer with all char expended and the data in Unicode
// Second parsing of the line ==> to have the syntax highligt
// Draw all needed char in the
#if 1
uniChar_t displayChar[MAX_EXP_CHAR_LEN];
// draw the lineNumber :
int32_t currentLineID = m_displayStart.y+1;
EDN_DEBUG("Start display of text buffer [" << m_displayStartBufferPos<< ".." << mylen << "]");
bool ended = false;
while (true == ended) {
EDN_DEBUG("cursor Pos : " << m_cursorPos << "start at pos=" << m_displayStartBufferPos);
ended = true;
DrawLineNumber(OOText, OOColored, sizeX, sizeY, myPrint, currentLineID, y);
int32_t pixelX = x_base;
for (iii=m_displayStartBufferPos; iii<mylen && displayLines < m_displaySize.y ; iii = new_i) {
//EDN_DEBUG("diplay element=" << iii);
int displaywidth;
uint32_t currentChar = '\0';
new_i = iii;
displaywidth = m_EdnBuf.GetExpandedChar(new_i, idX, displayChar, currentChar);
//EDN_INFO("diplay element=" << new_i);
if (currentChar!='\n') {
selectColor = myColor;
//kwow size to display
int32_t widthToDisplay;
char * tmpDisplayOfset;
HLColor = m_EdnBuf.GetElementColorAtPosition(m_displayLocalSyntax, iii);
if (NULL != HLColor) {
if (NULL != HLColor->patern) {
selectColor = HLColor->patern->GetColor();
if( true == selHave
&& selStart <= iii
&& selEnd > iii)
selectColor = myColorSel;
if (currentChar <= 0x7F) {
int32_t drawSize = OOText->TextAdd(pixelX, y, tmpDisplayOfset, -1);
if (true == selectColor->HaveBg() ) {
OOColored->Rectangle( pixelX, y, drawSize*strlen(tmpDisplayOfset), letterHeight);
pixelX += drawSize;
} else {
int32_t drawSize = OOText->TextAdd(pixelX, y, displayChar, -1);
if (true == selectColor->HaveBg() ) {
OOColored->Rectangle( pixelX, y, drawSize*strlen(tmpDisplayOfset), letterHeight);
pixelX += drawSize;
idX += displaywidth;
// display cursor :
//EDN_DEBUG(" is equal : " << m_cursorPos << "=" << iii);
if (m_cursorPos == iii) {
// display the cursor:
CursorDisplay(OOColored, pixelX, y, letterHeight, letterWidth);
/*if (true == m_cursorOn) {
//Cursor(OOColored, pixelX, y+letterHeight, letterHeight, letterWidth);
//m_cursorOn = false;
} else {
m_cursorOn = true;
// move to next line ...
if (currentChar=='\n') {
//drawer.EndOfLine(pixelX, y+letterHeight);
xx = 0;
idX =0;
pixelX = x_base;
y += letterHeight;
DrawLineNumber(OOText, OOColored, sizeX, sizeY, myPrint, currentLineID, y);
// special case : the cursor is at the end of the buffer...
if (m_cursorPos == iii) {
CursorDisplay(OOColored, pixelX, y, letterHeight, letterWidth);
// display the cursor:
if (true == m_cursorOn) {
//Cursor(OOColored, xx*letterWidth + x_base, yy+letterHeight, letterHeight, letterWidth);
m_cursorOn = false;
} else {
m_cursorOn = true;
char displayChar[MAX_EXP_CHAR_LEN];
// draw the lineNumber :
int32_t currentLineID = m_displayStart.y+1;
EDN_DEBUG("Start display of text buffer [" << m_displayStartBufferPos<< ".." << mylen << "]");

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include <tools_debug.h>
#include <tools_globals.h>
#include <etk/unicode.h>
#include <EdnBuf.h>
@ -488,6 +489,108 @@ int32_t EdnBuf::GetExpandedChar(int32_t &pos, int32_t indent, char outUTF8[MAX_E
return 1;
* @brief Transform the current caracter in the buffer in a displayable vector of char
* @param[in,out] pos position of the char that might be converted (incremented to the next char (in case of UTF8)
* @param[in] indent Curent indentation befor the curent char
* @param[out] outUTF8 string of the displayed element
* @param[out] currentChar curent unicode output char
* @return number of displayable char (display char width)
int32_t EdnBuf::GetExpandedChar(int32_t &pos, int32_t indent, uniChar_t outUnicode[MAX_EXP_CHAR_LEN], uint32_t &currentChar)
int32_t i, nSpaces;
char c = m_data.Get(pos);
currentChar = (uint32_t)c & 0xFF;
/* Convert tabs to spaces */
if (c == '\t') {
nSpaces = m_tabDist - (indent % m_tabDist);
for (i=0; i<nSpaces; i++) {
outUnicode[i] = ' ';
outUnicode[i] = '\0';
return nSpaces;
// Convert ASCII control codes to readable character sequences
if (c == '\0') {
outUnicode[0] = '<';
outUnicode[1] = 'n';
outUnicode[2] = 'u';
outUnicode[3] = 'l';
outUnicode[4] = '>';
outUnicode[5] = '\0';
return 5;
if (((unsigned char)c) == '\n') {
outUnicode[0] = (unsigned char)c;
outUnicode[1] = '\0';
return 1;
if (((unsigned char)c) <= 31) {
const char * tmp = ControlCodeTable[(unsigned char)c];
int32_t nbElem = 2;
*outUnicode++ = '<';
while (*tmp!='\0') {
*outUnicode++ = *tmp;
*outUnicode++ = '>';
*outUnicode++ = '\0';
return nbElem;
} else if (c == 127) {
outUnicode[0] = '<';
outUnicode[1] = 'd';
outUnicode[2] = 'e';
outUnicode[3] = 'l';
outUnicode[4] = '>';
outUnicode[5] = '\0';
return 5;
// Otherwise, just return the character
if (false ==m_isUtf8) {
unicode::convertIsoToUnicode(m_charsetType, c, outUnicode[0]);
} else {
char tmpString[8];
for (int32_t k=0; k<6 && k< m_data.Size() - pos; k++) {
tmpString[k] = m_data.Get(pos+k);
tmpString[6] = '\0';
uint8_t size;
bool baseValid;
unicode::Utf8_SizeElement(tmpString, 6 , size, baseValid);
currentChar = 0; // TODO : Set UNICODE char ...
if (true == baseValid) {
char *tmp = outUnicode;
for (int32_t k=0; k<size; k++) {
*tmp++ = tmpString[k];
*tmp = '\0';
unicode::convertIsoToUnicode(m_charsetType, c, outUnicode);
} else {
sprintf(outUTF8, "<? ? ? ?>");
if (0 == size) {
return strlen(outUTF8);
return 1;
* @brief generate the real display of character of the output (ex : \t ==> 4 spaces or less ...)

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class EdnBuf;
#include <EdnVectorBuf.h>
#include <EdnBufHistory.h>
#include <HighlightManager.h>
#include <charset.h>
#include <etk/unicode.h>
@ -100,9 +100,10 @@ class EdnBuf {
int32_t StartOfLine( int32_t pos);
int32_t EndOfLine( int32_t pos);
int32_t GetExpandedChar( int32_t &pos, int32_t indent, char outUTF8[MAX_EXP_CHAR_LEN], uint32_t &currentChar);
int32_t ExpandCharacter( char c, int32_t indent, char outUTF8[MAX_EXP_CHAR_LEN]); // TODO : rework this
int32_t CharWidth( char c, int32_t indent); // TODO : rework this
int32_t GetExpandedChar( int32_t &pos, int32_t indent, uniChar_t outUnicode[MAX_EXP_CHAR_LEN], uint32_t &currentChar);
int32_t GetExpandedChar( int32_t &pos, int32_t indent, char outUTF8[MAX_EXP_CHAR_LEN], uint32_t &currentChar);
int32_t ExpandCharacter( char c, int32_t indent, char outUTF8[MAX_EXP_CHAR_LEN]); // TODO : Remove
int32_t CharWidth( char c, int32_t indent); // TODO : rework this
int32_t CountDispChars( int32_t lineStartPos, int32_t targetPos);
int32_t CountForwardDispChars( int32_t lineStartPos, int32_t nChars);
int32_t CountLines( int32_t startPos, int32_t endPos);
@ -178,19 +179,19 @@ class EdnBuf {
// Display property and charset ...
// -----------------------------------------
int32_t GetTabDistance(void) { return m_tabDist; } ;
void SetTabDistance(int32_t tabDist) { m_tabDist = tabDist; };
charset_te GetCharsetType(void) { return m_charsetType; };
void SetCharsetType(charset_te newOne) { m_charsetType = newOne; if (EDN_CHARSET_UTF8==newOne){m_isUtf8=true;} else {m_isUtf8=false;} };
bool GetUTF8Mode(void) { return m_isUtf8; };
void SetUTF8Mode(bool newOne) { m_isUtf8 = newOne; m_charsetType=EDN_CHARSET_UTF8; };
int32_t GetTabDistance(void) { return m_tabDist; } ;
void SetTabDistance(int32_t tabDist) { m_tabDist = tabDist; };
unicode::charset_te GetCharsetType(void) { return m_charsetType; };
void SetCharsetType(unicode::charset_te newOne) { m_charsetType = newOne; if (unicode::EDN_CHARSET_UTF8==newOne){m_isUtf8=true;} else {m_isUtf8=false;} };
bool GetUTF8Mode(void) { return m_isUtf8; };
void SetUTF8Mode(bool newOne) { m_isUtf8 = newOne; m_charsetType=unicode::EDN_CHARSET_UTF8; };
// Special mode of the buffer :
bool m_isUtf8; //!< true if we are in UTF8 mode ==> if true the size of a char is 0, otherwise .. 1->4 ( TODO : not now)
charset_te m_charsetType; //!< if UTF8 mode is at false : the charset type of the buffer
bool m_isUtf8; //!< true if we are in UTF8 mode ==> if true the size of a char is 0, otherwise .. 1->4 ( TODO : not now)
unicode::charset_te m_charsetType; //!< if UTF8 mode is at false : the charset type of the buffer
// Local Tabulation policies
int32_t m_tabDist; //!< equiv. number of characters in a tab
bool m_useTabs; //!< True if buffer routines are allowed to use tabs for padding in rectangular operations
int32_t m_tabDist; //!< equiv. number of characters in a tab
bool m_useTabs; //!< True if buffer routines are allowed to use tabs for padding in rectangular operations
// -----------------------------------------
// Local function :

View File

@ -27,9 +27,7 @@ FILE_LIST+= edn/tools/EdnTemplate/EdnVectorBuf.cpp \
FILE_LIST+= edn/tools/Display/Display.cpp \
edn/tools/ClipBoard/ClipBoard.cpp \
edn/tools/MsgBroadcast/MsgBroadcast.cpp \
edn/tools/MsgBroadcast/AccelKey.cpp \
edn/tools/charset/charsetTable.cpp \
# Gui:
FILE_LIST+= edn/CustumWidget/BufferView/BufferView.cpp \