Add the display of the buffer list and change some generic event of the edn system.
Add the text display with a different font ==> must rework all the event X/Y position of the mouse
This commit is contained in:
@ -147,7 +147,10 @@ void Buffer::SetLineDisplay(uint32_t lineNumber)
* @return ---
int32_t Buffer::Display(ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOText, ewol::OObject2DColored* OOColored, int32_t sizeX, int32_t sizeY)
int32_t Buffer::Display(ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextNormal,
ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextBold,
ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextItalic,
ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextBoldItalic, ewol::OObject2DColored* OOColored, int32_t sizeX, int32_t sizeY)
return ERR_NONE;
@ -82,7 +82,11 @@ class Buffer {
virtual void GetInfo(infoStatBuffer_ts &infoToUpdate);
virtual void SetLineDisplay(uint32_t lineNumber);
virtual int32_t Display(ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOText, ewol::OObject2DColored* OOColored, int32_t sizeX, int32_t sizeY);
virtual int32_t Display(ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextNormal,
ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextBold,
ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextItalic,
ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextBoldItalic,
ewol::OObject2DColored* OOColored, int32_t sizeX, int32_t sizeY);
virtual void ForceReDraw(bool allElement);
virtual void AddChar(char * UTF8data);
virtual void cursorMove(ewol::eventKbMoveType_te moveTypeEvent);
@ -67,7 +67,11 @@ BufferEmpty::~BufferEmpty(void)
* @return ---
int32_t BufferEmpty::Display(ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOText, ewol::OObject2DColored* OOColored, int32_t sizeX, int32_t sizeY)
int32_t BufferEmpty::Display(ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextNormal,
ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextBold,
ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextItalic,
ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextBoldItalic,
ewol::OObject2DColored* OOColored, int32_t sizeX, int32_t sizeY)
ColorizeManager * myColorManager = ColorizeManager::getInstance();
// Get color :
@ -75,7 +79,7 @@ int32_t BufferEmpty::Display(ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOText, ewol::OObject2D
if (NULL == OOText) {
if (NULL == OOTextNormal) {
return ERR_FAIL;
@ -83,14 +87,16 @@ int32_t BufferEmpty::Display(ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOText, ewol::OObject2D
return ERR_FAIL;
int32_t fontId = OOTextNormal->GetFontID();
int32_t letterHeight = ewol::GetHeight(fontId);
myColor = myColorManager->Get("normal");
OOText->TextAdd(20, 20, "edn - Editeur De N'ours, l'Editeur Desoxyribo-Nucleique", sizeX);
OOTextNormal->TextAdd(20, 20, "edn - Editeur De N'ours, l'Editeur Desoxyribo-Nucleique", sizeX);
myColor = myColorManager->Get("commentDoxygen");
OOText->TextAdd(20, 50, "No Buffer Availlable to display", sizeX);
OOTextNormal->TextAdd(20, 20 + letterHeight*1.30, "No Buffer Availlable to display", sizeX);
color_ts bgColor; //!< Text color
@ -32,7 +32,11 @@ class BufferEmpty : public Buffer {
virtual ~BufferEmpty(void);
int32_t Display(ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOText, ewol::OObject2DColored* OOColored, int32_t sizeX, int32_t sizeY);
int32_t Display(ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextNormal,
ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextBold,
ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextItalic,
ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextBoldItalic,
ewol::OObject2DColored* OOColored, int32_t sizeX, int32_t sizeY);
@ -46,11 +46,14 @@ BufferManager::BufferManager(void)
// nothing to do ...
BufferNotExiste = new BufferEmpty();
m_idSelected = -1;
ewol::widgetMessageMultiCast::Add(GetWidgetId(), ednMsgGuiNew);
ewol::widgetMessageMultiCast::Add(GetWidgetId(), ednMsgBufferManagerNewFile);
ewol::widgetMessageMultiCast::Add(GetWidgetId(), ednMsgBufferManagerSaveAll);
ewol::widgetMessageMultiCast::Add(GetWidgetId(), ednMsgBufferManagerCloseAll);
ewol::widgetMessageMultiCast::Add(GetWidgetId(), ednMsgBufferManagerClose);
ewol::widgetMessageMultiCast::Add(GetWidgetId(), ednMsgBufferManagerSave);
@ -76,6 +79,15 @@ BufferManager::~BufferManager(void)
bool BufferManager::OnEventAreaExternal(int32_t widgetID, const char * generateEventId, const char * eventExternId, etkFloat_t x, etkFloat_t y)
if (generateEventId == ednMsgGuiNew) {
int32_t newOne = Create();
if (-1 != newOne) {
ewol::widgetMessageMultiCast::Send(GetWidgetId(), ednMsgBufferId, newOne);
ewol::widgetMessageMultiCast::Send(GetWidgetId(), ednMsgBufferListChange);
} else if (generateEventId == NULL) {
switch (id)
@ -238,12 +238,14 @@ void BufferText::SetLineDisplay(uint32_t lineNumber)
void BufferText::DrawLineNumber(ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOText, ewol::OObject2DColored* OOColored, int32_t sizeX, int32_t sizeY,char *myPrint, int32_t lineNumber, int32_t positionY)
char tmpLineNumber[50];
sprintf(tmpLineNumber, myPrint, lineNumber);
OOColored->Rectangle( 0, positionY, 68, sizeY);
OOColored->Rectangle( 0, positionY, sizeX+0.5*SEPARATION_SIZE_LINE_NUMBER, sizeY);
OOText->TextAdd(1, positionY, tmpLineNumber, -1);
@ -291,6 +293,11 @@ void BufferText::UpdatePointerNumber(void)
// TODO : Remove this ... it is really bad...
static int32_t g_basicfontId = 0;
* @brief Display the curent buffer with all the probematic imposed by the xharset and the user contraint.
@ -299,13 +306,19 @@ void BufferText::UpdatePointerNumber(void)
* @return
int32_t BufferText::Display(ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOText, ewol::OObject2DColored* OOColored, int32_t sizeX, int32_t sizeY)
int32_t BufferText::Display(ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextNormal,
ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextBold,
ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextItalic,
ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextBoldItalic,
ewol::OObject2DColored* OOColored, int32_t sizeX, int32_t sizeY)
int32_t selStart, selEnd, selRectStart, selRectEnd;
bool selIsRect;
int32_t selHave;
int32_t fontId = ewol::GetDefaultFontId();
int32_t fontId = OOTextNormal->GetFontID();
// TODO : Remove this ...
g_basicfontId = fontId;
int32_t letterWidth = ewol::GetWidth(fontId, "A");
int32_t letterHeight = ewol::GetHeight(fontId);
@ -341,9 +354,10 @@ int32_t BufferText::Display(ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOText, ewol::OObject2DC
color_ts & myColorSpace = myColorManager->Get(COLOR_CODE_SPACE);
color_ts & myColorTab = myColorManager->Get(COLOR_CODE_TAB);
Colorize * selectColor = NULL;
ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextSelected = NULL;
int mylen = m_EdnBuf.Size();
int32_t x_base=nbColoneForLineNumber*letterWidth + 3;
int32_t x_base=nbColoneForLineNumber*letterWidth;
int32_t idX = 0;
@ -369,8 +383,8 @@ int32_t BufferText::Display(ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOText, ewol::OObject2DC
drawClipping.w = sizeX;
drawClipping.h = sizeY;
DrawLineNumber(OOText, OOColored, sizeX, sizeY, myPrint, currentLineID, y);
int32_t pixelX = x_base;
DrawLineNumber(OOTextNormal, OOColored, x_base, sizeY, myPrint, currentLineID, y);
int32_t pixelX = x_base + SEPARATION_SIZE_LINE_NUMBER;
for (iii=m_displayStartBufferPos; iii<mylen && displayLines < m_displaySize.y ; iii = new_i) {
//EDN_DEBUG("diplay element=" << iii);
int displaywidth;
@ -411,11 +425,24 @@ int32_t BufferText::Display(ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOText, ewol::OObject2DC
haveBg = selectColor->HaveBg();
coord2D_ts textPos;
textPos.x = pixelX-m_displayStartPixelX;
textPos.y = y;
drawSize = OOText->TextAdd(textPos, drawClipping, displayChar);
if (true == selectColor->GetItalic() ) {
if (true == selectColor->GetBold() ) {
OOTextSelected = OOTextBoldItalic;
} else {
OOTextSelected = OOTextItalic;
} else {
if (true == selectColor->GetBold() ) {
OOTextSelected = OOTextBold;
} else {
OOTextSelected = OOTextNormal;
drawSize = OOTextSelected->TextAdd(textPos, drawClipping, displayChar);
if (true == haveBg ) {
OOColored->Rectangle( pixelX, y, drawSize, letterHeight, drawClipping);
@ -430,11 +457,11 @@ int32_t BufferText::Display(ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOText, ewol::OObject2DC
// move to next line ...
if (currentChar=='\n') {
idX =0;
pixelX = x_base;
y += letterHeight;
DrawLineNumber(OOText, OOColored, sizeX, sizeY, myPrint, currentLineID, y);
DrawLineNumber(OOTextNormal, OOColored, x_base, sizeY, myPrint, currentLineID, y);
// special case : the cursor is at the end of the buffer...
@ -453,9 +480,8 @@ int32_t BufferText::Display(ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOText, ewol::OObject2DC
int32_t BufferText::GetMousePosition(int32_t width, int32_t height)
int32_t fontId = ewol::GetDefaultFontId();
int32_t letterWidth = ewol::GetWidth(fontId, "9");
int32_t letterHeight = ewol::GetHeight(fontId);
int32_t letterWidth = ewol::GetWidth(g_basicfontId, "9");
int32_t letterHeight = ewol::GetHeight(g_basicfontId);
int32_t lineOffset = height / letterHeight;
@ -479,7 +505,7 @@ int32_t BufferText::GetMousePosition(int32_t width, int32_t height)
int32_t iii, new_i;
int mylen = m_EdnBuf.Size();
int32_t x_base=nbColoneForLineNumber*letterWidth + 3;
int32_t x_base=nbColoneForLineNumber*letterWidth + SEPARATION_SIZE_LINE_NUMBER;
int32_t idX = 0;
uniChar_t displayChar[MAX_EXP_CHAR_LEN];
@ -499,7 +525,7 @@ int32_t BufferText::GetMousePosition(int32_t width, int32_t height)
new_i = iii;
displaywidth = m_EdnBuf.GetExpandedChar(new_i, idX, displayChar, currentChar);
if (currentChar!='\n') {
int32_t drawSize = ewol::GetWidth(fontId, displayChar);
int32_t drawSize = ewol::GetWidth(g_basicfontId, displayChar);
EDN_DEBUG(" Element : " << currentChar << "=\"" << (char)currentChar << "\" display offset=" << pixelX << "px width=" << drawSize << "px");
pixelX += drawSize;
if (width <= pixelX) {
@ -46,7 +46,11 @@ class BufferText : public Buffer {
void GetInfo(infoStatBuffer_ts &infoToUpdate);
void SetLineDisplay(uint32_t lineNumber);
int32_t Display(ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOText, ewol::OObject2DColored* OOColored, int32_t sizeX, int32_t sizeY);
int32_t Display(ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextNormal,
ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextBold,
ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextItalic,
ewol::OObject2DTextColored* OOTextBoldItalic,
ewol::OObject2DColored* OOColored, int32_t sizeX, int32_t sizeY);
void ForceReDraw(bool allElement);
void AddChar(char * UTF8data);
void cursorMove(ewol::eventKbMoveType_te moveTypeEvent);
@ -37,46 +37,13 @@
m_shawableAreaX = 0;
m_shawableAreaY = 0;
//ewol::widgetMessageMultiCast::Add(GetWidgetId(), ednMsgBufferManagerNewFile);
// Init link with the buffer Manager
//m_bufferManager = BufferManager::Get();
//m_colorManager = ColorizeManager::Get();
#if 0
m_widget = gtk_drawing_area_new();
gtk_widget_set_size_request( m_widget, 250, 100);
gtk_widget_add_events( m_widget,
# ifdef USE_GTK_VERSION_3_0
g_object_set(m_widget,"can-focus", TRUE, NULL);
# elif defined( USE_GTK_VERSION_2_0 )
# endif
// Focus Event
g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(m_widget), "focus_in_event", G_CALLBACK(CB_focusGet), this);
g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(m_widget), "focus_out_event", G_CALLBACK(CB_focusLost), this);
// Keyboard Event
g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(m_widget), "key_press_event", G_CALLBACK(CB_keyboardEvent), this);
g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(m_widget), "key_release_event", G_CALLBACK(CB_keyboardEvent), this);
// Mouse Event
g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(m_widget), "button_press_event", G_CALLBACK(CB_mouseButtonEvent), this);
g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(m_widget), "button_release_event", G_CALLBACK(CB_mouseButtonEvent), this);
g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(m_widget), "motion_notify_event", G_CALLBACK(CB_mouseMotionEvent), this);
// Display Event
g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(m_widget), "realize", G_CALLBACK(CB_displayInit), this);
# ifdef USE_GTK_VERSION_3_0
g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(m_widget), "draw", G_CALLBACK(CB_displayDraw), this);
# elif defined( USE_GTK_VERSION_2_0 )
g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(m_widget), "expose_event", G_CALLBACK(CB_displayDraw), this);
# endif
m_bufferManager = BufferManager::getInstance();
m_colorManager = ColorizeManager::getInstance();
ewol::widgetMessageMultiCast::Add(GetWidgetId(), ednMsgBufferListChange);
ewol::widgetMessageMultiCast::Add(GetWidgetId(), ednMsgBufferState);
ewol::widgetMessageMultiCast::Add(GetWidgetId(), ednMsgBufferId);
m_selectedID = -1;
@ -93,25 +60,105 @@ GtkWidget * BufferView::GetMainWidget(void)
bool BufferView::OnEventAreaExternal(int32_t widgetID, const char * generateEventId, const char * eventExternId, etkFloat_t x, etkFloat_t y)
switch (id)
m_selectedID = dataID;
// change Title :
// Redraw all the display ...
if (generateEventId == ednMsgBufferListChange) {
}else if (ednMsgBufferId == ednMsgBufferListChange) {
}else if (ednMsgBufferState == ednMsgBufferListChange) {
return false;
color_ts BufferView::GetBasicBG(void)
return m_colorManager->Get(COLOR_LIST_BG_1);
uint32_t BufferView::GetNuberOfColomn(void)
return 1;
bool BufferView::GetTitle(int32_t colomn, etk::String &myTitle, color_ts &fg, color_ts &bg)
myTitle = "Buffers : ";
return true;
uint32_t BufferView::GetNuberOfRaw(void)
if (NULL != m_bufferManager) {
return m_bufferManager->Size();
return 0;
bool BufferView::GetElement(int32_t colomn, int32_t raw, etk::String &myTextToWrite, color_ts &fg, color_ts &bg)
etk::File name;
bool isModify;
basicColor_te selectFG = COLOR_LIST_TEXT_NORMAL;
basicColor_te selectBG = COLOR_LIST_BG_1;
if (m_bufferManager->Exist(raw)) {
isModify = m_bufferManager->Get(raw)->IsModify();
name = m_bufferManager->Get(raw)->GetFileName();
char *tmpModify = (char*)" ";
if (true == isModify) {
tmpModify = (char*)"M";
char name2[1024] = "";
sprintf(name2, "[%2d](%s) %s", raw, tmpModify, name.GetShortFilename().c_str() );
myTextToWrite = name2;
if (true == isModify) {
} else {
if (raw%2==0) {
selectBG = COLOR_LIST_BG_1;
} else {
selectBG = COLOR_LIST_BG_2;
if (m_selectedID == raw) {
} else {
myTextToWrite = "ERROR";
fg = m_colorManager->Get(selectFG);
bg = m_colorManager->Get(selectBG);
return true;
bool BufferView::OnItemEvent(int32_t IdInput, ewol::eventInputType_te typeEvent, int32_t colomn, int32_t raw, etkFloat_t x, etkFloat_t y)
if (typeEvent == ewol::EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_SINGLE) {
EDN_INFO("Event on List : IdInput=" << IdInput << " colomn=" << colomn << " raw=" << raw );
int32_t selectBuf = m_bufferManager->WitchBuffer(raw+1);
if ( 0 <= selectBuf) {
m_selectedID = raw;
if (typeEvent == ewol::EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_DOUBLE) {
EDN_INFO("Event Double on List : IdInput=" << IdInput << " colomn=" << colomn << " raw=" << raw );
int32_t selectBuf = m_bufferManager->WitchBuffer(raw+1);
//EDN_INFO(" plop %d / %d = %d ==> %d", (uint32_t)event->y, fontHeight, ((uint32_t)event->y / fontHeight), selectBuf);
if ( 0 <= selectBuf) {
ewol::widgetMessageMultiCast::Send(GetWidgetId(), ednMsgBufferId, selectBuf);
return false;
#if 0
gboolean BufferView::CB_displayDraw( GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event, gpointer data)
@ -30,10 +30,11 @@
#include <BufferManager.h>
#include <Display.h>
#include <MsgBroadcast.h>
#include <ewol/widget/List.h>
class BufferView : public ewol::Widget
class BufferView : public ewol::List
// Constructeur
@ -41,34 +42,19 @@ class BufferView : public ewol::Widget
//GtkWidget *GetMainWidget(void);
bool OnEventAreaExternal(int32_t widgetID, const char * generateEventId, const char * eventExternId, etkFloat_t x, etkFloat_t y);
// sur : GTK+ callback :
static gboolean CB_displayDraw( GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event, gpointer data);
static gboolean CB_displayInit( GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data);
static gint CB_focusGet( GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventFocus *event, gpointer data);
static gint CB_focusLost( GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventFocus *event, gpointer data);
static gint CB_keyboardEvent( GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event, gpointer data);
static gint CB_mouseButtonEvent(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event, gpointer data);
static gint CB_mouseMotionEvent( GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventMotion *event, gpointer data);
static void CB_EventOnBufferManager(gpointer data);
static void OnPopupEventShow(GtkWidget *menuitem, gpointer data);
static void OnPopupEventClose(GtkWidget *menuitem, gpointer data);
static void OnPopupEventSave(GtkWidget *menuitem, gpointer data);
static void OnPopupEventSaveAs(GtkWidget *menuitem, gpointer data);
// function call to display the list :
virtual color_ts GetBasicBG(void);
virtual uint32_t GetNuberOfColomn(void);
virtual bool GetTitle(int32_t colomn, etk::String &myTitle, color_ts &fg, color_ts &bg);
virtual uint32_t GetNuberOfRaw(void);
virtual bool GetElement(int32_t colomn, int32_t raw, etk::String &myTextToWrite, color_ts &fg, color_ts &bg);
virtual bool OnItemEvent(int32_t IdInput, ewol::eventInputType_te typeEvent, int32_t colomn, int32_t raw, etkFloat_t x, etkFloat_t y);
//void ViewPopupMenu(GtkWidget *parrent, GdkEventButton *event, int32_t BufferID);
// main windows widget :
//GtkWidget * m_widget;
// récupération des proprieter général...
BufferManager * m_bufferManager;
ColorizeManager * m_colorManager;
int32_t m_shawableAreaX;
int32_t m_shawableAreaY;
int32_t m_selectedID;
int32_t m_contectMenuSelectID;
@ -46,6 +46,12 @@
m_label = "CodeView is disable ...";
m_fontNormal = -1;
m_fontBold = -1;
m_fontItalic = -1;
m_fontBoldItalic = -1;
m_fontSize = 15;
m_bufferID = -1;
m_buttunOneSelected = false;
@ -63,6 +69,10 @@ CodeView::CodeView(void)
|||| = 0.0;
m_textColorBg.alpha = 0.25;
ewol::widgetMessageMultiCast::Add(GetWidgetId(), ednMsgBufferId);
ewol::widgetMessageMultiCast::Add(GetWidgetId(), ednMsgCodeViewCurrentChangeBufferId);
ewol::widgetMessageMultiCast::Add(GetWidgetId(), ednMsgCodeViewCurrentSave);
ewol::widgetMessageMultiCast::Add(GetWidgetId(), ednMsgCodeViewCurrentSaveAs);
@ -101,37 +111,24 @@ bool CodeView::CalculateMinSize(void)
void CodeView::OnRegenerateDisplay(void)
// create tmp object :
ewol::OObject2DTextColored* myOObjectText = new ewol::OObject2DTextColored("", -1);
ewol::OObject2DTextColored* myOObjectTextNormal = new ewol::OObject2DTextColored(m_fontNormal);
ewol::OObject2DTextColored* myOObjectTextBold = new ewol::OObject2DTextColored(m_fontBold);
ewol::OObject2DTextColored* myOObjectTextItalic = new ewol::OObject2DTextColored(m_fontItalic);
ewol::OObject2DTextColored* myOObjectTextBoldItalic = new ewol::OObject2DTextColored(m_fontBoldItalic);
ewol::OObject2DColored* myOObjectsColored = new ewol::OObject2DColored();
// generate the objects :
//m_bufferID = 0;
m_bufferManager->Get(m_bufferID)->Display(myOObjectText, myOObjectsColored, m_size.x, m_size.y);
m_bufferManager->Get(m_bufferID)->Display(myOObjectTextNormal, myOObjectTextBold, myOObjectTextItalic, myOObjectTextBoldItalic, myOObjectsColored, m_size.x, m_size.y);
// clean the object list ...
// add generated element
AddOObject(myOObjectsColored, "CodeViewBackground");
AddOObject(myOObjectText, "CodeViewText");
bool CodeView::OnEventArea(const char * generateEventId, etkFloat_t x, etkFloat_t y)
//bool eventIsOK = false;
//EWOL_DEBUG("Receive event : \"" << generateEventId << "\"");
if(ewolEventButtonPressed == generateEventId) {
EWOL_INFO("BT pressed ... " << m_label);
//eventIsOK = true;
} else if(ewolEventButtonEnter == generateEventId) {
//return eventIsOK;
// in every case this not stop the propagation of the event
return false;
// if overwrited... you can ...
AddOObject(myOObjectsColored, "CodeViewBackground");
AddOObject(myOObjectTextNormal, "CodeViewTextNormal");
AddOObject(myOObjectTextBold, "CodeViewTextBold");
AddOObject(myOObjectTextItalic, "CodeViewTextItalic");
AddOObject(myOObjectTextBoldItalic, "CodeViewTextBoldItalic");
@ -239,13 +236,13 @@ bool CodeView::OnEventInput(int32_t IdInput, ewol::eventInputType_te typeEvent,
if (4 == IdInput && ewol::EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_SINGLE == typeEvent)
if (4 == IdInput && ewol::EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_UP == typeEvent)
//EDN_INFO("mouse-event GDK_SCROLL_UP");
} else if (5 == IdInput && ewol::EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_SINGLE == typeEvent)
} else if (5 == IdInput && ewol::EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_UP == typeEvent)
//EDN_INFO("mouse-event GDK_SCROLL_DOWN");
@ -257,18 +254,29 @@ bool CodeView::OnEventInput(int32_t IdInput, ewol::eventInputType_te typeEvent,
bool CodeView::OnEventAreaExternal(int32_t widgetID, const char * generateEventId, const char * eventExternId, etkFloat_t x, etkFloat_t y)
bool CodeView::OnEventAreaExternal(int32_t widgetID, const char * generateEventId, const char * data, etkFloat_t x, etkFloat_t y)
EDN_DEBUG("Extern Event : " << widgetID << " type : " << generateEventId << " position(" << x << "," << y << ")");
if( ednMsgCodeViewCurrentChangeBufferId == generateEventId) {
if( ednMsgBufferId == generateEventId) {
int32_t bufferID = 0;
sscanf(eventExternId, "%d", &bufferID);
sscanf(data, "%d", &bufferID);
EDN_INFO("Select a new Buffer ... " << bufferID);
m_bufferID = bufferID;
// TODO : need to update the state of the file and the filenames ...
// old
else if( ednMsgCodeViewCurrentChangeBufferId == generateEventId) {
int32_t bufferID = 0;
sscanf(data, "%d", &bufferID);
EDN_INFO("Select a new Buffer ... " << bufferID);
m_bufferID = bufferID;
// request the display of the curent Editor
ewol::widgetMessageMultiCast::Send(GetWidgetId(), ednMsgBufferChangeCurrent, (char*)eventExternId);
ewol::widgetMessageMultiCast::Send(GetWidgetId(), ednMsgBufferChangeCurrent, (char*)data);
} else if (ednMsgCodeViewCurrentSave == generateEventId) {
@ -420,4 +428,39 @@ void CodeView::OnLostFocus(void)
EDN_INFO("Focus - out");
void CodeView::SetFontSize(int32_t size)
m_fontSize = size;
void CodeView::SetFontNameNormal(etk::String fontName)
int32_t fontID = ewol::LoadFont(fontName, m_fontSize);
if (fontID >= 0) {
m_fontNormal = fontID;
void CodeView::SetFontNameBold(etk::String fontName)
int32_t fontID = ewol::LoadFont(fontName, m_fontSize);
if (fontID >= 0) {
m_fontBold = fontID;
void CodeView::SetFontNameItalic(etk::String fontName)
int32_t fontID = ewol::LoadFont(fontName, m_fontSize);
if (fontID >= 0) {
m_fontItalic = fontID;
void CodeView::SetFontNameBoldItalic(etk::String fontName)
int32_t fontID = ewol::LoadFont(fontName, m_fontSize);
if (fontID >= 0) {
m_fontBoldItalic = fontID;
@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ class CodeView :public ewol::Widget
virtual ~CodeView(void);
virtual bool CalculateMinSize(void);
etk::String m_label;
color_ts m_textColorFg; //!< Text color
color_ts m_textColorBg; //!< Background color
etk::String m_label;
color_ts m_textColorFg; //!< Text color
color_ts m_textColorBg; //!< Background color
BufferManager * m_bufferManager;
ColorizeManager * m_colorManager;
int32_t m_bufferID;
@ -54,50 +54,23 @@ class CodeView :public ewol::Widget
bool OnEventAreaExternal(int32_t widgetID, const char * generateEventId, const char * eventExternId, etkFloat_t x, etkFloat_t y);
virtual bool OnEventInput(int32_t IdInput, ewol::eventInputType_te typeEvent, etkFloat_t x, etkFloat_t y);
virtual bool OnEventArea(const char * generateEventId, etkFloat_t x, etkFloat_t y);
virtual bool OnEventKb(ewol::eventKbType_te typeEvent, char UTF8_data[UTF8_MAX_SIZE]);
virtual bool OnEventKbMove(ewol::eventKbType_te typeEvent, ewol::eventKbMoveType_te moveTypeEvent);
virtual void OnGetFocus(void);
virtual void OnLostFocus(void);
#if 0
class CodeView : public MsgBroadcast
// Constructeur
void OnMessage(int32_t id, int32_t dataID);
GtkWidget *GetMainWidget(void);
// sur : GTK+ callback :
static gboolean CB_displayDraw( GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event, gpointer data);
static gboolean CB_displayInit( GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data);
static gint CB_focusGet( GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventFocus *event, gpointer data);
static gint CB_focusLost( GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventFocus *event, gpointer data);
static gint CB_keyboardEvent( GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event, gpointer data);
static gint CB_mouseButtonEvent(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event, gpointer data);
static gint CB_mouseMotionEvent( GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventMotion *event, gpointer data);
static gint CB_mouseScrollEvent( GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventScroll *event, gpointer data);
// main windows widget :
//GtkWidget * m_widget;
// récupération des proprieter général...
BufferManager * m_bufferManager;
ColorizeManager * m_colorManager;
int32_t m_shawableAreaX;
int32_t m_shawableAreaY;
int32_t m_bufferID;
bool m_buttunOneSelected;
int32_t m_fontSize;
int32_t m_fontNormal;
int32_t m_fontBold;
int32_t m_fontItalic;
int32_t m_fontBoldItalic;
void SetFontSize(int32_t size);
void SetFontNameNormal(etk::String fontName);
void SetFontNameBold(etk::String fontName);
void SetFontNameItalic(etk::String fontName);
void SetFontNameBoldItalic(etk::String fontName);
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
#define __class__ "MainWindows"
const char * const ednEventNewFile = "edn-New-File";
const char * const ednEventOpenFile = "edn-Open-File";
const char * const ednEventCloseFile = "edn-Close-File";
const char * const ednEventSaveFile = "edn-Save-File";
@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ MainWindows::MainWindows(void)
ewol::Button * myButton = NULL;
ewol::Label * myLabel = NULL;
CodeView * myCodeView = NULL;
BufferView * myBufferView = NULL;
mySizerVert = new ewol::SizerVert();
@ -71,6 +73,12 @@ MainWindows::MainWindows(void)
mySizerHori = new ewol::SizerHori();
myButton = new ewol::Button("New");
if (false == myButton->ExternLinkOnEvent(ewolEventButtonPressed, GetWidgetId(), ednEventNewFile) ) {
EDN_CRITICAL("link with an entry event");
myButton = new ewol::Button("Open");
if (false == myButton->ExternLinkOnEvent(ewolEventButtonPressed, GetWidgetId(), ednEventOpenFile) ) {
@ -103,11 +111,22 @@ MainWindows::MainWindows(void)
mySizerHori = new ewol::SizerHori();
myBufferView = new BufferView();
myCodeView = new CodeView();
myCodeView->SetFontNameNormal( "freefont/FreeMono.ttf");
myCodeView->SetFontNameBold( "freefont/FreeMonoBold.ttf");
myCodeView->SetFontNameItalic( "freefont/FreeMonoOblique.ttf");
@ -123,7 +142,12 @@ MainWindows::~MainWindows(void)
bool MainWindows::OnEventAreaExternal(int32_t widgetID, const char * generateEventId, const char * data, etkFloat_t x, etkFloat_t y)
EDN_INFO("Receive Event from the main windows ... : widgetid=" << widgetID << "\"" << generateEventId << "\" ==> data=\"" << data << "\"" );
if (generateEventId == ednEventOpenFile) {
// newFile section ...
if (generateEventId == ednEventNewFile) {
ewol::widgetMessageMultiCast::Send(GetWidgetId(), ednMsgGuiNew);
// Open file Section ...
else if (generateEventId == ednEventOpenFile) {
ewol::FileChooser* tmpWidget = new ewol::FileChooser();
tmpWidget->SetTitle("Open Files ...");
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ void APP_Init(void)
if (false == myBufferManager->Exist(myfile) ) {
int32_t idBuffOpened = myBufferManager->Open(myfile);
if (1==iii) {
ewol::widgetMessageMultiCast::Send(-1, ednMsgCodeViewCurrentChangeBufferId, idBuffOpened);
ewol::widgetMessageMultiCast::Send(-1, ednMsgCodeViewCurrentChangeBufferId, idBuffOpened-1);
@ -28,6 +28,53 @@
#include <MsgBroadcast.h>
// new list of edn event generic :
// Event of the gui request something :
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiNew = "edn-Msg-Gui-New";
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiOpen = "edn-Msg-Gui-Open";
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiClose = "edn-Msg-Gui-Close";
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiSave = "edn-Msg-Gui-Save";
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiSaveAs = "edn-Msg-Gui-SaveAs";
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiUndo = "edn-Msg-Gui-Undo";
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiRedo = "edn-Msg-Gui-Redo";
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiCopy = "edn-Msg-Gui-Copy";
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiCut = "edn-Msg-Gui-Cut";
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiPaste = "edn-Msg-Gui-Paste";
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiRm = "edn-Msg-Gui-Rm";
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiSelect = "edn-Msg-Gui-Select";
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiGotoLine = "edn-Msg-Gui-GotoLine";
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiSearch = "edn-Msg-Gui-Search";
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiReplace = "edn-Msg-Gui-Replace";
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiFind = "edn-Msg-Gui-Find";
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiChangeColor = "edn-Msg-Gui-ChangeColor";
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiChangeCharset = "edn-Msg-Gui-ChangeCharset";
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiShowSpaces = "edn-Msg-Gui-ShowSpaces";
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiShowEndOfLine = "edn-Msg-Gui-ShowEndOfLine";
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiCtags = "edn-Msg-Gui-CTags";
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiAbout = "edn-Msg-Gui-About";
// Event internal :
extern const char* const ednMsgBufferState = "edn-Msg-Buffer-State";
extern const char* const ednMsgBufferName = "edn-Msg-Buffer-Name";
extern const char* const ednMsgBufferId = "edn-Msg-Buffer-Id";
extern const char* const ednMsgOpenFile = "edn-Msg-OpenFile";
extern const char* const ednMsgBufferListChange = "edn-Msg-BufferListChange";
extern const char* const ednMsgBufferColor = "edn-Msg-Buffer-Color";
// old ...
extern const char* const ednMsgBufferChangeCurrent = "edn-Msg-Buffer-Change-Current";
extern const char* const ednMsgUserDisplayChange = "edn-Msg-User-Display-Change";
@ -30,6 +30,56 @@
#include <etk/String.h>
// new list of edn event generic :
// Event of the gui request something :
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiNew; // data : ""
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiOpen; // data : ""
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiClose; // data : "current" "All"
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiSave; // data : ""
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiSaveAs; // data : ""
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiUndo; // data : ""
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiRedo; // data : ""
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiCopy; // data : "STD" "Middle" "1" ... "9"
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiCut; // data : "STD" "Middle" "1" ... "9"
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiPaste; // data : "STD" "Middle" "1" ... "9"
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiRm; // data : "Word" "Line" "Paragraph"
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiSelect; // data : "ALL" "NONE"
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiGotoLine; // data : "???" / "1" ... "999999999999"
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiSearch; // data : ""
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiReplace; // data : ""
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiFind; // data : "Next" "Previous"
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiChangeColor; // data : "Black" "White"
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiChangeCharset; // data : "UTF-8" "ISO-8859-1" "ISO-8859-15"
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiShowSpaces; // data : "enable" "disable"
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiShowEndOfLine; // data : "enable" "disable"
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiCtagsLoad; // data : "Load" "ReLoad" "Jump" "Back"
extern const char* const ednMsgGuiAbout; // data : ""
// Event internal :
extern const char* const ednMsgBufferState; // data : "Saved" "Modify" "HasHistory" "HasNotHistory" "HasFutureHistory" "HasNotFutureHistory"
extern const char* const ednMsgBufferName; // data : "filename"
extern const char* const ednMsgBufferId; // data : "0" ... "99999999999"
extern const char* const ednMsgOpenFile; // data : "/Compleate/file/name.xx"
extern const char* const ednMsgBufferListChange; // data : ""
extern const char* const ednMsgBufferColor; // data : "new"
// old list :
extern const char* const ednMsgBufferChangeCurrent; // set the new current BUFFER ...
extern const char* const ednMsgUserDisplayChange; // User change the display ==> need to reload all the display depending on color internal
Reference in New Issue
Block a user