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152 lines
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/** @file
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @copyright 2015, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
#pragma once
#include <etk/String.hpp>
#include <etk/Vector.hpp>
#include <etk/Map.hpp>
#include <ethread/Mutex.hpp>
#include <etk/Function.hpp>
#include <ememory/memory.hpp>
#include <audio/format.hpp>
#include <audio/channel.hpp>
#include <ejson/ejson.hpp>
#include <audio/drain/Volume.hpp>
#include <audio/river/io/Group.hpp>
#include <ethread/MutexRecursive.hpp>
namespace audio {
namespace river {
namespace io {
class Node;
* @brief Internal sigleton of all Flow hadware and virtuals.
* @note this class will be initialize by the audio::river::init() function at the start of the application.
class Manager : public ememory::EnableSharedFromThis<Manager> {
mutable ethread::MutexRecursive m_mutex; //!< prevent multiple access
* @brief Constructor
static ememory::SharedPtr<Manager> getInstance();
* @brief Destructor
* @brief Called by audio::river::init() to set the hardware configuration file.
* @param[in] _uri Uri file to initialize.
void init(const etk::Uri& _uri);
* @brief Called by audio::river::initString() to set the hardware configuration string.
* @param[in] _data json configuration string.
void initString(const etk::String& _data);
* @brief Called by audio::river::inInit() to uninitialize all the low level interface.
void unInit();
ejson::Document m_config; //!< harware configuration
etk::Vector<ememory::SharedPtr<audio::river::io::Node> > m_listKeepAlive; //!< list of all Node that might be keep alive sone/all time
etk::Vector<ememory::WeakPtr<audio::river::io::Node> > m_list; //!< List of all IO node
* @brief Get a node with his name (the name is set in the description file.
* @param[in] _name Name of the node
* @return Pointer on the noe or a null if the node does not exist in the file or an error occured.
ememory::SharedPtr<audio::river::io::Node> getNode(const etk::String& _name);
etk::Vector<ememory::SharedPtr<audio::drain::VolumeElement> > m_volumeGroup; //!< List of All global volume in the Low level interface.
* @brief Get a volume in the global list of vilume
* @param[in] _name Name of the volume.
* @return pointer on the requested volume (create it if does not exist). null if the name is empty.
ememory::SharedPtr<audio::drain::VolumeElement> getVolumeGroup(const etk::String& _name);
* @brief Get all input audio stream.
* @return a list of all availlables input stream name
etk::Vector<etk::String> getListStreamInput();
* @brief Get all output audio stream.
* @return a list of all availlables output stream name
etk::Vector<etk::String> getListStreamOutput();
* @brief Get all audio virtual stream.
* @return a list of all availlables virtual stream name
etk::Vector<etk::String> getListStreamVirtual();
* @brief Get all audio stream.
* @return a list of all availlables stream name
etk::Vector<etk::String> getListStream();
* @brief Set a volume for a specific group
* @param[in] _volumeName Name of the volume (MASTER, MATER_BT ...)
* @param[in] _value Volume in dB to set.
* @return true set done
* @return false An error occured
* @example : setVolume("MASTER", -3.0f);
bool setVolume(const etk::String& _volumeName, float _valuedB);
* @brief Get a volume value
* @param[in] _volumeName Name of the volume (MASTER, MATER_BT ...)
* @return The Volume value in dB.
* @example ret = getVolume("MASTER"); can return something like ret = -3.0f
float getVolume(const etk::String& _volumeName);
* @brief Get a parameter value
* @param[in] _volumeName Name of the volume (MASTER, MATER_BT ...)
* @return The requested value Range.
* @example ret = getVolumeRange("MASTER"); can return something like ret=(-120.0f,0.0f)
etk::Pair<float,float> getVolumeRange(const etk::String& _volumeName) const;
* @brief Set a Mute for a specific volume group
* @param[in] _volumeName Name of the volume (MASTER, MATER_BT ...)
* @param[in] _mute Mute enable or disable.
void setMute(const etk::String& _volumeName, bool _mute);
* @brief Get a volume value
* @param[in] _volumeName Name of the volume (MASTER, MATER_BT ...)
* @return The Mute of the volume volume.
bool getMute(const etk::String& _volumeName);
* @brief Generate the dot file corresponding at the actif nodes.
* @param[in] _uri Uri of the file to write data.
void generateDot(const etk::Uri& _uri);
etk::Map<etk::String, ememory::SharedPtr<audio::river::io::Group> > m_listGroup; //!< List of all groups
* @brief get a low level interface group.
* @param[in] _name Name of the group.
* @return Pointer on the requested group or null if the group does not existed.
ememory::SharedPtr<audio::river::io::Group> getGroup(const etk::String& _name);