/** @file * @author Edouard DUPIN * @copyright 2015, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved * @license APACHE v2.0 (see license file) */ #pragma once #include #undef __class__ #define __class__ "test_echo_delay" namespace river_test_echo_delay { class TestClass { private: std::shared_ptr m_manager; std::shared_ptr m_interfaceOut; std::shared_ptr m_interfaceIn; std::shared_ptr m_interfaceFB; double m_phase; double m_freq; int32_t m_nextSampleCount; std::chrono::milliseconds m_delayBetweenEvent; audio::Time m_nextTick; audio::Time m_currentTick; int32_t m_stateFB; int32_t m_stateMic; std::vector m_delayListMic; bool m_estimateVolumeInput; int16_t m_volumeInputMax; int16_t m_volumeInputMin; float m_gain; public: TestClass(std::shared_ptr _manager) : m_manager(_manager), m_phase(0), m_freq(400), m_nextSampleCount(0), m_delayBetweenEvent(400), m_stateFB(3), m_stateMic(0), m_estimateVolumeInput(true), m_gain(-40) { //Set stereo output: std::vector channelMap; m_interfaceOut = m_manager->createOutput(48000, channelMap, audio::format_int16, "speaker"); if(m_interfaceOut == nullptr) { TEST_ERROR("nullptr interface"); return; } // set callback mode ... m_interfaceOut->setOutputCallback(std::bind(&TestClass::onDataNeeded, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5, std::placeholders::_6)); m_interfaceOut->addVolumeGroup("FLOW"); m_interfaceOut->setParameter("volume", "FLOW", etk::to_string(m_gain) + "dB"); m_interfaceIn = m_manager->createInput(48000, channelMap, audio::format_int16, "microphone"); if(m_interfaceIn == nullptr) { TEST_ERROR("nullptr interface"); return; } // set callback mode ... m_interfaceIn->setInputCallback(std::bind(&TestClass::onDataReceived, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5, std::placeholders::_6)); m_interfaceFB = m_manager->createFeedback(48000, channelMap, audio::format_int16, "speaker"); if(m_interfaceFB == nullptr) { TEST_ERROR("nullptr interface"); return; } // set callback mode ... m_interfaceFB->setInputCallback(std::bind(&TestClass::onDataReceivedFeedBack, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5, std::placeholders::_6)); m_manager->generateDotAll("activeProcess.dot"); } void onDataNeeded(void* _data, const audio::Time& _time, size_t _nbChunk, enum audio::format _format, uint32_t _frequency, const std::vector& _map) { int16_t* data = static_cast(_data); double baseCycle = 2.0*M_PI/(double)48000 * m_freq; if (m_estimateVolumeInput == true) { for (int32_t iii=0; iii<_nbChunk; iii++) { for (int32_t jjj=0; jjj<_map.size(); jjj++) { data[_map.size()*iii+jjj] = sin(m_phase) * 30000; } m_phase += baseCycle; if (m_phase >= 2*M_PI) { m_phase -= 2*M_PI; } } } else { if (_time == audio::Time()) { for (int32_t iii=0; iii<_nbChunk; iii++) { for (int32_t jjj=0; jjj<_map.size(); jjj++) { data[_map.size()*iii+jjj] = 0; } } return; } if (m_nextTick == audio::Time()) { m_nextTick = _time + m_delayBetweenEvent; m_nextSampleCount = m_delayBetweenEvent.count()*int64_t(_frequency)/1000; m_phase = -1; } //TEST_INFO("sample : " << m_nextSampleCount); for (int32_t iii=0; iii<_nbChunk; iii++) { if (m_nextSampleCount > 0) { m_nextSampleCount--; } else { m_phase = 0; m_nextSampleCount = m_delayBetweenEvent.count()*int64_t(_frequency)/1000; m_currentTick = m_nextTick; m_nextTick += m_delayBetweenEvent; } if (m_phase >= 0) { for (int32_t jjj=0; jjj<_map.size(); jjj++) { data[_map.size()*iii+jjj] = sin(m_phase) * 30000; } double newPhase = m_phase+baseCycle; if ( m_phase < M_PI && newPhase >= M_PI) { // the zero crossing position : m_currentTick = getInterpolateTime(_time, iii, sin(m_phase) * 30000, sin(newPhase) * 30000, _frequency); // start detection ... m_stateFB = 0; m_stateMic = 0; TEST_WARNING("Time Pulse zero crossing: " << m_currentTick << " id=" << iii); } m_phase = newPhase; if (m_phase >= 2*M_PI) { m_phase = -1; //m_freq += 50.0; if (m_freq>20000.0) { m_freq = 400.0; } } } else { for (int32_t jjj=0; jjj<_map.size(); jjj++) { data[_map.size()*iii+jjj] = 0; } } } } } audio::Time getInterpolateTime(audio::Time _time, int32_t _pos, int16_t _val1, int16_t _val2, uint32_t _frequency) { if (_val1 == 0) { return _time + audio::Duration(0, int64_t(_pos)*1000000000LL/int64_t(_frequency)); } else if (_val2 == 0) { return _time + audio::Duration(0, int64_t(_pos+1)*1000000000LL/int64_t(_frequency)); } double xxx = double(-_val1) / double(_val2 - _val1); TEST_VERBOSE("deltaPos:" << xxx); return _time + audio::Duration(0, int64_t((double(_pos)+xxx)*1000000000.0)/int64_t(_frequency)); } void onDataReceivedFeedBack(const void* _data, const audio::Time& _time, size_t _nbChunk, enum audio::format _format, uint32_t _frequency, const std::vector& _map) { if (_format != audio::format_int16) { TEST_ERROR("call wrong type ... (need int16_t)"); } TEST_SAVE_FILE_MACRO(int16_t, "REC_FeedBack.raw", _data, _nbChunk*_map.size()); if (m_estimateVolumeInput == true) { // nothing to do ... } else { const int16_t* data = static_cast(_data); // Detect Zero crossing after a max/min ... for (size_t iii=0; iii<_nbChunk; ++iii) { //for (size_t jjj=0; jjj<_map.size(); ++jjj) { size_t jjj=0; { if (m_stateFB == 0) { if (data[iii*_map.size() + jjj] > INT16_MAX/5) { m_stateFB = 1; TEST_VERBOSE("FB: detect Normal " << iii); } else if (data[iii*_map.size() + jjj] < -INT16_MAX/5) { m_stateFB = 2; TEST_VERBOSE("FB: detect inverse " << iii); } } else if (m_stateFB == 1) { // normale phase if (data[iii*_map.size() + jjj] <= 0) { // detect inversion of signe ... m_stateFB = 3; audio::Time time = getInterpolateTime(_time, iii-1, data[(iii-1)*_map.size() + jjj], data[iii*_map.size() + jjj], _frequency); TEST_VERBOSE("FB: 1 position -1: " << iii-1 << " " << data[(iii-1)*_map.size() + jjj]); TEST_VERBOSE("FB: 1 position 0: " << iii << " " << data[iii*_map.size() + jjj]); TEST_WARNING("FB: 1 time detected: " << time << " delay = " << float((time-m_currentTick).count())/1000.0f << "µs"); } } else if (m_stateFB == 2) { // inverse phase if (data[iii*_map.size() + jjj] >= 0) { // detect inversion of signe ... m_stateFB = 3; audio::Time time = getInterpolateTime(_time, iii-1, data[(iii-1)*_map.size() + jjj], data[iii*_map.size() + jjj], _frequency); TEST_VERBOSE("FB: 2 position -1: " << iii-1 << " " << data[(iii-1)*_map.size() + jjj]); TEST_VERBOSE("FB: 2 position 0: " << iii << " " << data[iii*_map.size() + jjj]); TEST_WARNING("FB: 2 time detected: " << time << " delay = " << float((time-m_currentTick).count())/1000.0f << "µs"); } } else if (m_stateFB == 3) { // TODO : Detect the pic ... // do nothing ... } } } } } void onDataReceived(const void* _data, const audio::Time& _time, size_t _nbChunk, enum audio::format _format, uint32_t _frequency, const std::vector& _map) { if (_format != audio::format_int16) { TEST_ERROR("call wrong type ... (need int16_t)"); } TEST_SAVE_FILE_MACRO(int16_t, "REC_Microphone.raw", _data, _nbChunk*_map.size()); const int16_t* data = static_cast(_data); if (m_estimateVolumeInput == true) { m_stateMic ++; const int16_t* data = static_cast(_data); if (m_stateMic <= 40) { for (size_t iii=0; iii<_nbChunk*_map.size(); ++iii) { //TEST_INFO("value=" << data[iii]); m_volumeInputMax = std::max(int16_t(data[iii]), m_volumeInputMax); m_volumeInputMin = std::min(int16_t(data[iii]), m_volumeInputMin); } if (m_stateMic == 40) { m_volumeInputMax *= 2; m_volumeInputMin *= 2; } } else if (m_stateMic <= 10000) { int16_t valueMax = 0; int16_t valueMin = 0; for (size_t iii=0; iii<_nbChunk*_map.size(); ++iii) { //TEST_INFO("value=" << data[iii]); valueMax = std::max(int16_t(data[iii]), valueMax); valueMin = std::min(int16_t(data[iii]), valueMin); } if ( valueMax > m_volumeInputMax && valueMin < m_volumeInputMin && ( m_gain == 0.0 || ( valueMax > INT16_MAX*2/3 && valueMin < INT16_MIN*2/3 ) ) ) { m_gain += 3.0f; m_gain = std::min(m_gain, 0.0f); m_interfaceOut->setParameter("volume", "FLOW", etk::to_string(m_gain) + "dB"); TEST_INFO("Set detection volume : " << m_gain << " m_stateMic=" << m_stateMic); m_stateMic = 3; m_phase = -1; m_estimateVolumeInput = false; return; } else { if (m_stateMic%2 == 0) { if (m_gain == 0.0f) { TEST_CRITICAL("Can not find the basicVolume ..."); } // just update volume m_gain += 1.0f; m_gain = std::min(m_gain, 0.0f); m_interfaceOut->setParameter("volume", "FLOW", etk::to_string(m_gain) + "dB"); } } } } else { // Detect Zero crossing after a max/min ... for (size_t iii=0; iii<_nbChunk; ++iii) { //for (size_t jjj=0; jjj<_map.size(); ++jjj) { size_t jjj=0; { if (m_stateMic == 0) { if (data[iii*_map.size() + jjj] > m_volumeInputMax) { m_stateMic = 1; TEST_VERBOSE("Mic: detect Normal " << iii); } else if (data[iii*_map.size() + jjj] < m_volumeInputMin) { m_stateMic = 2; TEST_VERBOSE("Mic: detect inverse " << iii); } } else if (m_stateMic == 1) { // normale phase if (data[iii*_map.size() + jjj] <= 0) { // detect inversion of signe ... m_stateMic = 3; audio::Time time = getInterpolateTime(_time, iii-1, data[(iii-1)*_map.size() + jjj], data[iii*_map.size() + jjj], _frequency); TEST_VERBOSE("MIC: 1 position -1: " << iii-1 << " " << data[(iii-1)*_map.size() + jjj]); TEST_VERBOSE("MIC: 1 position 0: " << iii << " " << data[iii*_map.size() + jjj]); audio::Duration delay = time-m_currentTick; int32_t sampleDalay = (delay.count()*_frequency)/1000000000LL; TEST_WARNING("MIC: 1 time detected: " << time << " delay = " << float(delay.count())/1000.0f << "µs samples=" << sampleDalay); m_delayListMic.push_back(delay.count()); } } else if (m_stateMic == 2) { // inverse phase if (data[iii*_map.size() + jjj] >= 0) { // detect inversion of signe ... m_stateMic = 3; audio::Time time = getInterpolateTime(_time, iii-1, data[(iii-1)*_map.size() + jjj], data[iii*_map.size() + jjj], _frequency); TEST_VERBOSE("MIC: 2 position -1: " << iii-1 << " " << data[(iii-1)*_map.size() + jjj]); TEST_VERBOSE("MIC: 2 position 0: " << iii << " " << data[iii*_map.size() + jjj]); audio::Duration delay = time-m_currentTick; int32_t sampleDalay = (delay.count()*_frequency)/1000000000LL; TEST_WARNING("MIC: 2 time detected: " << time << " delay = " << float(delay.count())/1000.0f << "µs samples=" << sampleDalay); m_delayListMic.push_back(delay.count()); } } else if (m_stateMic == 3) { // TODO : Detect the pic ... // do nothing ... } } } } } void run() { if(m_interfaceIn == nullptr) { TEST_ERROR("nullptr interface"); return; } if(m_interfaceOut == nullptr) { TEST_ERROR("nullptr interface"); return; } if(m_interfaceFB == nullptr) { TEST_ERROR("nullptr interface"); return; } m_interfaceOut->start(); m_interfaceIn->start(); //m_interfaceFB->start(); while (m_estimateVolumeInput == true) { usleep(10000); } usleep(10000000); //m_interfaceFB->stop(); m_interfaceIn->stop(); m_interfaceOut->stop(); int64_t delayAverage = 0; if (m_delayListMic.size() > 0) { for (size_t iii=0; iii manager; manager = audio::river::Manager::create("testApplication"); std::shared_ptr process = std::make_shared(manager); process->run(); process.reset(); usleep(500000); audio::river::unInit(); } }; #undef __class__ #define __class__ nullptr