Write stream to Audio output {#audio_river_write} ============================ @tableofcontents Objectifs: {#audio_river_write_objectif} ========== - Understand write audio stream The writing work nearly like the read turoral. Then we will just see what has change. File configuration: {#audio_river_write_config} =================== @snippet write.cpp audio_river_sample_write_config_file Create your write interface: {#audio_river_write_interface} ============================ Generic code: @snippet write.cpp audio_river_sample_create_write_interface Here we create an interface with: - The frequency of 48000 Hz. - The default Low level definition channel - A data interface of 16 bits samples coded in [-32768..32767] - Select input interaface name "speaker" set data callback: {#audio_river_write_get_data} ================== The best way to get data is to instanciate a simple callback. The callback is called when sample are needed and you have the nbChunk/frequency to generate the data, otherwise you can generate error in data stream. @snippet write.cpp audio_river_sample_set_callback Callback inplementation: {#audio_river_write_callback} ======================== Simply declare your function and do what you want inside. @snippet write.cpp audio_river_sample_callback_implement Full Sample: {#audio_river_write_full_sample} ============ @snippet write.cpp audio_river_sample_write_all