[DEV] mode Circular buffer in Drain lib
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ add_library(${PROJECT_NAME}
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ def create(target):
@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
/** @file
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @copyright 2011, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* @license APACHE v2.0 (see license file)
#include <river/CircularBuffer.h>
#include <river/debug.h>
river::CircularBuffer::CircularBuffer(const river::CircularBuffer& _obj) :
m_size(0) {
* @brief copy operator.
river::CircularBuffer& river::CircularBuffer::operator=(const river::CircularBuffer& _obj) {
return *this;
river::CircularBuffer::CircularBuffer() :
m_size(0) {
// nothing to do ...
river::CircularBuffer::~CircularBuffer() {
m_read = nullptr;
m_write = nullptr;
void river::CircularBuffer::setCapacity(size_t _capacity, size_t _chunkSize, uint32_t _frequency) {
if ( _chunkSize == m_sizeChunk
&& _capacity == m_capacity) {
RIVER_DEBUG("buffer setCapacity(" << _capacity << "," << _chunkSize << ")");
m_write = nullptr;
m_read = nullptr;
m_frequency = _frequency;
m_capacity = _capacity;
m_sizeChunk = _chunkSize;
m_size = 0;
if ( _capacity == 0
|| _chunkSize == 0) {
m_capacity = 0;
m_sizeChunk = 0;
m_data.resize(m_capacity*m_sizeChunk, 0);
m_read = &m_data[0];
m_write = &m_data[0];
void river::CircularBuffer::setCapacity(std11::chrono::milliseconds _capacity, size_t _chunkSize, uint32_t _frequency) {
uint32_t nbSampleNeeded = _frequency*_capacity.count()/1000;
RIVER_DEBUG("buffer setCapacity(" << _capacity.count() << "ms ," << _chunkSize << ")");
setCapacity(nbSampleNeeded, _chunkSize, _frequency);
size_t river::CircularBuffer::getUsedSizeBeforEnd() const {
size_t size;
if (m_read < m_write) {
size = static_cast<uint8_t*>(m_write) - static_cast<uint8_t*>(m_read);
// the size result is in bytes we need to have it in element
size /= m_sizeChunk;
} else if ( m_read == m_write
&& m_size == 0) {
// no element in the buffer
size = 0;
} else {
size = &m_data[0] + (m_capacity*m_sizeChunk) - static_cast<uint8_t*>(m_read);
// the size result is in bytes we need to have it in element
size /= m_sizeChunk;
return size;
size_t river::CircularBuffer::getFreeSizeBeforEnd() const {
size_t size;
size = &m_data[0]
+ (m_capacity*m_sizeChunk)
- static_cast<uint8_t*>(m_write);
// the size result is in Octet we need to have it in element
size /= m_sizeChunk;
return size;
size_t river::CircularBuffer::write(const void* _data, size_t _nbChunk, const std11::chrono::system_clock::time_point& _time) {
size_t nbElementDrop = 0;
size_t freeSizeBeforeEnd = getFreeSizeBeforEnd();
size_t freeSize = m_capacity - m_size;
// Write element in all case
// calculate the number of element that are overwritten
if (freeSize < _nbChunk) {
nbElementDrop = _nbChunk - freeSize;
// if User Request a write more important than the size of the buffer ==> update the pointer to feet only on the buffer size
if (m_capacity < _nbChunk) {
RIVER_WARNING("CircularBuffer Write too BIG " << _nbChunk << " buffer max size : " << m_capacity << " (keep last Elements)");
// Move data pointer
_data = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(_data) + (_nbChunk - m_capacity) * m_sizeChunk;
// update size
_nbChunk = m_capacity;
// if no element in the FIFO ==> first time write or no more data inside ==> start set the file of the read data ...
if (m_size == 0) {
m_timeRead = _time;
// TODO : Check time to push continuous data ...
if (freeSizeBeforeEnd >= _nbChunk) {
// all Data will be copy
memcpy(m_write, _data, _nbChunk * m_sizeChunk);
// update Writing pointer
if (freeSizeBeforeEnd == _nbChunk) {
// update to the end of FIFO ==> update to the start
m_write = &m_data[0];
} else {
m_write = static_cast<uint8_t*>(m_write) + _nbChunk * m_sizeChunk;
// Update the number of element in the buffer.
m_size += _nbChunk;
} else {
// copy data to the end of buffer
memcpy(m_write, _data, freeSizeBeforeEnd * m_sizeChunk);
// update Writing pointer ==> end of buffer ==> go to the start
m_write = &m_data[0];
// update data pointer
_data = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(_data) + freeSizeBeforeEnd * m_sizeChunk;
m_size += freeSizeBeforeEnd;
// get the number of element we need to write
_nbChunk -= freeSizeBeforeEnd;
// Copy the las data if needed
if (_nbChunk != 0) {
memcpy(m_write, _data, _nbChunk * m_sizeChunk);
// update Writing pointer
m_write = static_cast<uint8_t*>(m_write) + _nbChunk * m_sizeChunk;
m_size += _nbChunk;
if (nbElementDrop > 0) {
// if drop element we need to update the reading pointer
m_read = m_write;
m_size = m_capacity;
// return the number of element Overwrite
return nbElementDrop;
size_t river::CircularBuffer::read(void* _data, size_t _nbChunk) {
return read(_data, _nbChunk, m_timeRead);
size_t river::CircularBuffer::read(void* _data, size_t _nbChunk, const std11::chrono::system_clock::time_point& _time) {
size_t nbElementDrop = 0;
// Critical section (theoriquely protected by Mutex)
size_t usedSizeBeforeEnd = getUsedSizeBeforEnd();
// verify if we have elements in the Buffer
if (0 < m_size) {
// check the time of the read :
std11::chrono::nanoseconds deltaTime = m_timeRead - _time;
if (deltaTime.count() == 0) {
// nothing to do ==> just copy data ...
} else if (deltaTime.count() > 0) {
// Add empty sample in the output buffer ...
size_t nbSampleEmpty = m_frequency*deltaTime.count()/100000000;
nbSampleEmpty = std::min(nbSampleEmpty, _nbChunk);
RIVER_WARNING("add Empty sample in the output buffer " << nbSampleEmpty << " / " << _nbChunk);
memset(_data, 0, nbSampleEmpty * m_sizeChunk);
if (nbSampleEmpty == _nbChunk) {
return 0;
_nbChunk -= nbSampleEmpty;
} else {
// Remove data from the FIFO
if (m_size < _nbChunk) {
nbElementDrop = _nbChunk - m_size;
_nbChunk = m_size;
m_timeRead += std11::chrono::microseconds(_nbChunk*1000000/m_frequency);
if (usedSizeBeforeEnd >= _nbChunk) {
// all Data will be copy
memcpy(_data, m_read, _nbChunk * m_sizeChunk);
// update Writing pointer
m_read = static_cast<uint8_t*>(m_read) + _nbChunk * m_sizeChunk;
m_size -= _nbChunk;
// update output pointer in case of flush with 0 data
_data = static_cast<uint8_t*>(_data) + _nbChunk * m_sizeChunk;
} else {
// copy data to the end of buffer
memcpy(_data, m_read, usedSizeBeforeEnd * m_sizeChunk);
// update Writing pointer ==> end of buffer ==> go to the start
m_read = &m_data[0];
_data = static_cast<uint8_t*>(_data) + usedSizeBeforeEnd * m_sizeChunk;
m_size -= usedSizeBeforeEnd;
// get the number of element we need to write
_nbChunk -= usedSizeBeforeEnd;
// Copy the last data if needed
if (0 != _nbChunk) {
memcpy(_data, m_read, _nbChunk * m_sizeChunk);
// update Writing pointer
m_read = static_cast<uint8_t*>(m_read) + _nbChunk * m_sizeChunk;
m_size -= _nbChunk;
// update output pointer in case of flush with 0 data
_data = static_cast<uint8_t*>(_data) + _nbChunk * m_sizeChunk;
} else {
nbElementDrop = _nbChunk;
if (0 < nbElementDrop) {
// set 0 in last element of the output
memset(_data, 0, m_sizeChunk * nbElementDrop);
// return the number of element droped
return nbElementDrop;
void river::CircularBuffer::setReadPosition(const std11::chrono::system_clock::time_point& _time) {
// Critical section (theoriquely protected by Mutex)
size_t usedSizeBeforeEnd = getUsedSizeBeforEnd();
if (0 < m_size) {
// check the time of the read :
std11::chrono::nanoseconds deltaTime = _time - m_timeRead;
size_t nbSampleToRemove = int64_t(m_frequency)*int64_t(deltaTime.count())/1000000000LL;
nbSampleToRemove = std::min(nbSampleToRemove, m_size);
RIVER_VERBOSE("Remove sample in the buffer " << nbSampleToRemove << " / " << m_size);
std11::chrono::nanoseconds updateTime((int64_t(nbSampleToRemove)*1000000000LL)/int64_t(m_frequency));
RIVER_VERBOSE(" add time : " << updateTime.count() << "ns / " << deltaTime.count() << "ns");
if (usedSizeBeforeEnd >= nbSampleToRemove) {
usedSizeBeforeEnd -= nbSampleToRemove;
m_size -= nbSampleToRemove;
m_read = static_cast<uint8_t*>(m_read) + nbSampleToRemove * m_sizeChunk;
} else {
nbSampleToRemove -= usedSizeBeforeEnd;
m_size -= nbSampleToRemove;
m_read = &m_data[0] + nbSampleToRemove*m_sizeChunk;
m_timeRead += updateTime;
//m_timeRead += deltaTime;
} else {
m_timeRead = std11::chrono::system_clock::time_point();
size_t river::CircularBuffer::getFreeSize() const {
return m_capacity - m_size;
void river::CircularBuffer::clear() {
RIVER_DEBUG("buffer clear()");
// set pointer to the start
m_read = &m_data[0];
m_write = &m_data[0];
// Clean the number of element in the buffer
m_size = 0;
// Clean all element inside :
memset(&m_data[0], 0, m_sizeChunk * m_capacity);
@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
/** @file
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @copyright 2011, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* @license APACHE v2.0 (see license file)
#include <etk/types.h>
#include <vector>
#include <etk/chrono.h>
namespace river {
* For these functions we have 4 solutions :
* - Free Buffer
* ----------------------------------------------------------
* m_data | | |
* ----------------------------------------------------------
* m_write
* m_read
* - Full Buffer
* ----------------------------------------------------------
* m_data |****************************|***************************|
* ----------------------------------------------------------
* m_write
* m_read
* - Buffer in used
* ----------------------------------------------------------
* m_data | |********************| |
* ----------------------------------------------------------
* m_read m_write
* - Buffer out used
* ----------------------------------------------------------
* m_data |****************| |******************|
* ----------------------------------------------------------
* m_read m_write
class CircularBuffer {
std::vector<uint8_t> m_data; //!< data pointer
void* m_write; //!< write pointer
void* m_read; //!< read pointer
std11::chrono::system_clock::time_point m_timeRead; //!< current read time
uint32_t m_frequency;
// TODO : Remove the m_size ==> this is a bad element to be mutex-less
size_t m_size; //!< number of chunk availlable in this buffer
size_t m_capacity; //!< number of chunk available in this Buffer
size_t m_sizeChunk; //!< Size of one chunk (in byte)
* @brief copy contructor.
* @param[in] _obj Circular buffer object
CircularBuffer(const river::CircularBuffer& _obj);
* @brief copy operator.
* @param[in] _obj Circular buffer object
CircularBuffer& operator=(const river::CircularBuffer& _obj);
* @brief set the capacity of the circular buffer.
* @param[in] _capacity Number of chunk in the buffer.
* @param[in] _chunkSize Size of one chunk.
* @param[in] _frequency Frequency of the buffer
void setCapacity(size_t _capacity, size_t _chunkSize, uint32_t _frequency);
* @brief set the capacity of the circular buffer.
* @param[in] _capacity time in millisecond stored in the buffer.
* @param[in] _chunkSize Size of one chunk.
* @param[in] _frequency Frequency of the buffer
void setCapacity(std11::chrono::milliseconds _capacity, size_t _chunkSize, uint32_t _frequency);
* @brief get free size of the buffer.
* @return Number of free chunk.
size_t getFreeSize() const;
* @brief Get number of chunk in the buffer.
* @return number of chunk.
size_t getSize() const {
return m_size;
* @brief Get number of chunk that can be set in the buffer.
* @return number of chunk.
size_t getCapacity() const {
return m_capacity;
* @brief Write chunk in the buffer.
* @param[in] _data Pointer on the data.
* @param[in] _nbChunk number of chunk to copy.
* @param[in] _time Time to start write data (if before end ==> not replace data, write only if after end)
* @return Number of chunk copied.
size_t write(const void* _data, size_t _nbChunk, const std11::chrono::system_clock::time_point& _time);
* @brief Read Chunk from the buffer to the pointer data.
* @param[out] _data Pointer on the data.
* @param[in] _nbChunk number of chunk to copy.
* @param[in] _time Time to start read data (if before start ==> add 0 at start, if after, remove unread data)
* @return Number of chunk copied.
size_t read(void* _data, size_t _nbChunk, const std11::chrono::system_clock::time_point& _time);
//! @previous
size_t read(void* _data, size_t _nbChunk);
void setReadPosition(const std11::chrono::system_clock::time_point& _time);
std11::chrono::system_clock::time_point getReadTimeStamp() {
return m_timeRead;
* @brief Clear the buffer.
void clear();
* @brief Get number of free chunks before end of buffer.
* @return Number of chunk.
size_t getFreeSizeBeforEnd() const;
* @brief Get number of used chunks before end of buffer.
* @return Number of chunk.
size_t getUsedSizeBeforEnd() const;
@ -282,20 +282,123 @@ size_t river::Interface::size() const {
return 0;
return 0;
void river::Interface::setBufferSize(size_t _nbChunk) {
void river::Interface::setBufferSize(size_t _nbChunk) {
std11::unique_lock<std11::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
std11::unique_lock<std11::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
if (m_node->isInput() == true) {
// TODO :...
std11::shared_ptr<drain::EndPointRead> algo = m_process.get<drain::EndPointRead>(m_process.size()-1);
if (algo == nullptr) {
RIVER_ERROR("Request set buffer size for Interface that is not READ or WRITE mode ...");
std11::shared_ptr<drain::EndPointWrite> algo = m_process.get<drain::EndPointWrite>(0);
if (algo == nullptr) {
RIVER_ERROR("Request set buffer size for Interface that is not READ or WRITE mode ...");
void river::Interface::setBufferSize(const std11::chrono::microseconds& _time) {
void river::Interface::setBufferSize(const std11::chrono::microseconds& _time) {
std11::unique_lock<std11::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
std11::unique_lock<std11::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
if (m_node->isInput() == true) {
// TODO :...
std11::shared_ptr<drain::EndPointRead> algo = m_process.get<drain::EndPointRead>(m_process.size()-1);
if (algo == nullptr) {
RIVER_ERROR("Request set buffer size for Interface that is not READ or WRITE mode ...");
std11::shared_ptr<drain::EndPointWrite> algo = m_process.get<drain::EndPointWrite>(0);
if (algo == nullptr) {
RIVER_ERROR("Request set buffer size for Interface that is not READ or WRITE mode ...");
size_t river::Interface::getBufferSize() {
std11::unique_lock<std11::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
if (m_node->isInput() == true) {
std11::shared_ptr<drain::EndPointRead> algo = m_process.get<drain::EndPointRead>(m_process.size()-1);
if (algo == nullptr) {
RIVER_ERROR("Request get buffer size for Interface that is not READ or WRITE mode ...");
return 0;
return algo->getBufferSize();
std11::shared_ptr<drain::EndPointWrite> algo = m_process.get<drain::EndPointWrite>(0);
if (algo == nullptr) {
RIVER_ERROR("Request get buffer size for Interface that is not READ or WRITE mode ...");
return 0;
return algo->getBufferSize();
std11::chrono::microseconds river::Interface::getBufferSizeMicrosecond() {
std11::unique_lock<std11::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
if (m_node->isInput() == true) {
std11::shared_ptr<drain::EndPointRead> algo = m_process.get<drain::EndPointRead>(m_process.size()-1);
if (algo == nullptr) {
RIVER_ERROR("Request get buffer size for Interface that is not READ or WRITE mode ...");
return std11::chrono::microseconds(0);
return algo->getBufferSizeMicrosecond();
std11::shared_ptr<drain::EndPointWrite> algo = m_process.get<drain::EndPointWrite>(0);
if (algo == nullptr) {
RIVER_ERROR("Request get buffer size for Interface that is not READ or WRITE mode ...");
return std11::chrono::microseconds(0);
return algo->getBufferSizeMicrosecond();
size_t river::Interface::getBufferFillSize() {
std11::unique_lock<std11::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
if (m_node->isInput() == true) {
std11::shared_ptr<drain::EndPointRead> algo = m_process.get<drain::EndPointRead>(m_process.size()-1);
if (algo == nullptr) {
RIVER_ERROR("Request get buffer size for Interface that is not READ or WRITE mode ...");
return 0;
return algo->getBufferFillSize();
std11::shared_ptr<drain::EndPointWrite> algo = m_process.get<drain::EndPointWrite>(0);
if (algo == nullptr) {
RIVER_ERROR("Request get buffer size for Interface that is not READ or WRITE mode ...");
return 0;
return algo->getBufferFillSize();
std11::chrono::microseconds river::Interface::getBufferFillSizeMicrosecond() {
std11::unique_lock<std11::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
if (m_node->isInput() == true) {
std11::shared_ptr<drain::EndPointRead> algo = m_process.get<drain::EndPointRead>(m_process.size()-1);
if (algo == nullptr) {
RIVER_ERROR("Request get buffer size for Interface that is not READ or WRITE mode ...");
return std11::chrono::microseconds(0);
return algo->getBufferFillSizeMicrosecond();
std11::shared_ptr<drain::EndPointWrite> algo = m_process.get<drain::EndPointWrite>(0);
if (algo == nullptr) {
RIVER_ERROR("Request get buffer size for Interface that is not READ or WRITE mode ...");
return std11::chrono::microseconds(0);
return algo->getBufferFillSizeMicrosecond();
void river::Interface::clearInternalBuffer() {
void river::Interface::clearInternalBuffer() {
std11::unique_lock<std11::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
std11::unique_lock<std11::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
@ -189,10 +189,30 @@ namespace river {
virtual void setBufferSize(size_t _nbChunk);
virtual void setBufferSize(size_t _nbChunk);
* @brief Set buffer size in chunk number
* @brief Set buffer size size of the buffer with the stored time in µs
* @param[in] _nbChunk Number of chunk in the buffer
* @param[in] _time Time in microsecond of the buffer
virtual void setBufferSize(const std11::chrono::microseconds& _time);
virtual void setBufferSize(const std11::chrono::microseconds& _time);
* @brief get buffer size in chunk number
* @return Number of chunk that can be written in the buffer
virtual size_t getBufferSize();
* @brief Set buffer size size of the buffer with the stored time in µs
* @return Time in microsecond that can be written in the buffer
virtual std11::chrono::microseconds getBufferSizeMicrosecond();
* @brief Get buffer size filled in chunk number
* @return Number of chunk in the buffer (that might be read/write)
virtual size_t getBufferFillSize();
* @brief Set buffer size size of the buffer with the stored time in µs
* @return Time in microsecond of the buffer (that might be read/write)
virtual std11::chrono::microseconds getBufferFillSizeMicrosecond();
* @brief Remove internal Buffer
* @brief Remove internal Buffer
@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ void river::io::Node::registerAsRemote(const std11::shared_ptr<river::Interface>
while (it != m_listAvaillable.end()) {
while (it != m_listAvaillable.end()) {
if (it->expired() == true) {
if (it->expired() == true) {
it = m_listAvaillable.erase(it);
it = m_listAvaillable.erase(it);
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
#include <river/io/Node.h>
#include <river/io/Node.h>
#include <river/Interface.h>
#include <river/Interface.h>
#include <river/CircularBuffer.h>
#include <drain/CircularBuffer.h>
namespace river {
namespace river {
namespace io {
namespace io {
@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ namespace river {
enum audio::format _format,
enum audio::format _format,
uint32_t _frequency,
uint32_t _frequency,
const std::vector<audio::channel>& _map);
const std::vector<audio::channel>& _map);
river::CircularBuffer m_bufferMicrophone;
drain::CircularBuffer m_bufferMicrophone;
river::CircularBuffer m_bufferFeedBack;
drain::CircularBuffer m_bufferFeedBack;
std11::chrono::nanoseconds m_sampleTime; //!< represent the sample time at the specify frequency.
std11::chrono::nanoseconds m_sampleTime; //!< represent the sample time at the specify frequency.
void process();
void process();
void processAEC(void* _dataMic, void* _dataFB, uint32_t _nbChunk, const std11::chrono::system_clock::time_point& _time);
void processAEC(void* _dataMic, void* _dataFB, uint32_t _nbChunk, const std11::chrono::system_clock::time_point& _time);
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
#include <river/io/Node.h>
#include <river/io/Node.h>
#include <river/Interface.h>
#include <river/Interface.h>
#include <river/CircularBuffer.h>
#include <drain/CircularBuffer.h>
namespace river {
namespace river {
namespace io {
namespace io {
@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ namespace river {
const std::vector<audio::channel>& _map);
const std::vector<audio::channel>& _map);
std::vector<audio::channel> m_mapInput1;
std::vector<audio::channel> m_mapInput1;
std::vector<audio::channel> m_mapInput2;
std::vector<audio::channel> m_mapInput2;
river::CircularBuffer m_bufferInput1;
drain::CircularBuffer m_bufferInput1;
river::CircularBuffer m_bufferInput2;
drain::CircularBuffer m_bufferInput2;
std11::chrono::nanoseconds m_sampleTime; //!< represent the sample time at the specify frequency.
std11::chrono::nanoseconds m_sampleTime; //!< represent the sample time at the specify frequency.
void process();
void process();
void processMuxer(void* _dataMic, void* _dataFB, uint32_t _nbChunk, const std11::chrono::system_clock::time_point& _time);
void processMuxer(void* _dataMic, void* _dataFB, uint32_t _nbChunk, const std11::chrono::system_clock::time_point& _time);
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}
## Mark executables and/or libraries for installation
## Mark executables and/or libraries for installation
Reference in New Issue
Block a user