AUDIO-ORCHESTRA library {#mainpage} ======================= @tableofcontents What is AUDIO-ORCHESTRA: {#audio_orchestra_mainpage_what} ======================== AUDIO-ORCHESTRA, is a fork of RTAudio lib (with port for Android, and IOs). This is a cross API of Audio wrapping the Hardware. This library is not friendy usable, use audio-river to have a correct and simple multiple-flow API What it does: {#audio_orchestra_mainpage_what_it_does} ------------- - Open a strem audio in Input or output - synchronise 2 flow - open on some platform: Android, Linux, MacOs, Ios, Windows AUDIO-ORCHESTRA is dependent of the STL (compatible with MacOs stl (CXX)) What languages are supported? {#audio_orchestra_mainpage_language} ============================= AUDIO-ORCHESTRA is written in C++. Are there any licensing restrictions? {#audio_orchestra_mainpage_license_restriction} ===================================== AUDIO-ORCHESTRA is **FREE software** and _all sub-library are FREE and staticly linkable !!!_ License (MIT) {#audio_orchestra_mainpage_license} ============= Copyright AUDIO-ORCHESTRA Edouard DUPIN MIT ... Other pages {#audio_orchestra_mainpage_sub_page} =========== - @ref audio_orchestra_build - [**ewol coding style**](