
294 lines
12 KiB

* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @copyright 2011, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* @license APACHE v2.0 (see license file)
#include <etk/types.h>
#include <etk/os/FSNode.h>
#include <ewolsa/debug.h>
#include <ewolsa/decWav.h>
typedef struct {
char riffTag[4]; //!< 00-03
uint32_t size; //!< 04-07
char waveTag[4]; //!< 08-0b
char fmtTag[4]; //!< 0c-0f
uint32_t waveFormatSize; //!< 10-13
struct {
uint16_t type; //!< 00-01
uint16_t channelCount; //!< 02-03
uint32_t samplesPerSec; //!< 04-07
uint32_t bytesPerSec; //!< 08-0b
uint16_t bytesPerFrame; //!< 0c-0d
uint16_t bitsPerSample; //!< 0e-0f
}waveFormat; //!< 14-23
char dataTag[4]; //!< 24-27
uint32_t dataSize; //!< 28-2b
#define CONVERT_UINT32(littleEndien,data) (littleEndien)?(((uint32_t)((uint8_t*)data)[0] | (uint32_t)((uint8_t*)data)[1] << 8 | (uint32_t)((uint8_t*)data)[2] << 16 | (uint32_t)((uint8_t*)data)[3] << 24)): \
(((uint32_t)((uint8_t*)data)[3] | (uint32_t)((uint8_t*)data)[2] << 8 | (uint32_t)((uint8_t*)data)[1] << 16 | (uint32_t)((uint8_t*)data)[0] << 24))
#define CONVERT_INT32(littleEndien,data) (littleEndien)?(((int32_t)((uint8_t*)data)[0] | (int32_t)((uint8_t*)data)[1] << 8 | (int32_t)((uint8_t*)data)[2] << 16 | (int32_t)((int8_t*)data)[3] << 24)): \
(((int32_t)((uint8_t*)data)[3] | (int32_t)((uint8_t*)data)[2] << 8 | (int32_t)((uint8_t*)data)[1] << 16 | (int32_t)((int8_t*)data)[0] << 24))
#define CONVERT_UINT24(littleEndien,data) (littleEndien)?(((uint32_t)((uint8_t*)data)[0]<<8 | (uint32_t)((uint8_t*)data)[1] << 16 | (uint32_t)((uint8_t*)data)[2] << 24)): \
(((uint32_t)((uint8_t*)data)[2]<<8 | (uint32_t)((uint8_t*)data)[1] << 16 | (uint32_t)((uint8_t*)data)[0] << 24))
#define CONVERT_INT24(littleEndien,data) (littleEndien)?(((int32_t)((uint8_t*)data)[0]<<8 | (int32_t)((uint8_t*)data)[1] << 16 | (int32_t)((int8_t*)data)[2] << 24)): \
(((int32_t)((uint8_t*)data)[2]<<8 | (int32_t)((uint8_t*)data)[1] << 16 | (int32_t)((int8_t*)data)[0] << 24))
#define CONVERT_UINT16(littleEndien,data) (littleEndien)?(((uint16_t)((uint8_t*)data)[0] | (uint16_t)((uint8_t*)data)[1] << 8)): \
(((uint16_t)((uint8_t*)data)[1] | (uint16_t)((uint8_t*)data)[0] << 8))
#define CONVERT_INT16(littleEndien,data) (littleEndien)?(((int16_t)((uint8_t*)data)[0] | (int16_t)((int8_t*)data)[1] << 8)): \
(((int16_t)((uint8_t*)data)[1] | (int16_t)((int8_t*)data)[0] << 8))
#define COMPR_PCM (1)
#define COMPR_MADPCM (2)
#define COMPR_ALAW (6)
#define COMPR_MULAW (7)
#define COMPR_ADPCM (17)
#define COMPR_YADPCM (20)
#define COMPR_GSM (49)
#define COMPR_G721 (64)
#define COMPR_MPEG (80)
int16_t* ewolsa::wav::loadAudioFile(const std::string& _filename, int8_t _nbChan, int32_t& _nbSampleOut) {
_nbSampleOut = 0;
waveHeader myHeader;
memset(&myHeader, 0, sizeof(waveHeader));
etk::FSNode fileAccess(_filename);
// Start loading the XML :
EWOLSA_DEBUG("open file (WAV) \"" << fileAccess << "\"");
if (false == fileAccess.exist()) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("File Does not exist : \"" << fileAccess << "\"");
return NULL;
int32_t fileSize = fileAccess.fileSize();
if (0 == fileSize) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("This file is empty : \"" << fileAccess << "\"");
return NULL;
if (false == fileAccess.fileOpenRead()) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("Can not open the file : \"" << fileAccess << "\"");
return NULL;
// try to find endienness :
if (fileSize < (int64_t)sizeof(waveHeader)) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("File : \"" << fileAccess << "\" == > has not enouth data inside might be minumum of " << (int32_t)(sizeof(waveHeader)));
return NULL;
// ----------------------------------------------
// read the header :
// ----------------------------------------------
if (fileAccess.fileRead(&myHeader.riffTag, 1, 4)!=4) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("Can not 4 element in the file : \"" << fileAccess << "\"");
return NULL;
bool littleEndien = false;
if( myHeader.riffTag[0] == 'R'
&& myHeader.riffTag[1] == 'I'
&& myHeader.riffTag[2] == 'F'
&& (myHeader.riffTag[3] == 'F' || myHeader.riffTag[3] == 'X') ) {
if (myHeader.riffTag[3] == 'F' ) {
littleEndien = true;
} else {
EWOLSA_ERROR("file: \"" << fileAccess << "\" Does not start with \"RIF\" " );
return NULL;
// get the data size :
unsigned char tmpData[32];
if (fileAccess.fileRead(tmpData, 1, 4)!=4) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("Can not 4 element in the file : \"" << fileAccess << "\"");
return NULL;
myHeader.size = CONVERT_UINT32(littleEndien, tmpData);
// get the data size :
if (fileAccess.fileRead(&myHeader.waveTag, 1, 4)!=4) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("Can not 4 element in the file : \"" << fileAccess << "\"");
return NULL;
if( myHeader.waveTag[0] != 'W'
|| myHeader.waveTag[1] != 'A'
|| myHeader.waveTag[2] != 'V'
|| myHeader.waveTag[3] != 'E' ) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("file: \"" << fileAccess << "\" This is not a wave file " << myHeader.waveTag[0] << myHeader.waveTag[1] << myHeader.waveTag[2] << myHeader.waveTag[3] );
return NULL;
// get the data size :
if (fileAccess.fileRead(&myHeader.fmtTag, 1, 4)!=4) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("Can not 4 element in the file : \"" << fileAccess << "\"");
return NULL;
if( myHeader.fmtTag[0] != 'f'
|| myHeader.fmtTag[1] != 'm'
|| myHeader.fmtTag[2] != 't'
|| myHeader.fmtTag[3] != ' ' ) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("file: \"" << fileAccess << "\" header error ..." << myHeader.fmtTag[0] << myHeader.fmtTag[1] << myHeader.fmtTag[2] << myHeader.fmtTag[3]);
return NULL;
// get the data size :
if (fileAccess.fileRead(tmpData, 1, 4)!=4) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("Can not 4 element in the file : \"" << fileAccess << "\"");
return NULL;
myHeader.waveFormatSize = CONVERT_UINT32(littleEndien, tmpData);
if (myHeader.waveFormatSize != 16) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("file : \"" << fileAccess << "\" == > header error ...");
return NULL;
if (fileAccess.fileRead(tmpData, 1, 16)!=16) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("Can not 16 element in the file : \"" << fileAccess << "\"");
return NULL;
unsigned char * tmppp = tmpData;
myHeader.waveFormat.type = CONVERT_UINT16(littleEndien, tmppp);
tmppp += 2;
myHeader.waveFormat.channelCount = CONVERT_UINT16(littleEndien, tmppp);
tmppp += 2;
myHeader.waveFormat.samplesPerSec = CONVERT_UINT32(littleEndien, tmppp);
tmppp += 4;
myHeader.waveFormat.bytesPerSec = CONVERT_UINT32(littleEndien, tmppp);
tmppp += 4;
myHeader.waveFormat.bytesPerFrame = CONVERT_UINT16(littleEndien, tmppp);
tmppp += 2;
myHeader.waveFormat.bitsPerSample = CONVERT_UINT16(littleEndien, tmppp);
EWOLSA_DEBUG("audio properties : ");
EWOLSA_DEBUG(" type : " << myHeader.waveFormat.type);
EWOLSA_DEBUG(" channelCount : " << myHeader.waveFormat.channelCount);
EWOLSA_DEBUG(" samplesPerSec : " << myHeader.waveFormat.samplesPerSec);
EWOLSA_DEBUG(" bytesPerSec : " << myHeader.waveFormat.bytesPerSec);
EWOLSA_DEBUG(" bytesPerFrame : " << myHeader.waveFormat.bytesPerFrame);
EWOLSA_DEBUG(" bitsPerSample : " << myHeader.waveFormat.bitsPerSample);
// get the data size :
if (fileAccess.fileRead(&myHeader.dataTag, 1, 4)!=4) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("Can not 4 element in the file : \"" << fileAccess << "\"");
return NULL;
if( myHeader.dataTag[0] != 'd'
|| myHeader.dataTag[1] != 'a'
|| myHeader.dataTag[2] != 't'
|| myHeader.dataTag[3] != 'a' ) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("file: \"" << fileAccess << "\" header error ..." << myHeader.dataTag[0] << myHeader.dataTag[1] << myHeader.dataTag[2] << myHeader.dataTag[3]);
return NULL;
// get the data size :
if (fileAccess.fileRead(tmpData, 1, 4)!=4) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("Can not 4 element in the file : \"" << fileAccess << "\"");
return NULL;
myHeader.dataSize = CONVERT_UINT32(littleEndien, tmpData);
// ----------------------------------------------
// end of the header reading done ...
// ----------------------------------------------
//Parse the data and transform it if needed ...
if (COMPR_PCM != myHeader.waveFormat.type) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("File : \"" << fileAccess << "\" == > support only PCM compression ...");
return NULL;
if (myHeader.waveFormat.channelCount == 0 || myHeader.waveFormat.channelCount>2) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("File : \"" << fileAccess << "\" == > support only mono or stereo ..." << myHeader.waveFormat.channelCount);
return NULL;
if ( ! ( myHeader.waveFormat.bitsPerSample == 16
|| myHeader.waveFormat.bitsPerSample == 24
|| myHeader.waveFormat.bitsPerSample == 32 ) ) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("File : \"" << fileAccess << "\" == > not supported bit/sample ..." << myHeader.waveFormat.bitsPerSample);
return NULL;
if( ! ( 44100 == myHeader.waveFormat.samplesPerSec
|| 48000 == myHeader.waveFormat.samplesPerSec) ) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("File : \"" << fileAccess << "\" == > not supported frequency " << myHeader.waveFormat.samplesPerSec << " != 48000");
return NULL;
EWOLSA_DEBUG(" dataSize : " << myHeader.dataSize);
//int32_t globalDataSize = myHeader.dataSize;
int32_t nbSample = (myHeader.dataSize/((myHeader.waveFormat.bitsPerSample/8)*myHeader.waveFormat.channelCount));
int32_t outputSize = _nbChan*nbSample;
int16_t * outputData = new int16_t[outputSize*sizeof(int16_t)];
if (NULL == outputData) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("Allocation ERROR try to allocate " << (int32_t)(outputSize*sizeof(int16_t) ) << "bytes");
return NULL;
int16_t * tmpOut = outputData;
for( int32_t iii=0; iii<nbSample; iii++) {
int32_t left;
int32_t right;
char audioSample[8];
if (myHeader.waveFormat.bitsPerSample == 16) {
if (myHeader.waveFormat.channelCount == 1) {
if (fileAccess.fileRead(audioSample, 1, 2)!=2) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("Read Error at position : " << iii);
return NULL;
left = ((int32_t)((int16_t)CONVERT_INT16(littleEndien, audioSample))) << 16;
right = left;
} else {
if (fileAccess.fileRead(audioSample, 1, 4)!=4) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("Read Error at position : " << iii);
return NULL;
left = (int32_t)((int16_t)CONVERT_INT16(littleEndien, audioSample)) << 16;
right = (int32_t)((int16_t)CONVERT_INT16(littleEndien, audioSample+2)) << 16;
} else if (myHeader.waveFormat.bitsPerSample == 24) {
if (myHeader.waveFormat.channelCount == 1) {
if (fileAccess.fileRead(audioSample, 1, 3)!=3) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("Read Error at position : " << iii);
return NULL;
left = CONVERT_INT24(littleEndien, audioSample);
right = left;
} else {
if (fileAccess.fileRead(audioSample, 1, 6)!=6) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("Read Error at position : " << iii);
return NULL;
left = CONVERT_INT24(littleEndien, audioSample);
right = CONVERT_INT24(littleEndien, audioSample+3);
} else if (myHeader.waveFormat.bitsPerSample == 32) {
if (myHeader.waveFormat.channelCount == 1) {
if (fileAccess.fileRead(audioSample, 1, 4)!=4) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("Read Error at position : " << iii);
return NULL;
left = CONVERT_INT32(littleEndien, audioSample);
right = left;
} else {
if (fileAccess.fileRead(audioSample, 1, 8)!=8) {
EWOLSA_ERROR("Read Error at position : " << iii);
return NULL;
left = CONVERT_INT32(littleEndien, audioSample);
right = CONVERT_INT32(littleEndien, audioSample+4);
if (_nbChan == 1) {
*tmpOut++ = (int16_t)(((left>>1) + (right>>1))>>16);
} else {
*tmpOut++ = (int16_t)(left>>16);
*tmpOut++ = (int16_t)(right>>16);
// close the file:
_nbSampleOut = nbSample;
return outputData;