61 lines
1.6 KiB
61 lines
1.6 KiB
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @copyright 2010, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* @license GPL v3 (see license file)
#include <etk/types.h>
#include <ewol/ewol.h>
#include <gale/context/commandLine.h>
#include <appl/debug.h>
#include <appl/Windows.h>
#include <ewol/object/Object.h>
#include <ewol/widget/Manager.h>
#include <ewol/context/Context.h>
#include <appl/widget/DisplayFrequency.h>
class MainApplication : public ewol::context::Application {
bool init(ewol::Context& _context, size_t _initId) {
APPL_INFO("==> Init APPL (START) [" << ewol::getBoardType() << "] (" << ewol::getCompilationMode() << ")");
// TODO : Remove this : Move if in the windows properties
_context.setSize(vec2(800, 600));
// select internal data for font ...
_context.getFontDefault().set("FreeSerif;DejaVuSansMono", 19);
// add local widget list:
std::shared_ptr<ewol::widget::Windows> basicWindows = appl::Windows::create();
// create the specific windows
APPL_INFO("==> Init APPL (END)");
return true;
void unInit(ewol::Context& _context) {
APPL_INFO("==> Un-Init APPL (START)");
// nothing to do ...
APPL_INFO("==> Un-Init APPL (END)");
* @brief Main of the program (This can be set in every case, but it is not used in Andoid...).
* @param std IO
* @return std IO
int main(int _argc, const char *_argv[]) {
return ewol::run(new MainApplication(), _argc, _argv);