
485 lines
20 KiB

/** @file
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @copyright 2011, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
#include <test-debug/debug.hpp>
#include <etk/etk.hpp>
#include <etk/uri/uri.hpp>
#include <audio/algo/speex/Resampler.hpp>
#include <audio/algo/speex/Aec.hpp>
#include <echrono/Steady.hpp>
#include <ethread/Thread.hpp>
#include <ethread/tools.hpp>
class Performance {
echrono::Steady m_timeStart;
echrono::Steady m_timeStop;
echrono::Duration m_totalTimeProcessing;
echrono::Duration m_minProcessing;
echrono::Duration m_maxProcessing;
int32_t m_totalIteration;
Performance() :
m_totalIteration(0) {
void tic() {
m_timeStart = echrono::Steady::now();
void toc() {
m_timeStop = echrono::Steady::now();
echrono::Duration time = m_timeStop - m_timeStart;
m_minProcessing = etk::min(m_minProcessing, time);
m_maxProcessing = etk::max(m_maxProcessing, time);
m_totalTimeProcessing += time;
echrono::Duration getTotalTimeProcessing() {
return m_totalTimeProcessing;
echrono::Duration getMinProcessing() {
return m_minProcessing;
echrono::Duration getMaxProcessing() {
return m_maxProcessing;
int32_t getTotalIteration() {
return m_totalIteration;
float performanceResamplerStepFloat(float _sampleRateIn, float _sampleRateOut, int8_t _quality) {
etk::Vector<float> input;
input.resize(1024, 0);
etk::Vector<float> output;
output.resize(input.size()*10, 0);
double sampleRate = _sampleRateIn;
double phase = 0;
double baseCycle = 2.0*M_PI/sampleRate * 480.0;
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<input.size(); iii++) {
input[iii] = cos(phase) * 5.0;
phase += baseCycle;
if (phase >= 2*M_PI) {
phase -= 2*M_PI;
TEST_INFO("Start Resampler performance ... " << _sampleRateIn << " -> " << _sampleRateOut << " float");
Performance perfo;
audio::algo::speex::Resampler algo;
algo.init(1, _sampleRateIn, _sampleRateOut, _quality, audio::format_float);
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<1024; ++iii) {
size_t sizeOut = output.size();
algo.process(&output[0], sizeOut, &input[0], input.size());
TEST_INFO(" blockSize=" << input.size() << " sample");
TEST_INFO(" min < avg < max =" << perfo.getMinProcessing() << " < "
<< perfo.getTotalTimeProcessing().get()/perfo.getTotalIteration() << "ns < "
<< perfo.getMaxProcessing());
float avg = (float(((perfo.getTotalTimeProcessing().get()/perfo.getTotalIteration())*sampleRate)/double(input.size()))/1000000000.0)*100.0;
TEST_INFO(" min < avg < max= " << (float((perfo.getMinProcessing().get()*sampleRate)/double(input.size()))/1000000000.0)*100.0 << "% < "
<< avg << "% < "
<< (float((perfo.getMaxProcessing().get()*sampleRate)/double(input.size()))/1000000000.0)*100.0 << "%");
TEST_PRINT("float : " << _sampleRateIn << " -> " << _sampleRateOut << " quality=" << int32_t(_quality) << " : " << avg << "%");
return avg;
float performanceResamplerStepI16(float _sampleRateIn, float _sampleRateOut, int8_t _quality) {
etk::Vector<int16_t> input;
input.resize(1024, 0);
etk::Vector<int16_t> output;
output.resize(input.size()*10, 0);
double sampleRate = _sampleRateIn;
double phase = 0;
double baseCycle = 2.0*M_PI/sampleRate * 480.0;
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<input.size(); iii++) {
input[iii] = cos(phase) * 30000.0;
phase += baseCycle;
if (phase >= 2*M_PI) {
phase -= 2*M_PI;
TEST_INFO("Start Resampler performance ... " << _sampleRateIn << " -> " << _sampleRateOut << " int16_t");
Performance perfo;
audio::algo::speex::Resampler algo;
algo.init(1, _sampleRateIn, _sampleRateOut, _quality, audio::format_int16);
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<1024; ++iii) {
size_t sizeOut = output.size();
algo.process(&output[0], sizeOut, &input[0], input.size());
TEST_INFO(" blockSize=" << input.size() << " sample");
TEST_INFO(" min < avg < max =" << perfo.getMinProcessing() << " < "
<< perfo.getTotalTimeProcessing().get()/perfo.getTotalIteration() << "ns < "
<< perfo.getMaxProcessing());
float avg = (float(((perfo.getTotalTimeProcessing().get()/perfo.getTotalIteration())*sampleRate)/double(input.size()))/1000000000.0)*100.0;
TEST_INFO(" min < avg < max= " << (float((perfo.getMinProcessing().get()*sampleRate)/double(input.size()))/1000000000.0)*100.0 << "% < "
<< avg << "% < "
<< (float((perfo.getMaxProcessing().get()*sampleRate)/double(input.size()))/1000000000.0)*100.0 << "%");
TEST_PRINT("int16_t : " << _sampleRateIn << " -> " << _sampleRateOut << " quality=" << int32_t(_quality) << " : " << avg << "%");
return avg;
void performanceResampler() {
for (int8_t iii=1; iii<=10; ++iii) {
float modeFloat = performanceResamplerStepFloat(8000, 48000, iii);
float modeI16 = performanceResamplerStepI16(8000, 48000, iii);
modeFloat = performanceResamplerStepFloat(16000, 48000, iii);
modeI16 = performanceResamplerStepI16(16000, 48000, iii);
modeFloat = performanceResamplerStepFloat(32000, 48000, iii);
modeI16 = performanceResamplerStepI16(32000, 48000, iii);
modeFloat = performanceResamplerStepFloat(44100, 48000, iii);
modeI16 = performanceResamplerStepI16(44100, 48000, iii);
modeFloat = performanceResamplerStepFloat(48001, 48000, iii);
modeI16 = performanceResamplerStepI16(48001, 48000, iii);
modeFloat = performanceResamplerStepFloat(96000, 48000, iii);
modeI16 = performanceResamplerStepI16(96000, 48000, iii);
modeFloat = performanceResamplerStepFloat(48000, 96000, iii);
modeI16 = performanceResamplerStepI16(48000, 96000, iii);
modeFloat = performanceResamplerStepFloat(48000, 48001, iii);
modeI16 = performanceResamplerStepI16(48000, 48001, iii);
modeFloat = performanceResamplerStepFloat(48000, 44100, iii);
modeI16 = performanceResamplerStepI16(48000, 44100, iii);
modeFloat = performanceResamplerStepFloat(48000, 32000, iii);
modeI16 = performanceResamplerStepI16(48000, 32000, iii);
modeFloat = performanceResamplerStepFloat(48000, 16000, iii);
modeI16 = performanceResamplerStepI16(48000, 16000, iii);
modeFloat = performanceResamplerStepFloat(48000, 8000, iii);
modeI16 = performanceResamplerStepI16(48000, 8000, iii);
etk::Vector<int16_t> loadDataI16(etk::Uri _uri, int32_t _nbChannel, int32_t _selectChannel, bool _formatFileInteger16, int32_t _delaySample = 0) {
TEST_INFO("Read : '" << _uri << "'");
etk::Vector<int16_t> out;
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<_delaySample; ++iii) {
ememory::SharedPtr<etk::io::Interface> fileIO = etk::uri::get(_uri);
if (fileIO->open(etk::io::OpenMode::Read) == false) {
return out;
if (_uri.getPath().getExtention() == "wav") {
// remove the first 44 bytes
fileIO->seek(44, etk::io::SeekMode::Start);
if (_formatFileInteger16 == true) {
etk::Vector<int16_t> tmpData = fileIO->readAll<int16_t>();
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<tmpData.size(); iii+=_nbChannel) {
} else {
etk::Vector<float> tmpData = fileIO->readAll<float>();
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<tmpData.size(); iii+=_nbChannel) {
double val = double(tmpData[iii+_selectChannel])*32768.0;
if (val >= 32767.0) {
} else if (val <= -32768.0) {
} else {
TEST_INFO(" " << out.size() << " samples");
return out;
etk::Vector<float> loadDataFloat(etk::Uri _uri, int32_t _nbChannel, int32_t _selectChannel, bool _formatFileInteger16, int32_t _delaySample = 0) {
TEST_INFO("Read : '" << _uri << "'");
etk::Vector<float> out;
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<_delaySample; ++iii) {
ememory::SharedPtr<etk::io::Interface> fileIO = etk::uri::get(_uri);
if (fileIO->open(etk::io::OpenMode::Read) == false) {
return out;
if (_uri.getPath().getExtention() == "wav") {
// remove the first 44 bytes
fileIO->seek(44, etk::io::SeekMode::Start);
if (_formatFileInteger16 == true) {
etk::Vector<int16_t> tmpData = fileIO->readAll<int16_t>();
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<tmpData.size(); iii+=_nbChannel) {
} else {
etk::Vector<float> tmpData = fileIO->readAll<float>();
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<tmpData.size(); iii+=_nbChannel) {
TEST_INFO(" " << out.size() << " samples");
return out;
int main(int _argc, const char** _argv) {
// the only one init for etk:
etk::init(_argc, _argv);
etk::Path inputName = "";
etk::Path feedbackName = "";
etk::Path outputName = "output.raw";
bool performance = false;
bool perf = false;
int64_t sampleRateIn = 48000;
int64_t sampleRateOut = 48000;
int32_t nbChan = 1;
int32_t quality = 4;
etk::String test = "";
bool formatFileInteger16 = true;
int32_t inputNumberChannel = 1;
int32_t inputSelectChannel = 0;
int32_t inputSampleDelay = 0;
int32_t feedbackNumberChannel = 1;
int32_t feedbackSelectChannel = 0;
int32_t feedbackSampleDelay = 0;
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<_argc ; ++iii) {
etk::String data = _argv[iii];
if (etk::start_with(data,"--in=")) {
inputName = &data[5];
} else if (etk::start_with(data,"--out=")) {
outputName = &data[6];
} else if (data == "--performance") {
performance = true;
} else if (data == "--perf") {
perf = true;
} else if (etk::start_with(data,"--test=")) {
data = &data[7];
sampleRateIn = etk::string_to_int32_t(data);
} else if (etk::start_with(data,"--format=")) {
if (data == "--format=i16") {
formatFileInteger16 = true;
} else if (data == "--format=float") {
formatFileInteger16 = false;
} else {
TEST_CRITICAL("unsuported format");
} else if (etk::start_with(data,"--in-filter=")) {
etk::String tmpData = &data[12];
inputNumberChannel = tmpData.size();
for (int32_t iii = 0; iii< tmpData.size(); ++iii) {
if (tmpData[iii] == '1') {
inputSelectChannel = iii;
TEST_INFO("SELECT input channel : " << inputNumberChannel+1 << " / " << tmpData.size());
} else if (etk::start_with(data,"--sample-rate-in=")) {
data = &data[17];
sampleRateIn = etk::string_to_int32_t(data);
// ****************************************************
// ** RESAMPLING section
// ****************************************************
} else if ( test == "RESAMPLING"
&& etk::start_with(data,"--sample-rate-out=")) {
data = &data[18];
sampleRateOut = etk::string_to_int32_t(data);
} else if ( test == "RESAMPLING"
&& etk::start_with(data,"--nb=")) {
data = &data[5];
nbChan = etk::string_to_int32_t(data);
} else if ( test == "RESAMPLING"
&& etk::start_with(data,"--quality=")) {
data = &data[10];
quality = etk::string_to_int32_t(data);
// ****************************************************
// ** AEC section
// ****************************************************
} else if ( test == "AEC"
&& etk::start_with(data,"--fb-filter=")) {
etk::String tmpData = &data[12];
feedbackNumberChannel = tmpData.size();
for (int32_t iii = 0; iii< tmpData.size(); ++iii) {
if (tmpData[iii] == '1') {
feedbackSelectChannel = iii;
TEST_INFO("SELECT FB channel : " << feedbackSelectChannel+1 << " / " << tmpData.size());
} else if ( test == "AEC"
&& etk::start_with(data,"--fb=")) {
feedbackName = &data[5];
} else if ( test == "AEC"
&& etk::start_with(data,"--fb-delay=")) {
data = &data[11];
feedbackSampleDelay = etk::string_to_int32_t(data);
} else if ( test == "AEC"
&& etk::start_with(data,"--in-delay=")) {
data = &data[11];
inputSampleDelay = etk::string_to_int32_t(data);
} else if ( data == "-h"
|| data == "--help") {
TEST_PRINT("Help : ");
TEST_PRINT(" ./xxx --fb=file.raw --mic=file.raw");
TEST_PRINT(" --in=YYY.raw input file");
TEST_PRINT(" --in-filter=xxx Select the channel desired in the input stream (n*0 for each channel and 1 for the selected one. ex: 4 channel, secect the third==> 0010) [default 1]");
TEST_PRINT(" --sample-rate-in=XXXX Input signal sample rate (default 48000)");
TEST_PRINT(" --out=zzz.raw output file");
TEST_PRINT(" --format=xxx file Format : i16/float (default i16)");
TEST_PRINT(" --performance Generate signal to force algo to maximum process time");
TEST_PRINT(" --perf Enable performence test (little slower but real performence test)");
TEST_PRINT(" --test=XXXX some test availlable ...");
TEST_PRINT(" RESAMPLING Test resampling data 16 bit mode");
TEST_PRINT(" --sample-rate-out=XXXX Output signal sample rate (default 48000)");
TEST_PRINT(" --quality=XX Resampling quality [0..10] (default 4)");
TEST_PRINT(" --nb=XX Number of channel in the file (default 1)");
TEST_PRINT(" AEC Test AEC (SPEEX AEC is in 16 bits)");
TEST_PRINT(" --fb=XXXX.raw Input Feedback file");
TEST_PRINT(" --fb-filter=xxx Select the chanel desired in the input stream (same as --in-filter)");
TEST_PRINT(" --fb-delay=xxx dalay in sample in the signal feedback (default 0)");
TEST_PRINT(" --in-delay=xxx dalay in sample in the signal input (default 0)");
TEST_PRINT(" example: ");
TEST_PRINT(" ./XXX --test=AEC --fb=aaa_input.wav --in=aaa_input.wav --in-sample-rate=16000 --fb-filter=01 --in-filter=10 --format=i16 --in-delay=64");
} else {
TEST_CRITICAL("unknow parameter : '" << data << "'");
// PERFORMANCE test only ....
if (performance == true) {
return 0;
if (test == "RESAMPLING") {
TEST_INFO("Start resampling test ... ");
if (inputName.isEmpty() == true) {
TEST_ERROR("Can not Process missing parameters...");
TEST_INFO("Read input:");
etk::Vector<int16_t> inputData = loadDataI16(inputName, inputNumberChannel, inputSelectChannel, formatFileInteger16, inputSampleDelay);
TEST_INFO(" " << inputData.size() << " samples");
// resize output :
etk::Vector<int16_t> output;
output.resize(inputData.size()*sampleRateOut/sampleRateIn+5000, 0);
// process in chunk of 256 samples
int32_t blockSize = 256*nbChan;
Performance perfo;
audio::algo::speex::Resampler algo;
algo.init(nbChan, sampleRateIn, sampleRateOut, quality, audio::format_int16);
int32_t lastPourcent = -1;
size_t outputPosition = 0;
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<inputData.size()/blockSize; ++iii) {
if (lastPourcent != 100*iii / (inputData.size()/blockSize)) {
lastPourcent = 100*iii / (inputData.size()/blockSize);
TEST_INFO("Process : " << iii*blockSize << "/" << int32_t(inputData.size()/blockSize)*blockSize << " " << lastPourcent << "/100");
} else {
TEST_VERBOSE("Process : " << iii*blockSize << "/" << int32_t(inputData.size()/blockSize)*blockSize);
size_t availlableSize = (output.size() - outputPosition) / nbChan;
algo.process(&output[outputPosition], availlableSize, &inputData[iii*blockSize], blockSize);
if (perf == true) {
outputPosition += availlableSize*nbChan;
if (perf == true) {
TEST_INFO("Performance Result: ");
TEST_INFO(" blockSize=" << blockSize << " sample");
TEST_INFO(" min=" << perfo.getMinProcessing());
TEST_INFO(" max=" << perfo.getMaxProcessing());
TEST_INFO(" avg=" << perfo.getTotalTimeProcessing().get()/perfo.getTotalIteration() << " ns");
TEST_INFO(" min=" << (float((perfo.getMinProcessing().get()*sampleRateIn)/blockSize)/1000000000.0)*100.0 << " %");
TEST_INFO(" max=" << (float((perfo.getMaxProcessing().get()*sampleRateIn)/blockSize)/1000000000.0)*100.0 << " %");
TEST_INFO(" avg=" << (float(((perfo.getTotalTimeProcessing().get()/perfo.getTotalIteration())*sampleRateIn)/blockSize)/1000000000.0)*100.0 << " %");
TEST_PRINT("Store in file : '" << outputName << "' size = " << output.size());
ememory::SharedPtr<etk::io::Interface> fileIO = etk::uri::get(outputName);
if (fileIO->open(etk::io::OpenMode::Write) == false) {
return -1;
} else if (test == "AEC") {
// process in chunk of XXX samples represent 10 ms of DATA ==> this is webRTC ...
int32_t blockSize = 32;
etk::Vector<int16_t> inputData = loadDataI16(inputName, inputNumberChannel, inputSelectChannel, formatFileInteger16, inputSampleDelay);
etk::Vector<int16_t> feedbackData = loadDataI16(feedbackName, feedbackNumberChannel, feedbackSelectChannel, formatFileInteger16, feedbackSampleDelay);
//etk::FSNodeWriteAllDataType<int16_t>("bbb_input_I16_1c.raw", inputData);
//etk::FSNodeWriteAllDataType<int16_t>("bbb_feedback_I16_1c.raw", feedbackData);
// resize output :
etk::Vector<int16_t> output;
output.resize(inputData.size(), 0);
Performance perfo;
audio::algo::speex::Aec algo;
algo.init(1, sampleRateIn, audio::format_int16);
blockSize = algo.getOptimalFrameSize();
int32_t lastPourcent = -1;
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<output.size()/blockSize; ++iii) {
if (lastPourcent != 100*iii / (output.size()/blockSize)) {
lastPourcent = 100*iii / (output.size()/blockSize);
TEST_INFO("Process : " << iii*blockSize << "/" << int32_t(output.size()/blockSize)*blockSize << " " << lastPourcent << "/100");
} else {
TEST_VERBOSE("Process : " << iii*blockSize << "/" << int32_t(output.size()/blockSize)*blockSize);
algo.process(&output[iii*blockSize], &inputData[iii*blockSize], &feedbackData[iii*blockSize], blockSize);
if (perf == true) {
TEST_PRINT("Process done");
if (perf == true) {
TEST_PRINT("Performance Result: ");
TEST_INFO(" blockSize=" << blockSize << " sample");
TEST_INFO(" min < avg < max =" << perfo.getMinProcessing().get() << "ns < "
<< perfo.getTotalTimeProcessing().get()/perfo.getTotalIteration() << "ns < "
<< perfo.getMaxProcessing().get() << "ns ");
float avg = (float(((perfo.getTotalTimeProcessing().get()/perfo.getTotalIteration())*sampleRateIn)/double(blockSize))/1000000000.0)*100.0;
TEST_INFO(" min < avg < max= " << (float((perfo.getMinProcessing().get()*sampleRateIn)/double(blockSize))/1000000000.0)*100.0 << "% < "
<< avg << "% < "
<< (float((perfo.getMaxProcessing().get()*sampleRateIn)/double(blockSize))/1000000000.0)*100.0 << "%");
TEST_PRINT("float : " << sampleRateIn << " : " << avg << "%");
TEST_PRINT("Store in file : '" << outputName << "' size = " << output.size());
ememory::SharedPtr<etk::io::Interface> fileIO = etk::uri::get(outputName);
if (fileIO->open(etk::io::OpenMode::Write) == false) {
return -1;
TEST_PRINT(" ***************************************");
TEST_PRINT(" ***************************************");
return 0;