
**K**angaroo **A**nd **R**abbit (m)usic is a simple framework to propose music streaming for personal network

Run in local:

so simple...

# start the Bdd interface (no big data > 50Mo)
cd bdd
docker-compose up -d
# start the REST API
cd back
docker-compose up -d
# start the front API
cd ../front
docker-compose up -d

convert in an angular application: 

Link with the external sub-library (front)

cd front
pnpm run link_kar_cw

cd front
pnpm run unlink_kar_cw

Manual set in production:

Connect on the registry

To log-in and log-out from the registry:
export REGISTRY_ADDRESS=gitea.atria-soft.org
docker login -u <<YOUR_USER_NAME>> ${REGISTRY_ADDRESS}
docker logout ${REGISTRY_ADDRESS}

pull the root image of dockers

docker pull archlinux:base-devel
docker pull bellsoft/liberica-openjdk-alpine:latest

Create the version

Execute in the local folder: (use ```dev``` for development and ```latest``` for production release)

export TAG_DOCKER=latest
export REGISTRY_ADDRESS=gitea.atria-soft.org
docker build -t ${REGISTRY_ADDRESS}/kangaroo-and-rabbit/karusic:${TAG_DOCKER} .
docker push ${REGISTRY_ADDRESS}/kangaroo-and-rabbit/karusic:${TAG_DOCKER}