
**K**angaroo **A**nd **R**abbit (m)usic is a simple framework to propose music streaming for personal network

Run and install:

so simple...

# start the Bdd interface (no big data > 50Mo)
cd bdd
docker-compose up -d
# start the REST API
cd back
docker-compose up -d
# start the front API
cd ../front
docker-compose up -d

TODO list:

  - API to add cover (media && group)
  - GUI to add cover (media && group)
  - GUI to add a media
  - GUI to check if media already uploaded
  - GUI to play the next episode
  - GUI to do back on the view
  - GUI corect the reload webPage
  - API for univers
  - GUI to change the name of a media
  - GUI to change the group of the media
  - GUI to change the saison of the media
  - GUI to change the episode number of the media
  - GUI to change the univers of the media
  - GUI to add new univers, group, saison
  - Application mode of the GUI
  - Correct the problem of production mode
  - API add OAuth model
  - API add user specific last view and position in videos and series
  - ...