
174 lines
5.4 KiB
Executable File

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## @author Edouard DUPIN
## @copyright 2016, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
## @license APACHE v2.0 (see license file)
import os
import fnmatch
import sys
import subprocess
import shlex
import shutil
## @brief Execute the command with no get of output
def run_command(cmd_line):
# prepare command line:
args = shlex.split(cmd_line)
print("[INFO] cmd = " + str(args))
# create the subprocess
p = subprocess.Popen(args)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print("[ERROR] subprocess.CalledProcessError : " + str(args))
return False
# debug.error("Exception on : " + str(args))
# launch the subprocess:
output, err = p.communicate()
# Check error :
if p.returncode == 0:
return True
return False
## @brief Get list of all Files in a specific path (with a regex)
## @param[in] path (string) Full path of the machine to search files (start with / or x:)
## @param[in] regex (string) Regular expression to search data
## @param[in] recursive (bool) List file with recursive search
## @param[in] remove_path (string) Data to remove in the path
## @return (list) return files requested
def get_list_of_file_in_path(path, regex="*", recursive = False, remove_path=""):
out = []
if os.path.isdir(os.path.realpath(path)):
tmp_path = os.path.realpath(path)
tmp_rule = regex
debug.error("path does not exist : '" + str(path) + "'")
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(tmp_path):
deltaRoot = root[len(tmp_path):]
while len(deltaRoot) > 0 \
and ( deltaRoot[0] == '/' \
or deltaRoot[0] == '\\' ):
deltaRoot = deltaRoot[1:]
if recursive == False \
and deltaRoot != "":
return out
tmpList = filenames
if len(tmp_rule) > 0:
tmpList = fnmatch.filter(filenames, tmp_rule)
# Import the module :
for cycleFile in tmpList:
#for cycleFile in filenames:
add_file = os.path.join(tmp_path, deltaRoot, cycleFile)
if len(remove_path) != 0:
if add_file[:len(remove_path)] != remove_path:
print("ERROR : Request remove start of a path that is not the same: '" + add_file[:len(remove_path)] + "' demand remove of '" + str(remove_path) + "'")
add_file = add_file[len(remove_path)+1:]
return out;
def get_run_path():
return os.getcwd()
src_path = get_run_path()
dst_path = os.path.join(src_path, "..", "zzz_video_push_correct")
list_files_mkv = get_list_of_file_in_path(src_path, "*.mkv", recursive = True)
list_files_webm = get_list_of_file_in_path(src_path, "*.webm", recursive = True)
list_files_jpg = get_list_of_file_in_path(src_path, "*.jpg", recursive = True)
list_files_png = get_list_of_file_in_path(src_path, "*.png", recursive = True)
print("list of elements MKV : ")
for elem in list_files_mkv:
print(" - '" + str(elem) + "'")
print("list of elements webm : ")
for elem in list_files_webm:
print(" - '" + str(elem) + "'")
import random
from pymediainfo import MediaInfo
for arg in sys.argv:
print("arg: " + arg)
id_value = 0
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
id_value = int(sys.argv[1])
def create_directory_of_file(file):
path = os.path.dirname(file)
def file_move(path_src, path_dst):
#real write of data:
print("Move file from: " + path_src)
print(" to: " + path_dst)
shutil.move(path_src, path_dst)
return True
def move_local(list_of_file=[], extention="mkv") :
global element_error;
print("Start strancoding: '." + extention + "' ... " + str(len(list_of_file)))
id_elem = 0
total_count_of_file = len(list_of_file)
for elem in list_of_file:
id_elem += 1
print(" ========================================================================================")
print(" == " + str(id_elem) + " / " + str(total_count_of_file))
print(" == Trancode: '" + elem.replace("'", "\'") + "'")
print(" ========================================================================================")
if not os.path.isfile(elem):
print(" ==> file does not exist")
# collect media info ...
#if it is a mk: .. chack the opus format...
if extention == "mkv":
media_info = MediaInfo.parse(elem)
print("media-info: ... " + str(len(media_info.tracks)))
need_move_file = True
for elem_track in media_info.tracks:
data_print = "[" + str(elem_track.track_id) + "] " + str(elem_track.track_type)
#print('track_id = ' + str(elem_track.track_id))
#print('track_type = ' + str(elem_track.track_type))
if elem_track.track_type == "Audio":
data_print += " (" + str(elem_track.language) + ") enc=" + str(elem_track.format);
#print('language = ' + str(elem_track.language))
#print('format = ' + str(elem_track.format))
if elem_track.format != "Opus":
need_move_file = False
elif elem_track.track_type == "Video":
data_print += " enc=" + str(elem_track.format);
if elem_track.format != "AVC":
need_move_file = False
print(" - " + data_print)
#print("media-info: ..." + str(dir(elem_track)))
if need_move_file == False:
print(" ==> Need transcode, NOT already in the good format...")
file_move(elem, os.path.join(dst_path, elem[len(src_path)+1:]))
move_local(list_files_mkv, "mkv")
move_local(list_files_webm, "webm")
move_local(list_files_jpg, "jpg")
move_local(list_files_png, "png")