#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## ## @author Edouard DUPIN ## ## @copyright 2019, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved ## ## @license MPL v2.0 (see license file) ## import os import copy import sys import datetime import hashlib import requests # pip install requests import realog.debug as debug import magic import json debug.enable_color(); property = { #"hostname": "", "hostname": "", "port": 15080, "login": None, "password": None, } def get_base_url(): return "http://" + property["hostname"] + ":" + str(property["port"]) + "/" class upload_in_chunks(object): def __init__(self, filename, chunksize=1 + 13): self.filename = filename self.chunksize = chunksize self.totalsize = os.path.getsize(filename) self.start_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() self.readsofar = 0 def __iter__(self): with open(self.filename, 'rb') as file: while True: data = file.read(self.chunksize) if not data: sys.stderr.write("\n") break self.readsofar += len(data) percent = self.readsofar * 1e2 / self.totalsize since_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - self.start_time sys.stderr.write("\rSending data: {percent:3.0f}% {size:14.0f} / {total_size} {timeee}".format(percent=percent, size=self.readsofar, total_size=self.totalsize, timeee=str(since_time))) yield data def __len__(self): return self.totalsize #filename = 'Totally_Spies.mp4' #result = requests.post(get_base_url() + "data", data=upload_in_chunks(filename, chunksize=4096)) #debug.info("result : " + str(result) + " " + result.text)#str(dir(result))) def extract_and_remove(_input_value, _start_mark, _stop_mark): values = [] out = "" inside = False inside_data = "" for it in _input_value: if inside == False \ and it == _start_mark: inside = True elif inside == True \ and it == _stop_mark: inside = False values.append(inside_data) inside_data = "" elif inside == True: inside_data += it else: out += it return (out, values) def create_directory_of_file(_file): path = os.path.dirname(_file) try: os.stat(path) except: os.makedirs(path) ## ## @brief Write data in a specific path. ## @param[in] path Path of the data might be written. ## @param[in] data Data To write in the file. ## @param[in] only_if_new (default: False) Write data only if data is different. ## @return True Something has been copied ## @return False Nothing has been copied ## def file_write_data(_path, _data, _only_if_new=False): if _only_if_new == True: if os.path.exists(_path) == True: old_data = file_read_data(_path) if old_data == _data: return False #real write of data: create_directory_of_file(_path) file = open(_path, "w") file.write(_data) file.close() return True def get_modify_time(_path): return os.stat(_path).st_mtime def file_read_data(_path, _binary=False): debug.verbose("path= " + _path) if not os.path.isfile(_path): return "" if _binary == True: file = open(_path, "rb") else: file = open(_path, "r") data_file = file.read() file.close() return data_file def calculate_sha512(_path): sha1 = hashlib.sha512() file = open(_path, "rb") while True: body = file.read(4096) sha1.update(body) file.close() return str(sha1.hexdigest()) def push_video_file(_path, _basic_key={}): file_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(_path); debug.info("Send file: '" + file_name + "' with extention " + file_extension) # internal file_extension ... if file_extension == "sha512": debug.verbose("file: '" + _path + "' sha512 extention ...") return True debug.info("Add media : '" + _path + "'") # "avi", , "mov", , "ts", "cover_1.tiff", "cover_1.bmp", "cover_1.tga"] copy only file that is supported by the html5 video player (chrome mode only) if file_extension[1:] not in ["webm", "mkv", "mp4"] \ and file_name not in ["cover_1.jpg","cover_1.png"]: debug.warning("Not send file : " + _path + " Not manage file_extension... " + file_extension) return False if file_name in ["cover_1.jpg","cover_1.png", "cover_1.till", "cover_1.bmp", "cover_1.tga"]: # find a cover... debug.warning("Not send cover Not managed ... : " + _path + " Not manage ...") """ result_group_data = requests.post(get_base_url() + "group/find", data=json.dumps({"name":_basic_key["series-name"]}, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) debug.info("Create group ??? *********** : " + str(result_group_data) + " " + result_group_data.text) if result_group_data.status_code == 404: result_group_data = requests.post(get_base_url() + "group", data=json.dumps({"name":_basic_key["series-name"]}, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) debug.info("yes we create new group *********** : " + str(result_group_data) + " " + result_group_data.text) group_id = result_group_data.json()["id"] result_group_data = requests.post(get_base_url() + "group", data=json.dumps({"name":_basic_key["series-name"]}, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) debug.info("yes we create new group *********** : " + str(result_group_data) + " " + result_group_data.text) """ """ debug.info("Send cover for: " + _basic_key["series-name"] + " " + _basic_key["saison"]); if _basic_key["series-name"] == "": debug.error(" ==> can not asociate at a specific seri"); return False; etk::String groupName = _basic_key["series-name"]; if _basic_key["saison"] != "": groupName += ":" + _basic_key["saison"]; auto sending = _srv.setGroupCover(zeus::File::create(_path.getString(), ""), groupName); sending.onSignal(progressCallback); sending.waitFor(echrono::seconds(20000)); """ return True """ if etk::path::exist(_path + ".sha512") == True: debug.verbose("file sha512 exist ==> read it"); uint64_t time_sha512 = get_modify_time(_path + ".sha512"); uint64_t time_elem = get_modify_time(_path); storedSha512_file = file_read_data(_path + ".sha512") debug.verbose("file sha == " + storedSha512_file); if time_elem > time_sha512: debug.verbose("file time > sha time ==> regenerate new one ..."); # check the current sha512 storedSha512 = calculate_sha512(_path); debug.verbose("calculated new sha'" + storedSha512 + "'"); if storedSha512_file != storedSha512: # need to remove the old sha file auto idFileToRemove_fut = _srv.getId(storedSha512_file).waitFor(echrono::seconds(2)); if idFileToRemove_fut.hasError() == True: debug.error("can not remove the remote file with sha " + storedSha512_file); else: debug.info("Remove old deprecated file: " + storedSha512_file); _srv.remove(idFileToRemove_fut.get()); # note, no need to wait the call is async ... and the user does not interested with the result ... # store new sha512 ==> this update tile too ... file.open(etk::io::OpenMode::Write); file.writeAll(storedSha512); file.close(); else: # store new sha512 /* storedSha512 = file.readAllString(); file.open(etk::io::OpenMode::Read); file.writeAll(storedSha512); file.close(); */ storedSha512 = storedSha512_file; debug.verbose("read all sha from the file'" + storedSha512 + "'"); else: """ """ if True: storedSha512 = calculate_sha512(_path) file_write_data(_path + ".sha512", storedSha512); debug.info("calculate and store sha512 '" + storedSha512 + "'"); debug.info("check file existance: sha='" + storedSha512 + "'"); """ # push only if the file exist """ # TODO : Check the metadata updating ... auto idFile_fut = _srv.getId(storedSha512).waitFor(echrono::seconds(2)); if idFile_fut.hasError() == False: # media already exit ==> stop here ... return True; # TODO: Do it better ==> add the calback to know the push progression ... debug.verbose("Add File : " + _path + " sha='" + storedSha512 + "'"); auto sending = _srv.add(zeus::File::create(_path, storedSha512)); sending.onSignal(progressCallback); debug.verbose("Add done ... now waiting ... "); uint32_t mediaId = sending.waitFor(echrono::seconds(20000)).get(); debug.verbose("END WAITING ... "); if mediaId == 0: debug.error("Get media ID = 0 With no error"); return False; """ mime = magic.Magic(mime=True) mime_type = mime.from_file(_path) # do it by myself .. it is better ... filename___, file_extension = os.path.splitext(_path) if file_extension == "mkv": mime_type = "video/x-matroska" elif file_extension == "mka": mime_type = "audio/x-matroska" elif file_extension == "mp4": mime_type = "video/mp4" elif file_extension == "webm": mime_type = "video/webm" elif file_extension == "json": mime_type = "application/json" elif file_extension == "jpeg": mime_type = "image/jpeg" elif file_extension == "png": mime_type = "image/png" headers_values = { 'filename': _path, 'mime-type': mime_type } """ , 'Connection': "keep-alive" } """ result_send_data = requests.post(get_base_url() + "data", headers=headers_values, data=upload_in_chunks(_path, chunksize=4096)) debug.info("result *********** : " + str(result_send_data) + " " + result_send_data.text) file_name = os.path.basename(file_name) debug.info("Find file_name : '" + file_name + "'"); # Remove Date (XXXX) or other titreadsofarle file_name, dates = extract_and_remove(file_name, '(', ')'); have_date = False have_Title = False for it in dates: if len(it) == 0: continue if it[0] == '0' \ or it[0] == '1' \ or it[0] == '2' \ or it[0] == '3' \ or it[0] == '4' \ or it[0] == '5' \ or it[0] == '6' \ or it[0] == '7' \ or it[0] == '8' \ or it[0] == '9': # find a date ... if have_date == True: debug.info(" '" + file_name + "'") debug.error("Parse Date error : () : " + it + " ==> multiple date") continue have_date = True _basic_key["date"] = it else: if have_Title == True: debug.info(" '" + file_name + "'") debug.error("Parse Title error : () : " + it + " ==> multiple title") continue have_Title = True # Other title _basic_key.set["title2"] = it; # Remove the actors [XXX YYY][EEE TTT]... file_name, actors = extract_and_remove(file_name, '[', ']'); if len(actors) > 0: debug.info(" '" + file_name + "'") actor_list = [] for it_actor in actors: if actor_list != "": actor_list += ";" actor_list.append(it_actor) _basic_key["actors"] = actor_list list_element_base = file_name.split('-') debug.warning("==> Title file: " + file_name) debug.warning("==> Title cut : " + str(list_element_base)) list_element = []; tmp_start_string = ""; iii = 0 while iii <len(list_element_base): if list_element_base[iii][0] != 's' \ and list_element_base[iii][0] != 'e': if tmp_start_string != "": tmp_start_string += '-' tmp_start_string += list_element_base[iii] else: list_element.append(tmp_start_string) tmp_start_string = "" while iii<len(list_element_base): list_element.append(list_element_base[iii]) iii += 1 iii += 1 debug.warning("==> start elem: " + str(tmp_start_string)) if tmp_start_string != "": list_element.append(tmp_start_string) debug.warning("==> list_element : " + str(list_element)) if len(list_element) == 1: # nothing to do , it might be a film ... _basic_key["title"] = list_element[0] else: if len(list_element) > 3 \ and list_element[1][0] == 's' \ and list_element[2][0] == 'e': debug.warning("Parse format: xxx-sXX-eXX-kjhlkjlkj(1234).*") # internal formalisme ... saison = -1; episode = -1; series_name = list_element[0]; _basic_key["series-name"] = series_name full_episode_name = list_element[3] for yyy in range(4, len(list_element)): full_episode_name += "-" + list_element[yyy] _basic_key["title"] = full_episode_name if list_element[1][1:] == "XX": # saison unknow ... ==> nothing to do ... #saison = 123456789; pass else: saison = int(list_element[1][1:]); if list_element[2][1:] == "XX": # episode unknow ... ==> nothing to do ... pass else: episode = int(list_element[2][1:]); _basic_key["episode"] = int(episode) debug.info("Find a internal mode series: :"); debug.info(" origin : '" + file_name + "'"); saisonPrint = "XX"; episodePrint = "XX"; if saison < 0: # nothing to do pass else: saisonPrint = str(saison) _basic_key["saison"] = saison if episode < 0: # nothing to do pass elif episode < 10: episodePrint = "0" + str(episode); _basic_key["episode"] = episode else: episodePrint = str(episode); _basic_key["episode"] = episode debug.info(" ==> '" + series_name + "-s" + saisonPrint + "-e" + episodePrint + "-" + full_episode_name + "'"); elif len(list_element) > 2 \ and list_element[1][0] == 'e': debug.warning("Parse format: xxx-eXX-kjhlkjlkj(1234).*") # internal formalisme ... saison = -1; episode = -1; series_name = list_element[0]; _basic_key["series-name"] = series_name full_episode_name = list_element[2] for yyy in range(3, len(list_element)): full_episode_name += "-" + list_element[yyy] _basic_key["title"] = full_episode_name if list_element[1][1:] == "XX": # episode unknow ... ==> nothing to do ... pass else: episode = int(list_element[1][1:]); _basic_key["episode"] = int(episode) debug.info("Find a internal mode series: :"); debug.info(" origin : '" + file_name + "'"); saisonPrint = "XX"; episodePrint = "XX"; if episode < 0: # nothing to do pass elif episode < 10: episodePrint = "0" + str(episode); _basic_key["episode"] = episode else: episodePrint = str(episode); _basic_key["episode"] = episode debug.info(" ==> '" + series_name + "-s" + saisonPrint + "-e" + episodePrint + "-" + full_episode_name + "'"); result_send_data_json = json.loads(result_send_data.text) debug.info("pared meta data: " + json.dumps(_basic_key, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) data_model = { "type_id": _basic_key["type"], "data_id": result_send_data_json["id"], #"group_id": int, "name": _basic_key["title"], # number of second "time": None, } for elem in ["date", "description", "episode"]: #["actors", "date", "description", "episode", "title2"]: if elem in _basic_key.keys(): data_model[elem] = _basic_key[elem] if "series-name" in _basic_key.keys(): result_group_data = requests.post(get_base_url() + "group/find", data=json.dumps({"name":_basic_key["series-name"]}, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) debug.info("Create group ??? *********** : " + str(result_group_data) + " " + result_group_data.text) if result_group_data.status_code == 404: result_group_data = requests.post(get_base_url() + "group", data=json.dumps({"name":_basic_key["series-name"]}, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) debug.info("yes we create new group *********** : " + str(result_group_data) + " " + result_group_data.text) group_id = result_group_data.json()["id"] data_model["group_id"] = group_id if "saison" in _basic_key.keys(): result_saison_data = requests.post(get_base_url() + "saison/find", data=json.dumps({"number":_basic_key["saison"], "group_id":group_id}, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) debug.info("Create saison ??? *********** : " + str(result_saison_data) + " " + result_saison_data.text) if result_saison_data.status_code == 404: result_saison_data = requests.post(get_base_url() + "saison", data=json.dumps({"number":_basic_key["saison"], "group_id":group_id}, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) debug.info("yes we create new saison *********** : " + str(result_saison_data) + " " + result_saison_data.text) saison_id = result_saison_data.json()["id"] data_model["saison_id"] = saison_id result_send_data = requests.post(get_base_url() + "video", data=json.dumps(data_model, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) debug.info("result *********** : " + str(result_send_data) + " " + result_send_data.text) return True def install_video_path( _path, _basic_key = {}): debug.info("Parse : '" + _path + "'"); list_sub_path = [fff for fff in os.listdir(_path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(_path, fff))] for it_path in list_sub_path: basic_key_tmp = copy.deepcopy(_basic_key) debug.info("Add Sub path: '" + it_path + "'"); if len(basic_key_tmp) == 0: debug.info("find A '" + it_path + "' " + str(len(basic_key_tmp))); if it_path == "documentary": basic_key_tmp["type"] = 0 elif it_path == "film": basic_key_tmp["type"] = 1 elif it_path == "film-annimation": basic_key_tmp["type"] = 2 elif it_path == "film-short": basic_key_tmp["type"] = 3 elif it_path == "tv-show": basic_key_tmp["type"] = 4 elif it_path == "tv-show-annimation": basic_key_tmp["type"] = 5 elif it_path == "theater": basic_key_tmp["type"] = 6 elif it_path == "one-man": basic_key_tmp["type"] = 7 elif it_path == "concert": basic_key_tmp["type"] = 8 elif it_path == "opera": basic_key_tmp["type"] = 9 else: debug.info("find B '" + it_path + "' " + str(len(basic_key_tmp))) if it_path == "saison_01": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 1 elif it_path == "saison_02": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 2 elif it_path == "saison_03": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 3 elif it_path == "saison_04": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 4 elif it_path == "saison_05": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 5 elif it_path == "saison_06": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 6 elif it_path == "saison_07": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 7 elif it_path == "saison_08": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 8 elif it_path == "saison_09": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 9 elif it_path == "saison_10": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 10 elif it_path == "saison_11": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 11 elif it_path == "saison_12": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 12 elif it_path == "saison_13": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 13 elif it_path == "saison_14": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 14 elif it_path == "saison_15": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 15 elif it_path == "saison_16": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 16 elif it_path == "saison_17": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 17 elif it_path == "saison_18": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 18 elif it_path == "saison_19": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 19 elif it_path == "saison_20": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 20 elif it_path == "saison_21": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 21 elif it_path == "saison_22": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 22 elif it_path == "saison_23": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 23 elif it_path == "saison_24": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 24 elif it_path == "saison_25": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 25 elif it_path == "saison_26": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 26 elif it_path == "saison_27": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 27 elif it_path == "saison_28": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 28 elif it_path == "saison_29": basic_key_tmp["saison"] = 29 else: basic_key_tmp["series-name"] = it_path debug.info("add a path " + os.path.join(_path, it_path) + " with keys " + str(basic_key_tmp)) install_video_path(os.path.join(_path, it_path), basic_key_tmp); # Add files : list_sub_file = [fff for fff in os.listdir(_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(_path, fff))] for it_file in list_sub_file: basic_key_tmp = copy.deepcopy(_basic_key) push_video_file(os.path.join(_path, it_file), basic_key_tmp); import death.Arguments as arguments import death.ArgElement as arg_element my_args = arguments.Arguments() my_args.add_section("option", "Can be set one time in all case") my_args.add("h", "help", desc="Display this help") my_args.add("", "version", desc="Display the application version") my_args.add("v", "verbose", list=[ ["0","None"], ["1","error"], ["2","warning"], ["3","info"], ["4","debug"], ["5","verbose"], ["6","extreme_verbose"], ], desc="display debug level (verbose) default =2") my_args.add("a", "action", list=[ ["tree","List all the files in a tree view ..."], ["list","List all the files"], ["push","push a single file"], ["push_path","push a full folder"], ], desc="possible action") my_args.add("c", "color", desc="Display message in color") my_args.add("f", "folder", haveParam=False, desc="Display the folder instead of the git repository name") local_argument = my_args.parse() ## ## @brief Display the help of this package. ## def usage(): color = debug.get_color_set() # generic argument displayed : my_args.display() exit(0) ## ## @brief Display the version of this package. ## def version(): color = debug.get_color_set() import pkg_resources debug.info("version: 0.0.0") foldername = os.path.dirname(__file__) debug.info("source folder is: " + foldername) exit(0) folder = "dataPush" requestAction = "list" # preparse the argument to get the verbose element for debug mode def parse_arg(argument): debug.warning("parse arg : " + argument.get_option_name() + " " + argument.get_arg()) if argument.get_option_name() == "help": usage() return True elif argument.get_option_name() == "version": version() return True elif argument.get_option_name() == "verbose": debug.set_level(int(argument.get_arg())) return True elif argument.get_option_name() == "color": if check_boolean(argument.get_arg()) == True: debug.enable_color() else: debug.disable_color() return True elif argument.get_option_name() == "folder": folder = argument.get_arg() return True elif argument.get_option_name() == "action": global requestAction requestAction = argument.get_arg() return True return False # parse default unique argument: for argument in local_argument: parse_arg(argument) debug.info("=================================="); debug.info("== ZEUS test client start =="); debug.info("=================================="); def show_video(elem_video_id, indent): indent_data = "" while indent > 0: indent_data += "\t" indent -= 1 result_video = requests.get(get_base_url() + "video/" + str(elem_video_id) + "") if result_video.status_code == 200: video = result_video.json() debug.info(indent_data + "- " + str(video["generated_name"])) else: debug.warning(indent_data + "get video id: " + str(elem_video_id) + " !!!!!! " + str(result_video.status_code) + "") # **************************************************************************************** # ** Clear All the data base ... # **************************************************************************************** if requestAction == "clear": debug.info("============================================"); debug.info("== Clear data base: "); debug.info("============================================"); # TODO : Do it : debug.error("NEED to add check in cmd line to execute it ..."); """ uint32_t count = remoteServiceVideo.count().wait().get(); debug.debug("have " + count + " medias"); for (uint32_t iii=0; iii<count ; iii += 1024: uint32_t tmpMax = etk::min(iii + 1024, count); debug.debug("read section " + iii + " -> " + tmpMax); etk::Vector<uint32_t> list = remoteServiceVideo.getIds(iii,tmpMax).wait().get(); zeus::FutureGroup groupWait; for (auto& it : list: debug.info("remove ELEMENT : " + it); groupWait.add(remoteServiceVideo.remove(it)); groupWait.waitFor(echrono::seconds(2000)); """ debug.info("============================================"); debug.info("== DONE =="); debug.info("============================================"); elif requestAction == "list": debug.info("============================================"); debug.info("== list files: "); debug.info("============================================"); list_types = requests.get(get_base_url() + "type") if list_types.status_code != 200: debug.warning(" !! ca, ot get type list ... " + str(list_types.status_code) + "") for elem in list_types.json(): debug.info(" get type id: " + str(elem["id"])) debug.info(" name: " + str(elem["name"])) # get the count of video in this type result_count = requests.get(get_base_url() + "type/" + str(elem["id"]) + "/count") if result_count.status_code == 200: debug.info(" count: " + str(result_count.json()["count"])) else: debug.warning(" count: !!!!!! " + str(result_count.status_code) + "") # get all the video list result_video = requests.get(get_base_url() + "type/" + str(elem["id"]) + "/video") if result_video.status_code == 200: if len(result_video.json()) != 0: debug.info(" List video: " + str(result_video.json())) else: debug.warning(" List video: !!!!!! " + str(result_video.status_code) + "") # get list of groups for this type result_groups = requests.get(get_base_url() + "type/" + str(elem["id"]) + "/group") if result_groups.status_code == 200: if len(result_groups.json()) != 0: debug.info(" List group: " + str(result_groups.json())) else: debug.warning(" List group: !!!!!! " + str(result_groups.status_code) + "") # get list of video without groups result_video_solo = requests.get(get_base_url() + "type/" + str(elem["id"]) + "/video_no_group") if result_video_solo.status_code == 200: if len(result_video_solo.json()) != 0: debug.info(" List video solo: " + str(result_video_solo.json())) else: debug.warning(" List video solo: !!!!!! " + str(result_video_solo.status_code) + "") elif requestAction == "tree": debug.info("============================================"); debug.info("== tree files: "); debug.info("============================================"); list_types = requests.get(get_base_url() + "type") if list_types.status_code != 200: debug.warning(" !! ca, ot get type list ... " + str(list_types.status_code) + "") for elem in list_types.json(): debug.info("-------------------------------------------------") debug.info(" " + str(elem["name"])) debug.info("-------------------------------------------------") # First get all the groups: result_groups = requests.get(get_base_url() + "type/" + str(elem["id"]) + "/group") if result_groups.status_code == 200: for elem_group_id in result_groups.json(): result_group = requests.get(get_base_url() + "group/" + str(elem_group_id) + "") if result_group.status_code == 200: group = result_group.json() debug.info("\to- " + str(group["name"])) # step 1: all the saison: result_saison_in_group = requests.get(get_base_url() + "group/" + str(elem_group_id) + "/saison") if result_saison_in_group.status_code == 200: for elem_saison_id in result_saison_in_group.json(): result_saison = requests.get(get_base_url() + "saison/" + str(elem_saison_id) + "") if result_saison.status_code == 200: debug.info("\t\t* saison " + str(result_saison.json()["number"])) result_videos_in_saison = requests.get(get_base_url() + "saison/" + str(result_saison.json()["id"]) + "/video") if result_videos_in_saison.status_code == 200: for elem_video_id in result_videos_in_saison.json(): show_video(elem_video_id, 3) else: debug.warning("\t\tget video in saison id: " + str(elem_saison_id) + " !!!!!! " + str(result_videos_in_saison.status_code) + "") show_video(elem_video_id, 2) else: debug.warning("\t\tget saison id: " + str(elem_saison_id) + " !!!!!! " + str(result_saison.status_code) + "") else: debug.warning("\t\tget saison in group id: " + str(elem_group_id) + " !!!!!! " + str(result_saison_in_group.status_code) + "") # step 2: all the video with no saison: result_videos_in_group = requests.get(get_base_url() + "group/" + str(elem_group_id) + "/video_no_saison") if result_videos_in_group.status_code == 200: for elem_video_id in result_videos_in_group.json(): show_video(elem_video_id, 2) else: debug.warning("\t\tget video in group id: " + str(elem_group_id) + " !!!!!! " + str(result_videos_in_group.status_code) + "") else: debug.warning("\tget group id: " + str(elem_group_id) + " !!!!!! " + str(result_group.status_code) + "") else: debug.warning("\t\tList group: !!!!!! " + str(result_groups.status_code) + "") # get list of video without groups result_video_solo = requests.get(get_base_url() + "type/" + str(elem["id"]) + "/video_no_group") if result_video_solo.status_code == 200: for elem_video_id in result_video_solo.json(): show_video(elem_video_id, 1) else: debug.warning("\t\tList video solo: !!!!!! " + str(result_video_solo.status_code) + "") """ uint32_t count = remoteServiceVideo.count().wait().get(); debug.debug("have " + count + " medias"); for (uint32_t iii=0; iii<count ; iii += 1024: uint32_t tmpMax = etk::min(iii + 1024, count); debug.debug("read section " + iii + " -> " + tmpMax); etk::Vector<uint32_t> list = remoteServiceVideo.getIds(iii, tmpMax).wait().get(); for (auto& it : list: # Get the media zeus::ProxyMedia media = remoteServiceVideo.get(it).waitFor(echrono::seconds(2000)).get(); if media.exist() == False: debug.error("get media error"); return -1; debug.debug(" Get title ..."); etk::String name = media.getMetadata("title").wait().get(); debug.debug(" Get series-name ..."); etk::String serie = media.getMetadata("series-name").wait().get(); debug.debug(" Get episode ..."); etk::String episode = media.getMetadata("episode").wait().get(); debug.debug(" Get saison ..."); etk::String saison = media.getMetadata("saison").wait().get(); etk::String outputDesc = ""; if serie != "": outputDesc += serie + "-"; if saison != "": outputDesc += "s" + saison + "-"; if episode != "": outputDesc += "e" + episode + "-"; outputDesc += name; debug.info("[" + it + "] '" + outputDesc + "'"); """ debug.info("============================================"); debug.info("== DONE =="); debug.info("============================================"); elif requestAction == "push": debug.info("============================================"); debug.info("== push file: "); debug.info("============================================"); push_video_file(folder); debug.info("============================================"); debug.info("== DONE =="); debug.info("============================================"); elif requestAction == "push_path": debug.info("============================================"); debug.info("== push path: "); debug.info("============================================"); install_video_path(folder); debug.info("============================================"); debug.info("== DONE =="); debug.info("============================================"); else: debug.info("============================================"); debug.error("== Unknow action: '" + requestAction + "'"); debug.info("============================================");