[DEV] update new JPA

This commit is contained in:
Edouard DUPIN 2023-10-15 23:37:58 +02:00
parent 0ee08ac7e5
commit 9c8def3341
16 changed files with 855 additions and 817 deletions

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@

View File

@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
package org.kar.karideo;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpServer;
import java.net.URI;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpServer;
import org.glassfish.jersey.grizzly2.httpserver.GrizzlyHttpServerFactory;
import org.glassfish.jersey.jackson.JacksonFeature;
import org.glassfish.jersey.media.multipart.MultiPartFeature;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.ResourceConfig;
import org.kar.karideo.api.*;
import org.kar.karideo.filter.KarideoAuthenticationFilter;
import org.kar.karideo.migration.Initialization;
import org.kar.karideo.migration.Migration20230810;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.kar.archidata.GlobalConfiguration;
import org.kar.archidata.UpdateJwtPublicKey;
import org.kar.archidata.api.DataResource;
@ -23,23 +19,36 @@ import org.kar.archidata.filter.CORSFilter;
import org.kar.archidata.filter.OptionFilter;
import org.kar.archidata.migration.MigrationEngine;
import org.kar.archidata.util.ConfigBaseVariable;
import org.glassfish.jersey.jackson.JacksonFeature;
import org.kar.karideo.api.Front;
import org.kar.karideo.api.HealthCheck;
import org.kar.karideo.api.SeasonResource;
import org.kar.karideo.api.SeriesResource;
import org.kar.karideo.api.TypeResource;
import org.kar.karideo.api.UserMediaAdvancementResource;
import org.kar.karideo.api.UserResource;
import org.kar.karideo.api.VideoResource;
import org.kar.karideo.filter.KarideoAuthenticationFilter;
import org.kar.karideo.migration.Initialization;
import org.kar.karideo.migration.Migration20230810;
import org.kar.karideo.migration.Migration20231015;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder;
import java.net.URI;
public class WebLauncher {
final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WebLauncher.class);
public static DBConfig dbConfig;
protected UpdateJwtPublicKey keyUpdater = null;
public static DBConfig dbConfig;
protected UpdateJwtPublicKey keyUpdater = null;
public WebLauncher() {
ConfigBaseVariable.bdDatabase = "karideo";
private static URI getBaseURI() {
return UriBuilder.fromUri(ConfigBaseVariable.getlocalAddress()).build();
private static URI getBaseURI() {
return UriBuilder.fromUri(ConfigBaseVariable.getlocalAddress()).build();
public void migrateDB() throws Exception {
WebLauncher.LOGGER.info("Create migration engine");
MigrationEngine migrationEngine = new MigrationEngine();
@ -47,15 +56,16 @@ public class WebLauncher {
migrationEngine.setInit(new Initialization());
WebLauncher.LOGGER.info("Add migration since last version");
migrationEngine.add(new Migration20230810());
migrationEngine.add(new Migration20231015());
WebLauncher.LOGGER.info("Migrate the DB [START]");
WebLauncher.LOGGER.info("Migrate the DB [STOP]");
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
WebLauncher.LOGGER.info("[START] application wake UP");
WebLauncher launcher = new WebLauncher();
WebLauncher.LOGGER.info("end-configure the server & wait finish process:");
@ -63,45 +73,44 @@ public class WebLauncher {
WebLauncher.LOGGER.info("STOP the REST server");
public void process() throws InterruptedException {
public void process() throws InterruptedException {
// ===================================================================
// Configure resources
// ===================================================================
ResourceConfig rc = new ResourceConfig();
ResourceConfig rc = new ResourceConfig();
// add multi-part models ..
// global authentication system
// remove cors ==> all time called by an other system...
// global authentication system
// register exception catcher
// add default resource:
// add jackson to be discover when we are ins stand-alone server
// enable this to show low level request
//rc.property(LoggingFeature.LOGGING_FEATURE_LOGGER_LEVEL_SERVER, Level.WARNING.getName());
// add multi-part models ..
// global authentication system
// remove cors ==> all time called by an other system...
// global authentication system
// register exception catcher
// add default resource:
// add jackson to be discover when we are ins stand-alone server
// enable this to show low level request
//rc.property(LoggingFeature.LOGGING_FEATURE_LOGGER_LEVEL_SERVER, Level.WARNING.getName());
HttpServer server = GrizzlyHttpServerFactory.createHttpServer(getBaseURI(), rc);
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(new Runnable() {
@ -110,17 +119,16 @@ public class WebLauncher {
}, "shutdownHook"));
// ===================================================================
// start periodic update of the token ...
// ===================================================================
this.keyUpdater = new UpdateJwtPublicKey();
// ===================================================================
// ===================================================================
// run JERSEY
// ===================================================================
// ===================================================================
try {
LOGGER.info("Jersey app started at {}", getBaseURI());
@ -128,9 +136,9 @@ public class WebLauncher {
LOGGER.error("There was an error while starting Grizzly HTTP server.");
public void stopOther() {
public void stopOther() {
try {
keyUpdater.join(4000, 0);
@ -138,5 +146,5 @@ public class WebLauncher {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block

View File

@ -1,97 +1,105 @@
package org.kar.karideo.api;
import org.glassfish.jersey.media.multipart.FormDataContentDisposition;
import org.glassfish.jersey.media.multipart.FormDataParam;
import org.kar.karideo.model.Season;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.kar.archidata.SqlWrapper;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.security.RolesAllowed;
import org.kar.archidata.util.DataTools;
import jakarta.ws.rs.*;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Response;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.List;
import org.glassfish.jersey.media.multipart.FormDataContentDisposition;
import org.glassfish.jersey.media.multipart.FormDataParam;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.security.RolesAllowed;
import org.kar.archidata.sqlWrapper.QuerryAnd;
import org.kar.archidata.sqlWrapper.QuerryCondition;
import org.kar.archidata.sqlWrapper.SqlWrapper;
import org.kar.archidata.sqlWrapper.addOn.AddOnManyToMany;
import org.kar.archidata.util.DataTools;
import org.kar.karideo.model.Season;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Consumes;
import jakarta.ws.rs.DELETE;
import jakarta.ws.rs.GET;
import jakarta.ws.rs.POST;
import jakarta.ws.rs.PUT;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Path;
import jakarta.ws.rs.PathParam;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Produces;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Response;
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public class SeasonResource {
static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SeasonResource.class);
public static Season getWithId(@PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.get(Season.class, id);
public List<Season> get() throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.gets(Season.class, false);
public Season get(@PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.get(Season.class, id);
/* =============================================================================
* ============================================================================= */
public Season put(String jsonRequest) throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.insertWithJson(Season.class, jsonRequest);
public Season put(@PathParam("id") Long id, String jsonRequest) throws Exception {
SqlWrapper.update(Season.class, id, jsonRequest);
return SqlWrapper.get(Season.class, id);
public Response delete(@PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
SqlWrapper.setDelete(Season.class, id);
public static Season getWithId(@PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.get(Season.class, id);
public List<Season> get() throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.gets(Season.class);
public Season get(@PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.get(Season.class, id);
/* =============================================================================
* ============================================================================= */
public Season put(String jsonRequest) throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.insertWithJson(Season.class, jsonRequest);
public Season put(@PathParam("id") Long id, String jsonRequest) throws Exception {
SqlWrapper.update(Season.class, id, jsonRequest);
return SqlWrapper.get(Season.class, id);
public Response delete(@PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
SqlWrapper.delete(Season.class, id);
return Response.ok().build();
public Response uploadCover(@PathParam("id") Long id,
@FormDataParam("fileName") String fileName,
@FormDataParam("file") InputStream fileInputStream,
@FormDataParam("file") FormDataContentDisposition fileMetaData
) {
return DataTools.uploadCover(Season.class, id, fileName, fileInputStream, fileMetaData);
public Response removeCover(@PathParam("id") Long id, @PathParam("coverId") Long coverId) throws Exception {
SqlWrapper.removeLink(Season.class, id, "cover", coverId);
return Response.ok(SqlWrapper.get(Season.class, id)).build();
public static Season getOrCreate(String name, Long seriesId) {
try {
Season out = SqlWrapper.getWhere(Season.class, "name", "=", name, "parentId", "=", seriesId);
@Consumes({ MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA })
public Response uploadCover(@PathParam("id") Long id, @FormDataParam("fileName") String fileName, @FormDataParam("file") InputStream fileInputStream,
@FormDataParam("file") FormDataContentDisposition fileMetaData) {
return DataTools.uploadCover(Season.class, id, fileName, fileInputStream, fileMetaData);
public Response removeCover(@PathParam("id") Long id, @PathParam("coverId") Long coverId) throws Exception {
AddOnManyToMany.removeLink(Season.class, id, "cover", coverId);
return Response.ok(SqlWrapper.get(Season.class, id)).build();
public static Season getOrCreate(String name, Long seriesId) {
try {
Season out = SqlWrapper.getWhere(Season.class, new QuerryAnd(new QuerryCondition("name", "=", name), new QuerryCondition("parentId", "=", seriesId)));
if (out == null) {
out = new Season();
out.name = name;
@ -103,7 +111,7 @@ public class SeasonResource {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return null;
return null;

View File

@ -1,98 +1,105 @@
package org.kar.karideo.api;
import org.glassfish.jersey.media.multipart.FormDataContentDisposition;
import org.glassfish.jersey.media.multipart.FormDataParam;
import org.kar.karideo.model.Season;
import org.kar.karideo.model.Series;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.kar.archidata.SqlWrapper;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.security.RolesAllowed;
import org.kar.archidata.util.DataTools;
import jakarta.ws.rs.*;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Response;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.List;
import org.glassfish.jersey.media.multipart.FormDataContentDisposition;
import org.glassfish.jersey.media.multipart.FormDataParam;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.security.RolesAllowed;
import org.kar.archidata.sqlWrapper.QuerryAnd;
import org.kar.archidata.sqlWrapper.QuerryCondition;
import org.kar.archidata.sqlWrapper.SqlWrapper;
import org.kar.archidata.sqlWrapper.addOn.AddOnManyToMany;
import org.kar.archidata.util.DataTools;
import org.kar.karideo.model.Series;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Consumes;
import jakarta.ws.rs.DELETE;
import jakarta.ws.rs.GET;
import jakarta.ws.rs.POST;
import jakarta.ws.rs.PUT;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Path;
import jakarta.ws.rs.PathParam;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Produces;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Response;
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public class SeriesResource {
static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SeriesResource.class);
public static Series getWithId(@PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.get(Series.class, id);
public List<Series> get() throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.gets(Series.class, false);
public Series get(@PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.get(Series.class, id);
/* =============================================================================
* ============================================================================= */
public Series put(String jsonRequest) throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.insertWithJson(Series.class, jsonRequest);
public Series put(@PathParam("id") Long id, String jsonRequest) throws Exception {
SqlWrapper.update(Series.class, id, jsonRequest);
return SqlWrapper.get(Series.class, id);
public Response delete(@PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
SqlWrapper.setDelete(Series.class, id);
public static Series getWithId(@PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.get(Series.class, id);
public List<Series> get() throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.gets(Series.class);
public Series get(@PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.get(Series.class, id);
/* =============================================================================
* ============================================================================= */
public Series put(String jsonRequest) throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.insertWithJson(Series.class, jsonRequest);
public Series put(@PathParam("id") Long id, String jsonRequest) throws Exception {
SqlWrapper.update(Series.class, id, jsonRequest);
return SqlWrapper.get(Series.class, id);
public Response delete(@PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
SqlWrapper.delete(Series.class, id);
return Response.ok().build();
public Response uploadCover(@PathParam("id") Long id,
@FormDataParam("fileName") String fileName,
@FormDataParam("file") InputStream fileInputStream,
@FormDataParam("file") FormDataContentDisposition fileMetaData
) {
return DataTools.uploadCover(Series.class, id, fileName, fileInputStream, fileMetaData);
public Response removeCover(@PathParam("id") Long id, @PathParam("coverId") Long coverId) throws Exception {
SqlWrapper.removeLink(Series.class, id, "cover", coverId);
return Response.ok(SqlWrapper.get(Series.class, id)).build();
public static Series getOrCreate(String name, Long typeId) {
try {
Series out = SqlWrapper.getWhere(Series.class, "name", "=", name, "parentId", "=", typeId);
@Consumes({ MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA })
public Response uploadCover(@PathParam("id") Long id, @FormDataParam("fileName") String fileName, @FormDataParam("file") InputStream fileInputStream,
@FormDataParam("file") FormDataContentDisposition fileMetaData) {
return DataTools.uploadCover(Series.class, id, fileName, fileInputStream, fileMetaData);
public Response removeCover(@PathParam("id") Long id, @PathParam("coverId") Long coverId) throws Exception {
AddOnManyToMany.removeLink(Series.class, id, "cover", coverId);
return Response.ok(SqlWrapper.get(Series.class, id)).build();
public static Series getOrCreate(String name, Long typeId) {
try {
Series out = SqlWrapper.getWhere(Series.class, new QuerryAnd(new QuerryCondition("name", "=", name), new QuerryCondition("parentId", "=", typeId)));
if (out == null) {
out = new Series();
out.name = name;
@ -104,8 +111,7 @@ public class SeriesResource {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return null;
return null;

View File

@ -1,102 +1,108 @@
package org.kar.karideo.api;
import org.glassfish.jersey.media.multipart.FormDataContentDisposition;
import org.glassfish.jersey.media.multipart.FormDataParam;
import org.kar.karideo.model.Type;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.kar.archidata.SqlWrapper;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.security.RolesAllowed;
import org.kar.archidata.util.DataTools;
import jakarta.ws.rs.*;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Response;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.List;
import org.glassfish.jersey.media.multipart.FormDataContentDisposition;
import org.glassfish.jersey.media.multipart.FormDataParam;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.security.RolesAllowed;
import org.kar.archidata.sqlWrapper.QuerryCondition;
import org.kar.archidata.sqlWrapper.SqlWrapper;
import org.kar.archidata.sqlWrapper.addOn.AddOnManyToMany;
import org.kar.archidata.util.DataTools;
import org.kar.karideo.model.Type;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Consumes;
import jakarta.ws.rs.DELETE;
import jakarta.ws.rs.GET;
import jakarta.ws.rs.POST;
import jakarta.ws.rs.PUT;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Path;
import jakarta.ws.rs.PathParam;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Produces;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Response;
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public class TypeResource {
static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TypeResource.class);
public static Type getWithId(@PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.get(Type.class, id);
public List<Type> get() throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.gets(Type.class, false);
public Type get(@PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.get(Type.class, id);
public static Type getId(Long id) throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.get(Type.class, id);
/* =============================================================================
* ============================================================================= */
public Type put(String jsonRequest) throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.insertWithJson(Type.class, jsonRequest);
public Type put(@PathParam("id") Long id, String jsonRequest) throws Exception {
SqlWrapper.update(Type.class, id, jsonRequest);
return SqlWrapper.get(Type.class, id);
public Response delete(@PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
SqlWrapper.setDelete(Type.class, id);
public static Type getWithId(@PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.get(Type.class, id);
public List<Type> get() throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.gets(Type.class);
public Type get(@PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.get(Type.class, id);
public static Type getId(Long id) throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.get(Type.class, id);
/* =============================================================================
* ============================================================================= */
public Type put(String jsonRequest) throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.insertWithJson(Type.class, jsonRequest);
public Type put(@PathParam("id") Long id, String jsonRequest) throws Exception {
SqlWrapper.update(Type.class, id, jsonRequest);
return SqlWrapper.get(Type.class, id);
public Response delete(@PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
SqlWrapper.delete(Type.class, id);
return Response.ok().build();
public Response uploadCover(@PathParam("id") Long id,
@FormDataParam("fileName") String fileName,
@FormDataParam("file") InputStream fileInputStream,
@FormDataParam("file") FormDataContentDisposition fileMetaData
) {
return DataTools.uploadCover(Type.class, id, fileName, fileInputStream, fileMetaData);
public Response removeCover(@PathParam("id") Long id, @PathParam("coverId") Long coverId) throws Exception {
SqlWrapper.removeLink(Type.class, id, "cover", coverId);
return Response.ok(SqlWrapper.get(Type.class, id)).build();
public static Type getOrCreate(String name) {
try {
Type out = SqlWrapper.getWhere(Type.class, "name", "=", name);
@Consumes({ MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA })
public Response uploadCover(@PathParam("id") Long id, @FormDataParam("fileName") String fileName, @FormDataParam("file") InputStream fileInputStream,
@FormDataParam("file") FormDataContentDisposition fileMetaData) {
return DataTools.uploadCover(Type.class, id, fileName, fileInputStream, fileMetaData);
public Response removeCover(@PathParam("id") Long id, @PathParam("coverId") Long coverId) throws Exception {
AddOnManyToMany.removeLink(Type.class, id, "cover", coverId);
return Response.ok(SqlWrapper.get(Type.class, id)).build();
public static Type getOrCreate(String name) {
try {
Type out = SqlWrapper.getWhere(Type.class, new QuerryCondition("name", "=", name));
if (out == null) {
out = new Type();
out.name = name;
@ -107,8 +113,7 @@ public class TypeResource {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return null;
return null;

View File

@ -1,107 +1,110 @@
package org.kar.karideo.api;
import java.util.List;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.security.RolesAllowed;
import org.kar.archidata.filter.GenericContext;
import org.kar.archidata.sqlWrapper.QuerryAnd;
import org.kar.archidata.sqlWrapper.QuerryCondition;
import org.kar.archidata.sqlWrapper.SqlWrapper;
import org.kar.karideo.model.UserMediaAdvancement;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.kar.archidata.SqlWrapper;
import org.kar.archidata.WhereCondition;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.security.RolesAllowed;
import org.kar.archidata.filter.GenericContext;
import jakarta.ws.rs.*;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Consumes;
import jakarta.ws.rs.DELETE;
import jakarta.ws.rs.GET;
import jakarta.ws.rs.PUT;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Path;
import jakarta.ws.rs.PathParam;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Produces;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Context;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Response;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.SecurityContext;
import java.util.List;
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public class UserMediaAdvancementResource {
static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UserMediaAdvancementResource.class);
public UserMediaAdvancement getWithId(@Context SecurityContext sc, @PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
GenericContext gc = (GenericContext) sc.getUserPrincipal();
return SqlWrapper.getWhere(UserMediaAdvancement.class,
new WhereCondition("mediaId", "=", id),
new WhereCondition("userId", "=", gc.userByToken.id),
new WhereCondition("deleted", "=", 0)
), false);
public List<UserMediaAdvancement> gets(@Context SecurityContext sc ) throws Exception {
GenericContext gc = (GenericContext) sc.getUserPrincipal();
return SqlWrapper.getsWhere(UserMediaAdvancement.class,
new WhereCondition("userId", "=", gc.userByToken.id),
new WhereCondition("deleted", "=", 0)
), false);
/* =============================================================================
* Modification SECTION:
* ============================================================================= */
public record MediaInformations(int time, float percent, int count) {};
public UserMediaAdvancement post(@Context SecurityContext sc, @PathParam("id") Long id, MediaInformations data) throws Exception {
GenericContext gc = (GenericContext) sc.getUserPrincipal();
UserMediaAdvancement elem = new UserMediaAdvancement();
elem.userId = gc.userByToken.id;
elem.mediaId = id;
elem.time = data.time;
elem.percent = data.percent;
elem.count = data.count;
return SqlWrapper.insert(elem);
public record MediaInformationsDelta(int time, float percent, boolean addCount) {};
public UserMediaAdvancement put(@Context SecurityContext sc, @PathParam("id") Long id, MediaInformationsDelta data) throws Exception {
UserMediaAdvancement elem = this.getWithId(sc, id);
if (elem == null) {
// insert element
if (data.addCount) {
return this.post(sc, id, new MediaInformations(data.time(), data.percent(), 1));
} else {
return this.post(sc, id, new MediaInformations(data.time(), data.percent(), 0));
elem.time = data.time;
elem.percent = data.percent;
if (data.addCount) {
LOGGER.info("{},{},{}", elem.time, elem.percent, elem.count);
int nbAfected = SqlWrapper.update(elem, elem.id, List.of("time", "percent","count"));
// TODO: manage the fact that no element has been updated ...
UserMediaAdvancement ret = SqlWrapper.get(UserMediaAdvancement.class, elem.id);
return ret;
public Response delete(@Context SecurityContext sc, @PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
UserMediaAdvancement elem = this.getWithId(sc, id);
SqlWrapper.setDelete(UserMediaAdvancement.class, elem.id);
public UserMediaAdvancement getWithId(@Context SecurityContext sc, @PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
GenericContext gc = (GenericContext) sc.getUserPrincipal();
return SqlWrapper.getWhere(UserMediaAdvancement.class, new QuerryAnd(new QuerryCondition("mediaId", "=", id), new QuerryCondition("userId", "=", gc.userByToken.id)));
public List<UserMediaAdvancement> gets(@Context SecurityContext sc) throws Exception {
GenericContext gc = (GenericContext) sc.getUserPrincipal();
return SqlWrapper.getsWhere(UserMediaAdvancement.class, new QuerryCondition("userId", "=", gc.userByToken.id));
/* =============================================================================
* Modification SECTION:
* ============================================================================= */
public record MediaInformations(
int time,
float percent,
int count) {};
public UserMediaAdvancement post(@Context SecurityContext sc, @PathParam("id") Long id, MediaInformations data) throws Exception {
GenericContext gc = (GenericContext) sc.getUserPrincipal();
UserMediaAdvancement elem = new UserMediaAdvancement();
elem.userId = gc.userByToken.id;
elem.mediaId = id;
elem.time = data.time;
elem.percent = data.percent;
elem.count = data.count;
return SqlWrapper.insert(elem);
public record MediaInformationsDelta(
int time,
float percent,
boolean addCount) {};
public UserMediaAdvancement put(@Context SecurityContext sc, @PathParam("id") Long id, MediaInformationsDelta data) throws Exception {
UserMediaAdvancement elem = this.getWithId(sc, id);
if (elem == null) {
// insert element
if (data.addCount) {
return this.post(sc, id, new MediaInformations(data.time(), data.percent(), 1));
} else {
return this.post(sc, id, new MediaInformations(data.time(), data.percent(), 0));
elem.time = data.time;
elem.percent = data.percent;
if (data.addCount) {
LOGGER.info("{},{},{}", elem.time, elem.percent, elem.count);
int nbAfected = SqlWrapper.update(elem, elem.id, List.of("time", "percent", "count"));
// TODO: manage the fact that no element has been updated ...
UserMediaAdvancement ret = SqlWrapper.get(UserMediaAdvancement.class, elem.id);
return ret;
public Response delete(@Context SecurityContext sc, @PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
UserMediaAdvancement elem = this.getWithId(sc, id);
SqlWrapper.delete(UserMediaAdvancement.class, elem.id);
return Response.ok().build();

View File

@ -1,31 +1,34 @@
package org.kar.karideo.api;
import org.kar.archidata.SqlWrapper;
import org.kar.archidata.filter.GenericContext;
import org.kar.archidata.model.User;
import org.kar.karideo.model.UserKarideo;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import java.util.List;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.security.RolesAllowed;
import jakarta.ws.rs.*;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Context;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.SecurityContext;
import java.util.List;
import org.kar.archidata.filter.GenericContext;
import org.kar.archidata.sqlWrapper.SqlWrapper;
import org.kar.karideo.model.UserKarideo;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import jakarta.ws.rs.GET;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Path;
import jakarta.ws.rs.PathParam;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Produces;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Context;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.SecurityContext;
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public class UserResource {
static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UserResource.class);
public class UserOut {
public long id;
public String login;
public UserOut(long id, String login) {
this.id = id;
@ -33,82 +36,50 @@ public class UserResource {
public UserResource() {
// curl http://localhost:9993/api/users
public List<UserKarideo> getUsers() {
try {
return SqlWrapper.gets(UserKarideo.class, false);
public UserResource() {}
// curl http://localhost:9993/api/users
public List<UserKarideo> getUsers() {
try {
return SqlWrapper.gets(UserKarideo.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return null;
// curl http://localhost:9993/api/users/3
public UserKarideo getUsers(@Context SecurityContext sc, @PathParam("id") long userId) {
System.out.println("getUser " + userId);
GenericContext gc = (GenericContext) sc.getUserPrincipal();
System.out.println("== USER ? " + gc.userByToken.name);
try {
// curl http://localhost:9993/api/users/3
public UserKarideo getUsers(@Context SecurityContext sc, @PathParam("id") long userId) {
System.out.println("getUser " + userId);
GenericContext gc = (GenericContext) sc.getUserPrincipal();
System.out.println("== USER ? " + gc.userByToken.name);
try {
return SqlWrapper.get(UserKarideo.class, userId);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return null;
public UserOut getMe(@Context SecurityContext sc) {
GenericContext gc = (GenericContext) sc.getUserPrincipal();
LOGGER.debug("== USER ? {}", gc.userByToken);
return new UserOut(gc.userByToken.id, gc.userByToken.name);
return null;
public UserOut getMe(@Context SecurityContext sc) {
GenericContext gc = (GenericContext) sc.getUserPrincipal();
LOGGER.debug("== USER ? {}", gc.userByToken);
return new UserOut(gc.userByToken.id, gc.userByToken.name);

View File

@ -1,8 +1,19 @@
package org.kar.karideo.api;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
import org.glassfish.jersey.media.multipart.FormDataContentDisposition;
import org.glassfish.jersey.media.multipart.FormDataParam;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.security.RolesAllowed;
import org.kar.archidata.api.DataResource;
import org.kar.archidata.exception.FailException;
import org.kar.archidata.exception.InputException;
import org.kar.archidata.model.Data;
import org.kar.archidata.sqlWrapper.SqlWrapper;
import org.kar.archidata.sqlWrapper.addOn.AddOnManyToMany;
import org.kar.archidata.util.DataTools;
import org.kar.karideo.model.Media;
import org.kar.karideo.model.Season;
@ -10,215 +21,203 @@ import org.kar.karideo.model.Series;
import org.kar.karideo.model.Type;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.kar.archidata.SqlWrapper;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.security.RolesAllowed;
import org.kar.archidata.api.DataResource;
import org.kar.archidata.exception.FailException;
import org.kar.archidata.exception.InputException;
import jakarta.ws.rs.*;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Consumes;
import jakarta.ws.rs.DELETE;
import jakarta.ws.rs.GET;
import jakarta.ws.rs.POST;
import jakarta.ws.rs.PUT;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Path;
import jakarta.ws.rs.PathParam;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Produces;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Response;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.List;
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public class VideoResource {
static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VideoResource.class);
public List<Media> get() throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.gets(Media.class, false);
public Media get(@PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.get(Media.class, id);
public Media put(@PathParam("id") Long id, String jsonRequest) throws Exception {
System.out.println("update video " + id + " ==> '" + jsonRequest + "'");
SqlWrapper.update(Media.class, id, jsonRequest);
return SqlWrapper.get(Media.class, id);
private String multipartCorrection(String data) {
if (data == null) {
return null;
if (data.isEmpty()) {
return null;
if (data.contentEquals("null")) {
return null;
return data;
public Response uploadFile(@FormDataParam("fileName") String fileName,
@FormDataParam("universe") String universe,
@FormDataParam("series") String series,
//@FormDataParam("seriesId") String seriesId, Not used ...
@FormDataParam("season") String season,
@FormDataParam("episode") String episode,
@FormDataParam("title") String title,
@FormDataParam("typeId") String typeId,
@FormDataParam("file") InputStream fileInputStream,
@FormDataParam("file") FormDataContentDisposition fileMetaData
) throws FailException {
try {
// correct input string stream :
fileName = multipartCorrection(fileName);
universe = multipartCorrection(universe);
series = multipartCorrection(series);
season = multipartCorrection(season);
episode = multipartCorrection(episode);
title = multipartCorrection(title);
typeId = multipartCorrection(typeId);
//public NodeSmall uploadFile(final FormDataMultiPart form) {
System.out.println("Upload media file: " + fileMetaData);
System.out.println(" - fileName: " + fileName);
System.out.println(" - universe: " + universe);
System.out.println(" - series: " + series);
System.out.println(" - season: " + season);
System.out.println(" - episode: " + episode);
System.out.println(" - title: " + title);
System.out.println(" - type: " + typeId);
System.out.println(" - fileInputStream: " + fileInputStream);
System.out.println(" - fileMetaData: " + fileMetaData);
if (typeId == null) {
throw new InputException("typeId", "TypiId is not specified");
long tmpUID = DataResource.getTmpDataId();
String sha512 = DataResource.saveTemporaryFile(fileInputStream, tmpUID);
Data data = DataResource.getWithSha512(sha512);
if (data == null) {
System.out.println("Need to add the data in the BDD ... ");
try {
data = DataResource.createNewData(tmpUID, fileName, sha512);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new FailException("can not create input media (the data model has an internal error");
} else if (data.deleted == true) {
System.out.println("Data already exist but deleted");
data.deleted = false;
} else {
System.out.println("Data already exist ... all good");
// Fist step: retive all the Id of each parents:...
System.out.println("Find typeNode");
// check if id of type exist:
Type typeNode = TypeResource.getId(Long.parseLong(typeId));
if (typeNode == null) {
throw new InputException("typeId", "TypeId does not exist ...");
System.out.println(" ==> " + typeNode);
System.out.println("Find seriesNode");
// get uid of group:
Series seriesNode = null;
if (series != null) {
seriesNode = SeriesResource.getOrCreate(series, typeNode.id);
System.out.println(" ==> " + seriesNode);
System.out.println("Find seasonNode");
// get uid of season:
Season seasonNode = null;
if (seriesNode == null && season != null) {
throw new InputException("season", "Season is set but no seraies is set !!");
if (season != null) {
seasonNode = SeasonResource.getOrCreate(season, seriesNode.id);
System.out.println(" ==> " + seasonNode);
System.out.println("add media");
long uniqueSQLID = -1;
try {
Media media = new Media();
media.name = title;
media.dataId = data.id;
media.typeId = typeNode.id;
media.seriesId = null;
if(seriesNode != null) {
media.seriesId = seriesNode.id;
media.seasonId = null;
if (seasonNode != null) {
media.seasonId = seasonNode.id;
media.episode = null;
if (episode != null && ! episode.contentEquals("")) {
media.episode = Integer.parseInt(episode);
Media out = SqlWrapper.insert(media);
System.out.println("uploaded .... compleate: " + uniqueSQLID);
Media creation = get(uniqueSQLID);
return Response.ok(creation).build();
} catch (SQLException ex) {
System.out.println("Catch error:" + ex.getMessage());
throw new FailException("Catch SQLerror ==> check server logs");
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("Catch an unexpected error ... " + ex.getMessage());
throw new FailException("Catch Exception ==> check server logs");
public Response uploadCover(@PathParam("id") Long id,
@FormDataParam("fileName") String fileName,
@FormDataParam("file") InputStream fileInputStream,
@FormDataParam("file") FormDataContentDisposition fileMetaData
) {
return DataTools.uploadCover(Media.class, id, fileName, fileInputStream, fileMetaData);
public Response removeCover(@PathParam("id") Long id, @PathParam("coverId") Long coverId) throws Exception {
SqlWrapper.removeLink(Media.class, id, "cover", coverId);
return Response.ok(SqlWrapper.get(Media.class, id)).build();
public Response delete(@PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
SqlWrapper.setDelete(Media.class, id);
public List<Media> get() throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.gets(Media.class);
public Media get(@PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
return SqlWrapper.get(Media.class, id);
public Media put(@PathParam("id") Long id, String jsonRequest) throws Exception {
System.out.println("update video " + id + " ==> '" + jsonRequest + "'");
SqlWrapper.update(Media.class, id, jsonRequest);
return SqlWrapper.get(Media.class, id);
private String multipartCorrection(String data) {
if (data == null) {
return null;
if (data.isEmpty()) {
return null;
if (data.contentEquals("null")) {
return null;
return data;
@Consumes({ MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA })
public Response uploadFile(@FormDataParam("fileName") String fileName, @FormDataParam("universe") String universe, @FormDataParam("series") String series,
//@FormDataParam("seriesId") String seriesId, Not used ...
@FormDataParam("season") String season, @FormDataParam("episode") String episode, @FormDataParam("title") String title, @FormDataParam("typeId") String typeId,
@FormDataParam("file") InputStream fileInputStream, @FormDataParam("file") FormDataContentDisposition fileMetaData) throws FailException {
try {
// correct input string stream :
fileName = multipartCorrection(fileName);
universe = multipartCorrection(universe);
series = multipartCorrection(series);
season = multipartCorrection(season);
episode = multipartCorrection(episode);
title = multipartCorrection(title);
typeId = multipartCorrection(typeId);
//public NodeSmall uploadFile(final FormDataMultiPart form) {
System.out.println("Upload media file: " + fileMetaData);
System.out.println(" - fileName: " + fileName);
System.out.println(" - universe: " + universe);
System.out.println(" - series: " + series);
System.out.println(" - season: " + season);
System.out.println(" - episode: " + episode);
System.out.println(" - title: " + title);
System.out.println(" - type: " + typeId);
System.out.println(" - fileInputStream: " + fileInputStream);
System.out.println(" - fileMetaData: " + fileMetaData);
if (typeId == null) {
throw new InputException("typeId", "TypiId is not specified");
long tmpUID = DataResource.getTmpDataId();
String sha512 = DataResource.saveTemporaryFile(fileInputStream, tmpUID);
Data data = DataResource.getWithSha512(sha512);
if (data == null) {
System.out.println("Need to add the data in the BDD ... ");
try {
data = DataResource.createNewData(tmpUID, fileName, sha512);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new FailException("can not create input media (the data model has an internal error");
} else if (data.deleted == true) {
System.out.println("Data already exist but deleted");
data.deleted = false;
} else {
System.out.println("Data already exist ... all good");
// Fist step: retive all the Id of each parents:...
System.out.println("Find typeNode");
// check if id of type exist:
Type typeNode = TypeResource.getId(Long.parseLong(typeId));
if (typeNode == null) {
throw new InputException("typeId", "TypeId does not exist ...");
System.out.println(" ==> " + typeNode);
System.out.println("Find seriesNode");
// get uid of group:
Series seriesNode = null;
if (series != null) {
seriesNode = SeriesResource.getOrCreate(series, typeNode.id);
System.out.println(" ==> " + seriesNode);
System.out.println("Find seasonNode");
// get uid of season:
Season seasonNode = null;
if (seriesNode == null && season != null) {
throw new InputException("season", "Season is set but no seraies is set !!");
if (season != null) {
seasonNode = SeasonResource.getOrCreate(season, seriesNode.id);
System.out.println(" ==> " + seasonNode);
System.out.println("add media");
long uniqueSQLID = -1;
try {
Media media = new Media();
media.name = title;
media.dataId = data.id;
media.typeId = typeNode.id;
media.seriesId = null;
if (seriesNode != null) {
media.seriesId = seriesNode.id;
media.seasonId = null;
if (seasonNode != null) {
media.seasonId = seasonNode.id;
media.episode = null;
if (episode != null && !episode.contentEquals("")) {
media.episode = Integer.parseInt(episode);
Media out = SqlWrapper.insert(media);
System.out.println("uploaded .... compleate: " + uniqueSQLID);
Media creation = get(uniqueSQLID);
return Response.ok(creation).build();
} catch (SQLException ex) {
System.out.println("Catch error:" + ex.getMessage());
throw new FailException("Catch SQLerror ==> check server logs");
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("Catch an unexpected error ... " + ex.getMessage());
throw new FailException("Catch Exception ==> check server logs");
@Consumes({ MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA })
public Response uploadCover(@PathParam("id") Long id, @FormDataParam("fileName") String fileName, @FormDataParam("file") InputStream fileInputStream,
@FormDataParam("file") FormDataContentDisposition fileMetaData) {
return DataTools.uploadCover(Media.class, id, fileName, fileInputStream, fileMetaData);
public Response removeCover(@PathParam("id") Long id, @PathParam("coverId") Long coverId) throws Exception {
AddOnManyToMany.removeLink(Media.class, id, "cover", coverId);
return Response.ok(SqlWrapper.get(Media.class, id)).build();
public Response delete(@PathParam("id") Long id) throws Exception {
SqlWrapper.delete(Media.class, id);
return Response.ok().build();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package org.kar.karideo.migration;
import java.util.List;
import org.kar.archidata.migration.MigrationSqlStep;
public class Migration20231015 extends MigrationSqlStep {
public static final int KARSO_INITIALISATION_ID = 1;
public String getName() {
return "refactor creation and update time";
public Migration20231015() throws Exception {
for (String elem : List.of("data", "media", "media_link_cover", "season", "season_link_cover", "series", "series_link_cover", "type", "type_link_cover", "user", "userMediaAdvancement")) {
ALTER TABLE `""" + elem + """
RENAME COLUMN `create_date` TO `createdAt`,
RENAME COLUMN `modify_date` TO `updatedAt`;

View File

@ -2,48 +2,51 @@ package org.kar.karideo.model;
import java.util.List;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLComment;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLForeignKey;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLIfNotExists;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLNotNull;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLTableLinkGeneric;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLTableName;
import org.kar.archidata.model.Data;
import org.kar.archidata.model.GenericTable;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import jakarta.persistence.Column;
import jakarta.persistence.Entity;
import jakarta.persistence.FetchType;
import jakarta.persistence.ManyToMany;
import jakarta.persistence.ManyToOne;
import jakarta.persistence.Table;
@SQLTableName ("media")
@Table(name = "media")
//@SQLDelete(sql = "UPDATE table_product SET deleted = true WHERE id=?")
//@Where(clause = "deleted=false")
public class Media extends GenericTable {
@SQLComment("Name of the media (this represent the title)")
public String name;
@SQLComment("Description of the media")
public String description;
@SQLComment("Foreign Key Id of the data")
public Long dataId;
@SQLComment("Type of the media")
public Long typeId;
@SQLComment("Series reference of the media")
public Long seriesId;
@SQLComment("Saison reference of the media")
public Long seasonId;
@SQLComment("Episide Id")
public Integer episode;
public Integer date;
@SQLComment("Creation years of the media")
public Integer time;
@SQLComment("Limitation Age of the media")
public Integer ageLimit;
@SQLComment("List of Id of the sopecific covers")
public List<Long> covers = null;
// Name of the media (this represent the title)
@Column(nullable = false)
public String name;
// Description of the media
public String description;
// Foreign Key Id of the data
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, targetEntity = Data.class)
@Column(nullable = false)
public Long dataId;
// Type of the media")
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, targetEntity = Type.class)
public Long typeId;
// Series reference of the media
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, targetEntity = Series.class)
public Long seriesId;
// Saison reference of the media
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, targetEntity = Season.class)
public Long seasonId;
// Episide Id
public Integer episode;
// ")
public Integer date;
// Creation years of the media
public Integer time;
// Limitation Age of the media
public Integer ageLimit;
// List of Id of the specific covers
@ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, targetEntity = Data.class)
public List<Long> covers = null;

View File

@ -3,30 +3,32 @@ package org.kar.karideo.model;
import java.util.List;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLComment;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLForeignKey;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLIfNotExists;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLNotNull;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLTableLinkGeneric;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLTableName;
import org.kar.archidata.model.Data;
import org.kar.archidata.model.GenericTable;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import jakarta.persistence.Column;
import jakarta.persistence.FetchType;
import jakarta.persistence.ManyToMany;
import jakarta.persistence.ManyToOne;
import jakarta.persistence.Table;
@SQLTableName ("season")
@Table(name = "season")
public class Season extends GenericTable {
@SQLComment("Name of the media (this represent the title)")
public String name;
@SQLComment("Description of the media")
public String description;
@SQLComment("series parent ID")
public Long parentId;
@SQLComment("List of Id of the sopecific covers")
public List<Long> covers = null;
@Column(nullable = false)
@SQLComment("Name of the media (this represent the title)")
public String name;
@SQLComment("Description of the media")
public String description;
@Column(nullable = false)
@SQLComment("series parent ID")
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, targetEntity = Series.class)
public Long parentId;
@SQLComment("List of Id of the sopecific covers")
@ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, targetEntity = Data.class)
public List<Long> covers = null;

View File

@ -3,30 +3,32 @@ package org.kar.karideo.model;
import java.util.List;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLComment;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLForeignKey;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLIfNotExists;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLNotNull;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLTableLinkGeneric;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLTableName;
import org.kar.archidata.model.Data;
import org.kar.archidata.model.GenericTable;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import jakarta.persistence.Column;
import jakarta.persistence.FetchType;
import jakarta.persistence.ManyToMany;
import jakarta.persistence.ManyToOne;
import jakarta.persistence.Table;
@SQLTableName ("series")
@Table(name = "series")
public class Series extends GenericTable {
@SQLComment("Name of the media (this represent the title)")
public String name;
@SQLComment("Description of the media")
public String description;
@SQLComment("series parent ID")
public Long parentId;
@SQLComment("List of Id of the sopecific covers")
public List<Long> covers = null;
@Column(nullable = false)
@SQLComment("Name of the media (this represent the title)")
public String name;
@SQLComment("Description of the media")
public String description;
@Column(nullable = false)
@SQLComment("series parent ID")
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, targetEntity = Type.class)
public Long parentId;
@SQLComment("List of Id of the sopecific covers")
@ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, targetEntity = Data.class)
public List<Long> covers = null;

View File

@ -4,24 +4,26 @@ import java.util.List;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLComment;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLIfNotExists;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLNotNull;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLTableLinkGeneric;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLTableName;
import org.kar.archidata.model.Data;
import org.kar.archidata.model.GenericTable;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import jakarta.persistence.Column;
import jakarta.persistence.FetchType;
import jakarta.persistence.ManyToMany;
import jakarta.persistence.Table;
@SQLTableName ("type")
@Table(name = "type")
public class Type extends GenericTable {
@SQLComment("Name of the media (this represent the title)")
public String name;
@SQLComment("Description of the media")
public String description;
@SQLComment("List of Id of the sopecific covers")
public List<Long> covers = null;
@Column(nullable = false)
@SQLComment("Name of the media (this represent the title)")
public String name;
@SQLComment("Description of the media")
public String description;
@SQLComment("List of Id of the sopecific covers")
@ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, targetEntity = Data.class)
public List<Long> covers = null;

View File

@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
package org.kar.karideo.model;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLIfNotExists;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLTableName;
import org.kar.archidata.model.User;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
@SQLTableName ("user")
import jakarta.persistence.Table;
@Table(name = "user")
public class UserKarideo extends User {

View File

@ -1,34 +1,35 @@
package org.kar.karideo.model;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLComment;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLForeignKey;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLIfNotExists;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLNotNull;
import org.kar.archidata.annotation.SQLTableName;
import org.kar.archidata.model.GenericTable;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import jakarta.persistence.Column;
import jakarta.persistence.FetchType;
import jakarta.persistence.ManyToOne;
import jakarta.persistence.Table;
@SQLTableName ("userMediaAdvancement")
@Table(name = "userMediaAdvancement")
public class UserMediaAdvancement extends GenericTable {
@SQLComment("Foreign Key Id of the user")
public long userId;
@SQLComment("Id of the media")
public long mediaId;
@SQLComment("Percent of admencement in the media")
public float percent;
@SQLComment("Number of second of admencement in the media")
public int time;
@SQLComment("Number of time this media has been read")
public int count;
@Column(nullable = false)
@SQLComment("Foreign Key Id of the user")
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, targetEntity = UserKarideo.class)
public long userId;
@Column(nullable = false)
@SQLComment("Id of the media")
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, targetEntity = Media.class)
public long mediaId;
@Column(nullable = false)
@SQLComment("Percent of admencement in the media")
public float percent;
@Column(nullable = false)
@SQLComment("Number of second of admencement in the media")
public int time;
@Column(nullable = false)
@SQLComment("Number of time this media has been read")
public int count;

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"scripts": {
"all": "npm run build && npm run test",
"ng": "ng",
"start": "ng serve --configuration=develop --watch --port 4202",
"dev": "ng serve --configuration=develop --watch --port 4202",
"build": "ng build --prod",
"test": "ng test",
"lint": "ng lint",
@ -38,4 +38,4 @@
"@angular/compiler-cli": "^14.2.10",
"@angular/language-service": "^14.2.10"