Karanage ======== **K**angaroo **A**nd **R**abbit (m)anage is a simple interface to manage system status. - for CPU check - for Memory check - for swap check - for drive check - for network check - for docker check Run and install: ================ so simple... ```{.bash} # start the Bdd interface (no big data > 50Mo) cd bdd docker-compose up -d # start the REST API cd back docker-compose up -d # start the front API cd ../front docker-compose up -d ``` build the local image: docker pull archlinux:base-devel docker pull bellsoft/liberica-openjdk-alpine:latest docker build -t gitea.atria-soft.org/kangaroo-and-rabbit/karanage:latest . docker login gitea.atria-soft.org docker push gitea.atria-soft.org/kangaroo-and-rabbit/karanage:latest