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Wrapping over the DB
In the current version we consider 2 DB access: MySQL and SQLite, We commonly use the SQLite in test mode to permit to test is a real case.
Generic Access:
Some generic function are available to permit you to simply request the DB
### Create a new Value:
MyDataModel dataToInsert = ...;
MyDataModel dataCreated = DataAccess.insert(dataToInsert);
### Get a full table:
List<MyDataModel> data = DataAccess.gets(MyDataModel.class);
### Get a single element in the DB:
UUID id = ...;
MyDataModel data = DataAccess.get(MyDataModel.class, id);
> **_Note:_** The Id type fully managed are UUID and Long
### Removing the Data:
UUID id = ...;
DataAccess.delete(MyDataModel.class, id);
> **_Note:_** Removing the data automatically detect if it is a software remove or definitive remove
### Updating the Data:
The update of the data can be managed by 2 way:
- Direct update of the Object with direct injection (Good for `PUT`)
- Update with input json (Good for `PATCH`)
The second way is preferable for some reasons
- When jakarta transform the data in you object, we can not detect the element set at null or not set (We consider user of `Optional` il all data class will create a too bug amount of unneeded code in all dev parts)
- Throw in the jakarta parsing are not well catch when we will generate generic error
- The Check will permit to explain what is wrong better than a generic Json parser.
Updating with JSON:
UUID id = ...;
String jsonRequest = "{...}";
DataAccess.updateWithJson(MyDataModel.class, id, jsonRequest);
Updating with direct data:
UUID id = ...;
MyDataModel dataToUpdate = ...;
// This update all fields:
DataAccess.update(dataToUpdate, id);
// Select the field to update:
DataAccess.update(dataToUpdate, id, List.of("field1","field2"));
Generic option of the request:
Many API have a generic multiple option available like:
public static <T> List<T> getsWhere(final Class<T> clazz, final QueryOption... option) throws Exception
You just need to add your options in the list of `option`.
Filter the list of field read:
public FilterValue(final String... filterValue)
public FilterValue(final List<String> filterValues)
// example:
new newFilterValue("field1", "field2");
Add a condition [more detail](#condition-models)
public Condition(final QueryItem items)
Order the request:
public OrderBy(final OrderItem... childs);
// example:
new OrderBy(new OrderItem("name", Order.DESC));
Limit the :
public Limit(final long limit)
// example:
new Limit(50);
Read all column like update date and create date or delete field
public ReadAllColumn()
Condition models:
Creating a condition independent of the DB model use need to have a little abstraction of the query model:
For this we propose some condition that update with the internal "auto" condition that is added (like the soft delete...)
### default generic comparator
This is the base of the comparison tool. It compare a column with a value
public QueryCondition(final String key, final String comparator, final Object value);
Simple DB comparison element. Note the injected object is injected in the statement and not in the query directly.
String nameToCheck = "plop";
new QueryCondition("fieldName", "=", nameToCheck);
// OR:
UUID uuid = ...;
new QueryCondition("uuid", "=", uuid);
### List comparator
It permit to check a column is (NOT) in a list of value
public QueryInList(final String key, final List<T> value)
public QueryInList(final String key, final T... value)
and his opposite:
public QueryNotInList(final String key, final List<T> value)
public QueryNotInList(final String key, final T... value)
new QueryInList("uuid", List.of(uuid1, uuid2));
### NULL and NOT NULL checker
This permit to check an element is `NULL` or `not NULL`
public QueryNull(final String key);
public QueryNotNull(final String key);
### The group condition:
The generic `OR` group:
public QueryOr(final List<QueryItem> child);
public QueryOr(final QueryItem... child);
Or the generic `AND group:
public QueryAnd(final List<QueryItem> child);
public QueryAnd(final QueryItem... child);
### Full example:
List<MyDataModel> result = DataAccess.getsWhere(MyDataModel.class,
new Limit(50),
new OrderBy(new OrderItem("name", Order.DESC)),
new Condition(
new QueryAnd(
new QueryOr(
new QueryInList("Field4", 5, 55, 65, 62, 27, 84),
new QueryCondition("cityID", ">", 78000);