[DEV] basic usable version.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
package org.atriasoft.island;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.atriasoft.death.ArgElement;
import org.atriasoft.death.Arguments;
import org.atriasoft.island.internal.Log;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ActionException;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ActionInterface;
public class Actions {
private static Map<String, Class<? extends ActionInterface>> actions = new HashMap<String,Class<? extends ActionInterface>>();
public static <T extends ActionInterface>void addAction(final String name, final Class<T> klass) {
Actions.actions.put(name, klass);
* Get the wall list of action availlable
* @return The list of action name
public static Set<String> getListOfAction() {
return Actions.actions.keySet();
// * Get a description of an action
// * @param action_name (string) Name of the action
// * @param function_name (string) Name of the fucntion to call
// * @param default_value (*) Renurned value of the call if function does not exist
// * @return (*) the getted value or the default_value
// */
//public void get_function_value(action_name, function_name, default_value = None):
// global list_actions;
// for elem in list_actions:
// if elem["name"] == action_name:
// // finish the parsing
// sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(elem["path"]))
// the_action = __import__(__base_action_name + action_name)
// if function_name not in dir(the_action):
// return default_value
// method_to_call = getattr(the_action, function_name)
// return method_to_call()
// return default_value
* Get the global help value of a module
* @param action_name (string) Name of the action
* @return The first line of description
* @throws ActionException
private static String getFullActionHelp(final String action_name) throws ActionException {
Class<? extends ActionInterface> actionClass = Actions.actions.get(action_name);
if (actionClass == null) {
throw new ActionException("Action does not registered");
ActionInterface action;
try {
action = actionClass.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
} catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException
| NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
throw new ActionException("Uneable to intanciate Action");
return action.help();
private static String getActionHelpExample(final String action_name) throws ActionException {
Class<? extends ActionInterface> actionClass = Actions.actions.get(action_name);
if (actionClass == null) {
throw new ActionException("Action does not registered");
ActionInterface action;
try {
action = actionClass.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
} catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException
| NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
throw new ActionException("Uneable to intanciate Action");
return action.helpExample();
* Get the global help value of a module
* @param action_name (string) Name of the action
* @return The first line of description
* @throws ActionException
public static String getActionHelp(final String action_name) throws ActionException {
return Actions.getFullActionHelp(action_name).split("\n")[0];
public static void usage(final String action_name, final Arguments arguments) throws ActionException {
String help = Actions.getFullActionHelp(action_name);
Log.print("\t" + help);
//TODO: ??? arguments.display(action_name);
String helpExample = Actions.getActionHelpExample(action_name);
if (helpExample != null) {
for (String elem : helpExample.split("\n")) {
Log.print("\t" + elem);
public static void execute(final String action_name, final List<String> arguments) throws ActionException {
Class<? extends ActionInterface> actionClass = Actions.actions.get(action_name);
if (actionClass == null) {
throw new ActionException("Action does not registered");
ActionInterface action = null;
try {
action = actionClass.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
} catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException
| NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
throw new ActionException("Uneable to intanciate Action");
Log.info("action: " + action_name);
Arguments my_under_args_parser = new Arguments();
my_under_args_parser.add("h", "help", null, "Help of this action");
action.addSpecificArguments(my_under_args_parser, action_name);
boolean have_unknow_argument = action.haveUnknowArgument();
List<ArgElement> my_under_args = my_under_args_parser.parse(arguments, have_unknow_argument);
// search help if needed ==> permit to not duplicating code
for (ArgElement elem : my_under_args) {
if (elem.getOptionName().equals("help")) {
Actions.usage(action_name, my_under_args_parser);
// now we can execute:
Log.info("execute: " + action_name);
for (ArgElement elem : my_under_args) {
Log.debug(" " + elem.getOptionName() + "='" + elem.getArg() + "'");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public static boolean exist(final String action_to_do) {
return Actions.actions.get(action_to_do) != null;
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.atriasoft.island.internal.Log;
@ -20,8 +19,6 @@ import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevObject;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevTag;
public class Commands {
private Commands() {}
@ -75,7 +72,7 @@ public class Commands {
public static String get_tracking_branch(final Git git, final String remote_name, final String select_branch) throws GitAPIException, IOException {
// get tracking branch
if (remote_name.isEmpty() || remote_name == null) {
if (remote_name == null || remote_name.isEmpty()) {
return Commands.get_current_tracking_branch(git);
List<String> list_branch_remote = Commands.get_list_branch_remote(git);
@ -136,7 +133,7 @@ public class Commands {
return out;
public static void get_diff(Git git) {
public static void get_diff(final Git git) {
try {
Status status = git.status().call();
if (status.getAdded().size() != 0) {
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public class Env {
public static int get_wait_between_sever_command() {
return Env.wait_between_sever_command;
public static String filter_command = "";
public static String filter_command = null;
public static void set_filter_command(final String val) {
Env.filter_command = val;
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ public class Env {
return Env.filter_command;
public static boolean need_process_with_filter(final String data) {
if (Env.filter_command.equals("")) {
if (Env.filter_command == null || Env.filter_command.equals("")) {
return true;
if (data.length() < Env.filter_command.length()) {
@ -1,185 +1,87 @@
package org.atriasoft.island;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.atriasoft.death.ArgChoice;
import org.atriasoft.death.ArgElement;
import org.atriasoft.death.Arguments;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.IslandActionCheckout;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.IslandActionInit;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.IslandActionStatus;
import org.atriasoft.death.ActionList;
import org.atriasoft.death.ArgumentManager;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgAlias;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgChoice;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgCommand;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgDescription;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgName;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgSubActions;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.Checkout;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.Init;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.Status;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.Sync;
import org.atriasoft.island.internal.Log;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ActionException;
public class MainIsland {
private final Arguments my_args = new Arguments();
// @brief Display the help of this makefile.
public void usage() {
// generic argument displayed :
Log.print(" Action availlable" );
Set<String> list_actions = Actions.getListOfAction();
for (String elem : list_actions) {
Log.print(" " + elem);
try {
Log.print(" " + Actions.getActionHelp(elem));
} catch (ActionException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Log.print(" ????? ERROR ?????");
@ArgDescription("Package management system: download a specific worktree composed on artefact or real sources")
public static class MainConfig {
@ArgDescription("Display the application help")
public boolean help = false;
@ArgDescription("Display debug level (verbosity)")
@ArgChoice({ "none>>0", "error>>1", "warning>>2", "info>>3", "debug>>4", "verbose>>5", "extreme_verbose>>6"})
public int verbose = 2;
@ArgDescription("Display message in color")
public boolean color = false;
@ArgDescription("Disable the fetch of the manifest")
public boolean fetchManifest = false;
@ArgDescription("Filter the action on a list of path or subpath: -f library")
public String filter;
@ArgDescription("Display the folder instead of the git repository name")
public boolean folderDisplay = false;
@ArgDescription("Wait between 2 access on the server (needed when the server is really slow to remove ssh connection)")
public int wait = 0;
static public final ActionList subActions = new ActionList();
static {
public boolean check_boolean(final String value) {
if (value.isEmpty() || value.equals("1") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
return true;
return false;
Log.print(" " + color['green'] + "init" + color['default'])
Log.print(" initialize a 'island' interface with a manifest in a git ")
Log.print(" " + color['green'] + "sync" + color['default'])
Log.print(" Syncronise the currect environement")
Log.print(" " + color['green'] + "status" + color['default'])
Log.print(" Dump the status of the environement")
Log.print(" ex: xxx -c init http://github.com/atria-soft/manifest.git");
Log.print(" ex: xxx sync");
public boolean check_boolean(final String value) {
if (value.isEmpty() || value.equals("1") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
return true;
public void applyConfig() {
// Logger.setLevel(this.verbose);
// Logger.setColor(this.color);
return false;
// preparse the argument to get the verbose element for Log mode
public boolean parse_generic_arg(final ArgElement argument, final boolean active) {
Log.verbose("parse arg : " + argument.getOptionName() + " " + argument.getArg() + " active=" + active);
if (argument.getOptionName().equals("help") ){
if (!active) {
return true;
if (argument.getOptionName().equals("jobs") ){
if (active) {
return true;
if (argument.getOptionName().equals("wait") ){
if (active) {
return true;
if (argument.getOptionName() .equals( "verbose") ){
if (active) {
return true;
if (argument.getOptionName() .equals( "folder") ){
if (active) {
return true;
if (argument.getOptionName() .equals( "color") ){
if (active) {
if (check_boolean(argument.getArg())) {
} else {
return true;
if (argument.getOptionName() .equals( "filter") ){
if (active) {
return true;
if (argument.getOptionName() .equals( "no-fetch-manifest")) {
if (!active) {
return true;
return false;
private void loadConfigUser() {
// open configuration of island:
// Path config_file = Env.get_island_path_user_config();
// if (Files.isDirectory(config_file)) {
// sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(config_file));
// Log.debug("Find basic configuration file: '" + config_file + "'");
// // the file exist, we can open it and get the initial configuration:
// configuration_file = __import__(Env.get_system_config_name()[:-3]);
// if ("get_exclude_path" in dir(configuration_file) {
// data = configuration_file.get_exclude_path();
// Log.debug(" get default config 'get_exclude_path' val='" + str(data) + "'");
// Env.set_exclude_search_path(data);
// if ("get_default_color" in dir(configuration_file) {
// data = configuration_file.get_default_color();
// Log.debug(" get default config 'get_default_color' val='" + str(data) + "'");
// parse_generic_arg(arg_element.ArgElement("color", str(data)), true);
// if ("get_default_debug_level" in dir(configuration_file) {
// data = configuration_file.get_default_debug_level();
// Log.debug(" get default config 'get_default_debug_level' val='" + str(data) + "'");
// parse_generic_arg(arg_element.ArgElement("verbose", str(data)), true);
// if ("get_default_folder" in dir(configuration_file) {
// data = configuration_file.get_default_folder();
// Log.debug(" get default config 'get_default_folder' val='" + str(data) + "'");
// parse_generic_arg(arg_element.ArgElement("folder", str(data)), true);
// if ("get_default_wait" in dir(configuration_file) {
// data = configuration_file.get_default_wait();
// Log.debug(" get default config 'get_default_wait' val='" + str(data) + "'");
// parse_generic_arg(arg_element.ArgElement("wait", str(data)), true);
// if ("get_default_filter" in dir(configuration_file) {
// data = configuration_file.get_default_filter();
// Log.debug(" get default config 'get_default_filter' val='" + str(data) + "'");
// parse_generic_arg(arg_element.ArgElement("filter", str(data)), true);
// }
// }
public MainIsland() {
Actions.addAction("init", IslandActionInit.class);
Actions.addAction("status", IslandActionStatus.class);
Actions.addAction("checkout", IslandActionCheckout.class);
this.my_args.addSection("option", "Can be set one time in all case");
this.my_args.add("h", "help", null, "Display this help");
this.my_args.add("v", "verbose", Arrays.asList(
new ArgChoice("0","None"),
new ArgChoice("1","error"),
new ArgChoice("2","warning"),
new ArgChoice("3","info"),
new ArgChoice("4","debug"),
new ArgChoice("5","verbose"),
new ArgChoice("6","extreme_verbose")
), "display debug level (verbose) default =2");
this.my_args.add("c", "color", null, "Display message in color");
this.my_args.add("n", "no-fetch-manifest", null, "Disable the fetch of the manifest", false);
this.my_args.add("F", "filter", null, "Filter the action on a list of path or subpath: -f library", true);
this.my_args.add("f", "folder", null, "Display the folder instead of the git repository name", false);
this.my_args.add("w", "wait", null, "Wait between 2 acces on the server (needed when the server is really slow to remove ssh connection) (default=" + Env.get_wait_between_sever_command() + ")", true);
void run(final String[] args) throws ActionException {
List<String> argss = Arrays.asList(args);
List<ArgElement> local_argument = this.my_args.parse(argss);
@ -221,10 +123,27 @@ public class MainIsland {
argss = argss.subList(this.my_args.getLastParsed()+1, argss.size());
Actions.execute(action_to_do, argss);
public static void main(final String[] args) throws ActionException {
MainIsland tmp = new MainIsland();
MainConfig tmp = new MainConfig();
ArgumentManager parser = new ArgumentManager(args, tmp, true);
if (tmp.help) {
if (!parser.hasDetectedAction()) {
Log.error("Call The application without require an action...");
if (parser.hasArgumentDetected()) {
Log.error("Detected armument unavaillable :" + parser.getArgumentDetected().toString());
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ public class Tools {
return id + "/" + count + " : " + elem.getPath();
public static void createDirectory(Path basePath) {
public static void createDirectory(final Path basePath) {
Path absPath = basePath.toAbsolutePath();
if (!Files.exists(absPath)) {
try {
@ -29,4 +29,18 @@ public class Tools {
public static void waitForServerIfNeeded() {
int waitTime = Env.get_wait_between_sever_command();
if (waitTime>0) {
Log.info("Waiting between commands: " + waitTime + "s");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
package org.atriasoft.island.actions;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.List;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgAlias;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgCommand;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgDescription;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgExecute;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgName;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgParams;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgParamsDescription;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgSample;
import org.atriasoft.island.Config;
import org.atriasoft.island.Env;
import org.atriasoft.island.Manifest;
import org.atriasoft.island.Tools;
import org.atriasoft.island.internal.Log;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ActionException;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ConfigManifest;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ProjectConfig;
@ArgDescription("Ckeckout a specific branch in all repository")
"checkout dev",
"checkout -r github master",
"checkout -r=gitlab master",
public class Checkout {
@ArgDescription("Name of the remote server")
public String remote = null;
@ArgParamsDescription("Branch to checkout (if '__TAG__' ==> checkout specific repository tags)")
public void execute(final String branch) throws ActionException, Exception {
// check system is OK
ConfigManifest configuration = Config.getUniqueConfig();
// update the local configuration file{
Path file_source_manifest = Env.get_island_path_manifest().resolve(configuration.getManifestName());
if (!Files.exists(file_source_manifest)) {
Log.critical("Missing manifest file { '" + file_source_manifest.toAbsolutePath() + "'");
Manifest mani = new Manifest(file_source_manifest);
List<ProjectConfig> all_project = mani.get_all_configs();
Log.info("checkout of{ " + all_project.size() + " projects");
int id_element = 0;
boolean have_error = false;
for (ProjectConfig elem : all_project) {
id_element += 1;
String base_display = Tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, all_project.size(), elem);
if (!StatusActions.checkout_elem(elem, this.remote, branch, base_display)) {
have_error = true;
if (have_error == true) {
//return Env.ret_action_fail;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
package org.atriasoft.island.actions;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgAlias;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgCommand;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgDescription;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgExecute;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgName;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgParams;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgSample;
import org.atriasoft.island.Config;
import org.atriasoft.island.Env;
import org.atriasoft.island.Manifest;
import org.atriasoft.island.Tools;
import org.atriasoft.island.internal.Log;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ActionException;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ConfigManifest;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git;
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.SshSessionFactory;
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.sshd.DefaultProxyDataFactory;
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.sshd.JGitKeyCache;
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.sshd.SshdSessionFactory;
@ArgDescription("Initialize an island workspace (need 'fetch' after)")
@ArgSample("init http://github.com/atria-soft/manifest.git")
public class Init {
@ArgDescription("Select the branch to checkout")
public String branch = "master";
@ArgDescription("name of the root manifest file")
public String manifestFile = "default.xml";
@ArgParams("Manifest Address")
public void execute(final String addressManifest) throws ActionException, Exception {
if (addressManifest.isEmpty()) {
Log.critical("Init: Missing manifest name");
Log.info("Init with: '" + addressManifest + "' branch='" + this.branch + "' name of manifest='" + this.manifestFile + "'");
if (Manifest.isInit()) {
Log.critical("System already init: path already exist: '" + Env.get_island_path() + "'");
// create the file configuration:
ConfigManifest configuration = Config.createUniqueConfig();
Log.info("Clone the manifest");
// init session on apache ssh:
SshdSessionFactory factory = new SshdSessionFactory(new JGitKeyCache(), new DefaultProxyDataFactory());
//Log.error("iiii " + factory.getSshDirectory());
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(factory::close));
Git git = Git.cloneRepository()
.setURI( addressManifest )
.setDirectory( Env.get_island_path_manifest().toFile() )
// TODO check all is good ==> return ...
if ret_values == false:
Log.info("'" + str(ret_values) + "'")
Log.error("Init does not work")
return false
Log.info("Init done correctly ...")
return None
// Path file_source_manifest = Env.get_island_path_manifest().resolve(configuration.getManifestName());
// if (!Files.exists(file_source_manifest)) {
// Log.critical("Missing manifest file : '" + file_source_manifest + "'");
// }
// Manifest mani = new Manifest(file_source_manifest);
// Log.error("Manifest loaded: config Len=" + mani.get_all_configs().size());
// /*
// Git git = Git.open(Env.get_island_path_manifest().toFile());
// boolean is_modify_manifest = git.status().call().hasUncommittedChanges();
// if (is_modify_manifest) {
// Log.info("!!!!!!!!!!!! MANIFEST is modify !!!!!!!!");
// }
// */
// List<ProjectConfig> all_project = mani.get_all_configs();
// Log.info("status of: " + all_project.size() + " projects");
// int id_element = 0;
// boolean is_behind = false;
// for (ProjectConfig elem : all_project) {
// id_element++;
// String base_display = Tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, all_project.size(), elem);
// Log.error(" base display: " + base_display);
// /*
// int ret = Status.displayStatus(elem, argument_remote_name, argument_display_tag, id_element, base_display);
// if (ret != 0) {
// is_behind = true;
// }
// */
// }
// if (is_behind == true) {
// //return Env.ret_action_need_updtate;
// }
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
package org.atriasoft.island.actions;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.List;
import org.atriasoft.death.ArgElement;
import org.atriasoft.death.Arguments;
import org.atriasoft.island.Config;
import org.atriasoft.island.Env;
import org.atriasoft.island.Manifest;
import org.atriasoft.island.Tools;
import org.atriasoft.island.internal.Log;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ActionException;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ActionInterface;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ConfigManifest;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ProjectConfig;
public class IslandActionCheckout extends ActionInterface {
public String help() {
return "Ckeckout a specific branch in all repository";
public void addSpecificArguments(final Arguments myArgs, final String section) {
myArgs.add("r", "remote", null, "Name of the remote server", true);
myArgs.addArg("branch", false, "Branch to checkout (if '__TAG__' ==> checkout specific repository tags)");
public String helpExample() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public void execute(final List<ArgElement> _arguments) throws ActionException, Exception {
String argument_remote_name = "";
String branch_to_checkout = "";
for (ArgElement elem : _arguments) {
if (elem.getOptionName().equals("remote")) {
Log.info("find remote name{ '" + elem.getArg() + "'");
argument_remote_name = elem.getArg();
} else if (elem.getOptionName().equals("branch")) {
branch_to_checkout = elem.getArg();
} else {
Log.error("Wrong argument{ '" + elem.getOptionName() + "' '" + elem.getArg() + "'");
// check system is OK
ConfigManifest configuration = Config.getUniqueConfig();
// update the local configuration file{
Path file_source_manifest = Env.get_island_path_manifest().resolve(configuration.getManifestName());
if (!Files.exists(file_source_manifest)) {
Log.critical("Missing manifest file { '" + file_source_manifest.toAbsolutePath() + "'");
Manifest mani = new Manifest(file_source_manifest);
List<ProjectConfig> all_project = mani.get_all_configs();
Log.info("checkout of{ " + all_project.size() + " projects");
int id_element = 0;
boolean have_error = false;
for (ProjectConfig elem : all_project) {
id_element += 1;
String base_display = Tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, all_project.size(), elem);
if (!Status.checkout_elem(elem, argument_remote_name, branch_to_checkout, base_display)) {
have_error = true;
if (have_error == true) {
//return Env.ret_action_fail;
@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
package org.atriasoft.island.actions;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.List;
import org.atriasoft.death.ArgElement;
import org.atriasoft.death.Arguments;
import org.atriasoft.island.Config;
import org.atriasoft.island.Env;
import org.atriasoft.island.Manifest;
import org.atriasoft.island.Tools;
import org.atriasoft.island.internal.Log;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ActionException;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ActionInterface;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ConfigManifest;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ProjectConfig;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git;
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.SshSessionFactory;
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.sshd.DefaultProxyDataFactory;
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.sshd.JGitKeyCache;
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.sshd.SshdSessionFactory;
public class IslandActionInit extends ActionInterface {
public String help() {
return "Init a island repository (need 'fetch' after)";
public void addSpecificArguments(final Arguments myArgs, final String section) {
myArgs.add("b", "branch", null, "Select branch to display", true);
myArgs.add("m", "manifest", null, "Name of the manifest", true);
public void execute(final List<ArgElement> _arguments) throws ActionException, Exception {
if (_arguments.size() == 0) {
Log.error("Missing argument to execute the current action ...");
String branch = "master";
String manifest_name = "default.xml";
String address_manifest = "";
for (ArgElement elem : _arguments) {
if (elem.getOptionName().equals("branch")) {
branch = elem.getArg();
Log.info("Get branch name : " + branch);
} else if (elem.getOptionName().equals("manifest")) {
manifest_name = elem.getArg();
Log.info("Get manifest name : " + manifest_name);
} else if (elem.getOptionName().equals("")) {
if (!address_manifest.isEmpty()) {
Log.critical("Manifest adress already set : '" + address_manifest + "' !!! '" + elem.getArg() + "'");
address_manifest = elem.getArg();
Log.info("Get manifest address : " + address_manifest);
} else {
Log.critical("Wrong argument: '" + elem.getOptionName() + "' '" + elem.getArg() + "'");
if (address_manifest.isEmpty()) {
Log.critical("Init: Missing manifest name");
Log.info("Init with: '" + address_manifest + "' branch='" + branch + "' name of manifest='" + manifest_name + "'");
if (Manifest.isInit()) {
Log.critical("System already init: path already exist: '" + Env.get_island_path() + "'");
// create the file configuration:
ConfigManifest configuration = Config.createUniqueConfig();
Log.info("Clone the manifest");
// init session on apache ssh:
SshdSessionFactory factory = new SshdSessionFactory(new JGitKeyCache(), new DefaultProxyDataFactory());
Log.error("iiii " + factory.getSshDirectory());
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(factory::close));
Git git = Git.cloneRepository()
.setURI( address_manifest )
.setDirectory( Env.get_island_path_manifest().toFile() )
// TODO check all is good ==> return ...
if ret_values == false:
Log.info("'" + str(ret_values) + "'")
Log.error("Init does not work")
return false
Log.info("Init done correctly ...")
return None
Path file_source_manifest = Env.get_island_path_manifest().resolve(configuration.getManifestName());
if (!Files.exists(file_source_manifest)) {
Log.critical("Missing manifest file : '" + file_source_manifest + "'");
Manifest mani = new Manifest(file_source_manifest);
Log.error("Manifest loaded: config Len=" + mani.get_all_configs().size());
Git git = Git.open(Env.get_island_path_manifest().toFile());
boolean is_modify_manifest = git.status().call().hasUncommittedChanges();
if (is_modify_manifest) {
Log.info("!!!!!!!!!!!! MANIFEST is modify !!!!!!!!");
List<ProjectConfig> all_project = mani.get_all_configs();
Log.info("status of: " + all_project.size() + " projects");
int id_element = 0;
boolean is_behind = false;
for (ProjectConfig elem : all_project) {
String base_display = Tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, all_project.size(), elem);
Log.error(" base display: " + base_display);
int ret = Status.displayStatus(elem, argument_remote_name, argument_display_tag, id_element, base_display);
if (ret != 0) {
is_behind = true;
if (is_behind == true) {
//return Env.ret_action_need_updtate;
public String helpExample() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
package org.atriasoft.island.actions;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.List;
import org.atriasoft.death.ArgElement;
import org.atriasoft.death.Arguments;
import org.atriasoft.island.Config;
import org.atriasoft.island.Env;
import org.atriasoft.island.Manifest;
import org.atriasoft.island.Tools;
import org.atriasoft.island.internal.Log;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ActionException;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ActionInterface;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ConfigManifest;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ProjectConfig;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git;
public class IslandActionStatus extends ActionInterface {
public String help() {
return "Get the status of all the repositories";
public void addSpecificArguments(final Arguments myArgs, final String section) {
myArgs.add("r", "remote", null, "Name of the remote server", true);
myArgs.add("t", "tags", null, "Display if the commit is on a tag (and display it)", false);
public void execute(final List<ArgElement> _arguments) throws ActionException, Exception {
String argument_remote_name = "";
boolean argument_display_tag = false;
for (ArgElement elem : _arguments) {
if (elem.getOptionName().equals("remote")) {
Log.info("find remote name: '" + elem.getArg() + "'");
argument_remote_name = elem.getArg();
} else if (elem.getOptionName().equals("tags")) {
argument_display_tag = true;
} else {
Log.error("Wrong argument: '" + elem.getOptionName() + "' '" + elem.getArg() + "'");
// check system is OK
ConfigManifest configuration = Config.getUniqueConfig();
Path file_source_manifest = Env.get_island_path_manifest().resolve(configuration.getManifestName());
if (!Files.exists(file_source_manifest)) {
Log.critical("Missing manifest file : '" + file_source_manifest + "'");
Manifest mani = new Manifest(file_source_manifest);
Git git = Git.open(Env.get_island_path_manifest().toFile());
boolean is_modify_manifest = git.status().call().hasUncommittedChanges();
if (is_modify_manifest) {
Log.info("!!!!!!!!!!!! MANIFEST is modify !!!!!!!!");
List<ProjectConfig> all_project = mani.get_all_configs();
Log.info("status of: " + all_project.size() + " projects");
int id_element = 0;
/* Display status of manifest ==> todo later ...
elem = configuration.get_manifest_config()
base_display = tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, len(all_project), elem)
status.display_status(elem, argument_remote_name, argument_display_tag, id_element, base_display)
boolean is_behind = false;
for (ProjectConfig elem : all_project) {
String base_display = Tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, all_project.size(), elem);
int ret = Status.displayStatus(elem, argument_remote_name, argument_display_tag, id_element, base_display);
if (ret != 0) {
is_behind = true;
if (is_behind == true) {
//return Env.ret_action_need_updtate;
public String helpExample() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
@ -1,206 +1,79 @@
package org.atriasoft.island.actions;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.List;
import org.atriasoft.island.Commands;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgAlias;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgCommand;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgDescription;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgExecute;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgName;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgSample;
import org.atriasoft.island.Config;
import org.atriasoft.island.Env;
import org.atriasoft.island.Manifest;
import org.atriasoft.island.Tools;
import org.atriasoft.island.internal.Log;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ActionException;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ConfigManifest;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ProjectConfig;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
public class Status {
private static String default_behind_message = "[DEV] update dev tag version";
private static String default_update_message = "[VERSION] update dev tag version";
private static String base_name_of_a_tagged_branch = "branch_on_tag_";
public static boolean checkout_elem(final ProjectConfig elem, final String argument_remote_name, String branch_to_checkout, final String base_display) throws Exception {
Log.verbose("checkout : " + base_display);
Path git_repo_path = Env.get_island_root_path().resolve(elem.getPath());
if (!Files.exists(git_repo_path)){
Log.warning("checkout " + base_display + " ==> repository does not exist ...");
return false;
// check if the repository is modify
Git git = Git.open(git_repo_path.toFile());
boolean is_modify = git.status().call().hasUncommittedChanges();
if (is_modify == true){
Log.warning("checkout " + base_display + " ==> modify data can not checkout new branch");
return false;
List<String> list_branch_local = Commands.get_list_branch_local(git);
String select_branch = git.getRepository().getBranch();
boolean is_tag = false;
if (branch_to_checkout.equals("__TAG__")) {
branch_to_checkout = Status.base_name_of_a_tagged_branch + elem.getTag();
is_tag = true;
if (elem.isVolatile()) {
Log.info("checkout " + base_display + " ==> Can not checkout for 'volatile' repository");
return true;
if (elem.getTag() == null) {
Log.info("checkout " + base_display + " ==> Can not checkout for 'null' Tag");
return true;
// check if we are on the good branch{
if (branch_to_checkout.equals(select_branch)) {
Log.info("checkout " + base_display + " ==> No change already on good branch");
return true;
// check if we have already checkout the branch before
Log.verbose(" check : " + branch_to_checkout + " in " + list_branch_local);
if (list_branch_local.contains(branch_to_checkout)) {
Log.info("checkout " + base_display + " ==> switch branch");
return true;
List<String> list_tags = Commands.get_tags(git);
if (list_tags.contains(branch_to_checkout)) {
is_tag = true;
if (elem.getTag() == null) {
branch_to_checkout = Status.base_name_of_a_tagged_branch + elem.getTag();
// Check if the remote branch exist ...
if (is_tag) {
Log.info("checkout " + base_display + " ==> NO remote branch");
return true;
List<String> list_branch_remote = Commands.get_list_branch_remote(git);
String tryRemoteBranch = elem.getSelectRemotes().getName() + "/" + branch_to_checkout;
if (list_branch_remote.contains(tryRemoteBranch)) {
Log.info(" ==> find ...");
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.error("checkout " + base_display + " ==> Can not checkout to the correct branch");
return false;
Log.info("checkout " + base_display + " ==> create new branch");
return true;
// Checkout a specific tags{
if (!list_tags.contains(elem.getTag())) {
Log.info("checkout " + base_display + " ==> NO remote tags");
return true;
Log.info(" ==> find ...");
Log.todo("checkout " + base_display + " ==> Can not checkout to the correct tags MUST be inplemented");
return false;
// checkout the new branch{
cmd = "git checkout --quiet " + elem.tag + " -b " + branch_to_checkout;
// + " --track " + elem.select_remote["name"] + "/" + branch_to_checkout;
Log.verbose("execute : " + cmd);
ret = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=git_repo_path);
if ret[1] != "" \
and ret != false{
Log.info("'" + str(ret) + "'");
Log.error("checkout " + base_display + " ==> Can not checkout to the correct tags");
return false;
Log.info("checkout " + base_display + " ==> create new branch: " + branch_to_checkout);
return true;
public static int displayStatus(final ProjectConfig elem, final String argument_remote_name, final boolean argument_display_tag, final int id_element, final String base_display) throws IOException, GitAPIException {
String volatileString = "";
if (elem.isVolatile()) {
volatileString = " (volatile)";
Log.verbose("status : " + base_display);
//Log.debug("elem : " + str(elem))
Path git_repo_path = Env.get_island_root_path().resolve(elem.getPath());
if (!Files.exists(git_repo_path)) {
Log.info(base_display + volatileString + "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + " (not download)");
return 0;
Git git = Git.open(git_repo_path.toFile());
boolean is_modify = git.status().call().hasUncommittedChanges();
List<String> list_branch = Commands.get_list_branch_all(git);
String select_branch = git.getRepository().getBranch();
Log.verbose("List all branch: " + list_branch);
String tracking_remote_branch = null;
if (!select_branch.startsWith(Status.base_name_of_a_tagged_branch)) {
// get tracking branch
tracking_remote_branch = Commands.get_tracking_branch(git, argument_remote_name, select_branch);
if (tracking_remote_branch == null) {
Log.info(base_display + volatileString + "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t (NO BRANCH)");
return 0;
} else {
tracking_remote_branch = select_branch.substring(Status.base_name_of_a_tagged_branch.length());
String modify_status = " ";
if (is_modify == true) {
modify_status = " *** ";
Log.verbose("select branch = '" + select_branch + "' is modify : " + is_modify + " track: '" + tracking_remote_branch + "'");
List<ObjectId> ret_current_branch_sha1 = Commands.get_revision_list_to_branch(git, select_branch);
List<ObjectId> ret_track_branch_sha1 = Commands.get_revision_list_to_branch(git, tracking_remote_branch);
// remove all identical sha1 ==> not needed for this
int in_forward = 0;
for (ObjectId elem_sha1 : ret_current_branch_sha1) {
if (!ret_track_branch_sha1.contains(elem_sha1)) {
int in_behind = 0;
for (ObjectId elem_sha1 : ret_track_branch_sha1) {
if (!ret_current_branch_sha1.contains(elem_sha1)) {
String behind_forward_comment = "";
if (in_forward != 0) {
behind_forward_comment += "forward=" + in_forward;
if (in_behind != 0) {
if (in_forward != 0) {
behind_forward_comment += " ";
behind_forward_comment += "behind=" + in_behind;
if (behind_forward_comment != "") {
behind_forward_comment = "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[" + behind_forward_comment + "]";
String tags_comment = "";
// check the current tags of the repository
if (argument_display_tag) {
List<String> ret_current_tags = Commands.get_tags_current(git);
Log.verbose("tags found: " + ret_current_tags);
for (String elem_tag : ret_current_tags) {
if (!tags_comment.isEmpty()) {
tags_comment += ",";
tags_comment += elem_tag;
if (!tags_comment.isEmpty()) {
tags_comment = "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[" + tags_comment + "]";
} else {
tags_comment = "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t- - - - -";
Log.print(base_display + volatileString + "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + modify_status + "(" + select_branch + " -> " + tracking_remote_branch + ")" + behind_forward_comment + tags_comment);
if (is_modify) {
return in_behind;
@ArgDescription("Get the status of all the repositories")
@ArgSample("status --tags")
public class Status {
@ArgDescription("Name of the remote server")
public String remote = null;
@ArgDescription("Display if the commit is on a tag (and display it)")
public boolean display_tag = false;
public void execute() throws ActionException, Exception {
// check system is OK
ConfigManifest configuration = Config.getUniqueConfig();
Path file_source_manifest = Env.get_island_path_manifest().resolve(configuration.getManifestName());
if (!Files.exists(file_source_manifest)) {
Log.critical("Missing manifest file : '" + file_source_manifest + "'");
Manifest mani = new Manifest(file_source_manifest);
Git git = Git.open(Env.get_island_path_manifest().toFile());
boolean is_modify_manifest = git.status().call().hasUncommittedChanges();
if (is_modify_manifest) {
Log.info("!!!!!!!!!!!! MANIFEST is modify !!!!!!!!");
List<ProjectConfig> all_project = mani.get_all_configs();
Log.info("status of: " + all_project.size() + " projects");
int id_element = 0;
/* Display status of manifest ==> todo later ...
elem = configuration.get_manifest_config()
base_display = tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, len(all_project), elem)
status.display_status(elem, remote, display_tag, id_element, base_display)
boolean is_behind = false;
for (ProjectConfig elem : all_project) {
String base_display = Tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, all_project.size(), elem);
int ret = StatusActions.displayStatus(elem, this.remote, this.display_tag, id_element, base_display);
if (ret != 0) {
is_behind = true;
if (is_behind == true) {
//return Env.ret_action_need_updtate;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
package org.atriasoft.island.actions;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.List;
import org.atriasoft.island.Commands;
import org.atriasoft.island.Env;
import org.atriasoft.island.internal.Log;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ProjectConfig;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
public class StatusActions {
private static String default_behind_message = "[DEV] update dev tag version";
private static String default_update_message = "[VERSION] update dev tag version";
private static String base_name_of_a_tagged_branch = "branch_on_tag_";
public static boolean checkout_elem(final ProjectConfig elem, final String argument_remote_name, String branch_to_checkout, final String base_display) throws Exception {
Log.verbose("checkout : " + base_display);
Path git_repo_path = Env.get_island_root_path().resolve(elem.getPath());
if (!Files.exists(git_repo_path)){
Log.warning("checkout " + base_display + " ==> repository does not exist ...");
return false;
// check if the repository is modify
Git git = Git.open(git_repo_path.toFile());
boolean is_modify = git.status().call().hasUncommittedChanges();
if (is_modify == true){
Log.warning("checkout " + base_display + " ==> modify data can not checkout new branch");
return false;
List<String> list_branch_local = Commands.get_list_branch_local(git);
String select_branch = git.getRepository().getBranch();
boolean is_tag = false;
if (branch_to_checkout.equals("__TAG__")) {
branch_to_checkout = StatusActions.base_name_of_a_tagged_branch + elem.getTag();
is_tag = true;
if (elem.isVolatile()) {
Log.info("checkout " + base_display + " ==> Can not checkout for 'volatile' repository");
return true;
if (elem.getTag() == null) {
Log.info("checkout " + base_display + " ==> Can not checkout for 'null' Tag");
return true;
// check if we are on the good branch{
if (branch_to_checkout.equals(select_branch)) {
Log.info("checkout " + base_display + " ==> No change already on good branch");
return true;
// check if we have already checkout the branch before
Log.verbose(" check : " + branch_to_checkout + " in " + list_branch_local);
if (list_branch_local.contains(branch_to_checkout)) {
Log.info("checkout " + base_display + " ==> switch branch");
return true;
List<String> list_tags = Commands.get_tags(git);
if (list_tags.contains(branch_to_checkout)) {
is_tag = true;
if (elem.getTag() == null) {
branch_to_checkout = StatusActions.base_name_of_a_tagged_branch + elem.getTag();
// Check if the remote branch exist ...
if (is_tag) {
Log.info("checkout " + base_display + " ==> NO remote branch");
return true;
List<String> list_branch_remote = Commands.get_list_branch_remote(git);
String tryRemoteBranch = elem.getSelectRemotes().getName() + "/" + branch_to_checkout;
if (list_branch_remote.contains(tryRemoteBranch)) {
Log.info(" ==> find ...");
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.error("checkout " + base_display + " ==> Can not checkout to the correct branch");
return false;
Log.info("checkout " + base_display + " ==> create new branch");
return true;
// Checkout a specific tags{
if (!list_tags.contains(elem.getTag())) {
Log.info("checkout " + base_display + " ==> NO remote tags");
return true;
Log.info(" ==> find ...");
Log.todo("checkout " + base_display + " ==> Can not checkout to the correct tags MUST be inplemented");
return false;
// checkout the new branch{
cmd = "git checkout --quiet " + elem.tag + " -b " + branch_to_checkout;
// + " --track " + elem.select_remote["name"] + "/" + branch_to_checkout;
Log.verbose("execute : " + cmd);
ret = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=git_repo_path);
if ret[1] != "" \
and ret != false{
Log.info("'" + str(ret) + "'");
Log.error("checkout " + base_display + " ==> Can not checkout to the correct tags");
return false;
Log.info("checkout " + base_display + " ==> create new branch: " + branch_to_checkout);
return true;
public static int displayStatus(final ProjectConfig elem, final String argument_remote_name, final boolean argument_display_tag, final int id_element, final String base_display) throws IOException, GitAPIException {
String volatileString = "";
if (elem.isVolatile()) {
volatileString = " (volatile)";
Log.verbose("status : " + base_display);
//Log.debug("elem : " + str(elem))
Path git_repo_path = Env.get_island_root_path().resolve(elem.getPath());
if (!Files.exists(git_repo_path)) {
Log.print(base_display + volatileString + "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + " (not download)");
return 0;
Git git = Git.open(git_repo_path.toFile());
boolean is_modify = git.status().call().hasUncommittedChanges();
List<String> list_branch = Commands.get_list_branch_all(git);
String select_branch = git.getRepository().getBranch();
Log.verbose("List all branch: " + list_branch);
String tracking_remote_branch = null;
if (!select_branch.startsWith(StatusActions.base_name_of_a_tagged_branch)) {
// get tracking branch
tracking_remote_branch = Commands.get_tracking_branch(git, argument_remote_name, select_branch);
if (tracking_remote_branch == null) {
Log.print(base_display + volatileString + "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t (NO BRANCH)");
return 0;
} else {
tracking_remote_branch = select_branch.substring(StatusActions.base_name_of_a_tagged_branch.length());
String modify_status = " ";
if (is_modify == true) {
modify_status = " *** ";
Log.verbose("select branch = '" + select_branch + "' is modify : " + is_modify + " track: '" + tracking_remote_branch + "'");
List<ObjectId> ret_current_branch_sha1 = Commands.get_revision_list_to_branch(git, select_branch);
List<ObjectId> ret_track_branch_sha1 = Commands.get_revision_list_to_branch(git, tracking_remote_branch);
// remove all identical sha1 ==> not needed for this
int in_forward = 0;
for (ObjectId elem_sha1 : ret_current_branch_sha1) {
if (!ret_track_branch_sha1.contains(elem_sha1)) {
int in_behind = 0;
for (ObjectId elem_sha1 : ret_track_branch_sha1) {
if (!ret_current_branch_sha1.contains(elem_sha1)) {
String behind_forward_comment = "";
if (in_forward != 0) {
behind_forward_comment += "forward=" + in_forward;
if (in_behind != 0) {
if (in_forward != 0) {
behind_forward_comment += " ";
behind_forward_comment += "behind=" + in_behind;
if (behind_forward_comment != "") {
behind_forward_comment = "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[" + behind_forward_comment + "]";
String tags_comment = "";
// check the current tags of the repository
if (argument_display_tag) {
List<String> ret_current_tags = Commands.get_tags_current(git);
Log.verbose("tags found: " + ret_current_tags);
for (String elem_tag : ret_current_tags) {
if (!tags_comment.isEmpty()) {
tags_comment += ",";
tags_comment += elem_tag;
if (!tags_comment.isEmpty()) {
tags_comment = "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[" + tags_comment + "]";
} else {
tags_comment = "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t- - - - -";
Log.print(base_display + volatileString + "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + modify_status + "(" + select_branch + " -> " + tracking_remote_branch + ")" + behind_forward_comment + tags_comment);
if (is_modify) {
return in_behind;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
package org.atriasoft.island.actions;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.List;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgAlias;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgCommand;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgDescription;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgExecute;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgName;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgSample;
import org.atriasoft.island.Config;
import org.atriasoft.island.Env;
import org.atriasoft.island.Manifest;
import org.atriasoft.island.Tools;
import org.atriasoft.island.internal.Log;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ActionException;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ConfigManifest;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.MirrorConfig;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ProjectConfig;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.BranchConfig;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.StoredConfig;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.TextProgressMonitor;
@ArgDescription("Syncronize all the repository referenced")
@ArgSample("sync -d")
public class Sync {
@ArgDescription("Just download the 'not download' repository")
public boolean downloadOnly = false;
@ArgDescription("Name of the remote server")
public String remote = "origin";
public void execute() throws ActionException, Exception {
// check system is OK
ConfigManifest configuration = Config.getUniqueConfig();
// fetch or pull the manifest in case...
Git git = Git.open(Env.get_island_path_manifest().toFile());
boolean is_modify_manifest = git.status().call().hasUncommittedChanges();
if (is_modify_manifest) {
} else {
// load the manifest after pulling it (if possible)
Path file_source_manifest = Env.get_island_path_manifest().resolve(configuration.getManifestName());
if (!Files.exists(file_source_manifest)) {
Log.critical("Missing manifest file : '" + file_source_manifest + "'");
Manifest mani = new Manifest(file_source_manifest);
List<ProjectConfig> all_project = mani.get_all_configs();
Log.info("Synchronize of: " + all_project.size() + " projects");
int id_element = 0;
for (ProjectConfig elem : all_project) {
String base_display = Tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, all_project.size(), elem);
Log.info("sync : " + base_display);
Log.debug("elem : " + elem);
Path git_repo_path = Env.get_island_root_path().resolve(elem.getPath());
if (elem.getTag() != null) {
Log.todo("Need to select a specific tag version ... " + elem.getTag());
if (!Files.exists(git_repo_path)) {
// this is a new clone ==> this is easy ...
Log.warning("Path Does not Exist ... " + git_repo_path);
String addressManifest = configuration.createAdressGitRepo(elem.getSelectRemotes().getFetch(), elem.getName());
Log.info("clone the repo : " + addressManifest);
Git git = Git.cloneRepository()
.setProgressMonitor(new TextProgressMonitor(new PrintWriter(System.out)))
.setURI( addressManifest )
.setDirectory( git_repo_path.toFile() )
// add global mirror list
for (MirrorConfig mirror : elem.getSelectRemotes().getMirror()) {
Log.verbose("Add global mirror: " + mirror);
String addressManifestMiror = configuration.createAdressGitRepo(mirror.getFetch(), elem.getName());
StoredConfig config = git.getRepository().getConfig();
config.setString("remote", mirror.getName(), "url", addressManifestMiror);
// check submodule if requested:
if (elem.getSelectRemotes().isSync()
&& Files.exists(git_repo_path.resolve(".gitmodules"))) {
Log.info(" ==> update submodule (init)");
Log.info(" ==> update submodule (update)");
.setProgressMonitor(new TextProgressMonitor(new PrintWriter(System.out)))
if (!Files.exists(git_repo_path.resolve(".git"))) {
// path already exist but it is not used to as a git repo ==> this is an error
Log.error("path '" + git_repo_path + "' is already existing but not used for a git repository. Clean it and restart");
if (this.downloadOnly == true) {
Log.info("SYNC: Already downloaded");
// simply update the repository ...
Log.verbose("Fetching project: ");
Git git = Git.open(Env.get_island_path_manifest().toFile());
Repository repo = git.getRepository();
// get tracking branch
String ret_track = new BranchConfig(repo.getConfig(), repo.getBranch()).getTrackingBranch();
boolean is_modify = git.status().call().hasUncommittedChanges();
String select_branch = repo.getFullBranch();
if (is_modify) {
// fetch the repository
.setProgressMonitor(new TextProgressMonitor(new PrintWriter(System.out)))
Log.warning("[" + elem.getName() + "] Not update ==> the repository is modified (just fetch)");
.setProgressMonitor(new TextProgressMonitor(new PrintWriter(System.out)))
Log.verbose("select branch = '" + select_branch + "' track: '" + ret_track + "'");
// check submodule if requested:
if (elem.getSelectRemotes().isSync()
&& Files.exists(git_repo_path.resolve(".gitmodules"))) {
Log.info(" ==> sync submodule");
.setProgressMonitor(new TextProgressMonitor(new PrintWriter(System.out)))
// Update the links:
//TODO: have_error = update_links.update(configuration, mani, "sync-local")
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
package org.atriasoft.island.model;
import java.util.List;
import org.atriasoft.death.ArgElement;
import org.atriasoft.death.Arguments;
public abstract class ActionInterface {
* Get the global description of the current action
* @return the description string (fist line if reserved for the overview, all is for the specific display)
public abstract String help();
* @brief Add argument to the specific action
* @param[in,out] my_args (death.Arguments) Argument manager
* @param[in] section Name of the currect action
public void addSpecificArguments(final Arguments myArgs, final String section) {
* Set the option argument are not able to check if the argument are correct or not
* @return Have parameter without arguments
public boolean haveUnknowArgument() {
return false;
* Execute the action required.
* @return error value [0 .. 50] the <0 value is reserved system ==> else, what you want.
* None : No error (return program out 0)
* -10 : ACTION is not existing
* -11 : ACTION execution system error
* -12 : ACTION Wrong parameters
public abstract void execute(List<ArgElement> _arguments) throws ActionException, Exception;
public abstract String helpExample();
@ -123,105 +123,40 @@ public class ConfigManifest {
// public void load():
// // transform the old format of configuration (use json now ==> simple
// if os.path.exists(Env.get_island_path_config_old()) == true:
// self.convert_config_file()
// if os.path.exists(Env.get_island_path_config()) == false:
// return true
// this.volatiles = []
// this.curentLink = []
// with open(Env.get_island_path_config()) as json_file:
// data = json.load(json_file)
// if "repo" in data.keys():
// this.repo = data["repo"]
// if "branch" in data.keys():
// this.branch = data["branch"]
// if "manifest_name" in data.keys():
// this.manifestName = data["manifest_name"]
// if "volatiles" in data.keys():
// for elem in data["
// self.add_volatile(elem["git_address"], elem["path"])
// if "link" in data.keys():
// for elem in data["link"]:
// if "source" in elem.keys() and "destination" in elem.keys():
// self.add_link(elem["source"], elem["destination"])
// return true
// return false
// public void store(self):
// data = {}
// data["repo"] = this.repo
// data["branch"] = this.branch
// data["manifest_name"] = this.manifestName
// data["volatiles"] = this.volatiles
// data["link"] = this.curentLink
// with open(Env.get_island_path_config(), 'w') as outfile:
// json.dump(data, outfile, indent=4)
// return true
// return false
// public void add_volatile(self, git_adress, local_path):
// for elem in this.volatiles:
// if elem["path"] == local_path:
// Log.error("can not have multiple local repositoty on the same PATH", crash=false)
// return false
// this.volatiles.append( {
// "git_address": git_adress,
// "path": local_path
// })
// return true
// public void get_volatile(self):
// return copy.deepcopy(this.volatiles)
// public void get_links(self):
// return this.curentLink
// public void add_link(self, source, destination):
// for elem in this.curentLink:
// if elem["destination"] == destination:
// Log.error("can not have multiple destination folder in link " + destination, crash=false)
// return false
// this.curentLink.append( {
// "source": source,
// "destination": destination
// })
// return true
// public void remove_link(self, destination):
// for elem in this.curentLink:
// if elem["destination"] == destination:
// del this.curentLink[elem]
// return
// Log.warning("Request remove link that does not exist")
// public void clear_links(self):
// this.curentLink = []
// public void get_manifest_config(self):
// conf = repo_config.RepoConfig()
// base_volatile, repo_volatile = repo_config.split_repo(self.get_manifest())
// conf.name = repo_volatile
// conf.path = new Path("." + Env.get_system_base_name(), "manifest") //Env.get_island_path_manifest()
// conf.branch = "master"
// conf.volatile = false
// conf.remotes = [
// {
// 'name': 'origin',
// 'fetch': base_volatile,
// 'mirror': []
// }
// ]
// conf.select_remote = {
// 'name': 'origin',
// 'fetch': base_volatile,
// 'sync': false,
// 'mirror': []
// }
// return conf
public String createAdressGitRepo(final String fetch, final String name) {
// check if it is a directAdress:
if (fetch.startsWith("git@")
|| fetch.startsWith("http://")
|| fetch.startsWith("https://")) {
if (fetch.startsWith("git@")
&& fetch.substring(4).split(":").length <= 1) {
return fetch + ":" + name;
return fetch + "/" + name;
// this is a relative repository (../xxxx) >> need to remove enought path in the root...
String addressManifest = this.repo.replace('\\', '/');
String offsetFetch = fetch.replace('\\', '/');
while (offsetFetch.startsWith("..")) {
if (offsetFetch.startsWith("../")) {
offsetFetch = offsetFetch.substring(3);
} else if (offsetFetch.equals("..")){
offsetFetch = offsetFetch.substring(2);
} else {
int index = addressManifest.lastIndexOf('/');
if (index == -1) {
index = addressManifest.lastIndexOf(':');
if (index == -1) {
Log.critical("Can not retrieve the path of the repository : " + this.repo + " AND " + fetch);
index += 1;
addressManifest = addressManifest.substring(0, index);
return addressManifest + offsetFetch + name;
@ -30,5 +30,6 @@ public class MirrorConfig {
public void setFetch(final String fetch) {
this.fetch = fetch;
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ public class ProjectConfig {
private String name;
private String path;
private String tag;
private String branch;
private boolean volatileElement = false;
private List<RemoteConfig> remotes = new ArrayList<>();
RemoteConfig selectRemotes = null;
@ -22,12 +23,21 @@ public class ProjectConfig {
this.name = null;
this.path = null;
this.tag = null;
this.branch = null;
@XmlName({"name", "path", "tag"})
public ProjectConfig(final String name, final String path, final String tag) {
@XmlName({"name", "path"})
public ProjectConfig(final String name, final String path) {
this.name = name;
this.path = path;
this.tag = tag;
this.tag = null;
this.branch = null;
@XmlName({"name", "path", "branch"})
public ProjectConfig(final String name, final String path, final String branch) {
this.name = name;
this.path = path;
this.tag = null;
this.tag = branch;
public String getName() {
return this.name;
@ -49,9 +59,12 @@ public class ProjectConfig {
this.tag = tag;
public void setBranch(final String tag) {
this.tag = tag;
public void setBranch(final String branch) {
this.branch = branch;
public String getBranch() {
return this.branch;
@ -76,4 +89,8 @@ public class ProjectConfig {
public void setVolatile(final boolean volatileElement) {
this.volatileElement = volatileElement;
public String toString() {
return "ProjectConfig [name=" + this.name + ", path=" + this.path + ", tag=" + this.tag +", branch=" + this.branch + ", volatileElement=" + this.volatileElement + ", remotes=" + this.remotes + ", selectRemotes=" + this.selectRemotes + "]";
@ -5,11 +5,13 @@ import java.util.List;
import org.atriasoft.exml.annotation.XmlAttribute;
import org.atriasoft.exml.annotation.XmlName;
import org.atriasoft.exml.annotation.XmlOptional;
public class RemoteConfig {
private String name;
private String fetch;
List<MirrorConfig> mirror;
private String name; // Local name of the remote.
private String fetch; // Address to fetch.
private boolean sync = true; // Need to sync the submodule.
List<MirrorConfig> mirror; // List of all mirror available.
@XmlName({"name", "fetch", "mirror"})
public RemoteConfig(final String name, final String fetch, final List<MirrorConfig> mirror) {
@ -51,4 +53,14 @@ public class RemoteConfig {
return new RemoteConfig(this.name, this.fetch, new ArrayList<>(this.mirror));
public boolean isSync() {
return this.sync;
public void setSync(final boolean sync) {
this.sync = sync;
@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import Log
from island import tools
from island import env
from island import config
from island import multiprocess
from island import manifest
from island import commands
import update_links
import os
//# @brief Get the global description of the current action
//# @return (string) the description string (fist line if reserved for the overview, all is for the specific display)
public void help():
return "Syncronize all the repository referenced"
//# @brief at the end of the help wa have the example section
//# @return (string) the Example description string
public void help_example():
return "island init https://git.heeroyui.org/atria-tools/island.git"
//# @brief Add argument to the specific action
//# @param[in,out] my_args (death.Arguments) Argument manager
//# @param[in] section Name of the currect action
public void add_specific_arguments(my_args, section):
my_args.add("d", "download", haveParam=false, desc="Just download the 'not download' repository")
//# @brief Execute the action required.
//# @return error value [0 .. 50] the <0 value is reserved system ==> else, what you want.
//# None : No error (return program out 0)
//# -10 : ACTION is not existing
//# -11 : ACTION execution system error
//# -12 : ACTION Wrong parameters
public void execute(_arguments):
just_download = false
for elem in _arguments:
if elem.getOptionName().equals("download":
just_download = true
Log.info("find remote name: '" + elem.getArg() + "'")
Log.error("SYNC Wrong argument: '" + elem.getOptionName() + "' '" + elem.getArg() + "'")
// check system is OK
ConfigManifest configuration = Config.getUniqueConfig();
// TODO: Load Old manifect to check diff ...
Log.info("update manifest : '" + str(Env.get_island_path_manifest()) + "'")
is_modify_manifest = commands.check_repository_is_modify(Env.get_island_path_manifest())
if is_modify_manifest == true:
commands.fetch(Env.get_island_path_manifest(), "origin")
commands.pull(Env.get_island_path_manifest(), "origin")
file_source_manifest = new Path(Env.get_island_path_manifest(), configuration.get_manifest_name())
if os.path.exists(file_source_manifest) == false:
Log.error("Missing manifest file : '" + str(file_source_manifest) + "'")
mani = manifest.Manifest(file_source_manifest)
all_project = mani.get_all_configs()
Log.info("synchronize : " + str(len(all_project)) + " projects")
id_element = 0
for elem in all_project:
id_element += 1
base_display = tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, len(all_project), elem)
Log.info("sync : " + base_display)
//Log.debug("elem : " + str(elem))
git_repo_path = new Path(Env.get_island_root_path(), elem.path)
if elem.tag != None:
Log.warning("Need to select a specific tag version ... " + elem.tag)
if os.path.exists(git_repo_path) == false:
// this is a new clone ==> this is easy ...
//clone the manifest repository
address_manifest = ""
//## example git@git.plouf.com:basic_folder
address_manifest = elem.select_remote["fetch"]
if elem.select_remote["fetch"][0:4].equals("git@" \
and len(elem.select_remote["fetch"][4:].split(":")) <= 1:
address_manifest += ":"
address_manifest += "/"
address_manifest += elem.name
Log.info("clone the repo")
ret = commands.clone(git_repo_path, address_manifest, branch_name=elem.branch, origin=elem.select_remote["name"])
if ret[0] != "" \
and ret[0] != false:
// all is good, ready to get the system work corectly
Log.info("'" + str(ret) + "'")
Log.error("Clone repository does not work ... ")
// add global mirror list
for mirror in elem.select_remote["mirror"]:
Log.verbose("Add global mirror: " + str(mirror))
cmd = "git remote add " + mirror["name"] + " " + mirror["fetch"]
if mirror["fetch"][0:4].equals("git@":
cmd += ":"
cmd += "/"
cmd += elem.name
ret = multiprocess.run_command_direct(cmd, cwd=git_repo_path)
if ret != "" \
and ret != false:
// all is good, ready to get the system work corectly
Log.info("'" + str(ret) + "'")
Log.warning("Can not add global mirror ... ")
Log.verbose("Add global mirror: " + str(mirror) + " (done)")
//Log.info("plop " + str(elem.select_remote.keys()))
// check submodule if requested:
if elem.select_remote["sync"] == true \
and os.path.exists(new Path(git_repo_path, ".gitmodules")) == true:
Log.info(" ==> update submodule")
cmd = "git submodule init"
ret = multiprocess.run_command_direct(cmd, cwd=git_repo_path)
if ret != "" \
and ret != false:
// all is good, ready to get the system work corectly
Log.info("'" + str(ret) + "'")
Log.error("Can not init submodules ... ")
cmd = "git submodule update"
ret = multiprocess.run_command_direct(cmd, cwd=git_repo_path)
if ret[:16].equals("Submodule path '":
//all is good ...
Log.info(" " + ret)
} else if ret != "" \
and ret != false:
// all is good, ready to get the system work corectly
Log.info("'" + str(ret) + "'")
Log.error("Can not init submodules ... ")
if just_download == true:
Log.info("SYNC: Already downloaded")
if os.path.exists(new Path(git_repo_path,".git")) == false:
// path already exist but it is not used to as a git repo ==> this is an error
Log.error("path '" + git_repo_path + "' is already existing but not used for a git repository. Clean it and restart")
// simply update the repository ...
Log.verbose("Fetching project: ")
// get tracking branch
ret_track = commands.get_current_tracking_branch(git_repo_path)
is_modify = commands.check_repository_is_modify(git_repo_path)
select_branch = commands.get_current_branch(git_repo_path)
if is_modify == true:
// fetch the repository
commands.fetch(git_repo_path, elem.select_remote["name"])
Log.warning("[" + elem.name + "] Not update ==> the repository is modified (just fetch)")
commands.pull(git_repo_path, elem.select_remote["name"])
Log.verbose("select branch = '" + select_branch + "' track: '" + str(ret_track) + "'")
// check submodule if requested:
if elem.select_remote["sync"] == true \
and os.path.exists(new Path(git_repo_path, ".gitmodules")) == true:
Log.info(" ==> sync submodule")
//# Update the links:
have_error = update_links.update(configuration, mani, "sync-local")
if have_error == true:
return -1
return None
Reference in New Issue
Block a user