[DEV] continue migration
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
Island (java version)
Island is a tool to manage big workspace with many dependency and life cycle for big project.
This is a re-implement of island in java with the benefit of managing the jgit interface and the "maven model" repository download for artefacts.
Install island
Install with krypton
cf krypton repository ...
to install:
krypton install island
to remove:
krypton remove island
Manual installation
Remove old island (python)
\rm -f /home/heero/.local/bin/island
\rm -f /usr/bin/island
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
package org.atriasoft.island;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
@ -234,8 +237,8 @@ public class Commands {
* @throws GitAPIException
public static DeltaBranch getDeltaBranch(final Git git, final String branch1, final String branch2) throws IOException, GitAPIException {
List<ObjectId> retCurrentBranchSha1 = getRevisionListToBranch(git, branch1);
List<ObjectId> retTrackBranchSha1 = getRevisionListToBranch(git, branch2);
List<ObjectId> retCurrentBranchSha1 = Commands.getRevisionListToBranch(git, branch1);
List<ObjectId> retTrackBranchSha1 = Commands.getRevisionListToBranch(git, branch2);
// remove all identical sha1 ==> not needed for this
int inForward = 0;
for (ObjectId elemSha1 : retCurrentBranchSha1) {
@ -265,5 +268,68 @@ public class Commands {
return new DeltaBranch(inForward, inBehind);
public static void checkout(final Git git, final String destination_branch) {
try {
git.checkout().setCreateBranch(false).setName("refs/heads/" + destination_branch).call();
} catch (GitAPIException e) {
Log.error("can not checkout branch:" + destination_branch);
public static String input() {
// Enter data using BufferReader
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
// Reading data using readLine
try {
return reader.readLine();
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return "";
public record CreateVersion(String[] version, boolean addInManagement) {}
public static CreateVersion get_current_version_repo(final Path git_repo_path) {
Path version_path_file = git_repo_path.resolve("version.txt");
boolean add_in_version_management = false;
String[] version_description = null;
if (!Files.exists(version_path_file)) {
Log.info("deliver: ==> No 'version.txt' file ==> not manage release version....");
// Action to do:
boolean valid = false;
String input1 = null;
while (!valid) {
Log.print("Create a new version: (0.0.0)");
Log.print(" (1) Add in managing version");
Log.print(" (2) Do NOTHING & continue");
input1 = Commands.input();
if (input1.equals("1") || input1.equals("2") ) {
valid = true;
} else {
Log.print("!!! Must select in range [1,2]");
if (input1.equals("1")) {
version_description = new String[]{"0", "0", "0"};
add_in_version_management = true;
} else if (input1.equals("1")) {
Log.info("Continue Not managing for this repository");
return null;
} else {
Log.warning("An error occured for this repository");
return null;
} else {
try {
version_description = Tools.version_string_to_list(Tools.readFile(version_path_file, Charset.defaultCharset()));
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return new CreateVersion(version_description, add_in_version_management);
@ -8,13 +8,16 @@ import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgCommand;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgDescription;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgName;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgSubActions;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.Checkout;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.Commit;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.Fetch;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.Init;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.Push;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.Status;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.Sync;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.BaseCheckout;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.BaseCommit;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.Deliver;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.BaseFetch;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.BaseInit;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.ManifestCheckout;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.ManifestStatus;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.BasePush;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.BaseStatus;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.BaseSync;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.VolatileAdd;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.VolatileList;
import org.atriasoft.island.actions.VolatileRemove;
@ -64,16 +67,19 @@ public class MainIsland {
static public final ActionList subActions = new ActionList();
static {
public boolean check_boolean(final String value) {
@ -112,226 +112,6 @@ public class Manifest {
this.manifests.put(includeElem, tmpManifest);
XmlElement rootNode = Exml.parse(this.manifestXml).getNodes().get(0).toElement();
Log.debug("manifest : '" + this.manifestXml + "'");
if (!rootNode.getValue().equals("manifest")) {
Log.error(" in '" + this.manifestXml + "' have not main xml node='manifest'");
for (XmlNode child : rootNode.getNodes()) {
if (child.getType() == XmlNodeType.COMMENT) {
Log.verbose(" comment='" + child + "'");
if (child.getValue().equals("remote")) {
String name = "origin";
String fetch = "";
for (XmlAttribute attr : child.toElement().getAttributes()) {
if (attr.getName().equals("name")) {
name = attr.getValue();
} else if (attr.getName().equals("fetch")) {
fetch = attr.getValue();
// When we use manifest with relative element of the manifest git.
if (fetch.length() >= 2 && fetch.startsWith("..")) {
// we have a relative island manifest ==> use local manifest origin to get the full origin
Git git = Git.open(Env.get_island_path_manifest().toFile());
RemoteListCommand remoteList = git.remoteList();
// cmd = "git remote get-url origin"
// Log.verbose("execute : " + cmd)
// base_origin = multiprocess.run_command(cmd, cwd=)
// Log.verbose("base_origin=" + base_origin[1])
// base_origin = base_origin[1]
// while len(fetch) >= 2 \
// and fetch[:2].equals("..":
// fetch = fetch[2:]
// while len(fetch) >= 1 \
// and ( fetch[0].equals("/" \
// or fetch[0].equals("\\"):
// fetch = fetch[1:]
// offset_1 = base_origin.rfind('/')
// offset_2 = base_origin.rfind(':')
// if offset_1 > offset_2:
// base_origin = base_origin[:offset_1]
// else:
// base_origin = base_origin[:offset_2]
// Log.verbose("new base_origin=" + base_origin)
// Log.verbose("tmp fetch=" + fetch)
// if fetch != "":
// fetch = base_origin + "/" + fetch
// else:
// fetch = base_origin
Log.verbose("new fetch=" + fetch);
fetch = removeEndSlash(fetch);
} else {
Log.error("Parsing the manifest : Unknow '" + child.getValue() + "' attibute : '" + attr.getName() + "', availlable:[name,fetch]");
Log.debug(" find '" + child.getValue() + "' : name='" + name + "' fetch='" + fetch + "'");
// parse the sub global mirror list
List<MirrorConfig> mirror_list = new ArrayList<>();
for (XmlNode child_2 : child.toElement().getNodes()) {
if (child_2.getValue().equals("mirror")) {
// find a new mirror
String mirror_name = "";
String mirror_fetch = "";
for (XmlAttribute attr_2 : child_2.toElement().getAttributes()) {
if (attr_2.getName().equals("name")) {
mirror_name = attr_2.getValue();
} else if (attr_2.getName().equals("fetch")) {
mirror_fetch = attr_2.getValue();
mirror_fetch = removeEndSlash(mirror_fetch);
} else {
Log.error("Parsing the manifest : Unknow '" + child_2.getValue() + "' attibute : '" + attr_2 + "', availlable:[name,fetch]");
Log.debug("mirror: '" + mirror_name + "' '" + mirror_fetch + "'");
if (mirror_name.isEmpty()) {
Log.critical("Missing mirrot 'name'");
if (mirror_fetch.isEmpty()) {
Log.critical("Missing mirror 'fetch'");
mirror_list.add(new MirrorConfig(mirror_name, mirror_fetch));
} else {
Log.critical("Parsing the manifest : Unknow '" + child_2.getValue() + "', availlable:[mirror]");
this.remotes.add(new RemoteConfig(name, fetch, mirror_list));
if (child.getValue().equals("include")) {
String name = "";
for (XmlAttribute attr : child.toElement().getAttributes()) {
if (attr.getName().equals("name")) {
name = attr.getValue();
} else {
Log.error("Parsing the manifest : Unknow '" + child.getValue() + "' attibute : '" + attr + "', availlable:[name]");
Log.debug(" find '" + child.getValue() + "' : name='" + name + "'");
// check if the file exist ...
Path new_name_xml = this.manifestXml.resolve(name);
if (!Files.exists(new_name_xml)) {
Log.critical("The file does not exist: " + new_name_xml);
this.includes.add(new IncludeConfig(name, new_name_xml, null));
if (child.getValue().equals("default")) {
String remote = "origin";
String revision = "master";
boolean sync = false;
for (XmlAttribute attr : child.toElement().getAttributes()) {
if (attr.getName().equals("remote")) {
remote = attr.getValue();
} else if (attr.getName().equals("revision")) {
revision = attr.getValue();
} else if (attr.getName().equals("sync-s")) { // synchronize submodule ... automaticaly
String syncBase = attr.getValue();
if (syncBase.equalsIgnoreCase("true")
|| syncBase.equals("1")
|| syncBase.toLowerCase().equals("yes")) {
sync = true;
} else if (syncBase.equalsIgnoreCase("false")
|| syncBase.equals("0")
|| syncBase.equalsIgnoreCase("no")) {
sync = false;
} else {
Log.critical("Parsing the manifest : Unknow '" + child.getValue() + "' attibute : '" + attr + "', value:'" + sync + "' availlable:[true,1,yes,false,0,no]");
} else {
Log.error("Parsing the manifest : Unknow '" + child.getValue() + "' attibute : '" + attr + "', availlable:[remote,revision,sync-s]");
if (this.defaultWhat != null) {
Log.error("Parsing the manifest : Node '" + child.getValue() + "' already set");
this.defaultWhat = new RepositoryConfig(remote, revision, sync);
Log.debug(" find '" + child.getValue() + "' : remote='" + remote + "' revision='" + revision + "' sync=" + sync);
if (child.getValue().equals("project")) {
String name = "";
String path = "";
String tag_sha1 = null;
for (XmlAttribute attr : child.toElement().getAttributes()) {
if (attr.getName().equals("name")) {
name = attr.getValue();
} else if (attr.getName().equals("path")) {
path = attr.getValue();
} else if (attr.getName().equals("tag")) {
tag_sha1 = attr.getValue();
} else {
Log.error("Parsing the manifest: Unknow '" + child.getValue() + "' attibute : '" + attr + "', availlable:[name,tag,sync-s]");
if (name.isEmpty()) {
Log.error("Parsing the manifest: '" + child.getValue() + "' missing attribute: 'name' ==> specify the git to clone ...");
this.projects.add(new ProjectConfig(name, path, tag_sha1));
Log.debug(" find '" + child.getValue() + "' : name='" + name + "' path='" + path + "' tag='" + tag_sha1 + "'");
if (child.getValue().equals("option")) {
// not managed ==> future use
String type_option = "";
String value_option = "";
for (XmlAttribute attr : child.toElement().getAttributes()) {
if (attr.getName().equals("type")) {
type_option = attr.getValue();
} else if (attr.getName().equals("value")) {
value_option = attr.getValue();
} else {
Log.error("Parsing the manifest: Unknow '" + child.getValue() + "' attibute : '" + attr + "', availlable:[type,value]");
if (type_option.equals("deliver-master")) {
this.deliver_master = value_option;
} else if (type_option.equals("deliver-develop")) {
this.deliver_develop = value_option;
} else if (type_option.equals("deliver-mode")) {
this.deliver_mode = value_option;
if (!this.deliver_mode.equals("merge") && !this.deliver_mode.equals("fast-forward")) {
Log.critical("Parsing the manifest: option 'deliver-mode' value availlable: [merge,fast-forward]");
} else {
Log.critical("Parsing the manifest: Unknow 'type' value availlable: [deliver-master,deliver-develop,deliver-mode]");
if (child.getValue().equals("link")) {
// not managed ==> future use
String source = "";
String destination = "";
for (XmlAttribute attr : child.toElement().getAttributes()) {
if (attr.getName().equals("source")) {
source = attr.getValue();
} else if (attr.getName().equals("destination")) {
destination = attr.getValue();
} else {
Log.critical("Parsing the manifest: Unknow '" + child.getValue() + "' attibute : '" + attr + "', availlable:[source,destination]");
if (source.isEmpty()) {
Log.error("Parsing the manifest: '" + child.getValue() + "' missing attribute: 'source' ==> specify the git to clone ...");
if (destination.isEmpty()) {
Log.error("Parsing the manifest: '" + child.getValue() + "' missing attribute: 'destination' ==> specify the git to clone ...");
this.links.add(new Link(source, destination));
Log.debug("Add link: '" + destination + "' ==> '" + source + "'");
Log.info(" '" + child.getValue() + "' values=" + child.toElement().getAttributes());
Log.error("Parsing error Unknow NODE : '" + child.getValue() + "' availlable:[remote,include,default,project,option,link]");
// now we parse all sub repo:
for (IncludeConfig elem : this.includes) {
elem.setManifest(new Manifest(elem.getPath()));
@ -345,17 +125,6 @@ public class Manifest {
return path;
// public void checkDoublePath(this, list_path = [], space="") {
// Log.debug(space + "check path : '" + this.manifest_xml + "'")
// for elem in this.projects:
// path = this._create_path_with_elem(elem)
// Log.debug(space + " check path:'" + str(path) + "'")
// if path in list_path:
// Log.error("Check Manifest error : double use of the path '" + str(path) + "'")
// list_path.append(path)
// for elem in this.includes:
// elem["manifest"]._check_double_path(list_path, space + " ")
// }
public List<ProjectConfig> get_all_configs() {
ManifestFile mani = this.manifests.get(this.rootManifest);
@ -476,122 +245,19 @@ public class Manifest {
return out;
//public void tag_manifest(manifest_xml_filename, all_tags):
// tree = etree.parse(manifest_xml_filename)
// Log.debug("manifest : '" + manifest_xml_filename + "'")
// root = tree.getroot()
// includes = []
// if root.tag != "manifest":
// Log.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") in '" + str(file) + "' have not main xml node='manifest'")
// return false
// for child in root:
// if type(child) == etree._Comment:
// Log.verbose("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") comment='" + str(child.text) + "'");
// continue
// if child.tag.equals("remote":
// continue
// if child.tag.equals("include":
// name = ""
// for attr in child.attrib:
// if attr.equals("name":
// name = child.attrib[attr]
// else:
// Log.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest : Unknow '" + child.tag + "' attibute : '" + attr + "', availlable:[name]")
// Log.debug("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") find '" + child.tag + "' : name='" + name + "'");
// // check if the file exist ...
// new_name_xml = new Path(os.path.dirname(manifest_xml_filename),name)
// if os.path.exists(new_name_xml) == false:
// Log.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") The file does not exist : '" + new_name_xml + "'")
// includes.append({
// "name":name,
// "path":new_name_xml,
// "manifest":None
// })
// continue
// if child.tag.equals("default":
// continue
// if child.tag.equals("project":
// name = ""
// path = ""
// tag_sha1 = None
// for attr in child.attrib:
// if attr.equals("name":
// name = child.attrib[attr]
// } else if attr.equals("path":
// path = child.attrib[attr]
// } else if attr.equals("tag":
// tag_sha1 = child.attrib[attr]
// else:
// Log.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest: Unknow '" + child.tag + "' attibute : '" + attr + "', availlable:[name,tag,sync-s]")
// if name.equals("":
// Log.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest: '" + child.tag + "' missing attribute: 'name' ==> specify the git to clone ...")
// for elem_tag in all_tags:
// if elem_tag["name"] == name:
// child.set("tag", elem_tag["tag"])
// continue
// if child.tag.equals("option":
// // not managed ==> future use
// continue
// if child.tag.equals("link":
// continue
// Log.info("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") '" + str(child.tag) + "' values=" + str(child.attrib));
// Log.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing error Unknow NODE : '" + str(child.tag) + "' availlable:[remote,include,default,project,option,link]")
// tree.write(manifest_xml_filename, pretty_print=true, xml_declaration=true, encoding="utf-8")
// // now we parse all sub repo:
// for elem in includes:
// tag_manifest(elem["path"], all_tags)
//public void tag_clear(manifest_xml_filename):
// tree = etree.parse(manifest_xml_filename)
// Log.debug("manifest : '" + manifest_xml_filename + "'")
// root = tree.getroot()
// includes = []
// if root.tag != "manifest":
// Log.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") in '" + str(file) + "' have not main xml node='manifest'")
// return false
// for child in root:
// if type(child) == etree._Comment:
// Log.verbose("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") comment='" + str(child.text) + "'");
// continue
// if child.tag.equals("remote":
// continue
// if child.tag.equals("include":
// name = ""
// for attr in child.attrib:
// if attr.equals("name":
// name = child.attrib[attr]
// else:
// Log.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest : Unknow '" + child.tag + "' attibute : '" + attr + "', availlable:[name]")
// Log.debug("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") find '" + child.tag + "' : name='" + name + "'");
// // check if the file exist ...
// new_name_xml = new Path(os.path.dirname(manifest_xml_filename),name)
// if os.path.exists(new_name_xml) == false:
// Log.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") The file does not exist : '" + new_name_xml + "'")
// includes.append({
// "name":name,
// "path":new_name_xml,
// "manifest":None
// })
// continue
// if child.tag.equals("default":
// continue
// if child.tag.equals("project":
// child.attrib.pop("tag", None)
// continue
// if child.tag.equals("option":
// continue
// if child.tag.equals("link":
// continue
// Log.info("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") '" + str(child.tag) + "' values=" + str(child.attrib));
// Log.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing error Unknow NODE : '" + str(child.tag) + "' availlable:[remote,include,default,project,option,link]")
// tree.write(manifest_xml_filename, pretty_print=true, xml_declaration=true, encoding="utf-8")
// // now we parse all sub repo:
// for elem in includes:
// tag_clear(elem["path"])
public String getDeliverDevelop() {
OptionRepository defaultPlouf = this.defaultBase;
if (this.defaultWhat != null) {
defaultPlouf = this.defaultWhat;
return defaultPlouf.getBranchDevelop();
public String getBranchRelease() {
OptionRepository defaultPlouf = this.defaultBase;
if (this.defaultWhat != null) {
defaultPlouf = this.defaultWhat;
return defaultPlouf.getBranchRelease();
@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
package org.atriasoft.island;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.atriasoft.island.internal.Log;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ProjectConfig;
@ -43,4 +47,35 @@ public class Tools {
public static String readFile(final Path path, final Charset encoding) throws IOException {
byte[] encoded = Files.readAllBytes(path);
return new String(encoded, encoding);
* Generate the split of the generic version :
* - 1.5.2-dev
* @param version
* @return list of element : {"1", "5", "2", "dev"}
public static String[] version_string_to_list(final String version) {
Log.verbose("parse version string '" + version +"'");
List<String> out = new ArrayList<>();
if (version == null || version.isEmpty()) {
return new String[]{"0", "0", "0"};
String[] elems = version.split("-");
if (elems[0].split(".").length <= 1) {
Log.critical("Can not parde a version with wrong version model '" + version +"'");
List<String> values = Arrays.asList(elems[0].split("."));
for (String elem : values) {
if (elems.length >= 2) {
return out.toArray(new String[0]);
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import org.atriasoft.island.model.ProjectConfig;
"checkout -r github master",
"checkout -r=gitlab master",
public class Checkout {
public class BaseCheckout {
@ArgDescription("Name of the remote server")
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git;
@ArgDescription("commit in all repository")
@ArgSample("commit -a --amend -m \"[DEV] your comment\"")
public class Commit {
public class BaseCommit {
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.TextProgressMonitor;
@ArgDescription("Update all the repository remote branch")
@ArgSample("fetch --remote=github")
public class Fetch {
public class BaseFetch {
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.sshd.SshdSessionFactory;
@ArgDescription("Initialize an island workspace (need 'fetch' after)")
@ArgSample("init http://github.com/atria-soft/manifest.git")
public class Init {
public class BaseInit {
@ArgDescription("Select the branch to checkout")
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.PushResult;
@ArgDescription("Push all repository to the upper server")
@ArgSample("push --remote=github")
public class Push {
public class BasePush {
@ArgDescription("Name of the remote server")
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git;
@ArgDescription("Get the status of all the repositories")
@ArgSample("status --tags")
public class Status {
public class BaseStatus {
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.TextProgressMonitor;
@ArgDescription("Syncronize all the repository referenced")
@ArgSample("sync -d")
public class Sync {
public class BaseSync {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
package org.atriasoft.island.actions;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.List;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgAlias;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgCommand;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgDescription;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgExecute;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgName;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgSample;
import org.atriasoft.island.Commands;
import org.atriasoft.island.Commands.CreateVersion;
import org.atriasoft.island.Config;
import org.atriasoft.island.Env;
import org.atriasoft.island.Manifest;
import org.atriasoft.island.Tools;
import org.atriasoft.island.internal.Log;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ActionException;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ConfigManifest;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ProjectConfig;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git;
@ArgDescription("Deliver the current repository (develop & master MUST be up to date and you MUST be on master)")
@ArgSample("deliver --from=develop --to=master")
public class Deliver {
@ArgDescription("Source branch to deliver")
public String from = null;
@ArgDescription("Desticantion branche of the deliver")
public String to = null;
public void execute() throws ActionException, Exception {
// check system is OK
ConfigManifest configuration = Config.getUniqueConfig();
// load the manifest after pulling it (if possible)
Path file_source_manifest = Env.getIslandPathManifest().resolve(configuration.getManifestName());
if (!Files.exists(file_source_manifest)) {
Log.critical("Missing manifest file : '" + file_source_manifest + "'");
Manifest mani = new Manifest(file_source_manifest);
if (this.from == null || this.from.isEmpty()) {
this.from = mani.getDeliverDevelop();
if (this.to == null || this.to.isEmpty()) {
this.to = mani.getBranchRelease();
List<ProjectConfig> all_project = mani.get_all_configs();
Log.info("Check if all project are on master: " + all_project.size() + " projects");
boolean deliver_availlable = true;
int id_element = 0;
for (ProjectConfig elem : all_project) {
String base_display = Tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, all_project.size(), elem);
Log.verbose("delivercheck : " + base_display);
if (!StatusActions.deliverCheck(elem, null, id_element, base_display, this.from, this.to)) {
deliver_availlable = false;
if (!deliver_availlable) {
Log.error("deliver-ckeck: Correct the warning to validate the Merge");
Log.info("deliver-ckeck: ==> All is OK");
id_element = 0;
for (ProjectConfig elem : all_project) {
id_element += 1;
String base_display = Tools.get_list_base_display(id_element, all_project.size(), elem);
Log.info("deliver: ========================================================================");
Log.info("deliver:.equals(" + base_display);
Log.info("deliver: ========================================================================");
Path git_repo_path = Env.get_island_root_path().resolve(elem.getPath());
// Check the validity of the version,
CreateVersion curentVersionElem = Commands.get_current_version_repo(git_repo_path);
if (curentVersionElem == null) {
Log.info("deliver: ==> version: " + curentVersionElem.version());
Git git = Git.open(git_repo_path.toFile());
// go to the dev branch
select_branch = Commands.get_current_branch(git_repo_path);
// Checkout destination branch:
Commands.checkout(git_repo_path, destination_branch);
// create new repo tag
new_version_description = status.create_new_version_repo(git_repo_path, version_description, add_in_version_management, source_branch, destination_branch);
Log.info("new version: " + str(new_version_description));
if (new_version_description == null) {
// merge branch
if (mani.deliver_mode.equals("merge") ) {
merge_force = true;
} else {
merge_force = false;
Commands.merge_branch_on_master(git_repo_path, source_branch, merge_force, branch_destination=destination_branch);
version_path_file = new Path(git_repo_path, "version.txt");
// update version file:
tools.file_write_data(version_path_file, tools.version_to_string(new_version_description));
Commands.add_file(git_repo_path, version_path_file);
Commands.commit_all(git_repo_path, "[RELEASE] Release v" + tools.version_to_string(new_version_description));
Commands.tag(git_repo_path, "v" + tools.version_to_string(new_version_description));
Commands.checkout(git_repo_path, source_branch);
Commands.reset_hard(git_repo_path, destination_branch);
tools.file_write_data(version_path_file, tools.version_to_string(new_version_description));
Commands.add_file(git_repo_path, version_path_file);
Commands.commit_all(git_repo_path, status.default_update_message);
Commands.checkout(git_repo_path, destination_branch);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
package org.atriasoft.island.actions;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgAlias;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgCommand;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgDescription;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgExecute;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgName;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgParams;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgParamsDescription;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgSample;
import org.atriasoft.island.Config;
import org.atriasoft.island.Manifest;
import org.atriasoft.island.Tools;
import org.atriasoft.island.internal.Log;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ActionException;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ConfigManifest;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ProjectConfig;
@ArgDescription("Ckeckout a specific branch of the manifest")
"manifest-checkout dev",
"manifest-checkout -r github master",
"manifest-checkout -r=gitlab master",
public class ManifestCheckout {
@ArgDescription("Name of the remote server")
public String remote = null;
@ArgParamsDescription("Branch to checkout (if '__TAG__' ==> checkout specific repository tags)")
public void execute(final String branch) throws ActionException, Exception {
// check system is OK
ConfigManifest configuration = Config.getUniqueConfig();
ProjectConfig elem = configuration.getManifestConfig();
String base_display = Tools.get_list_base_display(0, 0, elem);
if (!StatusActions.checkout_elem(elem, this.remote, branch, base_display)) {
Log.error("Checkout have fail !!! ");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package org.atriasoft.island.actions;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgAlias;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgCommand;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgDescription;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgExecute;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgName;
import org.atriasoft.death.annotation.ArgSample;
import org.atriasoft.island.Config;
import org.atriasoft.island.Manifest;
import org.atriasoft.island.Tools;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ActionException;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ConfigManifest;
import org.atriasoft.island.model.ProjectConfig;
@ArgDescription("Get the status of manifest repositories")
@ArgSample("manifest-status --tags")
public class ManifestStatus {
@ArgDescription("Name of the remote server")
public String remote = "origin";
@ArgDescription("Display if the commit is on a tag (and display it)")
public boolean displayTag = false;
public void execute() throws ActionException, Exception {
// check system is OK
ConfigManifest configuration = Config.getUniqueConfig();
ProjectConfig elem = configuration.getManifestConfig();
String base_display = Tools.get_list_base_display(0, 0, elem);
StatusActions.displayStatus(elem, this.remote, this.displayTag, 0, base_display);
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public class StatusActions {
// check if the repository is modify
Git git = Git.open(git_repo_path.toFile());
boolean is_modify = git.status().call().hasUncommittedChanges();
if (is_modify == true){
if (is_modify){
Log.warning("checkout " + base_display + " ==> modify data can not checkout new branch");
return false;
@ -194,6 +194,62 @@ public class StatusActions {
return deltas.behind();
public static boolean deliverCheck(final ProjectConfig elem, final String argument_remote_name, final int id_element, final String base_display, final String source_branch, final String destination_branch) throws GitAPIException, IOException {
boolean deliver_availlable = true;
Log.debug("deliver-ckeck: " + base_display);
Log.debug(" ==> check repo exist");
// Check the repo exist
Path git_repo_path = Env.get_island_root_path().resolve(elem.getPath());
if (!Files.exists(git_repo_path)) {
Log.warning("deliver-ckeck: " + base_display + " ==> MUST be download");
return false;
Log.debug(" ==> check is modify");
// check if the curent repo is modify
Git git = Git.open(git_repo_path.toFile());
boolean is_modify = git.status().call().hasUncommittedChanges();
if (is_modify) {
Log.warning("deliver-ckeck: " + base_display + " ==> MUST not be modify");
return false;
Log.debug(" ==> check current branch is '" + source_branch + "'");
// check if we are on source_branch
String select_branch = git.getRepository().getBranch();
if (!select_branch.equals(source_branch)) {
Log.warning("deliver-ckeck: " + base_display + " ==> MUST be on source branch: '" + source_branch + "' and is: '" + select_branch + "'");
return false;
Log.debug(" ==> check have tracking branch");
// check if we have a remote traking branch
String tracking_remote_branch = Commands.getTrackingBranch(git, argument_remote_name, select_branch);
if (tracking_remote_branch == null) {
Log.warning("deliver-ckeck: " + base_display + " ==> MUST have a remote tracking branch");
deliver_availlable = false;
// go on destination branch
Commands.checkout(git, destination_branch);
Log.debug(" ==> check current branch is '" + source_branch + "'");
// check if we are on "master"
select_branch = git.getRepository().getBranch();
if (select_branch != destination_branch) {
Log.warning("deliver-ckeck: " + base_display + " ==> Can not checkout branch: '" + destination_branch + "' and is: '" + select_branch + "'");
deliver_availlable = false;
Log.debug(" ==> check have tracking branch");
// check if we have a remote traking branch
tracking_remote_branch = Commands.getTrackingBranch(git, argument_remote_name, select_branch);
if (tracking_remote_branch == null) {
Log.warning("deliver-ckeck: " + base_display + " ==> MUST have a remote tracking branch");
deliver_availlable = false;
// check out back the source branch
Commands.checkout(git, source_branch);
return deliver_availlable;
@ -169,4 +169,8 @@ public class ConfigManifest {
return addressManifest + offsetFetch + name;
public ProjectConfig getManifestConfig() {
return new ProjectConfig("manifest", Env.getIslandPathManifest().resolve(getManifestName()).toString());
@ -88,6 +88,12 @@ public void execute(_arguments):
if deliver_availlable == false:
Log.error("deliver-ckeck: Correct the warning to validate the Merge")
Log.info("deliver-ckeck: ==> All is OK")
id_element = 0
for elem in all_project:
@ -96,9 +102,7 @@ public void execute(_arguments):
Log.info("deliver: ========================================================================")
Log.info("deliver:.equals(" + base_display)
Log.info("deliver: ========================================================================")
git_repo_path = new Path(Env.get_island_root_path(), elem.path)
// Check the validity of the version,
git_repo_path = new Path(Env.get_island_root_path(), elem.path)// Check the validity of the version,
version_description, add_in_version_management = status.get_current_version_repo(git_repo_path)
if version_description == None:
@ -120,7 +124,7 @@ public void execute(_arguments):
merge_force = true
merge_force = false
commands.merge_branch_on_master(git_repo_path, source_branch, merge_force, branch_destination=destination_branch)
commands.merge_branch_on_master(git_repo_pat source_branch, merge_force, branch_destination=destination_branch)
version_path_file = new Path(git_repo_path, "version.txt")
// update version file:
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import Log
from island import tools
from island import env
from island import config
from island import multiprocess
from island import manifest
from island import commands
import status
import os
//# @brief Get the global description of the current action
//# @return (string) the description string (fist line if reserved for the overview, all is for the specific display)
public void help():
return "Manifest Ckeckout a specific branch of repository"
//# @brief Add argument to the specific action
//# @param[in,out] my_args (death.Arguments) Argument manager
//# @param[in] section Name of the currect action
public void add_specific_arguments(my_args, section):
my_args.add("r", "remote", haveParam=true, desc="Name of the remote server")
my_args.add_arg("branch", optionnal=false, desc="Branch to checkout (if '__TAG__' ==> checkout specific repository tags)")
//# @brief Execute the action required.
//# @return error value [0 .. 50] the <0 value is reserved system ==> else, what you want.
//# None : No error (return program out 0)
//# -10 : ACTION is not existing
//# -11 : ACTION execution system error
//# -12 : ACTION Wrong parameters
public void execute(_arguments):
argument_remote_name = ""
branch_to_checkout = ""
for elem in _arguments:
if elem.getOptionName().equals("remote":
Log.info("find remote name: '" + elem.getArg() + "'")
argument_remote_name = elem.getArg()
} else if elem.getOptionName().equals("branch":
branch_to_checkout = elem.getArg()
Log.error("Wrong argument: '" + elem.getOptionName() + "' '" + elem.getArg() + "'")
// check system is OK
ConfigManifest configuration = Config.getUniqueConfig();
elem = configuration.get_manifest_config()
base_display = tools.get_list_base_display(0, 0, elem)
if status.checkout_elem(elem, argument_remote_name, branch_to_checkout, base_display) == false:
return Env.ret_action_fail
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
//# @author Edouard DUPIN
//# @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
//# @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
from realog import Log
from island import tools
from island import env
from island import config
from island import multiprocess
from island import manifest
from island import commands
import status
import os
//# @brief Get the global description of the current action
//# @return (string) the description string (fist line if reserved for the overview, all is for the specific display)
public void help():
return "Display status spécifically of the manifest"
//# @brief Add argument to the specific action
//# @param[in,out] my_args (death.Arguments) Argument manager
//# @param[in] section Name of the currect action
public void add_specific_arguments(_my_args, _section):
_my_args.add("t", "tags", haveParam=false, desc="Display if the commit is on a tag (and display it)")
//# @brief Execute the action required.
//# @return error value [0 .. 50] the <0 value is reserved system ==> else, what you want.
//# None : No error (return program out 0)
//# -10 : ACTION is not existing
//# -11 : ACTION execution system error
//# -12 : ACTION Wrong parameters
public void execute(_arguments):
argument_remote_name = ""
argument_display_tag = false
for elem in _arguments:
if elem.getOptionName().equals("tags":
argument_display_tag = true
Log.error("Wrong argument: '" + elem.getOptionName() + "' '" + elem.getArg() + "'")
// check system is OK
ConfigManifest configuration = Config.getUniqueConfig();
elem = configuration.get_manifest_config()
base_display = tools.get_list_base_display(0, 0, elem)
ret = status.display_status(elem, argument_remote_name, argument_display_tag, 0, base_display)
if ret != None:
return Env.ret_action_need_updtate
Reference in New Issue
Block a user