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\ No newline at end of file
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+ atriasoft-ephysics
+ atriasoft-ephysics
+ org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder
+ org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature
diff --git a/src/module-info.java b/src/module-info.java
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+++ b/src/module-info.java
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+/** Basic module interface.
+ *
+ * @author Edouard DUPIN */
+open module org.atriasoft.ephysics {
+ exports org.atriasoft.ephysics.body;
+ exports org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision;
+ exports org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.broadphase;
+ exports org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase;
+ exports org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase.EPA;
+ exports org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase.GJK;
+ exports org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes;
+ exports org.atriasoft.ephysics.configuration;
+ exports org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint;
+ exports org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine;
+ exports org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics;
+ exports org.atriasoft.ephysics;
+ requires transitive org.atriasoft.etk;
+ requires javafx.base;
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/Configuration.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/Configuration.java
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index 0000000..f159a05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/Configuration.java
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Constant;
+public class Configuration {
+ /// In the broad-phase collision detection (dynamic AABB tree), the AABBs are
+ /// inflated with a ant gap to allow the collision shape to move a little bit
+ /// without triggering a large modification of the tree which can be costly
+ public static final float DYNAMIC_TREE_AABB_GAP = 0.1f;
+ /// In the broad-phase collision detection (dynamic AABB tree), the AABBs are
+ /// also inflated in direction of the linear motion of the body by mutliplying the
+ /// followin ant with the linear velocity and the elapsed time between two frames.
+ public static final float DYNAMIC_TREE_AABB_LIN_GAP_MULTIPLIER = 1.7f;
+ /// Distance threshold for two contact points for a valid persistent contact (in meters)
+ public static final float PERSISTENT_CONTACT_DIST_THRESHOLD = 0.03f;
+ /// Default friction coefficient for a rigid body
+ public static final float DEFAULT_FRICTION_COEFFICIENT = 0.3f;
+ /// Default bounciness factor for a rigid body
+ public static final float DEFAULT_BOUNCINESS = 0.5f;
+ /// Default rolling resistance
+ public static final float DEFAULT_ROLLING_RESISTANCE = 0.0f;
+ /// True if the spleeping technique is enabled
+ public static final boolean SPLEEPING_ENABLED = true;
+ /// Object margin for collision detection in meters (for the GJK-EPA Algorithm)
+ public static final float OBJECT_MARGIN = 0.04f;
+ /// Velocity threshold for contact velocity restitution
+ public static final float RESTITUTION_VELOCITY_THRESHOLD = 1.0f;
+ /// Number of iterations when solving the velocity raints of the Sequential Impulse technique
+ public static final int DEFAULT_VELOCITY_SOLVER_NB_ITERATIONS = 10;
+ /// Number of iterations when solving the position raints of the Sequential Impulse technique
+ public static final int DEFAULT_POSITION_SOLVER_NB_ITERATIONS = 5;
+ /// Time (in seconds) that a body must stay still to be idered sleeping
+ public static final float DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_SLEEP = 0.3f; //(old default : 3.0)
+ /// A body with a linear velocity smaller than the sleep linear velocity (in m/s)
+ /// might enter sleeping mode.
+ public static final float DEFAULT_SLEEP_LINEAR_VELOCITY = 0.3f; //(old default : 0.01)
+ /// A body with angular velocity smaller than the sleep angular velocity (in rad/s)
+ /// might enter sleeping mode
+ public static final float DEFAULT_SLEEP_ANGULAR_VELOCITY = 5.0f * (Constant.PI / 180.0f); //(old default : 0.3)
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/RaycastCallback.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/RaycastCallback.java
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index 0000000..e746983
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+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/RaycastCallback.java
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics;
+public interface RaycastCallback {
+ /**
+ * @brief This method will be called for each ProxyShape that is hit by the
+ * ray. You cannot make any assumptions about the order of the
+ * calls. You should use the return value to control the continuation
+ * of the ray. The returned value is the next maxFraction value to use.
+ * If you return a fraction of 0.0, it means that the raycast should
+ * terminate. If you return a fraction of 1.0, it indicates that the
+ * ray is not clipped and the ray cast should continue as if no hit
+ * occurred. If you return the fraction in the parameter (hitFraction
+ * value in the RaycastInfo object), the current ray will be clipped
+ * to this fraction in the next queries. If you return -1.0, it will
+ * ignore this ProxyShape and continue the ray cast.
+ * @param[in] _raycastInfo Information about the raycast hit
+ * @return Value that controls the continuation of the ray after a hit
+ */
+ float notifyRaycastHit(RaycastInfo _raycastInfo);
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/RaycastInfo.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/RaycastInfo.java
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index 0000000..d54ea2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/RaycastInfo.java
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.CollisionBody;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ProxyShape;
+public class RaycastInfo {
+ public Vector3f worldPoint = new Vector3f(); //!< Hit point in world-space coordinates
+ public Vector3f worldNormal = new Vector3f(); //!< Surface normal at hit point in world-space coordinates
+ public float hitFraction = 0.0f; //!< Fraction distance of the hit point between point1 and point2 of the ray. The hit point "p" is such that p = point1 + hitFraction * (point2 - point1)
+ public long meshSubpart = -1; //!< Mesh subpart index that has been hit (only used for triangles mesh and -1 otherwise)
+ public long triangleIndex = -1; //!< Hit triangle index (only used for triangles mesh and -1 otherwise)
+ public CollisionBody body; //!< Pointer to the hit collision body;
+ public ProxyShape proxyShape; //!< Pointer to the hit proxy collision shape
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/RaycastTest.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/RaycastTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bee1b57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/RaycastTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ProxyShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Ray;
+public class RaycastTest {
+ public RaycastCallback userCallback; //!< User callback class
+ /// Constructor
+ public RaycastTest(final RaycastCallback _callback) {
+ this.userCallback = _callback;
+ }
+ /// Ray cast test against a proxy shape
+ public float raycastAgainstShape(final ProxyShape _shape, final Ray _ray) {
+ // Ray casting test against the collision shape
+ final RaycastInfo raycastInfo = new RaycastInfo();
+ final boolean isHit = _shape.raycast(_ray, raycastInfo);
+ // If the ray hit the collision shape
+ if (isHit) {
+ // Report the hit to the user and return the
+ // user hit fraction value
+ return this.userCallback.notifyRaycastHit(raycastInfo);
+ }
+ return _ray.maxFraction;
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/body/Body.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/body/Body.java
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index 0000000..3f49ad7
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+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/body/Body.java
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+ * ReactPhysics3D physics library, http://code.google.com/p/reactphysics3d/
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Daniel Chappuis
+ *
+ * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+ * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the
+ * use of this software.
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ *
+ * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim
+ * that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a
+ * product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ * appreciated but is not required.
+ *
+ * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ * misrepresented as being the original software.
+ *
+ * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ *
+ * This file has been modified during the port to Java and differ from the source versions.
+ */
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.body;
+ * This class is an abstract class to represent a body of the physics engine.
+ *
+ * @author Jason Sorensen
+ */
+public abstract class Body {
+ // Unique ID of the body
+ protected int id; // TODO check where it came from ...
+ // True if the body has already been added in an island (for sleeping technique)
+ public boolean isAlreadyInIsland = false;
+ // True if the body is allowed to go to sleep for better efficiency
+ protected boolean isAllowedToSleep = true;
+ /**
+ * True if the body is active.
+ *
+ * An inactive body does not participate in collision detection, is not simulated and will not be hit in a ray casting query.
+ * A body is active by default. If you set this value to "false", all the proxy shapes of this body will be removed from the broad-phase.
+ * If you set this value to "true", all the proxy shapes will be added to the broad-phase.
+ * A joint connected to an inactive body will also be inactive.
+ */
+ protected boolean isActive = true;
+ // True if the body is sleeping (for sleeping technique)
+ protected boolean isSleeping = false;
+ // Elapsed time since the body velocity was bellow the sleep velocity
+ public float sleepTime = 0;
+ // user data
+ protected Object userData = null;
+ /**
+ * @brief Constructor
+ * @param[in] _id ID of the new body
+ */
+ public Body(final int bodyID) {
+ this.id = bodyID;
+ }
+ // Return the id of the body
+ public int getID() {
+ return this.id;
+ }
+ public float getSleepTime() {
+ return this.sleepTime;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Return a pointer to the user data attached to this body
+ * @return A pointer to the user data you have attached to the body
+ */
+ Object getUserData() {
+ return this.userData;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Return the id of the body
+ * @return The ID of the body
+ */
+ public boolean isActive() {
+ return this.isActive;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Set whether or not the body is allowed to go to sleep
+ * @param[in] _isAllowedToSleep True if the body is allowed to sleep
+ */
+ public boolean isAllowedToSleep() {
+ return this.isAllowedToSleep;
+ }
+ public boolean isAlreadyInIsland() {
+ return this.isAlreadyInIsland;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Return whether or not the body is sleeping
+ * @return True if the body is currently sleeping and false otherwise
+ */
+ public boolean isSleeping() {
+ return this.isSleeping;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Set whether or not the body is active
+ * @param[in] _isActive True if you want to activate the body
+ */
+ void setIsActive(final boolean isActive) {
+ this.isActive = isActive;
+ }
+ // Set whether or not the body is allowed to go to sleep
+ public void setIsAllowedToSleep(final boolean isAllowedToSleep) {
+ this.isAllowedToSleep = isAllowedToSleep;
+ if (!this.isAllowedToSleep) {
+ setIsSleeping(false);
+ }
+ }
+ public void setIsAlreadyInIsland(final boolean isAlreadyInIsland) {
+ this.isAlreadyInIsland = isAlreadyInIsland;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Set the variable to know whether or not the body is sleeping
+ * @param[in] _isSleeping Set the new status
+ */
+ public void setIsSleeping(final boolean isSleeping) {
+ if (isSleeping) {
+ this.sleepTime = 0.0f;
+ } else if (this.isSleeping) {
+ this.sleepTime = 0.0f;
+ }
+ this.isSleeping = isSleeping;
+ }
+ public void setSleepTime(final float sleepTime) {
+ this.sleepTime = sleepTime;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Attach user data to this body
+ * @param[in] _userData A pointer to the user data you want to attach to the body
+ */
+ public void setUserData(final Object userData) {
+ this.userData = userData;
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/body/BodyType.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/body/BodyType.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c142fd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/body/BodyType.java
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.body;
+public enum BodyType {
+ STATIC, //!< A static body has infinite mass, zero velocity but the position can be changed manually. A static body does not collide with other static or kinematic bodies.
+ KINEMATIC, //!< A kinematic body has infinite mass, the velocity can be changed manually and its position is computed by the physics engine. A kinematic body does not collide with other static or kinematic bodies.
+ DYNAMIC //!< A dynamic body has non-zero mass, non-zero velocity determined by forces and its position is determined by the physics engine. A dynamic body can collide with other dynamic, static or kinematic bodies.
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/body/CollisionBody.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/body/CollisionBody.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81a694e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/body/CollisionBody.java
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+ * ReactPhysics3D physics library, http://code.google.com/p/reactphysics3d/
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Daniel Chappuis
+ *
+ * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+ * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the
+ * use of this software.
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ *
+ * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim
+ * that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a
+ * product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ * appreciated but is not required.
+ *
+ * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ * misrepresented as being the original software.
+ *
+ * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ *
+ * This file has been modified during the port to Java and differ from the source versions.
+ */
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.body;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.RaycastInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ContactManifoldListElement;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ProxyShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.AABB;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.CollisionShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine.CollisionWorld;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.internal.Log;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Ray;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Transform3D;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * This class represents a body that is able to collide with others bodies. This class inherits from the Body class.
+ *
+ * @author Jason Sorensen
+ */
+public class CollisionBody extends Body {
+ // Type of body (static, kinematic or dynamic)
+ protected BodyType type;
+ // Position and orientation of the body
+ protected Transform3D transform;
+ // First element of the linked list of proxy collision shapes of this body
+ protected ProxyShape proxyCollisionShapes;
+ // Number of collision shapes
+ protected long numberCollisionShapes;
+ // First element of the linked list of contact manifolds involving this body
+ public ContactManifoldListElement contactManifoldsList;
+ // Reference to the world the body belongs to
+ protected CollisionWorld world;
+ /**
+ * @brief Constructor
+ * @param[in] _transform The transform of the body
+ * @param[in] _world The physics world where the body is created
+ * @param[in] _id ID of the body
+ */
+ public CollisionBody(final Transform3D _transform, final CollisionWorld _world, final int _id) {
+ super(_id);
+ this.type = BodyType.DYNAMIC;
+ this.transform = _transform;
+ this.proxyCollisionShapes = null;
+ this.numberCollisionShapes = 0;
+ this.contactManifoldsList = null;
+ this.world = _world;
+ //Log.debug(" set transform: " + _transform);
+ if (Float.isNaN(_transform.getPosition().x)) {
+ Log.critical(" set transform: " + _transform);
+ }
+ if (Float.isInfinite(_transform.getOrientation().z)) {
+ Log.critical(" set transform: " + _transform);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Add a collision shape to the body. Note that you can share a collision shape between several bodies using the same collision shape instance to
+ * when you add the shape to the different bodies. Do not forget to delete the collision shape you have created at the end of your program.
+ *
+ * This method will return a pointer to a new proxy shape. A proxy shape is an object that links a collision shape and a given body. You can use the
+ * returned proxy shape to get and set information about the corresponding collision shape for that body.
+ * @param[in] collisionShape A pointer to the collision shape you want to add to the body
+ * @param[in] transform The transformation of the collision shape that transforms the local-space of the collision shape int32_to the local-space of the body
+ * @return A pointer to the proxy shape that has been created to link the body to the new collision shape you have added.
+ */
+ public ProxyShape addCollisionShape(final CollisionShape _collisionShape, final Transform3D _transform) {
+ // Create a proxy collision shape to attach the collision shape to the body
+ final ProxyShape proxyShape = new ProxyShape(this, _collisionShape, _transform, 1.0f);
+ // Add it to the list of proxy collision shapes of the body
+ if (this.proxyCollisionShapes == null) {
+ this.proxyCollisionShapes = proxyShape;
+ } else {
+ proxyShape.next = this.proxyCollisionShapes;
+ this.proxyCollisionShapes = proxyShape;
+ }
+ final AABB aabb = new AABB();
+ _collisionShape.computeAABB(aabb, this.transform.multiplyNew(_transform));
+ this.world.collisionDetection.addProxyCollisionShape(proxyShape, aabb);
+ this.numberCollisionShapes++;
+ return proxyShape;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Ask the broad-phase to test again the collision shapes of the body for collision (as if the body has moved).
+ */
+ protected void askForBroadPhaseCollisionCheck() {
+ for (ProxyShape shape = this.proxyCollisionShapes; shape != null; shape = shape.getNext()) {
+ this.world.getCollisionDetection().askForBroadPhaseCollisionCheck(shape);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Compute and return the AABB of the body by merging all proxy shapes AABBs
+ * @return The axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) of the body in world-space coordinates
+ */
+ public AABB getAABB() {
+ final AABB bodyAABB = new AABB();
+ if (this.proxyCollisionShapes == null) {
+ return bodyAABB;
+ }
+ //Log.info("tmp this.transform : " + this.transform);
+ //Log.info("tmp this.proxyCollisionShapes.getLocalToBodyTransform() : " + this.proxyCollisionShapes.getLocalToBodyTransform());
+ //Log.info("tmp this.transform.multiplyNew(this.proxyCollisionShapes.getLocalToBodyTransform()) : " + this.transform.multiplyNew(this.proxyCollisionShapes.getLocalToBodyTransform()));
+ this.proxyCollisionShapes.getCollisionShape().computeAABB(bodyAABB, this.transform.multiplyNew(this.proxyCollisionShapes.getLocalToBodyTransform()));
+ for (ProxyShape shape = this.proxyCollisionShapes.next; shape != null; shape = shape.next) {
+ final AABB aabb = new AABB();
+ shape.getCollisionShape().computeAABB(aabb, this.transform.multiplyNew(shape.getLocalToBodyTransform()));
+ bodyAABB.mergeWithAABB(aabb);
+ }
+ //Log.info("tmp aabb : " + bodyAABB);
+ //Log.info("tmp aabb : " + bodyAABB.getMax().lessNew(bodyAABB.getMin()));
+ return bodyAABB;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the first element of the linked list of contact manifolds involving this body
+ * @return A pointer to the first element of the linked-list with the contact manifolds of this body
+ */
+ public ContactManifoldListElement getContactManifoldsList() {
+ return this.contactManifoldsList;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the body local-space coordinates of a point given in the world-space coordinates
+ * @param[in] _worldPoint A point in world-space coordinates
+ * @return The point in the local-space coordinates of the body
+ */
+ public Vector3f getLocalPoint(final Vector3f _worldPoint) {
+ return this.transform.inverseNew().multiply(_worldPoint);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the body local-space coordinates of a vector given in the world-space coordinates
+ * @param[in] _worldVector A vector in world-space coordinates
+ * @return The vector in the local-space coordinates of the body
+ */
+ public Vector3f getLocalVector(final Vector3f _worldVector) {
+ return this.transform.getOrientation().inverseNew().multiply(_worldVector);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the linked list of proxy shapes of that body
+ * @return The pointer of the first proxy shape of the linked-list of all the
+ * proxy shapes of the body
+ */
+ public ProxyShape getProxyShapesList() {
+ return this.proxyCollisionShapes;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Return the current position and orientation
+ * @return The current transformation of the body that transforms the local-space of the body int32_to world-space
+ */
+ public Transform3D getTransform() {
+ return this.transform;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Return the type of the body
+ * @return the type of the body (STATIC, KINEMATIC, DYNAMIC)
+ */
+ public BodyType getType() {
+ return this.type;
+ }
+ public CollisionWorld getWorld() {
+ return this.world;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the world-space coordinates of a point given the local-space coordinates of the body
+ * @param[in] _localPoint A point in the local-space coordinates of the body
+ * @return The point in world-space coordinates
+ */
+ public Vector3f getWorldPoint(final Vector3f _localPoint) {
+ return this.transform.multiplyNew(_localPoint);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the world-space vector of a vector given in local-space coordinates of the body
+ * @param[in] _localVector A vector in the local-space coordinates of the body
+ * @return The vector in world-space coordinates
+ */
+ public Vector3f getWorldVector(final Vector3f _localVector) {
+ return this.transform.getOrientation().multiply(_localVector);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Raycast method with feedback information
+ * The method returns the closest hit among all the collision shapes of the body
+ * @param[in] _ray The ray used to raycast agains the body
+ * @param[out] _raycastInfo Structure that contains the result of the raycasting (valid only if the method returned true)
+ * @return True if the ray hit the body and false otherwise
+ */
+ public boolean raycast(final Ray _ray, final RaycastInfo _raycastInfo) {
+ if (this.isActive == false) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ boolean isHit = false;
+ final Ray rayTemp = new Ray(_ray);
+ for (ProxyShape shape = this.proxyCollisionShapes; shape != null; shape = shape.next) {
+ // Test if the ray hits the collision shape
+ if (shape.raycast(rayTemp, _raycastInfo)) {
+ rayTemp.maxFraction = _raycastInfo.hitFraction;
+ isHit = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return isHit;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Remove all the collision shapes
+ */
+ public void removeAllCollisionShapes() {
+ ProxyShape current = this.proxyCollisionShapes;
+ // Look for the proxy shape that contains the collision shape in parameter
+ while (current != null) {
+ // Remove the proxy collision shape
+ final ProxyShape nextElement = current.next;
+ if (this.isActive) {
+ this.world.collisionDetection.removeProxyCollisionShape(current);
+ }
+ // Get the next element in the list
+ current = nextElement;
+ }
+ this.proxyCollisionShapes = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Remove a collision shape from the body
+ * To remove a collision shape, you need to specify the pointer to the proxy shape that has been returned when you have added the collision shape to the body
+ * @param[in] _proxyShape The pointer of the proxy shape you want to remove
+ */
+ public void removeCollisionShape(final ProxyShape _proxyShape) {
+ ProxyShape current = this.proxyCollisionShapes;
+ // If the the first proxy shape is the one to remove
+ if (current == _proxyShape) {
+ this.proxyCollisionShapes = current.next;
+ if (this.isActive) {
+ this.world.collisionDetection.removeProxyCollisionShape(current);
+ }
+ current = null;
+ this.numberCollisionShapes--;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Look for the proxy shape that contains the collision shape in parameter
+ while (current.next != null) {
+ // If we have found the collision shape to remove
+ if (current.next == _proxyShape) {
+ // Remove the proxy collision shape
+ ProxyShape elementToRemove = current.next;
+ current.next = elementToRemove.next;
+ if (this.isActive) {
+ this.world.collisionDetection.removeProxyCollisionShape(elementToRemove);
+ }
+ elementToRemove = null;
+ this.numberCollisionShapes--;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Get the next element in the list
+ current = current.next;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Reset the contact manifold lists
+ */
+ public void resetContactManifoldsList() {
+ // Delete the linked list of contact manifolds of that body
+ this.contactManifoldsList = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Reset the this.isAlreadyInIsland variable of the body and contact manifolds.
+ * This method also returns the number of contact manifolds of the body.
+ */
+ public int resetIsAlreadyInIslandAndCountManifolds() {
+ this.isAlreadyInIsland = false;
+ int nbManifolds = 0;
+ // Reset the this.isAlreadyInIsland variable of the contact manifolds for this body
+ ContactManifoldListElement currentElement = this.contactManifoldsList;
+ while (currentElement != null) {
+ currentElement.contactManifold.isAlreadyInIsland = false;
+ currentElement = currentElement.next;
+ nbManifolds++;
+ }
+ return nbManifolds;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Set whether or not the body is active
+ * @param[in] _isActive True if you want to activate the body
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void setIsActive(final boolean _isActive) {
+ // If the state does not change
+ if (this.isActive == _isActive) {
+ return;
+ }
+ super.setIsActive(_isActive);
+ // If we have to activate the body
+ if (_isActive == true) {
+ for (ProxyShape shape = this.proxyCollisionShapes; shape != null; shape = shape.next) {
+ final AABB aabb = new AABB();
+ shape.getCollisionShape().computeAABB(aabb, this.transform.multiplyNew(shape.localToBodyTransform));
+ this.world.collisionDetection.addProxyCollisionShape(shape, aabb);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (ProxyShape shape = this.proxyCollisionShapes; shape != null; shape = shape.next) {
+ this.world.collisionDetection.removeProxyCollisionShape(shape);
+ }
+ resetContactManifoldsList();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Set the current position and orientation
+ * @param transform The transformation of the body that transforms the local-space of the body int32_to world-space
+ */
+ public void setTransform(final Transform3D _transform) {
+ //Log.info(" set transform: " + this.transform + " ==> " + _transform);
+ if (Float.isNaN(_transform.getPosition().x)) {
+ Log.critical(" set transform: " + this.transform + " ==> " + _transform);
+ }
+ if (Float.isInfinite(_transform.getOrientation().z)) {
+ Log.critical(" set transform: " + this.transform + " ==> " + _transform);
+ }
+ this.transform = _transform;
+ updateBroadPhaseState();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Set the type of the body
+ * @param[in] type The type of the body (STATIC, KINEMATIC, DYNAMIC)
+ */
+ public void setType(final BodyType _type) {
+ this.type = _type;
+ if (this.type == BodyType.STATIC) {
+ // Update the broad-phase state of the body
+ updateBroadPhaseState();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Return true if a point is inside the collision body
+ * This method returns true if a point is inside any collision shape of the body
+ * @param[in] _worldPoint The point to test (in world-space coordinates)
+ * @return True if the point is inside the body
+ */
+ public boolean testPointInside(final Vector3f _worldPoint) {
+ for (ProxyShape shape = this.proxyCollisionShapes; shape != null; shape = shape.next) {
+ if (shape.testPointInside(_worldPoint)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Update the broad-phase state for this body (because it has moved for instance)
+ */
+ protected void updateBroadPhaseState() {
+ // For all the proxy collision shapes of the body
+ for (ProxyShape shape = this.proxyCollisionShapes; shape != null; shape = shape.getNext()) {
+ // Update the proxy
+ updateProxyShapeInBroadPhase(shape, false);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Update the broad-phase state of a proxy collision shape of the body
+ */
+ public void updateProxyShapeInBroadPhase(final ProxyShape _proxyShape, final boolean _forceReinsert /* false */) {
+ final AABB aabb = new AABB();
+ _proxyShape.getCollisionShape().computeAABB(aabb, this.transform.multiplyNew(_proxyShape.getLocalToBodyTransform()));
+ this.world.getCollisionDetection().updateProxyCollisionShape(_proxyShape, aabb, new Vector3f(0, 0, 0), _forceReinsert);
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/body/RigidBody.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/body/RigidBody.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..683b5e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/body/RigidBody.java
@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
+ * ReactPhysics3D physics library, http://code.google.com/p/reactphysics3d/
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Daniel Chappuis
+ *
+ * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+ * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the
+ * use of this software.
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ *
+ * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim
+ * that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a
+ * product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ * appreciated but is not required.
+ *
+ * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ * misrepresented as being the original software.
+ *
+ * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ *
+ * This file has been modified during the port to Java and differ from the source versions.
+ */
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.body;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ProxyShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.AABB;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.CollisionShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.Joint;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.JointListElement;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine.CollisionWorld;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine.DynamicsWorld;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine.Material;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.internal.Log;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Matrix3f;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Transform3D;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * This class represents a rigid body of the physics
+ * engine. A rigid body is a non-deformable body that
+ * has a ant mass. This class inherits from the
+ * CollisionBody class.
+ */
+public class RigidBody extends CollisionBody {
+ protected float initMass = 1.0f; //!< Intial mass of the body
+ protected Vector3f centerOfMassLocal = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Center of mass of the body in local-space coordinates. The center of mass can therefore be different from the body origin
+ public Vector3f centerOfMassWorld = new Vector3f(); //!< Center of mass of the body in world-space coordinates
+ public Vector3f linearVelocity = new Vector3f(); //!< Linear velocity of the body
+ public Vector3f angularVelocity = new Vector3f(); //!< Angular velocity of the body
+ public Vector3f externalForce = new Vector3f(); //!< Current external force on the body
+ public Vector3f externalTorque = new Vector3f(); //!< Current external torque on the body
+ public Matrix3f inertiaTensorLocal = new Matrix3f(); //!< Local inertia tensor of the body (in local-space) with respect to the center of mass of the body
+ public Matrix3f inertiaTensorLocalInverse = new Matrix3f(); //!< Inverse of the inertia tensor of the body
+ public float massInverse; //!< Inverse of the mass of the body
+ protected boolean isGravityEnabled = true; //!< True if the gravity needs to be applied to this rigid body
+ protected Material material = new Material(); //!< Material properties of the rigid body
+ protected float linearDamping = 0.0f; //!< Linear velocity damping factor
+ protected float angularDamping = 0.0f; //!< Angular velocity damping factor
+ public JointListElement jointsList = null; //!< First element of the linked list of joints involving this body
+ protected boolean angularReactionEnable = true;
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ * @param transform The transformation of the body
+ * @param world The world where the body has been added
+ * @param id The ID of the body
+ */
+ public RigidBody(final Transform3D transform, final CollisionWorld world, final int id) {
+ super(transform, world, id);
+ this.centerOfMassWorld = new Vector3f(transform.getPosition());
+ this.massInverse = 1.0f / this.initMass;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add a collision shape to the body.
+ * When you add a collision shape to the body, an intternal copy of this collision shape will be created internally.
+ * Therefore, you can delete it right after calling this method or use it later to add it to another body.
+ * This method will return a pointer to a new proxy shape. A proxy shape is an object that links a collision shape and a given body.
+ * You can use the returned proxy shape to get and set information about the corresponding collision shape for that body.
+ * @param _collisionShape The collision shape you want to add to the body
+ * @param _transform The transformation of the collision shape that transforms the local-space of the collision shape into the local-space of the body
+ * @param _mass Mass (in kilograms) of the collision shape you want to add
+ * @return A pointer to the proxy shape that has been created to link the body to the new collision shape you have added.
+ */
+ public ProxyShape addCollisionShape(final CollisionShape _collisionShape, final Transform3D _transform, final float _mass) {
+ assert (_mass > 0.0f);
+ // Create a new proxy collision shape to attach the collision shape to the body
+ final ProxyShape proxyShape = new ProxyShape(this, _collisionShape, _transform, _mass);
+ // Add it to the list of proxy collision shapes of the body
+ if (this.proxyCollisionShapes == null) {
+ this.proxyCollisionShapes = proxyShape;
+ } else {
+ proxyShape.next = this.proxyCollisionShapes;
+ this.proxyCollisionShapes = proxyShape;
+ }
+ // Compute the world-space AABB of the new collision shape
+ final AABB aabb = new AABB();
+ _collisionShape.computeAABB(aabb, this.transform.multiplyNew(_transform));
+ // Notify the collision detection about this new collision shape
+ this.world.collisionDetection.addProxyCollisionShape(proxyShape, aabb);
+ this.numberCollisionShapes++;
+ recomputeMassInformation();
+ return proxyShape;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Apply an external force to the body at a given point (in world-space coordinates).
+ * If the point is not at the center of mass of the body, it will also
+ * generate some torque and therefore, change the angular velocity of the body.
+ * If the body is sleeping, calling this method will wake it up. Note that the
+ * force will we added to the sum of the applied forces and that this sum will be
+ * reset to zero at the end of each call of the DynamicsWorld::update() method.
+ * You can only apply a force to a dynamic body otherwise, this method will do nothing.
+ * @param _force The force to apply on the body
+ * @param _point The point where the force is applied (in world-space coordinates)
+ */
+ public void applyForce(final Vector3f _force, final Vector3f _point) {
+ if (this.type != BodyType.DYNAMIC) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.isSleeping) {
+ setIsSleeping(false);
+ }
+ this.externalForce.add(_force);
+ this.externalTorque.add(_point.lessNew(this.centerOfMassWorld).cross(_force));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Apply an external force to the body at its center of mass.
+ * If the body is sleeping, calling this method will wake it up. Note that the
+ * force will we added to the sum of the applied forces and that this sum will be
+ * reset to zero at the end of each call of the DynamicsWorld::update() method.
+ * You can only apply a force to a dynamic body otherwise, this method will do nothing.
+ * @param _force The external force to apply on the center of mass of the body
+ */
+ public void applyForceToCenterOfMass(final Vector3f _force) {
+ if (this.type != BodyType.DYNAMIC) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.isSleeping) {
+ setIsSleeping(false);
+ }
+ this.externalForce.add(_force);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Apply an external torque to the body.
+ * If the body is sleeping, calling this method will wake it up. Note that the
+ * force will we added to the sum of the applied torques and that this sum will be
+ * reset to zero at the end of each call of the DynamicsWorld::update() method.
+ * You can only apply a force to a dynamic body otherwise, this method will do nothing.
+ * @param _torque The external torque to apply on the body
+ */
+ public void applyTorque(final Vector3f _torque) {
+ if (this.type != BodyType.DYNAMIC) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.isSleeping) {
+ setIsSleeping(false);
+ }
+ this.externalTorque.add(_torque);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the variable to know if the gravity is applied to this rigid body
+ * @param _isEnabled True if you want the gravity to be applied to this body
+ */
+ public void enableGravity(final boolean _isEnabled) {
+ this.isGravityEnabled = _isEnabled;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the angular velocity damping factor
+ * @return The angular damping factor of this body
+ */
+ public float getAngularDamping() {
+ return this.angularDamping;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the angular velocity of the body
+ * @return The angular velocity vector of the body
+ */
+ public Vector3f getAngularVelocity() {
+ return this.angularVelocity;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the inverse of the inertia tensor in world coordinates.
+ * The inertia tensor I_w in world coordinates is computed with the
+ * local inverse inertia tensor I_b^-1 in body coordinates
+ * by I_w = R * I_b^-1 * R^T
+ * where R is the rotation matrix (and R^T its transpose) of the
+ * current orientation quaternion of the body
+ * @return The 3x3 inverse inertia tensor matrix of the body in world-space coordinates
+ */
+ public Matrix3f getInertiaTensorInverseWorld() {
+ // Compute and return the inertia tensor in world coordinates
+ //Log.error("}}} this.transform=" + this.transform);
+ //Log.error("}}} this.inertiaTensorLocalInverse=" + this.inertiaTensorLocalInverse);
+ //Log.error("}}} this.transform.getOrientation().getMatrix().transposeNew()=" + this.transform.getOrientation().getMatrix().transposeNew());
+ //Log.error("}}} this.transform.getOrientation().getMatrix()=" + this.transform.getOrientation().getMatrix());
+ final Matrix3f tmp = this.transform.getOrientation().getMatrix().multiplyNew(this.inertiaTensorLocalInverse).multiply(this.transform.getOrientation().getMatrix().transposeNew());
+ //Log.error("}}} tmp=" + tmp);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the local inertia tensor of the body (in local-space coordinates)
+ * @return The 3x3 inertia tensor matrix of the body
+ */
+ public Matrix3f getInertiaTensorLocal() {
+ return this.inertiaTensorLocal;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the inertia tensor in world coordinates.
+ * The inertia tensor I_w in world coordinates is computed
+ * with the local inertia tensor I_b in body coordinates
+ * by I_w = R * I_b * R^T
+ * where R is the rotation matrix (and R^T its transpose) of
+ * the current orientation quaternion of the body
+ * @return The 3x3 inertia tensor matrix of the body in world-space coordinates
+ */
+ public Matrix3f getInertiaTensorWorld() {
+ // Compute and return the inertia tensor in world coordinates
+ return this.transform.getOrientation().getMatrix().multiplyNew(this.inertiaTensorLocal).multiply(this.transform.getOrientation().getMatrix().transposeNew());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the first element of the linked list of joints involving this body
+ * @return The first element of the linked-list of all the joints involving this body
+ */
+ public JointListElement getJointsList() {
+ return this.jointsList;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the linear velocity damping factor
+ * @return The linear damping factor of this body
+ */
+ public float getLinearDamping() {
+ return this.linearDamping;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the linear velocity
+ * @return The linear velocity vector of the body
+ */
+ public Vector3f getLinearVelocity() {
+ return this.linearVelocity;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the mass of the body
+ * @return The mass (in kilograms) of the body
+ */
+ public float getMass() {
+ return this.initMass;
+ }
+ /**
+ * get a reference to the material properties of the rigid body
+ * @return A reference to the material of the body
+ */
+ public Material getMaterial() {
+ return this.material;
+ }
+ public boolean isAngularReactionEnable() {
+ return this.angularReactionEnable;
+ }
+ /**
+ * get the need of gravity appling to this rigid body
+ * @return True if the gravity is applied to the body
+ */
+ public boolean isGravityEnabled() {
+ return this.isGravityEnabled;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Recompute the center of mass, total mass and inertia tensor of the body using all the collision shapes attached to the body.
+ */
+ public void recomputeMassInformation() {
+ this.initMass = 0.0f;
+ this.massInverse = 0.0f;
+ this.inertiaTensorLocal.setZero();
+ this.inertiaTensorLocalInverse.setZero();
+ this.centerOfMassLocal.setZero();
+ // If it is STATIC or KINEMATIC body
+ if (this.type == BodyType.STATIC || this.type == BodyType.KINEMATIC) {
+ this.centerOfMassWorld = this.transform.getPosition();
+ return;
+ }
+ assert (this.type == BodyType.DYNAMIC);
+ // Compute the total mass of the body
+ for (ProxyShape shape = this.proxyCollisionShapes; shape != null; shape = shape.next) {
+ this.initMass += shape.getMass();
+ this.centerOfMassLocal.add(shape.getLocalToBodyTransform().getPosition().multiplyNew(shape.getMass()));
+ }
+ if (this.initMass > 0.0f) {
+ this.massInverse = 1.0f / this.initMass;
+ } else {
+ this.initMass = 1.0f;
+ this.massInverse = 1.0f;
+ }
+ // Compute the center of mass
+ final Vector3f oldCenterOfMass = this.centerOfMassWorld;
+ this.centerOfMassLocal.multiply(this.massInverse);
+ this.centerOfMassWorld = this.transform.multiplyNew(this.centerOfMassLocal);
+ // Compute the total mass and inertia tensor using all the collision shapes
+ for (ProxyShape shape = this.proxyCollisionShapes; shape != null; shape = shape.next) {
+ // Get the inertia tensor of the collision shape in its local-space
+ Matrix3f inertiaTensor = new Matrix3f();
+ shape.getCollisionShape().computeLocalInertiaTensor(inertiaTensor, shape.getMass());
+ // Convert the collision shape inertia tensor into the local-space of the body
+ final Transform3D shapeTransform = shape.getLocalToBodyTransform();
+ final Matrix3f rotationMatrix = shapeTransform.getOrientation().getMatrix();
+ inertiaTensor = rotationMatrix.multiplyNew(inertiaTensor).multiply(rotationMatrix.transposeNew());
+ // Use the parallel axis theorem to convert the inertia tensor w.r.t the collision shape
+ // center into a inertia tensor w.r.t to the body origin.
+ final Vector3f offset = shapeTransform.getPosition().lessNew(this.centerOfMassLocal);
+ final float offsetSquare = offset.length2();
+ final Vector3f off1 = offset.multiplyNew(-offset.x);
+ final Vector3f off2 = offset.multiplyNew(-offset.y);
+ final Vector3f off3 = offset.multiplyNew(-offset.z);
+ final Matrix3f offsetMatrix = new Matrix3f(off1.x + offsetSquare, off1.y, off1.z, off2.x, off2.y + offsetSquare, off2.z, off3.x, off3.y, off3.z + offsetSquare);
+ offsetMatrix.multiply(shape.getMass());
+ this.inertiaTensorLocal.add(inertiaTensor.addNew(offsetMatrix));
+ }
+ // Compute the local inverse inertia tensor
+ this.inertiaTensorLocalInverse = this.inertiaTensorLocal.inverseNew();
+ // Update the linear velocity of the center of mass
+ this.linearVelocity.add(this.angularVelocity.cross(this.centerOfMassWorld.lessNew(oldCenterOfMass)));
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void removeCollisionShape(final ProxyShape _proxyShape) {
+ super.removeCollisionShape(_proxyShape);
+ recomputeMassInformation();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove a joint from the joints list
+ */
+ public void removeJointFromjointsList(final Joint joint) {
+ assert (joint != null);
+ assert (this.jointsList != null);
+ // Remove the joint from the linked list of the joints of the first body
+ if (this.jointsList.joint == joint) { // If the first element is the one to remove
+ JointListElement elementToRemove = this.jointsList;
+ this.jointsList = elementToRemove.next;
+ elementToRemove = null;
+ } else { // If the element to remove is not the first one in the list
+ JointListElement currentElement = this.jointsList;
+ while (currentElement.next != null) {
+ if (currentElement.next.joint == joint) {
+ JointListElement elementToRemove = currentElement.next;
+ currentElement.next = elementToRemove.next;
+ elementToRemove = null;
+ break;
+ }
+ currentElement = currentElement.next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the angular damping factor. This is the ratio of the angular velocity that the body will lose at every seconds of simulation.
+ * @param _angularDamping The angular damping factor of this body
+ */
+ public void setAngularDamping(final float _angularDamping) {
+ assert (_angularDamping >= 0.0f);
+ this.angularDamping = _angularDamping;
+ }
+ public void setAngularReactionEnable(final boolean angularReactionEnable) {
+ this.angularReactionEnable = angularReactionEnable;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the angular velocity.
+ * @param _angularVelocity The angular velocity vector of the body
+ */
+ public void setAngularVelocity(final Vector3f _angularVelocity) {
+ if (this.type == BodyType.STATIC) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.angularVelocity = _angularVelocity;
+ if (this.angularVelocity.length2() > 0.0f) {
+ setIsSleeping(false);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the local center of mass of the body (in local-space coordinates)
+ * @param _centerOfMassLocal The center of mass of the body in local-space coordinates
+ */
+ public void setCenterOfMassLocal(final Vector3f centerOfMassLocal) {
+ if (this.type != BodyType.DYNAMIC) {
+ return;
+ }
+ final Vector3f oldCenterOfMass = this.centerOfMassWorld;
+ this.centerOfMassLocal = centerOfMassLocal;
+ this.centerOfMassWorld = this.transform.multiplyNew(this.centerOfMassLocal);
+ this.linearVelocity.add(this.angularVelocity.cross(this.centerOfMassWorld.lessNew(oldCenterOfMass)));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the local inertia tensor of the body (in local-space coordinates)
+ * @param _inertiaTensorLocal The 3x3 inertia tensor matrix of the body in local-space coordinates
+ */
+ public void setInertiaTensorLocal(final Matrix3f inertiaTensorLocal) {
+ if (this.type != BodyType.DYNAMIC) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.inertiaTensorLocal = inertiaTensorLocal;
+ this.inertiaTensorLocalInverse = this.inertiaTensorLocal.inverseNew();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the variable to know whether or not the body is sleeping
+ * @param _isSleeping New sleeping state of the body
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void setIsSleeping(final boolean _isSleeping) {
+ if (_isSleeping) {
+ this.linearVelocity.setZero();
+ this.angularVelocity.setZero();
+ this.externalForce.setZero();
+ this.externalTorque.setZero();
+ }
+ super.setIsSleeping(_isSleeping);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the linear damping factor. This is the ratio of the linear velocity that the body will lose every at seconds of simulation.
+ * @param _linearDamping The linear damping factor of this body
+ */
+ public void setLinearDamping(final float _linearDamping) {
+ assert (_linearDamping >= 0.0f);
+ this.linearDamping = _linearDamping;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the linear velocity of the rigid body.
+ * @param _linearVelocity Linear velocity vector of the body
+ */
+ public void setLinearVelocity(final Vector3f _linearVelocity) {
+ if (this.type == BodyType.STATIC) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.linearVelocity = _linearVelocity;
+ if (this.linearVelocity.length2() > 0.0f) {
+ setIsSleeping(false);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the mass of the rigid body
+ * @param _mass The mass (in kilograms) of the body
+ */
+ public void setMass(final float _mass) {
+ if (this.type != BodyType.DYNAMIC) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.initMass = _mass;
+ if (this.initMass > 0.0f) {
+ this.massInverse = 1.0f / this.initMass;
+ } else {
+ this.initMass = 1.0f;
+ this.massInverse = 1.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set a new material for this rigid body
+ * @param _material The material you want to set to the body
+ */
+ public void setMaterial(final Material _material) {
+ this.material = _material;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the current position and orientation
+ * @param _transform The transformation of the body that transforms the local-space of the body into world-space
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void setTransform(final Transform3D _transform) {
+ //Log.info(" set transform: " + this.transform + " ==> " + _transform);
+ if (_transform.getPosition().x == Float.NaN) {
+ Log.critical(" set transform: " + this.transform + " ==> " + _transform);
+ }
+ if (Float.isInfinite(_transform.getOrientation().z)) {
+ Log.critical(" set transform: " + this.transform + " ==> " + _transform);
+ }
+ this.transform = _transform;
+ final Vector3f oldCenterOfMass = this.centerOfMassWorld;
+ // Compute the new center of mass in world-space coordinates
+ this.centerOfMassWorld = this.transform.multiplyNew(this.centerOfMassLocal);
+ // Update the linear velocity of the center of mass
+ this.linearVelocity.add(this.angularVelocity.cross(this.centerOfMassWorld.lessNew(oldCenterOfMass)));
+ updateBroadPhaseState();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setType(final BodyType _type) {
+ if (this.type == _type) {
+ return;
+ }
+ super.setType(_type);
+ recomputeMassInformation();
+ if (this.type == BodyType.STATIC) {
+ // Reset the velocity to zero
+ this.linearVelocity.setZero();
+ this.angularVelocity.setZero();
+ }
+ if (this.type == BodyType.STATIC || this.type == BodyType.KINEMATIC) {
+ // Reset the inverse mass and inverse inertia tensor to zero
+ this.massInverse = 0.0f;
+ this.inertiaTensorLocal.setZero();
+ this.inertiaTensorLocalInverse.setZero();
+ } else {
+ this.massInverse = 1.0f / this.initMass;
+ this.inertiaTensorLocalInverse = this.inertiaTensorLocal.inverseNew();
+ }
+ setIsSleeping(false);
+ resetContactManifoldsList();
+ // Ask the broad-phase to test again the collision shapes of the body for collision detection (as if the body has moved)
+ askForBroadPhaseCollisionCheck();
+ this.externalForce.setZero();
+ this.externalTorque.setZero();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void updateBroadPhaseState() {
+ final DynamicsWorld world = (DynamicsWorld) this.world;
+ final Vector3f displacement = this.linearVelocity.multiplyNew(world.timeStep);
+ // For all the proxy collision shapes of the body
+ for (ProxyShape shape = this.proxyCollisionShapes; shape != null; shape = shape.next) {
+ // Recompute the world-space AABB of the collision shape
+ final AABB aabb = new AABB();
+ //Log.info(" : " + aabb.getMin() + " " + aabb.getMax());
+ //Log.info(" this.transform: " + this.transform);
+ shape.getCollisionShape().computeAABB(aabb, this.transform.multiplyNew(shape.getLocalToBodyTransform()));
+ //Log.info(" : " + aabb.getMin() + " " + aabb.getMax());
+ // Update the broad-phase state for the proxy collision shape
+ //Log.warning(" ==> updateProxyCollisionShape");
+ world.collisionDetection.updateProxyCollisionShape(shape, aabb, displacement);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the transform of the body after a change of the center of mass
+ */
+ public void updateTransformWithCenterOfMass() {
+ // Translate the body according to the translation of the center of mass position
+ this.transform.setPosition(this.centerOfMassWorld.lessNew(this.transform.getOrientation().multiply(this.centerOfMassLocal)));
+ if (Float.isNaN(this.transform.getPosition().x) == true) {
+ Log.critical("updateTransformWithCenterOfMass: " + this.transform);
+ }
+ if (Float.isInfinite(this.transform.getOrientation().z) == true) {
+ Log.critical(" set transform: " + this.transform);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/CollisionDetection.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/CollisionDetection.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3356833
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/CollisionDetection.java
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.RaycastCallback;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.RaycastTest;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.BodyType;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.CollisionBody;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.broadphase.BroadPhaseAlgorithm;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.broadphase.DTree;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.broadphase.PairDTree;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase.CollisionDispatch;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase.DefaultCollisionDispatch;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase.NarrowPhaseAlgorithm;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase.NarrowPhaseCallback;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase.GJK.GJKAlgorithm;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.AABB;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.CollisionShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.CollisionShapeType;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.ContactPoint;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.ContactPointInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine.CollisionCallback;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine.CollisionWorld;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine.EventListener;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine.OverlappingPair;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.internal.Log;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.PairInt;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Ray;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Set;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.SetMultiple;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * @brief It computes the collision detection algorithms. We first
+ * perform a broad-phase algorithm to know which pairs of bodies can
+ * collide and then we run a narrow-phase algorithm to compute the
+ * collision contacts between bodies.
+ */
+public class CollisionDetection implements NarrowPhaseCallback {
+ /// Reference on the physics world
+ private final CollisionWorld world;
+ /// Broad-phase algorithm
+ private final BroadPhaseAlgorithm broadPhaseAlgorithm;
+ /// Collision Detection Dispatch configuration
+ private CollisionDispatch collisionDispatch;
+ private final DefaultCollisionDispatch defaultCollisionDispatch = new DefaultCollisionDispatch();
+ /// Collision detection matrix (algorithms to use)
+ private final NarrowPhaseAlgorithm[][] collisionMatrix = new NarrowPhaseAlgorithm[CollisionShapeType.NB_COLLISION_SHAPE_TYPES][CollisionShapeType.NB_COLLISION_SHAPE_TYPES];
+ public Map overlappingPairs = new TreeMap<>(Set.getPairDTreeCoparator()); //!< Broad-phase overlapping pairs
+ private final Map contactOverlappingPair = new TreeMap<>(Set.getPairDTreeCoparator()); //!< Overlapping pairs in contact (during the current Narrow-phase collision detection)
+ // TODO : Delete this
+ private final GJKAlgorithm narrowPhaseGJKAlgorithm; //!< Narrow-phase GJK algorithm
+ private final SetMultiple noCollisionPairs = new SetMultiple(Set.getPairIntCoparator()); //!< Set of pair of bodies that cannot collide between each other
+ private boolean isCollisionShapesAdded; //!< True if some collision shapes have been added previously
+ /// Constructor
+ public CollisionDetection(final CollisionWorld _world) {
+ this.world = _world;
+ this.broadPhaseAlgorithm = new BroadPhaseAlgorithm(this);
+ this.isCollisionShapesAdded = false;
+ this.narrowPhaseGJKAlgorithm = new GJKAlgorithm(this);
+ // Set the default collision dispatch configuration
+ setCollisionDispatch(this.defaultCollisionDispatch);
+ // Fill-in the collision detection matrix with algorithms
+ fillInCollisionMatrix();
+ }
+ /// Add all the contact manifold of colliding pairs to their bodies
+ private void addAllContactManifoldsToBodies() {
+ // For each overlapping pairs in contact during the narrow-phase
+ for (final OverlappingPair it : this.contactOverlappingPair.values()) {
+ // Add all the contact manifolds of the pair int32_to the list of contact manifolds
+ // of the two bodies involved in the contact
+ addContactManifoldToBody(it);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Add a contact manifold to the linked list of contact manifolds of the two bodies
+ /// involed in the corresponding contact.
+ private void addContactManifoldToBody(final OverlappingPair _pair) {
+ assert (_pair != null);
+ final CollisionBody body1 = _pair.getShape1().getBody();
+ final CollisionBody body2 = _pair.getShape2().getBody();
+ final ContactManifoldSet manifoldSet = _pair.getContactManifoldSet();
+ // For each contact manifold in the set of manifolds in the pair
+ for (int i = 0; i < manifoldSet.getNbContactManifolds(); i++) {
+ final ContactManifold contactManifold = manifoldSet.getContactManifold(i);
+ assert (contactManifold.getNbContactPoints() > 0);
+ // Add the contact manifold at the beginning of the linked
+ // list of contact manifolds of the first body
+ body1.contactManifoldsList = new ContactManifoldListElement(contactManifold, body1.contactManifoldsList);
+ // Add the contact manifold at the beginning of the linked
+ // list of the contact manifolds of the second body
+ body2.contactManifoldsList = new ContactManifoldListElement(contactManifold, body2.contactManifoldsList);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Add a pair of bodies that cannot collide with each other
+ public void addNoCollisionPair(final CollisionBody _body1, final CollisionBody _body2) {
+ this.noCollisionPairs.add(OverlappingPair.computeBodiesIndexPair(_body1, _body2));
+ }
+ /// Add a proxy collision shape to the collision detection
+ public void addProxyCollisionShape(final ProxyShape _proxyShape, final AABB _aabb) {
+ // Add the body to the broad-phase
+ this.broadPhaseAlgorithm.addProxyCollisionShape(_proxyShape, _aabb);
+ this.isCollisionShapesAdded = true;
+ }
+ // Ask for a collision shape to be tested again during broad-phase.
+ /// We simply put the shape in the list of collision shape that have moved in the
+ /// previous frame so that it is tested for collision again in the broad-phase.
+ public void askForBroadPhaseCollisionCheck(final ProxyShape _shape) {
+ this.broadPhaseAlgorithm.addMovedCollisionShape(_shape.broadPhaseID);
+ }
+ /// Allow the broadphase to notify the collision detection about an overlapping pair.
+ /// This method is called by the broad-phase collision detection algorithm
+ public void broadPhaseNotifyOverlappingPair(final ProxyShape _shape1, final ProxyShape _shape2) {
+ assert (_shape1.broadPhaseID != _shape2.broadPhaseID);
+ // If the two proxy collision shapes are from the same body, skip it
+ if (_shape1.getBody().getID() == _shape2.getBody().getID()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //Log.info(" check collision is allowed: " + _shape1.getBody().getID() + " " + _shape2.getBody().getID());
+ // Check if the collision filtering allows collision between the two shapes
+ if ((_shape1.getCollideWithMaskBits() & _shape2.getCollisionCategoryBits()) == 0 || (_shape1.getCollisionCategoryBits() & _shape2.getCollideWithMaskBits()) == 0) {
+ Log.info(" ==> not permited ...");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Compute the overlapping pair ID
+ final PairDTree pairID = OverlappingPair.computeID(_shape1, _shape2);
+ // Check if the overlapping pair already exists
+ if (this.overlappingPairs.get(pairID) != null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Compute the maximum number of contact manifolds for this pair
+ final int nbMaxManifolds = CollisionShape.computeNbMaxContactManifolds(_shape1.getCollisionShape().getType(), _shape2.getCollisionShape().getType());
+ // Create the overlapping pair and add it int32_to the set of overlapping pairs
+ final OverlappingPair newPair = new OverlappingPair(_shape1, _shape2, nbMaxManifolds);
+ assert (newPair != null);
+ this.overlappingPairs.putIfAbsent(pairID, newPair);
+ // Wake up the two bodies
+ _shape1.getBody().setIsSleeping(false);
+ _shape2.getBody().setIsSleeping(false);
+ }
+ /// Delete all the contact points in the currently overlapping pairs
+ private void clearContactPoints() {
+ // For each overlapping pair
+ this.overlappingPairs.forEach((key, value) -> value.clearContactPoints());
+ }
+ /// Compute the broad-phase collision detection
+ private void computeBroadPhase() {
+ // If new collision shapes have been added to bodies
+ if (this.isCollisionShapesAdded) {
+ // Ask the broad-phase to recompute the overlapping pairs of collision
+ // shapes. This call can only add new overlapping pairs in the collision
+ // detection.
+ this.broadPhaseAlgorithm.computeOverlappingPairs();
+ }
+ }
+ /// Compute the collision detection
+ public void computeCollisionDetection() {
+ //Log.info("computeBroadPhase();");
+ // Compute the broad-phase collision detection
+ computeBroadPhase();
+ //Log.info("computeNarrowPhase();");
+ // Compute the narrow-phase collision detection
+ computeNarrowPhase();
+ }
+ /// Compute the narrow-phase collision detection
+ private void computeNarrowPhase() {
+ // Clear the set of overlapping pairs in narrow-phase contact
+ this.contactOverlappingPair.clear();
+ {
+ //Log.info("list elements:");
+ final Iterator> ittt = this.overlappingPairs.entrySet().iterator();
+ while (ittt.hasNext()) {
+ final Map.Entry entry = ittt.next();
+ //Log.info(" " + entry.getKey() + " " + entry.getValue());
+ }
+ }
+ // For each possible collision pair of bodies
+ final Iterator> it = this.overlappingPairs.entrySet().iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ final Map.Entry entry = it.next();
+ final OverlappingPair pair = entry.getValue();
+ final ProxyShape shape1 = pair.getShape1();
+ final ProxyShape shape2 = pair.getShape2();
+ assert (shape1.broadPhaseID != shape2.broadPhaseID);
+ // Check if the collision filtering allows collision between the two shapes and
+ // that the two shapes are still overlapping. Otherwise, we destroy the
+ // overlapping pair
+ if (((shape1.getCollideWithMaskBits() & shape2.getCollisionCategoryBits()) == 0 || (shape1.getCollisionCategoryBits() & shape2.getCollideWithMaskBits()) == 0)
+ || !this.broadPhaseAlgorithm.testOverlappingShapes(shape1, shape2)) {
+ // TODO : Remove all the contact manifold of the overlapping pair from the contact manifolds list of the two bodies involved
+ // Destroy the overlapping pair
+ it.remove();
+ continue;
+ }
+ final CollisionBody body1 = shape1.getBody();
+ final CollisionBody body2 = shape2.getBody();
+ // Update the contact cache of the overlapping pair
+ pair.update();
+ // Check that at least one body is awake and not static
+ final boolean isBody1Active = !body1.isSleeping() && body1.getType() != BodyType.STATIC;
+ final boolean isBody2Active = !body2.isSleeping() && body2.getType() != BodyType.STATIC;
+ if (!isBody1Active && !isBody2Active) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Check if the bodies are in the set of bodies that cannot collide between each other
+ final PairInt bodiesIndex = OverlappingPair.computeBodiesIndexPair(body1, body2);
+ if (this.noCollisionPairs.count(bodiesIndex) > 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Select the narrow phase algorithm to use according to the two collision shapes
+ final CollisionShapeType shape1Type = shape1.getCollisionShape().getType();
+ final CollisionShapeType shape2Type = shape2.getCollisionShape().getType();
+ final NarrowPhaseAlgorithm narrowPhaseAlgorithm = this.collisionMatrix[shape1Type.value][shape2Type.value];
+ // If there is no collision algorithm between those two kinds of shapes
+ if (narrowPhaseAlgorithm == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Notify the narrow-phase algorithm about the overlapping pair we are going to test
+ narrowPhaseAlgorithm.setCurrentOverlappingPair(pair);
+ // Create the CollisionShapeInfo objects
+ final CollisionShapeInfo shape1Info = new CollisionShapeInfo(shape1, shape1.getCollisionShape(), shape1.getLocalToWorldTransform(), pair, shape1.getCachedCollisionData());
+ final CollisionShapeInfo shape2Info = new CollisionShapeInfo(shape2, shape2.getCollisionShape(), shape2.getLocalToWorldTransform(), pair, shape2.getCachedCollisionData());
+ // Use the narrow-phase collision detection algorithm to check
+ // if there really is a collision. If a collision occurs, the
+ // notifyContact() callback method will be called.
+ narrowPhaseAlgorithm.testCollision(shape1Info, shape2Info, this);
+ }
+ // Add all the contact manifolds (between colliding bodies) to the bodies
+ addAllContactManifoldsToBodies();
+ }
+ /// Compute the narrow-phase collision detection
+ public void computeNarrowPhaseBetweenShapes(final CollisionCallback _callback, final Set _shapes1, final Set _shapes2) {
+ this.contactOverlappingPair.clear();
+ // For each possible collision pair of bodies
+ final Iterator> it = this.overlappingPairs.entrySet().iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ final Map.Entry entry = it.next();
+ final OverlappingPair pair = entry.getValue();
+ final ProxyShape shape1 = pair.getShape1();
+ final ProxyShape shape2 = pair.getShape2();
+ assert (shape1.broadPhaseID != shape2.broadPhaseID);
+ // If both shapes1 and shapes2 sets are non-empty, we check that
+ // shape1 is among on set and shape2 is among the other one
+ if (!_shapes1.isEmpty() && !_shapes2.isEmpty() && (_shapes1.count(shape1.broadPhaseID) == 0 || _shapes2.count(shape2.broadPhaseID) == 0)
+ && (_shapes1.count(shape2.broadPhaseID) == 0 || _shapes2.count(shape1.broadPhaseID) == 0)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!_shapes1.isEmpty() && _shapes2.isEmpty() && _shapes1.count(shape1.broadPhaseID) == 0 && _shapes1.count(shape2.broadPhaseID) == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!_shapes2.isEmpty() && _shapes1.isEmpty() && _shapes2.count(shape1.broadPhaseID) == 0 && _shapes2.count(shape2.broadPhaseID) == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Check if the collision filtering allows collision between the two shapes and
+ // that the two shapes are still overlapping. Otherwise, we destroy the
+ // overlapping pair
+ if (((shape1.getCollideWithMaskBits() & shape2.getCollisionCategoryBits()) == 0 || (shape1.getCollisionCategoryBits() & shape2.getCollideWithMaskBits()) == 0)
+ || !this.broadPhaseAlgorithm.testOverlappingShapes(shape1, shape2)) {
+ // TODO : Remove all the contact manifold of the overlapping pair from the contact manifolds list of the two bodies involved
+ // Destroy the overlapping pair
+ it.remove();
+ continue;
+ }
+ final CollisionBody body1 = shape1.getBody();
+ final CollisionBody body2 = shape2.getBody();
+ // Update the contact cache of the overlapping pair
+ pair.update();
+ // Check if the two bodies are allowed to collide, otherwise, we do not test for collision
+ if (body1.getType() != BodyType.DYNAMIC && body2.getType() != BodyType.DYNAMIC) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ final PairInt bodiesIndex = OverlappingPair.computeBodiesIndexPair(body1, body2);
+ if (this.noCollisionPairs.count(bodiesIndex) > 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Check if the two bodies are sleeping, if so, we do no test collision between them
+ if (body1.isSleeping() && body2.isSleeping()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Select the narrow phase algorithm to use according to the two collision shapes
+ final CollisionShapeType shape1Type = shape1.getCollisionShape().getType();
+ final CollisionShapeType shape2Type = shape2.getCollisionShape().getType();
+ final NarrowPhaseAlgorithm narrowPhaseAlgorithm = this.collisionMatrix[shape1Type.value][shape2Type.value];
+ // If there is no collision algorithm between those two kinds of shapes
+ if (narrowPhaseAlgorithm == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Notify the narrow-phase algorithm about the overlapping pair we are going to test
+ narrowPhaseAlgorithm.setCurrentOverlappingPair(pair);
+ // Create the CollisionShapeInfo objects
+ final CollisionShapeInfo shape1Info = new CollisionShapeInfo(shape1, shape1.getCollisionShape(), shape1.getLocalToWorldTransform(), pair, shape1.getCachedCollisionData());
+ final CollisionShapeInfo shape2Info = new CollisionShapeInfo(shape2, shape2.getCollisionShape(), shape2.getLocalToWorldTransform(), pair, shape2.getCachedCollisionData());
+ final TestCollisionBetweenShapesCallback narrowPhaseCallback = new TestCollisionBetweenShapesCallback(_callback);
+ // Use the narrow-phase collision detection algorithm to check
+ // if there really is a collision
+ narrowPhaseAlgorithm.testCollision(shape1Info, shape2Info, narrowPhaseCallback);
+ }
+ // Add all the contact manifolds (between colliding bodies) to the bodies
+ addAllContactManifoldsToBodies();
+ }
+ void createContact(final OverlappingPair _overlappingPair, final ContactPointInfo _contactInfo) {
+ // Create a new contact
+ final ContactPoint contact = new ContactPoint(_contactInfo);
+ // Add the contact to the contact manifold set of the corresponding overlapping pair
+ _overlappingPair.addContact(contact);
+ // Add the overlapping pair int32_to the set of pairs in contact during narrow-phase
+ final PairDTree pairId = OverlappingPair.computeID(_overlappingPair.getShape1(), _overlappingPair.getShape2());
+ this.contactOverlappingPair.put(pairId, _overlappingPair);
+ }
+ /// Fill-in the collision detection matrix
+ private void fillInCollisionMatrix() {
+ // For each possible type of collision shape
+ for (int i = 0; i < CollisionShapeType.NB_COLLISION_SHAPE_TYPES; i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < CollisionShapeType.NB_COLLISION_SHAPE_TYPES; j++) {
+ this.collisionMatrix[i][j] = this.collisionDispatch.selectAlgorithm(CollisionShapeType.getType(i), CollisionShapeType.getType(j));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Return the Narrow-phase collision detection algorithm to use between two types of shapes
+ public NarrowPhaseAlgorithm getCollisionAlgorithm(final CollisionShapeType _shape1Type, final CollisionShapeType _shape2Type) {
+ return this.collisionMatrix[_shape1Type.value][_shape2Type.value];
+ }
+ public GJKAlgorithm getNarrowPhaseGJKAlgorithm() {
+ return this.narrowPhaseGJKAlgorithm;
+ }
+ /// Return a pointer to the world
+ public CollisionWorld getWorld() {
+ return this.world;
+ }
+ /// Return the world event listener
+ public EventListener getWorldEventListener() {
+ return this.world.eventListener;
+ }
+ /// Called by a narrow-phase collision algorithm when a new contact has been found
+ @Override
+ public void notifyContact(final OverlappingPair _overlappingPair, final ContactPointInfo _contactInfo) {
+ Log.error("Notify Contact ... --------------------");
+ // If it is the first contact since the pairs are overlapping
+ if (_overlappingPair.getNbContactPoints() == 0) {
+ // Trigger a callback event
+ if (this.world.eventListener != null) {
+ this.world.eventListener.beginContact(_contactInfo);
+ }
+ }
+ // Create a new contact
+ createContact(_overlappingPair, _contactInfo);
+ // Trigger a callback event for the new contact
+ if (this.world.eventListener != null) {
+ this.world.eventListener.newContact(_contactInfo);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Ray casting method
+ public void raycast(final RaycastCallback _raycastCallback, final Ray _ray, final int _raycastWithCategoryMaskBits) {
+ final RaycastTest rayCastTest = new RaycastTest(_raycastCallback);
+ // Ask the broad-phase algorithm to call the testRaycastAgainstShape()
+ // callback method for each proxy shape hit by the ray in the broad-phase
+ this.broadPhaseAlgorithm.raycast(_ray, rayCastTest, _raycastWithCategoryMaskBits);
+ }
+ /// Remove a pair of bodies that cannot collide with each other
+ public void removeNoCollisionPair(final CollisionBody _body1, final CollisionBody _body2) {
+ this.noCollisionPairs.erase(this.noCollisionPairs.find(OverlappingPair.computeBodiesIndexPair(_body1, _body2)));
+ }
+ /// Remove a proxy collision shape from the collision detection
+ public void removeProxyCollisionShape(final ProxyShape _proxyShape) {
+ // Remove all the overlapping pairs involving this proxy shape
+ final Iterator> it = this.overlappingPairs.entrySet().iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ final Map.Entry entry = it.next();
+ final OverlappingPair pair = entry.getValue();
+ if (pair.getShape1().broadPhaseID == _proxyShape.broadPhaseID || pair.getShape2().broadPhaseID == _proxyShape.broadPhaseID) {
+ // TODO : Remove all the contact manifold of the overlapping pair from the contact manifolds list of the two bodies involved
+ // Destroy the overlapping pair
+ it.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove the body from the broad-phase
+ this.broadPhaseAlgorithm.removeProxyCollisionShape(_proxyShape);
+ }
+ /// Report collision between two sets of shapes
+ public void reportCollisionBetweenShapes(final CollisionCallback _callback, final Set _shapes1, final Set _shapes2) {
+ // For each possible collision pair of bodies
+ final Iterator> it = this.overlappingPairs.entrySet().iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ final Map.Entry entry = it.next();
+ final OverlappingPair pair = entry.getValue();
+ final ProxyShape shape1 = pair.getShape1();
+ final ProxyShape shape2 = pair.getShape2();
+ assert (shape1.broadPhaseID != shape2.broadPhaseID);
+ // If both shapes1 and shapes2 sets are non-empty, we check that
+ // shape1 is among on set and shape2 is among the other one
+ if (!_shapes1.isEmpty() && !_shapes2.isEmpty() && (_shapes1.count(shape1.broadPhaseID) == 0 || _shapes2.count(shape2.broadPhaseID) == 0)
+ && (_shapes1.count(shape2.broadPhaseID) == 0 || _shapes2.count(shape1.broadPhaseID) == 0)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!_shapes1.isEmpty() && _shapes2.isEmpty() && _shapes1.count(shape1.broadPhaseID) == 0 && _shapes1.count(shape2.broadPhaseID) == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!_shapes2.isEmpty() && _shapes1.isEmpty() && _shapes2.count(shape1.broadPhaseID) == 0 && _shapes2.count(shape2.broadPhaseID) == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // For each contact manifold set of the overlapping pair
+ final ContactManifoldSet manifoldSet = pair.getContactManifoldSet();
+ for (int j = 0; j < manifoldSet.getNbContactManifolds(); j++) {
+ final ContactManifold manifold = manifoldSet.getContactManifold(j);
+ // For each contact manifold of the manifold set
+ for (int i = 0; i < manifold.getNbContactPoints(); i++) {
+ final ContactPoint contactPoint = manifold.getContactPoint(i);
+ // Create the contact info object for the contact
+ final ContactPointInfo contactInfo = new ContactPointInfo(manifold.getShape1(), manifold.getShape2(), manifold.getShape1().getCollisionShape(),
+ manifold.getShape2().getCollisionShape(), contactPoint.getNormal(), contactPoint.getPenetrationDepth(), contactPoint.getLocalPointOnBody1(),
+ contactPoint.getLocalPointOnBody2());
+ // Notify the collision callback about this new contact
+ if (_callback != null) {
+ _callback.notifyContact(contactInfo);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Set the collision dispatch configuration
+ public void setCollisionDispatch(final CollisionDispatch _collisionDispatch) {
+ this.collisionDispatch = _collisionDispatch;
+ this.collisionDispatch.init(this);
+ // Fill-in the collision matrix with the new algorithms to use
+ fillInCollisionMatrix();
+ }
+ /// Test if the AABBs of two proxy shapes overlap
+ public boolean testAABBOverlap(final ProxyShape _shape1, final ProxyShape _shape2) {
+ // If one of the shape's body is not active, we return no overlap
+ if (!_shape1.getBody().isActive() || !_shape2.getBody().isActive()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return this.broadPhaseAlgorithm.testOverlappingShapes(_shape1, _shape2);
+ }
+ /// Compute the collision detection
+ public void testCollisionBetweenShapes(final CollisionCallback _callback, final Set _shapes1, final Set _shapes2) {
+ // Compute the broad-phase collision detection
+ computeBroadPhase();
+ // Delete all the contact points in the currently overlapping pairs
+ clearContactPoints();
+ // Compute the narrow-phase collision detection among given sets of shapes
+ computeNarrowPhaseBetweenShapes(_callback, _shapes1, _shapes2);
+ }
+ /// Update a proxy collision shape (that has moved for instance)
+ public void updateProxyCollisionShape(final ProxyShape _shape, final AABB _aabb) {
+ updateProxyCollisionShape(_shape, _aabb, new Vector3f(0, 0, 0), false);
+ }
+ public void updateProxyCollisionShape(final ProxyShape _shape, final AABB _aabb, final Vector3f _displacement) {
+ updateProxyCollisionShape(_shape, _aabb, _displacement, false);
+ }
+ public void updateProxyCollisionShape(final ProxyShape _shape, final AABB _aabb, final Vector3f _displacement, final boolean _forceReinsert) {
+ this.broadPhaseAlgorithm.updateProxyCollisionShape(_shape, _aabb, _displacement);
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/CollisionShapeInfo.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/CollisionShapeInfo.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e4fbe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/CollisionShapeInfo.java
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Transform3D;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.CollisionShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine.OverlappingPair;
+ * It regroups different things about a collision shape. This is
+ * used to pass information about a collision shape to a collision algorithm.
+ */
+public class CollisionShapeInfo {
+ public final OverlappingPair overlappingPair; //!< Broadphase overlapping pair
+ public final ProxyShape proxyShape; //!< Proxy shape
+ public final CollisionShape collisionShape; //!< Pointer to the collision shape
+ public final Transform3D shapeToWorldTransform; //!< Transform3D that maps from collision shape local-space to world-space
+ public final Object cachedCollisionData; //!< Cached collision data of the proxy shape
+ /// Constructor
+ public CollisionShapeInfo(final ProxyShape _proxyCollisionShape, final CollisionShape _shape, final Transform3D _shapeLocalToWorldTransform, final OverlappingPair _pair,
+ final Object _cachedData) {
+ this.overlappingPair = _pair;
+ this.proxyShape = _proxyCollisionShape;
+ this.collisionShape = _shape;
+ this.shapeToWorldTransform = _shapeLocalToWorldTransform;
+ this.cachedCollisionData = _cachedData;
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/ContactManifold.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/ContactManifold.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0525d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/ContactManifold.java
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+/** @file
+ * Original ReactPhysics3D C++ library by Daniel Chappuis This code is re-licensed with permission from ReactPhysics3D author.
+ * @author Daniel CHAPPUIS
+ * @author Edouard DUPIN
+ * @copyright 2010-2016, Daniel Chappuis
+ * @copyright 2017, Edouard DUPIN
+ * @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
+ */
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.Configuration;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.CollisionBody;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.ContactPoint;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Transform3D;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * This class represents the set of contact points between two bodies.
+ * The contact manifold is implemented in a way to cache the contact
+ * points among the frames for better stability following the
+ * "Contact Generation" presentation of Erwin Coumans at GDC 2010
+ * conference (bullet.googlecode.com/files/GDC10_Coumans_Erwin_Contact.pdf).
+ * Some code of this class is based on the implementation of the
+ * btPersistentManifold class from Bullet physics engine (www.http://bulletphysics.org).
+ * The contacts between two bodies are added one after the other in the cache.
+ * When the cache is full, we have to remove one point. The idea is to keep
+ * the point with the deepest penetration depth and also to keep the
+ * points producing the larger area (for a more stable contact manifold).
+ * The new added point is always kept.
+ */
+public class ContactManifold {
+ //!< Maximum number of contacts in the manifold
+ public static final int MAX_CONTACT_POINTS_IN_MANIFOLD = 4;;
+ private final ProxyShape shape1; //!< Pointer to the first proxy shape of the contact
+ private final ProxyShape shape2; //!< Pointer to the second proxy shape of the contact
+ private final ContactPoint[] contactPoints = new ContactPoint[MAX_CONTACT_POINTS_IN_MANIFOLD]; //!< Contact points in the manifold
+ private final int normalDirectionId; //!< Normal direction Id (Unique Id representing the normal direction)
+ private int nbContactPoints; //!< Number of contacts in the cache
+ private Vector3f frictionVector1 = new Vector3f(); //!< First friction vector of the contact manifold
+ private Vector3f frictionvec2 = new Vector3f(); //!< Second friction vector of the contact manifold
+ private float frictionImpulse1; //!< First friction raint accumulated impulse
+ private float frictionImpulse2; //!< Second friction raint accumulated impulse
+ private float frictionTwistImpulse; //!< Twist friction raint accumulated impulse
+ private Vector3f rollingResistanceImpulse; //!< Accumulated rolling resistance impulse
+ public boolean isAlreadyInIsland; //!< True if the contact manifold has already been added longo an island
+ /// Return the index of maximum area
+ /// Constructor
+ public ContactManifold(final ProxyShape _shape1, final ProxyShape _shape2, final int _normalDirectionId) {
+ this.shape1 = _shape1;
+ this.shape2 = _shape2;
+ this.normalDirectionId = _normalDirectionId;
+ this.nbContactPoints = 0;
+ this.frictionImpulse1 = 0.0f;
+ this.frictionImpulse2 = 0.0f;
+ this.frictionTwistImpulse = 0.0f;
+ this.isAlreadyInIsland = false;
+ }
+ /// Add a contact point to the manifold
+ public void addContactPoint(final ContactPoint contact) {
+ // For contact already in the manifold
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.nbContactPoints; iii++) {
+ // Check if the new point point does not correspond to a same contact point
+ // already in the manifold.
+ final float distance = (this.contactPoints[iii].getWorldPointOnBody1().lessNew(contact.getWorldPointOnBody1()).length2());
+ assert (this.nbContactPoints > 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the contact manifold is full
+ if (this.nbContactPoints == MAX_CONTACT_POINTS_IN_MANIFOLD) {
+ final int indexMaxPenetration = getIndexOfDeepestPenetration(contact);
+ final int indexToRemove = getIndexToRemove(indexMaxPenetration, contact.getLocalPointOnBody1());
+ removeContactPoint(indexToRemove);
+ }
+ // Add the new contact point in the manifold
+ this.contactPoints[this.nbContactPoints] = contact;
+ this.nbContactPoints++;
+ assert (this.nbContactPoints > 0);
+ }
+ /// Clear the contact manifold
+ public void clear() {
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.nbContactPoints; ++iii) {
+ this.contactPoints[iii] = null;
+ }
+ this.nbContactPoints = 0;
+ }
+ /// Return the normalized averaged normal vector
+ public Vector3f getAverageContactNormal() {
+ if (this.nbContactPoints == 0) {
+ return new Vector3f(0, 0, 1);
+ }
+ final Vector3f averageNormal = new Vector3f();
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.nbContactPoints; iii++) {
+ averageNormal.add(this.contactPoints[iii].getNormal());
+ }
+ return averageNormal.safeNormalizeNew();
+ }
+ /// Return a pointer to the first body of the contact manifold
+ public CollisionBody getBody1() {
+ return this.shape1.getBody();
+ }
+ /// Return a pointer to the second body of the contact manifold
+ public CollisionBody getBody2() {
+ return this.shape2.getBody();
+ }
+ /// Return a contact point of the manifold
+ public ContactPoint getContactPoint(final int index) {
+ assert (index < this.nbContactPoints);
+ return this.contactPoints[index];
+ }
+ /// Return the first friction accumulated impulse
+ public float getFrictionImpulse1() {
+ return this.frictionImpulse1;
+ }
+ /// Return the second friction accumulated impulse
+ public float getFrictionImpulse2() {
+ return this.frictionImpulse2;
+ }
+ /// Return the friction twist accumulated impulse
+ public float getFrictionTwistImpulse() {
+ return this.frictionTwistImpulse;
+ }
+ /// Return the second friction vector at the center of the contact manifold
+ public Vector3f getFrictionvec2() {
+ return this.frictionvec2;
+ }
+ /// Return the first friction vector at the center of the contact manifold
+ public Vector3f getFrictionVector1() {
+ return this.frictionVector1;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the index of the contact with the larger penetration depth.
+ *
+ * This corresponding contact will be kept in the cache. The method returns -1 is
+ * the new contact is the deepest.
+ */
+ int getIndexOfDeepestPenetration(final ContactPoint newContact) {
+ assert (this.nbContactPoints == MAX_CONTACT_POINTS_IN_MANIFOLD);
+ int indexMaxPenetrationDepth = -1;
+ float maxPenetrationDepth = newContact.getPenetrationDepth();
+ // For each contact in the cache
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.nbContactPoints; iii++) {
+ // If the current contact has a larger penetration depth
+ if (this.contactPoints[iii].getPenetrationDepth() > maxPenetrationDepth) {
+ maxPenetrationDepth = this.contactPoints[iii].getPenetrationDepth();
+ indexMaxPenetrationDepth = iii;
+ }
+ }
+ // Return the index of largest penetration depth
+ return indexMaxPenetrationDepth;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the index that will be removed.
+ * The index of the contact point with the larger penetration
+ * depth is given as a parameter. This contact won't be removed. Given this contact, we compute
+ * the different area and we want to keep the contacts with the largest area. The new point is also
+ * kept. In order to compute the area of a quadrilateral, we use the formula :
+ * Area = 0.5 * | AC x BD | where AC and BD form the diagonals of the quadrilateral. Note that
+ * when we compute this area, we do not calculate it exactly but we
+ * only estimate it because we do not compute the actual diagonals of the quadrialteral. Therefore,
+ * this is only a guess that is faster to compute. This idea comes from the Bullet Physics library
+ * by Erwin Coumans (http://wwww.bulletphysics.org).
+ */
+ int getIndexToRemove(final int indexMaxPenetration, final Vector3f newPoint) {
+ assert (this.nbContactPoints == MAX_CONTACT_POINTS_IN_MANIFOLD);
+ float area0 = 0.0f; // Area with contact 1,2,3 and newPoint
+ float area1 = 0.0f; // Area with contact 0,2,3 and newPoint
+ float area2 = 0.0f; // Area with contact 0,1,3 and newPoint
+ float area3 = 0.0f; // Area with contact 0,1,2 and newPoint
+ if (indexMaxPenetration != 0) {
+ // Compute the area
+ final Vector3f vector1 = newPoint.lessNew(this.contactPoints[1].getLocalPointOnBody1());
+ final Vector3f vector2 = this.contactPoints[3].getLocalPointOnBody1().lessNew(this.contactPoints[2].getLocalPointOnBody1());
+ final Vector3f crossProduct = vector1.cross(vector2);
+ area0 = crossProduct.length2();
+ }
+ if (indexMaxPenetration != 1) {
+ // Compute the area
+ final Vector3f vector1 = newPoint.lessNew(this.contactPoints[0].getLocalPointOnBody1());
+ final Vector3f vector2 = this.contactPoints[3].getLocalPointOnBody1().lessNew(this.contactPoints[2].getLocalPointOnBody1());
+ final Vector3f crossProduct = vector1.cross(vector2);
+ area1 = crossProduct.length2();
+ }
+ if (indexMaxPenetration != 2) {
+ // Compute the area
+ final Vector3f vector1 = newPoint.lessNew(this.contactPoints[0].getLocalPointOnBody1());
+ final Vector3f vector2 = this.contactPoints[3].getLocalPointOnBody1().lessNew(this.contactPoints[1].getLocalPointOnBody1());
+ final Vector3f crossProduct = vector1.cross(vector2);
+ area2 = crossProduct.length2();
+ }
+ if (indexMaxPenetration != 3) {
+ // Compute the area
+ final Vector3f vector1 = newPoint.lessNew(this.contactPoints[0].getLocalPointOnBody1());
+ final Vector3f vector2 = this.contactPoints[2].getLocalPointOnBody1().lessNew(this.contactPoints[1].getLocalPointOnBody1());
+ final Vector3f crossProduct = vector1.cross(vector2);
+ area3 = crossProduct.length2();
+ }
+ // Return the index of the contact to remove
+ return getMaxArea(area0, area1, area2, area3);
+ }
+ /// Return the largest depth of all the contact points
+ public float getLargestContactDepth() {
+ float largestDepth = 0.0f;
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.nbContactPoints; iii++) {
+ final float depth = this.contactPoints[iii].getPenetrationDepth();
+ if (depth > largestDepth) {
+ largestDepth = depth;
+ }
+ }
+ return largestDepth;
+ }
+ private int getMaxArea(final float area0, final float area1, final float area2, final float area3) {
+ if (area0 < area1) {
+ if (area1 < area2) {
+ if (area2 < area3) {
+ return 3;
+ } else {
+ return 2;
+ }
+ } else if (area1 < area3) {
+ return 3;
+ } else {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ } else if (area0 < area2) {
+ if (area2 < area3) {
+ return 3;
+ } else {
+ return 2;
+ }
+ } else if (area0 < area3) {
+ return 3;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /// Return the number of contact points in the manifold
+ public int getNbContactPoints() {
+ return this.nbContactPoints;
+ }
+ /// Return the normal direction Id
+ public int getNormalDirectionId() {
+ return this.normalDirectionId;
+ }
+ public Vector3f getRollingResistanceImpulse() {
+ return this.rollingResistanceImpulse;
+ }
+ /// Return a pointer to the first proxy shape of the contact
+ public ProxyShape getShape1() {
+ return this.shape1;
+ }
+ /// Return a pointer to the second proxy shape of the contact
+ public ProxyShape getShape2() {
+ return this.shape2;
+ }
+ /// Return true if the contact manifold has already been added longo an island
+ public boolean isAlreadyInIsland() {
+ return this.isAlreadyInIsland;
+ }
+ /// Remove a contact point from the manifold
+ public void removeContactPoint(final int index) {
+ assert (index < this.nbContactPoints);
+ assert (this.nbContactPoints > 0);
+ this.contactPoints[index] = null;
+ // If we don't remove the last index
+ if (index < this.nbContactPoints - 1) {
+ this.contactPoints[index] = this.contactPoints[this.nbContactPoints - 1];
+ }
+ this.nbContactPoints--;
+ }
+ /// Set the first friction accumulated impulse
+ public void setFrictionImpulse1(final float frictionImpulse1) {
+ this.frictionImpulse1 = frictionImpulse1;
+ }
+ /// Set the second friction accumulated impulse
+ public void setFrictionImpulse2(final float frictionImpulse2) {
+ this.frictionImpulse2 = frictionImpulse2;
+ }
+ /// Set the friction twist accumulated impulse
+ public void setFrictionTwistImpulse(final float frictionTwistImpulse) {
+ this.frictionTwistImpulse = frictionTwistImpulse;
+ }
+ /// set the second friction vector at the center of the contact manifold
+ public void setFrictionvec2(final Vector3f frictionvec2) {
+ this.frictionvec2 = frictionvec2;
+ }
+ /// set the first friction vector at the center of the contact manifold
+ public void setFrictionVector1(final Vector3f frictionVector1) {
+ this.frictionVector1 = frictionVector1;
+ }
+ /// Set the accumulated rolling resistance impulse
+ public void setRollingResistanceImpulse(final Vector3f rollingResistanceImpulse) {
+ this.rollingResistanceImpulse = rollingResistanceImpulse;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the contact manifold.
+ *
+ * First the world space coordinates of the current contacts in the manifold are recomputed from
+ * the corresponding transforms of the bodies because they have moved. Then we remove the contacts
+ * with a negative penetration depth (meaning that the bodies are not penetrating anymore) and also
+ * the contacts with a too large distance between the contact points in the plane orthogonal to the
+ * contact normal.
+ */
+ public void update(final Transform3D transform1, final Transform3D transform2) {
+ if (this.nbContactPoints == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Update the world coordinates and penetration depth of the contact points in the manifold
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.nbContactPoints; iii++) {
+ this.contactPoints[iii].setWorldPointOnBody1(transform1.multiplyNew(this.contactPoints[iii].getLocalPointOnBody1()));
+ this.contactPoints[iii].setWorldPointOnBody2(transform2.multiplyNew(this.contactPoints[iii].getLocalPointOnBody2()));
+ this.contactPoints[iii]
+ .setPenetrationDepth((this.contactPoints[iii].getWorldPointOnBody1().lessNew(this.contactPoints[iii].getWorldPointOnBody2())).dot(this.contactPoints[iii].getNormal()));
+ }
+ final float squarePersistentContactThreshold = Configuration.PERSISTENT_CONTACT_DIST_THRESHOLD * Configuration.PERSISTENT_CONTACT_DIST_THRESHOLD;
+ // Remove the contact points that don't represent very well the contact manifold
+ for (int iii = (this.nbContactPoints) - 1; iii >= 0; iii--) {
+ assert (iii < (this.nbContactPoints));
+ // Compute the distance between contact points in the normal direction
+ final float distanceNormal = -this.contactPoints[iii].getPenetrationDepth();
+ // If the contacts points are too far from each other in the normal direction
+ if (distanceNormal > squarePersistentContactThreshold) {
+ removeContactPoint(iii);
+ } else {
+ // Compute the distance of the two contact points in the plane
+ // orthogonal to the contact normal
+ final Vector3f projOfPoint1 = this.contactPoints[iii].getNormal().multiplyNew(distanceNormal).add(this.contactPoints[iii].getWorldPointOnBody1());
+ final Vector3f projDifference = this.contactPoints[iii].getWorldPointOnBody2().lessNew(projOfPoint1);
+ // If the orthogonal distance is larger than the valid distance
+ // threshold, we remove the contact
+ if (projDifference.length2() > squarePersistentContactThreshold) {
+ removeContactPoint(iii);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/ContactManifoldListElement.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/ContactManifoldListElement.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..022ee70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/ContactManifoldListElement.java
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision;
+ * This structure represents a single element of a linked list of contact manifolds
+ */
+public class ContactManifoldListElement {
+ public ContactManifold contactManifold; //!< Pointer to the actual contact manifold
+ public ContactManifoldListElement next; //!< Next element of the list
+ public ContactManifoldListElement(final ContactManifold _initContactManifold, final ContactManifoldListElement _initNext) {
+ this.contactManifold = _initContactManifold;
+ this.next = _initNext;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/ContactManifoldSet.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/ContactManifoldSet.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c3c0b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/ContactManifoldSet.java
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.ContactPoint;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Constant;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.FMath;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * This class represents a set of one or several contact manifolds. Typically a
+ * convex/convex collision will have a set with a single manifold and a convex-concave
+ * collision can have more than one manifolds. Note that a contact manifold can
+ * contains several contact points.
+ */
+public class ContactManifoldSet {
+ private static final int MAX_MANIFOLDS_IN_CONTACT_MANIFOLD_SET = 3; // Maximum number of contact manifolds in the set
+ private static final int CONTACT_CUBEMAP_FACE_NB_SUBDIVISIONS = 3; // N Number for the N x N subdivisions of the cubemap
+ private final int nbMaxManifolds; //!< Maximum number of contact manifolds in the set
+ private int nbManifolds; //!< Current number of contact manifolds in the set
+ private final ProxyShape shape1; //!< Pointer to the first proxy shape of the contact
+ private final ProxyShape shape2; //!< Pointer to the second proxy shape of the contact
+ private final ContactManifold[] manifolds = new ContactManifold[MAX_MANIFOLDS_IN_CONTACT_MANIFOLD_SET]; //!< Contact manifolds of the set
+ /// Create a new contact manifold and add it to the set
+ /// Constructor
+ public ContactManifoldSet(final ProxyShape _shape1, final ProxyShape _shape2, final int _nbMaxManifolds) {
+ this.nbMaxManifolds = _nbMaxManifolds;
+ this.nbManifolds = 0;
+ this.shape1 = _shape1;
+ this.shape2 = _shape2;
+ assert (_nbMaxManifolds >= 1);
+ }
+ /// Add a contact point to the manifold set
+ public void addContactPoint(final ContactPoint contact) {
+ // Compute an Id corresponding to the normal direction (using a cubemap)
+ final int normalDirectionId = computeCubemapNormalId(contact.getNormal());
+ // If there is no contact manifold yet
+ if (this.nbManifolds == 0) {
+ createManifold(normalDirectionId);
+ this.manifolds[0].addContactPoint(contact);
+ assert (this.manifolds[this.nbManifolds - 1].getNbContactPoints() > 0);
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.nbManifolds; iii++) {
+ assert (this.manifolds[iii].getNbContactPoints() > 0);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Select the manifold with the most similar normal (if exists)
+ int similarManifoldIndex = 0;
+ if (this.nbMaxManifolds > 1) {
+ similarManifoldIndex = selectManifoldWithSimilarNormal(normalDirectionId);
+ }
+ // If a similar manifold has been found
+ if (similarManifoldIndex != -1) {
+ // Add the contact point to that similar manifold
+ this.manifolds[similarManifoldIndex].addContactPoint(contact);
+ assert (this.manifolds[similarManifoldIndex].getNbContactPoints() > 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the maximum number of manifold has not been reached yet
+ if (this.nbManifolds < this.nbMaxManifolds) {
+ // Create a new manifold for the contact point
+ createManifold(normalDirectionId);
+ this.manifolds[this.nbManifolds - 1].addContactPoint(contact);
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.nbManifolds; iii++) {
+ assert (this.manifolds[iii].getNbContactPoints() > 0);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // The contact point will be in a new contact manifold, we now have too much
+ // manifolds condidates. We need to remove one. We choose to keep the manifolds
+ // with the largest contact depth among their points
+ int smallestDepthIndex = -1;
+ float minDepth = contact.getPenetrationDepth();
+ assert (this.nbManifolds == this.nbMaxManifolds);
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.nbManifolds; iii++) {
+ final float depth = this.manifolds[iii].getLargestContactDepth();
+ if (depth < minDepth) {
+ minDepth = depth;
+ smallestDepthIndex = iii;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we do not want to keep to new manifold (not created yet) with the
+ // new contact point
+ if (smallestDepthIndex == -1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ assert (smallestDepthIndex >= 0 && smallestDepthIndex < this.nbManifolds);
+ // Here we need to replace an existing manifold with a new one (that contains
+ // the new contact point)
+ removeManifold(smallestDepthIndex);
+ createManifold(normalDirectionId);
+ this.manifolds[this.nbManifolds - 1].addContactPoint(contact);
+ assert (this.manifolds[this.nbManifolds - 1].getNbContactPoints() > 0);
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.nbManifolds; iii++) {
+ assert (this.manifolds[iii].getNbContactPoints() > 0);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /// Clear the contact manifold set
+ public void clear() {
+ for (int iii = this.nbManifolds - 1; iii >= 0; iii--) {
+ removeManifold(iii);
+ }
+ assert (this.nbManifolds == 0);
+ }
+ // Map the normal vector longo a cubemap face bucket (a face contains 4x4 buckets)
+ // Each face of the cube is divided longo 4x4 buckets. This method maps the
+ // normal vector longo of the of the bucket and returns a unique Id for the bucket
+ private int computeCubemapNormalId(final Vector3f normal) {
+ assert (normal.length2() > Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON);
+ int faceNo;
+ float u, v;
+ final float max = FMath.max(FMath.abs(normal.x), FMath.abs(normal.y), FMath.abs(normal.z));
+ final Vector3f normalScaled = normal.divideNew(max);
+ if (normalScaled.x >= normalScaled.y && normalScaled.x >= normalScaled.z) {
+ faceNo = normalScaled.x > 0 ? 0 : 1;
+ u = normalScaled.y;
+ v = normalScaled.z;
+ } else if (normalScaled.y >= normalScaled.x && normalScaled.y >= normalScaled.z) {
+ faceNo = normalScaled.y > 0 ? 2 : 3;
+ u = normalScaled.x;
+ v = normalScaled.z;
+ } else {
+ faceNo = normalScaled.z > 0 ? 4 : 5;
+ u = normalScaled.x;
+ v = normalScaled.y;
+ }
+ int indexU = FMath.floor(((u + 1) / 2) * CONTACT_CUBEMAP_FACE_NB_SUBDIVISIONS);
+ int indexV = FMath.floor(((v + 1) / 2) * CONTACT_CUBEMAP_FACE_NB_SUBDIVISIONS);
+ indexU--;
+ }
+ indexV--;
+ }
+ return faceNo * 200 + indexU * nbSubDivInFace + indexV;
+ }
+ private void createManifold(final int normalDirectionId) {
+ assert (this.nbManifolds < this.nbMaxManifolds);
+ this.manifolds[this.nbManifolds] = new ContactManifold(this.shape1, this.shape2, normalDirectionId);
+ this.nbManifolds++;
+ }
+ /// Return a given contact manifold
+ public ContactManifold getContactManifold(final int index) {
+ assert (index >= 0 && index < this.nbManifolds);
+ return this.manifolds[index];
+ }
+ /// Return the number of manifolds in the set
+ public long getNbContactManifolds() {
+ return this.nbManifolds;
+ }
+ /// Return the first proxy shape
+ public ProxyShape getShape1() {
+ return this.shape1;
+ }
+ /// Return the second proxy shape
+ public ProxyShape getShape2() {
+ return this.shape2;
+ }
+ /// Return the total number of contact points in the set of manifolds
+ public int getTotalNbContactPoints() {
+ int nbPoints = 0;
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.nbManifolds; iii++) {
+ nbPoints += this.manifolds[iii].getNbContactPoints();
+ }
+ return nbPoints;
+ }
+ /// Remove a contact manifold from the set
+ private void removeManifold(final int index) {
+ assert (this.nbManifolds > 0);
+ assert (index >= 0 && index < this.nbManifolds);
+ // Delete the new contact
+ this.manifolds[index] = null;
+ for (int iii = index; (iii + 1) < this.nbManifolds; iii++) {
+ this.manifolds[iii] = this.manifolds[iii + 1];
+ }
+ this.nbManifolds--;
+ }
+ // Return the index of the contact manifold with a similar average normal.
+ private int selectManifoldWithSimilarNormal(final int normalDirectionId) {
+ // Return the Id of the manifold with the same normal direction id (if exists)
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.nbManifolds; iii++) {
+ if (normalDirectionId == this.manifolds[iii].getNormalDirectionId()) {
+ return iii;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /// Update the contact manifolds
+ public void update() {
+ for (int iii = this.nbManifolds - 1; iii >= 0; iii--) {
+ // Update the contact manifold
+ this.manifolds[iii].update(this.shape1.getBody().getTransform().multiplyNew(this.shape1.getLocalToBodyTransform()),
+ this.shape2.getBody().getTransform().multiplyNew(this.shape2.getLocalToBodyTransform()));
+ // Remove the contact manifold if has no contact points anymore
+ if (this.manifolds[iii].getNbContactPoints() == 0) {
+ removeManifold(iii);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/ProxyShape.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/ProxyShape.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6464cc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/ProxyShape.java
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.RaycastInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.CollisionBody;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.broadphase.DTree;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.CollisionShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Ray;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Transform3D;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+public class ProxyShape {
+ protected CollisionBody body; //!< Pointer to the parent body
+ protected CollisionShape collisionShape; //!< Internal collision shape
+ public Transform3D localToBodyTransform; //!< Local-space to parent body-space transform (does not change over time)
+ protected float mass; //!< Mass (in kilogramms) of the corresponding collision shape
+ public ProxyShape next = null; //!< Pointer to the next proxy shape of the body (linked list)
+ public DTree broadPhaseID = null; //!< Broad-phase ID (node ID in the dynamic AABB tree)
+ protected Object cachedCollisionData = null; //!< Cached collision data
+ protected Object userData = null; //!< Pointer to user data
+ /**
+ * @brief Bits used to define the collision category of this shape.
+ * You can set a single bit to one to define a category value for this
+ * shape. This value is one (0x0001) by default. This variable can be used
+ * together with the this.collideWithMaskBits variable so that given
+ * categories of shapes collide with each other and do not collide with
+ * other categories.
+ */
+ protected int collisionCategoryBits = 0x0001;
+ /**
+ * @brief Bits mask used to state which collision categories this shape can
+ * collide with. This value is 0xFFFF by default. It means that this
+ * proxy shape will collide with every collision categories by default.
+ */
+ protected int collideWithMaskBits = 0xFFFF;
+ /**
+ * @param body Pointer to the parent body
+ * @param shape Pointer to the collision shape
+ * @param transform Transform3Dation from collision shape local-space to body local-space
+ * @param mass Mass of the collision shape (in kilograms)
+ */
+ public ProxyShape(final CollisionBody body, final CollisionShape shape, final Transform3D transform, final float mass) {
+ this.body = body;
+ this.collisionShape = shape;
+ this.localToBodyTransform = transform;
+ this.mass = mass;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return Pointer to the parent body
+ */
+ public CollisionBody getBody() {
+ return this.body;
+ }
+ public DTree getBroadPhaseID() {
+ return this.broadPhaseID;
+ }
+ /// Return the pointer to the cached collision data
+ public Object getCachedCollisionData() {
+ return this.cachedCollisionData;
+ }
+ /// Return the collision bits mask
+ public int getCollideWithMaskBits() {
+ return this.collideWithMaskBits;
+ }
+ /// Return the collision category bits
+ public int getCollisionCategoryBits() {
+ return this.collisionCategoryBits;
+ }
+ /// Return the collision shape
+ public CollisionShape getCollisionShape() {
+ return this.collisionShape;
+ }
+ /// Return the local scaling vector of the collision shape
+ public Vector3f getLocalScaling() {
+ return this.collisionShape.getScaling();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the local to parent body transform
+ * @return The transformation that transforms the local-space of the collision shape
+ * to the local-space of the parent body
+ */
+ public Transform3D getLocalToBodyTransform() {
+ return this.localToBodyTransform;
+ }
+ /// Return the local to world transform
+ public Transform3D getLocalToWorldTransform() {
+ return this.body.getTransform().multiplyNew(this.localToBodyTransform);
+ }
+ /// Return the mass of the collision shape
+ public float getMass() {
+ return this.mass;
+ }
+ /// Return the next proxy shape in the linked list of proxy shapes
+ public ProxyShape getNext() {
+ return this.next;
+ }
+ /// Return a pointer to the user data attached to this body
+ public Object getUserData() {
+ return this.userData;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ray Ray to use for the raycasting
+ * @param[out] raycastInfo Result of the raycasting that is valid only if the
+ * methods returned true
+ * @return True if the ray hit the collision shape
+ */
+ public boolean raycast(final Ray ray, final RaycastInfo raycastInfo) {
+ // If the corresponding body is not active, it cannot be hit by rays
+ if (!this.body.isActive()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Convert the ray longo the local-space of the collision shape
+ final Transform3D localToWorldTransform = getLocalToWorldTransform();
+ final Transform3D worldToLocalTransform = localToWorldTransform.inverseNew();
+ final Ray rayLocal = new Ray(worldToLocalTransform.multiplyNew(ray.point1), worldToLocalTransform.multiplyNew(ray.point2), ray.maxFraction);
+ final boolean isHit = this.collisionShape.raycast(rayLocal, raycastInfo, this);
+ if (isHit == true) {
+ // Convert the raycast info longo world-space
+ raycastInfo.worldPoint = localToWorldTransform.multiplyNew(raycastInfo.worldPoint);
+ raycastInfo.worldNormal = localToWorldTransform.getOrientation().multiply(raycastInfo.worldNormal);
+ raycastInfo.worldNormal.normalize();
+ }
+ return isHit;
+ }
+ public void setBroadPhaseID(final DTree broadPhase) {
+ this.broadPhaseID = broadPhase;
+ }
+ /// Set the collision bits mask
+ public void setCollideWithMaskBits(final int collideWithMaskBits) {
+ this.collideWithMaskBits = collideWithMaskBits;
+ }
+ /// Set the collision category bits
+ public void setCollisionCategoryBits(final int collisionCategoryBits) {
+ this.collisionCategoryBits = collisionCategoryBits;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the local scaling vector of the collision shape
+ * @param scaling The new local scaling vector
+ */
+ public void setLocalScaling(final Vector3f scaling) {
+ // Set the local scaling of the collision shape
+ this.collisionShape.setLocalScaling(scaling);
+ this.body.setIsSleeping(false);
+ // Notify the body that the proxy shape has to be updated in the broad-phase
+ this.body.updateProxyShapeInBroadPhase(this, true);
+ }
+ /// Set the local to parent body transform
+ public void setLocalToBodyTransform(final Transform3D transform) {
+ this.localToBodyTransform = transform;
+ this.body.setIsSleeping(false);
+ // Notify the body that the proxy shape has to be updated in the broad-phase
+ this.body.updateProxyShapeInBroadPhase(this, true);
+ }
+ /// Attach user data to this body
+ public void setUserData(final Object userData) {
+ this.userData = userData;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param worldPoint Point to test in world-space coordinates
+ * @return True if the point is inside the collision shape
+ */
+ public boolean testPointInside(final Vector3f worldPoint) {
+ final Transform3D localToWorld = this.body.getTransform().multiplyNew(this.localToBodyTransform);
+ final Vector3f localPoint = localToWorld.inverseNew().multiply(worldPoint);
+ return this.collisionShape.testPointInside(localPoint, this);
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/TestCollisionBetweenShapesCallback.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/TestCollisionBetweenShapesCallback.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5b8873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/TestCollisionBetweenShapesCallback.java
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase.NarrowPhaseCallback;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.ContactPointInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine.CollisionCallback;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine.OverlappingPair;
+public class TestCollisionBetweenShapesCallback implements NarrowPhaseCallback {
+ private final CollisionCallback collisionCallback;
+ // Constructor
+ public TestCollisionBetweenShapesCallback(final CollisionCallback _callback) {
+ this.collisionCallback = _callback;
+ }
+ // Called by a narrow-phase collision algorithm when a new contact has been found
+ public void notifyContact(final OverlappingPair _overlappingPair, final ContactPointInfo _contactInfo) {
+ this.collisionCallback.notifyContact(_contactInfo);
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/Triangle.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/Triangle.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d6a928
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/Triangle.java
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+public class Triangle {
+ public final Vector3f[] value = new Vector3f[3];
+ public Vector3f get(final int _id) {
+ return this.value[_id];
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/TriangleMesh.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/TriangleMesh.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0de2d3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/TriangleMesh.java
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+public class TriangleMesh {
+ /// All the triangle arrays of the mesh (one triangle array per part)
+ protected List triangleArrays = new ArrayList<>();
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ */
+ public TriangleMesh() {}
+ /**
+ * Add a subpart of the mesh
+ */
+ public void addSubpart(final TriangleVertexArray _triangleVertexArray) {
+ this.triangleArrays.add(_triangleVertexArray);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the number of subparts of the mesh
+ */
+ public int getNbSubparts() {
+ return this.triangleArrays.size();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a pointer to a given subpart (triangle vertex array) of the mesh
+ */
+ public TriangleVertexArray getSubpart(final int _indexSubpart) {
+ assert (_indexSubpart < this.triangleArrays.size());
+ return this.triangleArrays.get(_indexSubpart);
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/TriangleVertexArray.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/TriangleVertexArray.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c2c03f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/TriangleVertexArray.java
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * This class is used to describe the vertices and faces of a triangular mesh.
+ * A TriangleVertexArray represents a continuous array of vertices and indexes
+ * of a triangular mesh. When you create a TriangleVertexArray, no data is copied
+ * longo the array. It only stores pointer to the data. The purpose is to allow
+ * the user to share vertices data between the physics engine and the rendering
+ * part. Therefore, make sure that the data pointed by a TriangleVertexArray
+ * remains valid during the TriangleVertexArray life.
+ */
+public class TriangleVertexArray {
+ /// Vertice list
+ protected final Vector3f[] vertices;
+ /// List of triangle (3 pos for each triangle)
+ protected final int[] triangles;
+ public TriangleVertexArray(final List _vertices, final List _triangles) {
+ this.vertices = _vertices.toArray(new Vector3f[0]);
+ this.triangles = new int[_triangles.size()];
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.triangles.length; iii++) {
+ this.triangles[iii] = _triangles.get(iii);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ * @param _vertices List Of all vertices
+ * @param _triangles List of all linked points
+ */
+ public TriangleVertexArray(final Vector3f[] _vertices, final int[] _triangles) {
+ this.vertices = _vertices;
+ this.triangles = _triangles;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get The table of the triangle indice
+ * @return reference on the triangle indice
+ */
+ public int[] getIndices() {
+ return this.triangles;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the number of triangle
+ * @return Number of triangles
+ */
+ public int getNbTriangles() {
+ return this.triangles.length / 3;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the number of vertices
+ * @return Number of vertices
+ */
+ public int getNbVertices() {
+ return this.vertices.length;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a triangle at the specific ID
+ * @return Buffer of 3 points
+ */
+ public Triangle getTriangle(final int _id) {
+ final Triangle out = new Triangle();
+ out.value[0] = this.vertices[this.triangles[_id * 3]];
+ out.value[1] = this.vertices[this.triangles[_id * 3 + 1]];
+ out.value[2] = this.vertices[this.triangles[_id * 3 + 2]];
+ return out;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get The table of the vertices
+ * @return reference on the vertices
+ */
+ public Vector3f[] getVertices() {
+ return this.vertices;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/BroadPhaseAlgorithm.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/BroadPhaseAlgorithm.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4a76d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/BroadPhaseAlgorithm.java
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+ * ReactPhysics3D physics library, http://code.google.com/p/reactphysics3d/
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Daniel Chappuis
+ *
+ * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+ * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the
+ * use of this software.
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ *
+ * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim
+ * that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a
+ * product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ * appreciated but is not required.
+ *
+ * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ * misrepresented as being the original software.
+ *
+ * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ *
+ * This file has been modified during the port to Java and differ from the source versions.
+ */
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.broadphase;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Comparator;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.Configuration;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.RaycastTest;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.CollisionDetection;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ProxyShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.AABB;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Ray;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * It represents the broad-phase collision detection. The
+ * goal of the broad-phase collision detection is to compute the pairs of proxy shapes
+ * that have their AABBs overlapping. Only those pairs of bodies will be tested
+ * later for collision during the narrow-phase collision detection. A dynamic AABB
+ * tree data structure is used for fast broad-phase collision detection.
+ */
+public class BroadPhaseAlgorithm {
+ /**
+ * Callback called when the AABB of a leaf node is hit by a ray the
+ * broad-phase Dynamic AABB Tree.
+ */
+ public class BroadPhaseRaycastCallback implements CallbackRaycast {
+ private final DynamicAABBTree dynamicAABBTree;
+ private final int raycastWithCategoryMaskBits;
+ private final RaycastTest raycastTest;
+ // Constructor
+ public BroadPhaseRaycastCallback(final DynamicAABBTree _dynamicAABBTree, final int _raycastWithCategoryMaskBits, final RaycastTest _raycastTest) {
+ this.dynamicAABBTree = _dynamicAABBTree;
+ this.raycastWithCategoryMaskBits = _raycastWithCategoryMaskBits;
+ this.raycastTest = _raycastTest;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public float callback(final DTree _node, final Ray _ray) {
+ float hitFraction = -1.0f;
+ // Get the proxy shape from the node
+ final ProxyShape proxyShape = (ProxyShape) this.dynamicAABBTree.getNodeDataPointer(_node);
+ // Check if the raycast filtering mask allows raycast against this shape
+ if ((this.raycastWithCategoryMaskBits & proxyShape.getCollisionCategoryBits()) != 0) {
+ // Ask the collision detection to perform a ray cast test against
+ // the proxy shape of this node because the ray is overlapping
+ // with the shape in the broad-phase
+ hitFraction = this.raycastTest.raycastAgainstShape(proxyShape, _ray);
+ }
+ return hitFraction;
+ }
+ };
+ /// A tree of data that is separated by a specific distance in AABB model.
+ protected DynamicAABBTree dynamicAABBTree;
+ /**
+ * Array with the broad-phase IDs of all collision shapes that have moved (or have been created) during the last simulation step.
+ * Those are the shapes that need to be tested for overlapping in the next simulation step. ==> and re-index in the overlapping tree
+ */
+ protected List movedShapes = new ArrayList<>();
+ /**
+ * Temporary array of potential overlapping pairs (with potential duplicates)
+ */
+ protected List potentialPairs = new ArrayList<>();
+ /**
+ * Reference to the collision detection object
+ */
+ protected CollisionDetection collisionDetection; // TODO revoked with generic interface for the callback...
+ public BroadPhaseAlgorithm(final CollisionDetection _collisionDetection) {
+ this.dynamicAABBTree = new DynamicAABBTree(Configuration.DYNAMIC_TREE_AABB_GAP);
+ this.collisionDetection = _collisionDetection;
+ }
+ /// Add a collision shape in the array of shapes that have moved in the last simulation step
+ /// and that need to be tested again for broad-phase overlapping.
+ public void addMovedCollisionShape(final DTree _broadPhaseID) {
+ //Log.info(" ** Element that has moved ... = " + _broadPhaseID);
+ this.movedShapes.add(_broadPhaseID);
+ }
+ /// Add a proxy collision shape longo the broad-phase collision detection
+ public void addProxyCollisionShape(final ProxyShape _proxyShape, final AABB _aabb) {
+ // Add the collision shape longo the dynamic AABB tree and get its broad-phase ID
+ final DTree nodeId = this.dynamicAABBTree.addObject(_aabb, _proxyShape);
+ // Set the broad-phase ID of the proxy shape
+ _proxyShape.setBroadPhaseID(nodeId);
+ // Add the collision shape longo the array of bodies that have moved (or have been created)
+ // during the last simulation step
+ addMovedCollisionShape(_proxyShape.getBroadPhaseID());
+ }
+ /// Compute all the overlapping pairs of collision shapes
+ public void computeOverlappingPairs() {
+ this.potentialPairs.clear();
+ // For all collision shapes that have moved (or have been created) during the
+ // last simulation step
+ //Log.info("moved shape = " + this.movedShapes.size());
+ /*
+ for (final DTree it : this.movedShapes) {
+ Log.info(" - " + it);
+ }
+ */
+ for (final DTree it : this.movedShapes) {
+ // Get the AABB of the shape
+ final AABB shapeAABB = this.dynamicAABBTree.getFatAABB(it);
+ final BroadPhaseAlgorithm self = this;
+ // Ask the dynamic AABB tree to report all collision shapes that overlap with
+ // this AABB. The method BroadPhase::notifiyOverlappingPair() will be called
+ // by the dynamic AABB tree for each potential overlapping pair.
+ this.dynamicAABBTree.reportAllShapesOverlappingWithAABB(shapeAABB, new CallbackOverlapping() {
+ @Override
+ public void callback(final DTree _nodeId) {
+ // TODO Auto-generated method stub// If both the nodes are the same, we do not create store the overlapping pair
+ if (it == _nodeId) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Add the new potential pair longo the array of potential overlapping pairs
+ self.potentialPairs.add(new PairDTree(it, _nodeId));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ //Log.print("Find potential pair : " + this.potentialPairs.size());
+ // Reset the array of collision shapes that have move (or have been created) during the last simulation step
+ this.movedShapes.clear();
+ // Sort the array of potential overlapping pairs in order to remove duplicate pairs
+ this.potentialPairs.sort(new Comparator() {
+ @Override
+ public int compare(final PairDTree _pair1, final PairDTree _pair2) {
+ if (_pair1.first.uid < _pair2.first.uid) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (_pair1.first.uid == _pair2.first.uid) {
+ if (_pair1.second.uid < _pair2.second.uid) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (_pair1.second.uid == _pair2.second.uid) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return +1;
+ }
+ return +1;
+ }
+ });
+ // Check all the potential overlapping pairs avoiding duplicates to report unique
+ // overlapping pairs
+ int iii = 0;
+ while (iii < this.potentialPairs.size()) {
+ // Get a potential overlapping pair
+ final PairDTree pair = this.potentialPairs.get(iii);
+ ++iii;
+ // Get the two collision shapes of the pair
+ final ProxyShape shape1 = (ProxyShape) (this.dynamicAABBTree.getNodeDataPointer(pair.first));
+ final ProxyShape shape2 = (ProxyShape) (this.dynamicAABBTree.getNodeDataPointer(pair.second));
+ // Notify the collision detection about the overlapping pair
+ this.collisionDetection.broadPhaseNotifyOverlappingPair(shape1, shape2);
+ // Skip the duplicate overlapping pairs
+ while (iii < this.potentialPairs.size()) {
+ // Get the next pair
+ final PairDTree nextPair = this.potentialPairs.get(iii);
+ // If the next pair is different from the previous one, we stop skipping pairs
+ // TODO check if it work without uid ...
+ if (nextPair.first.uid != pair.first.uid || nextPair.second.uid != pair.second.uid) {
+ break;
+ }
+ ++iii;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Ray casting method
+ public void raycast(final Ray _ray, final RaycastTest _raycastTest, final int _raycastWithCategoryMaskBits) {
+ final BroadPhaseRaycastCallback broadPhaseRaycastCallback = new BroadPhaseRaycastCallback(this.dynamicAABBTree, _raycastWithCategoryMaskBits, _raycastTest);
+ this.dynamicAABBTree.raycast(_ray, broadPhaseRaycastCallback);
+ }
+ /// Remove a collision shape from the array of shapes that have moved in the last simulation
+ /// step and that need to be tested again for broad-phase overlapping.
+ public void removeMovedCollisionShape(final DTree _broadPhaseID) {
+ final Iterator it = this.movedShapes.iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ final DTree elem = it.next();
+ if (elem == _broadPhaseID) {
+ it.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Remove a proxy collision shape from the broad-phase collision detection
+ public void removeProxyCollisionShape(final ProxyShape _proxyShape) {
+ final DTree broadPhaseID = _proxyShape.getBroadPhaseID();
+ // Remove the collision shape from the dynamic AABB tree
+ this.dynamicAABBTree.removeObject(broadPhaseID);
+ // Remove the collision shape longo the array of shapes that have moved (or have been created)
+ // during the last simulation step
+ removeMovedCollisionShape(broadPhaseID);
+ }
+ /// Return true if the two broad-phase collision shapes are overlapping
+ public boolean testOverlappingShapes(final ProxyShape _shape1, final ProxyShape _shape2) {
+ if (_shape1 == _shape2) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Get the two AABBs of the collision shapes
+ final AABB aabb1 = this.dynamicAABBTree.getFatAABB(_shape1.getBroadPhaseID());
+ final AABB aabb2 = this.dynamicAABBTree.getFatAABB(_shape2.getBroadPhaseID());
+ // Check if the two AABBs are overlapping
+ return aabb1.testCollision(aabb2);
+ }
+ /// Notify the broad-phase that a collision shape has moved and need to be updated
+ public void updateProxyCollisionShape(final ProxyShape _proxyShape, final AABB _aabb, final Vector3f _displacement) {
+ updateProxyCollisionShape(_proxyShape, _aabb, _displacement, false);
+ }
+ public void updateProxyCollisionShape(final ProxyShape _proxyShape, final AABB _aabb, final Vector3f _displacement, final boolean _forceReinsert) {
+ final DTree broadPhaseID = _proxyShape.getBroadPhaseID();
+ // Update the dynamic AABB tree according to the movement of the collision shape
+ final boolean hasBeenReInserted = this.dynamicAABBTree.updateObject(broadPhaseID, _aabb, _displacement, _forceReinsert);
+ // If the collision shape has moved out of its fat AABB (and therefore has been reinserted
+ //Log.error(" ==> hasBeenReInserted = " + hasBeenReInserted);
+ // longo the tree).
+ if (hasBeenReInserted) {
+ // Add the collision shape longo the array of shapes that have moved (or have been created)
+ // during the last simulation step
+ addMovedCollisionShape(broadPhaseID);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/CallbackOverlapping.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/CallbackOverlapping.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea63903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/CallbackOverlapping.java
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.broadphase;
+public interface CallbackOverlapping {
+ public void callback(DTree _nodeId);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/CallbackRaycast.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/CallbackRaycast.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6429992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/CallbackRaycast.java
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.broadphase;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Ray;
+public interface CallbackRaycast {
+ public float callback(DTree _node, Ray _ray);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/DTree.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/DTree.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60e3ad2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/DTree.java
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.broadphase;
+import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.AABB;
+ * It represents a node of the dynamic AABB tree.
+ */
+public class DTree {
+ private static int simpleCounter = 0;
+ public final int uid;
+ /**
+ * A node is either in the tree (has a parent) or in the free nodes list (has a next node)
+ */
+ WeakReference parent = null; //!< Parent node ID (0 is ROOT)
+ int height = -1; //!< Height of the node in the tree TODO check the need...
+ AABB aabb = new AABB(); //!< Fat axis aligned bounding box (AABB) corresponding to the node
+ public DTree() {
+ this.uid = simpleCounter++;
+ }
+ boolean isLeaf() {
+ return false;
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/DTreeLeafData.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/DTreeLeafData.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1caf6d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/DTreeLeafData.java
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.broadphase;
+class DTreeLeafData extends DTree {
+ Object dataPointer = null;
+ public DTreeLeafData(final Object dataPointer) {
+ super();
+ this.dataPointer = dataPointer;
+ }
+ @Override
+ boolean isLeaf() {
+ return true;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/DTreeLeafInt.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/DTreeLeafInt.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad37a35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/DTreeLeafInt.java
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.broadphase;
+class DTreeLeafInt extends DTree {
+ int dataInt_0 = 0;
+ int dataInt_1 = 0;
+ public DTreeLeafInt(final int dataInt_0, final int dataInt_1) {
+ super();
+ this.dataInt_0 = dataInt_0;
+ this.dataInt_1 = dataInt_1;
+ }
+ @Override
+ boolean isLeaf() {
+ return true;
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/DTreeNode.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/DTreeNode.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17774f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/DTreeNode.java
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.broadphase;
+class DTreeNode extends DTree {
+ DTree children_left = null; //!< Left child of the node
+ DTree children_right = null; //!< Right child of the node
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/DynamicAABBTree.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/DynamicAABBTree.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..322444f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/DynamicAABBTree.java
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.broadphase;
+import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
+import java.util.Stack;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.Configuration;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.AABB;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.internal.Log;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Ray;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.FMath;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * It implements a dynamic AABB tree that is used for broad-phase
+ * collision detection. This data structure is inspired by Nathanael Presson's
+ * dynamic tree implementation in BulletPhysics. The following implementation is
+ * based on the one from Erin Catto in Box2D as described in the book
+ * "Introduction to Game Physics with Box2D" by Ian Parberry.
+ */
+public class DynamicAABBTree {
+ private DTree rootNode; //!< Pointer to the memory location of the nodes of the tree
+ private final float extraAABBGap; //!< Extra AABB Gap used to allow the collision shape to move a little bit without triggering a large modification of the tree which can be costly
+ /// Allocate and return a node to use in the tree
+ /// Constructor
+ public DynamicAABBTree() {
+ this(0.0f);
+ }
+ public DynamicAABBTree(final float extraAABBGap) {
+ this.extraAABBGap = extraAABBGap;
+ init();
+ }
+ /// Add an object into the tree (where node data are two integers)
+ public DTree addObject(final AABB aabb, final int data1, final int data2) {
+ final DTreeLeafInt node = new DTreeLeafInt(data1, data2);
+ addObjectInternal(aabb, node);
+ return node;
+ }
+ /// Add an object into the tree (where node data is a pointer)
+ public DTree addObject(final AABB aabb, final Object data) {
+ final DTreeLeafData node = new DTreeLeafData(data);
+ addObjectInternal(aabb, node);
+ return node;
+ }
+ /// Internally add an object into the tree
+ private void addObjectInternal(final AABB aabb, final DTree leafNode) {
+ // Create the fat aabb to use in the tree
+ leafNode.aabb.setMin(aabb.getMin().lessNew(this.extraAABBGap));
+ leafNode.aabb.setMax(aabb.getMax().addNew(this.extraAABBGap));
+ // Set the height of the node in the tree
+ leafNode.height = 0;
+ // Insert the new leaf node in the tree
+ insertLeafNode(leafNode);
+ assert (leafNode.isLeaf());
+ }
+ /// Balance the sub-tree of a given node using left or right rotations.
+ private DTree balanceSubTreeAtNode(final DTree _node) {
+ assert (_node != null);
+ // If the node is a leaf or the height of A's sub-tree is less than 2
+ if (_node.isLeaf() || _node.height < 2) {
+ // Do not perform any rotation
+ return _node;
+ }
+ final DTreeNode nodeA = (DTreeNode) _node;
+ // Get the two children nodes
+ final DTree nodeB = nodeA.children_left;
+ final DTree nodeC = nodeA.children_right;
+ // Compute the factor of the left and right sub-trees
+ final int balanceFactor = nodeC.height - nodeB.height;
+ // If the right node C is 2 higher than left node B
+ if (balanceFactor > 1) {
+ assert (!nodeC.isLeaf());
+ final DTreeNode nodeCTree = (DTreeNode) nodeC;
+ final DTree nodeF = nodeCTree.children_left;
+ final DTree nodeG = nodeCTree.children_right;
+ nodeCTree.children_left = _node;
+ nodeCTree.parent = nodeA.parent;
+ nodeA.parent = new WeakReference(nodeC);
+ if (nodeC.parent != null) {
+ final DTreeNode nodeCParent = (DTreeNode) nodeC.parent.get();
+ if (nodeCParent.children_left == _node) {
+ nodeCParent.children_left = nodeC;
+ } else {
+ assert (nodeCParent.children_right == _node);
+ nodeCParent.children_right = nodeC;
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.rootNode = nodeC;
+ }
+ assert (!nodeC.isLeaf());
+ assert (!nodeA.isLeaf());
+ // If the right node C was higher than left node B because of the F node
+ if (nodeF.height > nodeG.height) {
+ nodeCTree.children_right = nodeF;
+ nodeA.children_right = nodeG;
+ nodeG.parent = new WeakReference(_node);
+ // Recompute the AABB of node A and C
+ nodeA.aabb.mergeTwoAABBs(nodeB.aabb, nodeG.aabb);
+ nodeC.aabb.mergeTwoAABBs(nodeA.aabb, nodeF.aabb);
+ // Recompute the height of node A and C
+ nodeA.height = FMath.max(nodeB.height, nodeG.height) + 1;
+ nodeC.height = FMath.max(nodeA.height, nodeF.height) + 1;
+ assert (nodeA.height > 0);
+ assert (nodeC.height > 0);
+ } else {
+ // If the right node C was higher than left node B because of node G
+ nodeCTree.children_right = nodeG;
+ nodeA.children_right = nodeF;
+ nodeF.parent = new WeakReference(_node);
+ // Recompute the AABB of node A and C
+ nodeA.aabb.mergeTwoAABBs(nodeB.aabb, nodeF.aabb);
+ nodeC.aabb.mergeTwoAABBs(nodeA.aabb, nodeG.aabb);
+ // Recompute the height of node A and C
+ nodeA.height = FMath.max(nodeB.height, nodeF.height) + 1;
+ nodeC.height = FMath.max(nodeA.height, nodeG.height) + 1;
+ assert (nodeA.height > 0);
+ assert (nodeC.height > 0);
+ }
+ // Return the new root of the sub-tree
+ return nodeC;
+ }
+ // If the left node B is 2 higher than right node C
+ if (balanceFactor < -1) {
+ assert (!nodeB.isLeaf());
+ final DTreeNode nodeBTree = (DTreeNode) nodeB;
+ final DTree nodeF = nodeBTree.children_left;
+ final DTree nodeG = nodeBTree.children_right;
+ nodeBTree.children_left = _node;
+ nodeB.parent = nodeA.parent;
+ nodeA.parent = new WeakReference(nodeB);
+ if (nodeB.parent != null) {
+ final DTreeNode nodeBParent = (DTreeNode) nodeB.parent.get();
+ if (nodeBParent.children_left == _node) {
+ nodeBParent.children_left = nodeB;
+ } else {
+ assert (nodeBParent.children_right == _node);
+ nodeBParent.children_right = nodeB;
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.rootNode = nodeB;
+ }
+ assert (!nodeB.isLeaf());
+ assert (!nodeA.isLeaf());
+ // If the left node B was higher than right node C because of the F node
+ if (nodeF.height > nodeG.height) {
+ nodeBTree.children_right = nodeF;
+ nodeA.children_left = nodeG;
+ nodeG.parent = new WeakReference(_node);
+ // Recompute the AABB of node A and B
+ nodeA.aabb.mergeTwoAABBs(nodeC.aabb, nodeG.aabb);
+ nodeB.aabb.mergeTwoAABBs(nodeA.aabb, nodeF.aabb);
+ // Recompute the height of node A and B
+ nodeA.height = FMath.max(nodeC.height, nodeG.height) + 1;
+ nodeB.height = FMath.max(nodeA.height, nodeF.height) + 1;
+ assert (nodeA.height > 0);
+ assert (nodeB.height > 0);
+ } else {
+ // If the left node B was higher than right node C because of node G
+ nodeBTree.children_right = nodeG;
+ nodeA.children_left = nodeF;
+ nodeF.parent = new WeakReference(_node);
+ // Recompute the AABB of node A and B
+ nodeA.aabb.mergeTwoAABBs(nodeC.aabb, nodeF.aabb);
+ nodeB.aabb.mergeTwoAABBs(nodeA.aabb, nodeG.aabb);
+ // Recompute the height of node A and B
+ nodeA.height = FMath.max(nodeC.height, nodeF.height) + 1;
+ nodeB.height = FMath.max(nodeA.height, nodeG.height) + 1;
+ assert (nodeA.height > 0);
+ assert (nodeB.height > 0);
+ }
+ // Return the new root of the sub-tree
+ return nodeB;
+ }
+ // If the sub-tree is balanced, return the current root node
+ return _node;
+ }
+ /// Compute the height of the tree
+ public int computeHeight() {
+ return computeHeight(this.rootNode);
+ }
+ /// Compute the height of a given node in the tree
+ private int computeHeight(final DTree _node) {
+ // If the node is a leaf, its height is zero
+ if (_node.isLeaf()) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ final DTreeNode nodeTree = (DTreeNode) _node;
+ // Compute the height of the left and right sub-tree
+ final int leftHeight = computeHeight(nodeTree.children_left);
+ final int rightHeight = computeHeight(nodeTree.children_right);
+ // Return the height of the node
+ return 1 + Math.max(leftHeight, rightHeight);
+ }
+ /// Return the fat AABB corresponding to a given node ID
+ public AABB getFatAABB(final DTree node) {
+ return node.aabb;
+ }
+ public int getNodeDataInt_0(final DTree node) {
+ assert (node.isLeaf());
+ return ((DTreeLeafInt) node).dataInt_0;
+ }
+ public int getNodeDataInt_1(final DTree node) {
+ assert (node.isLeaf());
+ return ((DTreeLeafInt) node).dataInt_1;
+ }
+ /// Return the data pointer of a given leaf node of the tree
+ public Object getNodeDataPointer(final DTree node) {
+ assert (node.isLeaf());
+ return ((DTreeLeafData) node).dataPointer;
+ }
+ /// Return the root AABB of the tree
+ public AABB getRootAABB() {
+ return getFatAABB(this.rootNode);
+ }
+ /// Initialize the tree
+ private void init() {
+ this.rootNode = null;
+ }
+ /// Insert a leaf node in the tree
+ private void insertLeafNode(final DTree _node) {
+ // If the tree is empty
+ if (this.rootNode == null) {
+ this.rootNode = _node;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Find the best sibling node for the new node
+ final AABB newNodeAABB = _node.aabb;
+ DTree currentNode = this.rootNode;
+ while (!currentNode.isLeaf()) {
+ final DTreeNode node = (DTreeNode) currentNode;
+ final DTree leftChild = node.children_left;
+ final DTree rightChild = node.children_right;
+ // Compute the merged AABB
+ final float volumeAABB = currentNode.aabb.getVolume();
+ final AABB mergedAABBs = new AABB();
+ mergedAABBs.mergeTwoAABBs(currentNode.aabb, newNodeAABB);
+ final float mergedVolume = mergedAABBs.getVolume();
+ // Compute the cost of making the current node the sibbling of the new node
+ final float costS = 2.0f * mergedVolume;
+ // Compute the minimum cost of pushing the new node further down the tree (inheritance cost)
+ final float costI = 2.0f * (mergedVolume - volumeAABB);
+ // Compute the cost of descending into the left child
+ float costLeft;
+ final AABB currentAndLeftAABB = new AABB();
+ currentAndLeftAABB.mergeTwoAABBs(newNodeAABB, leftChild.aabb);
+ if (leftChild.isLeaf()) { // If the left child is a leaf
+ costLeft = currentAndLeftAABB.getVolume() + costI;
+ } else {
+ final float leftChildVolume = leftChild.aabb.getVolume();
+ costLeft = costI + currentAndLeftAABB.getVolume() - leftChildVolume;
+ }
+ // Compute the cost of descending into the right child
+ float costRight;
+ final AABB currentAndRightAABB = new AABB();
+ currentAndRightAABB.mergeTwoAABBs(newNodeAABB, rightChild.aabb);
+ if (rightChild.isLeaf()) { // If the right child is a leaf
+ costRight = currentAndRightAABB.getVolume() + costI;
+ } else {
+ final float rightChildVolume = rightChild.aabb.getVolume();
+ costRight = costI + currentAndRightAABB.getVolume() - rightChildVolume;
+ }
+ // If the cost of making the current node a sibbling of the new node is smaller than
+ // the cost of going down into the left or right child
+ if (costS < costLeft && costS < costRight) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // It is cheaper to go down into a child of the current node, choose the best child
+ if (costLeft < costRight) {
+ currentNode = leftChild;
+ } else {
+ currentNode = rightChild;
+ }
+ }
+ final DTree siblingNode = currentNode;
+ // Create a new parent for the new node and the sibling node
+ final WeakReference oldParentNode = siblingNode.parent;
+ final DTreeNode newParentNode = new DTreeNode();
+ newParentNode.parent = currentNode.parent;
+ newParentNode.aabb.mergeTwoAABBs(currentNode.aabb, newNodeAABB);
+ newParentNode.height = currentNode.height + 1;
+ // If the sibling node was not the root node
+ if (oldParentNode != null) {
+ // replace in parent the child with the new child
+ final DTreeNode parentNode = (DTreeNode) oldParentNode.get();
+ if (parentNode.children_left == siblingNode) {
+ parentNode.children_left = newParentNode;
+ } else {
+ parentNode.children_right = newParentNode;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If the sibling node was the root node
+ this.rootNode = newParentNode;
+ }
+ // setup the children
+ newParentNode.children_left = siblingNode;
+ newParentNode.children_right = _node;
+ siblingNode.parent = new WeakReference(newParentNode);
+ _node.parent = new WeakReference(newParentNode);
+ // Move up in the tree to change the AABBs that have changed
+ currentNode = newParentNode;
+ assert (!currentNode.isLeaf());
+ while (currentNode != null) {
+ // Balance the sub-tree of the current node if it is not balanced
+ currentNode = balanceSubTreeAtNode(currentNode);
+ assert (_node.isLeaf());
+ assert (!currentNode.isLeaf());
+ final DTreeNode nodeDouble = (DTreeNode) currentNode;
+ final DTree leftChild = nodeDouble.children_left;
+ final DTree rightChild = nodeDouble.children_right;
+ assert (leftChild != null);
+ assert (rightChild != null);
+ // Recompute the height of the node in the tree
+ currentNode.height = FMath.max(leftChild.height, rightChild.height) + 1;
+ assert (currentNode.height > 0);
+ // Recompute the AABB of the node
+ currentNode.aabb.mergeTwoAABBs(leftChild.aabb, rightChild.aabb);
+ if (currentNode.parent != null) {
+ currentNode = currentNode.parent.get();
+ } else {
+ currentNode = null;
+ }
+ }
+ assert (_node.isLeaf());
+ }
+ /// Ray casting method
+ public void raycast(final Ray _ray, final CallbackRaycast _callback) {
+ if (_callback == null) {
+ Log.error("call with null callback");
+ return;
+ }
+ float maxFraction = _ray.maxFraction;
+ // 128 max
+ final Stack stack = new Stack();
+ stack.push(this.rootNode);
+ // Walk through the tree from the root looking for proxy shapes
+ // that overlap with the ray AABB
+ while (stack.size() > 0) {
+ // Get the next node in the stack
+ final DTree node = stack.pop();
+ // If it is a null node, skip it
+ if (node == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ final Ray rayTemp = new Ray(_ray.point1, _ray.point2, maxFraction);
+ // Test if the ray intersects with the current node AABB
+ if (node.aabb.testRayIntersect(rayTemp) == false) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If the node is a leaf of the tree
+ if (node.isLeaf()) {
+ // Call the callback that will raycast again the broad-phase shape
+ final float hitFraction = _callback.callback(node, rayTemp);
+ // If the user returned a hitFraction of zero, it means that
+ // the raycasting should stop here
+ if (hitFraction == 0.0f) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the user returned a positive fraction
+ if (hitFraction > 0.0f) {
+ // We update the maxFraction value and the ray
+ // AABB using the new maximum fraction
+ if (hitFraction < maxFraction) {
+ maxFraction = hitFraction;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the user returned a negative fraction, we continue
+ // the raycasting as if the proxy shape did not exist
+ } else { // If the node has children
+ final DTreeNode tmpNode = (DTreeNode) node;
+ // Push its children in the stack of nodes to explore
+ stack.push(tmpNode.children_left);
+ stack.push(tmpNode.children_right);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Release a node
+ private void releaseNode(final DTree _node) {
+ //this.numberNodes--;
+ }
+ /// Remove a leaf node from the tree
+ private void removeLeafNode(final DTree _node) {
+ assert (_node.isLeaf());
+ // If we are removing the root node (root node is a leaf in this case)
+ if (this.rootNode == _node) {
+ this.rootNode = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ // parent can not be null.
+ final DTreeNode parentNode = (DTreeNode) _node.parent.get();
+ final WeakReference grandParentNodeWeak = parentNode.parent;
+ DTree siblingNode;
+ if (parentNode.children_left == _node) {
+ siblingNode = parentNode.children_right;
+ } else {
+ siblingNode = parentNode.children_left;
+ }
+ // If the parent of the node to remove is not the root node
+ if (grandParentNodeWeak == null) {
+ // If the parent of the node to remove is the root node
+ // The sibling node becomes the new root node
+ this.rootNode = siblingNode;
+ siblingNode.parent = null;
+ releaseNode(parentNode);
+ } else {
+ final DTreeNode grandParentNode = (DTreeNode) grandParentNodeWeak.get();
+ // Destroy the parent node
+ if (grandParentNode.children_left == parentNode) {
+ grandParentNode.children_left = siblingNode;
+ } else {
+ grandParentNode.children_right = siblingNode;
+ }
+ siblingNode.parent = parentNode.parent;
+ releaseNode(parentNode);
+ // Now, we need to recompute the AABBs of the node on the path back to the root
+ // and make sure that the tree is still balanced
+ DTree currentNode = grandParentNode;
+ while (currentNode != null) {
+ // Balance the current sub-tree if necessary
+ currentNode = balanceSubTreeAtNode(currentNode);
+ assert (!currentNode.isLeaf());
+ final DTreeNode currentTreeNode = (DTreeNode) currentNode;
+ // Get the two children of the current node
+ final DTree leftChild = currentTreeNode.children_left;
+ final DTree rightChild = currentTreeNode.children_right;
+ // Recompute the AABB and the height of the current node
+ currentNode.aabb.mergeTwoAABBs(leftChild.aabb, rightChild.aabb);
+ currentNode.height = FMath.max(leftChild.height, rightChild.height) + 1;
+ assert (currentNode.height > 0);
+ if (currentNode.parent == null) {
+ currentNode = null;
+ } else {
+ currentNode = currentNode.parent.get();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Remove an object from the tree
+ public void removeObject(final DTree _node) {
+ assert (_node.isLeaf());
+ // Remove the node from the tree
+ removeLeafNode(_node);
+ releaseNode(_node);
+ }
+ /// Report all shapes overlapping with the AABB given in parameter.
+ public void reportAllShapesOverlappingWithAABB(final AABB _aabb, final CallbackOverlapping _callback) {
+ if (_callback == null) {
+ Log.error("call with null callback");
+ return;
+ }
+ //Log.error("reportAllShapesOverlappingWithAABB");
+ // Create a stack with the nodes to visit
+ final Stack stack = new Stack();
+ // 64 max
+ stack.push(this.rootNode);
+ //Log.error(" add stack: " + this.rootNode);
+ // While there are still nodes to visit
+ while (stack.size() > 0) {
+ // Get the next node ID to visit
+ final DTree nodeIDToVisit = stack.pop();
+ // Skip it if it is a null node
+ if (nodeIDToVisit == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Get the corresponding node
+ final DTree nodeToVisit = nodeIDToVisit;
+ //Log.error(" check colision: " + nodeIDToVisit);
+ // If the AABB in parameter overlaps with the AABB of the node to visit
+ if (_aabb.testCollision(nodeToVisit.aabb)) {
+ // If the node is a leaf
+ if (nodeToVisit.isLeaf()) {
+ /*
+ if (_aabb != nodeToVisit.aabb) {
+ Log.error(" ======> Real collision ...");
+ }
+ */
+ // Notify the broad-phase about a new potential overlapping pair
+ _callback.callback(nodeIDToVisit);
+ } else {
+ final DTreeNode tmp = (DTreeNode) nodeToVisit;
+ // If the node is not a leaf
+ // We need to visit its children
+ stack.push(tmp.children_left);
+ stack.push(tmp.children_right);
+ //Log.error(" add stack: " + tmp.children_left);
+ //Log.error(" add stack: " + tmp.children_right);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Clear all the nodes and reset the tree
+ public void reset() {
+ // Initialize the tree
+ init();
+ }
+ /// Update the dynamic tree after an object has moved.
+ /// If the new AABB of the object that has moved is still inside its fat AABB, then
+ /// nothing is done. Otherwise, the corresponding node is removed and reinserted into the tree.
+ /// The method returns true if the object has been reinserted into the tree. The "displacement"
+ /// argument is the linear velocity of the AABB multiplied by the elapsed time between two
+ /// frames. If the "forceReinsert" parameter is true, we force a removal and reinsertion of the node
+ /// (this can be useful if the shape AABB has become much smaller than the previous one for instance).
+ public boolean updateObject(final DTree _node, final AABB _newAABB, final Vector3f _displacement) {
+ return updateObject(_node, _newAABB, _displacement, false);
+ }
+ public boolean updateObject(final DTree _node, final AABB _newAABB, final Vector3f _displacement, final boolean _forceReinsert) {
+ assert (_node.isLeaf());
+ assert (_node.height >= 0);
+ //Log.verbose(" compare : " + _node.aabb.getMin() + " " + _node.aabb.getMax());
+ //Log.verbose(" : " + _newAABB.getMin() + " " + _newAABB.getMax());
+ // If the new AABB is still inside the fat AABB of the node
+ if (_forceReinsert == false && _node.aabb.contains(_newAABB)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If the new AABB is outside the fat AABB, we remove the corresponding node
+ removeLeafNode(_node);
+ // Compute the fat AABB by inflating the AABB with a ant gap
+ _node.aabb = _newAABB;
+ final Vector3f gap = new Vector3f(this.extraAABBGap, this.extraAABBGap, this.extraAABBGap);
+ _node.aabb.getMin().less(gap);
+ _node.aabb.getMax().add(gap);
+ // Inflate the fat AABB in direction of the linear motion of the AABB
+ if (_displacement.x < 0.0f) {
+ _node.aabb.getMin().setX(_node.aabb.getMin().x + Configuration.DYNAMIC_TREE_AABB_LIN_GAP_MULTIPLIER * _displacement.x);
+ } else {
+ _node.aabb.getMax().setX(_node.aabb.getMax().x + Configuration.DYNAMIC_TREE_AABB_LIN_GAP_MULTIPLIER * _displacement.x);
+ }
+ if (_displacement.y < 0.0f) {
+ _node.aabb.getMin().setY(_node.aabb.getMin().y + Configuration.DYNAMIC_TREE_AABB_LIN_GAP_MULTIPLIER * _displacement.y);
+ } else {
+ _node.aabb.getMax().setY(_node.aabb.getMax().y + Configuration.DYNAMIC_TREE_AABB_LIN_GAP_MULTIPLIER * _displacement.y);
+ }
+ if (_displacement.z < 0.0f) {
+ _node.aabb.getMin().setZ(_node.aabb.getMin().z + Configuration.DYNAMIC_TREE_AABB_LIN_GAP_MULTIPLIER * _displacement.z);
+ } else {
+ _node.aabb.getMax().setZ(_node.aabb.getMax().z + Configuration.DYNAMIC_TREE_AABB_LIN_GAP_MULTIPLIER * _displacement.z);
+ }
+ //Log.error(" compare : " + _node.aabb.getMin() + " " + _node.aabb.getMax());
+ //Log.error(" : " + _newAABB.getMin() + " " + _newAABB.getMax());
+ if (_node.aabb.contains(_newAABB) == false) {
+ //Log.critical("ERROR");
+ }
+ assert (_node.aabb.contains(_newAABB));
+ // Reinsert the node into the tree
+ insertLeafNode(_node);
+ return true;
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/PairDTree.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/PairDTree.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c4373d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/broadphase/PairDTree.java
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.broadphase;
+import java.util.Set;
+import javafx.collections.transformation.SortedList;
+public class PairDTree {
+ public static int countInSet(final Set values, final PairDTree sample) {
+ int count = 0;
+ for (final PairDTree elem : values) {
+ if (elem.first != sample.first) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (elem.second != sample.second) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ count++;
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ public static int countInSet(final SortedList values, final PairDTree sample) {
+ int count = 0;
+ for (final PairDTree elem : values) {
+ if (elem.first != sample.first) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (elem.second != sample.second) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ count++;
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ public final DTree first;
+ public final DTree second;
+ public PairDTree(final DTree first, final DTree second) {
+ if (first.uid < second.uid) {
+ this.first = first;
+ this.second = second;
+ } else {
+ this.first = second;
+ this.second = first;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
+ if (this == obj) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ final PairDTree tmp = (PairDTree) obj;
+ if (this.first != tmp.first) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this.second != tmp.second) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return "PairDTree [first=" + this.first.uid + ", second=" + this.second.uid + "]";
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/CollisionDispatch.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/CollisionDispatch.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dedceb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/CollisionDispatch.java
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.CollisionDetection;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.CollisionShapeType;
+ * @biref Abstract base class for dispatching the narrow-phase
+ * collision detection algorithm. Collision dispatching decides which collision
+ * algorithm to use given two types of proxy collision shapes.
+ */
+public abstract class CollisionDispatch {
+ /// Initialize the collision dispatch configuration
+ public void init(final CollisionDetection _collisionDetection) {
+ // Nothing to do ...
+ }
+ /// Select and return the narrow-phase collision detection algorithm to
+ /// use between two types of collision shapes.
+ public abstract NarrowPhaseAlgorithm selectAlgorithm(CollisionShapeType _shape1Type, CollisionShapeType _shape2Type);
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/ConcaveVsConvexAlgorithm.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/ConcaveVsConvexAlgorithm.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff75532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/ConcaveVsConvexAlgorithm.java
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Comparator;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Transform3D;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.CollisionDetection;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.CollisionShapeInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ProxyShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.AABB;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.CollisionShapeType;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.ConcaveShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.ConvexShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.TriangleShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.ContactPointInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine.OverlappingPair;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Mathematics;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.PairIntVector3f;
+//static boolean sortFunction(SmoothMeshContactInfo&_contact1,SmoothMeshContactInfo&_contact2){return _contact1.contactInfo.penetrationDepth<=_contact2.contactInfo.penetrationDepth;}
+ * This class is used to compute the narrow-phase collision detection
+ * between a concave collision shape and a convex collision shape. The idea is
+ * to use the GJK collision detection algorithm to compute the collision between
+ * the convex shape and each of the triangles in the concave shape.
+ */
+public class ConcaveVsConvexAlgorithm extends NarrowPhaseAlgorithm {
+ /**
+ * This class is used to encapsulate a callback method for
+ * collision detection between the triangle of a concave mesh shape
+ * and a convex shape.
+ */
+ class ConvexVsTriangleCallback implements ConcaveShape.TriangleCallback {
+ protected CollisionDetection collisionDetection; //!< Pointer to the collision detection object
+ protected NarrowPhaseCallback narrowPhaseCallback; //!< Narrow-phase collision callback
+ protected ConvexShape convexShape; //!< Convex collision shape to test collision with
+ protected ConcaveShape concaveShape; //!< Concave collision shape
+ protected ProxyShape convexProxyShape; //!< Proxy shape of the convex collision shape
+ protected ProxyShape concaveProxyShape; //!< Proxy shape of the concave collision shape
+ protected OverlappingPair overlappingPair; //!< Broadphase overlapping pair
+ // protected static boolean contactsDepthCompare(ContactPointInfo _contact1, ContactPointInfo _contact2);
+ /// Set the collision detection pointer
+ public void setCollisionDetection(final CollisionDetection _collisionDetection) {
+ this.collisionDetection = _collisionDetection;
+ }
+ /// Set the concave collision shape
+ public void setConcaveShape(final ConcaveShape _concaveShape) {
+ this.concaveShape = _concaveShape;
+ }
+ /// Set the convex collision shape to test collision with
+ public void setConvexShape(final ConvexShape _convexShape) {
+ this.convexShape = _convexShape;
+ }
+ /// Set the narrow-phase collision callback
+ public void setNarrowPhaseCallback(final NarrowPhaseCallback _callback) {
+ this.narrowPhaseCallback = _callback;
+ }
+ /// Set the broadphase overlapping pair
+ public void setOverlappingPair(final OverlappingPair _overlappingPair) {
+ this.overlappingPair = _overlappingPair;
+ }
+ /// Set the proxy shapes of the two collision shapes
+ public void setProxyShapes(final ProxyShape _convexProxyShape, final ProxyShape _concaveProxyShape) {
+ this.convexProxyShape = _convexProxyShape;
+ this.concaveProxyShape = _concaveProxyShape;
+ }
+ /// Test collision between a triangle and the convex mesh shape
+ @Override
+ public void testTriangle(final Vector3f[] _trianglePoints) {
+ // Create a triangle collision shape
+ final float margin = this.concaveShape.getTriangleMargin();
+ final TriangleShape triangleShape = new TriangleShape(_trianglePoints[0], _trianglePoints[1], _trianglePoints[2], margin);
+ // Select the collision algorithm to use between the triangle and the convex shape
+ final NarrowPhaseAlgorithm algo = this.collisionDetection.getCollisionAlgorithm(triangleShape.getType(), this.convexShape.getType());
+ // If there is no collision algorithm between those two kinds of shapes
+ if (algo == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Notify the narrow-phase algorithm about the overlapping pair we are going to test
+ algo.setCurrentOverlappingPair(this.overlappingPair);
+ // Create the CollisionShapeInfo objects
+ final CollisionShapeInfo shapeConvexInfo = new CollisionShapeInfo(this.convexProxyShape, this.convexShape, this.convexProxyShape.getLocalToWorldTransform(), this.overlappingPair,
+ this.convexProxyShape.getCachedCollisionData());
+ final CollisionShapeInfo shapeConcaveInfo = new CollisionShapeInfo(this.concaveProxyShape, triangleShape, this.concaveProxyShape.getLocalToWorldTransform(), this.overlappingPair,
+ this.concaveProxyShape.getCachedCollisionData());
+ // Use the collision algorithm to test collision between the triangle and the other convex shape
+ algo.testCollision(shapeConvexInfo, shapeConcaveInfo, this.narrowPhaseCallback);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * This class is used as a narrow-phase callback to get narrow-phase contacts
+ * of the concave triangle mesh to temporary store them in order to be used in
+ * the smooth mesh collision algorithm if this one is enabled.
+ */
+ class SmoothCollisionNarrowPhaseCallback implements NarrowPhaseCallback {
+ private final List contactPoints;
+ // Constructor
+ public SmoothCollisionNarrowPhaseCallback(final List _contactPoints) {
+ this.contactPoints = new ArrayList<>(_contactPoints);
+ }
+ /// Called by a narrow-phase collision algorithm when a new contact has been found
+ @Override
+ public void notifyContact(final OverlappingPair _overlappingPair, final ContactPointInfo _contactInfo) {
+ final Vector3f[] triangleVertices = new Vector3f[3];
+ boolean isFirstShapeTriangle;
+ // If the collision shape 1 is the triangle
+ if (_contactInfo.collisionShape1.getType() == CollisionShapeType.TRIANGLE) {
+ assert (_contactInfo.collisionShape2.getType() != CollisionShapeType.TRIANGLE);
+ final TriangleShape triangleShape = (TriangleShape) _contactInfo.collisionShape1;
+ triangleVertices[0] = triangleShape.getVertex(0);
+ triangleVertices[1] = triangleShape.getVertex(1);
+ triangleVertices[2] = triangleShape.getVertex(2);
+ isFirstShapeTriangle = true;
+ } else { // If the collision shape 2 is the triangle
+ assert (_contactInfo.collisionShape2.getType() == CollisionShapeType.TRIANGLE);
+ final TriangleShape triangleShape = (TriangleShape) _contactInfo.collisionShape2;
+ triangleVertices[0] = triangleShape.getVertex(0);
+ triangleVertices[1] = triangleShape.getVertex(1);
+ triangleVertices[2] = triangleShape.getVertex(2);
+ isFirstShapeTriangle = false;
+ }
+ final SmoothMeshContactInfo smoothContactInfo = new SmoothMeshContactInfo(_contactInfo, isFirstShapeTriangle, triangleVertices[0], triangleVertices[1], triangleVertices[2]);
+ // Add the narrow-phase contact into the list of contact to process for
+ // smooth mesh collision
+ this.contactPoints.add(smoothContactInfo);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * This class is used to store data about a contact with a triangle for the smooth
+ * mesh algorithm.
+ */
+ class SmoothMeshContactInfo {
+ public ContactPointInfo contactInfo;
+ public boolean isFirstShapeTriangle;
+ public Vector3f[] triangleVertices = new Vector3f[3];
+ public SmoothMeshContactInfo() {
+ // TODO: add it for List
+ }
+ /// Constructor
+ public SmoothMeshContactInfo(final ContactPointInfo _contact, final boolean _firstShapeTriangle, final Vector3f _trianglePoint1, final Vector3f _trianglePoint2,
+ final Vector3f _trianglePoint3) {
+ this.contactInfo = new ContactPointInfo(_contact);
+ this.isFirstShapeTriangle = _firstShapeTriangle;
+ this.triangleVertices[0] = _trianglePoint1;
+ this.triangleVertices[1] = _trianglePoint2;
+ this.triangleVertices[2] = _trianglePoint3;
+ }
+ }
+ /// Constructor
+ public ConcaveVsConvexAlgorithm(final CollisionDetection collisionDetection) {
+ super(collisionDetection);
+ }
+ /// Add a triangle vertex into the set of processed triangles
+ protected void addProcessedVertex(final List _processTriangleVertices, final Vector3f _vertex) {
+ _processTriangleVertices.add(new PairIntVector3f((int) (_vertex.x * _vertex.y * _vertex.z), _vertex));
+ }
+ /// Return true if the vertex is in the set of already processed vertices
+ protected boolean hasVertexBeenProcessed(final List _processTriangleVertices, final Vector3f _vertex) {
+ /* TODO : List> was an unordered map ... ==> stupid idee... I replace code because I do not have enouth time to do something good...
+ int key = int(_vertex.x * _vertex.y * _vertex.z);
+ auto range = _processTriangleVertices.equal_range(key);
+ for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
+ if ( _vertex.x == it.second.x
+ && _vertex.y == it.second.y
+ && _vertex.z == it.second.z) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ */
+ // TODO : This is not really the same ...
+ for (final PairIntVector3f it : _processTriangleVertices) {
+ if (_vertex.x == it.second.x && _vertex.y == it.second.y && _vertex.z == it.second.z) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /// Process the concave triangle mesh collision using the smooth mesh collision algorithm
+ protected void processSmoothMeshCollision(final OverlappingPair _overlappingPair, final List _contactPoints, final NarrowPhaseCallback _callback) {
+ // Set with the triangle vertices already processed to void further contacts with same triangle
+ final List processTriangleVertices = new ArrayList<>();
+ // Sort the list of narrow-phase contacts according to their penetration depth
+ _contactPoints.sort(new Comparator() {
+ @Override
+ public int compare(final SmoothMeshContactInfo _pair1, final SmoothMeshContactInfo _pair2) {
+ if (_pair1.contactInfo.penetrationDepth < _pair2.contactInfo.penetrationDepth) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (_pair1.contactInfo.penetrationDepth == _pair2.contactInfo.penetrationDepth) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return +1;
+ }
+ });
+ // For each contact point (from smaller penetration depth to larger)
+ for (final SmoothMeshContactInfo info : _contactPoints) {
+ final Vector3f contactPoint = info.isFirstShapeTriangle ? info.contactInfo.localPoint1 : info.contactInfo.localPoint2;
+ // Compute the barycentric coordinates of the point in the triangle
+ final Float u = 0.0f, v = 0.0f, w = 0.0f;
+ Mathematics.computeBarycentricCoordinatesInTriangle(info.triangleVertices[0], info.triangleVertices[1], info.triangleVertices[2], contactPoint, u, v, w);
+ int nbZeros = 0;
+ final boolean isUZero = Mathematics.ApproxEqual(u, 0.0f, 0.0001f);
+ final boolean isVZero = Mathematics.ApproxEqual(v, 0.0f, 0.0001f);
+ final boolean isWZero = Mathematics.ApproxEqual(w, 0.0f, 0.0001f);
+ if (isUZero) {
+ nbZeros++;
+ }
+ if (isVZero) {
+ nbZeros++;
+ }
+ if (isWZero) {
+ nbZeros++;
+ }
+ // If it is a vertex contact
+ if (nbZeros == 2) {
+ final Vector3f contactVertex = !isUZero ? info.triangleVertices[0] : (!isVZero ? info.triangleVertices[1] : info.triangleVertices[2]);
+ // Check that this triangle vertex has not been processed yet
+ if (!hasVertexBeenProcessed(processTriangleVertices, contactVertex)) {
+ // Keep the contact as it is and report it
+ _callback.notifyContact(_overlappingPair, info.contactInfo);
+ }
+ } else if (nbZeros == 1) {
+ // If it is an edge contact
+ final Vector3f contactVertex1 = isUZero ? info.triangleVertices[1] : (isVZero ? info.triangleVertices[0] : info.triangleVertices[0]);
+ final Vector3f contactVertex2 = isUZero ? info.triangleVertices[2] : (isVZero ? info.triangleVertices[2] : info.triangleVertices[1]);
+ // Check that this triangle edge has not been processed yet
+ if (!hasVertexBeenProcessed(processTriangleVertices, contactVertex1) && !hasVertexBeenProcessed(processTriangleVertices, contactVertex2)) {
+ // Keep the contact as it is and report it
+ _callback.notifyContact(_overlappingPair, info.contactInfo);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If it is a face contact
+ final ContactPointInfo newContactInfo = new ContactPointInfo(info.contactInfo);
+ ProxyShape firstShape;
+ ProxyShape secondShape;
+ if (info.isFirstShapeTriangle) {
+ firstShape = _overlappingPair.getShape1();
+ secondShape = _overlappingPair.getShape2();
+ } else {
+ firstShape = _overlappingPair.getShape2();
+ secondShape = _overlappingPair.getShape1();
+ }
+ // We use the triangle normal as the contact normal
+ final Vector3f a = info.triangleVertices[1].lessNew(info.triangleVertices[0]);
+ final Vector3f b = info.triangleVertices[2].lessNew(info.triangleVertices[0]);
+ final Vector3f localNormal = a.cross(b);
+ newContactInfo.normal = firstShape.getLocalToWorldTransform().getOrientation().multiply(localNormal);
+ final Vector3f firstLocalPoint = info.isFirstShapeTriangle ? info.contactInfo.localPoint1 : info.contactInfo.localPoint2;
+ final Vector3f firstWorldPoint = firstShape.getLocalToWorldTransform().multiplyNew(firstLocalPoint);
+ newContactInfo.normal.normalize();
+ if (newContactInfo.normal.dot(info.contactInfo.normal) < 0) {
+ newContactInfo.normal.multiply(-1);
+ }
+ // We recompute the contact point on the second body with the new normal as described in
+ // the Smooth Mesh Contacts with GJK of the Game Physics Pearls book (from Gino van Den Bergen and
+ // Dirk Gregorius) to avoid adding torque
+ final Transform3D worldToLocalSecondPoint = secondShape.getLocalToWorldTransform().inverseNew();
+ if (info.isFirstShapeTriangle) {
+ final Vector3f newSecondWorldPoint = firstWorldPoint.addNew(newContactInfo.normal);
+ newContactInfo.localPoint2 = worldToLocalSecondPoint.multiplyNew(newSecondWorldPoint);
+ } else {
+ final Vector3f newSecondWorldPoint = firstWorldPoint.lessNew(newContactInfo.normal);
+ newContactInfo.localPoint1 = worldToLocalSecondPoint.multiplyNew(newSecondWorldPoint);
+ }
+ // Report the contact
+ _callback.notifyContact(_overlappingPair, newContactInfo);
+ }
+ // Add the three vertices of the triangle to the set of processed
+ // triangle vertices
+ addProcessedVertex(processTriangleVertices, info.triangleVertices[0]);
+ addProcessedVertex(processTriangleVertices, info.triangleVertices[1]);
+ addProcessedVertex(processTriangleVertices, info.triangleVertices[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Compute a contact info if the two bounding volume collide
+ @Override
+ public void testCollision(final CollisionShapeInfo _shape1Info, final CollisionShapeInfo _shape2Info, final NarrowPhaseCallback _callback) {
+ ProxyShape convexProxyShape;
+ ProxyShape concaveProxyShape;
+ ConvexShape convexShape;
+ ConcaveShape concaveShape;
+ // Collision shape 1 is convex, collision shape 2 is concave
+ if (_shape1Info.collisionShape.isConvex()) {
+ convexProxyShape = _shape1Info.proxyShape;
+ convexShape = (ConvexShape) _shape1Info.collisionShape;
+ concaveProxyShape = _shape2Info.proxyShape;
+ concaveShape = (ConcaveShape) _shape2Info.collisionShape;
+ } else {
+ // Collision shape 2 is convex, collision shape 1 is concave
+ convexProxyShape = _shape2Info.proxyShape;
+ convexShape = (ConvexShape) _shape2Info.collisionShape;
+ concaveProxyShape = _shape1Info.proxyShape;
+ concaveShape = (ConcaveShape) _shape1Info.collisionShape;
+ }
+ // Set the parameters of the callback object
+ final ConvexVsTriangleCallback convexVsTriangleCallback = new ConvexVsTriangleCallback();
+ convexVsTriangleCallback.setCollisionDetection(this.collisionDetection);
+ convexVsTriangleCallback.setConvexShape(convexShape);
+ convexVsTriangleCallback.setConcaveShape(concaveShape);
+ convexVsTriangleCallback.setProxyShapes(convexProxyShape, concaveProxyShape);
+ convexVsTriangleCallback.setOverlappingPair(_shape1Info.overlappingPair);
+ // Compute the convex shape AABB in the local-space of the convex shape
+ final AABB aabb = new AABB();
+ convexShape.computeAABB(aabb, convexProxyShape.getLocalToWorldTransform());
+ // If smooth mesh collision is enabled for the concave mesh
+ if (concaveShape.getIsSmoothMeshCollisionEnabled()) {
+ final List contactPoints = new ArrayList<>();
+ final SmoothCollisionNarrowPhaseCallback smoothNarrowPhaseCallback = new SmoothCollisionNarrowPhaseCallback(contactPoints);
+ convexVsTriangleCallback.setNarrowPhaseCallback(smoothNarrowPhaseCallback);
+ // Call the convex vs triangle callback for each triangle of the concave shape
+ concaveShape.testAllTriangles(convexVsTriangleCallback, aabb);
+ // Run the smooth mesh collision algorithm
+ processSmoothMeshCollision(_shape1Info.overlappingPair, contactPoints, _callback);
+ } else {
+ convexVsTriangleCallback.setNarrowPhaseCallback(_callback);
+ // Call the convex vs triangle callback for each triangle of the concave shape
+ concaveShape.testAllTriangles(convexVsTriangleCallback, aabb);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/DefaultCollisionDispatch.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/DefaultCollisionDispatch.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77404ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/DefaultCollisionDispatch.java
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.CollisionDetection;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase.GJK.GJKAlgorithm;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.CollisionShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.CollisionShapeType;
+ * This is the default collision dispatch configuration use in ephysics.
+ * Collision dispatching decides which collision
+ * algorithm to use given two types of proxy collision shapes.
+ */
+public class DefaultCollisionDispatch extends CollisionDispatch {
+ //!< Sphere vs Sphere collision algorithm
+ protected SphereVsSphereAlgorithm sphereVsSphereAlgorithm;
+ //!< Concave vs Convex collision algorithm
+ protected ConcaveVsConvexAlgorithm concaveVsConvexAlgorithm;
+ //!< GJK Algorithm
+ protected GJKAlgorithm GJKAlgorithm;
+ @Override
+ public void init(final CollisionDetection _collisionDetection) {
+ // Initialize the collision algorithms
+ this.sphereVsSphereAlgorithm = new SphereVsSphereAlgorithm(_collisionDetection);
+ this.GJKAlgorithm = new GJKAlgorithm(_collisionDetection);
+ this.concaveVsConvexAlgorithm = new ConcaveVsConvexAlgorithm(_collisionDetection);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public NarrowPhaseAlgorithm selectAlgorithm(final CollisionShapeType _type1, final CollisionShapeType _type2) {
+ // Sphere vs Sphere algorithm
+ if (_type1 == CollisionShapeType.SPHERE && _type2 == CollisionShapeType.SPHERE) {
+ return this.sphereVsSphereAlgorithm;
+ } else if ((!CollisionShape.isConvex(_type1) && CollisionShape.isConvex(_type2)) || (!CollisionShape.isConvex(_type2) && CollisionShape.isConvex(_type1))) {
+ // Concave vs Convex algorithm
+ return this.concaveVsConvexAlgorithm;
+ } else if (CollisionShape.isConvex(_type1) && CollisionShape.isConvex(_type2)) {
+ // Convex vs Convex algorithm (GJK algorithm)
+ return this.GJKAlgorithm;
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/EPA/EPAAlgorithm.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/EPA/EPAAlgorithm.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..116c3e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/EPA/EPAAlgorithm.java
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase.EPA;
+import java.util.Comparator;
+import java.util.SortedSet;
+import java.util.TreeSet;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.CollisionShapeInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase.NarrowPhaseCallback;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase.GJK.GJKAlgorithm;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase.GJK.Simplex;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.CacheData;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.ConvexShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.ContactPointInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Constant;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.FMath;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Quaternion;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Transform3D;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * Class EPAAlgorithm
+ * This class is the implementation of the Expanding Polytope Algorithm (EPA).
+ * The EPA algorithm computes the penetration depth and contact points between
+ * two enlarged objects (with margin) where the original objects (without margin)
+ * intersect. The penetration depth of a pair of intersecting objects A and B is
+ * the length of a point on the boundary of the Minkowski sum (A-B) closest to the
+ * origin. The goal of the EPA algorithm is to start with an initial simplex polytope
+ * that contains the origin and expend it in order to find the point on the boundary
+ * of (A-B) that is closest to the origin. An initial simplex that contains origin
+ * has been computed wit GJK algorithm. The EPA Algorithm will extend this simplex
+ * polytope to find the correct penetration depth. The implementation of the EPA
+ * algorithm is based on the book "Collision Detection in 3D Environments".
+ */
+public class EPAAlgorithm {
+ /// Add a triangle face in the candidate triangle heap
+ private void addFaceCandidate(final TriangleEPA _triangle, final SortedSet _heap, final float _upperBoundSquarePenDepth) {
+ ////Log.info("addFaceCandidate: " + _triangle.get(0) + ", " + _triangle.get(1) + ", " + _triangle.get(2) + " " + _upperBoundSquarePenDepth);
+ // If the closest point of the affine hull of triangle
+ // points is internal to the triangle and if the distance
+ // of the closest point from the origin is at most the
+ // penetration depth upper bound
+ ////Log.info(" _triangle.isClosestPointInternalToTriangle(): " + _triangle.isClosestPointInternalToTriangle());
+ ////Log.info(" _triangle.getDistSquare(): " + _triangle.getDistSquare());
+ if (_triangle.isClosestPointInternalToTriangle() && _triangle.getDistSquare() <= _upperBoundSquarePenDepth) {
+ // Add the triangle face to the list of candidates
+ _heap.add(_triangle);
+ ////Log.info("add in heap:");
+ //int iii = 0;
+ //for (final TriangleEPA elem : _heap) {
+ // ////Log.info(" [" + iii + "] " + elem.getDistSquare());
+ // ++iii;
+ //}
+ }
+ }
+ // Compute the penetration depth with the EPA algorithm.
+ /// This method computes the penetration depth and contact points between two
+ /// enlarged objects (with margin) where the original objects (without margin)
+ /// intersect. An initial simplex that contains origin has been computed with
+ /// GJK algorithm. The EPA Algorithm will extend this simplex polytope to find
+ /// the correct penetration depth
+ public void computePenetrationDepthAndContactPoints(final Simplex _simplex, final CollisionShapeInfo _shape1Info, final Transform3D _transform1, final CollisionShapeInfo _shape2Info,
+ final Transform3D _transform2, final Vector3f _vector, final NarrowPhaseCallback _narrowPhaseCallback) {
+ ////Log.info("computePenetrationDepthAndContactPoints()");
+ assert (_shape1Info.collisionShape.isConvex());
+ assert (_shape2Info.collisionShape.isConvex());
+ final ConvexShape shape1 = (ConvexShape) (_shape1Info.collisionShape);
+ final ConvexShape shape2 = (ConvexShape) (_shape2Info.collisionShape);
+ final CacheData shape1CachedCollisionData = (CacheData) _shape1Info.cachedCollisionData;
+ final CacheData shape2CachedCollisionData = (CacheData) _shape2Info.cachedCollisionData;
+ final Vector3f suppPointsA[] = new Vector3f[EdgeEPA.MAX_SUPPORT_POINTS]; // Support points of object A in local coordinates
+ final Vector3f suppPointsB[] = new Vector3f[EdgeEPA.MAX_SUPPORT_POINTS]; // Support points of object B in local coordinates
+ final Vector3f points[] = new Vector3f[EdgeEPA.MAX_SUPPORT_POINTS]; // Current points
+ final TrianglesStore triangleStore = new TrianglesStore(); // Store the triangles
+ //https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/11/docs/api/java.base/java/util/SortedSet.html
+ // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38066291/how-to-define-comparator-on-sortedset-like-treeset
+ final SortedSet triangleHeap = new TreeSet<>(new Comparator() {
+ @Override
+ public int compare(final TriangleEPA _face1, final TriangleEPA _face2) {
+ final float d1 = _face1.getDistSquare();
+ final float d2 = _face2.getDistSquare();
+ if (d1 < d2) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (d1 > d2) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ });
+ // Transform3D a point from local space of body 2 to local
+ // space of body 1 (the GJK algorithm is done in local space of body 1)
+ final Transform3D body2Tobody1 = _transform1.inverseNew().multiplyNew(_transform2);
+ // Matrix that transform a direction from local
+ // space of body 1 into local space of body 2
+ final Quaternion rotateToBody2 = _transform2.getOrientation().inverseNew().multiplyNew(_transform1.getOrientation());
+ // Get the simplex computed previously by the GJK algorithm
+ int nbVertices = _simplex.getSimplex(suppPointsA, suppPointsB, points);
+ // Compute the tolerance
+ final float tolerance = Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON * _simplex.getMaxLengthSquareOfAPoint();
+ // Clear the storing of triangles
+ triangleStore.clear();
+ // Select an action according to the number of points in the simplex
+ // computed with GJK algorithm in order to obtain an initial polytope for
+ // The EPA algorithm.
+ ////Log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *** " + nbVertices);
+ switch (nbVertices) {
+ case 1:
+ // Only one point in the simplex (which should be the origin).
+ // We have a touching contact with zero penetration depth.
+ // We drop that kind of contact. Therefore, we return false
+ return;
+ case 2: {
+ // The simplex returned by GJK is a line segment d containing the origin.
+ // We add two additional support points to ruct a hexahedron (two tetrahedron
+ // glued together with triangle faces. The idea is to compute three different vectors
+ // v1, v2 and v3 that are orthogonal to the segment d. The three vectors are relatively
+ // rotated of 120 degree around the d segment. The the three new points to
+ // ruct the polytope are the three support points in those three directions
+ // v1, v2 and v3.
+ // Direction of the segment
+ final Vector3f d = points[1].lessNew(points[0]).safeNormalizeNew();
+ // Choose the coordinate axis from the minimal absolute component of the vector d
+ final int minAxis = d.abs().getMinAxis();
+ // Compute sin(60)
+ final float sin60 = FMath.sqrt(3.0f) * 0.5f;
+ // Create a rotation quaternion to rotate the vector v1 to get the vectors
+ // v2 and v3
+ final Quaternion rotationQuat = new Quaternion(d.x * sin60, d.y * sin60, d.z * sin60, 0.5f);
+ // Compute the vector v1, v2, v3
+ final Vector3f v1 = d.cross(new Vector3f(minAxis == 0 ? 1.0f : 0.0f, minAxis == 1 ? 1.0f : 0.0f, minAxis == 2 ? 1.0f : 0.0f));
+ final Vector3f v2 = rotationQuat.multiply(v1);
+ final Vector3f v3 = rotationQuat.multiply(v2);
+ // Compute the support point in the direction of v1
+ suppPointsA[2] = shape1.getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(v1, shape1CachedCollisionData);
+ suppPointsB[2] = body2Tobody1.multiplyNew(shape2.getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(rotateToBody2.multiply(v1.multiplyNew(-1)), shape2CachedCollisionData));
+ points[2] = suppPointsA[2].lessNew(suppPointsB[2]);
+ // Compute the support point in the direction of v2
+ suppPointsA[3] = shape1.getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(v2, shape1CachedCollisionData);
+ suppPointsB[3] = body2Tobody1.multiplyNew(shape2.getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(rotateToBody2.multiply(v2.multiplyNew(-1)), shape2CachedCollisionData));
+ points[3] = suppPointsA[3].lessNew(suppPointsB[3]);
+ // Compute the support point in the direction of v3
+ suppPointsA[4] = shape1.getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(v3, shape1CachedCollisionData);
+ suppPointsB[4] = body2Tobody1.multiplyNew(shape2.getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(rotateToBody2.multiply(v3.multiplyNew(-1)), shape2CachedCollisionData));
+ points[4] = suppPointsA[4].lessNew(suppPointsB[4]);
+ // Now we have an hexahedron (two tetrahedron glued together). We can simply keep the
+ // tetrahedron that contains the origin in order that the initial polytope of the
+ // EPA algorithm is a tetrahedron, which is simpler to deal with.
+ // If the origin is in the tetrahedron of points 0, 2, 3, 4
+ if (isOriginInTetrahedron(points[0], points[2], points[3], points[4]) == 0) {
+ // We use the point 4 instead of point 1 for the initial tetrahedron
+ suppPointsA[1] = suppPointsA[4];
+ suppPointsB[1] = suppPointsB[4];
+ points[1] = points[4];
+ }
+ // If the origin is in the tetrahedron of points 1, 2, 3, 4
+ else if (isOriginInTetrahedron(points[1], points[2], points[3], points[4]) == 0) {
+ // We use the point 4 instead of point 0 for the initial tetrahedron
+ suppPointsA[0] = suppPointsA[4];
+ suppPointsB[0] = suppPointsB[4];
+ points[0] = points[4];
+ } else {
+ // The origin is not in the initial polytope
+ return;
+ }
+ // The polytope contains now 4 vertices
+ nbVertices = 4;
+ }
+ case 4: {
+ // The simplex computed by the GJK algorithm is a tetrahedron. Here we check
+ // if this tetrahedron contains the origin. If it is the case, we keep it and
+ // otherwise we remove the wrong vertex of the tetrahedron and go in the case
+ // where the GJK algorithm compute a simplex of three vertices.
+ // Check if the tetrahedron contains the origin (or wich is the wrong vertex otherwise)
+ final int badVertex = isOriginInTetrahedron(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]);
+ // If the origin is in the tetrahedron
+ if (badVertex == 0) {
+ // The tetrahedron is a correct initial polytope for the EPA algorithm.
+ // Therefore, we ruct the tetrahedron.
+ // Comstruct the 4 triangle faces of the tetrahedron
+ ////Log.error("befor call: (points, 0, 1, 2)");
+ final TriangleEPA face0 = triangleStore.newTriangle(points, 0, 1, 2);
+ ////Log.error("befor call: (points, 0, 3, 1)");
+ final TriangleEPA face1 = triangleStore.newTriangle(points, 0, 3, 1);
+ ////Log.error("befor call: (points, 0, 2, 3)");
+ final TriangleEPA face2 = triangleStore.newTriangle(points, 0, 2, 3);
+ ////Log.error("befor call: (points, 1, 3, 2)");
+ final TriangleEPA face3 = triangleStore.newTriangle(points, 1, 3, 2);
+ // If the ructed tetrahedron is not correct
+ if (!((face0 != null) && (face1 != null) && (face2 != null) && (face3 != null) && face0.getDistSquare() > 0.0f && face1.getDistSquare() > 0.0 && face2.getDistSquare() > 0.0f
+ && face3.getDistSquare() > 0.0)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Associate the edges of neighbouring triangle faces
+ TriangleEPA.link(new EdgeEPA(face0, 0), new EdgeEPA(face1, 2));
+ TriangleEPA.link(new EdgeEPA(face0, 1), new EdgeEPA(face3, 2));
+ TriangleEPA.link(new EdgeEPA(face0, 2), new EdgeEPA(face2, 0));
+ TriangleEPA.link(new EdgeEPA(face1, 0), new EdgeEPA(face2, 2));
+ TriangleEPA.link(new EdgeEPA(face1, 1), new EdgeEPA(face3, 0));
+ TriangleEPA.link(new EdgeEPA(face2, 1), new EdgeEPA(face3, 1));
+ // Add the triangle faces in the candidate heap
+ addFaceCandidate(face0, triangleHeap, Float.MAX_VALUE);
+ addFaceCandidate(face1, triangleHeap, Float.MAX_VALUE);
+ addFaceCandidate(face2, triangleHeap, Float.MAX_VALUE);
+ addFaceCandidate(face3, triangleHeap, Float.MAX_VALUE);
+ break;
+ }
+ // The tetrahedron contains a wrong vertex (the origin is not inside the tetrahedron)
+ // Remove the wrong vertex and continue to the next case with the
+ // three remaining vertices
+ if (badVertex < 4) {
+ suppPointsA[badVertex - 1] = suppPointsA[3];
+ suppPointsB[badVertex - 1] = suppPointsB[3];
+ points[badVertex - 1] = points[3];
+ }
+ // We have removed the wrong vertex
+ nbVertices = 3;
+ }
+ case 3: {
+ // The GJK algorithm returned a triangle that contains the origin.
+ // We need two new vertices to create two tetrahedron. The two new
+ // vertices are the support points in the "n" and "-n" direction
+ // where "n" is the normal of the triangle. Then, we use only the
+ // tetrahedron that contains the origin.
+ // Compute the normal of the triangle
+ final Vector3f v1 = points[1].lessNew(points[0]);
+ final Vector3f v2 = points[2].lessNew(points[0]);
+ final Vector3f n = v1.cross(v2);
+ ////Log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>");
+ ////Log.info(" v1 = " + v1);
+ ////Log.info(" v2 = " + v2);
+ ////Log.info(" n = " + n);
+ // Compute the two new vertices to obtain a hexahedron
+ suppPointsA[3] = shape1.getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(n, shape1CachedCollisionData);
+ suppPointsB[3] = body2Tobody1.multiplyNew(shape2.getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(rotateToBody2.multiply(n.multiplyNew(-1)), shape2CachedCollisionData));
+ points[3] = suppPointsA[3].lessNew(suppPointsB[3]);
+ ////Log.info(" suppPointsA[3]= " + suppPointsA[3]);
+ ////Log.info(" suppPointsB[3]= " + suppPointsB[3]);
+ ////Log.info(" points[3] = " + points[3]);
+ suppPointsA[4] = shape1.getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(n.multiplyNew(-1), shape1CachedCollisionData);
+ suppPointsB[4] = body2Tobody1.multiplyNew(shape2.getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(rotateToBody2.multiply(n), shape2CachedCollisionData));
+ points[4] = suppPointsA[4].lessNew(suppPointsB[4]);
+ ////Log.info(" suppPointsA[4]= " + suppPointsA[4]);
+ ////Log.info(" suppPointsB[4]= " + suppPointsB[4]);
+ ////Log.info(" points[4]= " + points[4]);
+ TriangleEPA face0 = null;
+ TriangleEPA face1 = null;
+ TriangleEPA face2 = null;
+ TriangleEPA face3 = null;
+ // If the origin is in the first tetrahedron
+ if (isOriginInTetrahedron(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]) == 0) {
+ // The tetrahedron is a correct initial polytope for the EPA algorithm.
+ // Therefore, we ruct the tetrahedron.
+ // Comstruct the 4 triangle faces of the tetrahedron
+ ////Log.error("befor call: (points, 0, 1, 2)");
+ face0 = triangleStore.newTriangle(points, 0, 1, 2);
+ ////Log.error("befor call: (points, 0, 2, 1)");
+ face1 = triangleStore.newTriangle(points, 0, 3, 1);
+ ////Log.error("befor call: (points, 0, 2, 3)");
+ face2 = triangleStore.newTriangle(points, 0, 2, 3);
+ ////Log.error("befor call: (points, 1, 3, 2)");
+ face3 = triangleStore.newTriangle(points, 1, 3, 2);
+ } else if (isOriginInTetrahedron(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[4]) == 0) {
+ // The tetrahedron is a correct initial polytope for the EPA algorithm.
+ // Therefore, we ruct the tetrahedron.
+ // Comstruct the 4 triangle faces of the tetrahedron
+ ////Log.error("befor call: (points, 0, 1, 2)");
+ face0 = triangleStore.newTriangle(points, 0, 1, 2);
+ ////Log.error("befor call: (points, 0, 4, 1)");
+ face1 = triangleStore.newTriangle(points, 0, 4, 1);
+ ////Log.error("befor call: (points, 0, 2, 4)");
+ face2 = triangleStore.newTriangle(points, 0, 2, 4);
+ ////Log.error("befor call: (points, 1, 4, 2)");
+ face3 = triangleStore.newTriangle(points, 1, 4, 2);
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the ructed tetrahedron is not correct
+ if (!(face0 != null && face1 != null && face2 != null && face3 != null && face0.getDistSquare() > 0.0f && face1.getDistSquare() > 0.0f && face2.getDistSquare() > 0.0f
+ && face3.getDistSquare() > 0.0f)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Associate the edges of neighbouring triangle faces
+ TriangleEPA.link(new EdgeEPA(face0, 0), new EdgeEPA(face1, 2));
+ TriangleEPA.link(new EdgeEPA(face0, 1), new EdgeEPA(face3, 2));
+ TriangleEPA.link(new EdgeEPA(face0, 2), new EdgeEPA(face2, 0));
+ TriangleEPA.link(new EdgeEPA(face1, 0), new EdgeEPA(face2, 2));
+ TriangleEPA.link(new EdgeEPA(face1, 1), new EdgeEPA(face3, 0));
+ TriangleEPA.link(new EdgeEPA(face2, 1), new EdgeEPA(face3, 1));
+ // Add the triangle faces in the candidate heap
+ addFaceCandidate(face0, triangleHeap, Float.MAX_VALUE);
+ addFaceCandidate(face1, triangleHeap, Float.MAX_VALUE);
+ addFaceCandidate(face2, triangleHeap, Float.MAX_VALUE);
+ addFaceCandidate(face3, triangleHeap, Float.MAX_VALUE);
+ nbVertices = 4;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // At this point, we have a polytope that contains the origin. Therefore, we
+ // can run the EPA algorithm.
+ if (triangleHeap.size() == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ TriangleEPA triangle = null;
+ float upperBoundSquarePenDepth = Float.MAX_VALUE;
+ do {
+ triangle = triangleHeap.first();
+ triangleHeap.remove(triangle);
+ ////Log.info("rm from heap:");
+ int iii = 0;
+ for (final TriangleEPA elem : triangleHeap) {
+ ////Log.info(" [" + iii + "] " + elem.getDistSquare());
+ ++iii;
+ }
+ // If the candidate face in the heap is not obsolete
+ if (!triangle.getIsObsolete()) {
+ // If we have reached the maximum number of support points
+ if (nbVertices == EdgeEPA.MAX_SUPPORT_POINTS) {
+ assert (false);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Compute the support point of the Minkowski
+ // difference (A-B) in the closest point direction
+ suppPointsA[nbVertices] = shape1.getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(triangle.getClosestPoint(), shape1CachedCollisionData);
+ suppPointsB[nbVertices] = body2Tobody1
+ .multiplyNew(shape2.getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(rotateToBody2.multiply(triangle.getClosestPoint().multiplyNew(-1)), shape2CachedCollisionData));
+ points[nbVertices] = suppPointsA[nbVertices].lessNew(suppPointsB[nbVertices]);
+ final int indexNewVertex = nbVertices;
+ nbVertices++;
+ // Update the upper bound of the penetration depth
+ final float wDotv = points[indexNewVertex].dot(triangle.getClosestPoint());
+ ////Log.info(" point=" + points[indexNewVertex]);
+ ////Log.info("close point=" + triangle.getClosestPoint());
+ ////Log.info(" ==>" + wDotv);
+ if (wDotv < 0.0f) {
+ ////Log.error("depth penetration error " + wDotv);
+ continue;
+ }
+ assert (wDotv >= 0.0f);
+ final float wDotVSquare = wDotv * wDotv / triangle.getDistSquare();
+ if (wDotVSquare < upperBoundSquarePenDepth) {
+ upperBoundSquarePenDepth = wDotVSquare;
+ }
+ // Compute the error
+ final float error = wDotv - triangle.getDistSquare();
+ if (error <= FMath.max(tolerance, GJKAlgorithm.REL_ERROR_SQUARE * wDotv) || points[indexNewVertex].isEqual(points[triangle.get(0)])
+ || points[indexNewVertex].isEqual(points[triangle.get(1)]) || points[indexNewVertex].isEqual(points[triangle.get(2)])) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // Now, we compute the silhouette cast by the new vertex. The current triangle
+ // face will not be in the convex hull. We start the local recursive silhouette
+ // algorithm from the current triangle face.
+ int i = triangleStore.getNbTriangles();
+ if (!triangle.computeSilhouette(points, indexNewVertex, triangleStore)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // Add all the new triangle faces computed with the silhouette algorithm
+ // to the candidates list of faces of the current polytope
+ while (i != triangleStore.getNbTriangles()) {
+ final TriangleEPA newTriangle = triangleStore.get(i);
+ addFaceCandidate(newTriangle, triangleHeap, upperBoundSquarePenDepth);
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (triangleHeap.size() > 0 && triangleHeap.first().getDistSquare() <= upperBoundSquarePenDepth);
+ // Compute the contact info
+ final Vector3f tmp = _transform1.getOrientation().multiply(triangle.getClosestPoint());
+ _vector.set(tmp);
+ final Vector3f pALocal = triangle.computeClosestPointOfObject(suppPointsA);
+ final Vector3f pBLocal = body2Tobody1.inverseNew().multiply(triangle.computeClosestPointOfObject(suppPointsB));
+ final Vector3f normal = _vector.safeNormalizeNew();
+ final float penetrationDepth = _vector.length();
+ assert (penetrationDepth >= 0.0f);
+ if (normal.length2() < Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Create the contact info object
+ final ContactPointInfo contactInfo = new ContactPointInfo(_shape1Info.proxyShape, _shape2Info.proxyShape, _shape1Info.collisionShape, _shape2Info.collisionShape, normal, penetrationDepth,
+ pALocal, pBLocal);
+ _narrowPhaseCallback.notifyContact(_shape1Info.overlappingPair, contactInfo);
+ }
+ /// Initalize the algorithm
+ public void init() {
+ }
+ // Decide if the origin is in the tetrahedron.
+ /// Return 0 if the origin is in the tetrahedron and return the number (1,2,3 or 4) of
+ /// the vertex that is wrong if the origin is not in the tetrahedron
+ private int isOriginInTetrahedron(final Vector3f _p1, final Vector3f _p2, final Vector3f _p3, final Vector3f _p4) {
+ ////Log.error("isOriginInTetrahedron(" + _p1 + ", " + _p2 + ", " + _p3 + ", " + _p4 + ")");
+ // Check vertex 1
+ final Vector3f normal1 = _p2.lessNew(_p1).cross(_p3.lessNew(_p1));
+ if ((normal1.dot(_p1) > 0.0f) == (normal1.dot(_p4) > 0.0)) {
+ ////Log.error(" ==> 4");
+ return 4;
+ }
+ // Check vertex 2
+ final Vector3f normal2 = _p4.lessNew(_p2).cross(_p3.lessNew(_p2));
+ if ((normal2.dot(_p2) > 0.0f) == (normal2.dot(_p1) > 0.0)) {
+ ////Log.error(" ==> 1");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // Check vertex 3
+ final Vector3f normal3 = _p4.lessNew(_p3).cross(_p1.lessNew(_p3));
+ if ((normal3.dot(_p3) > 0.0f) == (normal3.dot(_p2) > 0.0)) {
+ ////Log.error(" ==> 2");
+ return 2;
+ }
+ // Check vertex 4
+ final Vector3f normal4 = _p2.lessNew(_p4).cross(_p1.lessNew(_p4));
+ if ((normal4.dot(_p4) > 0.0f) == (normal4.dot(_p3) > 0.0)) {
+ ////Log.error(" ==> 3");
+ return 3;
+ }
+ ////Log.error(" ==> 0");
+ // The origin is in the tetrahedron, we return 0
+ return 0;
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/EPA/EdgeEPA.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/EPA/EdgeEPA.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5396e82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/EPA/EdgeEPA.java
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase.EPA;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * Class EPAAlgorithm
+ * This class is the implementation of the Expanding Polytope Algorithm (EPA).
+ * The EPA algorithm computes the penetration depth and contact points between
+ * two enlarged objects (with margin) where the original objects (without margin)
+ * intersect. The penetration depth of a pair of intersecting objects A and B is
+ * the length of a point on the boundary of the Minkowski sum (A-B) closest to the
+ * origin. The goal of the EPA algorithm is to start with an initial simplex polytope
+ * that contains the origin and expend it in order to find the point on the boundary
+ * of (A-B) that is closest to the origin. An initial simplex that contains origin
+ * has been computed wit GJK algorithm. The EPA Algorithm will extend this simplex
+ * polytope to find the correct penetration depth. The implementation of the EPA
+ * algorithm is based on the book "Collision Detection in 3D Environments".
+ */
+public class EdgeEPA implements Cloneable {
+ /// Maximum number of support points of the polytope
+ static public final int MAX_SUPPORT_POINTS = 100;
+ /// Maximum number of facets of the polytope
+ static public final int MAX_FACETS = 200;
+ // Return the index of the next counter-clockwise edge of the ownver triangle
+ static public int indexOfNextCounterClockwiseEdge(final int iii) {
+ return (iii + 1) % 3;
+ }
+ // Return the index of the previous counter-clockwise edge of the ownver triangle
+ static public int indexOfPreviousCounterClockwiseEdge(final int iii) {
+ return (iii + 2) % 3;
+ }
+ /// Pointer to the triangle that contains this edge
+ private TriangleEPA ownerTriangle;
+ /// Index of the edge in the triangle (between 0 and 2).
+ /// The edge with index i connect triangle vertices i and (i+1 % 3)
+ private int index;
+ /// Constructor
+ public EdgeEPA() {
+ this.ownerTriangle = null;
+ };
+ /// Copy-ructor
+ public EdgeEPA(final EdgeEPA obj) {
+ this.ownerTriangle = obj.ownerTriangle;
+ this.index = obj.index;
+ }
+ /// Constructor
+ public EdgeEPA(final TriangleEPA ownerTriangle, final int index) {
+ this.ownerTriangle = ownerTriangle;
+ this.index = index;
+ assert (index >= 0 && index < 3);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected EdgeEPA clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
+ return new EdgeEPA(this);
+ }
+ /// Execute the recursive silhouette algorithm from this edge
+ public boolean computeSilhouette(final Vector3f[] vertices, final int indexNewVertex, final TrianglesStore triangleStore) {
+ //Log.error("EdgeEPA computeSilhouette ...");
+ // If the edge has not already been visited
+ if (!this.ownerTriangle.getIsObsolete()) {
+ // If the triangle of this edge is not visible from the given point
+ if (!this.ownerTriangle.isVisibleFromVertex(vertices, indexNewVertex)) {
+ //Log.error("EdgeEPA 1 befor call: " + indexNewVertex + ", " + getTargetVertexIndex() + ", " + getSourceVertexIndex());
+ final TriangleEPA triangle = triangleStore.newTriangle(vertices, indexNewVertex, getTargetVertexIndex(), getSourceVertexIndex());
+ // If the triangle has been created
+ if (triangle != null) {
+ TriangleEPA.halfLink(new EdgeEPA(triangle, 1), this);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ // The current triangle is visible and therefore obsolete
+ this.ownerTriangle.setIsObsolete(true);
+ final int backup = triangleStore.getNbTriangles();
+ if (!this.ownerTriangle.getAdjacentEdge(indexOfNextCounterClockwiseEdge(this.index)).computeSilhouette(vertices, indexNewVertex, triangleStore)) {
+ this.ownerTriangle.setIsObsolete(false);
+ //Log.error("EdgeEPA 2 befor call: " + indexNewVertex + ", " + getTargetVertexIndex() + ", " + getSourceVertexIndex());
+ final TriangleEPA triangle = triangleStore.newTriangle(vertices, indexNewVertex, getTargetVertexIndex(), getSourceVertexIndex());
+ // If the triangle has been created
+ if (triangle != null) {
+ TriangleEPA.halfLink(new EdgeEPA(triangle, 1), this);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ } else if (!this.ownerTriangle.getAdjacentEdge(indexOfPreviousCounterClockwiseEdge(this.index)).computeSilhouette(vertices, indexNewVertex, triangleStore)) {
+ this.ownerTriangle.setIsObsolete(false);
+ triangleStore.resize(backup);
+ //Log.error("EdgeEPA 3 befor call: " + indexNewVertex + ", " + getTargetVertexIndex() + ", " + getSourceVertexIndex());
+ final TriangleEPA triangle = triangleStore.newTriangle(vertices, indexNewVertex, getTargetVertexIndex(), getSourceVertexIndex());
+ if (triangle != null) {
+ TriangleEPA.halfLink(new EdgeEPA(triangle, 1), this);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /// Return the index of the edge in the triangle
+ public int getIndex() {
+ return this.index;
+ }
+ /// Return the pointer to the owner triangle
+ public TriangleEPA getOwnerTriangle() {
+ return this.ownerTriangle;
+ }
+ /// Return index of the source vertex of the edge
+ public int getSourceVertexIndex() {
+ //return this.ownerTriangle[this.index];
+ return this.ownerTriangle.get(this.index);
+ }
+ /// Return the index of the target vertex of the edge
+ public int getTargetVertexIndex() {
+ return this.ownerTriangle.get(indexOfNextCounterClockwiseEdge(this.index));
+ //return this.ownerTriangle[indexOfNextCounterClockwiseEdge(this.index)];
+ }
+ /// Assignment
+ public EdgeEPA set(final EdgeEPA obj) {
+ this.ownerTriangle = obj.ownerTriangle;
+ this.index = obj.index;
+ return this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/EPA/TriangleEPA.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/EPA/TriangleEPA.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..925b518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/EPA/TriangleEPA.java
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase.EPA;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * Class TriangleEPA
+ * This class represents a triangle face of the current polytope in the EPA algorithm.
+ */
+public class TriangleEPA {
+ /// Make an half link of an edge with another one from another triangle. An half-link
+ /// between an edge "edge0" and an edge "edge1" represents the fact that "edge1" is an
+ /// adjacent edge of "edge0" but not the opposite. The opposite edge connection will
+ /// be made later.
+ public static void halfLink(final EdgeEPA _edge0, final EdgeEPA _edge1) {
+ assert (_edge0.getSourceVertexIndex() == _edge1.getTargetVertexIndex() && _edge0.getTargetVertexIndex() == _edge1.getSourceVertexIndex());
+ _edge0.getOwnerTriangle().adjacentEdges[_edge0.getIndex()] = _edge1;
+ }
+ public static boolean link(final EdgeEPA _edge0, final EdgeEPA _edge1) {
+ if (_edge0.getSourceVertexIndex() == _edge1.getTargetVertexIndex() && _edge0.getTargetVertexIndex() == _edge1.getSourceVertexIndex()) {
+ _edge0.getOwnerTriangle().adjacentEdges[_edge0.getIndex()] = _edge1;
+ _edge1.getOwnerTriangle().adjacentEdges[_edge1.getIndex()] = _edge0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private final int[] indicesVertices = new int[3]; //!< Indices of the vertices y_i of the triangle
+ private final EdgeEPA[] adjacentEdges = new EdgeEPA[3]; //!< Three adjacent edges of the triangle (edges of other triangles)
+ private boolean isObsolete; //!< True if the triangle face is visible from the new support point
+ private float determinant; //!< Determinant
+ private Vector3f closestPoint; //!< Point v closest to the origin on the affine hull of the triangle
+ private float lambda1; //!< Lambda1 value such that v = lambda0 * y_0 + lambda1 * y_1 + lambda2 * y_2
+ private float lambda2; //!< Lambda1 value such that v = lambda0 * y_0 + lambda1 * y_1 + lambda2 * y_2
+ private float distSquare; //!< Square distance of the point closest point v to the origin
+ /// Constructor
+ /*
+ public TriangleEPA() {
+ this.adjacentEdges[0] = new EdgeEPA(this, 0);
+ this.adjacentEdges[1] = new EdgeEPA(this, 1);
+ this.adjacentEdges[2] = new EdgeEPA(this, 2);
+ this.closestPoint = new Vector3f();
+ }
+ */
+ /// Constructor
+ public TriangleEPA(final int _indexVertex1, final int _indexVertex2, final int _indexVertex3) {
+ this.isObsolete = false;
+ this.indicesVertices[0] = _indexVertex1;
+ this.indicesVertices[1] = _indexVertex2;
+ this.indicesVertices[2] = _indexVertex3;
+ this.adjacentEdges[0] = new EdgeEPA();
+ this.adjacentEdges[1] = new EdgeEPA();
+ this.adjacentEdges[2] = new EdgeEPA();
+ this.closestPoint = new Vector3f();
+ }
+ /// Private copy-ructor
+ /*
+ public TriangleEPA(final TriangleEPA _triangle) {
+ this.indicesVertices[0] = _triangle.indicesVertices[0];
+ this.indicesVertices[1] = _triangle.indicesVertices[1];
+ this.indicesVertices[2] = _triangle.indicesVertices[2];
+ this.adjacentEdges[0] = _triangle.adjacentEdges[0];
+ this.adjacentEdges[1] = _triangle.adjacentEdges[1];
+ this.adjacentEdges[2] = _triangle.adjacentEdges[2];
+ this.isObsolete = _triangle.isObsolete;
+ this.determinant = _triangle.determinant;
+ this.closestPoint = _triangle.closestPoint;
+ this.lambda1 = _triangle.lambda1;
+ this.lambda2 = _triangle.lambda2;
+ this.distSquare = _triangle.distSquare;
+ }
+ */
+ /// Compute the point v closest to the origin of this triangle
+ public boolean computeClosestPoint(final Vector3f[] _vertices) {
+ final Vector3f p0 = _vertices[this.indicesVertices[0]];
+ final Vector3f v1 = _vertices[this.indicesVertices[1]].lessNew(p0);
+ final Vector3f v2 = _vertices[this.indicesVertices[2]].lessNew(p0);
+ final float v1Dotv1 = v1.dot(v1);
+ final float v1Dotv2 = v1.dot(v2);
+ final float v2Dotv2 = v2.dot(v2);
+ final float p0Dotv1 = p0.dot(v1);
+ final float p0Dotv2 = p0.dot(v2);
+ // Compute determinant
+ this.determinant = v1Dotv1 * v2Dotv2 - v1Dotv2 * v1Dotv2;
+ // Compute lambda values
+ this.lambda1 = p0Dotv2 * v1Dotv2 - p0Dotv1 * v2Dotv2;
+ this.lambda2 = p0Dotv1 * v1Dotv2 - p0Dotv2 * v1Dotv1;
+ // If the determinant is positive
+ if (this.determinant > 0.0f) {
+ // Compute the closest point v
+ this.closestPoint = v1.multiplyNew(this.lambda1).add(v2.multiplyNew(this.lambda2)).multiply(1.0f / this.determinant).add(p0);
+ // Compute the square distance of closest point to the origin
+ this.distSquare = this.closestPoint.dot(this.closestPoint);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /// Compute the point of an object closest to the origin
+ public Vector3f computeClosestPointOfObject(final Vector3f[] _supportPointsOfObject) {
+ final Vector3f p0 = _supportPointsOfObject[this.indicesVertices[0]].clone();
+ final Vector3f tmp1 = _supportPointsOfObject[this.indicesVertices[1]].lessNew(p0).multiply(this.lambda1);
+ final Vector3f tmp2 = _supportPointsOfObject[this.indicesVertices[2]].lessNew(p0).multiply(this.lambda2);
+ return p0.add(tmp1.add(tmp2).multiply(1.0f / this.determinant));
+ }
+ // Execute the recursive silhouette algorithm from this triangle face.
+ /// The parameter "vertices" is an array that contains the vertices of the current polytope and the
+ /// parameter "indexNewVertex" is the index of the new vertex in this array. The goal of the
+ /// silhouette algorithm is to add the new vertex in the polytope by keeping it convex. Therefore,
+ /// the triangle faces that are visible from the new vertex must be removed from the polytope and we
+ /// need to add triangle faces where each face contains the new vertex and an edge of the silhouette.
+ /// The silhouette is the connected set of edges that are part of the border between faces that
+ /// are seen and faces that are not seen from the new vertex. This method starts from the nearest
+ /// face from the new vertex, computes the silhouette and create the new faces from the new vertex in
+ /// order that we always have a convex polytope. The faces visible from the new vertex are set
+ /// obselete and will not be idered as being a candidate face in the future.
+ public boolean computeSilhouette(final Vector3f[] _vertices, final int _indexNewVertex, final TrianglesStore _triangleStore) {
+ final int first = _triangleStore.getNbTriangles();
+ // Mark the current triangle as obsolete because it
+ setIsObsolete(true);
+ // Execute recursively the silhouette algorithm for the adjacent edges of neighboring
+ // triangles of the current triangle
+ final boolean result = this.adjacentEdges[0].computeSilhouette(_vertices, _indexNewVertex, _triangleStore)
+ && this.adjacentEdges[1].computeSilhouette(_vertices, _indexNewVertex, _triangleStore) && this.adjacentEdges[2].computeSilhouette(_vertices, _indexNewVertex, _triangleStore);
+ if (result) {
+ int i, j;
+ // For each triangle face that contains the new vertex and an edge of the silhouette
+ for (i = first, j = _triangleStore.getNbTriangles() - 1; i != _triangleStore.getNbTriangles(); j = i++) {
+ final TriangleEPA triangle = _triangleStore.get(i);
+ halfLink(triangle.getAdjacentEdge(1), new EdgeEPA(triangle, 1));
+ if (!link(new EdgeEPA(triangle, 0), new EdgeEPA(_triangleStore.get(j), 2))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /// Access operator
+ public int get(final int _pos) {
+ assert (_pos >= 0 && _pos < 3);
+ return this.indicesVertices[_pos];
+ }
+ /// Link an edge with another one. It means that the current edge of a triangle will
+ /// be associated with the edge of another triangle in order that both triangles
+ /// are neighbour aint both edges).
+ /// Return an adjacent edge of the triangle
+ public EdgeEPA getAdjacentEdge(final int _index) {
+ assert (_index >= 0 && _index < 3);
+ return this.adjacentEdges[_index];
+ }
+ /// Return the point closest to the origin
+ public Vector3f getClosestPoint() {
+ return this.closestPoint;
+ }
+ /// Return the square distance of the closest point to origin
+ public float getDistSquare() {
+ return this.distSquare;
+ }
+ /// Return true if the triangle face is obsolete
+ public boolean getIsObsolete() {
+ return this.isObsolete;
+ }
+ // Return true if the closest point on affine hull is inside the triangle
+ public boolean isClosestPointInternalToTriangle() {
+ return (this.lambda1 >= 0.0f && this.lambda2 >= 0.0 && (this.lambda1 + this.lambda2) <= this.determinant);
+ }
+ /// Return true if the triangle is visible from a given vertex
+ public boolean isVisibleFromVertex(final Vector3f[] _vertices, final int _index) {
+ final Vector3f closestToVert = _vertices[_index].lessNew(this.closestPoint);
+ return (this.closestPoint.dot(closestToVert) > 0.0f);
+ }
+ /// Constructor
+ public void set(final int _indexVertex1, final int _indexVertex2, final int _indexVertex3) {
+ this.isObsolete = false;
+ this.indicesVertices[0] = _indexVertex1;
+ this.indicesVertices[1] = _indexVertex2;
+ this.indicesVertices[2] = _indexVertex3;
+ }
+ /// Private assignment operator
+ public TriangleEPA set(final TriangleEPA _triangle) {
+ this.indicesVertices[0] = _triangle.indicesVertices[0];
+ this.indicesVertices[1] = _triangle.indicesVertices[1];
+ this.indicesVertices[2] = _triangle.indicesVertices[2];
+ this.adjacentEdges[0] = _triangle.adjacentEdges[0];
+ this.adjacentEdges[1] = _triangle.adjacentEdges[1];
+ this.adjacentEdges[2] = _triangle.adjacentEdges[2];
+ this.isObsolete = _triangle.isObsolete;
+ this.determinant = _triangle.determinant;
+ this.closestPoint = _triangle.closestPoint;
+ this.lambda1 = _triangle.lambda1;
+ this.lambda2 = _triangle.lambda2;
+ this.distSquare = _triangle.distSquare;
+ return this;
+ }
+ /// Set an adjacent edge of the triangle
+ public void setAdjacentEdge(final int _index, final EdgeEPA _edge) {
+ assert (_index >= 0 && _index < 3);
+ this.adjacentEdges[_index] = _edge;
+ }
+ /// Set the isObsolete value
+ public void setIsObsolete(final boolean _isObsolete) {
+ this.isObsolete = _isObsolete;
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/EPA/TrianglesStore.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/EPA/TrianglesStore.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..478650e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/EPA/TrianglesStore.java
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase.EPA;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.internal.Log;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+public class TrianglesStore {
+ private static int MAX_TRIANGLES = 200;
+ public static void shrinkTo(final List list, final int newSize) {
+ final int size = list.size();
+ if (newSize >= size) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int i = newSize; i < size; i++) {
+ list.remove(list.size() - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ private final List triangles = new ArrayList<>();
+ /// Clear all the storage
+ public void clear() {
+ this.triangles.clear();
+ }
+ /// Access operator
+ public TriangleEPA get(final int _id) {
+ return this.triangles.get(_id);
+ }
+ /// Return the number of triangles
+ public int getNbTriangles() {
+ return this.triangles.size();
+ }
+ /// Return the last triangle
+ public TriangleEPA last() {
+ return this.triangles.get(this.triangles.size() - 1);
+ }
+ /// Create a new triangle
+ public TriangleEPA newTriangle(final Vector3f[] _vertices, final int _v0, final int _v1, final int _v2) {
+ //Log.info("newTriangle: " + _v0 + ", " + _v1 + ", " + _v2);
+ // If we have not reached the maximum number of triangles
+ if (this.triangles.size() < MAX_TRIANGLES) {
+ final TriangleEPA tmp = new TriangleEPA(_v0, _v1, _v2);
+ if (!tmp.computeClosestPoint(_vertices)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ this.triangles.add(tmp);
+ //Log.info(" ==> retrurn Triangle: " + tmp.get(0) + ", " + tmp.get(1) + ", " + tmp.get(2));
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ // We are at the limit (internal)
+ return null;
+ }
+ /// Set the number of triangles
+ public void resize(final int _backup) {
+ if (_backup > this.triangles.size()) {
+ Log.error("RESIZE BIGGER : " + _backup + " > " + this.triangles.size());
+ }
+ shrinkTo(this.triangles, _backup);
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/GJK/GJKAlgorithm.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/GJK/GJKAlgorithm.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6df7bc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/GJK/GJKAlgorithm.java
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase.GJK;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.RaycastInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.CollisionDetection;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.CollisionShapeInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ProxyShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase.NarrowPhaseAlgorithm;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase.NarrowPhaseCallback;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase.EPA.EPAAlgorithm;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.CacheData;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.ConvexShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.ContactPointInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Ray;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Constant;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.FMath;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Matrix3f;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Transform3D;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * This class implements a narrow-phase collision detection algorithm. This
+ * algorithm uses the ISA-GJK algorithm and the EPA algorithm. This
+ * implementation is based on the implementation discussed in the book
+ * "Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments" by Gino van den Bergen.
+ * This method implements the Hybrid Technique for calculating the
+ * penetration depth. The two objects are enlarged with a small margin. If
+ * the object intersects in their margins, the penetration depth is quickly
+ * computed using the GJK algorithm on the original objects (without margin).
+ * If the original objects (without margin) intersect, we run again the GJK
+ * algorithm on the enlarged objects (with margin) to compute simplex
+ * polytope that contains the origin and give it to the EPA (Expanding
+ * Polytope Algorithm) to compute the correct penetration depth between the
+ * enlarged objects.
+ */
+public class GJKAlgorithm extends NarrowPhaseAlgorithm {
+ public static final float REL_ERROR = 0.001f;
+ public static final float REL_ERROR_SQUARE = REL_ERROR * REL_ERROR;
+ public static final int MAX_ITERATIONS_GJK_RAYCAST = 32;
+ private final EPAAlgorithm algoEPA; //!< EPA Algorithm
+ /// This method runs the GJK algorithm on the two enlarged objects (with margin)
+ /// to compute a simplex polytope that contains the origin. The two objects are
+ /// assumed to intersect in the original objects (without margin). Therefore such
+ /// a polytope must exist. Then, we give that polytope to the EPA algorithm to
+ /// compute the correct penetration depth and contact points of the enlarged objects.
+ public GJKAlgorithm(final CollisionDetection collisionDetection) {
+ super(collisionDetection);
+ this.algoEPA = new EPAAlgorithm();
+ this.algoEPA.init();
+ }
+ private void computePenetrationDepthForEnlargedObjects(final CollisionShapeInfo shape1Info, final Transform3D transform1, final CollisionShapeInfo shape2Info, final Transform3D transform2,
+ final NarrowPhaseCallback narrowPhaseCallback, final Vector3f v) {
+ //Log.info("computePenetrationDepthForEnlargedObjects...");
+ final Simplex simplex = new Simplex();
+ float distSquare = Float.MAX_VALUE;
+ float prevDistSquare;
+ assert (shape1Info.collisionShape.isConvex());
+ assert (shape2Info.collisionShape.isConvex());
+ final ConvexShape shape1 = (ConvexShape) (shape1Info.collisionShape);
+ final ConvexShape shape2 = (ConvexShape) (shape2Info.collisionShape);
+ final Object shape1CachedCollisionData = shape1Info.cachedCollisionData;
+ final Object shape2CachedCollisionData = shape2Info.cachedCollisionData;
+ //Log.info(" transform1=" + transform1);
+ //Log.info(" transform2=" + transform2);
+ // Transform3D a point from local space of body 2 to local space
+ // of body 1 (the GJK algorithm is done in local space of body 1)
+ final Transform3D body2ToBody1 = transform1.inverseNew().multiplyNew(transform2);
+ // Matrix that transform a direction from local space of body 1 into local space of body 2
+ final Matrix3f rotateToBody2 = transform2.getOrientation().getMatrix().transposeNew().multiply(transform1.getOrientation().getMatrix());
+ //Log.info(" body2ToBody1=" + body2ToBody1);
+ //Log.info(" rotateToBody2=" + rotateToBody2);
+ //Log.info(" v=" + v);
+ do {
+ // Compute the support points for the enlarged object A and B
+ final Vector3f suppA = shape1.getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(v.multiplyNew(-1), (CacheData) shape1CachedCollisionData);
+ //Log.info(" suppA=" + suppA);
+ final Vector3f suppB = body2ToBody1.multiplyNew(shape2.getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(rotateToBody2.multiplyNew(v), (CacheData) shape2CachedCollisionData));
+ //Log.info(" suppB=" + suppB);
+ // Compute the support point for the Minkowski difference A-B
+ final Vector3f w = suppA.lessNew(suppB);
+ final float vDotw = v.dot(w);
+ //Log.info(" vDotw=" + vDotw);
+ // If the enlarge objects do not intersect
+ if (vDotw > 0.0f) {
+ //Log.info(" ==> ret 1");
+ // No intersection, we return
+ return;
+ }
+ // Add the new support point to the simplex
+ simplex.addPoint(w, suppA, suppB);
+ if (simplex.isAffinelyDependent()) {
+ //Log.info(" ==> ret 2");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!simplex.computeClosestPoint(v)) {
+ //Log.info(" ==> ret 3");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Store and update the square distance
+ prevDistSquare = distSquare;
+ //Log.info(" distSquare=" + distSquare);
+ distSquare = v.length2();
+ //Log.info(" distSquare=" + distSquare);
+ if (prevDistSquare - distSquare <= Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON * prevDistSquare) {
+ //Log.info(" ==> ret 4");
+ return;
+ }
+ } while (!simplex.isFull() && distSquare > Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON * simplex.getMaxLengthSquareOfAPoint());
+ // Give the simplex computed with GJK algorithm to the EPA algorithm
+ // which will compute the correct penetration depth and contact points
+ // between the two enlarged objects
+ //Log.info(" ==> ret 5");
+ this.algoEPA.computePenetrationDepthAndContactPoints(simplex, shape1Info, transform1, shape2Info, transform2, v, narrowPhaseCallback);
+ }
+ /// Ray casting algorithm agains a convex collision shape using the GJK Algorithm
+ /// This method implements the GJK ray casting algorithm described by Gino Van Den Bergen in
+ /// "Ray Casting against General Convex Objects with Application to Continuous Collision Detection".
+ public boolean raycast(final Ray ray, final ProxyShape proxyShape, final RaycastInfo raycastInfo) {
+ assert (proxyShape.getCollisionShape().isConvex());
+ final ConvexShape shape = (ConvexShape) (proxyShape.getCollisionShape());
+ final Object shapeCachedCollisionData = proxyShape.getCachedCollisionData();
+ Vector3f suppA; // Current lower bound point on the ray (starting at ray's origin)
+ Vector3f suppB; // Support point on the collision shape
+ final float machineEpsilonSquare = Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON * Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON;
+ final float epsilon = 0.0001f;
+ // Convert the ray origin and direction into the local-space of the collision shape
+ final Vector3f rayDirection = ray.point2.lessNew(ray.point1);
+ // If the points of the segment are two close, return no hit
+ if (rayDirection.length2() < machineEpsilonSquare) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Vector3f w;
+ // Create a simplex set
+ final Simplex simplex = new Simplex();
+ Vector3f n = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ float lambda = 0.0f;
+ suppA = ray.point1; // Current lower bound point on the ray (starting at ray's origin)
+ suppB = shape.getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(rayDirection, (CacheData) shapeCachedCollisionData);
+ final Vector3f v = suppA.lessNew(suppB);
+ float vDotW, vDotR;
+ float distSquare = v.length2();
+ int nbIterations = 0;
+ // GJK Algorithm loop
+ while (distSquare > epsilon && nbIterations < MAX_ITERATIONS_GJK_RAYCAST) {
+ // Compute the support points
+ suppB = shape.getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(v, (CacheData) shapeCachedCollisionData);
+ w = suppA.lessNew(suppB);
+ vDotW = v.dot(w);
+ if (vDotW > 0.0f) {
+ vDotR = v.dot(rayDirection);
+ if (vDotR >= -machineEpsilonSquare) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ // We have found a better lower bound for the hit point aint the ray
+ lambda = lambda - vDotW / vDotR;
+ suppA = rayDirection.multiplyNew(lambda).add(ray.point1);
+ w = suppA.lessNew(suppB);
+ n = v;
+ }
+ }
+ // Add the new support point to the simplex
+ if (!simplex.isPointInSimplex(w)) {
+ simplex.addPoint(w, suppA, suppB);
+ }
+ // Compute the closest point
+ if (simplex.computeClosestPoint(v)) {
+ distSquare = v.length2();
+ } else {
+ distSquare = 0.0f;
+ }
+ // If the current lower bound distance is larger than the maximum raycasting distance
+ if (lambda > ray.maxFraction) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ nbIterations++;
+ }
+ // If the origin was inside the shape, we return no hit
+ if (lambda < Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Compute the closet points of both objects (without the margins)
+ final Vector3f pointA = new Vector3f();
+ final Vector3f pointB = new Vector3f();
+ simplex.computeClosestPointsOfAandB(pointA, pointB);
+ // A raycast hit has been found, we fill in the raycast info
+ raycastInfo.hitFraction = lambda;
+ raycastInfo.worldPoint = pointB;
+ raycastInfo.body = proxyShape.getBody();
+ raycastInfo.proxyShape = proxyShape;
+ if (n.length2() >= machineEpsilonSquare) {
+ // The normal vector is valid
+ raycastInfo.worldNormal = n;
+ } else {
+ // Degenerated normal vector, we return a zero normal vector
+ raycastInfo.worldNormal = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void testCollision(final CollisionShapeInfo shape1Info, final CollisionShapeInfo shape2Info, final NarrowPhaseCallback callback) {
+ //Log.error("=================================================");
+ //Log.error(" shape1Info=" + shape1Info.shapeToWorldTransform);
+ //Log.error(" shape2Info=" + shape2Info.shapeToWorldTransform);
+ Vector3f suppA = new Vector3f(); // Support point of object A
+ Vector3f suppB = new Vector3f(); // Support point of object B
+ Vector3f w = new Vector3f(); // Support point of Minkowski difference A-B
+ Vector3f pA = new Vector3f(); // Closest point of object A
+ Vector3f pB = new Vector3f(); // Closest point of object B
+ float vDotw;
+ float prevDistSquare;
+ assert (shape1Info.collisionShape.isConvex());
+ assert (shape2Info.collisionShape.isConvex());
+ final ConvexShape shape1 = (ConvexShape) (shape1Info.collisionShape);
+ final ConvexShape shape2 = (ConvexShape) (shape2Info.collisionShape);
+ final CacheData shape1CachedCollisionData = (CacheData) shape1Info.cachedCollisionData;
+ final CacheData shape2CachedCollisionData = (CacheData) shape2Info.cachedCollisionData;
+ // Get the local-space to world-space transforms
+ final Transform3D transform1 = shape1Info.shapeToWorldTransform.clone();
+ final Transform3D transform2 = shape2Info.shapeToWorldTransform.clone();
+ // Transform3D a point from local space of body 2 to local
+ // space of body 1 (the GJK algorithm is done in local space of body 1)
+ final Transform3D body2Tobody1 = transform1.inverseNew().multiplyNew(transform2);
+ // Matrix that transform a direction from local
+ // space of body 1 into local space of body 2
+ final Matrix3f rotateToBody2 = transform2.getOrientation().getMatrix().transposeNew().multiplyNew(transform1.getOrientation().getMatrix());
+ // Initialize the margin (sum of margins of both objects)
+ final float margin = shape1.getMargin() + shape2.getMargin();
+ final float marginSquare = margin * margin;
+ assert (margin > 0.0f);
+ // Create a simplex set
+ final Simplex simplex = new Simplex();
+ // Get the previous point V (last cached separating axis)
+ final Vector3f cacheSeparatingAxis = this.currentOverlappingPair.getCachedSeparatingAxis().clone();
+ // Initialize the upper bound for the square distance
+ float distSquare = Float.MAX_VALUE;
+ //Log.error(" T1=" + transform1 + " T2=" + transform2);
+ //Log.error(" BT1=" + body2Tobody1 + " RT2=" + rotateToBody2);
+ //Log.error(" M=" + FMath.floatToString(margin) + " M2=" + FMath.floatToString(marginSquare));
+ //Log.error(" v=" + cacheSeparatingAxis);
+ do {
+ //Log.error("------------------");
+ // Compute the support points for original objects (without margins) A and B
+ suppA = shape1.getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(cacheSeparatingAxis.multiplyNew(-1.0f), shape1CachedCollisionData);
+ suppB = body2Tobody1.multiplyNew(shape2.getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(rotateToBody2.multiplyNew(cacheSeparatingAxis), shape2CachedCollisionData));
+ // Compute the support point for the Minkowski difference A-B
+ w = suppA.lessNew(suppB);
+ vDotw = cacheSeparatingAxis.dot(w);
+ //Log.error(" suppA=" + suppA);
+ //Log.error(" suppB=" + suppB);
+ //Log.error(" w=" + w);
+ // If the enlarge objects (with margins) do not intersect
+ if (vDotw > 0.0f && vDotw * vDotw > distSquare * marginSquare) {
+ // Cache the current separating axis for frame coherence
+ this.currentOverlappingPair.setCachedSeparatingAxis(cacheSeparatingAxis);
+ // No intersection, we return
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the objects intersect only in the margins
+ if (simplex.isPointInSimplex(w) || distSquare - vDotw <= distSquare * REL_ERROR_SQUARE) {
+ //Log.error("11111111 ");
+ // Compute the closet points of both objects (without the margins)
+ simplex.computeClosestPointsOfAandB(pA, pB);
+ // Project those two points on the margins to have the closest points of both
+ // object with the margins
+ final float dist = FMath.sqrt(distSquare);
+ assert (dist > 0.0f);
+ pA = pA.lessNew(cacheSeparatingAxis.multiplyNew(shape1.getMargin() / dist));
+ pB = body2Tobody1.inverseNew().multiplyNew(cacheSeparatingAxis.multiplyNew(shape2.getMargin() / dist).add(pB));
+ // Compute the contact info
+ final Vector3f normal = transform1.getOrientation().multiply(cacheSeparatingAxis.safeNormalizeNew().multiply(-1));
+ final float penetrationDepth = margin - dist;
+ // Reject the contact if the penetration depth is negative (due too numerical errors)
+ if (penetrationDepth <= 0.0f) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Create the contact info object
+ final ContactPointInfo contactInfo = new ContactPointInfo(shape1Info.proxyShape, shape2Info.proxyShape, shape1Info.collisionShape, shape2Info.collisionShape, normal, penetrationDepth,
+ pA, pB);
+ callback.notifyContact(shape1Info.overlappingPair, contactInfo);
+ // There is an intersection, therefore we return
+ return;
+ }
+ // Add the new support point to the simplex
+ simplex.addPoint(w, suppA, suppB);
+ // If the simplex is affinely dependent
+ if (simplex.isAffinelyDependent()) {
+ //Log.error("222222 ");
+ // Compute the closet points of both objects (without the margins)
+ simplex.computeClosestPointsOfAandB(pA, pB);
+ // Project those two points on the margins to have the closest points of both
+ // object with the margins
+ final float dist = FMath.sqrt(distSquare);
+ assert (dist > 0.0f);
+ pA = pA.lessNew(cacheSeparatingAxis.multiplyNew(shape1.getMargin() / dist));
+ pB = body2Tobody1.inverseNew().multiply(cacheSeparatingAxis.multiplyNew(shape2.getMargin() / dist).add(pB));
+ // Compute the contact info
+ final Vector3f normal = transform1.getOrientation().multiply(cacheSeparatingAxis.safeNormalizeNew().multiply(-1));
+ final float penetrationDepth = margin - dist;
+ // Reject the contact if the penetration depth is negative (due too numerical errors)
+ if (penetrationDepth <= 0.0f) {
+ //Log.info("penetration depth " + penetrationDepth);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Create the contact info object
+ final ContactPointInfo contactInfo = new ContactPointInfo(shape1Info.proxyShape, shape2Info.proxyShape, shape1Info.collisionShape, shape2Info.collisionShape, normal, penetrationDepth,
+ pA, pB);
+ callback.notifyContact(shape1Info.overlappingPair, contactInfo);
+ // There is an intersection, therefore we return
+ return;
+ }
+ // Compute the point of the simplex closest to the origin
+ // If the computation of the closest point fail
+ if (!simplex.computeClosestPoint(cacheSeparatingAxis)) {
+ //Log.error("3333333333 ");
+ // Compute the closet points of both objects (without the margins)
+ simplex.computeClosestPointsOfAandB(pA, pB);
+ // Project those two points on the margins to have the closest points of both
+ // object with the margins
+ final float dist = FMath.sqrt(distSquare);
+ assert (dist > 0.0f);
+ pA = pA.lessNew(cacheSeparatingAxis.multiplyNew(shape1.getMargin() / dist));
+ pB = body2Tobody1.inverseNew().multiply(cacheSeparatingAxis.multiplyNew(shape2.getMargin() / dist).add(pB));
+ // Compute the contact info
+ final Vector3f normal = transform1.getOrientation().multiply(cacheSeparatingAxis.safeNormalizeNew().multiply(-1));
+ final float penetrationDepth = margin - dist;
+ // Reject the contact if the penetration depth is negative (due too numerical errors)
+ if (penetrationDepth <= 0.0f) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Create the contact info object
+ final ContactPointInfo contactInfo = new ContactPointInfo(shape1Info.proxyShape, shape2Info.proxyShape, shape1Info.collisionShape, shape2Info.collisionShape, normal, penetrationDepth,
+ pA, pB);
+ callback.notifyContact(shape1Info.overlappingPair, contactInfo);
+ // There is an intersection, therefore we return
+ return;
+ }
+ // Store and update the squared distance of the closest point
+ prevDistSquare = distSquare;
+ distSquare = cacheSeparatingAxis.length2();
+ // If the distance to the closest point doesn't improve a lot
+ if (prevDistSquare - distSquare <= Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON * prevDistSquare) {
+ //Log.error("444444444 ");
+ simplex.backupClosestPointInSimplex(cacheSeparatingAxis);
+ // Get the new squared distance
+ distSquare = cacheSeparatingAxis.length2();
+ // Compute the closet points of both objects (without the margins)
+ simplex.computeClosestPointsOfAandB(pA, pB);
+ // Project those two points on the margins to have the closest points of both
+ // object with the margins
+ final float dist = FMath.sqrt(distSquare);
+ assert (dist > 0.0f);
+ pA = pA.lessNew(cacheSeparatingAxis.multiplyNew(shape1.getMargin() / dist));
+ pB = body2Tobody1.inverseNew().multiply(cacheSeparatingAxis.multiplyNew(shape2.getMargin() / dist).add(pB));
+ // Compute the contact info
+ final Vector3f normal = transform1.getOrientation().multiply(cacheSeparatingAxis.safeNormalizeNew().multiply(-1));
+ final float penetrationDepth = margin - dist;
+ // Reject the contact if the penetration depth is negative (due too numerical errors)
+ if (penetrationDepth <= 0.0f) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Create the contact info object
+ final ContactPointInfo contactInfo = new ContactPointInfo(shape1Info.proxyShape, shape2Info.proxyShape, shape1Info.collisionShape, shape2Info.collisionShape, normal, penetrationDepth,
+ pA, pB);
+ callback.notifyContact(shape1Info.overlappingPair, contactInfo);
+ // There is an intersection, therefore we return
+ return;
+ }
+ } while (!simplex.isFull() && distSquare > Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON * simplex.getMaxLengthSquareOfAPoint());
+ // The objects (without margins) intersect. Therefore, we run the GJK algorithm
+ // again but on the enlarged objects to compute a simplex polytope that contains
+ // the origin. Then, we give that simplex polytope to the EPA algorithm to compute
+ // the correct penetration depth and contact points between the enlarged objects.
+ computePenetrationDepthForEnlargedObjects(shape1Info, transform1, shape2Info, transform2, callback, cacheSeparatingAxis);
+ }
+ /// Use the GJK Algorithm to find if a point is inside a convex collision shape
+ public boolean testPointInside(final Vector3f localPoint, final ProxyShape proxyShape) {
+ Vector3f suppA = new Vector3f(); // Support point of object A
+ Vector3f w = new Vector3f(); // Support point of Minkowski difference A-B
+ float prevDistSquare;
+ assert (proxyShape.getCollisionShape().isConvex());
+ final ConvexShape shape = (ConvexShape) (proxyShape.getCollisionShape());
+ final CacheData shapeCachedCollisionData = (CacheData) proxyShape.getCachedCollisionData();
+ // Support point of object B (object B is a single point)
+ final Vector3f suppB = new Vector3f(localPoint);
+ // Create a simplex set
+ final Simplex simplex = new Simplex();
+ // Initial supporting direction
+ final Vector3f v = new Vector3f(1, 1, 1);
+ // Initialize the upper bound for the square distance
+ float distSquare = Float.MAX_VALUE;
+ do {
+ // Compute the support points for original objects (without margins) A and B
+ suppA = shape.getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(v.multiplyNew(-1), shapeCachedCollisionData);
+ // Compute the support point for the Minkowski difference A-B
+ w = suppA.lessNew(suppB);
+ // Add the new support point to the simplex
+ simplex.addPoint(w, suppA, suppB);
+ // If the simplex is affinely dependent
+ if (simplex.isAffinelyDependent()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Compute the point of the simplex closest to the origin
+ // If the computation of the closest point fail
+ if (!simplex.computeClosestPoint(v)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Store and update the squared distance of the closest point
+ prevDistSquare = distSquare;
+ distSquare = v.length2();
+ // If the distance to the closest point doesn't improve a lot
+ if (prevDistSquare - distSquare <= Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON * prevDistSquare) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } while (!simplex.isFull() && distSquare > Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON * simplex.getMaxLengthSquareOfAPoint());
+ // The point is inside the collision shape
+ return true;
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/GJK/Simplex.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/GJK/Simplex.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b948221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/GJK/Simplex.java
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase.GJK;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * This class represents a simplex which is a set of 3D points. This
+ * class is used in the GJK algorithm. This implementation is based on
+ * the implementation discussed in the book "Collision Detection in 3D
+ * Environments". This class implements the Johnson's algorithm for
+ * computing the point of a simplex that is closest to the origin and also
+ * the smallest simplex needed to represent that closest point.
+ */
+public class Simplex {
+ private class Array2f {
+ private final float[] data;
+ private final int sizeX;
+ private final int sizeY;
+ public Array2f(final int sizeX, final int sizeY) {
+ this.sizeX = sizeX;
+ this.sizeY = sizeY;
+ this.data = new float[sizeX * sizeY];
+ }
+ public float get(final int xxx, final int yyy) {
+ return this.data[yyy * this.sizeX + xxx];
+ }
+ public int getSizeX() {
+ return this.sizeX;
+ }
+ public int getSizeY() {
+ return this.sizeY;
+ }
+ public void set(final int xxx, final int yyy, final float data) {
+ this.data[yyy * this.sizeX + xxx] = data;
+ }
+ }
+ private class Array2Vector3f {
+ private final Vector3f[] data;
+ private final int sizeX;
+ private final int sizeY;
+ public Array2Vector3f(final int sizeX, final int sizeY) {
+ this.sizeX = sizeX;
+ this.sizeY = sizeY;
+ this.data = new Vector3f[sizeX * sizeY];
+ }
+ public Vector3f get(final int xxx, final int yyy) {
+ return this.data[yyy * this.sizeX + xxx];
+ }
+ public int getSizeX() {
+ return this.sizeX;
+ }
+ public int getSizeY() {
+ return this.sizeY;
+ }
+ public void set(final int xxx, final int yyy, final Vector3f data) {
+ this.data[yyy * this.sizeX + xxx] = data;
+ }
+ }
+ /// Current points
+ private final Vector3f[] points = new Vector3f[4];
+ /// pointsLengthSquare[i] = (points[i].length)^2
+ private final float[] pointsLengthSquare = new float[4];
+ /// Maximum length of pointsLengthSquare[i]
+ private float maxLengthSquare;
+ /// Support points of object A in local coordinates
+ private final Vector3f[] suppPointsA = new Vector3f[4];
+ /// Support points of object B in local coordinates
+ private final Vector3f[] suppPointsB = new Vector3f[4];
+ /// diff[i][j] contains points[i] - points[j]
+ private final Array2Vector3f diffLength = new Array2Vector3f(4, 4);
+ /// Cached determinant values
+ private final Array2f det = new Array2f(16, 4);
+ /// norm[i][j] = (diff[i][j].length())^2
+ private final Array2f normalSquare = new Array2f(4, 4);
+ /// 4 bits that identify the current points of the simplex
+ /// For instance, 0101 means that points[1] and points[3] are in the simplex
+ private int bitsCurrentSimplex = 0;
+ /// Number between 1 and 4 that identify the last found support point
+ private int lastFound = 0;
+ /// Position of the last found support point (lastFoundBit = 0x1 << lastFound)
+ private int lastFoundBit = 0;
+ /// allint = bitsCurrentSimplex | lastFoundBit;
+ private int allBits = 0;
+ // -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
+ /// Constructor
+ public Simplex() {
+ }
+ /// Add a new support point of (A-B) into the simplex.
+ /// suppPointA : support point of object A in a direction -v
+ /// suppPointB : support point of object B in a direction v
+ /// point : support point of object (A-B) => point = suppPointA - suppPointB
+ public void addPoint(final Vector3f point, final Vector3f suppPointA, final Vector3f suppPointB) {
+ assert (!isFull());
+ //Log.warning("simplex: addPoint(" + point + ", " + suppPointA + ", " + suppPointA + ")");
+ this.lastFound = 0;
+ this.lastFoundBit = 0x1;
+ // Look for the bit corresponding to one of the four point that is not in
+ // the current simplex
+ while (overlap(this.bitsCurrentSimplex, this.lastFoundBit)) {
+ this.lastFound++;
+ this.lastFoundBit <<= 1;
+ }
+ //Log.warning(" this.lastFound " + this.lastFound);
+ //Log.warning(" this.lastFoundBit " + this.lastFoundBit);
+ assert (this.lastFound < 4);
+ // Add the point into the simplex
+ this.points[this.lastFound] = point;
+ this.pointsLengthSquare[this.lastFound] = point.dot(point);
+ this.allBits = this.bitsCurrentSimplex | this.lastFoundBit;
+ //Log.warning(" this.allBits " + this.allBits);
+ // Update the cached values
+ updateCache();
+ // Compute the cached determinant values
+ computeDeterminants();
+ // Add the support points of objects A and B
+ this.suppPointsA[this.lastFound] = suppPointA;
+ this.suppPointsB[this.lastFound] = suppPointB;
+ }
+ /// Backup the closest point
+ public void backupClosestPointInSimplex(final Vector3f point) {
+ float minDistSquare = Float.MAX_VALUE;
+ for (int bit = this.allBits; bit != 0x0; bit--) {
+ if (isSubset(bit, this.allBits) && isProperSubset(bit)) {
+ final Vector3f u = computeClosestPointForSubset(bit);
+ final float distSquare = u.dot(u);
+ if (distSquare < minDistSquare) {
+ minDistSquare = distSquare;
+ this.bitsCurrentSimplex = bit;
+ point.set(u);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Compute the closest point to the origin of the current simplex.
+ /// This method executes the Jonhnson's algorithm for computing the point
+ /// "v" of simplex that is closest to the origin. The method returns true
+ /// if a closest point has been found.
+ public boolean computeClosestPoint(final Vector3f vvv) {
+ // For each possible simplex set
+ for (int subset = this.bitsCurrentSimplex; subset != 0x0; subset--) {
+ // If the simplex is a subset of the current simplex and is valid for the Johnson's
+ // algorithm test
+ if (isSubset(subset, this.bitsCurrentSimplex) && isValidSubset(subset | this.lastFoundBit)) {
+ this.bitsCurrentSimplex = subset | this.lastFoundBit; // Add the last added point to the current simplex
+ vvv.set(computeClosestPointForSubset(this.bitsCurrentSimplex)); // Compute the closest point in the simplex
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the simplex that contains only the last added point is valid for the Johnson's algorithm test
+ if (isValidSubset(this.lastFoundBit)) {
+ this.bitsCurrentSimplex = this.lastFoundBit; // Set the current simplex to the set that contains only the last added point
+ this.maxLengthSquare = this.pointsLengthSquare[this.lastFound]; // Update the maximum square length
+ vvv.set(this.points[this.lastFound]); // The closest point of the simplex "v" is the last added point
+ return true;
+ }
+ // The algorithm failed to found a point
+ return false;
+ }
+ /// Return the closest point "v" in the convex hull of a subset of points
+ private Vector3f computeClosestPointForSubset(final int subset) {
+ final Vector3f vvv = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // Closet point v = sum(lambda_i * points[i])
+ this.maxLengthSquare = 0.0f;
+ float deltaX = 0.0f; // deltaX = sum of all det[subset][i]
+ // For each four point in the possible simplex set
+ for (int iii = 0, bit = 0x1; iii < 4; iii++, bit <<= 1) {
+ // If the current point is in the subset
+ if (overlap(subset, bit)) {
+ // deltaX = sum of all det[subset][i]
+ deltaX += this.det.get(subset, iii);
+ if (this.maxLengthSquare < this.pointsLengthSquare[iii]) {
+ this.maxLengthSquare = this.pointsLengthSquare[iii];
+ }
+ // Closest point v = sum(lambda_i * points[i])
+ vvv.add(this.points[iii].multiplyNew(this.det.get(subset, iii)));
+ }
+ }
+ assert (deltaX > 0.0f);
+ // Return the closet point "v" in the convex hull for the given subset
+ return vvv.multiply(1.0f / deltaX);
+ }
+ /// Compute the closest points "pA" and "pB" of object A and B.
+ /// The points are computed as follows :
+ /// pA = sum(lambda_i * a_i) where "a_i" are the support points of object A
+ /// pB = sum(lambda_i * b_i) where "b_i" are the support points of object B
+ /// with lambda_i = deltaX_i / deltaX
+ public void computeClosestPointsOfAandB(final Vector3f pA, final Vector3f pB) {
+ float deltaX = 0.0f;
+ pA.set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ pB.set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ // For each four points in the possible simplex set
+ for (int iii = 0, bit = 0x1; iii < 4; iii++, bit <<= 1) {
+ // If the current point is part of the simplex
+ if (overlap(this.bitsCurrentSimplex, bit)) {
+ deltaX += this.det.get(this.bitsCurrentSimplex, iii);
+ pA.add(this.suppPointsA[iii].multiplyNew(this.det.get(this.bitsCurrentSimplex, iii)));
+ pB.add(this.suppPointsB[iii].multiplyNew(this.det.get(this.bitsCurrentSimplex, iii)));
+ }
+ }
+ assert (deltaX > 0.0f);
+ final float factor = 1.0f / deltaX;
+ pA.multiply(factor);
+ pB.multiply(factor);
+ }
+ /// Compute the cached determinant values
+ private void computeDeterminants() {
+ this.det.set(this.lastFoundBit, this.lastFound, 1.0f);
+ //Log.warning("simplex: computeDeterminants() " + this.det.get(this.lastFoundBit, this.lastFound));
+ // If the current simplex is not empty
+ if (!isEmpty()) {
+ // For each possible four points in the simplex set
+ for (int iii = 0, bitI = 0x1; iii < 4; iii++, bitI <<= 1) {
+ // If the current point is in the simplex
+ if (overlap(this.bitsCurrentSimplex, bitI)) {
+ final int bit2 = bitI | this.lastFoundBit;
+ float tmpp = this.diffLength.get(this.lastFound, iii).dot(this.points[this.lastFound]);
+ this.det.set(bit2, iii, tmpp);
+ tmpp = this.diffLength.get(iii, this.lastFound).dot(this.points[iii]);
+ this.det.set(bit2, this.lastFound, tmpp);
+ for (int jjj = 0, bitJ = 0x1; jjj < iii; jjj++, bitJ <<= 1) {
+ if (overlap(this.bitsCurrentSimplex, bitJ)) {
+ final int bit3 = bitJ | bit2;
+ int kkk = this.normalSquare.get(iii, jjj) < this.normalSquare.get(this.lastFound, jjj) ? iii : this.lastFound;
+ float tmp2 = this.det.get(bit2, iii) * this.diffLength.get(kkk, jjj).dot(this.points[iii])
+ + this.det.get(bit2, this.lastFound) * this.diffLength.get(kkk, jjj).dot(this.points[this.lastFound]);
+ this.det.set(bit3, jjj, tmp2);
+ kkk = this.normalSquare.get(jjj, iii) < this.normalSquare.get(this.lastFound, iii) ? jjj : this.lastFound;
+ tmp2 = this.det.get(bitJ | this.lastFoundBit, jjj) * this.diffLength.get(kkk, iii).dot(this.points[jjj])
+ + this.det.get(bitJ | this.lastFoundBit, this.lastFound) * this.diffLength.get(kkk, iii).dot(this.points[this.lastFound]);
+ this.det.set(bit3, iii, tmp2);
+ kkk = this.normalSquare.get(iii, this.lastFound) < this.normalSquare.get(jjj, this.lastFound) ? iii : jjj;
+ tmp2 = this.det.get(bitJ | bitI, jjj) * this.diffLength.get(kkk, this.lastFound).dot(this.points[jjj])
+ + this.det.get(bitJ | bitI, iii) * this.diffLength.get(kkk, this.lastFound).dot(this.points[iii]);
+ this.det.set(bit3, this.lastFound, tmp2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.allBits == 0xf) {
+ int kkk;
+ kkk = this.normalSquare.get(1, 0) < this.normalSquare.get(2, 0) ? (this.normalSquare.get(1, 0) < this.normalSquare.get(3, 0) ? 1 : 3)
+ : (this.normalSquare.get(2, 0) < this.normalSquare.get(3, 0) ? 2 : 3);
+ float tmp3 = this.det.get(0xe, 1) * this.diffLength.get(kkk, 0).dot(this.points[1]) + this.det.get(0xe, 2) * this.diffLength.get(kkk, 0).dot(this.points[2])
+ + this.det.get(0xe, 3) * this.diffLength.get(kkk, 0).dot(this.points[3]);
+ this.det.set(0xf, 0, tmp3);
+ kkk = this.normalSquare.get(0, 1) < this.normalSquare.get(2, 1) ? (this.normalSquare.get(0, 1) < this.normalSquare.get(3, 1) ? 0 : 3)
+ : (this.normalSquare.get(2, 1) < this.normalSquare.get(3, 1) ? 2 : 3);
+ tmp3 = this.det.get(0xd, 0) * this.diffLength.get(kkk, 1).dot(this.points[0]) + this.det.get(0xd, 2) * this.diffLength.get(kkk, 1).dot(this.points[2])
+ + this.det.get(0xd, 3) * this.diffLength.get(kkk, 1).dot(this.points[3]);
+ this.det.set(0xf, 1, tmp3);
+ kkk = this.normalSquare.get(0, 2) < this.normalSquare.get(1, 2) ? (this.normalSquare.get(0, 2) < this.normalSquare.get(3, 2) ? 0 : 3)
+ : (this.normalSquare.get(1, 2) < this.normalSquare.get(3, 2) ? 1 : 3);
+ tmp3 = this.det.get(0xb, 0) * this.diffLength.get(kkk, 2).dot(this.points[0]) + this.det.get(0xb, 1) * this.diffLength.get(kkk, 2).dot(this.points[1])
+ + this.det.get(0xb, 3) * this.diffLength.get(kkk, 2).dot(this.points[3]);
+ this.det.set(0xf, 2, tmp3);
+ kkk = this.normalSquare.get(0, 3) < this.normalSquare.get(1, 3) ? (this.normalSquare.get(0, 3) < this.normalSquare.get(2, 3) ? 0 : 2)
+ : (this.normalSquare.get(1, 3) < this.normalSquare.get(2, 3) ? 1 : 2);
+ tmp3 = this.det.get(0x7, 0) * this.diffLength.get(kkk, 3).dot(this.points[0]) + this.det.get(0x7, 1) * this.diffLength.get(kkk, 3).dot(this.points[1])
+ + this.det.get(0x7, 2) * this.diffLength.get(kkk, 3).dot(this.points[2]);
+ this.det.set(0xf, 3, tmp3);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Return the maximum squared length of a point
+ public float getMaxLengthSquareOfAPoint() {
+ return this.maxLengthSquare;
+ }
+ /// Return the points of the simplex
+ public int getSimplex(final Vector3f[] suppPointsA, final Vector3f[] suppPointsB, final Vector3f[] points) {
+ int nbVertices = 0;
+ // For each four point in the possible simplex
+ for (int iii = 0, bit = 0x1; iii < 4; iii++, bit <<= 1) {
+ // If the current point is in the simplex
+ if (overlap(this.bitsCurrentSimplex, bit)) {
+ // Store the points
+ suppPointsA[nbVertices] = this.suppPointsA[nbVertices].clone();
+ suppPointsB[nbVertices] = this.suppPointsB[nbVertices].clone();
+ points[nbVertices] = this.points[nbVertices].clone();
+ nbVertices++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Return the number of points in the simplex
+ return nbVertices;
+ }
+ /// Return true if the set is affinely dependent
+ /// A set if affinely dependent if a point of the set
+ /// is an affine combination of other points in the set
+ public boolean isAffinelyDependent() {
+ float sum = 0.0f;
+ // For each four point of the possible simplex set
+ for (int iii = 0, bit = 0x1; iii < 4; iii++, bit <<= 1) {
+ if (overlap(this.allBits, bit)) {
+ sum += this.det.get(this.allBits, iii);
+ }
+ }
+ return (sum <= 0.0f);
+ }
+ /// Return true if the simplex is empty
+ public boolean isEmpty() {
+ return (this.bitsCurrentSimplex == 0x0);
+ }
+ /// Return true if the simplex contains 4 points
+ public boolean isFull() {
+ return (this.bitsCurrentSimplex == 0xf);
+ }
+ /// Return true if the point is in the simplex
+ public boolean isPointInSimplex(final Vector3f point) {
+ // For each four possible points in the simplex
+ for (int iii = 0, bit = 0x1; iii < 4; iii++, bit <<= 1) {
+ // Check if the current point is in the simplex
+ if (overlap(this.allBits, bit) && point == this.points[iii]) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /// Return true if the subset is a proper subset.
+ /// A proper subset X is a subset where for all point "y_i" in X, we have
+ /// detX_i value bigger than zero
+ private boolean isProperSubset(final int subset) {
+ // For each four point of the possible simplex set
+ for (int iii = 0, bit = 0x1; iii < 4; iii++, bit <<= 1) {
+ if (overlap(subset, bit) && this.det.get(subset, iii) <= 0.0f) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /// Return true if the bits of "b" is a subset of the bits of "a"
+ private boolean isSubset(final int a, final int b) {
+ return ((a & b) == a);
+ }
+ /// Return true if the subset is a valid one for the closest point computation.
+ /// A subset X is valid if :
+ /// 1. delta(X)_i > 0 for each "i" in I_x and
+ /// 2. delta(X U {y_j})_j <= 0 for each "j" not in I_x_
+ private boolean isValidSubset(final int subset) {
+ // For each four point in the possible simplex set
+ for (int iii = 0, bit = 0x1; iii < 4; iii++, bit <<= 1) {
+ if (overlap(this.allBits, bit)) {
+ // If the current point is in the subset
+ if (overlap(subset, bit)) {
+ // If one delta(X)_i is smaller or equal to zero
+ if (this.det.get(subset, iii) <= 0.0f) {
+ // The subset is not valid
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the point is not in the subset and the value delta(X U {y_j})_j
+ // is bigger than zero
+ else if (this.det.get(subset | bit, iii) > 0.0f) {
+ // The subset is not valid
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /// Return true if some bits of "a" overlap with bits of "b"
+ private boolean overlap(final int a, final int b) {
+ return ((a & b) != 0x0);
+ }
+ /// Update the cached values used during the GJK algorithm
+ private void updateCache() {
+ //Log.warning("simplex: update Cache()");
+ // For each of the four possible points of the simplex
+ for (int iii = 0, bit = 0x1; iii < 4; iii++, bit <<= 1) {
+ //Log.warning("simplex: iii=" + iii);
+ //Log.warning("simplex: bit=" + bit);
+ // If the current points is in the simplex
+ if (overlap(this.bitsCurrentSimplex, bit)) {
+ //Log.warning("simplex: ==> overlap");
+ // Compute the distance between two points in the possible simplex set
+ final Vector3f tmp = this.points[iii].lessNew(this.points[this.lastFound]);
+ this.diffLength.set(iii, this.lastFound, tmp);
+ final Vector3f tmp2 = tmp.multiplyNew(-1);
+ this.diffLength.set(this.lastFound, iii, tmp2);
+ // Compute the squared length of the vector
+ // distances from points in the possible simplex set
+ final float normal = tmp.dot(tmp);
+ this.normalSquare.set(iii, this.lastFound, normal);
+ this.normalSquare.set(this.lastFound, iii, normal);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/NarrowPhaseAlgorithm.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/NarrowPhaseAlgorithm.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5796a56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/NarrowPhaseAlgorithm.java
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.CollisionDetection;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.CollisionShapeInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine.OverlappingPair;
+ * @breif It is the base class for a narrow-phase collision
+ * detection algorithm. The goal of the narrow phase algorithm is to
+ * compute information about the contact between two proxy shapes.
+ */
+public abstract class NarrowPhaseAlgorithm {
+ protected CollisionDetection collisionDetection; //!< Pointer to the collision detection object
+ protected OverlappingPair currentOverlappingPair; //!< Overlapping pair of the bodies currently tested for collision
+ /// Constructor
+ public NarrowPhaseAlgorithm(final CollisionDetection collisionDetection) {
+ this.currentOverlappingPair = null;
+ this.collisionDetection = null;
+ this.collisionDetection = collisionDetection;
+ }
+ /// Set the current overlapping pair of bodies
+ public void setCurrentOverlappingPair(final OverlappingPair overlappingPair) {
+ this.currentOverlappingPair = overlappingPair;
+ }
+ /// Compute a contact info if the two bounding volume collide
+ public abstract void testCollision(final CollisionShapeInfo _shape1Info, CollisionShapeInfo _shape2Info, NarrowPhaseCallback _narrowPhaseCallback);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/NarrowPhaseCallback.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/NarrowPhaseCallback.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86c4ed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/NarrowPhaseCallback.java
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.ContactPointInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine.OverlappingPair;
+ * It is the base class for a narrow-phase collision
+ * callback class.
+ */
+public interface NarrowPhaseCallback {
+ /// Called by a narrow-phase collision algorithm when a new contact has been found
+ void notifyContact(OverlappingPair _overlappingPair, ContactPointInfo _contactInfo);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/SphereVsSphereAlgorithm.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/SphereVsSphereAlgorithm.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a703378
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/narrowphase/SphereVsSphereAlgorithm.java
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.FMath;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Transform3D;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.CollisionDetection;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.CollisionShapeInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.SphereShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.ContactPointInfo;
+ * It is used to compute the narrow-phase collision detection
+ * between two sphere collision shapes.
+ */
+public class SphereVsSphereAlgorithm extends NarrowPhaseAlgorithm {
+ public SphereVsSphereAlgorithm(final CollisionDetection collisionDetection) {
+ super(collisionDetection);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void testCollision(final CollisionShapeInfo _shape1Info, final CollisionShapeInfo _shape2Info, final NarrowPhaseCallback _narrowPhaseCallback) {
+ // Get the sphere collision shapes
+ final SphereShape sphereShape1 = (SphereShape) _shape1Info.collisionShape;
+ final SphereShape sphereShape2 = (SphereShape) _shape2Info.collisionShape;
+ // Get the local-space to world-space transforms
+ final Transform3D transform1 = _shape1Info.shapeToWorldTransform;
+ final Transform3D transform2 = _shape2Info.shapeToWorldTransform;
+ // Compute the distance between the centers
+ final Vector3f vectorBetweenCenters = transform2.getPosition().lessNew(transform1.getPosition());
+ final float squaredDistanceBetweenCenters = vectorBetweenCenters.length2();
+ // Compute the sum of the radius
+ final float sumRadius = sphereShape1.getRadius() + sphereShape2.getRadius();
+ // If the sphere collision shapes intersect
+ if (squaredDistanceBetweenCenters <= sumRadius * sumRadius) {
+ final Vector3f centerSphere2InBody1LocalSpace = transform1.inverseNew().multiply(transform2.getPosition());
+ final Vector3f centerSphere1InBody2LocalSpace = transform2.inverseNew().multiply(transform1.getPosition());
+ final Vector3f intersectionOnBody1 = centerSphere2InBody1LocalSpace.safeNormalizeNew().multiply(sphereShape1.getRadius());
+ final Vector3f intersectionOnBody2 = centerSphere1InBody2LocalSpace.safeNormalizeNew().multiply(sphereShape2.getRadius());
+ final float penetrationDepth = sumRadius - FMath.sqrt(squaredDistanceBetweenCenters);
+ // Create the contact info object
+ final ContactPointInfo contactInfo = new ContactPointInfo(_shape1Info.proxyShape, _shape2Info.proxyShape, _shape1Info.collisionShape, _shape2Info.collisionShape,
+ vectorBetweenCenters.safeNormalizeNew(), penetrationDepth, intersectionOnBody1, intersectionOnBody2);
+ // Notify about the new contact
+ _narrowPhaseCallback.notifyContact(_shape1Info.overlappingPair, contactInfo);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/AABB.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/AABB.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bb0397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/AABB.java
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+/** @file
+ * Original ReactPhysics3D C++ library by Daniel Chappuis This code is re-licensed with permission from ReactPhysics3D author.
+ * @author Daniel CHAPPUIS
+ * @author Edouard DUPIN
+ * @copyright 2010-2016, Daniel Chappuis
+ * @copyright 2017-now, Edouard DUPIN
+ * @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
+ */
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Ray;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Constant;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.FMath;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * This class represents a bounding volume of type "Axis Aligned Bounding Box". It's a box where all the edges are
+ * always aligned with the world coordinate system. The AABB is defined by the this.inimum and this.aximum world coordinates of
+ * the three axis.
+ *
+ * @author Jason Sorensen
+ */
+public class AABB {
+ /**
+ * @brief Create and return an AABB for a triangle
+ * @param[in] _trianglePoints List of 3 point od a triangle
+ * @return An AABB box
+ */
+ public static AABB createAABBForTriangle(final Vector3f[] _trianglePoints) {
+ final Vector3f minCoords = new Vector3f(_trianglePoints[0].x, _trianglePoints[0].y, _trianglePoints[0].z);
+ final Vector3f maxCoords = new Vector3f(_trianglePoints[0].x, _trianglePoints[0].y, _trianglePoints[0].z);
+ if (_trianglePoints[1].x < minCoords.x) {
+ minCoords.setX(_trianglePoints[1].x);
+ }
+ if (_trianglePoints[1].y < minCoords.y) {
+ minCoords.setY(_trianglePoints[1].y);
+ }
+ if (_trianglePoints[1].z < minCoords.z) {
+ minCoords.setZ(_trianglePoints[1].z);
+ }
+ if (_trianglePoints[2].x < minCoords.x) {
+ minCoords.setX(_trianglePoints[2].x);
+ }
+ if (_trianglePoints[2].y < minCoords.y) {
+ minCoords.setY(_trianglePoints[2].y);
+ }
+ if (_trianglePoints[2].z < minCoords.z) {
+ minCoords.setZ(_trianglePoints[2].z);
+ }
+ if (_trianglePoints[1].x > maxCoords.x) {
+ maxCoords.setX(_trianglePoints[1].x);
+ }
+ if (_trianglePoints[1].y > maxCoords.y) {
+ maxCoords.setY(_trianglePoints[1].y);
+ }
+ if (_trianglePoints[1].z > maxCoords.z) {
+ maxCoords.setZ(_trianglePoints[1].z);
+ }
+ if (_trianglePoints[2].x > maxCoords.x) {
+ maxCoords.setX(_trianglePoints[2].x);
+ }
+ if (_trianglePoints[2].y > maxCoords.y) {
+ maxCoords.setY(_trianglePoints[2].y);
+ }
+ if (_trianglePoints[2].z > maxCoords.z) {
+ maxCoords.setZ(_trianglePoints[2].z);
+ }
+ return new AABB(minCoords, maxCoords);
+ }
+ // Maximum world coordinates of the AABB on the x,y and z axis
+ private final Vector3f maxCoordinates;
+ // Minimum world coordinates of the AABB on the x,y and z axis
+ private final Vector3f minCoordinates;
+ /**
+ * @brief default contructor
+ */
+ public AABB() {
+ this.maxCoordinates = new Vector3f();
+ this.minCoordinates = new Vector3f();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief contructor Whit sizes
+ * @param[in] _minCoordinates Minimum coordinates
+ * @param[in] _maxCoordinates Maximum coordinates
+ */
+ public AABB(final Vector3f minCoordinates, final Vector3f maxCoordinates) {
+ this.maxCoordinates = maxCoordinates;
+ this.minCoordinates = minCoordinates;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Return true if the current AABB contains the AABB given in parameter
+ * @param[in] _aabb AABB box that is contains in the current.
+ * @return true The parameter in contained inside
+ */
+ public boolean contains(final AABB _aabb) {
+ boolean isInside = true;
+ isInside = isInside && this.minCoordinates.x <= _aabb.minCoordinates.x;
+ isInside = isInside && this.minCoordinates.y <= _aabb.minCoordinates.y;
+ isInside = isInside && this.minCoordinates.z <= _aabb.minCoordinates.z;
+ isInside = isInside && this.maxCoordinates.x >= _aabb.maxCoordinates.x;
+ isInside = isInside && this.maxCoordinates.y >= _aabb.maxCoordinates.y;
+ isInside = isInside && this.maxCoordinates.z >= _aabb.maxCoordinates.z;
+ return isInside;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Return true if a point is inside the AABB
+ * @param[in] _point Point to check.
+ * @return true The point in contained inside
+ */
+ public boolean contains(final Vector3f _point) {
+ return _point.x >= this.minCoordinates.x - Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON && _point.x <= this.maxCoordinates.x + Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON && _point.y >= this.minCoordinates.y - Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON
+ && _point.y <= this.maxCoordinates.y + Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON && _point.z >= this.minCoordinates.z - Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON
+ && _point.z <= this.maxCoordinates.z + Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the center point of the AABB box
+ * @return The 3D position of the center
+ */
+ public Vector3f getCenter() {
+ return new Vector3f(this.minCoordinates).add(this.maxCoordinates).multiply(0.5f);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the size of the AABB in the three dimension x, y and z
+ * @return the AABB 3D size
+ */
+ public Vector3f getExtent() {
+ return this.maxCoordinates.lessNew(this.minCoordinates);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Return the maximum coordinates of the AABB
+ * @return The 3d maximum coordonates
+ */
+ public Vector3f getMax() {
+ return this.maxCoordinates;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the minimum coordinates of the AABB
+ * @return The 3d minimum coordonates
+ */
+ public Vector3f getMin() {
+ return this.minCoordinates;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the volume of the AABB
+ * @return The 3D volume.
+ */
+ public float getVolume() {
+ final Vector3f diff = this.maxCoordinates.lessNew(this.minCoordinates);
+ return (diff.x * diff.y * diff.z);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Inflate each side of the AABB by a given size
+ * @param[in] _dx Inflate X size
+ * @param[in] _dy Inflate Y size
+ * @param[in] _dz Inflate Z size
+ */
+ public void inflate(final float _dx, final float _dy, final float _dz) {
+ this.maxCoordinates.add(new Vector3f(_dx, _dy, _dz));
+ this.minCoordinates.less(new Vector3f(_dx, _dy, _dz));
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Replace the current AABB with a new AABB that is the union of two AABBs in parameters
+ * @param[in] _aabb1 first AABB box to merge with _aabb2.
+ * @param[in] _aabb2 second AABB box to merge with _aabb1.
+ */
+ public void mergeTwoAABBs(final AABB _aabb1, final AABB _aabb2) {
+ this.minCoordinates.setX(FMath.min(_aabb1.minCoordinates.x, _aabb2.minCoordinates.x));
+ this.minCoordinates.setY(FMath.min(_aabb1.minCoordinates.y, _aabb2.minCoordinates.y));
+ this.minCoordinates.setZ(FMath.min(_aabb1.minCoordinates.z, _aabb2.minCoordinates.z));
+ this.maxCoordinates.setX(FMath.max(_aabb1.maxCoordinates.x, _aabb2.maxCoordinates.x));
+ this.maxCoordinates.setY(FMath.max(_aabb1.maxCoordinates.y, _aabb2.maxCoordinates.y));
+ this.maxCoordinates.setZ(FMath.max(_aabb1.maxCoordinates.z, _aabb2.maxCoordinates.z));
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Merge the AABB in parameter with the current one
+ * @param[in] _aabb Other AABB box to merge.
+ */
+ public void mergeWithAABB(final AABB _aabb) {
+ this.minCoordinates.setX(FMath.min(this.minCoordinates.x, _aabb.minCoordinates.x));
+ this.minCoordinates.setY(FMath.min(this.minCoordinates.y, _aabb.minCoordinates.y));
+ this.minCoordinates.setZ(FMath.min(this.minCoordinates.z, _aabb.minCoordinates.z));
+ this.maxCoordinates.setX(FMath.max(this.maxCoordinates.x, _aabb.maxCoordinates.x));
+ this.maxCoordinates.setY(FMath.max(this.maxCoordinates.y, _aabb.maxCoordinates.y));
+ this.maxCoordinates.setZ(FMath.max(this.maxCoordinates.z, _aabb.maxCoordinates.z));
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Set the maximum coordinates of the AABB
+ * @param[in] _max The 3d maximum coordonates
+ */
+ public void setMax(final Vector3f max) {
+ this.maxCoordinates.set(max);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Set the minimum coordinates of the AABB
+ * @param[in] _min The 3d minimum coordonates
+ */
+ public void setMin(final Vector3f min) {
+ this.minCoordinates.set(min);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Return true if the current AABB is overlapping with the AABB in argument
+ * Two AABBs overlap if they overlap in the three x, y and z axis at the same time
+ * @param[in] _aabb Other AABB box to check.
+ * @return true Collision detected
+ * @return false Not collide
+ */
+ public boolean testCollision(final AABB aabb) {
+ if (this == aabb) {
+ ///Log.info("test : AABB ==> same object ");
+ return true;
+ }
+ //Log.info("test : " + this + " && " + aabb);
+ if (this.maxCoordinates.getX() < aabb.minCoordinates.getX() || aabb.maxCoordinates.getX() < this.minCoordinates.getX()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this.maxCoordinates.getZ() < aabb.minCoordinates.getZ() || aabb.maxCoordinates.getZ() < this.minCoordinates.getZ()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this.maxCoordinates.getY() < aabb.minCoordinates.getY() || aabb.maxCoordinates.getY() < this.minCoordinates.getY()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ //Log.info("detect collision ");
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief check if the AABB of a triangle intersects the AABB
+ * @param[in] _trianglePoints List of 3 point od a triangle
+ * @return true The triangle is contained in the Box
+ */
+ public boolean testCollisionTriangleAABB(final Vector3f[] _trianglePoints) {
+ if (FMath.min(_trianglePoints[0].x, _trianglePoints[1].x, _trianglePoints[2].x) > this.maxCoordinates.x) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (FMath.min(_trianglePoints[0].y, _trianglePoints[1].y, _trianglePoints[2].y) > this.maxCoordinates.y) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (FMath.min(_trianglePoints[0].z, _trianglePoints[1].z, _trianglePoints[2].z) > this.maxCoordinates.z) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (FMath.max(_trianglePoints[0].x, _trianglePoints[1].x, _trianglePoints[2].x) < this.minCoordinates.x) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (FMath.max(_trianglePoints[0].y, _trianglePoints[1].y, _trianglePoints[2].y) < this.minCoordinates.y) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (FMath.max(_trianglePoints[0].z, _trianglePoints[1].z, _trianglePoints[2].z) < this.minCoordinates.z) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*
+ * @brief check if the ray intersects the AABB
+ * This method use the line vs AABB raycasting technique described in
+ * Real-time Collision Detection by Christer Ericson.
+ * @param[in] _ray Ray to test
+ * @return true The raytest intersect the AABB box
+ */
+ public boolean testRayIntersect(final Ray ray) {
+ final Vector3f point2 = ray.point2.lessNew(ray.point1).multiply(ray.maxFraction).add(ray.point1);
+ final Vector3f e = this.maxCoordinates.lessNew(this.minCoordinates);
+ final Vector3f d = point2.lessNew(ray.point1);
+ final Vector3f m = ray.point1.addNew(point2).less(this.minCoordinates).less(this.maxCoordinates);
+ // Test if the AABB face normals are separating axis
+ float adx = FMath.abs(d.x);
+ if (FMath.abs(m.x) > e.x + adx) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ float ady = FMath.abs(d.y);
+ if (FMath.abs(m.y) > e.y + ady) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ float adz = FMath.abs(d.z);
+ if (FMath.abs(m.z) > e.z + adz) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Add in an epsilon term to counteract arithmetic errors when segment is
+ // (near) parallel to a coordinate axis (see text for detail)
+ final float epsilon = 0.00001f;
+ adx += epsilon;
+ ady += epsilon;
+ adz += epsilon;
+ // Test if the cross products between face normals and ray direction are
+ // separating axis
+ if (FMath.abs(m.y * d.z - m.z * d.y) > e.y * adz + e.z * ady) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (FMath.abs(m.z * d.x - m.x * d.z) > e.x * adz + e.z * adx) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (FMath.abs(m.x * d.y - m.y * d.x) > e.x * ady + e.y * adx) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // No separating axis has been found
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return "AABB [min=" + this.minCoordinates + ", max=" + this.maxCoordinates + "]";
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/BoxShape.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/BoxShape.java
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index 0000000..0a5572a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/BoxShape.java
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+/** @file
+ * Original ReactPhysics3D C++ library by Daniel Chappuis This code is re-licensed with permission from ReactPhysics3D author.
+ * @author Daniel CHAPPUIS
+ * @author Edouard DUPIN
+ * @copyright 2010-2016, Daniel Chappuis
+ * @copyright 2017-now, Edouard DUPIN
+ * @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
+ */
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.RaycastInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ProxyShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.configuration.Defaults;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Ray;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Constant;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.FMath;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Matrix3f;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * This class represents a 3D box shape. Those axis are unit length. The three extents are half-widths of the box along
+ * the three axis x, y, z local axis. The "transform" of the corresponding rigid body will give an orientation and a
+ * position to the box. This collision shape uses an extra margin distance around it for collision detection purpose.
+ * The default margin is 4cm (if your units are meters, which is recommended). In case, you want to simulate small
+ * objects (smaller than the margin distance), you might want to reduce the margin by specifying your own margin
+ * distance using the "margin" parameter in the constructor of the box shape. Otherwise, it is recommended to use the
+ * default margin distance by not using the "margin" parameter in the constructor.
+ *
+ * @author Jason Sorensen
+ */
+public class BoxShape extends ConvexShape {
+ // Extent sizes of the box in the x, y and z direction
+ private final Vector3f extent;
+ // Copy-constructor
+ public BoxShape(final BoxShape shape) {
+ super(CollisionShapeType.BOX, shape.margin);
+ this.extent = shape.extent.clone();
+ }
+ // Constructor
+ public BoxShape(final Vector3f extent) {
+ this(extent, Defaults.OBJECT_MARGIN);
+ }
+ public BoxShape(final Vector3f extent, final float margin) {
+ super(CollisionShapeType.BOX, margin);
+ assert (extent.getX() > 0.0f && extent.getX() > margin);
+ assert (extent.getY() > 0.0f && extent.getY() > margin);
+ assert (extent.getZ() > 0.0f && extent.getZ() > margin);
+ this.extent = extent.lessNew(margin);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public BoxShape clone() {
+ return new BoxShape(this);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void computeLocalInertiaTensor(final Matrix3f tensor, final float _mass) {
+ final float factor = (1.0f / 3.0f) * _mass;
+ final Vector3f realExtent = this.extent.addNew(new Vector3f(this.margin, this.margin, this.margin));
+ final float xSquare = realExtent.x * realExtent.x;
+ final float ySquare = realExtent.y * realExtent.y;
+ final float zSquare = realExtent.z * realExtent.z;
+ tensor.set(factor * (ySquare + zSquare), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, factor * (xSquare + zSquare), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, factor * (xSquare + ySquare));
+ }
+ public Vector3f getExtent() {
+ return (new Vector3f(this.margin, this.margin, this.margin)).add(this.extent);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void getLocalBounds(final Vector3f _min, final Vector3f _max) {
+ // Maximum bounds
+ _max.set(this.extent.x + this.margin, this.extent.y + this.margin, this.extent.z + this.margin);
+ // Minimum bounds
+ _min.set(-_max.x, -_max.y, -_max.z);
+ }
+ /*
+ protected size_t getSizeInBytes() {
+ return sizeof(BoxShape);
+ }
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Vector3f getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(final Vector3f _direction, final CacheData _cachedCollisionData) {
+ //Log.error("getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(" + _direction);
+ //Log.error(" extends = " + this.extent);
+ return new Vector3f(_direction.x < 0.0 ? -this.extent.x : this.extent.x, _direction.y < 0.0 ? -this.extent.y : this.extent.y, _direction.z < 0.0 ? -this.extent.z : this.extent.z);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean raycast(final Ray _ray, final RaycastInfo _raycastInfo, final ProxyShape _proxyShape) {
+ final Vector3f rayDirection = _ray.point2.less(_ray.point1);
+ float tMin = Float.MIN_VALUE;
+ float tMax = Float.MAX_VALUE;
+ Vector3f normalDirection = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
+ Vector3f currentNormal = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
+ // For each of the three slabs
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < 3; ++iii) {
+ // If ray is parallel to the slab
+ if (FMath.abs(rayDirection.get(iii)) < Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON) {
+ // If the ray's origin is not inside the slab, there is no hit
+ if (_ray.point1.get(iii) > this.extent.get(iii) || _ray.point1.get(iii) < -this.extent.get(iii)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Compute the intersection of the ray with the near and far plane of the slab
+ final float oneOverD = 1.0f / rayDirection.get(iii);
+ float t1 = (-this.extent.get(iii) - _ray.point1.get(iii)) * oneOverD;
+ float t2 = (this.extent.get(iii) - _ray.point1.get(iii)) * oneOverD;
+ currentNormal.x = (iii == 0) ? -this.extent.get(iii) : 0.0f;
+ currentNormal.y = (iii == 1) ? -this.extent.get(iii) : 0.0f;
+ currentNormal.z = (iii == 2) ? -this.extent.get(iii) : 0.0f;
+ // Swap t1 and t2 if need so that t1 is intersection with near plane and
+ // t2 with far plane
+ if (t1 > t2) {
+ final float ttt = t2;
+ t2 = t1;
+ t1 = ttt;
+ currentNormal = currentNormal.multiply(-1);
+ }
+ // Compute the intersection of the of slab intersection interval with previous slabs
+ if (t1 > tMin) {
+ tMin = t1;
+ normalDirection = currentNormal;
+ }
+ tMax = FMath.min(tMax, t2);
+ // If tMin is larger than the maximum raycasting fraction, we return no hit
+ if (tMin > _ray.maxFraction) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If the slabs intersection is empty, there is no hit
+ if (tMin > tMax) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If tMin is negative, we return no hit
+ if (tMin < 0.0f || tMin > _ray.maxFraction) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (normalDirection.isZero()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // The ray longersects the three slabs, we compute the hit point
+ final Vector3f localHitPoint = rayDirection.multiplyNew(tMin).add(_ray.point1);
+ _raycastInfo.body = _proxyShape.getBody();
+ _raycastInfo.proxyShape = _proxyShape;
+ _raycastInfo.hitFraction = tMin;
+ _raycastInfo.worldPoint = localHitPoint;
+ _raycastInfo.worldNormal = normalDirection;
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setLocalScaling(final Vector3f _scaling) {
+ this.extent.divide(this.scaling).multiply(_scaling);
+ super.setLocalScaling(_scaling);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean testPointInside(final Vector3f _localPoint, final ProxyShape _proxyShape) {
+ return (_localPoint.x < this.extent.x && _localPoint.x > -this.extent.x && _localPoint.y < this.extent.y && _localPoint.y > -this.extent.y && _localPoint.z < this.extent.z
+ && _localPoint.z > -this.extent.z);
+ }
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+/** @file
+ * @author Edouard DUPIN
+ * @copyright 2020-now, Edouard DUPIN
+ * @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
+ */
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes;
+public class CacheData {
+ public Object data = null;
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/CapsuleShape.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/CapsuleShape.java
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index 0000000..da2926e
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+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/CapsuleShape.java
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+/** @file
+ * Original ReactPhysics3D C++ library by Daniel Chappuis This code is re-licensed with permission from ReactPhysics3D author.
+ * @author Daniel CHAPPUIS
+ * @author Edouard DUPIN
+ * @copyright 2010-2016, Daniel Chappuis
+ * @copyright 2017-now, Edouard DUPIN
+ * @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
+ */
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.RaycastInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ProxyShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Ray;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Constant;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.FMath;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Matrix3f;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * This class represents a capsule collision shape that is defined around the Y axis. A capsule shape can be seen as the
+ * convex hull of two spheres. The capsule shape is defined by its radius (radius of the two spheres of the capsule) and
+ * its height (distance between the centers of the two spheres). This collision shape does not have an explicit object
+ * margin distance. The margin is implicitly the radius and height of the shape. Therefore, no need to specify an object
+ * margin for a capsule shape.
+ *
+ * @author Jason Sorensen
+ */
+public class CapsuleShape extends ConvexShape {
+ // Half height of the capsule (height = distance between the centers of the two spheres)
+ private float halfHeight;
+ // Copy-constructor
+ public CapsuleShape(final CapsuleShape shape) {
+ super(CollisionShapeType.CAPSULE, shape.margin);
+ this.halfHeight = shape.halfHeight;
+ }
+ // Constructor
+ public CapsuleShape(final float radius, final float height) {
+ // TODO: Should radius really be the margin for a capsule? Seems like a bug.
+ super(CollisionShapeType.CAPSULE, radius);
+ this.halfHeight = height * 0.5f;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public CapsuleShape clone() {
+ return new CapsuleShape(this);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void computeLocalInertiaTensor(final Matrix3f _tensor, final float _mass) {
+ // The inertia tensor formula for a capsule can be found in : Game Engine Gems, Volume 1
+ final float height = this.halfHeight + this.halfHeight;
+ final float radiusSquare = this.margin * this.margin;
+ final float heightSquare = height * height;
+ final float radiusSquareDouble = radiusSquare + radiusSquare;
+ final float factor1 = 2.0f * this.margin / (4.0f * this.margin + 3.0f * height);
+ final float factor2 = 3.0f * height / (4.0f * this.margin + 3.0f * height);
+ final float sum1 = 0.4f * radiusSquareDouble;
+ final float sum2 = 0.75f * height * this.margin + 0.5f * heightSquare;
+ final float sum3 = 0.25f * radiusSquare + 1.0f / 12.0f * heightSquare;
+ final float IxxAndzz = factor1 * _mass * (sum1 + sum2) + factor2 * _mass * sum3;
+ final float Iyy = factor1 * _mass * sum1 + factor2 * _mass * 0.25f * radiusSquareDouble;
+ _tensor.set(IxxAndzz, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, Iyy, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, IxxAndzz);
+ }
+ // Return the height of the capsule
+ public float getHeight() {
+ return this.halfHeight + this.halfHeight;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void getLocalBounds(final Vector3f min, final Vector3f max) {
+ // Maximum bounds
+ max.setX(this.margin);
+ max.setY(this.halfHeight + this.margin);
+ max.setZ(this.margin);
+ // Minimum bounds
+ min.setX(-max.x);
+ min.setY(-max.y);
+ min.setZ(-max.z);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Vector3f getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(final Vector3f _direction, final CacheData _cachedCollisionData) {
+ // Support point top sphere
+ final float dotProductTop = this.halfHeight * _direction.y;
+ // Support point bottom sphere
+ final float dotProductBottom = -this.halfHeight * _direction.y;
+ // Return the point with the maximum dot product
+ if (dotProductTop > dotProductBottom) {
+ return new Vector3f(0, this.halfHeight, 0);
+ }
+ return new Vector3f(0, -this.halfHeight, 0);
+ }
+ // Get the radius of the capsule
+ public float getRadius() {
+ return this.margin;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean raycast(final Ray _ray, final RaycastInfo _raycastInfo, final ProxyShape _proxyShape) {
+ final Vector3f n = _ray.point2.lessNew(_ray.point1);
+ final float epsilon = 0.01f;
+ final Vector3f p = new Vector3f(0.0f, -this.halfHeight, 0.0f);
+ final Vector3f q = new Vector3f(0.0f, this.halfHeight, 0.0f);
+ final Vector3f d = q.lessNew(p);
+ final Vector3f m = _ray.point1.lessNew(p);
+ float t;
+ final float mDotD = m.dot(d);
+ final float nDotD = n.dot(d);
+ final float dDotD = d.dot(d);
+ // Test if the segment is outside the cylinder
+ final float vec1DotD = _ray.point1.lessNew(new Vector3f(0.0f, -this.halfHeight - this.margin, 0.0f)).dot(d);
+ if (vec1DotD < 0.0f && vec1DotD + nDotD < 0.0f) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ final float ddotDExtraCaps = 2.0f * this.margin * d.y;
+ if (vec1DotD > dDotD + ddotDExtraCaps && vec1DotD + nDotD > dDotD + ddotDExtraCaps) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ final float nDotN = n.dot(n);
+ final float mDotN = m.dot(n);
+ final float a = dDotD * nDotN - nDotD * nDotD;
+ final float k = m.dot(m) - this.margin * this.margin;
+ final float c = dDotD * k - mDotD * mDotD;
+ // If the ray is parallel to the capsule axis
+ if (FMath.abs(a) < epsilon) {
+ // If the origin is outside the surface of the capusle's cylinder, we return no hit
+ if (c > 0.0f) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Here we know that the segment longersect an endcap of the capsule
+ // If the ray longersects with the "p" endcap of the capsule
+ if (mDotD < 0.0f) {
+ // Check longersection between the ray and the "p" sphere endcap of the capsule
+ final Vector3f hitLocalPoint = new Vector3f();
+ final Float hitFraction = 0.0f;
+ if (raycastWithSphereEndCap(_ray.point1, _ray.point2, p, _ray.maxFraction, hitLocalPoint, hitFraction)) {
+ _raycastInfo.body = _proxyShape.getBody();
+ _raycastInfo.proxyShape = _proxyShape;
+ _raycastInfo.hitFraction = hitFraction;
+ _raycastInfo.worldPoint = hitLocalPoint;
+ final Vector3f normalDirection = hitLocalPoint.lessNew(p);
+ _raycastInfo.worldNormal = normalDirection;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ } else if (mDotD > dDotD) { // If the ray longersects with the "q" endcap of the cylinder
+ // Check longersection between the ray and the "q" sphere endcap of the capsule
+ final Vector3f hitLocalPoint = new Vector3f();
+ final Float hitFraction = 0.0f;
+ if (raycastWithSphereEndCap(_ray.point1, _ray.point2, q, _ray.maxFraction, hitLocalPoint, hitFraction)) {
+ _raycastInfo.body = _proxyShape.getBody();
+ _raycastInfo.proxyShape = _proxyShape;
+ _raycastInfo.hitFraction = hitFraction;
+ _raycastInfo.worldPoint = hitLocalPoint;
+ final Vector3f normalDirection = hitLocalPoint.lessNew(q);
+ _raycastInfo.worldNormal = normalDirection;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ // If the origin is inside the cylinder, we return no hit
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ final float b = dDotD * mDotN - nDotD * mDotD;
+ final float discriminant = b * b - a * c;
+ // If the discriminant is negative, no real roots and therfore, no hit
+ if (discriminant < 0.0f) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Compute the smallest root (first longersection along the ray)
+ final float t0 = t = (-b - FMath.sqrt(discriminant)) / a;
+ // If the longersection is outside the finite cylinder of the capsule on "p" endcap side
+ final float value = mDotD + t * nDotD;
+ if (value < 0.0f) {
+ // Check longersection between the ray and the "p" sphere endcap of the capsule
+ final Vector3f hitLocalPoint = new Vector3f();
+ final Float hitFraction = 0.0f;
+ if (raycastWithSphereEndCap(_ray.point1, _ray.point2, p, _ray.maxFraction, hitLocalPoint, hitFraction)) {
+ _raycastInfo.body = _proxyShape.getBody();
+ _raycastInfo.proxyShape = _proxyShape;
+ _raycastInfo.hitFraction = hitFraction;
+ _raycastInfo.worldPoint = hitLocalPoint;
+ final Vector3f normalDirection = hitLocalPoint.lessNew(p);
+ _raycastInfo.worldNormal = normalDirection;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ } else if (value > dDotD) { // If the longersection is outside the finite cylinder on the "q" side
+ // Check longersection between the ray and the "q" sphere endcap of the capsule
+ final Vector3f hitLocalPoint = new Vector3f();
+ final Float hitFraction = 0.0f;
+ if (raycastWithSphereEndCap(_ray.point1, _ray.point2, q, _ray.maxFraction, hitLocalPoint, hitFraction)) {
+ _raycastInfo.body = _proxyShape.getBody();
+ _raycastInfo.proxyShape = _proxyShape;
+ _raycastInfo.hitFraction = hitFraction;
+ _raycastInfo.worldPoint = hitLocalPoint;
+ final Vector3f normalDirection = hitLocalPoint.lessNew(q);
+ _raycastInfo.worldNormal = normalDirection;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ t = t0;
+ // If the longersection is behind the origin of the ray or beyond the maximum
+ // raycasting distance, we return no hit
+ if (t < 0.0f || t > _ray.maxFraction) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Compute the hit information
+ final Vector3f localHitPoint = n.multiplyNew(t).add(_ray.point1);
+ _raycastInfo.body = _proxyShape.getBody();
+ _raycastInfo.proxyShape = _proxyShape;
+ _raycastInfo.hitFraction = t;
+ _raycastInfo.worldPoint = localHitPoint;
+ final Vector3f v = localHitPoint.lessNew(p);
+ final Vector3f w = d.multiplyNew(v.dot(d) / d.length2());
+ final Vector3f normalDirection = localHitPoint.lessNew(p.addNew(w)).safeNormalize();
+ _raycastInfo.worldNormal = normalDirection;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Raycasting method between a ray one of the two spheres end cap of the capsule
+ */
+ protected boolean raycastWithSphereEndCap(final Vector3f _point1, final Vector3f _point2, final Vector3f _sphereCenter, final float _maxFraction, Vector3f _hitLocalPoint, Float _hitFraction) {
+ final Vector3f m = _point1.lessNew(_sphereCenter);
+ final float c = m.dot(m) - this.margin * this.margin;
+ // If the origin of the ray is inside the sphere, we return no longersection
+ if (c < 0.0f) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ final Vector3f rayDirection = _point2.lessNew(_point1);
+ final float b = m.dot(rayDirection);
+ // If the origin of the ray is outside the sphere and the ray
+ // is pointing away from the sphere, there is no longersection
+ if (b > 0.0f) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ final float raySquareLength = rayDirection.length2();
+ // Compute the discriminant of the quadratic equation
+ final float discriminant = b * b - raySquareLength * c;
+ // If the discriminant is negative or the ray length is very small, there is no longersection
+ if (discriminant < 0.0f || raySquareLength < Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Compute the solution "t" closest to the origin
+ float t = -b - FMath.sqrt(discriminant);
+ assert (t >= 0.0f);
+ // If the hit point is withing the segment ray fraction
+ if (t < _maxFraction * raySquareLength) {
+ // Compute the longersection information
+ t /= raySquareLength;
+ _hitFraction = t;
+ _hitLocalPoint = rayDirection.multiplyNew(t).add(_point1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setLocalScaling(final Vector3f _scaling) {
+ this.halfHeight = (this.halfHeight / this.scaling.y) * _scaling.y;
+ this.margin = (this.margin / this.scaling.x) * _scaling.x;
+ super.setLocalScaling(_scaling);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean testPointInside(final Vector3f _localPoint, final ProxyShape _proxyShape) {
+ final float diffYCenterSphere1 = _localPoint.y - this.halfHeight;
+ final float diffYCenterSphere2 = _localPoint.y + this.halfHeight;
+ final float xSquare = _localPoint.x * _localPoint.x;
+ final float zSquare = _localPoint.z * _localPoint.z;
+ final float squareRadius = this.margin * this.margin;
+ // Return true if the point is inside the cylinder or one of the two spheres of the capsule
+ return ((xSquare + zSquare) < squareRadius && _localPoint.y < this.halfHeight && _localPoint.y > -this.halfHeight)
+ || (xSquare + zSquare + diffYCenterSphere1 * diffYCenterSphere1) < squareRadius || (xSquare + zSquare + diffYCenterSphere2 * diffYCenterSphere2) < squareRadius;
+ }
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+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/CollisionShape.java
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+/** @file
+ * Original ReactPhysics3D C++ library by Daniel Chappuis This code is re-licensed with permission from ReactPhysics3D author.
+ * @author Daniel CHAPPUIS
+ * @author Edouard DUPIN
+ * @copyright 2010-2016, Daniel Chappuis
+ * @copyright 2017-now, Edouard DUPIN
+ * @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
+ */
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Matrix3f;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Transform3D;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.RaycastInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ProxyShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.configuration.Defaults;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Ray;
+ * This abstract class represents the collision shape associated with a
+ * body that is used during the narrow-phase collision detection.
+ */
+public abstract class CollisionShape {
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the maximum number of contact
+ * @return The maximum number of contact manifolds in an overlapping pair given two shape types
+ */
+ public static int computeNbMaxContactManifolds(final CollisionShapeType _shapeType1, final CollisionShapeType _shapeType2) {
+ // If both shapes are convex
+ if (isConvex(_shapeType1) && isConvex(_shapeType2)) {
+ }
+ // If there is at least one concave shape
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Check if the shape is convex
+ * @param[in] _shapeType shape type
+ * @return true If the collision shape is convex
+ * @return false If it is concave
+ */
+ public static boolean isConvex(final CollisionShapeType _shapeType) {
+ return _shapeType != CollisionShapeType.CONCAVE_MESH && _shapeType != CollisionShapeType.HEIGHTFIELD;
+ }
+ protected CollisionShapeType type; //!< Type of the collision shape
+ protected Vector3f scaling; //!< Scaling vector of the collision shape
+ /// Constructor
+ public CollisionShape(final CollisionShapeType type) {
+ this.type = type;
+ this.scaling = new Vector3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Update the AABB of a body using its collision shape
+ * @param[out] _aabb The axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) of the collision shape computed in world-space coordinates
+ * @param[in] _transform Transform3D used to compute the AABB of the collision shape
+ */
+ public void computeAABB(final AABB _aabb, final Transform3D _transform) {
+ // Get the local bounds in x,y and z direction
+ final Vector3f minBounds = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
+ final Vector3f maxBounds = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
+ getLocalBounds(minBounds, maxBounds);
+ // Rotate the local bounds according to the orientation of the body
+ final Matrix3f worldAxis = _transform.getOrientation().getMatrix().getAbsolute();
+ final Vector3f worldMinBounds = new Vector3f(worldAxis.getColumn(0).dot(minBounds), worldAxis.getColumn(1).dot(minBounds), worldAxis.getColumn(2).dot(minBounds));
+ final Vector3f worldMaxBounds = new Vector3f(worldAxis.getColumn(0).dot(maxBounds), worldAxis.getColumn(1).dot(maxBounds), worldAxis.getColumn(2).dot(maxBounds));
+ // Compute the minimum and maximum coordinates of the rotated extents
+ final Vector3f minCoordinates = _transform.getPosition().addNew(worldMinBounds);
+ final Vector3f maxCoordinates = _transform.getPosition().addNew(worldMaxBounds);
+ // Update the AABB with the new minimum and maximum coordinates
+ _aabb.setMin(minCoordinates);
+ _aabb.setMax(maxCoordinates);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Compute the local inertia tensor of the sphere
+ * @param[out] _tensor The 3x3 inertia tensor matrix of the shape in local-space coordinates
+ * @param[in] _mass Mass to use to compute the inertia tensor of the collision shape
+ */
+ public abstract void computeLocalInertiaTensor(Matrix3f _tensor, float _mass);
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the local bounds of the shape in x, y and z directions.
+ * This method is used to compute the AABB of the box
+ * @param _min The minimum bounds of the shape in local-space coordinates
+ * @param _max The maximum bounds of the shape in local-space coordinates
+ */
+ public abstract void getLocalBounds(Vector3f _min, Vector3f _max);
+ /// Return the scaling vector of the collision shape
+ public Vector3f getScaling() {
+ return this.scaling;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the type of the collision shapes
+ * @return The type of the collision shape (box, sphere, cylinder, ...)
+ */
+ public CollisionShapeType getType() {
+ return this.type;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Check if the shape is convex
+ * @return true If the collision shape is convex
+ * @return false If it is concave
+ */
+ public abstract boolean isConvex();
+ /// Raycast method with feedback information
+ public abstract boolean raycast(Ray ray, RaycastInfo raycastInfo, ProxyShape proxyShape);
+ /**
+ * @brief Set the scaling vector of the collision shape
+ */
+ public void setLocalScaling(final Vector3f _scaling) {
+ this.scaling = _scaling;
+ }
+ /// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
+ public abstract boolean testPointInside(Vector3f worldPoint, ProxyShape proxyShape);
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+/** @file
+ * Original ReactPhysics3D C++ library by Daniel Chappuis This code is re-licensed with permission from ReactPhysics3D author.
+ * @author Daniel CHAPPUIS
+ * @author Edouard DUPIN
+ * @copyright 2010-2016, Daniel Chappuis
+ * @copyright 2017-now, Edouard DUPIN
+ * @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
+ */
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes;
+ * Type of the collision shape
+ *
+ * @author Jason Sorensen
+ */
+public enum CollisionShapeType {
+ BOX(1),
+ SPHERE(2),
+ CONE(3),
+ public static final int NB_COLLISION_SHAPE_TYPES = 9;
+ public static CollisionShapeType getType(final int value) {
+ switch (value) {
+ case 0:
+ return TRIANGLE;
+ case 1:
+ return BOX;
+ case 2:
+ return SPHERE;
+ case 3:
+ return CONE;
+ case 4:
+ return CYLINDER;
+ case 5:
+ return CAPSULE;
+ case 6:
+ return CONVEX_MESH;
+ case 7:
+ return CONCAVE_MESH;
+ case 8:
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public final int value;
+ private CollisionShapeType(final int value) {
+ this.value = value;
+ }
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+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.RaycastInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ProxyShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.Triangle;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.TriangleMesh;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.TriangleVertexArray;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.broadphase.CallbackOverlapping;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.broadphase.CallbackRaycast;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.broadphase.DTree;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.broadphase.DynamicAABBTree;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.TriangleShape.TriangleRaycastSide;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.internal.Log;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Ray;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Matrix3f;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * Represents a static concave mesh shape. Note that collision detection
+ * with a concave mesh shape can be very expensive. You should use only use
+ * this shape for a static mesh.
+ */
+public class ConcaveMeshShape extends ConcaveShape {
+ class ConcaveMeshRaycastCallback {
+ private final List hitAABBNodes = new ArrayList<>();
+ private final DynamicAABBTree dynamicAABBTree;
+ private final ConcaveMeshShape concaveMeshShape;
+ private final ProxyShape proxyShape;
+ private final RaycastInfo raycastInfo;
+ private final Ray ray;
+ private boolean isHit;
+ // Constructor
+ ConcaveMeshRaycastCallback(final DynamicAABBTree _dynamicAABBTree, final ConcaveMeshShape _concaveMeshShape, final ProxyShape _proxyShape, final RaycastInfo _raycastInfo, final Ray _ray) {
+ this.dynamicAABBTree = _dynamicAABBTree;
+ this.concaveMeshShape = _concaveMeshShape;
+ this.proxyShape = _proxyShape;
+ this.raycastInfo = _raycastInfo;
+ this.ray = _ray;
+ this.isHit = false;
+ }
+ /// Return true if a raycast hit has been found
+ public boolean getIsHit() {
+ return this.isHit;
+ }
+ /// Collect all the AABB nodes that are hit by the ray in the Dynamic AABB Tree
+ public float operator__parenthese(final DTree _node, final Ray _ray) {
+ // Add the id of the hit AABB node longo
+ this.hitAABBNodes.add(_node);
+ return _ray.maxFraction;
+ }
+ /// Raycast all collision shapes that have been collected
+ public void raycastTriangles() {
+ float smallestHitFraction = this.ray.maxFraction;
+ for (final DTree it : this.hitAABBNodes) {
+ // Get the node data (triangle index and mesh subpart index)
+ final int data_0 = this.dynamicAABBTree.getNodeDataInt_0(it);
+ final int data_1 = this.dynamicAABBTree.getNodeDataInt_1(it);
+ // Get the triangle vertices for this node from the concave mesh shape
+ final Vector3f[] trianglePoints = new Vector3f[3];
+ this.concaveMeshShape.getTriangleVerticesWithIndexPointer(data_0, data_1, trianglePoints);
+ // Create a triangle collision shape
+ final float margin = this.concaveMeshShape.getTriangleMargin();
+ final TriangleShape triangleShape = new TriangleShape(trianglePoints[0], trianglePoints[1], trianglePoints[2], margin);
+ triangleShape.setRaycastTestType(this.concaveMeshShape.getRaycastTestType());
+ // Ray casting test against the collision shape
+ final RaycastInfo raycastInfo = new RaycastInfo();
+ final boolean isTriangleHit = triangleShape.raycast(this.ray, raycastInfo, this.proxyShape);
+ // If the ray hit the collision shape
+ if (isTriangleHit && raycastInfo.hitFraction <= smallestHitFraction) {
+ assert (raycastInfo.hitFraction >= 0.0f);
+ this.raycastInfo.body = raycastInfo.body;
+ this.raycastInfo.proxyShape = raycastInfo.proxyShape;
+ this.raycastInfo.hitFraction = raycastInfo.hitFraction;
+ this.raycastInfo.worldPoint = raycastInfo.worldPoint;
+ this.raycastInfo.worldNormal = raycastInfo.worldNormal;
+ this.raycastInfo.meshSubpart = data_0;
+ this.raycastInfo.triangleIndex = data_1;
+ smallestHitFraction = raycastInfo.hitFraction;
+ this.isHit = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ protected TriangleMesh triangleMesh; //!< Triangle mesh
+ protected DynamicAABBTree dynamicAABBTree; //!< Dynamic AABB tree to accelerate collision with the triangles
+ public ConcaveMeshShape(final TriangleMesh _triangleMesh) {
+ super(CollisionShapeType.CONCAVE_MESH);
+ this.triangleMesh = _triangleMesh;
+ this.raycastTestType = TriangleRaycastSide.FRONT;
+ initBVHTree();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void computeLocalInertiaTensor(final Matrix3f _tensor, final float _mass) {
+ // Default inertia tensor
+ // Note that this is not very realistic for a concave triangle mesh.
+ // However, in most cases, it will only be used static bodies and therefore,
+ // the inertia tensor is not used.
+ _tensor.set(_mass, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, _mass, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, _mass);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void getLocalBounds(final Vector3f _min, final Vector3f _max) {
+ // Get the AABB of the whole tree
+ final AABB treeAABB = this.dynamicAABBTree.getRootAABB();
+ _min.set(treeAABB.getMin());
+ _max.set(treeAABB.getMax());
+ }
+ /// Return the three vertices coordinates (in the array outTriangleVertices) of a triangle
+ /// given the start vertex index pointer of the triangle.
+ protected void getTriangleVerticesWithIndexPointer(final int _subPart, final int _triangleIndex, final Vector3f[] _outTriangleVertices) {
+ assert (_outTriangleVertices != null);
+ // Get the triangle vertex array of the current sub-part
+ final TriangleVertexArray triangleVertexArray = this.triangleMesh.getSubpart(_subPart);
+ if (triangleVertexArray == null) {
+ Log.error("get null ...");
+ }
+ final Triangle trianglePoints = triangleVertexArray.getTriangle(_triangleIndex);
+ _outTriangleVertices[0] = trianglePoints.get(0).multiplyNew(this.scaling);
+ _outTriangleVertices[1] = trianglePoints.get(1).multiplyNew(this.scaling);
+ _outTriangleVertices[2] = trianglePoints.get(2).multiplyNew(this.scaling);
+ }
+ /// Insert all the triangles longo the dynamic AABB tree
+ protected void initBVHTree() {
+ // TODO : Try to randomly add the triangles into the tree to obtain a better tree
+ // For each sub-part of the mesh
+ for (int subPart = 0; subPart < this.triangleMesh.getNbSubparts(); subPart++) {
+ // Get the triangle vertex array of the current sub-part
+ final TriangleVertexArray triangleVertexArray = this.triangleMesh.getSubpart(subPart);
+ // For each triangle of the concave mesh
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < triangleVertexArray.getNbTriangles(); ++iii) {
+ final Triangle trianglePoints = triangleVertexArray.getTriangle(iii);
+ final Vector3f[] trianglePoints2 = new Vector3f[3];
+ trianglePoints2[0] = trianglePoints.get(0);
+ trianglePoints2[1] = trianglePoints.get(1);
+ trianglePoints2[2] = trianglePoints.get(2);
+ // Create the AABB for the triangle
+ final AABB aabb = AABB.createAABBForTriangle(trianglePoints2);
+ aabb.inflate(this.triangleMargin, this.triangleMargin, this.triangleMargin);
+ // Add the AABB with the index of the triangle longo the dynamic AABB tree
+ this.dynamicAABBTree.addObject(aabb, subPart, iii);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isConvex() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean raycast(final Ray _ray, final RaycastInfo _raycastInfo, final ProxyShape _proxyShape) {
+ // Create the callback object that will compute ray casting against triangles
+ final ConcaveMeshRaycastCallback raycastCallback = new ConcaveMeshRaycastCallback(this.dynamicAABBTree, this, _proxyShape, _raycastInfo, _ray);
+ // Ask the Dynamic AABB Tree to report all AABB nodes that are hit by the ray.
+ // The raycastCallback object will then compute ray casting against the triangles
+ // in the hit AABBs.
+ this.dynamicAABBTree.raycast(_ray, new CallbackRaycast() {
+ @Override
+ public float callback(final DTree _node, final Ray _ray) {
+ return raycastCallback.operator__parenthese(_node, _ray);
+ }
+ });
+ raycastCallback.raycastTriangles();
+ return raycastCallback.getIsHit();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setLocalScaling(final Vector3f _scaling) {
+ super.setLocalScaling(_scaling);
+ this.dynamicAABBTree.reset();
+ initBVHTree();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void testAllTriangles(final ConcaveShape.TriangleCallback _callback, final AABB _localAABB) {
+ // Ask the Dynamic AABB Tree to report all the triangles that are overlapping
+ // with the AABB of the convex shape.
+ final ConcaveMeshShape self = this;
+ this.dynamicAABBTree.reportAllShapesOverlappingWithAABB(_localAABB, new CallbackOverlapping() {
+ @Override
+ public void callback(final DTree _node) {
+ // Get the node data (triangle index and mesh subpart index)
+ final int data_0 = self.dynamicAABBTree.getNodeDataInt_0(_node);
+ final int data_1 = self.dynamicAABBTree.getNodeDataInt_1(_node);
+ // Get the triangle vertices for this node from the concave mesh shape
+ final Vector3f[] trianglePoints = new Vector3f[3];
+ getTriangleVerticesWithIndexPointer(data_0, data_1, trianglePoints);
+ // Call the callback to test narrow-phase collision with this triangle
+ _callback.testTriangle(trianglePoints);
+ }
+ });
+ }
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+/** @file
+ * Original ReactPhysics3D C++ library by Daniel Chappuis This code is re-licensed with permission from ReactPhysics3D author.
+ * @author Daniel CHAPPUIS
+ * @author Edouard DUPIN
+ * @copyright 2010-2016, Daniel Chappuis
+ * @copyright 2017-now, Edouard DUPIN
+ * @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
+ */
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ProxyShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.TriangleShape.TriangleRaycastSide;
+ * This abstract class represents a concave collision shape associated with a
+ * body that is used during the narrow-phase collision detection.
+ */
+public abstract class ConcaveShape extends CollisionShape {
+ /**
+ * It is used to encapsulate a callback method for
+ * a single triangle of a ConcaveMesh.
+ */
+ public interface TriangleCallback {
+ /// Report a triangle
+ public void testTriangle(Vector3f[] _trianglePoints);
+ }
+ boolean isSmoothMeshCollisionEnabled; //!< True if the smooth mesh collision algorithm is enabled
+ protected float triangleMargin; //!< Margin use for collision detection for each triangle
+ protected TriangleRaycastSide raycastTestType; //!< Raycast test type for the triangle (front, back, front-back)
+ /// Return true if the collision shape is convex, false if it is concave
+ public boolean isConvex;
+ public ConcaveShape(final CollisionShapeType _type) {
+ super(_type);
+ this.isSmoothMeshCollisionEnabled = false;
+ this.triangleMargin = 0;
+ this.raycastTestType = TriangleRaycastSide.FRONT;
+ }
+ /// Return true if the smooth mesh collision is enabled
+ public boolean getIsSmoothMeshCollisionEnabled() {
+ return this.isSmoothMeshCollisionEnabled;
+ }
+ /// Return the raycast test type (front, back, front-back)
+ public TriangleRaycastSide getRaycastTestType() {
+ return this.raycastTestType;
+ }
+ /// Return the triangle margin
+ public float getTriangleMargin() {
+ return this.triangleMargin;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Enable/disable the smooth mesh collision algorithm
+ *
+ * Smooth mesh collision is used to avoid collisions against some longernal edges of the triangle mesh.
+ * If it is enabled, collsions with the mesh will be smoother but collisions computation is a bit more expensive.
+ */
+ public void setIsSmoothMeshCollisionEnabled(final boolean _isEnabled) {
+ this.isSmoothMeshCollisionEnabled = _isEnabled;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the raycast test type (front, back, front-back)
+ * @param testType Raycast test type for the triangle (front, back, front-back)
+ */
+ public void setRaycastTestType(final TriangleRaycastSide _testType) {
+ this.raycastTestType = _testType;
+ }
+ /// Use a callback method on all triangles of the concave shape inside a given AABB
+ public abstract void testAllTriangles(TriangleCallback _callback, AABB _localAABB);
+ @Override
+ public boolean testPointInside(final Vector3f _localPoint, final ProxyShape _proxyShape) {
+ return false;
+ }
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+ * ReactPhysics3D physics library, http://code.google.com/p/reactphysics3d/
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Daniel Chappuis
+ *
+ * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+ * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the
+ * use of this software.
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ *
+ * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim
+ * that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a
+ * product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ * appreciated but is not required.
+ *
+ * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ * misrepresented as being the original software.
+ *
+ * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ *
+ * This file has been modified during the port to Java and differ from the source versions.
+ */
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.RaycastInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ProxyShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.configuration.Defaults;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Ray;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Constant;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.FMath;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Matrix3f;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * This class represents a cone collision shape centered at the
+ * origin and alligned with the Y axis. The cone is defined
+ * by its height and by the radius of its base. The center of the
+ * cone is at the half of the height. The "transform" of the
+ * corresponding rigid body gives an orientation and a position
+ * to the cone. This collision shape uses an extra margin distance around
+ * it for collision detection purpose. The default margin is 4cm (if your
+ * units are meters, which is recommended). In case, you want to simulate small
+ * objects (smaller than the margin distance), you might want to reduce the margin
+ * by specifying your own margin distance using the "margin" parameter in the
+ * ructor of the cone shape. Otherwise, it is recommended to use the
+ * default margin distance by not using the "margin" parameter in the ructor.
+ */
+public class ConeShape extends ConvexShape {
+ protected float radius; //!< Radius of the base
+ protected float halfHeight; //!< Half height of the cone
+ protected float sinTheta; //!< sine of the semi angle at the apex point
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ * @param _radius Radius of the cone (in meters)
+ * @param _height Height of the cone (in meters)
+ * @param _margin Collision margin (in meters) around the collision shape
+ */
+ public ConeShape(final float _radius, final float _height) {
+ this(_radius, _height, Defaults.OBJECT_MARGIN);
+ }
+ public ConeShape(final float _radius, final float _height, final float _margin) {
+ super(CollisionShapeType.CONE, _margin);
+ this.radius = _radius;
+ this.halfHeight = _height * 0.5f;
+ // Compute the sine of the semi-angle at the apex point
+ this.sinTheta = this.radius / (FMath.sqrt(this.radius * this.radius + _height * _height));
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void computeLocalInertiaTensor(final Matrix3f _tensor, final float _mass) {
+ final float rSquare = this.radius * this.radius;
+ final float diagXZ = 0.15f * _mass * (rSquare + this.halfHeight);
+ _tensor.set(diagXZ, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f * _mass * rSquare, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, diagXZ);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the height
+ * @return Height of the cone (in meters)
+ */
+ public float getHeight() {
+ return 2.0f * this.halfHeight;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void getLocalBounds(final Vector3f min, final Vector3f max) {
+ // Maximum bounds
+ max.setX(this.radius + this.margin);
+ max.setY(this.halfHeight + this.margin);
+ max.setZ(this.radius + this.margin);
+ // Minimum bounds
+ min.setX(-max.x);
+ min.setY(-max.y);
+ min.setZ(-max.z);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Vector3f getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(final Vector3f _direction, final CacheData _cachedCollisionData) {
+ final Vector3f v = _direction;
+ final float sinThetaTimesLengthV = this.sinTheta * v.length();
+ Vector3f supportPoint;
+ if (v.y > sinThetaTimesLengthV) {
+ supportPoint = new Vector3f(0.0f, this.halfHeight, 0.0f);
+ } else {
+ final float projectedLength = FMath.sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.z * v.z);
+ if (projectedLength > Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON) {
+ final float d = this.radius / projectedLength;
+ supportPoint = new Vector3f(v.x * d, -this.halfHeight, v.z * d);
+ } else {
+ supportPoint = new Vector3f(0.0f, -this.halfHeight, 0.0f);
+ }
+ }
+ return supportPoint;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the radius
+ * @return Radius of the cone (in meters)
+ */
+ public float getRadius() {
+ return this.radius;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean raycast(final Ray _ray, final RaycastInfo _raycastInfo, final ProxyShape _proxyShape) {
+ final Vector3f r = _ray.point2.lessNew(_ray.point1);
+ final float epsilon = 0.00001f;
+ final Vector3f V = new Vector3f(0, this.halfHeight, 0);
+ final Vector3f centerBase = new Vector3f(0, -this.halfHeight, 0);
+ final Vector3f axis = new Vector3f(0, -1.0f, 0);
+ final float heightSquare = 4.0f * this.halfHeight * this.halfHeight;
+ final float cosThetaSquare = heightSquare / (heightSquare + this.radius * this.radius);
+ final float factor = 1.0f - cosThetaSquare;
+ final Vector3f delta = _ray.point1.lessNew(V);
+ final float c0 = -cosThetaSquare * delta.x * delta.x + factor * delta.y * delta.y - cosThetaSquare * delta.z * delta.z;
+ final float c1 = -cosThetaSquare * delta.x * r.x + factor * delta.y * r.y - cosThetaSquare * delta.z * r.z;
+ final float c2 = -cosThetaSquare * r.x * r.x + factor * r.y * r.y - cosThetaSquare * r.z * r.z;
+ final float tHit[] = { -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f };
+ final Vector3f[] localHitPoint = new Vector3f[3];
+ final Vector3f[] localNormal = new Vector3f[3];
+ // If c2 is different from zero
+ if (FMath.abs(c2) > Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON) {
+ final float gamma = c1 * c1 - c0 * c2;
+ // If there is no real roots in the quadratic equation
+ if (gamma < 0.0f) {
+ return false;
+ } else if (gamma > 0.0f) { // The equation has two real roots
+ // Compute two longersections
+ final float sqrRoot = FMath.sqrt(gamma);
+ tHit[0] = (-c1 - sqrRoot) / c2;
+ tHit[1] = (-c1 + sqrRoot) / c2;
+ } else { // If the equation has a single real root
+ // Compute the longersection
+ tHit[0] = -c1 / c2;
+ }
+ } else // If c2 == 0
+ if (FMath.abs(c1) > Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON) {
+ // If c2 = 0 and c1 != 0
+ tHit[0] = -c0 / (2.0f * c1);
+ } else {
+ // If c2 = c1 = 0
+ // If c0 is different from zero, no solution and if c0 = 0, we have a
+ // degenerate case, the whole ray is contained in the cone side
+ // but we return no hit in this case
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If the origin of the ray is inside the cone, we return no hit
+ if (testPointInside(_ray.point1, null)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ localHitPoint[0] = r.multiplyNew(tHit[0]).add(_ray.point1);
+ localHitPoint[1] = r.multiplyNew(tHit[1]).add(_ray.point1);
+ // Only keep hit points in one side of the double cone (the cone we are longerested in)
+ if (axis.dot(localHitPoint[0].lessNew(V)) < 0.0f) {
+ tHit[0] = -1.0f;
+ }
+ if (axis.dot(localHitPoint[1].lessNew(V)) < 0.0f) {
+ tHit[1] = -1.0f;
+ }
+ // Only keep hit points that are within the correct height of the cone
+ if (localHitPoint[0].y < -this.halfHeight) {
+ tHit[0] = -1.0f;
+ }
+ if (localHitPoint[1].y < -this.halfHeight) {
+ tHit[1] = -1.0f;
+ }
+ // If the ray is in direction of the base plane of the cone
+ if (r.y > epsilon) {
+ // Compute the longersection with the base plane of the cone
+ tHit[2] = (-_ray.point1.y - this.halfHeight) / (r.y);
+ // Only keep this longersection if it is inside the cone radius
+ localHitPoint[2] = r.multiplyNew(tHit[2]).add(_ray.point1);
+ if ((localHitPoint[2].lessNew(centerBase)).length2() > this.radius * this.radius) {
+ tHit[2] = -1.0f;
+ }
+ // Compute the normal direction
+ localNormal[2] = axis;
+ }
+ // Find the smallest positive t value
+ int hitIndex = -1;
+ float t = Float.MAX_VALUE;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ if (tHit[i] < 0.0f) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (tHit[i] < t) {
+ hitIndex = i;
+ t = tHit[hitIndex];
+ }
+ }
+ if (hitIndex < 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (t > _ray.maxFraction) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Compute the normal direction for hit against side of the cone
+ if (hitIndex != 2) {
+ final float h = 2.0f * this.halfHeight;
+ final float value1 = (localHitPoint[hitIndex].x * localHitPoint[hitIndex].x + localHitPoint[hitIndex].z * localHitPoint[hitIndex].z);
+ final float rOverH = this.radius / h;
+ final float value2 = 1.0f + rOverH * rOverH;
+ final float factor22 = 1.0f / FMath.sqrt(value1 * value2);
+ final float x = localHitPoint[hitIndex].x * factor22;
+ final float z = localHitPoint[hitIndex].z * factor22;
+ localNormal[hitIndex].setX(x);
+ localNormal[hitIndex].setY(FMath.sqrt(x * x + z * z) * rOverH);
+ localNormal[hitIndex].setZ(z);
+ }
+ _raycastInfo.body = _proxyShape.getBody();
+ _raycastInfo.proxyShape = _proxyShape;
+ _raycastInfo.hitFraction = t;
+ _raycastInfo.worldPoint = localHitPoint[hitIndex];
+ _raycastInfo.worldNormal = localNormal[hitIndex];
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setLocalScaling(final Vector3f _scaling) {
+ this.halfHeight = (this.halfHeight / this.scaling.y) * _scaling.y;
+ this.radius = (this.radius / this.scaling.x) * _scaling.x;
+ super.setLocalScaling(_scaling);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean testPointInside(final Vector3f _localPoint, final ProxyShape _proxyShape) {
+ final float radiusHeight = this.radius * (-_localPoint.y + this.halfHeight) / (this.halfHeight * 2.0f);
+ return (_localPoint.y < this.halfHeight && _localPoint.y > -this.halfHeight) && (_localPoint.x * _localPoint.x + _localPoint.z * _localPoint.z < radiusHeight * radiusHeight);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/ConvexMeshShape.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/ConvexMeshShape.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cac50ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/ConvexMeshShape.java
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+ * ReactPhysics3D physics library, http://code.google.com/p/reactphysics3d/
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Daniel Chappuis
+ *
+ * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+ * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the
+ * use of this software.
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ *
+ * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim
+ * that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a
+ * product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ * appreciated but is not required.
+ *
+ * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ * misrepresented as being the original software.
+ *
+ * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ *
+ * This file has been modified during the port to Java and differ from the source versions.
+ */
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Matrix3f;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.RaycastInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ProxyShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.TriangleVertexArray;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.configuration.Defaults;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Ray;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.SetInteger;
+ * It represents a convex mesh shape. In order to create a convex mesh shape, you
+ * need to indicate the local-space position of the mesh vertices. You do it either by
+ * passing a vertices array to the ructor or using the addVertex method. Make sure
+ * that the set of vertices that you use to create the shape are indeed part of a convex
+ * mesh. The center of mass of the shape will be at the origin of the local-space geometry
+ * that you use to create the mesh. The method used for collision detection with a convex
+ * mesh shape has an O(n) running time with "n" beeing the number of vertices in the mesh.
+ * Therefore, you should try not to use too many vertices. However, it is possible to speed
+ * up the collision detection by using the edges information of your mesh. The running time
+ * of the collision detection that uses the edges is almost O(1) ant time at the cost
+ * of additional memory used to store the vertices. You can indicate edges information
+ * with the addEdge() method. Then, you must use the setIsEdgesInformationUsed(true) method
+ * in order to use the edges information for collision detection.
+ */
+public class ConvexMeshShape extends ConvexShape {
+ protected List vertices = new ArrayList<>(); //!< Array with the vertices of the mesh
+ protected int numberVertices = 0; //!< Number of vertices in the mesh
+ protected Vector3f minBounds = new Vector3f(); //!< Mesh minimum bounds in the three local x, y and z directions
+ protected Vector3f maxBounds = new Vector3f(); //!< Mesh maximum bounds in the three local x, y and z directions
+ protected boolean isEdgesInformationUsed; //!< True if the shape contains the edges of the convex mesh in order to make the collision detection faster
+ protected Map edgesAdjacencyList = new HashMap<>(); //!< Adjacency list representing the edges of the mesh
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ * If you use this ructor, you will need to set the vertices manually one by one using the addVertex method.
+ */
+ public ConvexMeshShape() {
+ this(Defaults.OBJECT_MARGIN);
+ }
+ public ConvexMeshShape(final float _margin) {
+ super(CollisionShapeType.CONVEX_MESH, _margin);
+ this.minBounds = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
+ this.maxBounds = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
+ this.numberVertices = 0;
+ this.isEdgesInformationUsed = false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructor to initialize with an array of 3D vertices.
+ * This method creates an longernal copy of the input vertices.
+ * @param _arrayVertices Array with the vertices of the convex mesh
+ * @param _nbVertices Number of vertices in the convex mesh
+ * @param _stride Stride between the beginning of two elements in the vertices array
+ * @param _margin Collision margin (in meters) around the collision shape
+ */
+ public ConvexMeshShape(final float[] _arrayVertices, final int _nbVertices, final int _stride) {
+ this(_arrayVertices, _nbVertices, _stride, Defaults.OBJECT_MARGIN);
+ }
+ public ConvexMeshShape(final float[] _arrayVertices, final int _nbVertices, final int _stride, final float _margin) {
+ super(CollisionShapeType.CONVEX_MESH, _margin);
+ this.numberVertices = _nbVertices;
+ this.minBounds = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
+ this.maxBounds = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
+ this.isEdgesInformationUsed = false;
+ int offset = 0;
+ // Copy all the vertices longo the longernal array
+ for (long iii = 0; iii < this.numberVertices; iii++) {
+ this.vertices.add(new Vector3f(_arrayVertices[offset], _arrayVertices[offset + 1], _arrayVertices[offset + 2]));
+ offset += _stride;
+ }
+ // Recalculate the bounds of the mesh
+ recalculateBounds();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructor to initialize with a triangle mesh
+ * This method creates an internal copy of the input vertices.
+ * @param _triangleVertexArray Array with the vertices and indices of the vertices and triangles of the mesh
+ * @param _isEdgesInformationUsed True if you want to use edges information for collision detection (faster but requires more memory)
+ * @param _margin Collision margin (in meters) around the collision shape
+ */
+ public ConvexMeshShape(final TriangleVertexArray _triangleVertexArray) {
+ this(_triangleVertexArray, true);
+ }
+ public ConvexMeshShape(final TriangleVertexArray _triangleVertexArray, final boolean _isEdgesInformationUsed) {
+ this(_triangleVertexArray, true, Defaults.OBJECT_MARGIN);
+ }
+ public ConvexMeshShape(final TriangleVertexArray _triangleVertexArray, final boolean _isEdgesInformationUsed, final float _margin) {
+ super(CollisionShapeType.CONVEX_MESH, _margin);
+ this.minBounds = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
+ this.maxBounds = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
+ this.isEdgesInformationUsed = _isEdgesInformationUsed;
+ // For each vertex of the mesh
+ for (final Vector3f it : _triangleVertexArray.getVertices()) {
+ this.vertices.add(it.multiplyNew(this.scaling));
+ }
+ // If we need to use the edges information of the mesh
+ if (this.isEdgesInformationUsed) {
+ // For each triangle of the mesh
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < _triangleVertexArray.getNbTriangles(); iii++) {
+ final int vertexIndex[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
+ vertexIndex[0] = _triangleVertexArray.getIndices()[iii * 3];
+ vertexIndex[1] = _triangleVertexArray.getIndices()[iii * 3 + 1];
+ vertexIndex[2] = _triangleVertexArray.getIndices()[iii * 3 + 2];
+ // Add information about the edges
+ addEdge(vertexIndex[0], vertexIndex[1]);
+ addEdge(vertexIndex[0], vertexIndex[2]);
+ addEdge(vertexIndex[1], vertexIndex[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ this.numberVertices = this.vertices.size();
+ recalculateBounds();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add an edge longo the convex mesh by specifying the two vertex indices of the edge.
+ * @note that the vertex indices start at zero and need to correspond to the order of
+ * the vertices in the vertices array in the ructor or the order of the calls
+ * of the addVertex methods that you use to add vertices longo the convex mesh.
+ * @param _v1 Index of the first vertex of the edge to add
+ * @param _v2 Index of the second vertex of the edge to add
+ */
+ public void addEdge(final int _v1, final int _v2) {
+ // If the entry for vertex v1 does not exist in the adjacency list
+ if (!this.edgesAdjacencyList.containsKey(_v1)) {
+ this.edgesAdjacencyList.put(_v1, new SetInteger());
+ }
+ // If the entry for vertex v2 does not exist in the adjacency list
+ if (!this.edgesAdjacencyList.containsKey(_v2)) {
+ this.edgesAdjacencyList.put(_v2, new SetInteger());
+ }
+ // Add the edge in the adjacency list
+ this.edgesAdjacencyList.get(_v1).add(_v2);
+ this.edgesAdjacencyList.get(_v2).add(_v1);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add a vertex longo the convex mesh
+ * @param vertex Vertex to be added
+ */
+ public void addVertex(final Vector3f _vertex) {
+ // Add the vertex in to vertices array
+ this.vertices.add(_vertex);
+ this.numberVertices++;
+ // Update the bounds of the mesh
+ if (_vertex.x * this.scaling.x > this.maxBounds.x) {
+ this.maxBounds.setX(_vertex.x * this.scaling.x);
+ }
+ if (_vertex.x * this.scaling.x < this.minBounds.x) {
+ this.minBounds.setX(_vertex.x * this.scaling.x);
+ }
+ if (_vertex.y * this.scaling.y > this.maxBounds.y) {
+ this.maxBounds.setY(_vertex.y * this.scaling.y);
+ }
+ if (_vertex.y * this.scaling.y < this.minBounds.y) {
+ this.minBounds.setY(_vertex.y * this.scaling.y);
+ }
+ if (_vertex.z * this.scaling.z > this.maxBounds.z) {
+ this.maxBounds.setZ(_vertex.z * this.scaling.z);
+ }
+ if (_vertex.z * this.scaling.z < this.minBounds.z) {
+ this.minBounds.setZ(_vertex.z * this.scaling.z);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void computeLocalInertiaTensor(final Matrix3f _tensor, final float _mass) {
+ final float factor = (1.0f / 3.0f) * _mass;
+ final Vector3f realExtent = this.maxBounds.lessNew(this.minBounds).multiply(0.5f);
+ assert (realExtent.x > 0 && realExtent.y > 0 && realExtent.z > 0);
+ final float xSquare = realExtent.x * realExtent.x;
+ final float ySquare = realExtent.y * realExtent.y;
+ final float zSquare = realExtent.z * realExtent.z;
+ _tensor.set(factor * (ySquare + zSquare), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, factor * (xSquare + zSquare), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, factor * (xSquare + ySquare));
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void getLocalBounds(final Vector3f _min, final Vector3f _max) {
+ _min.set(this.minBounds);
+ _max.set(this.maxBounds);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Vector3f getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(final Vector3f _direction, final CacheData _cachedCollisionData) {
+ assert (this.numberVertices == this.vertices.size());
+ assert (_cachedCollisionData != null);
+ // Allocate memory for the cached collision data if not allocated yet
+ if (_cachedCollisionData.data == null) {
+ // TODO the data is nort set outside ==> find how ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ _cachedCollisionData.data = 0;
+ }
+ // If the edges information is used to speed up the collision detection
+ if (this.isEdgesInformationUsed) {
+ assert (this.edgesAdjacencyList.size() == this.numberVertices);
+ int maxVertex = (Integer) (_cachedCollisionData.data);
+ float maxDotProduct = _direction.dot(this.vertices.get(maxVertex));
+ boolean isOptimal;
+ // Perform hill-climbing (local search)
+ do {
+ isOptimal = true;
+ assert (this.edgesAdjacencyList.get(maxVertex).size() > 0);
+ // For all neighbors of the current vertex
+ for (final Integer it : this.edgesAdjacencyList.get(maxVertex).getRaw()) {
+ // Compute the dot product
+ final float dotProduct = _direction.dot(this.vertices.get(it));
+ // If the current vertex is a better vertex (larger dot product)
+ if (dotProduct > maxDotProduct) {
+ maxVertex = it;
+ maxDotProduct = dotProduct;
+ isOptimal = false;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (!isOptimal);
+ // Cache the support vertex
+ _cachedCollisionData.data = maxVertex;
+ // Return the support vertex
+ return this.vertices.get(maxVertex).multiplyNew(this.scaling);
+ } else {
+ // If the edges information is not used
+ double maxDotProduct = Float.MIN_VALUE;
+ int indexMaxDotProduct = 0;
+ // For each vertex of the mesh
+ for (int i = 0; i < this.numberVertices; i++) {
+ // Compute the dot product of the current vertex
+ final double dotProduct = _direction.dot(this.vertices.get(i));
+ // If the current dot product is larger than the maximum one
+ if (dotProduct > maxDotProduct) {
+ indexMaxDotProduct = i;
+ maxDotProduct = dotProduct;
+ }
+ }
+ assert (maxDotProduct >= 0.0f);
+ // Return the vertex with the largest dot product in the support direction
+ return this.vertices.get(indexMaxDotProduct).multiplyNew(this.scaling);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return true if the edges information is used to speed up the collision detection
+ * @return True if the edges information is used and false otherwise
+ */
+ public boolean isEdgesInformationUsed() {
+ return this.isEdgesInformationUsed;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean raycast(final Ray _ray, final RaycastInfo _raycastInfo, final ProxyShape _proxyShape) {
+ return _proxyShape.getBody().getWorld().getCollisionDetection().getNarrowPhaseGJKAlgorithm().raycast(_ray, _proxyShape, _raycastInfo);
+ }
+ /// Recompute the bounds of the mesh
+ protected void recalculateBounds() {
+ // TODO : Only works if the local origin is inside the mesh
+ // => Make it more robust (init with first vertex of mesh instead)
+ this.minBounds.setZero();
+ this.maxBounds.setZero();
+ // For each vertex of the mesh
+ for (int i = 0; i < this.numberVertices; i++) {
+ if (this.vertices.get(i).x > this.maxBounds.x) {
+ this.maxBounds.setX(this.vertices.get(i).x);
+ }
+ if (this.vertices.get(i).x < this.minBounds.x) {
+ this.minBounds.setX(this.vertices.get(i).x);
+ }
+ if (this.vertices.get(i).y > this.maxBounds.y) {
+ this.maxBounds.setY(this.vertices.get(i).y);
+ }
+ if (this.vertices.get(i).y < this.minBounds.y) {
+ this.minBounds.setY(this.vertices.get(i).y);
+ }
+ if (this.vertices.get(i).z > this.maxBounds.z) {
+ this.maxBounds.setZ(this.vertices.get(i).z);
+ }
+ if (this.vertices.get(i).z < this.minBounds.z) {
+ this.minBounds.setZ(this.vertices.get(i).z);
+ }
+ }
+ // Apply the local scaling factor
+ this.maxBounds.multiply(this.scaling);
+ this.minBounds.multiply(this.scaling);
+ // Add the object margin to the bounds
+ this.maxBounds.add(this.margin);
+ this.minBounds.less(this.margin);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the variable to know if the edges information is used to speed up the
+ * collision detection
+ * @param isEdgesUsed True if you want to use the edges information to speed up the collision detection with the convex mesh shape
+ */
+ public void setIsEdgesInformationUsed(final boolean _isEdgesUsed) {
+ this.isEdgesInformationUsed = _isEdgesUsed;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setLocalScaling(final Vector3f _scaling) {
+ super.setLocalScaling(_scaling);
+ recalculateBounds();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean testPointInside(final Vector3f _localPoint, final ProxyShape _proxyShape) {
+ // Use the GJK algorithm to test if the point is inside the convex mesh
+ return _proxyShape.getBody().getWorld().getCollisionDetection().getNarrowPhaseGJKAlgorithm().testPointInside(_localPoint, _proxyShape);
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/ConvexShape.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/ConvexShape.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69cff0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/ConvexShape.java
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ProxyShape;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Constant;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+public abstract class ConvexShape extends CollisionShape {
+ protected float margin; //!< Margin used for the GJK collision detection algorithm
+ /// Constructor
+ public ConvexShape(final CollisionShapeType _type, final float _margin) {
+ super(_type);
+ this.margin = _margin;
+ }
+ // Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
+ public Vector3f getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(final Vector3f _direction, final CacheData _cachedCollisionData) {
+ ////Log.error(" -> getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(" + _direction);
+ // Get the support point without margin
+ final Vector3f supportPoint = getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(_direction, _cachedCollisionData);
+ ////Log.error(" -> supportPoint = " + supportPoint);
+ ////Log.error(" -> margin = " + FMath.floatToString(this.margin));
+ if (this.margin != 0.0f) {
+ // Add the margin to the support point
+ Vector3f unitVec = new Vector3f(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
+ ////Log.error(" -> _direction.length2()=" + FMath.floatToString(_direction.length2()));
+ ////Log.error(" -> Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON=" + FMath.floatToString(Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON));
+ if (_direction.length2() > Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON * Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON) {
+ unitVec = _direction.safeNormalizeNew();
+ ////Log.error(" -> unitVec= " + unitVec);
+ }
+ supportPoint.add(unitVec.multiplyNew(this.margin));
+ }
+ ////Log.error(" -> ==> supportPoint = " + supportPoint);
+ return supportPoint;
+ }
+ /// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
+ public abstract Vector3f getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(Vector3f _direction, CacheData _cachedCollisionData);
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the current object margin
+ * @return The margin (in meters) around the collision shape
+ */
+ public float getMargin() {
+ return this.margin;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isConvex() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public abstract boolean testPointInside(Vector3f _worldPoint, ProxyShape _proxyShape);
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/CylinderShape.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/CylinderShape.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20bbf04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/CylinderShape.java
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+ * ReactPhysics3D physics library, http://code.google.com/p/reactphysics3d/
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Daniel Chappuis
+ *
+ * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+ * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the
+ * use of this software.
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ *
+ * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim
+ * that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a
+ * product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ * appreciated but is not required.
+ *
+ * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ * misrepresented as being the original software.
+ *
+ * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ *
+ * This file has been modified during the port to Java and differ from the source versions.
+ */
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.RaycastInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ProxyShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.configuration.Defaults;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Ray;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Constant;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.FMath;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Matrix3f;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * This class represents a cylinder collision shape around the Y axis and centered at the origin. The cylinder is
+ * defined by its height and the radius of its base. The "transform" of the corresponding rigid body gives an
+ * orientation and a position to the cylinder. This collision shape uses an extra margin distance around it for
+ * collision detection purpose. The default margin is 4cm (if your units are meters, which is recommended). In case, you
+ * want to simulate small objects (smaller than the margin distance), you might want to reduce the margin by specifying
+ * your own margin distance using the "margin" parameter in the constructor of the cylinder shape. Otherwise, it is
+ * recommended to use the default margin distance by not using the "margin" parameter in the constructor.
+ *
+ * @author Jason Sorensen
+ */
+ * It represents a cylinder collision shape around the Y axis
+ * and centered at the origin. The cylinder is defined by its height
+ * and the radius of its base. The "transform" of the corresponding
+ * rigid body gives an orientation and a position to the cylinder.
+ * This collision shape uses an extra margin distance around it for collision
+ * detection purpose. The default margin is 4cm (if your units are meters,
+ * which is recommended). In case, you want to simulate small objects
+ * (smaller than the margin distance), you might want to reduce the margin by
+ * specifying your own margin distance using the "margin" parameter in the
+ * ructor of the cylinder shape. Otherwise, it is recommended to use the
+ * default margin distance by not using the "margin" parameter in the ructor.
+ */
+public class CylinderShape extends ConvexShape {
+ protected float radius; //!< Radius of the base
+ protected float halfHeight; //!< Half height of the cylinder
+ /**
+ * Contructor
+ * @param radius Radius of the cylinder (in meters)
+ * @param height Height of the cylinder (in meters)
+ * @param margin Collision margin (in meters) around the collision shape
+ */
+ public CylinderShape(final float _radius, final float _height) {
+ this(_radius, _height, Defaults.OBJECT_MARGIN);
+ }
+ public CylinderShape(final float _radius, final float _height, final float _margin) {
+ super(CollisionShapeType.CYLINDER, _margin);
+ this.radius = _radius;
+ this.halfHeight = _height / 2.0f;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void computeLocalInertiaTensor(final Matrix3f _tensor, final float _mass) {
+ final float height = 2.0f * this.halfHeight;
+ final float diag = (1.0f / 12.0f) * _mass * (3.0f * this.radius * this.radius + height * height);
+ _tensor.set(diag, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f * _mass * this.radius * this.radius, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, diag);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the Shape height
+ * @return Height of the cylinder (in meters)
+ */
+ public float getHeight() {
+ return this.halfHeight + this.halfHeight;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void getLocalBounds(final Vector3f min, final Vector3f max) {
+ // Maximum bounds
+ max.setX(this.radius + this.margin);
+ max.setY(this.halfHeight + this.margin);
+ max.setZ(this.radius + this.margin);
+ // Minimum bounds
+ min.setX(-max.x);
+ min.setY(-max.y);
+ min.setZ(-max.z);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Vector3f getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(final Vector3f _direction, final CacheData _cachedCollisionData) {
+ final Vector3f supportPoint = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ final float uDotv = _direction.y;
+ final Vector3f w = new Vector3f(_direction.x, 0.0f, _direction.z);
+ final float lengthW = FMath.sqrt(_direction.x * _direction.x + _direction.z * _direction.z);
+ if (lengthW > Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON) {
+ if (uDotv < 0.0f) {
+ supportPoint.setY(-this.halfHeight);
+ } else {
+ supportPoint.setY(this.halfHeight);
+ }
+ supportPoint.add(w.multiply(this.radius / lengthW));
+ } else if (uDotv < 0.0f) {
+ supportPoint.setY(-this.halfHeight);
+ } else {
+ supportPoint.setY(this.halfHeight);
+ }
+ return supportPoint;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the Shape radius
+ * @return Radius of the cylinder (in meters)
+ */
+ public float getRadius() {
+ return this.radius;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean raycast(final Ray _ray, final RaycastInfo _raycastInfo, final ProxyShape _proxyShape) {
+ final Vector3f n = _ray.point2.lessNew(_ray.point1);
+ final float epsilon = 0.01f;
+ final Vector3f p = new Vector3f(0.0f, -this.halfHeight, 0.0f);
+ final Vector3f q = new Vector3f(0.0f, this.halfHeight, 0.0f);
+ final Vector3f d = q.lessNew(p);
+ final Vector3f m = _ray.point1.lessNew(p);
+ float t;
+ final float mDotD = m.dot(d);
+ final float nDotD = n.dot(d);
+ final float dDotD = d.dot(d);
+ // Test if the segment is outside the cylinder
+ if (mDotD < 0.0f && mDotD + nDotD < 0.0f) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (mDotD > dDotD && mDotD + nDotD > dDotD) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ final float nDotN = n.dot(n);
+ final float mDotN = m.dot(n);
+ final float a = dDotD * nDotN - nDotD * nDotD;
+ final float k = m.dot(m) - this.radius * this.radius;
+ final float c = dDotD * k - mDotD * mDotD;
+ // If the ray is parallel to the cylinder axis
+ if (FMath.abs(a) < epsilon) {
+ // If the origin is outside the surface of the cylinder, we return no hit
+ if (c > 0.0f) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Here we know that the segment longersect an endcap of the cylinder
+ // If the ray longersects with the "p" endcap of the cylinder
+ if (mDotD < 0.0f) {
+ t = -mDotN / nDotN;
+ // If the longersection is behind the origin of the ray or beyond the maximum
+ // raycasting distance, we return no hit
+ if (t < 0.0f || t > _ray.maxFraction) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Compute the hit information
+ final Vector3f localHitPoint = n.multiplyNew(t).add(_ray.point1);
+ _raycastInfo.body = _proxyShape.getBody();
+ _raycastInfo.proxyShape = _proxyShape;
+ _raycastInfo.hitFraction = t;
+ _raycastInfo.worldPoint = localHitPoint;
+ final Vector3f normalDirection = new Vector3f(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
+ _raycastInfo.worldNormal = normalDirection;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // If the ray longersects with the "q" endcap of the cylinder
+ if (mDotD > dDotD) {
+ t = (nDotD - mDotN) / nDotN;
+ // If the longersection is behind the origin of the ray or beyond the maximum
+ // raycasting distance, we return no hit
+ if (t < 0.0f || t > _ray.maxFraction) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Compute the hit information
+ final Vector3f localHitPoint = n.multiplyNew(t).add(_ray.point1);
+ _raycastInfo.body = _proxyShape.getBody();
+ _raycastInfo.proxyShape = _proxyShape;
+ _raycastInfo.hitFraction = t;
+ _raycastInfo.worldPoint = localHitPoint;
+ _raycastInfo.worldNormal = new Vector3f(0, 1.0f, 0);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // If the origin is inside the cylinder, we return no hit
+ return false;
+ }
+ final float b = dDotD * mDotN - nDotD * mDotD;
+ final float discriminant = b * b - a * c;
+ // If the discriminant is negative, no real roots and therfore, no hit
+ if (discriminant < 0.0f) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Compute the smallest root (first longersection along the ray)
+ final float t0 = t = (-b - FMath.sqrt(discriminant)) / a;
+ // If the longersection is outside the cylinder on "p" endcap side
+ final float value = mDotD + t * nDotD;
+ if (value < 0.0f) {
+ // If the ray is pointing away from the "p" endcap, we return no hit
+ if (nDotD <= 0.0f) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Compute the longersection against the "p" endcap (longersection agains whole plane)
+ t = -mDotD / nDotD;
+ // Keep the longersection if the it is inside the cylinder radius
+ if (k + t * (2.0f * mDotN + t) > 0.0f) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If the longersection is behind the origin of the ray or beyond the maximum
+ // raycasting distance, we return no hit
+ if (t < 0.0f || t > _ray.maxFraction) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Compute the hit information
+ final Vector3f localHitPoint = n.multiplyNew(t).add(_ray.point1);
+ _raycastInfo.body = _proxyShape.getBody();
+ _raycastInfo.proxyShape = _proxyShape;
+ _raycastInfo.hitFraction = t;
+ _raycastInfo.worldPoint = localHitPoint;
+ _raycastInfo.worldNormal = new Vector3f(0, -1.0f, 0);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // If the longersection is outside the cylinder on the "q" side
+ if (value > dDotD) {
+ // If the ray is pointing away from the "q" endcap, we return no hit
+ if (nDotD >= 0.0f) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Compute the longersection against the "q" endcap (longersection against whole plane)
+ t = (dDotD - mDotD) / nDotD;
+ // Keep the longersection if it is inside the cylinder radius
+ if (k + dDotD - 2.0f * mDotD + t * (2.0f * (mDotN - nDotD) + t) > 0.0f) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If the longersection is behind the origin of the ray or beyond the maximum
+ // raycasting distance, we return no hit
+ if (t < 0.0f || t > _ray.maxFraction) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Compute the hit information
+ final Vector3f localHitPoint = n.multiplyNew(t).add(_ray.point1);
+ _raycastInfo.body = _proxyShape.getBody();
+ _raycastInfo.proxyShape = _proxyShape;
+ _raycastInfo.hitFraction = t;
+ _raycastInfo.worldPoint = localHitPoint;
+ _raycastInfo.worldNormal = new Vector3f(0, 1.0f, 0);
+ return true;
+ }
+ t = t0;
+ // If the longersection is behind the origin of the ray or beyond the maximum
+ // raycasting distance, we return no hit
+ if (t < 0.0f || t > _ray.maxFraction) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Compute the hit information
+ final Vector3f localHitPoint = n.multiplyNew(t).add(_ray.point1);
+ _raycastInfo.body = _proxyShape.getBody();
+ _raycastInfo.proxyShape = _proxyShape;
+ _raycastInfo.hitFraction = t;
+ _raycastInfo.worldPoint = localHitPoint;
+ final Vector3f v = localHitPoint.lessNew(p);
+ final Vector3f w = d.multiplyNew(v.dot(d) / d.length2());
+ final Vector3f normalDirection = localHitPoint.lessNew(p.addNew(w));
+ _raycastInfo.worldNormal = normalDirection;
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setLocalScaling(final Vector3f _scaling) {
+ this.halfHeight = (this.halfHeight / this.scaling.y) * _scaling.y;
+ this.radius = (this.radius / this.scaling.x) * _scaling.x;
+ super.setLocalScaling(_scaling);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean testPointInside(final Vector3f _localPoint, final ProxyShape _proxyShape) {
+ return ((_localPoint.x * _localPoint.x + _localPoint.z * _localPoint.z) < this.radius * this.radius && _localPoint.y < this.halfHeight && _localPoint.y > -this.halfHeight);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/HeightFieldShape.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/HeightFieldShape.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..290d931
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/HeightFieldShape.java
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.FMath;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Matrix3f;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.RaycastInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ProxyShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Ray;
+ * This class represents a static height field that can be used to represent
+ * a terrain. The height field is made of a grid with rows and columns with a
+ * height value at each grid point. Note that the height values are not copied longo the shape
+ * but are shared instead. The height values can be of type longeger, float or double.
+ * When creating a HeightFieldShape, you need to specify the minimum and maximum height value of
+ * your height field. Note that the HeightFieldShape will be re-centered based on its AABB. It means
+ * that for instance, if the minimum height value is -200 and the maximum value is 400, the final
+ * minimum height of the field in the simulation will be -300 and the maximum height will be 300.
+ */
+public class HeightFieldShape extends ConcaveShape {
+ /**
+ * This class is used for testing AABB and triangle overlap for raycasting
+ */
+ public class TriangleOverlapCallback implements TriangleCallback {
+ protected Ray ray;
+ protected ProxyShape proxyShape;
+ protected RaycastInfo raycastInfo;
+ protected boolean isHit;
+ protected float smallestHitFraction;
+ protected HeightFieldShape heightFieldShape;
+ public TriangleOverlapCallback(final Ray _ray, final ProxyShape _proxyShape, final RaycastInfo _raycastInfo, final HeightFieldShape _heightFieldShape) {
+ this.ray = _ray;
+ this.proxyShape = _proxyShape;
+ this.raycastInfo = _raycastInfo;
+ this.heightFieldShape = _heightFieldShape;
+ this.isHit = false;
+ this.smallestHitFraction = this.ray.maxFraction;
+ }
+ public boolean getIsHit() {
+ return this.isHit;
+ }
+ /// Raycast test between a ray and a triangle of the heightfield
+ @Override
+ public void testTriangle(final Vector3f[] _trianglePoints) {
+ // Create a triangle collision shape
+ final float margin = this.heightFieldShape.getTriangleMargin();
+ final TriangleShape triangleShape = new TriangleShape(_trianglePoints[0], _trianglePoints[1], _trianglePoints[2], margin);
+ triangleShape.setRaycastTestType(this.heightFieldShape.getRaycastTestType());
+ // Ray casting test against the collision shape
+ final RaycastInfo raycastInfo = new RaycastInfo();
+ final boolean isTriangleHit = triangleShape.raycast(this.ray, raycastInfo, this.proxyShape);
+ // If the ray hit the collision shape
+ if (isTriangleHit && raycastInfo.hitFraction <= this.smallestHitFraction) {
+ assert (raycastInfo.hitFraction >= 0.0f);
+ this.raycastInfo.body = raycastInfo.body;
+ this.raycastInfo.proxyShape = raycastInfo.proxyShape;
+ this.raycastInfo.hitFraction = raycastInfo.hitFraction;
+ this.raycastInfo.worldPoint = raycastInfo.worldPoint;
+ this.raycastInfo.worldNormal = raycastInfo.worldNormal;
+ this.raycastInfo.meshSubpart = -1;
+ this.raycastInfo.triangleIndex = -1;
+ this.smallestHitFraction = raycastInfo.hitFraction;
+ this.isHit = true;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ protected int numberColumns; //!< Number of columns in the grid of the height field
+ protected int numberRows; //!< Number of rows in the grid of the height field
+ protected float width; //!< Height field width
+ protected float length; //!< Height field length
+ protected float minHeight; //!< Minimum height of the height field
+ protected float maxHeight; //!< Maximum height of the height field
+ protected int upAxis; //!< Up axis direction (0 => x, 1 => y, 2 => z)
+ protected float[] heightFieldData; //!< Array of data with all the height values of the height field
+ protected AABB AABB; //!< Local AABB of the height field (without scaling)
+ /**
+ * Contructor
+ * @param nbGridColumns Number of columns in the grid of the height field
+ * @param nbGridRows Number of rows in the grid of the height field
+ * @param minHeight Minimum height value of the height field
+ * @param maxHeight Maximum height value of the height field
+ * @param heightFieldData Pointer to the first height value data (note that values are shared and not copied)
+ * @param dataType Data type for the height values (long, float, double)
+ * @param upAxis Integer representing the up axis direction (0 for x, 1 for y and 2 for z)
+ * @param longegerHeightScale Scaling factor used to scale the height values (only when height values type is longeger)
+ */
+ public HeightFieldShape(final int _nbGridColumns, final int _nbGridRows, final float _minHeight, final float _maxHeight, final float[] _heightFieldData) {
+ this(_nbGridColumns, _nbGridRows, _minHeight, _maxHeight, _heightFieldData, 1);
+ }
+ /// Insert all the triangles longo the dynamic AABB tree
+ //protected void initBVHTree();
+ public HeightFieldShape(final int _nbGridColumns, final int _nbGridRows, final float _minHeight, final float _maxHeight, final float[] _heightFieldData, final int _upAxis) {
+ super(CollisionShapeType.HEIGHTFIELD);
+ this.numberColumns = _nbGridColumns;
+ this.numberRows = _nbGridRows;
+ this.width = _nbGridColumns - 1;
+ this.length = _nbGridRows - 1;
+ this.minHeight = _minHeight;
+ this.maxHeight = _maxHeight;
+ this.upAxis = _upAxis;
+ assert (_nbGridColumns >= 2);
+ assert (_nbGridRows >= 2);
+ assert (this.width >= 1);
+ assert (this.length >= 1);
+ assert (_minHeight <= _maxHeight);
+ assert (_upAxis == 0 || _upAxis == 1 || _upAxis == 2);
+ this.heightFieldData = _heightFieldData;
+ final float halfHeight = (this.maxHeight - this.minHeight) * 0.5f;
+ assert (halfHeight >= 0);
+ // Compute the local AABB of the height field
+ if (this.upAxis == 0) {
+ this.AABB.setMin(new Vector3f(-halfHeight, -this.width * 0.5f, -this.length * 0.5f));
+ this.AABB.setMax(new Vector3f(halfHeight, this.width * 0.5f, this.length * 0.5f));
+ } else if (this.upAxis == 1) {
+ this.AABB.setMin(new Vector3f(-this.width * 0.5f, -halfHeight, -this.length * 0.5f));
+ this.AABB.setMax(new Vector3f(this.width * 0.5f, halfHeight, this.length * 0.5f));
+ } else if (this.upAxis == 2) {
+ this.AABB.setMin(new Vector3f(-this.width * 0.5f, -this.length * 0.5f, -halfHeight));
+ this.AABB.setMax(new Vector3f(this.width * 0.5f, this.length * 0.5f, halfHeight));
+ }
+ }
+ /// Return the closest inside longeger grid value of a given floating grid value
+ protected int computeIntegerGridValue(final float _value) {
+ return (int) ((_value < 0.0f) ? _value - 0.5f : _value + 0.5f);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void computeLocalInertiaTensor(final Matrix3f _tensor, final float _mass) {
+ // Default inertia tensor
+ // Note that this is not very realistic for a concave triangle mesh.
+ // However, in most cases, it will only be used static bodies and therefore,
+ // the inertia tensor is not used.
+ _tensor.set(_mass, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, _mass, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, _mass);
+ }
+ /// Compute the min/max grid coords corresponding to the longersection of the AABB of the height field and the AABB to collide
+ protected void computeMinMaxGridCoordinates(final Vector3f _minCoords, final Vector3f _maxCoords, final AABB _aabbToCollide) {
+ // Clamp the min/max coords of the AABB to collide inside the height field AABB
+ Vector3f minPoint = FMath.max(_aabbToCollide.getMin(), this.AABB.getMin());
+ minPoint = FMath.min(minPoint, this.AABB.getMax());
+ Vector3f maxPoint = FMath.min(_aabbToCollide.getMax(), this.AABB.getMax());
+ maxPoint = FMath.max(maxPoint, this.AABB.getMin());
+ // Translate the min/max points such that the we compute grid points from [0 ... mNbWidthGridPoints]
+ // and from [0 ... mNbLengthGridPoints] because the AABB coordinates range are [-mWdith/2 ... this.width/2]
+ // and [-this.length/2 ... this.length/2]
+ final Vector3f translateVec = this.AABB.getExtent().multiplyNew(0.5f);
+ minPoint.add(translateVec);
+ maxPoint.add(translateVec);
+ // Convert the floating min/max coords of the AABB longo closest longeger
+ // grid values (note that we use the closest grid coordinate that is out
+ // of the AABB)
+ _minCoords.set(computeIntegerGridValue(minPoint.x) - 1, computeIntegerGridValue(minPoint.y) - 1, computeIntegerGridValue(minPoint.z) - 1);
+ _maxCoords.set(computeIntegerGridValue(maxPoint.x) + 1, computeIntegerGridValue(maxPoint.y) + 1, computeIntegerGridValue(maxPoint.z) + 1);
+ }
+ /// Return the height of a given (x,y) point in the height field
+ protected float getHeightAt(final int _xxx, final int _yyy) {
+ return this.heightFieldData[_yyy * this.numberColumns + _xxx];
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void getLocalBounds(final Vector3f _min, final Vector3f _max) {
+ _min.set(this.AABB.getMin().multiplyNew(this.scaling));
+ _max.set(this.AABB.getMax().multiplyNew(this.scaling));
+ }
+ /// Return the number of columns in the height field
+ public long getNbColumns() {
+ return this.numberColumns;
+ }
+ /// Return the number of rows in the height field
+ public long getNbRows() {
+ return this.numberRows;
+ }
+ /// Return the three vertices coordinates (in the array outTriangleVertices) of a triangle
+ /// given the start vertex index pointer of the triangle.
+ /*
+ protected void getTriangleVerticesWithIndexPointer(final long _subPart,
+ final long _triangleIndex,
+ Vector3f* _outTriangleVertices) ;
+ */
+ /// Return the vertex (local-coordinates) of the height field at a given (x,y) position
+ protected Vector3f getVertexAt(final int _xxx, final int _yyy) {
+ // Get the height value
+ final float height = getHeightAt(_xxx, _yyy);
+ // Height values origin
+ final float heightOrigin = -(this.maxHeight - this.minHeight) * 0.5f - this.minHeight;
+ Vector3f vertex = null;
+ switch (this.upAxis) {
+ case 0:
+ vertex = new Vector3f(heightOrigin + height, -this.width * 0.5f + _xxx, -this.length * 0.5f + _yyy);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ vertex = new Vector3f(-this.width * 0.5f + _xxx, heightOrigin + height, -this.length * 0.5f + _yyy);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ vertex = new Vector3f(-this.width * 0.5f + _xxx, -this.length * 0.5f + _yyy, heightOrigin + height);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (false);
+ }
+ assert (this.AABB.contains(vertex));
+ return vertex.multiply(this.scaling);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isConvex() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean raycast(final Ray _ray, final RaycastInfo _raycastInfo, final ProxyShape _proxyShape) {
+ // TODO : Implement raycasting without using an AABB for the ray
+ // but using a dynamic AABB tree or octree instead
+ final TriangleOverlapCallback triangleCallback = new TriangleOverlapCallback(_ray, _proxyShape, _raycastInfo, this);
+ // Compute the AABB for the ray
+ final Vector3f rayEnd = _ray.point2.lessNew(_ray.point1).multiply(_ray.maxFraction).add(_ray.point1);
+ final AABB rayAABB = new AABB(FMath.min(_ray.point1, rayEnd), FMath.max(_ray.point1, rayEnd));
+ testAllTriangles(triangleCallback, rayAABB);
+ return triangleCallback.getIsHit();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setLocalScaling(final Vector3f _scaling) {
+ super.setLocalScaling(_scaling);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void testAllTriangles(final TriangleCallback _callback, final AABB _localAABB) {
+ // Compute the non-scaled AABB
+ final Vector3f inverseScaling = new Vector3f(1.0f / this.scaling.x, 1.0f / this.scaling.y, 1.0f / this.scaling.z);
+ final AABB aabb = new AABB(_localAABB.getMin().multiplyNew(inverseScaling), _localAABB.getMax().multiplyNew(inverseScaling));
+ // Compute the longeger grid coordinates inside the area we need to test for collision
+ final Vector3f minGridCoords = new Vector3f();
+ final Vector3f maxGridCoords = new Vector3f();
+ computeMinMaxGridCoordinates(minGridCoords, maxGridCoords, aabb);
+ // Compute the starting and ending coords of the sub-grid according to the up axis
+ int iMin = 0;
+ int iMax = 0;
+ int jMin = 0;
+ int jMax = 0;
+ switch (this.upAxis) {
+ case 0:
+ iMin = FMath.clamp((int) minGridCoords.y, 0, this.numberColumns - 1);
+ iMax = FMath.clamp((int) maxGridCoords.y, 0, this.numberColumns - 1);
+ jMin = FMath.clamp((int) minGridCoords.z, 0, this.numberRows - 1);
+ jMax = FMath.clamp((int) maxGridCoords.z, 0, this.numberRows - 1);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ iMin = FMath.clamp((int) minGridCoords.x, 0, this.numberColumns - 1);
+ iMax = FMath.clamp((int) maxGridCoords.x, 0, this.numberColumns - 1);
+ jMin = FMath.clamp((int) minGridCoords.z, 0, this.numberRows - 1);
+ jMax = FMath.clamp((int) maxGridCoords.z, 0, this.numberRows - 1);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ iMin = FMath.clamp((int) minGridCoords.x, 0, this.numberColumns - 1);
+ iMax = FMath.clamp((int) maxGridCoords.x, 0, this.numberColumns - 1);
+ jMin = FMath.clamp((int) minGridCoords.y, 0, this.numberRows - 1);
+ jMax = FMath.clamp((int) maxGridCoords.y, 0, this.numberRows - 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ assert (iMin >= 0 && iMin < this.numberColumns);
+ assert (iMax >= 0 && iMax < this.numberColumns);
+ assert (jMin >= 0 && jMin < this.numberRows);
+ assert (jMax >= 0 && jMax < this.numberRows);
+ // For each sub-grid points (except the last ones one each dimension)
+ for (int i = iMin; i < iMax; i++) {
+ for (int j = jMin; j < jMax; j++) {
+ // Compute the four point of the current quad
+ final Vector3f p1 = getVertexAt(i, j);
+ final Vector3f p2 = getVertexAt(i, j + 1);
+ final Vector3f p3 = getVertexAt(i + 1, j);
+ final Vector3f p4 = getVertexAt(i + 1, j + 1);
+ // Generate the first triangle for the current grid rectangle
+ final Vector3f[] trianglePoints = { p1, p2, p3 };
+ // Test collision against the first triangle
+ _callback.testTriangle(trianglePoints);
+ // Generate the second triangle for the current grid rectangle
+ trianglePoints[0] = p3;
+ trianglePoints[1] = p2;
+ trianglePoints[2] = p4;
+ // Test collision against the second triangle
+ _callback.testTriangle(trianglePoints);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/SphereShape.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/SphereShape.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9a27a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/SphereShape.java
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+ * ReactPhysics3D physics library, http://code.google.com/p/reactphysics3d/
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Daniel Chappuis
+ *
+ * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+ * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the
+ * use of this software.
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ *
+ * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim
+ * that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a
+ * product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ * appreciated but is not required.
+ *
+ * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ * misrepresented as being the original software.
+ *
+ * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ *
+ * This file has been modified during the port to Java and differ from the source versions.
+ */
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.RaycastInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ProxyShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Ray;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Constant;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.FMath;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Matrix3f;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Transform3D;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * Represents a sphere collision shape that is centered
+ * at the origin and defined by its radius. This collision shape does not
+ * have an explicit object margin distance. The margin is implicitly the
+ * radius of the sphere. Therefore, no need to specify an object margin
+ * for a sphere shape.
+ */
+public class SphereShape extends ConvexShape {
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ * @param radius Radius of the sphere (in meters)
+ */
+ public SphereShape(final float _radius) {
+ super(CollisionShapeType.SPHERE, _radius);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void computeAABB(final AABB _aabb, final Transform3D _transform) {
+ // Get the local extents in x,y and z direction
+ final Vector3f extents = new Vector3f(this.margin, this.margin, this.margin);
+ // Update the AABB with the new minimum and maximum coordinates
+ _aabb.setMin(_transform.getPosition().lessNew(extents));
+ _aabb.setMax(_transform.getPosition().addNew(extents));
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void computeLocalInertiaTensor(final Matrix3f _tensor, final float _mass) {
+ final float diag = 0.4f * _mass * this.margin * this.margin;
+ _tensor.set(diag, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, diag, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, diag);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void getLocalBounds(final Vector3f min, final Vector3f max) {
+ // Maximum bounds
+ max.setX(this.margin);
+ max.setY(this.margin);
+ max.setZ(this.margin);
+ // Minimum bounds
+ min.setX(-max.x);
+ min.setY(-max.y);
+ min.setZ(-max.z);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Vector3f getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(final Vector3f _direction, final CacheData _cachedCollisionData) {
+ return new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the radius of the sphere
+ * @return Radius of the sphere (in meters)
+ */
+ public float getRadius() {
+ return this.margin;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean raycast(final Ray _ray, final RaycastInfo _raycastInfo, final ProxyShape _proxyShape) {
+ final Vector3f m = _ray.point1;
+ final float c = m.dot(m) - this.margin * this.margin;
+ // If the origin of the ray is inside the sphere, we return no longersection
+ if (c < 0.0f) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ final Vector3f rayDirection = _ray.point2.lessNew(_ray.point1);
+ final float b = m.dot(rayDirection);
+ // If the origin of the ray is outside the sphere and the ray
+ // is pointing away from the sphere, there is no longersection
+ if (b > 0.0f) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ final float raySquareLength = rayDirection.length2();
+ // Compute the discriminant of the quadratic equation
+ final float discriminant = b * b - raySquareLength * c;
+ // If the discriminant is negative or the ray length is very small, there is no longersection
+ if (discriminant < 0.0f || raySquareLength < Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Compute the solution "t" closest to the origin
+ float t = -b - FMath.sqrt(discriminant);
+ assert (t >= 0.0f);
+ // If the hit point is withing the segment ray fraction
+ if (t < _ray.maxFraction * raySquareLength) {
+ // Compute the longersection information
+ t /= raySquareLength;
+ _raycastInfo.body = _proxyShape.getBody();
+ _raycastInfo.proxyShape = _proxyShape;
+ _raycastInfo.hitFraction = t;
+ _raycastInfo.worldPoint = rayDirection.multiplyNew(t).add(_ray.point1);
+ _raycastInfo.worldNormal = _raycastInfo.worldPoint;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setLocalScaling(final Vector3f _scaling) {
+ this.margin = (this.margin / this.scaling.x) * _scaling.x;
+ super.setLocalScaling(_scaling);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean testPointInside(final Vector3f _localPoint, final ProxyShape _proxyShape) {
+ return (_localPoint.length2() < this.margin * this.margin);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/TriangleShape.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/TriangleShape.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15aa904
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/collision/shapes/TriangleShape.java
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.FMath;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Matrix3f;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Transform3D;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.RaycastInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ProxyShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.configuration.Defaults;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Ray;
+ * This class represents a triangle collision shape that is centered
+ * at the origin and defined three points.
+ */
+public class TriangleShape extends ConvexShape {
+ /**
+ * Raycast test side for the triangle
+ */
+ public enum TriangleRaycastSide {
+ FRONT, //!< Raycast against front triangle
+ BACK, //!< Raycast against back triangle
+ FRONT_AND_BACK //!< Raycast against front and back triangle
+ };
+ protected Vector3f[] points = new Vector3f[3]; //!< Three points of the triangle
+ protected TriangleRaycastSide raycastTestType; //!< Raycast test type for the triangle (front, back, front-back)
+ public TriangleShape(final Vector3f _point1, final Vector3f _point2, final Vector3f _point3) {
+ super(CollisionShapeType.TRIANGLE, Defaults.OBJECT_MARGIN);
+ this.points[0] = _point1;
+ this.points[1] = _point2;
+ this.points[2] = _point3;
+ this.raycastTestType = TriangleRaycastSide.FRONT;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ * @param _point1 First point of the triangle
+ * @param _point2 Second point of the triangle
+ * @param _point3 Third point of the triangle
+ * @param _margin The collision margin (in meters) around the collision shape
+ */
+ public TriangleShape(final Vector3f _point1, final Vector3f _point2, final Vector3f _point3, final float _margin) {
+ super(CollisionShapeType.TRIANGLE, _margin);
+ this.points[0] = _point1;
+ this.points[1] = _point2;
+ this.points[2] = _point3;
+ this.raycastTestType = TriangleRaycastSide.FRONT;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void computeAABB(final AABB aabb, final Transform3D _transform) {
+ final Vector3f worldPoint1 = _transform.multiplyNew(this.points[0]);
+ final Vector3f worldPoint2 = _transform.multiplyNew(this.points[1]);
+ final Vector3f worldPoint3 = _transform.multiplyNew(this.points[2]);
+ final Vector3f xAxis = new Vector3f(worldPoint1.x, worldPoint2.x, worldPoint3.x);
+ final Vector3f yAxis = new Vector3f(worldPoint1.y, worldPoint2.y, worldPoint3.y);
+ final Vector3f zAxis = new Vector3f(worldPoint1.z, worldPoint2.z, worldPoint3.z);
+ aabb.setMin(new Vector3f(xAxis.getMin(), yAxis.getMin(), zAxis.getMin()));
+ aabb.setMax(new Vector3f(xAxis.getMax(), yAxis.getMax(), zAxis.getMax()));
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void computeLocalInertiaTensor(final Matrix3f _tensor, final float _mass) {
+ _tensor.setZero();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void getLocalBounds(final Vector3f min, final Vector3f max) {
+ final Vector3f xAxis = new Vector3f(this.points[0].x, this.points[1].x, this.points[2].x);
+ final Vector3f yAxis = new Vector3f(this.points[0].y, this.points[1].y, this.points[2].y);
+ final Vector3f zAxis = new Vector3f(this.points[0].z, this.points[1].z, this.points[2].z);
+ min.setValue(xAxis.getMin() - this.margin, yAxis.getMin() - this.margin, zAxis.getMin() - this.margin);
+ max.setValue(xAxis.getMax() + this.margin, yAxis.getMax() + this.margin, zAxis.getMax() + this.margin);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Vector3f getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(final Vector3f _direction, final CacheData _cachedCollisionData) {
+ final Vector3f dotProducts = new Vector3f(_direction.dot(this.points[0]), _direction.dot(this.points[1]), _direction.dot(this.points[2]));
+ return this.points[dotProducts.getMaxAxis()];
+ }
+ /// Return the raycast test type (front, back, front-back)
+ public TriangleRaycastSide getRaycastTestType() {
+ return this.raycastTestType;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the coordinates of a given vertex of the triangle
+ * @param _index Index (0 to 2) of a vertex of the triangle
+ */
+ public Vector3f getVertex(final int _index) {
+ assert (_index >= 0 && _index < 3);
+ return this.points[_index];
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean raycast(final Ray _ray, final RaycastInfo _raycastInfo, final ProxyShape _proxyShape) {
+ final Vector3f pq = _ray.point2.lessNew(_ray.point1);
+ final Vector3f pa = this.points[0].lessNew(_ray.point1);
+ final Vector3f pb = this.points[1].lessNew(_ray.point1);
+ final Vector3f pc = this.points[2].lessNew(_ray.point1);
+ // Test if the line PQ is inside the eges BC, CA and AB. We use the triple
+ // product for this test.
+ final Vector3f m = pq.cross(pc);
+ float u = pb.dot(m);
+ if (this.raycastTestType == TriangleRaycastSide.FRONT) {
+ if (u < 0.0f) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (this.raycastTestType == TriangleRaycastSide.BACK) {
+ if (u > 0.0f) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ float v = -pa.dot(m);
+ if (this.raycastTestType == TriangleRaycastSide.FRONT) {
+ if (v < 0.0f) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (this.raycastTestType == TriangleRaycastSide.BACK) {
+ if (v > 0.0f) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (this.raycastTestType == TriangleRaycastSide.FRONT_AND_BACK) {
+ if (!FMath.sameSign(u, v)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ float w = pa.dot(pq.cross(pb));
+ if (this.raycastTestType == TriangleRaycastSide.FRONT) {
+ if (w < 0.0f) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (this.raycastTestType == TriangleRaycastSide.BACK) {
+ if (w > 0.0f) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (this.raycastTestType == TriangleRaycastSide.FRONT_AND_BACK) {
+ if (!FMath.sameSign(u, w)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the line PQ is in the triangle plane (case where u=v=w=0)
+ if (FMath.approxEqual(u, 0.0f) && FMath.approxEqual(v, 0) && FMath.approxEqual(w, 0)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Compute the barycentric coordinates (u, v, w) to determine the
+ // longersection point R, R = u * a + v * b + w * c
+ final float denom = 1.0f / (u + v + w);
+ u *= denom;
+ v *= denom;
+ w *= denom;
+ // Compute the local hit point using the barycentric coordinates
+ final Vector3f localHitPoint = this.points[0].multiplyNew(u).add(this.points[1].multiplyNew(v)).add(this.points[2].multiplyNew(w));
+ final float hitFraction = localHitPoint.lessNew(_ray.point1).length() / pq.length();
+ if (hitFraction < 0.0f || hitFraction > _ray.maxFraction) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ final Vector3f localHitNormal = this.points[1].lessNew(this.points[0]).cross(this.points[2].lessNew(this.points[0]));
+ if (localHitNormal.dot(pq) > 0.0f) {
+ localHitNormal.less(localHitNormal);
+ }
+ _raycastInfo.body = _proxyShape.getBody();
+ _raycastInfo.proxyShape = _proxyShape;
+ _raycastInfo.worldPoint = localHitPoint;
+ _raycastInfo.hitFraction = hitFraction;
+ _raycastInfo.worldNormal = localHitNormal;
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setLocalScaling(final Vector3f _scaling) {
+ this.points[0].divide(this.scaling).multiply(_scaling);
+ this.points[1].divide(this.scaling).multiply(_scaling);
+ this.points[2].divide(this.scaling).multiply(_scaling);
+ super.setLocalScaling(_scaling);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the raycast test type (front, back, front-back)
+ * @param _testType Raycast test type for the triangle (front, back, front-back)
+ */
+ public void setRaycastTestType(final TriangleRaycastSide _testType) {
+ this.raycastTestType = _testType;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean testPointInside(final Vector3f _localPoint, final ProxyShape _proxyShape) {
+ return false;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/configuration/Defaults.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/configuration/Defaults.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4c4ed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/configuration/Defaults.java
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ * ReactPhysics3D physics library, http://code.google.com/p/reactphysics3d/
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Daniel Chappuis
+ *
+ * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+ * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the
+ * use of this software.
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ *
+ * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim
+ * that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a
+ * product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ * appreciated but is not required.
+ *
+ * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ * misrepresented as being the original software.
+ *
+ * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ *
+ * This file has been modified during the port to Java and differ from the source versions.
+ */
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.configuration;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Constant;
+ *
+ * @author Jason Sorensen
+ */
+public class Defaults {
+ // Smallest decimal value (negative)
+ public static final float DECIMAL_SMALLEST = Float.MIN_VALUE;
+ // Maximum decimal value
+ public static final float DECIMAL_LARGEST = Float.MAX_VALUE;
+ // Default internal constant timestep in seconds
+ public static final float DEFAULT_TIMESTEP = 1.0f / 60.0f;
+ // Default friction coefficient for a rigid body
+ public static final float DEFAULT_FRICTION_COEFFICIENT = 0.3f;
+ // Default bounciness factor for a rigid body
+ public static final float DEFAULT_BOUNCINESS = 0.5f;
+ // True if the spleeping technique is enabled
+ public static final boolean SPLEEPING_ENABLED = true;
+ // Object margin for collision detection in meters (for the GJK-EPA Algorithm)
+ public static final float OBJECT_MARGIN = 0.04f;
+ // Distance threshold for two contact points for a valid persistent contact (in meters)
+ public static final float PERSISTENT_CONTACT_DIST_THRESHOLD = 0.03f;
+ // Velocity threshold for contact velocity restitution
+ public static final float RESTITUTION_VELOCITY_THRESHOLD = 1.0f;
+ // Number of iterations when solving the velocity constraints of the Sequential Impulse technique
+ public static final int DEFAULT_VELOCITY_SOLVER_NUM_ITERATIONS = 10;
+ // Number of iterations when solving the position constraints of the Sequential Impulse technique
+ public static final int DEFAULT_POSITION_SOLVER_NUM_ITERATIONS = 5;
+ // Time (in seconds) that a body must stay still to be considered sleeping
+ public static final float DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_SLEEP = 1.0f;
+ // A body with a linear velocity smaller than the sleep linear velocity (in m/s)
+ // might enter sleeping mode.
+ public static final float DEFAULT_SLEEP_LINEAR_VELOCITY = 0.02f;
+ // A body with angular velocity smaller than the sleep angular velocity (in rad/s)
+ // might enter sleeping mode
+ public static final float DEFAULT_SLEEP_ANGULAR_VELOCITY = 3.0f * (Constant.PI / 180.0f);
+ /// Maximum number of contact manifolds in an overlapping pair that involves two
+ /// convex collision shapes.
+ public static final int NB_MAX_CONTACT_MANIFOLDS_CONVEX_SHAPE = 1;
+ /// Maximum number of contact manifolds in an overlapping pair that involves at
+ /// least one concave collision shape.
+ public static final int NB_MAX_CONTACT_MANIFOLDS_CONCAVE_SHAPE = 3;
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/BallAndSocketJoint.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/BallAndSocketJoint.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51d5eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/BallAndSocketJoint.java
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Matrix3f;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Quaternion;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.BodyType;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine.ConstraintSolverData;
+public class BallAndSocketJoint extends Joint {
+ private static float BETA = 0.2f; //!< Beta value for the bias factor of position correction
+ private Vector3f localAnchorPointBody1 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Anchor point of body 1 (in local-space coordinates of body 1)
+ private Vector3f localAnchorPointBody2 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Anchor point of body 2 (in local-space coordinates of body 2)
+ private Vector3f r1World = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Vector from center of body 2 to anchor point in world-space
+ private Vector3f r2World = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Vector from center of body 2 to anchor point in world-space
+ private Matrix3f i1 = new Matrix3f(); //!< Inertia tensor of body 1 (in world-space coordinates)
+ private Matrix3f i2 = new Matrix3f(); //!< Inertia tensor of body 2 (in world-space coordinates)
+ private Vector3f biasVector = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Bias vector for the raint
+ private Matrix3f inverseMassMatrix = new Matrix3f(); //!< Inverse mass matrix K=JM^-1J^-t of the raint
+ private final Vector3f impulse = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Accumulated impulse
+ /// Constructor
+ public BallAndSocketJoint(final BallAndSocketJointInfo jointInfo) {
+ super(jointInfo);
+ // Compute the local-space anchor point for each body
+ this.localAnchorPointBody1 = this.body1.getTransform().inverseNew().multiply(jointInfo.anchorPointWorldSpace);
+ this.localAnchorPointBody2 = this.body2.getTransform().inverseNew().multiply(jointInfo.anchorPointWorldSpace);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void initBeforeSolve(final ConstraintSolverData raintSolverData) {
+ // Initialize the bodies index in the velocity array
+ this.indexBody1 = raintSolverData.mapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex.get(this.body1);
+ this.indexBody2 = raintSolverData.mapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex.get(this.body2);
+ // Get the bodies center of mass and orientations
+ final Vector3f x1 = this.body1.centerOfMassWorld;
+ final Vector3f x2 = this.body2.centerOfMassWorld;
+ final Quaternion orientationBody1 = this.body1.getTransform().getOrientation();
+ final Quaternion orientationBody2 = this.body2.getTransform().getOrientation();
+ // Get the inertia tensor of bodies
+ this.i1 = this.body1.getInertiaTensorInverseWorld();
+ this.i2 = this.body2.getInertiaTensorInverseWorld();
+ // Compute the vector from body center to the anchor point in world-space
+ this.r1World = orientationBody1.multiply(this.localAnchorPointBody1);
+ this.r2World = orientationBody2.multiply(this.localAnchorPointBody2);
+ // Compute the corresponding skew-symmetric matrices
+ final Matrix3f skewSymmetricMatrixU1 = Matrix3f.computeSkewSymmetricMatrixForCrossProduct(this.r1World);
+ final Matrix3f skewSymmetricMatrixU2 = Matrix3f.computeSkewSymmetricMatrixForCrossProduct(this.r2World);
+ // Compute the matrix K=JM^-1J^t (3x3 matrix)
+ final float inverseMassBodies = this.body1.massInverse + this.body2.massInverse;
+ final Matrix3f massMatrix = new Matrix3f(inverseMassBodies, 0, 0, 0, inverseMassBodies, 0, 0, 0, inverseMassBodies);
+ massMatrix.add(skewSymmetricMatrixU1.multiplyNew(this.i1).multiply(skewSymmetricMatrixU1.transposeNew()));
+ massMatrix.add(skewSymmetricMatrixU2.multiplyNew(this.i2).multiply(skewSymmetricMatrixU2.transposeNew()));
+ // Compute the inverse mass matrix K^-1
+ this.inverseMassMatrix.setZero();
+ if (this.body1.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC || this.body2.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC) {
+ this.inverseMassMatrix = massMatrix.inverseNew();
+ }
+ // Compute the bias "b" of the raint
+ this.biasVector.setZero();
+ if (this.positionCorrectionTechnique == JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique.BAUMGARTE_JOINTS) {
+ final float biasFactor = (BETA / raintSolverData.timeStep);
+ this.biasVector = (x2.addNew(this.r2World).less(x1).less(this.r1World)).multiply(biasFactor);
+ }
+ // If warm-starting is not enabled
+ if (!raintSolverData.isWarmStartingActive) {
+ // Reset the accumulated impulse
+ this.impulse.setZero();
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void solvePositionConstraint(final ConstraintSolverData raintSolverData) {
+ // Get the velocities
+ final Vector3f v1 = raintSolverData.linearVelocities[this.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f v2 = raintSolverData.linearVelocities[this.indexBody2];
+ final Vector3f w1 = raintSolverData.angularVelocities[this.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f w2 = raintSolverData.angularVelocities[this.indexBody2];
+ // Compute J*v
+ final Vector3f Jv = v2.addNew(w2.cross(this.r2World)).less(v1).less(w1.cross(this.r1World));
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda
+ final Vector3f deltaLambda = this.inverseMassMatrix.multiplyNew(Jv.multiplyNew(-1).less(this.biasVector));
+ this.impulse.add(deltaLambda);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the body 1
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody1 = deltaLambda.multiplyNew(-1);
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody1 = deltaLambda.cross(this.r1World);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 1
+ v1.add(linearImpulseBody1.multiplyNew(this.body1.massInverse));
+ w1.add(this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the body 2
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody2 = deltaLambda.cross(this.r2World).multiplyNew(-1);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 2
+ v2.add(deltaLambda.multiplyNew(this.body2.massInverse));
+ w2.add(this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2));
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void solveVelocityConstraint(final ConstraintSolverData raintSolverData) {
+ // If the error position correction technique is not the non-linear-gauss-seidel, we do
+ // do not execute this method
+ if (this.positionCorrectionTechnique != JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique.NON_LINEAR_GAUSS_SEIDEL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Get the bodies center of mass and orientations
+ final Vector3f x1 = raintSolverData.positions[this.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f x2 = raintSolverData.positions[this.indexBody2];
+ final Quaternion q1 = raintSolverData.orientations[this.indexBody1];
+ final Quaternion q2 = raintSolverData.orientations[this.indexBody2];
+ // Get the inverse mass and inverse inertia tensors of the bodies
+ final float inverseMassBody1 = this.body1.massInverse;
+ final float inverseMassBody2 = this.body2.massInverse;
+ // Recompute the inverse inertia tensors
+ this.i1 = this.body1.getInertiaTensorInverseWorld();
+ this.i2 = this.body2.getInertiaTensorInverseWorld();
+ // Compute the vector from body center to the anchor point in world-space
+ this.r1World = q1.multiply(this.localAnchorPointBody1);
+ this.r2World = q2.multiply(this.localAnchorPointBody2);
+ // Compute the corresponding skew-symmetric matrices
+ final Matrix3f skewSymmetricMatrixU1 = Matrix3f.computeSkewSymmetricMatrixForCrossProduct(this.r1World);
+ final Matrix3f skewSymmetricMatrixU2 = Matrix3f.computeSkewSymmetricMatrixForCrossProduct(this.r2World);
+ // Recompute the inverse mass matrix K=J^TM^-1J of of the 3 translation raints
+ final float inverseMassBodies = inverseMassBody1 + inverseMassBody2;
+ final Matrix3f massMatrix = new Matrix3f(inverseMassBodies, 0, 0, 0, inverseMassBodies, 0, 0, 0, inverseMassBodies);
+ massMatrix.add(skewSymmetricMatrixU1.multiplyNew(this.i1).multiplyNew(skewSymmetricMatrixU1.transposeNew()));
+ massMatrix.add(skewSymmetricMatrixU2.multiplyNew(this.i2).multiplyNew(skewSymmetricMatrixU2.transposeNew()));
+ this.inverseMassMatrix.setZero();
+ if (this.body1.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC || this.body2.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC) {
+ this.inverseMassMatrix = massMatrix.inverseNew();
+ }
+ // Compute the raint error (value of the C(x) function)
+ final Vector3f raintError = x2.addNew(this.r2World).less(x1).less(this.r1World);
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda
+ // TODO : Do not solve the system by computing the inverse each time and multiplying with the
+ // right-hand side vector but instead use a method to directly solve the linear system.
+ final Vector3f lambda = this.inverseMassMatrix.multiplyNew(raintError.multiplyNew(-1));
+ // Compute the impulse of body 1
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody1 = lambda.multiplyNew(-1);
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody1 = lambda.cross(this.r1World);
+ // Compute the pseudo velocity of body 1
+ final Vector3f v1 = linearImpulseBody1.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody1);
+ final Vector3f w1 = this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1);
+ // Update the body center of mass and orientation of body 1
+ x1.add(v1);
+ q1.add((new Quaternion(0, w1)).multiplyNew(q1).multiplyNew(0.5f));
+ q1.normalize();
+ // Compute the impulse of body 2
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody2 = lambda.cross(this.r2World).multiplyNew(-1);
+ // Compute the pseudo velocity of body 2
+ final Vector3f v2 = lambda.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody2);
+ final Vector3f w2 = this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2);
+ // Update the body position/orientation of body 2
+ x2.add(v2);
+ q2.add((new Quaternion(0, w2)).multiplyNew(q2).multiply(0.5f));
+ q2.normalize();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void warmstart(final ConstraintSolverData raintSolverData) {
+ // Get the velocities
+ final Vector3f v1 = raintSolverData.linearVelocities[this.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f v2 = raintSolverData.linearVelocities[this.indexBody2];
+ final Vector3f w1 = raintSolverData.angularVelocities[this.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f w2 = raintSolverData.angularVelocities[this.indexBody2];
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the body 1
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody1 = this.impulse.multiplyNew(-1);
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody1 = this.impulse.cross(this.r1World);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 1
+ v1.add(linearImpulseBody1.multiplyNew(this.body1.massInverse));
+ w1.add(this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the body 2
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody2 = this.impulse.cross(this.r2World).multiplyNew(-1);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body to the body 2
+ v2.add(this.impulse.multiplyNew(this.body2.massInverse));
+ w2.add(this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2));
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/BallAndSocketJointInfo.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/BallAndSocketJointInfo.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e17e4a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/BallAndSocketJointInfo.java
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.RigidBody;
+ * It is used to gather the information needed to create a ball-and-socket
+ * joint. This structure will be used to create the actual ball-and-socket joint.
+ */
+public class BallAndSocketJointInfo extends JointInfo {
+ public Vector3f anchorPointWorldSpace; //!< Anchor point (in world-space coordinates)
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ * @param _rigidBody1 Pointer to the first body of the joint
+ * @param _rigidBody2 Pointer to the second body of the joint
+ * @param _initAnchorPointWorldSpace The anchor point in world-space coordinates
+ */
+ public BallAndSocketJointInfo(final RigidBody _rigidBody1, final RigidBody _rigidBody2, final Vector3f _initAnchorPointWorldSpace) {
+ super(_rigidBody1, _rigidBody2, JointType.BALLSOCKETJOINT);
+ this.anchorPointWorldSpace = _initAnchorPointWorldSpace;
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/ContactPoint.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/ContactPoint.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..204f7eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/ContactPoint.java
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.CollisionBody;
+ * This class represents a collision contact point between two
+ * bodies in the physics engine.
+ */
+public class ContactPoint {
+ private final CollisionBody body1; //!< First rigid body of the contact
+ private final CollisionBody body2; //!< Second rigid body of the contact
+ private final Vector3f normal; //!< Normalized normal vector of the contact (from body1 toward body2) in world space
+ private float penetrationDepth; //!< Penetration depth
+ private final Vector3f localPointOnBody1; //!< Contact point on body 1 in local space of body 1
+ private final Vector3f localPointOnBody2; //!< Contact point on body 2 in local space of body 2
+ private Vector3f worldPointOnBody1; //!< Contact point on body 1 in world space
+ private Vector3f worldPointOnBody2; //!< Contact point on body 2 in world space
+ private boolean isRestingContact; //!< True if the contact is a resting contact (exists for more than one time step)
+ private Vector3f frictionVectors_1; //!< Two orthogonal vectors that span the tangential friction plane
+ private Vector3f frictionVectors_2; //!< Two orthogonal vectors that span the tangential friction plane
+ private float penetrationImpulse; //!< Cached penetration impulse
+ private float frictionImpulse1; //!< Cached first friction impulse
+ private float frictionImpulse2; //!< Cached second friction impulse
+ private Vector3f rollingResistanceImpulse; //!< Cached rolling resistance impulse
+ /// Constructor
+ public ContactPoint(final ContactPointInfo contactInfo) {
+ this.body1 = contactInfo.shape1.getBody();
+ this.body2 = contactInfo.shape2.getBody();
+ this.normal = contactInfo.normal.clone();
+ this.penetrationDepth = contactInfo.penetrationDepth;
+ this.localPointOnBody1 = contactInfo.localPoint1.clone();
+ this.localPointOnBody2 = contactInfo.localPoint2.clone();
+ this.worldPointOnBody1 = contactInfo.shape1.getBody().getTransform().multiplyNew(contactInfo.shape1.getLocalToBodyTransform().multiply(contactInfo.localPoint1));
+ this.worldPointOnBody2 = contactInfo.shape2.getBody().getTransform().multiplyNew(contactInfo.shape2.getLocalToBodyTransform().multiply(contactInfo.localPoint2));
+ this.isRestingContact = false;
+ this.frictionVectors_1 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
+ this.frictionVectors_2 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
+ assert (this.penetrationDepth >= 0.0f);
+ }
+ /// Return the reference to the body 1
+ public CollisionBody getBody1() {
+ return this.body1;
+ }
+ /// Return the reference to the body 2
+ public CollisionBody getBody2() {
+ return this.body2;
+ }
+ /// Return the cached first friction impulse
+ public float getFrictionImpulse1() {
+ return this.frictionImpulse1;
+ }
+ /// Return the cached second friction impulse
+ public float getFrictionImpulse2() {
+ return this.frictionImpulse2;
+ }
+ /// Get the second friction vector
+ public Vector3f getFrictionvec2() {
+ return this.frictionVectors_2;
+ }
+ /// Get the first friction vector
+ public Vector3f getFrictionVector1() {
+ return this.frictionVectors_1;
+ }
+ /// Return true if the contact is a resting contact
+ public boolean getIsRestingContact() {
+ return this.isRestingContact;
+ }
+ /// Return the contact local point on body 1
+ public Vector3f getLocalPointOnBody1() {
+ return this.localPointOnBody1;
+ }
+ /// Return the contact local point on body 2
+ public Vector3f getLocalPointOnBody2() {
+ return this.localPointOnBody2;
+ }
+ /// Return the normal vector of the contact
+ public Vector3f getNormal() {
+ return this.normal;
+ }
+ /// Return the penetration depth
+ public float getPenetrationDepth() {
+ return this.penetrationDepth;
+ }
+ /// Return the cached penetration impulse
+ public float getPenetrationImpulse() {
+ return this.penetrationImpulse;
+ }
+ /// Return the cached rolling resistance impulse
+ public Vector3f getRollingResistanceImpulse() {
+ return this.rollingResistanceImpulse;
+ }
+ /// Return the contact world point on body 1
+ public Vector3f getWorldPointOnBody1() {
+ return this.worldPointOnBody1;
+ }
+ /// Return the contact world point on body 2
+ public Vector3f getWorldPointOnBody2() {
+ return this.worldPointOnBody2;
+ }
+ /// Set the first cached friction impulse
+ public void setFrictionImpulse1(final float impulse) {
+ this.frictionImpulse1 = impulse;
+ }
+ /// Set the second cached friction impulse
+ public void setFrictionImpulse2(final float impulse) {
+ this.frictionImpulse2 = impulse;
+ }
+ /// Set the second friction vector
+ public void setFrictionvec2(final Vector3f frictionvec2) {
+ this.frictionVectors_2 = frictionvec2;
+ }
+ /// Set the first friction vector
+ public void setFrictionVector1(final Vector3f frictionVector1) {
+ this.frictionVectors_1 = frictionVector1;
+ }
+ /// Set the this.isRestingContact variable
+ public void setIsRestingContact(final boolean isRestingContact) {
+ this.isRestingContact = isRestingContact;
+ }
+ /// Set the penetration depth of the contact
+ public void setPenetrationDepth(final float penetrationDepth) {
+ this.penetrationDepth = penetrationDepth;
+ }
+ /// Set the cached penetration impulse
+ public void setPenetrationImpulse(final float impulse) {
+ this.penetrationImpulse = impulse;
+ }
+ /// Set the cached rolling resistance impulse
+ public void setRollingResistanceImpulse(final Vector3f impulse) {
+ this.rollingResistanceImpulse = impulse;
+ }
+ /// Set the contact world point on body 1
+ public void setWorldPointOnBody1(final Vector3f worldPoint) {
+ this.worldPointOnBody1 = worldPoint;
+ }
+ /// Set the contact world point on body 2
+ public void setWorldPointOnBody2(final Vector3f worldPoint) {
+ this.worldPointOnBody2 = worldPoint;
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/ContactPointInfo.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/ContactPointInfo.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eac4710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/ContactPointInfo.java
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ProxyShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.CollisionShape;
+ * This structure contains informations about a collision contact
+ * computed during the narrow-phase collision detection. Those
+ * informations are used to compute the contact set for a contact
+ * between two bodies.
+ */
+public class ContactPointInfo {
+ public ProxyShape shape1; //!< First proxy shape of the contact
+ public ProxyShape shape2; //!< Second proxy shape of the contact
+ public CollisionShape collisionShape1; //!< First collision shape
+ public CollisionShape collisionShape2; //!< Second collision shape
+ public Vector3f normal; //!< Normalized normal vector of the collision contact in world space
+ public float penetrationDepth; //!< Penetration depth of the contact
+ public Vector3f localPoint1; //!< Contact point of body 1 in local space of body 1
+ public Vector3f localPoint2; //!< Contact point of body 2 in local space of body 2
+ public ContactPointInfo() {
+ this.shape1 = null;
+ this.shape2 = null;
+ this.collisionShape1 = null;
+ this.collisionShape2 = null;
+ }
+ public ContactPointInfo(final ContactPointInfo obj) {
+ this.shape1 = obj.shape1;
+ this.shape2 = obj.shape2;
+ this.collisionShape1 = obj.collisionShape1;
+ this.collisionShape2 = obj.collisionShape2;
+ this.normal = obj.normal;
+ this.penetrationDepth = obj.penetrationDepth;
+ this.localPoint1 = obj.localPoint1;
+ this.localPoint2 = obj.localPoint2;
+ }
+ public ContactPointInfo(final ProxyShape _proxyShape1, final ProxyShape _proxyShape2, final CollisionShape _collShape1, final CollisionShape _collShape2, final Vector3f _normal,
+ final float _penetrationDepth, final Vector3f _localPoint1, final Vector3f _localPoint2) {
+ this.shape1 = _proxyShape1;
+ this.shape2 = _proxyShape2;
+ this.collisionShape1 = _collShape1;
+ this.collisionShape2 = _collShape2;
+ this.normal = _normal;
+ this.penetrationDepth = _penetrationDepth;
+ this.localPoint1 = _localPoint1;
+ this.localPoint2 = _localPoint2;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/ContactsPositionCorrectionTechnique.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/ContactsPositionCorrectionTechnique.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e7775a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/ContactsPositionCorrectionTechnique.java
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint;
+/// Position correction technique used in the contact solver (for contacts)
+/// BAUMGARTE_CONTACTS : Faster but can be innacurate and can lead to unexpected bounciness
+/// in some situations (due to error correction factor being added to
+/// the bodies momentum).
+/// SPLIT_IMPULSES : A bit slower but the error correction factor is not added to the
+/// bodies momentum. This is the option used by default.
+public enum ContactsPositionCorrectionTechnique {
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/FixedJoint.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/FixedJoint.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e94b76c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/FixedJoint.java
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Matrix3f;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Quaternion;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Transform3D;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.BodyType;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine.ConstraintSolverData;
+public class FixedJoint extends Joint {
+ protected static float BETA = 0.2f; //!< Beta value for the bias factor of position correction
+ protected Vector3f localAnchorPointBody1 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Anchor point of body 1 (in local-space coordinates of body 1)
+ protected Vector3f localAnchorPointBody2 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Anchor point of body 2 (in local-space coordinates of body 2)
+ protected Vector3f r1World = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Vector from center of body 2 to anchor point in world-space
+ protected Vector3f r2World = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Vector from center of body 2 to anchor point in world-space
+ protected Matrix3f i1 = new Matrix3f(); //!< Inertia tensor of body 1 (in world-space coordinates)
+ protected Matrix3f i2 = new Matrix3f(); //!< Inertia tensor of body 2 (in world-space coordinates)
+ protected Vector3f impulseTranslation = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Accumulated impulse for the 3 translation raints
+ protected Vector3f impulseRotation = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Accumulate impulse for the 3 rotation raints
+ protected Matrix3f inverseMassMatrixTranslation = new Matrix3f(); //!< Inverse mass matrix K=JM^-1J^-t of the 3 translation raints (3x3 matrix)
+ protected Matrix3f inverseMassMatrixRotation = new Matrix3f(); //!< Inverse mass matrix K=JM^-1J^-t of the 3 rotation raints (3x3 matrix)
+ protected Vector3f biasTranslation = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Bias vector for the 3 translation raints
+ protected Vector3f biasRotation = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Bias vector for the 3 rotation raints
+ protected Quaternion initOrientationDifferenceInv = new Quaternion(); //!< Inverse of the initial orientation difference between the two bodies
+ /// Constructor
+ public FixedJoint(final FixedJointInfo jointInfo) {
+ super(jointInfo);
+ // Compute the local-space anchor point for each body
+ final Transform3D transform1 = this.body1.getTransform();
+ final Transform3D transform2 = this.body2.getTransform();
+ this.localAnchorPointBody1 = transform1.inverseNew().multiply(jointInfo.anchorPointWorldSpace);
+ this.localAnchorPointBody2 = transform2.inverseNew().multiply(jointInfo.anchorPointWorldSpace);
+ // Compute the inverse of the initial orientation difference between the two bodies
+ this.initOrientationDifferenceInv = transform2.getOrientation().multiplyNew(transform1.getOrientation().inverseNew());
+ this.initOrientationDifferenceInv.normalize();
+ this.initOrientationDifferenceInv.inverse();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void initBeforeSolve(final ConstraintSolverData raintSolverData) {
+ // Initialize the bodies index in the velocity array
+ this.indexBody1 = raintSolverData.mapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex.get(this.body1);
+ this.indexBody2 = raintSolverData.mapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex.get(this.body2);
+ // Get the bodies positions and orientations
+ final Vector3f x1 = this.body1.centerOfMassWorld;
+ final Vector3f x2 = this.body2.centerOfMassWorld;
+ final Quaternion orientationBody1 = this.body1.getTransform().getOrientation();
+ final Quaternion orientationBody2 = this.body2.getTransform().getOrientation();
+ // Get the inertia tensor of bodies
+ this.i1 = this.body1.getInertiaTensorInverseWorld();
+ this.i2 = this.body2.getInertiaTensorInverseWorld();
+ // Compute the vector from body center to the anchor point in world-space
+ this.r1World = orientationBody1.multiply(this.localAnchorPointBody1);
+ this.r2World = orientationBody2.multiply(this.localAnchorPointBody2);
+ // Compute the corresponding skew-symmetric matrices
+ final Matrix3f skewSymmetricMatrixU1 = Matrix3f.computeSkewSymmetricMatrixForCrossProduct(this.r1World);
+ final Matrix3f skewSymmetricMatrixU2 = Matrix3f.computeSkewSymmetricMatrixForCrossProduct(this.r2World);
+ // Compute the matrix K=JM^-1J^t (3x3 matrix) for the 3 translation raints
+ final float inverseMassBodies = this.body1.massInverse + this.body2.massInverse;
+ final Matrix3f massMatrix = new Matrix3f(inverseMassBodies, 0, 0, 0, inverseMassBodies, 0, 0, 0, inverseMassBodies);
+ massMatrix.add(skewSymmetricMatrixU1.multiplyNew(this.i1).multiply(skewSymmetricMatrixU1.transposeNew()));
+ massMatrix.add(skewSymmetricMatrixU2.multiplyNew(this.i2).multiply(skewSymmetricMatrixU2.transposeNew()));
+ // Compute the inverse mass matrix K^-1 for the 3 translation raints
+ this.inverseMassMatrixTranslation.setZero();
+ if (this.body1.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC || this.body2.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC) {
+ this.inverseMassMatrixTranslation = massMatrix.inverseNew();
+ }
+ // Compute the bias "b" of the raint for the 3 translation raints
+ final float biasFactor = (BETA / raintSolverData.timeStep);
+ this.biasTranslation.setZero();
+ if (this.positionCorrectionTechnique == JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique.BAUMGARTE_JOINTS) {
+ this.biasTranslation = x2.addNew(this.r2World).less(x1).less(this.r1World).multiply(biasFactor);
+ }
+ // Compute the inverse of the mass matrix K=JM^-1J^t for the 3 rotation
+ // contraints (3x3 matrix)
+ this.inverseMassMatrixRotation = this.i1.addNew(this.i2);
+ if (this.body1.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC || this.body2.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC) {
+ this.inverseMassMatrixRotation = this.inverseMassMatrixRotation.inverseNew();
+ }
+ // Compute the bias "b" for the 3 rotation raints
+ this.biasRotation.setZero();
+ if (this.positionCorrectionTechnique == JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique.BAUMGARTE_JOINTS) {
+ final Quaternion currentOrientationDifference = orientationBody2.multiplyNew(orientationBody1.inverseNew());
+ currentOrientationDifference.normalize();
+ final Quaternion qError = currentOrientationDifference.multiplyNew(this.initOrientationDifferenceInv);
+ this.biasRotation = qError.getVectorV().multiply(biasFactor * 2.0f);
+ }
+ // If warm-starting is not enabled
+ if (!raintSolverData.isWarmStartingActive) {
+ // Reset the accumulated impulses
+ this.impulseTranslation.setZero();
+ this.impulseRotation.setZero();
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void solvePositionConstraint(final ConstraintSolverData raintSolverData) {
+ // If the error position correction technique is not the non-linear-gauss-seidel, we do
+ // do not execute this method
+ if (this.positionCorrectionTechnique != JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique.NON_LINEAR_GAUSS_SEIDEL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Get the bodies positions and orientations
+ final Vector3f x1 = raintSolverData.positions[this.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f x2 = raintSolverData.positions[this.indexBody2];
+ final Quaternion q1 = raintSolverData.orientations[this.indexBody1];
+ final Quaternion q2 = raintSolverData.orientations[this.indexBody2];
+ // Get the inverse mass and inverse inertia tensors of the bodies
+ final float inverseMassBody1 = this.body1.massInverse;
+ final float inverseMassBody2 = this.body2.massInverse;
+ // Recompute the inverse inertia tensors
+ this.i1 = this.body1.getInertiaTensorInverseWorld();
+ this.i2 = this.body2.getInertiaTensorInverseWorld();
+ // Compute the vector from body center to the anchor point in world-space
+ this.r1World = q1.multiply(this.localAnchorPointBody1);
+ this.r2World = q2.multiply(this.localAnchorPointBody2);
+ // Compute the corresponding skew-symmetric matrices
+ final Matrix3f skewSymmetricMatrixU1 = Matrix3f.computeSkewSymmetricMatrixForCrossProduct(this.r1World);
+ final Matrix3f skewSymmetricMatrixU2 = Matrix3f.computeSkewSymmetricMatrixForCrossProduct(this.r2World);
+ // --------------- Translation Constraints --------------- //
+ // Compute the matrix K=JM^-1J^t (3x3 matrix) for the 3 translation raints
+ final float inverseMassBodies = this.body1.massInverse + this.body2.massInverse;
+ final Matrix3f massMatrix = new Matrix3f(inverseMassBodies, 0, 0, 0, inverseMassBodies, 0, 0, 0, inverseMassBodies);
+ massMatrix.add(skewSymmetricMatrixU1.multiplyNew(this.i1).add(skewSymmetricMatrixU1.transposeNew()));
+ massMatrix.add(skewSymmetricMatrixU2.multiplyNew(this.i2).add(skewSymmetricMatrixU2.transposeNew()));
+ this.inverseMassMatrixTranslation.setZero();
+ if (this.body1.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC || this.body2.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC) {
+ this.inverseMassMatrixTranslation = massMatrix.inverseNew();
+ }
+ // Compute position error for the 3 translation raints
+ final Vector3f errorTranslation = x2.addNew(this.r2World).less(x1).less(this.r1World);
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda
+ final Vector3f lambdaTranslation = this.inverseMassMatrixTranslation.multiplyNew(errorTranslation.multiplyNew(-1));
+ // Compute the impulse of body 1
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody1 = lambdaTranslation.multiplyNew(-1);
+ Vector3f angularImpulseBody1 = lambdaTranslation.cross(this.r1World);
+ // Compute the pseudo velocity of body 1
+ final Vector3f v1 = linearImpulseBody1.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody1);
+ Vector3f w1 = this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1);
+ // Update the body position/orientation of body 1
+ x1.add(v1);
+ q1.add((new Quaternion(0, w1)).multiply(q1).multiply(0.5f));
+ q1.normalize();
+ // Compute the impulse of body 2
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody2 = lambdaTranslation.cross(this.r2World).multiply(-1);
+ // Compute the pseudo velocity of body 2
+ final Vector3f v2 = lambdaTranslation.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody2);
+ Vector3f w2 = this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2);
+ // Update the body position/orientation of body 2
+ x2.add(v2);
+ q2.add((new Quaternion(0, w2)).multiply(q2).multiply(0.5f));
+ q2.normalize();
+ // --------------- Rotation Constraints --------------- //
+ // Compute the inverse of the mass matrix K=JM^-1J^t for the 3 rotation
+ // contraints (3x3 matrix)
+ this.inverseMassMatrixRotation = this.i1.addNew(this.i2);
+ if (this.body1.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC || this.body2.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC) {
+ this.inverseMassMatrixRotation = this.inverseMassMatrixRotation.inverseNew();
+ }
+ // Compute the position error for the 3 rotation raints
+ final Quaternion currentOrientationDifference = q2.multiplyNew(q1.inverseNew());
+ currentOrientationDifference.normalize();
+ final Quaternion qError = currentOrientationDifference.multiplyNew(this.initOrientationDifferenceInv);
+ final Vector3f errorRotation = qError.getVectorV().multiply(2.0f);
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda for the 3 rotation raints
+ final Vector3f lambdaRotation = this.inverseMassMatrixRotation.multiplyNew(errorRotation.multiplyNew(-1));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 3 rotation raints of body 1
+ angularImpulseBody1 = lambdaRotation.multiplyNew(-1);
+ // Compute the pseudo velocity of body 1
+ w1 = this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1);
+ // Update the body position/orientation of body 1
+ q1.add((new Quaternion(0, w1)).multiply(q1).multiply(0.5f));
+ q1.normalize();
+ // Compute the pseudo velocity of body 2
+ w2 = this.i2.multiplyNew(lambdaRotation);
+ // Update the body position/orientation of body 2
+ q2.add((new Quaternion(0, w2)).multiply(q2).multiply(0.5f));
+ q2.normalize();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void solveVelocityConstraint(final ConstraintSolverData raintSolverData) {
+ // Get the velocities
+ final Vector3f v1 = raintSolverData.linearVelocities[this.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f v2 = raintSolverData.linearVelocities[this.indexBody2];
+ final Vector3f w1 = raintSolverData.angularVelocities[this.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f w2 = raintSolverData.angularVelocities[this.indexBody2];
+ // Get the inverse mass of the bodies
+ final float inverseMassBody1 = this.body1.massInverse;
+ final float inverseMassBody2 = this.body2.massInverse;
+ // --------------- Translation Constraints --------------- //
+ // Compute J*v for the 3 translation raints
+ final Vector3f JvTranslation = v2.addNew(w2.cross(this.r2World)).less(v1).less(w1.cross(this.r1World));
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda
+ final Vector3f deltaLambda = this.inverseMassMatrixTranslation.multiplyNew(JvTranslation.multiplyNew(-1).less(this.biasTranslation));
+ this.impulseTranslation.add(deltaLambda);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for body 1
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody1 = deltaLambda.multiplyNew(-1);
+ Vector3f angularImpulseBody1 = deltaLambda.cross(this.r1World);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 1
+ v1.add(linearImpulseBody1.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody1));
+ w1.add(this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for body 2
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody2 = deltaLambda.cross(this.r2World).multiply(-1);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 2
+ v2.add(deltaLambda.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody2));
+ w2.add(this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2));
+ // --------------- Rotation Constraints --------------- //
+ // Compute J*v for the 3 rotation raints
+ final Vector3f JvRotation = w2.lessNew(w1);
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda for the 3 rotation raints
+ final Vector3f deltaLambda2 = this.inverseMassMatrixRotation.multiplyNew(JvRotation.multiplyNew(-1).less(this.biasRotation));
+ this.impulseRotation.add(deltaLambda2);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 3 rotation raints for body 1
+ angularImpulseBody1 = deltaLambda2.multiplyNew(-1);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 1
+ w1.add(this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1));
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 2
+ w2.add(this.i2.multiplyNew(deltaLambda2));
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void warmstart(final ConstraintSolverData raintSolverData) {
+ // Get the velocities
+ final Vector3f v1 = raintSolverData.linearVelocities[this.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f v2 = raintSolverData.linearVelocities[this.indexBody2];
+ final Vector3f w1 = raintSolverData.angularVelocities[this.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f w2 = raintSolverData.angularVelocities[this.indexBody2];
+ // Get the inverse mass of the bodies
+ final float inverseMassBody1 = this.body1.massInverse;
+ final float inverseMassBody2 = this.body2.massInverse;
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 3 translation raints for body 1
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody1 = this.impulseTranslation.multiplyNew(-1);
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody1 = this.impulseTranslation.cross(this.r1World);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 3 rotation raints for body 1
+ angularImpulseBody1.add(this.impulseRotation.multiplyNew(-1));
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 1
+ v1.add(linearImpulseBody1.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody1));
+ w1.add(this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 3 translation raints for body 2
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody2 = this.impulseTranslation.cross(this.r2World).multiplyNew(-1);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 3 rotation raints for body 2
+ angularImpulseBody2.add(this.impulseRotation);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 2
+ v2.add(this.impulseTranslation.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody2));
+ w2.add(this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2));
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/FixedJointInfo.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/FixedJointInfo.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a89b1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/FixedJointInfo.java
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.RigidBody;
+ * This structure is used to gather the information needed to create a fixed
+ * joint. This structure will be used to create the actual fixed joint.
+ */
+public class FixedJointInfo extends JointInfo {
+ Vector3f anchorPointWorldSpace; //!< Anchor point (in world-space coordinates)
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ * @param _rigidBody1 The first body of the joint
+ * @param _rigidBody2 The second body of the joint
+ * @param _initAnchorPointWorldSpace The initial anchor point of the joint in world-space coordinates
+ */
+ FixedJointInfo(final RigidBody _rigidBody1, final RigidBody _rigidBody2, final Vector3f _initAnchorPointWorldSpace) {
+ super(_rigidBody1, _rigidBody2, JointType.FIXEDJOINT);
+ this.anchorPointWorldSpace = _initAnchorPointWorldSpace;
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/HingeJoint.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/HingeJoint.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..790120f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/HingeJoint.java
@@ -0,0 +1,862 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Constant;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.FMath;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Matrix3f;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Quaternion;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Transform3D;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector2f;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.BodyType;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine.ConstraintSolverData;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Matrix2f;
+ * It represents a hinge joint that allows arbitrary rotation
+ * between two bodies around a single axis. This joint has one degree of freedom. It
+ * can be useful to simulate doors or pendulumns.
+ */
+public class HingeJoint extends Joint {
+ private static float BETA; //!< Beta value for the bias factor of position correction
+ private final Vector3f localAnchorPointBody1; //!< Anchor point of body 1 (in local-space coordinates of body 1)
+ private final Vector3f localAnchorPointBody2; //!< Anchor point of body 2 (in local-space coordinates of body 2)
+ private final Vector3f hingeLocalAxisBody1; //!< Hinge rotation axis (in local-space coordinates of body 1)
+ private final Vector3f hingeLocalAxisBody2; //!< Hinge rotation axis (in local-space coordiantes of body 2)
+ private Matrix3f i1; //!< Inertia tensor of body 1 (in world-space coordinates)
+ private Matrix3f i2; //!< Inertia tensor of body 2 (in world-space coordinates)
+ private Vector3f mA1; //!< Hinge rotation axis (in world-space coordinates) computed from body 1
+ private Vector3f r1World; //!< Vector from center of body 2 to anchor point in world-space
+ private Vector3f r2World; //!< Vector from center of body 2 to anchor point in world-space
+ private Vector3f b2CrossA1; //!< Cross product of vector b2 and a1
+ private Vector3f c2CrossA1; //!< Cross product of vector c2 and a1;
+ private final Vector3f impulseTranslation; //!< Impulse for the 3 translation raints
+ private final Vector2f impulseRotation; //!< Impulse for the 2 rotation raints
+ private float impulseLowerLimit; //!< Accumulated impulse for the lower limit raint
+ private float impulseUpperLimit; //!< Accumulated impulse for the upper limit raint
+ private float impulseMotor; //!< Accumulated impulse for the motor raint;
+ private Matrix3f inverseMassMatrixTranslation; //!< Inverse mass matrix K=JM^-1J^t for the 3 translation raints
+ private Matrix2f inverseMassMatrixRotation; //!< Inverse mass matrix K=JM^-1J^t for the 2 rotation raints
+ private float inverseMassMatrixLimitMotor; //!< Inverse of mass matrix K=JM^-1J^t for the limits and motor raints (1x1 matrix)
+ private float inverseMassMatrixMotor; //!< Inverse of mass matrix K=JM^-1J^t for the motor
+ private Vector3f bTranslation; //!< Bias vector for the error correction for the translation raints
+ private Vector2f bRotation; //!< Bias vector for the error correction for the rotation raints
+ private float bLowerLimit; //!< Bias of the lower limit raint
+ private float bUpperLimit; //!< Bias of the upper limit raint
+ private final Quaternion initOrientationDifferenceInv; //!< Inverse of the initial orientation difference between the bodies
+ private boolean isLimitEnabled; //!< True if the joint limits are enabled
+ private boolean isMotorEnabled; //!< True if the motor of the joint in enabled
+ private float lowerLimit; //!< Lower limit (minimum allowed rotation angle in radian)
+ private float upperLimit; //!< Upper limit (maximum translation distance)
+ private boolean isLowerLimitViolated; //!< True if the lower limit is violated
+ private boolean isUpperLimitViolated; //!< True if the upper limit is violated
+ private float motorSpeed; //!< Motor speed (in rad/s)
+ private float maxMotorTorque; //!< Maximum motor torque (in Newtons) that can be applied to reach to desired motor speed
+ /// Reset the limits
+ /// Constructor
+ public HingeJoint(final HingeJointInfo jointInfo) {
+ super(jointInfo);
+ this.impulseTranslation = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
+ this.impulseRotation = new Vector2f(0, 0);
+ this.impulseLowerLimit = 0;
+ this.impulseUpperLimit = 0;
+ this.impulseMotor = 0;
+ this.isLimitEnabled = jointInfo.isLimitEnabled;
+ this.isMotorEnabled = jointInfo.isMotorEnabled;
+ this.lowerLimit = jointInfo.minAngleLimit;
+ this.upperLimit = jointInfo.maxAngleLimit;
+ this.isLowerLimitViolated = false;
+ this.isUpperLimitViolated = false;
+ this.motorSpeed = jointInfo.motorSpeed;
+ this.maxMotorTorque = jointInfo.maxMotorTorque;
+ assert (this.lowerLimit <= 0 && this.lowerLimit >= -2.0 * Constant.PI);
+ assert (this.upperLimit >= 0 && this.upperLimit <= 2.0 * Constant.PI);
+ // Compute the local-space anchor point for each body
+ final Transform3D transform1 = this.body1.getTransform();
+ final Transform3D transform2 = this.body2.getTransform();
+ this.localAnchorPointBody1 = transform1.inverseNew().multiply(jointInfo.anchorPointWorldSpace);
+ this.localAnchorPointBody2 = transform2.inverseNew().multiply(jointInfo.anchorPointWorldSpace);
+ // Compute the local-space hinge axis
+ this.hingeLocalAxisBody1 = transform1.getOrientation().inverseNew().multiply(jointInfo.rotationAxisWorld);
+ this.hingeLocalAxisBody2 = transform2.getOrientation().inverseNew().multiply(jointInfo.rotationAxisWorld);
+ this.hingeLocalAxisBody1.normalize();
+ this.hingeLocalAxisBody2.normalize();
+ // Compute the inverse of the initial orientation difference between the two bodies
+ this.initOrientationDifferenceInv = transform2.getOrientation().multiplyNew(transform1.getOrientation().inverseNew());
+ this.initOrientationDifferenceInv.normalize();
+ this.initOrientationDifferenceInv.inverse();
+ }
+ /// Given an "inputAngle" in the range [-pi, pi], this method returns an
+ /// angle (modulo 2*pi) in the range [-2*pi; 2*pi] that is closest to one of the
+ /// two angle limits in arguments.
+ private float computeCorrespondingAngleNearLimits(final float inputAngle, final float lowerLimitAngle, final float upperLimitAngle) {
+ if (upperLimitAngle <= lowerLimitAngle) {
+ return inputAngle;
+ } else if (inputAngle > upperLimitAngle) {
+ final float diffToUpperLimit = FMath.abs(computeNormalizedAngle(inputAngle - upperLimitAngle));
+ final float diffToLowerLimit = FMath.abs(computeNormalizedAngle(inputAngle - lowerLimitAngle));
+ return (diffToUpperLimit > diffToLowerLimit) ? (inputAngle - Constant.PI_2) : inputAngle;
+ } else if (inputAngle < lowerLimitAngle) {
+ final float diffToUpperLimit = FMath.abs(computeNormalizedAngle(upperLimitAngle - inputAngle));
+ final float diffToLowerLimit = FMath.abs(computeNormalizedAngle(lowerLimitAngle - inputAngle));
+ return (diffToUpperLimit > diffToLowerLimit) ? inputAngle : (inputAngle + Constant.PI_2);
+ } else {
+ return inputAngle;
+ }
+ }
+ /// Compute the current angle around the hinge axis
+ private float computeCurrentHingeAngle(final Quaternion orientationBody1, final Quaternion orientationBody2) {
+ float hingeAngle;
+ // Compute the current orientation difference between the two bodies
+ final Quaternion currentOrientationDiff = orientationBody2.multiplyNew(orientationBody1.inverseNew());
+ currentOrientationDiff.normalize();
+ // Compute the relative rotation idering the initial orientation difference
+ final Quaternion relativeRotation = currentOrientationDiff.multiplyNew(this.initOrientationDifferenceInv);
+ relativeRotation.normalize();
+ // A quaternion q = [cos(theta/2); sin(theta/2) * rotAxis] where rotAxis is a unit
+ // length vector. We can extract cos(theta/2) with q.w and we can extract |sin(theta/2)| with :
+ // |sin(theta/2)| = q.getVectorV().length() since rotAxis is unit length. Note that any
+ // rotation can be represented by a quaternion q and -q. Therefore, if the relative rotation
+ // axis is not pointing in the same direction as the hinge axis, we use the rotation -q which
+ // has the same |sin(theta/2)| value but the value cos(theta/2) is sign inverted. Some details
+ // about this trick is explained in the source code of OpenTissue (http://www.opentissue.org).
+ final float cosHalfAngle = relativeRotation.getW();
+ final float sinHalfAngleAbs = relativeRotation.getVectorV().length();
+ // Compute the dot product of the relative rotation axis and the hinge axis
+ final float dotProduct = relativeRotation.getVectorV().dot(this.mA1);
+ // If the relative rotation axis and the hinge axis are pointing the same direction
+ if (dotProduct >= 0.0f) {
+ hingeAngle = 2.0f * FMath.atan2(sinHalfAngleAbs, cosHalfAngle);
+ } else {
+ hingeAngle = 2.0f * FMath.atan2(sinHalfAngleAbs, -cosHalfAngle);
+ }
+ // Convert the angle from range [-2*pi; 2*pi] into the range [-pi; pi]
+ hingeAngle = computeNormalizedAngle(hingeAngle);
+ // Compute and return the corresponding angle near one the two limits
+ return computeCorrespondingAngleNearLimits(hingeAngle, this.lowerLimit, this.upperLimit);
+ }
+ /// Given an angle in radian, this method returns the corresponding
+ /// angle in the range [-pi; pi]
+ private float computeNormalizedAngle(float angle) {
+ // Convert it into the range [-2*pi; 2*pi]
+ angle = FMath.mod(angle, Constant.PI_2);
+ // Convert it into the range [-pi; pi]
+ if (angle < -Constant.PI) {
+ return angle + Constant.PI_2;
+ } else if (angle > Constant.PI) {
+ return angle - Constant.PI_2;
+ } else {
+ return angle;
+ }
+ }
+ /**Enable/Disable the limits of the joint
+ * @param isLimitEnabled True if you want to enable the limits of the joint and
+ * false otherwise
+ */
+ public void enableLimit(final boolean isLimitEnabled) {
+ if (this.isLimitEnabled != isLimitEnabled) {
+ this.isLimitEnabled = isLimitEnabled;
+ // Reset the limits
+ resetLimits();
+ }
+ }
+ /**Enable/Disable the motor of the joint
+ * @param isMotorEnabled True if you want to enable the motor of the joint and false otherwise
+ */
+ public void enableMotor(final boolean isMotorEnabled) {
+ this.isMotorEnabled = isMotorEnabled;
+ this.impulseMotor = 0.0f;
+ // Wake up the two bodies of the joint
+ this.body1.setIsSleeping(false);
+ this.body2.setIsSleeping(false);
+ }
+ /// Return the maximum angle limit
+ /**
+ * @return The maximum limit angle of the joint (in radian)
+ */
+ public float getMaxAngleLimit() {
+ return this.upperLimit;
+ }
+ /// Return the maximum motor torque
+ /**
+ * @return The maximum torque of the joint motor (in Newtons)
+ */
+ public float getMaxMotorTorque() {
+ return this.maxMotorTorque;
+ }
+ /// Return the minimum angle limit
+ /**
+ * @return The minimum limit angle of the joint (in radian)
+ */
+ public float getMinAngleLimit() {
+ return this.lowerLimit;
+ }
+ /// Return the motor speed
+ /**
+ * @return The current speed of the joint motor (in radian per second)
+ */
+ public float getMotorSpeed() {
+ return this.motorSpeed;
+ }
+ /// Return the intensity of the current torque applied for the joint motor
+ /**
+ * @param timeStep The current time step (in seconds)
+ * @return The intensity of the current torque (in Newtons) of the joint motor
+ */
+ public float getMotorTorque(final float timeStep) {
+ return this.impulseMotor / timeStep;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void initBeforeSolve(final ConstraintSolverData raintSolverData) {
+ // Initialize the bodies index in the velocity array
+ this.indexBody1 = raintSolverData.mapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex.get(this.body1);
+ this.indexBody2 = raintSolverData.mapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex.get(this.body2);
+ // Get the bodies positions and orientations
+ final Vector3f x1 = this.body1.centerOfMassWorld;
+ final Vector3f x2 = this.body2.centerOfMassWorld;
+ final Quaternion orientationBody1 = this.body1.getTransform().getOrientation();
+ final Quaternion orientationBody2 = this.body2.getTransform().getOrientation();
+ // Get the inertia tensor of bodies
+ this.i1 = this.body1.getInertiaTensorInverseWorld();
+ this.i2 = this.body2.getInertiaTensorInverseWorld();
+ // Compute the vector from body center to the anchor point in world-space
+ this.r1World = orientationBody1.multiply(this.localAnchorPointBody1);
+ this.r2World = orientationBody2.multiply(this.localAnchorPointBody2);
+ // Compute the current angle around the hinge axis
+ final float hingeAngle = computeCurrentHingeAngle(orientationBody1, orientationBody2);
+ // Check if the limit raints are violated or not
+ final float lowerLimitError = hingeAngle - this.lowerLimit;
+ final float upperLimitError = this.upperLimit - hingeAngle;
+ final boolean oldIsLowerLimitViolated = this.isLowerLimitViolated;
+ this.isLowerLimitViolated = lowerLimitError <= 0;
+ if (this.isLowerLimitViolated != oldIsLowerLimitViolated) {
+ this.impulseLowerLimit = 0.0f;
+ }
+ final boolean oldIsUpperLimitViolated = this.isUpperLimitViolated;
+ this.isUpperLimitViolated = upperLimitError <= 0;
+ if (this.isUpperLimitViolated != oldIsUpperLimitViolated) {
+ this.impulseUpperLimit = 0.0f;
+ }
+ // Compute vectors needed in the Jacobian
+ this.mA1 = orientationBody1.multiply(this.hingeLocalAxisBody1);
+ final Vector3f a2 = orientationBody2.multiply(this.hingeLocalAxisBody2);
+ this.mA1.normalize();
+ a2.normalize();
+ final Vector3f b2 = a2.getOrthoVector();
+ final Vector3f c2 = a2.cross(b2);
+ this.b2CrossA1 = b2.cross(this.mA1);
+ this.c2CrossA1 = c2.cross(this.mA1);
+ // Compute the corresponding skew-symmetric matrices
+ final Matrix3f skewSymmetricMatrixU1 = Matrix3f.computeSkewSymmetricMatrixForCrossProduct(this.r1World);
+ final Matrix3f skewSymmetricMatrixU2 = Matrix3f.computeSkewSymmetricMatrixForCrossProduct(this.r2World);
+ // Compute the inverse mass matrix K=JM^-1J^t for the 3 translation raints (3x3 matrix)
+ final float inverseMassBodies = this.body1.massInverse + this.body2.massInverse;
+ final Matrix3f massMatrix = new Matrix3f(inverseMassBodies, 0, 0, 0, inverseMassBodies, 0, 0, 0, inverseMassBodies);
+ massMatrix.add(skewSymmetricMatrixU1.multiplyNew(this.i1).multiply(skewSymmetricMatrixU1.transposeNew()));
+ massMatrix.add(skewSymmetricMatrixU2.multiplyNew(this.i2).multiply(skewSymmetricMatrixU2.transposeNew()));
+ this.inverseMassMatrixTranslation.setZero();
+ if (this.body1.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC || this.body2.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC) {
+ this.inverseMassMatrixTranslation = massMatrix.inverseNew();
+ }
+ // Compute the bias "b" of the translation raints
+ this.bTranslation.setZero();
+ final float biasFactor = (BETA / raintSolverData.timeStep);
+ if (this.positionCorrectionTechnique == JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique.BAUMGARTE_JOINTS) {
+ this.bTranslation = x2.addNew(this.r2World).less(x1).less(this.r1World).multiply(biasFactor);
+ }
+ // Compute the inverse mass matrix K=JM^-1J^t for the 2 rotation raints (2x2 matrix)
+ final Vector3f I1B2CrossA1 = this.i1.multiplyNew(this.b2CrossA1);
+ final Vector3f I1C2CrossA1 = this.i1.multiplyNew(this.c2CrossA1);
+ final Vector3f I2B2CrossA1 = this.i2.multiplyNew(this.b2CrossA1);
+ final Vector3f I2C2CrossA1 = this.i2.multiplyNew(this.c2CrossA1);
+ final float el11 = this.b2CrossA1.dot(I1B2CrossA1) + this.b2CrossA1.dot(I2B2CrossA1);
+ final float el12 = this.b2CrossA1.dot(I1C2CrossA1) + this.b2CrossA1.dot(I2C2CrossA1);
+ final float el21 = this.c2CrossA1.dot(I1B2CrossA1) + this.c2CrossA1.dot(I2B2CrossA1);
+ final float el22 = this.c2CrossA1.dot(I1C2CrossA1) + this.c2CrossA1.dot(I2C2CrossA1);
+ final Matrix2f matrixKRotation = new Matrix2f(el11, el12, el21, el22);
+ this.inverseMassMatrixRotation.setZero();
+ if (this.body1.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC || this.body2.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC) {
+ this.inverseMassMatrixRotation = matrixKRotation.inverseNew();
+ }
+ // Compute the bias "b" of the rotation raints
+ this.bRotation.setZero();
+ if (this.positionCorrectionTechnique == JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique.BAUMGARTE_JOINTS) {
+ this.bRotation = new Vector2f(this.mA1.dot(b2) * biasFactor, this.mA1.dot(c2) * biasFactor);
+ }
+ // If warm-starting is not enabled
+ if (!raintSolverData.isWarmStartingActive) {
+ // Reset all the accumulated impulses
+ this.impulseTranslation.setZero();
+ this.impulseRotation.setZero();
+ this.impulseLowerLimit = 0.0f;
+ this.impulseUpperLimit = 0.0f;
+ this.impulseMotor = 0.0f;
+ }
+ // If the motor or limits are enabled
+ if (this.isMotorEnabled || (this.isLimitEnabled && (this.isLowerLimitViolated || this.isUpperLimitViolated))) {
+ // Compute the inverse of the mass matrix K=JM^-1J^t for the limits and motor (1x1 matrix)
+ this.inverseMassMatrixLimitMotor = this.mA1.dot(this.i1.multiplyNew(this.mA1)) + this.mA1.dot(this.i2.multiplyNew(this.mA1));
+ this.inverseMassMatrixLimitMotor = (this.inverseMassMatrixLimitMotor > 0.0f) ? 1.0f / this.inverseMassMatrixLimitMotor : 0.0f;
+ if (this.isLimitEnabled) {
+ // Compute the bias "b" of the lower limit raint
+ this.bLowerLimit = 0.0f;
+ if (this.positionCorrectionTechnique == JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique.BAUMGARTE_JOINTS) {
+ this.bLowerLimit = biasFactor * lowerLimitError;
+ }
+ // Compute the bias "b" of the upper limit raint
+ this.bUpperLimit = 0.0f;
+ if (this.positionCorrectionTechnique == JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique.BAUMGARTE_JOINTS) {
+ this.bUpperLimit = biasFactor * upperLimitError;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Return true if the limits or the joint are enabled
+ /**
+ * @return True if the limits of the joint are enabled and false otherwise
+ */
+ public boolean isLimitEnabled() {
+ return this.isLimitEnabled;
+ }
+ /// Return true if the motor of the joint is enabled
+ /**
+ * @return True if the motor of joint is enabled and false otherwise
+ */
+ public boolean isMotorEnabled() {
+ return this.isMotorEnabled;
+ }
+ private void resetLimits() {
+ // Reset the accumulated impulses for the limits
+ this.impulseLowerLimit = 0.0f;
+ this.impulseUpperLimit = 0.0f;
+ // Wake up the two bodies of the joint
+ this.body1.setIsSleeping(false);
+ this.body2.setIsSleeping(false);
+ }
+ /// Set the maximum angle limit
+ /**
+ * @param upperLimit The maximum limit angle of the joint (in radian)
+ */
+ public void setMaxAngleLimit(final float upperLimit) {
+ assert (upperLimit >= 0 && upperLimit <= 2.0 * Constant.PI);
+ if (upperLimit != this.upperLimit) {
+ this.upperLimit = upperLimit;
+ // Reset the limits
+ resetLimits();
+ }
+ }
+ /// Set the maximum motor torque
+ /**
+ * @param maxMotorTorque The maximum torque (in Newtons) of the joint motor
+ */
+ public void setMaxMotorTorque(final float maxMotorTorque) {
+ if (maxMotorTorque != this.maxMotorTorque) {
+ assert (this.maxMotorTorque >= 0.0f);
+ this.maxMotorTorque = maxMotorTorque;
+ // Wake up the two bodies of the joint
+ this.body1.setIsSleeping(false);
+ this.body2.setIsSleeping(false);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Set the minimum angle limit
+ /**
+ * @param lowerLimit The minimum limit angle of the joint (in radian)
+ */
+ public void setMinAngleLimit(final float lowerLimit) {
+ assert (this.lowerLimit <= 0 && this.lowerLimit >= -2.0 * Constant.PI);
+ if (lowerLimit != this.lowerLimit) {
+ this.lowerLimit = lowerLimit;
+ // Reset the limits
+ resetLimits();
+ }
+ }
+ /// Set the motor speed
+ public void setMotorSpeed(final float motorSpeed) {
+ if (motorSpeed != this.motorSpeed) {
+ this.motorSpeed = motorSpeed;
+ // Wake up the two bodies of the joint
+ this.body1.setIsSleeping(false);
+ this.body2.setIsSleeping(false);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void solvePositionConstraint(final ConstraintSolverData raintSolverData) {
+ // If the error position correction technique is not the non-linear-gauss-seidel, we do
+ // do not execute this method
+ if (this.positionCorrectionTechnique != JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique.NON_LINEAR_GAUSS_SEIDEL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Get the bodies positions and orientations
+ final Vector3f x1 = raintSolverData.positions[this.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f x2 = raintSolverData.positions[this.indexBody2];
+ final Quaternion q1 = raintSolverData.orientations[this.indexBody1];
+ final Quaternion q2 = raintSolverData.orientations[this.indexBody2];
+ // Get the inverse mass and inverse inertia tensors of the bodies
+ final float inverseMassBody1 = this.body1.massInverse;
+ final float inverseMassBody2 = this.body2.massInverse;
+ // Recompute the inverse inertia tensors
+ this.i1 = this.body1.getInertiaTensorInverseWorld();
+ this.i2 = this.body2.getInertiaTensorInverseWorld();
+ // Compute the vector from body center to the anchor point in world-space
+ this.r1World = q1.multiply(this.localAnchorPointBody1);
+ this.r2World = q2.multiply(this.localAnchorPointBody2);
+ // Compute the current angle around the hinge axis
+ final float hingeAngle = computeCurrentHingeAngle(q1, q2);
+ // Check if the limit raints are violated or not
+ final float lowerLimitError = hingeAngle - this.lowerLimit;
+ final float upperLimitError = this.upperLimit - hingeAngle;
+ this.isLowerLimitViolated = lowerLimitError <= 0;
+ this.isUpperLimitViolated = upperLimitError <= 0;
+ // Compute vectors needed in the Jacobian
+ this.mA1 = q1.multiply(this.hingeLocalAxisBody1);
+ final Vector3f a2 = q2.multiply(this.hingeLocalAxisBody2);
+ this.mA1.normalize();
+ a2.normalize();
+ final Vector3f b2 = a2.getOrthoVector();
+ final Vector3f c2 = a2.cross(b2);
+ this.b2CrossA1 = b2.cross(this.mA1);
+ this.c2CrossA1 = c2.cross(this.mA1);
+ // Compute the corresponding skew-symmetric matrices
+ final Matrix3f skewSymmetricMatrixU1 = Matrix3f.computeSkewSymmetricMatrixForCrossProduct(this.r1World);
+ final Matrix3f skewSymmetricMatrixU2 = Matrix3f.computeSkewSymmetricMatrixForCrossProduct(this.r2World);
+ // --------------- Translation Constraints --------------- //
+ // Compute the matrix K=JM^-1J^t (3x3 matrix) for the 3 translation raints
+ final float inverseMassBodies = this.body1.massInverse + this.body2.massInverse;
+ final Matrix3f massMatrix = new Matrix3f(inverseMassBodies, 0, 0, 0, inverseMassBodies, 0, 0, 0, inverseMassBodies);
+ massMatrix.add(skewSymmetricMatrixU1.multiplyNew(this.i1).multiply(skewSymmetricMatrixU1.transposeNew()));
+ massMatrix.add(skewSymmetricMatrixU2.multiplyNew(this.i2).multiply(skewSymmetricMatrixU2.transposeNew()));
+ this.inverseMassMatrixTranslation.setZero();
+ if (this.body1.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC || this.body2.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC) {
+ this.inverseMassMatrixTranslation = massMatrix.inverseNew();
+ }
+ // Compute position error for the 3 translation raints
+ final Vector3f errorTranslation = x2.addNew(this.r2World).less(x1).less(this.r1World);
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda
+ final Vector3f lambdaTranslation = this.inverseMassMatrixTranslation.multiplyNew(errorTranslation.multiplyNew(-1));
+ // Compute the impulse of body 1
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody1 = lambdaTranslation.multiplyNew(-1);
+ Vector3f angularImpulseBody1 = lambdaTranslation.cross(this.r1World);
+ // Compute the pseudo velocity of body 1
+ final Vector3f v1 = linearImpulseBody1.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody1);
+ Vector3f w1 = this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1);
+ // Update the body position/orientation of body 1
+ x1.add(v1);
+ q1.add((new Quaternion(0, w1)).multiply(q1).multiply(0.5f));
+ q1.normalize();
+ // Compute the impulse of body 2
+ Vector3f angularImpulseBody2 = lambdaTranslation.cross(this.r2World).multiplyNew(-1);
+ // Compute the pseudo velocity of body 2
+ final Vector3f v2 = lambdaTranslation.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody2);
+ Vector3f w2 = this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2);
+ // Update the body position/orientation of body 2
+ x2.add(v2);
+ q2.add((new Quaternion(0, w2)).multiply(q2).multiply(0.5f));
+ q2.normalize();
+ // --------------- Rotation Constraints --------------- //
+ // Compute the inverse mass matrix K=JM^-1J^t for the 2 rotation raints (2x2 matrix)
+ final Vector3f I1B2CrossA1 = this.i1.multiplyNew(this.b2CrossA1);
+ final Vector3f I1C2CrossA1 = this.i1.multiplyNew(this.c2CrossA1);
+ final Vector3f I2B2CrossA1 = this.i2.multiplyNew(this.b2CrossA1);
+ final Vector3f I2C2CrossA1 = this.i2.multiplyNew(this.c2CrossA1);
+ final float el11 = this.b2CrossA1.dot(I1B2CrossA1) + this.b2CrossA1.dot(I2B2CrossA1);
+ final float el12 = this.b2CrossA1.dot(I1C2CrossA1) + this.b2CrossA1.dot(I2C2CrossA1);
+ final float el21 = this.c2CrossA1.dot(I1B2CrossA1) + this.c2CrossA1.dot(I2B2CrossA1);
+ final float el22 = this.c2CrossA1.dot(I1C2CrossA1) + this.c2CrossA1.dot(I2C2CrossA1);
+ final Matrix2f matrixKRotation = new Matrix2f(el11, el12, el21, el22);
+ this.inverseMassMatrixRotation.setZero();
+ if (this.body1.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC || this.body2.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC) {
+ this.inverseMassMatrixRotation = matrixKRotation.inverseNew();
+ }
+ // Compute the position error for the 3 rotation raints
+ final Vector2f errorRotation = new Vector2f(this.mA1.dot(b2), this.mA1.dot(c2));
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda for the 3 rotation raints
+ final Vector2f lambdaRotation = this.inverseMassMatrixRotation.multiplyNew(errorRotation.multiplyNew(-1));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 3 rotation raints of body 1
+ angularImpulseBody1 = this.b2CrossA1.multiplyNew(-1).multiply(lambdaRotation.x).less(this.c2CrossA1.multiplyNew(lambdaRotation.y));
+ // Compute the pseudo velocity of body 1
+ w1 = this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1);
+ // Update the body position/orientation of body 1
+ q1.add((new Quaternion(0, w1)).multiply(q1).multiply(0.5f));
+ q1.normalize();
+ // Compute the impulse of body 2
+ angularImpulseBody2 = this.b2CrossA1.multiplyNew(lambdaRotation.x).add(this.c2CrossA1.multiplyNew(lambdaRotation.y));
+ // Compute the pseudo velocity of body 2
+ w2 = this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2);
+ // Update the body position/orientation of body 2
+ q2.add((new Quaternion(0, w2)).multiply(q2).multiply(0.5f));
+ q2.normalize();
+ // --------------- Limits Constraints --------------- //
+ if (this.isLimitEnabled) {
+ if (this.isLowerLimitViolated || this.isUpperLimitViolated) {
+ // Compute the inverse of the mass matrix K=JM^-1J^t for the limits (1x1 matrix)
+ this.inverseMassMatrixLimitMotor = this.mA1.dot(this.i1.multiplyNew(this.mA1)) + this.mA1.dot(this.i2.multiplyNew(this.mA1));
+ this.inverseMassMatrixLimitMotor = (this.inverseMassMatrixLimitMotor > 0.0f) ? 1.0f / this.inverseMassMatrixLimitMotor : 0.0f;
+ }
+ // If the lower limit is violated
+ if (this.isLowerLimitViolated) {
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda for the lower limit raint
+ final float lambdaLowerLimit = this.inverseMassMatrixLimitMotor * (-lowerLimitError);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda of body 1
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody1_tmp = this.mA1.multiplyNew(lambdaLowerLimit);
+ // Compute the pseudo velocity of body 1
+ final Vector3f w1_tmp = this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1_tmp);
+ // Update the body position/orientation of body 1
+ q1.add((new Quaternion(0, w1_tmp)).multiply(q1).multiply(0.5f));
+ q1.normalize();
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda of body 2
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody2_tmp = this.mA1.multiplyNew(lambdaLowerLimit);
+ // Compute the pseudo velocity of body 2
+ final Vector3f w2_tmp = this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2_tmp);
+ // Update the body position/orientation of body 2
+ q2.add((new Quaternion(0, w2_tmp)).multiply(q2).multiply(0.5f));
+ q2.normalize();
+ }
+ // If the upper limit is violated
+ if (this.isUpperLimitViolated) {
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda for the upper limit raint
+ final float lambdaUpperLimit = this.inverseMassMatrixLimitMotor * (-upperLimitError);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda of body 1
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody1_tmp = this.mA1.multiplyNew(lambdaUpperLimit);
+ // Compute the pseudo velocity of body 1
+ final Vector3f w1_tmp = this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1_tmp);
+ // Update the body position/orientation of body 1
+ q1.add((new Quaternion(0, w1_tmp)).multiply(q1).multiply(0.5f));
+ q1.normalize();
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda of body 2
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody2_tmp = this.mA1.multiplyNew(-lambdaUpperLimit);
+ // Compute the pseudo velocity of body 2
+ final Vector3f w2_tmp = this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2_tmp);
+ // Update the body position/orientation of body 2
+ q2.add((new Quaternion(0, w2_tmp)).multiply(q2).multiply(0.5f));
+ q2.normalize();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void solveVelocityConstraint(final ConstraintSolverData raintSolverData) {
+ // Get the velocities
+ final Vector3f v1 = raintSolverData.linearVelocities[this.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f v2 = raintSolverData.linearVelocities[this.indexBody2];
+ final Vector3f w1 = raintSolverData.angularVelocities[this.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f w2 = raintSolverData.angularVelocities[this.indexBody2];
+ // Get the inverse mass and inverse inertia tensors of the bodies
+ final float inverseMassBody1 = this.body1.massInverse;
+ final float inverseMassBody2 = this.body2.massInverse;
+ // --------------- Translation Constraints --------------- //
+ // Compute J*v
+ final Vector3f JvTranslation = v2.addNew(w2.cross(this.r2World)).less(v1).less(w1.cross(this.r1World));
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda
+ final Vector3f deltaLambdaTranslation = this.inverseMassMatrixTranslation.multiplyNew(JvTranslation.multiplyNew(-1).less(this.bTranslation));
+ this.impulseTranslation.add(deltaLambdaTranslation);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda of body 1
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody1 = deltaLambdaTranslation.multiplyNew(-1);
+ Vector3f angularImpulseBody1 = deltaLambdaTranslation.cross(this.r1World);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 1
+ v1.add(linearImpulseBody1.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody1));
+ w1.add(this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda of body 2
+ Vector3f angularImpulseBody2 = deltaLambdaTranslation.cross(this.r2World).multiplyNew(-1);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 2
+ v2.add(deltaLambdaTranslation.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody2));
+ w2.add(this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2));
+ // --------------- Rotation Constraints --------------- //
+ // Compute J*v for the 2 rotation raints
+ final Vector2f JvRotation = new Vector2f(-this.b2CrossA1.dot(w1) + this.b2CrossA1.dot(w2), -this.c2CrossA1.dot(w1) + this.c2CrossA1.dot(w2));
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda for the 2 rotation raints
+ final Vector2f deltaLambdaRotation = this.inverseMassMatrixRotation.multiplyNew(JvRotation.multiplyNew(-1).less(this.bRotation));
+ this.impulseRotation.add(deltaLambdaRotation);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 2 rotation raints of body 1
+ angularImpulseBody1 = this.b2CrossA1.multiplyNew(-1).multiply(deltaLambdaRotation.x).less(this.c2CrossA1.multiplyNew(deltaLambdaRotation.y));
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 1
+ w1.add(this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 2 rotation raints of body 2
+ angularImpulseBody2 = this.b2CrossA1.multiplyNew(deltaLambdaRotation.x).add(this.c2CrossA1.multiplyNew(deltaLambdaRotation.y));
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 2
+ w2.add(this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2));
+ // --------------- Limits Constraints --------------- //
+ if (this.isLimitEnabled) {
+ // If the lower limit is violated
+ if (this.isLowerLimitViolated) {
+ // Compute J*v for the lower limit raint
+ final float JvLowerLimit = w2.lessNew(w1).dot(this.mA1);
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda for the lower limit raint
+ float deltaLambdaLower = this.inverseMassMatrixLimitMotor * (-JvLowerLimit - this.bLowerLimit);
+ final float lambdaTemp = this.impulseLowerLimit;
+ this.impulseLowerLimit = FMath.max(this.impulseLowerLimit + deltaLambdaLower, 0.0f);
+ deltaLambdaLower = this.impulseLowerLimit - lambdaTemp;
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the lower limit raint of body 1
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody1_tmp = this.mA1.multiplyNew(-deltaLambdaLower);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 1
+ w1.add(this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1_tmp));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the lower limit raint of body 2
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody2_tmp = this.mA1.multiplyNew(deltaLambdaLower);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 2
+ w2.add(this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2_tmp));
+ }
+ // If the upper limit is violated
+ if (this.isUpperLimitViolated) {
+ // Compute J*v for the upper limit raint
+ final float JvUpperLimit = w2.lessNew(w1).multiplyNew(-1).dot(this.mA1);
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda for the upper limit raint
+ float deltaLambdaUpper = this.inverseMassMatrixLimitMotor * (-JvUpperLimit - this.bUpperLimit);
+ final float lambdaTemp = this.impulseUpperLimit;
+ this.impulseUpperLimit = FMath.max(this.impulseUpperLimit + deltaLambdaUpper, 0.0f);
+ deltaLambdaUpper = this.impulseUpperLimit - lambdaTemp;
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the upper limit raint of body 1
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody1_tmp = this.mA1.multiplyNew(deltaLambdaUpper);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 1
+ w1.add(this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1_tmp));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the upper limit raint of body 2
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody2_tmp = this.mA1.multiplyNew(-deltaLambdaUpper);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 2
+ w2.add(this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2_tmp));
+ }
+ }
+ // --------------- Motor --------------- //
+ // If the motor is enabled
+ if (this.isMotorEnabled) {
+ // Compute J*v for the motor
+ final float JvMotor = this.mA1.dot(w1.lessNew(w2));
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda for the motor
+ final float maxMotorImpulse = this.maxMotorTorque * raintSolverData.timeStep;
+ float deltaLambdaMotor = this.inverseMassMatrixLimitMotor * (-JvMotor - this.motorSpeed);
+ final float lambdaTemp = this.impulseMotor;
+ this.impulseMotor = FMath.clamp(this.impulseMotor + deltaLambdaMotor, -maxMotorImpulse, maxMotorImpulse);
+ deltaLambdaMotor = this.impulseMotor - lambdaTemp;
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the motor of body 1
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody1_tmp = this.mA1.multiplyNew(-deltaLambdaMotor);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 1
+ w1.add(this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1_tmp));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the motor of body 2
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody2_tmp = this.mA1.multiplyNew(deltaLambdaMotor);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 2
+ w2.add(this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2_tmp));
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void warmstart(final ConstraintSolverData raintSolverData) {
+ // Get the velocities
+ final Vector3f v1 = raintSolverData.linearVelocities[this.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f v2 = raintSolverData.linearVelocities[this.indexBody2];
+ final Vector3f w1 = raintSolverData.angularVelocities[this.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f w2 = raintSolverData.angularVelocities[this.indexBody2];
+ // Get the inverse mass and inverse inertia tensors of the bodies
+ final float inverseMassBody1 = this.body1.massInverse;
+ final float inverseMassBody2 = this.body2.massInverse;
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 2 rotation raints
+ final Vector3f rotationImpulse = this.b2CrossA1.multiplyNew(-1).multiply(this.impulseRotation.x).less(this.c2CrossA1.multiplyNew(this.impulseRotation.y));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the lower and upper limits raints
+ final Vector3f limitsImpulse = this.mA1.multiplyNew(this.impulseUpperLimit - this.impulseLowerLimit);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the motor raint
+ final Vector3f motorImpulse = this.mA1.multiplyNew(-this.impulseMotor);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 3 translation raints of body 1
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody1 = this.impulseTranslation.multiplyNew(-1);
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody1 = this.impulseTranslation.cross(this.r1World);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 2 rotation raints of body 1
+ angularImpulseBody1.add(rotationImpulse);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the lower and upper limits raints of body 1
+ angularImpulseBody1.add(limitsImpulse);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the motor raint of body 1
+ angularImpulseBody1.add(motorImpulse);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 1
+ v1.add(linearImpulseBody1.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody1));
+ w1.add(this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 3 translation raints of body 2
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody2 = this.impulseTranslation.cross(this.r2World).multiplyNew(-1);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 2 rotation raints of body 2
+ angularImpulseBody2.add(rotationImpulse.multiplyNew(-1));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the lower and upper limits raints of body 2
+ angularImpulseBody2.add(limitsImpulse.multiplyNew(-1));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the motor raint of body 2
+ angularImpulseBody2.add(motorImpulse.multiplyNew(-1));
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 2
+ v2.add(this.impulseTranslation.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody2));
+ w2.add(this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2));
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/HingeJointInfo.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/HingeJointInfo.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28bba00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/HingeJointInfo.java
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.RigidBody;
+ * It is used to gather the information needed to create a hinge joint.
+ * This structure will be used to create the actual hinge joint.
+ */
+public class HingeJointInfo extends JointInfo {
+ public Vector3f anchorPointWorldSpace; //!< Anchor point (in world-space coordinates)
+ public Vector3f rotationAxisWorld; //!< Hinge rotation axis (in world-space coordinates)
+ public boolean isLimitEnabled; //!< True if the hinge joint limits are enabled
+ public boolean isMotorEnabled; //!< True if the hinge joint motor is enabled
+ public float minAngleLimit; //!< Minimum allowed rotation angle (in radian) if limits are enabled. The angle must be in the range [-2*pi, 0]
+ public float maxAngleLimit; //!< Maximum allowed rotation angle (in radian) if limits are enabled. The angle must be in the range [0, 2*pi]
+ public float motorSpeed; //!< Motor speed (in radian/second)
+ public float maxMotorTorque; //!< Maximum motor torque (in Newtons * meters) that can be applied to reach to desired motor speed
+ /**
+ * Constructor without limits and without motor
+ * @param _rigidBody1 The first body of the joint
+ * @param _rigidBody2 The second body of the joint
+ * @param _initAnchorPointWorldSpace The initial anchor point in world-space coordinates
+ * @param _initRotationAxisWorld The initial rotation axis in world-space coordinates
+ */
+ public HingeJointInfo(final RigidBody _rigidBody1, final RigidBody _rigidBody2, final Vector3f _initAnchorPointWorldSpace, final Vector3f _initRotationAxisWorld) {
+ super(_rigidBody1, _rigidBody2, JointType.HINGEJOINT);
+ this.anchorPointWorldSpace = _initAnchorPointWorldSpace;
+ this.rotationAxisWorld = _initRotationAxisWorld;
+ this.isLimitEnabled = false;
+ this.isMotorEnabled = false;
+ this.minAngleLimit = -1;
+ this.maxAngleLimit = 1;
+ this.motorSpeed = 0;
+ this.maxMotorTorque = 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructor with limits but without motor
+ * @param _rigidBody1 The first body of the joint
+ * @param _rigidBody2 The second body of the joint
+ * @param _initAnchorPointWorldSpace The initial anchor point in world-space coordinates
+ * @param _initRotationAxisWorld The intial rotation axis in world-space coordinates
+ * @param _initMinAngleLimit The initial minimum limit angle (in radian)
+ * @param _initMaxAngleLimit The initial maximum limit angle (in radian)
+ */
+ public HingeJointInfo(final RigidBody _rigidBody1, final RigidBody _rigidBody2, final Vector3f _initAnchorPointWorldSpace, final Vector3f _initRotationAxisWorld, final float _initMinAngleLimit,
+ final float _initMaxAngleLimit) {
+ super(_rigidBody1, _rigidBody2, JointType.HINGEJOINT);
+ this.anchorPointWorldSpace = _initAnchorPointWorldSpace;
+ this.rotationAxisWorld = _initRotationAxisWorld;
+ this.isLimitEnabled = true;
+ this.isMotorEnabled = false;
+ this.minAngleLimit = _initMinAngleLimit;
+ this.maxAngleLimit = _initMaxAngleLimit;
+ this.motorSpeed = 0;
+ this.maxMotorTorque = 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructor with limits and motor
+ * @param _rigidBody1 The first body of the joint
+ * @param _rigidBody2 The second body of the joint
+ * @param _initAnchorPointWorldSpace The initial anchor point in world-space
+ * @param _initRotationAxisWorld The initial rotation axis in world-space
+ * @param _initMinAngleLimit The initial minimum limit angle (in radian)
+ * @param _initMaxAngleLimit The initial maximum limit angle (in radian)
+ * @param _initMotorSpeed The initial motor speed of the joint (in radian per second)
+ * @param _initMaxMotorTorque The initial maximum motor torque (in Newtons)
+ */
+ public HingeJointInfo(final RigidBody _rigidBody1, final RigidBody _rigidBody2, final Vector3f _initAnchorPointWorldSpace, final Vector3f _initRotationAxisWorld, final float _initMinAngleLimit,
+ final float _initMaxAngleLimit, final float _initMotorSpeed, final float _initMaxMotorTorque) {
+ super(_rigidBody1, _rigidBody2, JointType.HINGEJOINT);
+ this.anchorPointWorldSpace = _initAnchorPointWorldSpace;
+ this.rotationAxisWorld = _initRotationAxisWorld;
+ this.isLimitEnabled = true;
+ this.isMotorEnabled = false;
+ this.minAngleLimit = _initMinAngleLimit;
+ this.maxAngleLimit = _initMaxAngleLimit;
+ this.motorSpeed = _initMotorSpeed;
+ this.maxMotorTorque = _initMaxMotorTorque;
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/Joint.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/Joint.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d305b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/Joint.java
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.RigidBody;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine.ConstraintSolverData;
+ * It represents a joint between two bodies.
+ */
+public abstract class Joint {
+ protected RigidBody body1; //!< Pointer to the first body of the joint
+ protected RigidBody body2; //!< Pointer to the second body of the joint
+ protected JointType type; //!< Type of the joint
+ protected int indexBody1; //!< Body 1 index in the velocity array to solve the raint
+ protected int indexBody2; //!< Body 2 index in the velocity array to solve the raint
+ protected JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique positionCorrectionTechnique; //!< Position correction technique used for the raint (used for joints)
+ protected boolean isCollisionEnabled; //!< True if the two bodies of the raint are allowed to collide with each other
+ public boolean isAlreadyInIsland; //!< True if the joint has already been added into an island
+ /// Constructor
+ public Joint(final JointInfo jointInfo) {
+ this.body1 = jointInfo.body1;
+ this.body2 = jointInfo.body2;
+ this.type = jointInfo.type;
+ this.positionCorrectionTechnique = jointInfo.positionCorrectionTechnique;
+ this.isCollisionEnabled = jointInfo.isCollisionEnabled;
+ this.isAlreadyInIsland = false;
+ assert (this.body1 != null);
+ assert (this.body2 != null);
+ }
+ /// Return the reference to the body 1
+ public RigidBody getBody1() {
+ return this.body1;
+ }
+ /// Return the reference to the body 2
+ public RigidBody getBody2() {
+ return this.body2;
+ }
+ /** Return the type of the raint
+ * @return The type of the joint
+ */
+ public JointType getType() {
+ return this.type;
+ }
+ /// Initialize before solving the joint
+ public abstract void initBeforeSolve(final ConstraintSolverData raintSolverData);
+ /** Return true if the joint is active
+ * @return True if the joint is active
+ */
+ public boolean isActive() {
+ return (this.body1.isActive() && this.body2.isActive());
+ }
+ /// Return true if the joint has already been added into an island
+ public boolean isAlreadyInIsland() {
+ return this.isAlreadyInIsland;
+ }
+ /**Return true if the collision between the two bodies of the joint is enabled
+ * @return True if the collision is enabled between the two bodies of the joint
+ * is enabled and false otherwise
+ */
+ public boolean isCollisionEnabled() {
+ return this.isCollisionEnabled;
+ }
+ /// Solve the position raint
+ public abstract void solvePositionConstraint(final ConstraintSolverData raintSolverData);
+ /// Solve the velocity raint
+ public abstract void solveVelocityConstraint(final ConstraintSolverData raintSolverData);
+ /// Warm start the joint (apply the previous impulse at the beginning of the step)
+ public abstract void warmstart(final ConstraintSolverData raintSolverData);
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/JointInfo.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/JointInfo.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..501284a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/JointInfo.java
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.RigidBody;
+ * It is used to gather the information needed to create a joint.
+ */
+public class JointInfo {
+ //!< First rigid body of the joint
+ public final RigidBody body1;
+ //!< Second rigid body of the joint
+ public final RigidBody body2;
+ //!< Type of the joint
+ public final JointType type;
+ //!< Position correction technique used for the raint (used for joints). By default, the BAUMGARTE technique is used
+ public final JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique positionCorrectionTechnique;
+ //!< True if the two bodies of the joint are allowed to collide with each other
+ public final boolean isCollisionEnabled;
+ /// Constructor
+ JointInfo(final JointType _raintType) {
+ this.body1 = null;
+ this.body2 = null;
+ this.type = _raintType;
+ this.positionCorrectionTechnique = JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique.NON_LINEAR_GAUSS_SEIDEL;
+ this.isCollisionEnabled = true;
+ }
+ /// Constructor
+ JointInfo(final RigidBody _rigidBody1, final RigidBody _rigidBody2, final JointType _raintType) {
+ this.body1 = _rigidBody1;
+ this.body2 = _rigidBody2;
+ this.type = _raintType;
+ this.positionCorrectionTechnique = JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique.NON_LINEAR_GAUSS_SEIDEL;
+ this.isCollisionEnabled = true;
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/JointListElement.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/JointListElement.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8289d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/JointListElement.java
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint;
+public class JointListElement {
+ public Joint joint; //!< Pointer to the actual joint
+ public JointListElement next; //!< Next element of the list
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ */
+ public JointListElement(final Joint _initJoint, final JointListElement _initNext) {
+ this.joint = _initJoint;
+ this.next = _initNext;
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/JointType.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/JointType.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c63b273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/JointType.java
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint;
+/// Enumeration for the type of a raint
+public enum JointType {
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bad9f47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique.java
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint;
+/// Position correction technique used in the raint solver (for joints).
+/// BAUMGARTE_JOINTS : Faster but can be innacurate in some situations.
+/// NON_LINEAR_GAUSS_SEIDEL : Slower but more precise. This is the option used by default.
+public enum JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique {
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/SliderJoint.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/SliderJoint.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e19529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/SliderJoint.java
@@ -0,0 +1,853 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.FMath;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Matrix3f;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Quaternion;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Transform3D;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector2f;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.BodyType;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine.ConstraintSolverData;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Matrix2f;
+public class SliderJoint extends Joint {
+ private static final float BETA = 0.2f; //!< Beta value for the position correction bias factor
+ private final Vector3f localAnchorPointBody1; //!< Anchor point of body 1 (in local-space coordinates of body 1)
+ private final Vector3f localAnchorPointBody2; //!< Anchor point of body 2 (in local-space coordinates of body 2)
+ private final Vector3f sliderAxisBody1; //!< Slider axis (in local-space coordinates of body 1)
+ private Matrix3f i1; //!< Inertia tensor of body 1 (in world-space coordinates)
+ private Matrix3f i2; //!< Inertia tensor of body 2 (in world-space coordinates)
+ private final Quaternion initOrientationDifferenceInv; //!< Inverse of the initial orientation difference between the two bodies
+ private Vector3f N1; //!< First vector orthogonal to the slider axis local-space of body 1
+ private Vector3f N2; //!< Second vector orthogonal to the slider axis and N1 in local-space of body 1
+ private Vector3f R1; //!< Vector r1 in world-space coordinates
+ private Vector3f R2; //!< Vector r2 in world-space coordinates
+ private Vector3f R2CrossN1; //!< Cross product of r2 and n1
+ private Vector3f R2CrossN2; //!< Cross product of r2 and n2
+ private Vector3f R2CrossSliderAxis; //!< Cross product of r2 and the slider axis
+ private Vector3f R1PlusUCrossN1; //!< Cross product of vector (r1 + u) and n1
+ private Vector3f R1PlusUCrossN2; //!< Cross product of vector (r1 + u) and n2
+ private Vector3f R1PlusUCrossSliderAxis; //!< Cross product of vector (r1 + u) and the slider axis
+ private Vector2f bTranslation; //!< Bias of the 2 translation raints
+ private Vector3f bRotation; //!< Bias of the 3 rotation raints
+ private float bLowerLimit; //!< Bias of the lower limit raint
+ private float bUpperLimit; //!< Bias of the upper limit raint
+ private Matrix2f inverseMassMatrixTranslationConstraint; //!< Inverse of mass matrix K=JM^-1J^t for the translation raint (2x2 matrix)
+ private Matrix3f inverseMassMatrixRotationConstraint; //!< Inverse of mass matrix K=JM^-1J^t for the rotation raint (3x3 matrix)
+ private float inverseMassMatrixLimit; //!< Inverse of mass matrix K=JM^-1J^t for the upper and lower limit raints (1x1 matrix)
+ private float inverseMassMatrixMotor; //!< Inverse of mass matrix K=JM^-1J^t for the motor
+ private final Vector2f impulseTranslation; //!< Accumulated impulse for the 2 translation raints
+ private final Vector3f impulseRotation; //!< Accumulated impulse for the 3 rotation raints
+ private float impulseLowerLimit; //!< Accumulated impulse for the lower limit raint
+ private float impulseUpperLimit; //!< Accumulated impulse for the upper limit raint
+ private float impulseMotor; //!< Accumulated impulse for the motor
+ private boolean isLimitEnabled; //!< True if the slider limits are enabled
+ private boolean isMotorEnabled; //!< True if the motor of the joint in enabled
+ private Vector3f sliderAxisWorld; //!< Slider axis in world-space coordinates
+ private float lowerLimit; //!< Lower limit (minimum translation distance)
+ private float upperLimit; //!< Upper limit (maximum translation distance)
+ private boolean isLowerLimitViolated; //!< True if the lower limit is violated
+ private boolean isUpperLimitViolated; //!< True if the upper limit is violated
+ private float motorSpeed; //!< Motor speed (in m/s)
+ private float maxMotorForce; //!< Maximum motor force (in Newtons) that can be applied to reach to desired motor speed
+ /// Constructor
+ public SliderJoint(final SliderJointInfo jointInfo) {
+ super(jointInfo);
+ this.impulseTranslation = new Vector2f(0, 0);
+ this.impulseRotation = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
+ this.impulseLowerLimit = 0;
+ this.impulseUpperLimit = 0;
+ this.impulseMotor = 0;
+ this.isLimitEnabled = jointInfo.isLimitEnabled;
+ this.isMotorEnabled = jointInfo.isMotorEnabled;
+ this.lowerLimit = jointInfo.minTranslationLimit;
+ this.upperLimit = jointInfo.maxTranslationLimit;
+ this.isLowerLimitViolated = false;
+ this.isUpperLimitViolated = false;
+ this.motorSpeed = jointInfo.motorSpeed;
+ this.maxMotorForce = jointInfo.maxMotorForce;
+ assert (this.upperLimit >= 0.0f);
+ assert (this.lowerLimit <= 0.0f);
+ assert (this.maxMotorForce >= 0.0f);
+ // Compute the local-space anchor point for each body
+ final Transform3D transform1 = this.body1.getTransform();
+ final Transform3D transform2 = this.body2.getTransform();
+ this.localAnchorPointBody1 = transform1.inverseNew().multiply(jointInfo.anchorPointWorldSpace);
+ this.localAnchorPointBody2 = transform2.inverseNew().multiply(jointInfo.anchorPointWorldSpace);
+ // Compute the inverse of the initial orientation difference between the two bodies
+ this.initOrientationDifferenceInv = transform2.getOrientation().multiplyNew(transform1.getOrientation().inverseNew());
+ this.initOrientationDifferenceInv.normalize();
+ this.initOrientationDifferenceInv.inverse();
+ // Compute the slider axis in local-space of body 1
+ this.sliderAxisBody1 = this.body1.getTransform().getOrientation().inverseNew().multiply(jointInfo.sliderAxisWorldSpace);
+ this.sliderAxisBody1.normalize();
+ }
+ /// Enable/Disable the limits of the joint
+ /**
+ * @param isLimitEnabled True if you want to enable the joint limits and false
+ * otherwise
+ */
+ public void enableLimit(final boolean isLimitEnabled) {
+ if (isLimitEnabled != this.isLimitEnabled) {
+ this.isLimitEnabled = isLimitEnabled;
+ // Reset the limits
+ resetLimits();
+ }
+ }
+ /// Enable/Disable the motor of the joint
+ /**
+ * @param isMotorEnabled True if you want to enable the joint motor and false
+ * otherwise
+ */
+ public void enableMotor(final boolean isMotorEnabled) {
+ this.isMotorEnabled = isMotorEnabled;
+ this.impulseMotor = 0.0f;
+ // Wake up the two bodies of the joint
+ this.body1.setIsSleeping(false);
+ this.body2.setIsSleeping(false);
+ }
+ /// Return the maximum motor force
+ /**
+ * @return The maximum force of the joint motor (in Newton x meters)
+ */
+ public float getMaxMotorForce() {
+ return this.maxMotorForce;
+ }
+ /// Return the maximum translation limit
+ /**
+ * @return The maximum translation limit of the joint (in meters)
+ */
+ public float getMaxTranslationLimit() {
+ return this.upperLimit;
+ }
+ /// Return the minimum translation limit
+ /**
+ * @return The minimum translation limit of the joint (in meters)
+ */
+ public float getMinTranslationLimit() {
+ return this.lowerLimit;
+ }
+ /// Return the intensity of the current force applied for the joint motor
+ /**
+ * @param timeStep Time step (in seconds)
+ * @return The current force of the joint motor (in Newton x meters)
+ */
+ public float getMotorForce(final float timeStep) {
+ return this.impulseMotor / timeStep;
+ }
+ /// Return the motor speed
+ /**
+ * @return The current motor speed of the joint (in meters per second)
+ */
+ public float getMotorSpeed() {
+ return this.motorSpeed;
+ }
+ /// Return the current translation value of the joint
+ /**
+ * @return The current translation distance of the joint (in meters)
+ */
+ public float getTranslation() {
+ // TODO : Check if we need to compare rigid body position or center of mass here
+ // Get the bodies positions and orientations
+ final Vector3f x1 = this.body1.getTransform().getPosition();
+ final Vector3f x2 = this.body2.getTransform().getPosition();
+ final Quaternion q1 = this.body1.getTransform().getOrientation();
+ final Quaternion q2 = this.body2.getTransform().getOrientation();
+ // Compute the two anchor points in world-space coordinates
+ final Vector3f anchorBody1 = x1.addNew(q1.multiply(this.localAnchorPointBody1));
+ final Vector3f anchorBody2 = x2.addNew(q2.multiply(this.localAnchorPointBody2));
+ // Compute the vector u (difference between anchor points)
+ final Vector3f u = anchorBody2.lessNew(anchorBody1);
+ // Compute the slider axis in world-space
+ final Vector3f sliderAxisWorld = q1.multiply(this.sliderAxisBody1);
+ sliderAxisWorld.normalize();
+ // Compute and return the translation value
+ return u.dot(sliderAxisWorld);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void initBeforeSolve(final ConstraintSolverData raintSolverData) {
+ {
+ // Initialize the bodies index in the veloc ity array
+ this.indexBody1 = raintSolverData.mapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex.get(this.body1);
+ this.indexBody2 = raintSolverData.mapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex.get(this.body2);
+ // Get the bodies positions and orientations
+ final Vector3f x1 = this.body1.centerOfMassWorld;
+ final Vector3f x2 = this.body2.centerOfMassWorld;
+ final Quaternion orientationBody1 = this.body1.getTransform().getOrientation();
+ final Quaternion orientationBody2 = this.body2.getTransform().getOrientation();
+ // Get the inertia tensor of bodies
+ this.i1 = this.body1.getInertiaTensorInverseWorld();
+ this.i2 = this.body2.getInertiaTensorInverseWorld();
+ // Vector from body center to the anchor point
+ this.R1 = orientationBody1.multiply(this.localAnchorPointBody1);
+ this.R2 = orientationBody2.multiply(this.localAnchorPointBody2);
+ // Compute the vector u (difference between anchor points)
+ final Vector3f u = x2.addNew(this.R2).less(x1).less(this.R1);
+ // Compute the two orthogonal vectors to the slider axis in world-space
+ this.sliderAxisWorld = orientationBody1.multiply(this.sliderAxisBody1);
+ this.sliderAxisWorld.normalize();
+ this.N1 = this.sliderAxisWorld.getOrthoVector();
+ this.N2 = this.sliderAxisWorld.cross(this.N1);
+ // Check if the limit raints are violated or not
+ final float uDotSliderAxis = u.dot(this.sliderAxisWorld);
+ final float lowerLimitError = uDotSliderAxis - this.lowerLimit;
+ final float upperLimitError = this.upperLimit - uDotSliderAxis;
+ final boolean oldIsLowerLimitViolated = this.isLowerLimitViolated;
+ this.isLowerLimitViolated = lowerLimitError <= 0;
+ if (this.isLowerLimitViolated != oldIsLowerLimitViolated) {
+ this.impulseLowerLimit = 0.0f;
+ }
+ final boolean oldIsUpperLimitViolated = this.isUpperLimitViolated;
+ this.isUpperLimitViolated = upperLimitError <= 0;
+ if (this.isUpperLimitViolated != oldIsUpperLimitViolated) {
+ this.impulseUpperLimit = 0.0f;
+ }
+ // Compute the cross products used in the Jacobians
+ this.R2CrossN1 = this.R2.cross(this.N1);
+ this.R2CrossN2 = this.R2.cross(this.N2);
+ this.R2CrossSliderAxis = this.R2.cross(this.sliderAxisWorld);
+ final Vector3f r1PlusU = this.R1.addNew(u);
+ this.R1PlusUCrossN1 = (r1PlusU).cross(this.N1);
+ this.R1PlusUCrossN2 = (r1PlusU).cross(this.N2);
+ this.R1PlusUCrossSliderAxis = (r1PlusU).cross(this.sliderAxisWorld);
+ // Compute the inverse of the mass matrix K=JM^-1J^t for the 2 translation
+ // raints (2x2 matrix)
+ final float sumInverseMass = this.body1.massInverse + this.body2.massInverse;
+ final Vector3f I1R1PlusUCrossN1 = this.i1.multiplyNew(this.R1PlusUCrossN1);
+ final Vector3f I1R1PlusUCrossN2 = this.i1.multiplyNew(this.R1PlusUCrossN2);
+ final Vector3f I2R2CrossN1 = this.i2.multiplyNew(this.R2CrossN1);
+ final Vector3f I2R2CrossN2 = this.i2.multiplyNew(this.R2CrossN2);
+ final float el11 = sumInverseMass + this.R1PlusUCrossN1.dot(I1R1PlusUCrossN1) + this.R2CrossN1.dot(I2R2CrossN1);
+ final float el12 = this.R1PlusUCrossN1.dot(I1R1PlusUCrossN2) + this.R2CrossN1.dot(I2R2CrossN2);
+ final float el21 = this.R1PlusUCrossN2.dot(I1R1PlusUCrossN1) + this.R2CrossN2.dot(I2R2CrossN1);
+ final float el22 = sumInverseMass + this.R1PlusUCrossN2.dot(I1R1PlusUCrossN2) + this.R2CrossN2.dot(I2R2CrossN2);
+ final Matrix2f matrixKTranslation = new Matrix2f(el11, el12, el21, el22);
+ this.inverseMassMatrixTranslationConstraint.setZero();
+ if (this.body1.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC || this.body2.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC) {
+ this.inverseMassMatrixTranslationConstraint = matrixKTranslation.inverseNew();
+ }
+ // Compute the bias "b" of the translation raint
+ this.bTranslation.setZero();
+ final float biasFactor = (BETA / raintSolverData.timeStep);
+ if (this.positionCorrectionTechnique == JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique.BAUMGARTE_JOINTS) {
+ this.bTranslation.setX(u.dot(this.N1));
+ this.bTranslation.setY(u.dot(this.N2));
+ this.bTranslation.multiply(biasFactor);
+ }
+ // Compute the inverse of the mass matrix K=JM^-1J^t for the 3 rotation
+ // contraints (3x3 matrix)
+ this.inverseMassMatrixRotationConstraint = this.i1.addNew(this.i2);
+ if (this.body1.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC || this.body2.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC) {
+ this.inverseMassMatrixRotationConstraint = this.inverseMassMatrixRotationConstraint.inverseNew();
+ }
+ // Compute the bias "b" of the rotation raint
+ this.bRotation.setZero();
+ if (this.positionCorrectionTechnique == JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique.BAUMGARTE_JOINTS) {
+ final Quaternion currentOrientationDifference = orientationBody2.multiplyNew(orientationBody1.inverseNew());
+ currentOrientationDifference.normalize();
+ final Quaternion qError = currentOrientationDifference.multiplyNew(this.initOrientationDifferenceInv);
+ this.bRotation = qError.getVectorV().multiplyNew(biasFactor * 2.0f);
+ }
+ // If the limits are enabled
+ if (this.isLimitEnabled && (this.isLowerLimitViolated || this.isUpperLimitViolated)) {
+ // Compute the inverse of the mass matrix K=JM^-1J^t for the limits (1x1 matrix)
+ this.inverseMassMatrixLimit = this.body1.massInverse + this.body2.massInverse + this.R1PlusUCrossSliderAxis.dot(this.i1.multiplyNew(this.R1PlusUCrossSliderAxis))
+ + this.R2CrossSliderAxis.dot(this.i2.multiplyNew(this.R2CrossSliderAxis));
+ this.inverseMassMatrixLimit = (this.inverseMassMatrixLimit > 0.0f) ? 1.0f / this.inverseMassMatrixLimit : 0.0f;
+ // Compute the bias "b" of the lower limit raint
+ this.bLowerLimit = 0.0f;
+ if (this.positionCorrectionTechnique == JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique.BAUMGARTE_JOINTS) {
+ this.bLowerLimit = biasFactor * lowerLimitError;
+ }
+ // Compute the bias "b" of the upper limit raint
+ this.bUpperLimit = 0.0f;
+ if (this.positionCorrectionTechnique == JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique.BAUMGARTE_JOINTS) {
+ this.bUpperLimit = biasFactor * upperLimitError;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the motor is enabled
+ if (this.isMotorEnabled) {
+ // Compute the inverse of mass matrix K=JM^-1J^t for the motor (1x1 matrix)
+ this.inverseMassMatrixMotor = this.body1.massInverse + this.body2.massInverse;
+ this.inverseMassMatrixMotor = (this.inverseMassMatrixMotor > 0.0f) ? 1.0f / this.inverseMassMatrixMotor : 0.0f;
+ }
+ // If warm-starting is not enabled
+ if (!raintSolverData.isWarmStartingActive) {
+ // Reset all the accumulated impulses
+ this.impulseTranslation.setZero();
+ this.impulseRotation.setZero();
+ this.impulseLowerLimit = 0.0f;
+ this.impulseUpperLimit = 0.0f;
+ this.impulseMotor = 0.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Return true if the limits or the joint are enabled
+ /**
+ * @return True if the joint limits are enabled
+ */
+ public boolean isLimitEnabled() {
+ return this.isLimitEnabled;
+ }
+ /// Return true if the motor of the joint is enabled
+ /**
+ * @return True if the joint motor is enabled
+ */
+ public boolean isMotorEnabled() {
+ return this.isMotorEnabled;
+ }
+ /// Reset the limits
+ private void resetLimits() {
+ // Reset the accumulated impulses for the limits
+ this.impulseLowerLimit = 0.0f;
+ this.impulseUpperLimit = 0.0f;
+ // Wake up the two bodies of the joint
+ this.body1.setIsSleeping(false);
+ this.body2.setIsSleeping(false);
+ }
+ /// Set the maximum motor force
+ /**
+ * @param maxMotorForce The maximum force of the joint motor (in Newton x meters)
+ */
+ public void setMaxMotorForce(final float maxMotorForce) {
+ if (maxMotorForce != this.maxMotorForce) {
+ assert (this.maxMotorForce >= 0.0f);
+ this.maxMotorForce = maxMotorForce;
+ // Wake up the two bodies of the joint
+ this.body1.setIsSleeping(false);
+ this.body2.setIsSleeping(false);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Set the maximum translation limit
+ /**
+ * @param lowerLimit The maximum translation limit of the joint (in meters)
+ */
+ public void setMaxTranslationLimit(final float upperLimit) {
+ assert (this.lowerLimit <= upperLimit);
+ if (upperLimit != this.upperLimit) {
+ this.upperLimit = upperLimit;
+ // Reset the limits
+ resetLimits();
+ }
+ }
+ /// Set the minimum translation limit
+ /**
+ * @param lowerLimit The minimum translation limit of the joint (in meters)
+ */
+ public void setMinTranslationLimit(final float lowerLimit) {
+ assert (lowerLimit <= this.upperLimit);
+ if (lowerLimit != this.lowerLimit) {
+ this.lowerLimit = lowerLimit;
+ // Reset the limits
+ resetLimits();
+ }
+ }
+ /// Set the motor speed
+ /**
+ * @param motorSpeed The speed of the joint motor (in meters per second)
+ */
+ public void setMotorSpeed(final float motorSpeed) {
+ if (motorSpeed != this.motorSpeed) {
+ this.motorSpeed = motorSpeed;
+ // Wake up the two bodies of the joint
+ this.body1.setIsSleeping(false);
+ this.body2.setIsSleeping(false);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void solvePositionConstraint(final ConstraintSolverData raintSolverData) {
+ // If the error position correction technique is not the non-linear-gauss-seidel, we do
+ // do not execute this method
+ if (this.positionCorrectionTechnique != JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique.NON_LINEAR_GAUSS_SEIDEL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Get the bodies positions and orientations
+ final Vector3f x1 = raintSolverData.positions[this.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f x2 = raintSolverData.positions[this.indexBody2];
+ final Quaternion q1 = raintSolverData.orientations[this.indexBody1];
+ final Quaternion q2 = raintSolverData.orientations[this.indexBody2];
+ // Get the inverse mass and inverse inertia tensors of the bodies
+ final float inverseMassBody1 = this.body1.massInverse;
+ final float inverseMassBody2 = this.body2.massInverse;
+ // Recompute the inertia tensor of bodies
+ this.i1 = this.body1.getInertiaTensorInverseWorld();
+ this.i2 = this.body2.getInertiaTensorInverseWorld();
+ // Vector from body center to the anchor point
+ this.R1 = q1.multiply(this.localAnchorPointBody1);
+ this.R2 = q2.multiply(this.localAnchorPointBody2);
+ // Compute the vector u (difference between anchor points)
+ final Vector3f u = x2.addNew(this.R2).less(x1).less(this.R1);
+ // Compute the two orthogonal vectors to the slider axis in world-space
+ this.sliderAxisWorld = q1.multiply(this.sliderAxisBody1);
+ this.sliderAxisWorld.normalize();
+ this.N1 = this.sliderAxisWorld.getOrthoVector();
+ this.N2 = this.sliderAxisWorld.cross(this.N1);
+ // Check if the limit raints are violated or not
+ final float uDotSliderAxis = u.dot(this.sliderAxisWorld);
+ final float lowerLimitError = uDotSliderAxis - this.lowerLimit;
+ final float upperLimitError = this.upperLimit - uDotSliderAxis;
+ this.isLowerLimitViolated = lowerLimitError <= 0;
+ this.isUpperLimitViolated = upperLimitError <= 0;
+ // Compute the cross products used in the Jacobians
+ this.R2CrossN1 = this.R2.cross(this.N1);
+ this.R2CrossN2 = this.R2.cross(this.N2);
+ this.R2CrossSliderAxis = this.R2.cross(this.sliderAxisWorld);
+ final Vector3f r1PlusU = this.R1.addNew(u);
+ this.R1PlusUCrossN1 = (r1PlusU).cross(this.N1);
+ this.R1PlusUCrossN2 = (r1PlusU).cross(this.N2);
+ this.R1PlusUCrossSliderAxis = (r1PlusU).cross(this.sliderAxisWorld);
+ // --------------- Translation Constraints --------------- //
+ // Recompute the inverse of the mass matrix K=JM^-1J^t for the 2 translation
+ // raints (2x2 matrix)
+ final float sumInverseMass = this.body1.massInverse + this.body2.massInverse;
+ final Vector3f I1R1PlusUCrossN1 = this.i1.multiplyNew(this.R1PlusUCrossN1);
+ final Vector3f I1R1PlusUCrossN2 = this.i1.multiplyNew(this.R1PlusUCrossN2);
+ final Vector3f I2R2CrossN1 = this.i2.multiplyNew(this.R2CrossN1);
+ final Vector3f I2R2CrossN2 = this.i2.multiplyNew(this.R2CrossN2);
+ final float el11 = sumInverseMass + this.R1PlusUCrossN1.dot(I1R1PlusUCrossN1) + this.R2CrossN1.dot(I2R2CrossN1);
+ final float el12 = this.R1PlusUCrossN1.dot(I1R1PlusUCrossN2) + this.R2CrossN1.dot(I2R2CrossN2);
+ final float el21 = this.R1PlusUCrossN2.dot(I1R1PlusUCrossN1) + this.R2CrossN2.dot(I2R2CrossN1);
+ final float el22 = sumInverseMass + this.R1PlusUCrossN2.dot(I1R1PlusUCrossN2) + this.R2CrossN2.dot(I2R2CrossN2);
+ final Matrix2f matrixKTranslation = new Matrix2f(el11, el12, el21, el22);
+ this.inverseMassMatrixTranslationConstraint.setZero();
+ if (this.body1.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC || this.body2.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC) {
+ this.inverseMassMatrixTranslationConstraint = matrixKTranslation.inverseNew();
+ }
+ // Compute the position error for the 2 translation raints
+ final Vector2f translationError = new Vector2f(u.dot(this.N1), u.dot(this.N2));
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda for the 2 translation raints
+ final Vector2f lambdaTranslation = this.inverseMassMatrixTranslationConstraint.multiplyNew(translationError.multiplyNew(-1));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 2 translation raints of body 1
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody1 = this.N1.multiplyNew(-1).multiplyNew(lambdaTranslation.x).lessNew(this.N2.multiplyNew(lambdaTranslation.y));
+ Vector3f angularImpulseBody1 = this.R1PlusUCrossN1.multiplyNew(-1).multiplyNew(lambdaTranslation.x).lessNew(this.R1PlusUCrossN2.multiplyNew(lambdaTranslation.y));
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 1
+ final Vector3f v1 = linearImpulseBody1.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody1);
+ Vector3f w1 = this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1);
+ // Update the body position/orientation of body 1
+ x1.add(v1);
+ q1.add((new Quaternion(0, w1)).multiply(q1).multiply(0.5f));
+ q1.normalize();
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 2 translation raints of body 2
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody2 = this.N1.multiplyNew(lambdaTranslation.x).addNew(this.N2.multiplyNew(lambdaTranslation.y));
+ Vector3f angularImpulseBody2 = this.R2CrossN1.multiplyNew(lambdaTranslation.x).add(this.R2CrossN2.multiplyNew(lambdaTranslation.y));
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 2
+ final Vector3f v2 = linearImpulseBody2.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody2);
+ Vector3f w2 = this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2);
+ // Update the body position/orientation of body 2
+ x2.add(v2);
+ q2.add((new Quaternion(0, w2)).multiply(q2).multiply(0.5f));
+ q2.normalize();
+ // --------------- Rotation Constraints --------------- //
+ // Compute the inverse of the mass matrix K=JM^-1J^t for the 3 rotation
+ // contraints (3x3 matrix)
+ this.inverseMassMatrixRotationConstraint = this.i1.addNew(this.i2);
+ if (this.body1.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC || this.body2.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC) {
+ this.inverseMassMatrixRotationConstraint = this.inverseMassMatrixRotationConstraint.inverseNew();
+ }
+ // Compute the position error for the 3 rotation raints
+ final Quaternion currentOrientationDifference = q2.multiplyNew(q1.inverseNew());
+ currentOrientationDifference.normalize();
+ final Quaternion qError = currentOrientationDifference.multiplyNew(this.initOrientationDifferenceInv);
+ final Vector3f errorRotation = qError.getVectorV().multiply(2.0f);
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda for the 3 rotation raints
+ final Vector3f lambdaRotation = this.inverseMassMatrixRotationConstraint.multiplyNew(errorRotation.multiplyNew(-1));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 3 rotation raints of body 1
+ angularImpulseBody1 = lambdaRotation.multiplyNew(-1);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 1
+ w1 = this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1);
+ // Update the body position/orientation of body 1
+ q1.add((new Quaternion(0, w1)).multiply(q1).multiply(0.5f));
+ q1.normalize();
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 3 rotation raints of body 2
+ angularImpulseBody2 = lambdaRotation;
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 2
+ w2 = this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2);
+ // Update the body position/orientation of body 2
+ q2.add((new Quaternion(0, w2)).multiply(q2).multiply(0.5f));
+ q2.normalize();
+ // --------------- Limits Constraints --------------- //
+ if (this.isLimitEnabled) {
+ if (this.isLowerLimitViolated || this.isUpperLimitViolated) {
+ // Compute the inverse of the mass matrix K=JM^-1J^t for the limits (1x1 matrix)
+ this.inverseMassMatrixLimit = this.body1.massInverse + this.body2.massInverse + this.R1PlusUCrossSliderAxis.dot(this.i1.multiplyNew(this.R1PlusUCrossSliderAxis))
+ + this.R2CrossSliderAxis.dot(this.i2.multiplyNew(this.R2CrossSliderAxis));
+ this.inverseMassMatrixLimit = (this.inverseMassMatrixLimit > 0.0f) ? 1.0f / this.inverseMassMatrixLimit : 0.0f;
+ }
+ // If the lower limit is violated
+ if (this.isLowerLimitViolated) {
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda for the lower limit raint
+ final float lambdaLowerLimit = this.inverseMassMatrixLimit * (-lowerLimitError);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the lower limit raint of body 1
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody1_tmp = this.sliderAxisWorld.multiplyNew(-lambdaLowerLimit);
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody1_tmp = this.R1PlusUCrossSliderAxis.multiplyNew(-lambdaLowerLimit);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 1
+ final Vector3f v1_tmp = linearImpulseBody1_tmp.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody1);
+ final Vector3f w1_tmp = this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1_tmp);
+ // Update the body position/orientation of body 1
+ x1.add(v1_tmp);
+ q1.add((new Quaternion(0, w1_tmp)).multiply(q1).multiply(0.5f));
+ q1.normalize();
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the lower limit raint of body 2
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody2_tmp = this.sliderAxisWorld.multiplyNew(lambdaLowerLimit);
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody2_tmp = this.R2CrossSliderAxis.multiplyNew(lambdaLowerLimit);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 2
+ final Vector3f v2_tmp = linearImpulseBody2_tmp.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody2);
+ final Vector3f w2_tmp = this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2_tmp);
+ // Update the body position/orientation of body 2
+ x2.add(v2_tmp);
+ q2.add((new Quaternion(0, w2_tmp)).multiply(q2).multiply(0.5f));
+ q2.normalize();
+ }
+ // If the upper limit is violated
+ if (this.isUpperLimitViolated) {
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda for the upper limit raint
+ final float lambdaUpperLimit = this.inverseMassMatrixLimit * (-upperLimitError);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the upper limit raint of body 1
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody1_tmp = this.sliderAxisWorld.multiplyNew(lambdaUpperLimit);
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody1_tmp = this.R1PlusUCrossSliderAxis.multiplyNew(lambdaUpperLimit);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 1
+ final Vector3f v1_tmp = linearImpulseBody1_tmp.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody1);
+ final Vector3f w1_tmp = this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1_tmp);
+ // Update the body position/orientation of body 1
+ x1.add(v1_tmp);
+ q1.add((new Quaternion(0, w1_tmp)).multiply(q1).multiply(0.5f));
+ q1.normalize();
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the upper limit raint of body 2
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody2_tmp = this.sliderAxisWorld.multiplyNew(-lambdaUpperLimit);
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody2_tmp = this.R2CrossSliderAxis.multiplyNew(-lambdaUpperLimit);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 2
+ final Vector3f v2_tmp = linearImpulseBody2_tmp.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody2);
+ final Vector3f w2_tmp = this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2_tmp);
+ // Update the body position/orientation of body 2
+ x2.add(v2_tmp);
+ q2.add((new Quaternion(0, w2_tmp)).multiply(q2).multiply(0.5f));
+ q2.normalize();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void solveVelocityConstraint(final ConstraintSolverData raintSolverData) {
+ // Get the velocities
+ final Vector3f v1 = raintSolverData.linearVelocities[this.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f v2 = raintSolverData.linearVelocities[this.indexBody2];
+ final Vector3f w1 = raintSolverData.angularVelocities[this.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f w2 = raintSolverData.angularVelocities[this.indexBody2];
+ // Get the inverse mass and inverse inertia tensors of the bodies
+ final float inverseMassBody1 = this.body1.massInverse;
+ final float inverseMassBody2 = this.body2.massInverse;
+ // --------------- Translation Constraints --------------- //
+ // Compute J*v for the 2 translation raints
+ final float el1 = -this.N1.dot(v1) - w1.dot(this.R1PlusUCrossN1) + this.N1.dot(v2) + w2.dot(this.R2CrossN1);
+ final float el2 = -this.N2.dot(v1) - w1.dot(this.R1PlusUCrossN2) + this.N2.dot(v2) + w2.dot(this.R2CrossN2);
+ final Vector2f JvTranslation = new Vector2f(el1, el2);
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda for the 2 translation raints
+ final Vector2f deltaLambda = this.inverseMassMatrixTranslationConstraint.multiplyNew(JvTranslation.multiplyNew(-1).less(this.bTranslation));
+ this.impulseTranslation.add(deltaLambda);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 2 translation raints of body 1
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody1 = this.N1.multiplyNew(-1).multiply(deltaLambda.x).less(this.N2.multiplyNew(deltaLambda.y));
+ Vector3f angularImpulseBody1 = this.R1PlusUCrossN1.multiplyNew(-1).multiply(deltaLambda.x).less(this.R1PlusUCrossN2.multiplyNew(deltaLambda.y));
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 1
+ v1.add(linearImpulseBody1.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody1));
+ w1.add(this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 2 translation raints of body 2
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody2 = this.N1.multiplyNew(deltaLambda.x).add(this.N2.multiplyNew(deltaLambda.y));
+ Vector3f angularImpulseBody2 = this.R2CrossN1.multiplyNew(deltaLambda.x).add(this.R2CrossN2.multiplyNew(deltaLambda.y));
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 2
+ v2.add(linearImpulseBody2.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody2));
+ w2.add(this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2));
+ // --------------- Rotation Constraints --------------- //
+ // Compute J*v for the 3 rotation raints
+ final Vector3f JvRotation = w2.lessNew(w1);
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda for the 3 rotation raints
+ final Vector3f deltaLambda2 = this.inverseMassMatrixRotationConstraint.multiplyNew(JvRotation.multiplyNew(-1).less(this.bRotation));
+ this.impulseRotation.add(deltaLambda2);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 3 rotation raints of body 1
+ angularImpulseBody1 = deltaLambda2.multiplyNew(-1);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body to body 1
+ w1.add(this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 3 rotation raints of body 2
+ angularImpulseBody2 = deltaLambda2;
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 2
+ w2.add(this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2));
+ // --------------- Limits Constraints --------------- //
+ if (this.isLimitEnabled) {
+ // If the lower limit is violated
+ if (this.isLowerLimitViolated) {
+ // Compute J*v for the lower limit raint
+ final float JvLowerLimit = this.sliderAxisWorld.dot(v2) + this.R2CrossSliderAxis.dot(w2) - this.sliderAxisWorld.dot(v1) - this.R1PlusUCrossSliderAxis.dot(w1);
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda for the lower limit raint
+ float deltaLambdaLower = this.inverseMassMatrixLimit * (-JvLowerLimit - this.bLowerLimit);
+ final float lambdaTemp = this.impulseLowerLimit;
+ this.impulseLowerLimit = FMath.max(this.impulseLowerLimit + deltaLambdaLower, 0.0f);
+ deltaLambdaLower = this.impulseLowerLimit - lambdaTemp;
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the lower limit raint of body 1
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody1_tmp = this.sliderAxisWorld.multiplyNew(-deltaLambdaLower);
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody1_tmp = this.R1PlusUCrossSliderAxis.multiplyNew(-deltaLambdaLower);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 1
+ v1.add(linearImpulseBody1_tmp.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody1));
+ w1.add(this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1_tmp));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the lower limit raint of body 2
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody2_tmp = this.sliderAxisWorld.multiplyNew(deltaLambdaLower);
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody2_tmp = this.R2CrossSliderAxis.multiplyNew(deltaLambdaLower);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 2
+ v2.add(linearImpulseBody2_tmp.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody2));
+ w2.add(this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2_tmp));
+ }
+ // If the upper limit is violated
+ if (this.isUpperLimitViolated) {
+ // Compute J*v for the upper limit raint
+ final float JvUpperLimit = this.sliderAxisWorld.dot(v1) + this.R1PlusUCrossSliderAxis.dot(w1) - this.sliderAxisWorld.dot(v2) - this.R2CrossSliderAxis.dot(w2);
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda for the upper limit raint
+ float deltaLambdaUpper = this.inverseMassMatrixLimit * (-JvUpperLimit - this.bUpperLimit);
+ final float lambdaTemp = this.impulseUpperLimit;
+ this.impulseUpperLimit = FMath.max(this.impulseUpperLimit + deltaLambdaUpper, 0.0f);
+ deltaLambdaUpper = this.impulseUpperLimit - lambdaTemp;
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the upper limit raint of body 1
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody1_tmp = this.sliderAxisWorld.multiplyNew(deltaLambdaUpper);
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody1_tmp = this.R1PlusUCrossSliderAxis.multiplyNew(deltaLambdaUpper);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 1
+ v1.add(linearImpulseBody1_tmp.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody1));
+ w1.add(this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1_tmp));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the upper limit raint of body 2
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody2_tmp = this.sliderAxisWorld.multiplyNew(-deltaLambdaUpper);
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody2_tmp = this.R2CrossSliderAxis.multiplyNew(-deltaLambdaUpper);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 2
+ v2.add(linearImpulseBody2_tmp.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody2));
+ w2.add(this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2_tmp));
+ }
+ }
+ // --------------- Motor --------------- //
+ if (this.isMotorEnabled) {
+ // Compute J*v for the motor
+ final float JvMotor = this.sliderAxisWorld.dot(v1) - this.sliderAxisWorld.dot(v2);
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda for the motor
+ final float maxMotorImpulse = this.maxMotorForce * raintSolverData.timeStep;
+ float deltaLambdaMotor = this.inverseMassMatrixMotor * (-JvMotor - this.motorSpeed);
+ final float lambdaTemp = this.impulseMotor;
+ this.impulseMotor = FMath.clamp(this.impulseMotor + deltaLambdaMotor, -maxMotorImpulse, maxMotorImpulse);
+ deltaLambdaMotor = this.impulseMotor - lambdaTemp;
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the motor of body 1
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody1_tmp = this.sliderAxisWorld.multiplyNew(deltaLambdaMotor);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 1
+ v1.add(linearImpulseBody1_tmp.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody1));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the motor of body 2
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody2_tmp = this.sliderAxisWorld.multiplyNew(-deltaLambdaMotor);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 2
+ v2.add(linearImpulseBody2_tmp.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody2));
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void warmstart(final ConstraintSolverData raintSolverData) {
+ // Get the velocities
+ final Vector3f v1 = raintSolverData.linearVelocities[this.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f v2 = raintSolverData.linearVelocities[this.indexBody2];
+ final Vector3f w1 = raintSolverData.angularVelocities[this.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f w2 = raintSolverData.angularVelocities[this.indexBody2];
+ // Get the inverse mass and inverse inertia tensors of the bodies
+ final float inverseMassBody1 = this.body1.massInverse;
+ final float inverseMassBody2 = this.body2.massInverse;
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the lower and upper limits raints of body 1
+ final float impulseLimits = this.impulseUpperLimit - this.impulseLowerLimit;
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseLimits = this.sliderAxisWorld.multiplyNew(impulseLimits);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the motor raint of body 1
+ final Vector3f impulseMotor = this.sliderAxisWorld.multiplyNew(this.impulseMotor);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 2 translation raints of body 1
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody1 = this.N1.multiplyNew(-1).multiply(this.impulseTranslation.x).less(this.N2.multiplyNew(this.impulseTranslation.y));
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody1 = this.R1PlusUCrossN1.multiplyNew(-1).multiply(this.impulseTranslation.x).less(this.R1PlusUCrossN2.multiplyNew(this.impulseTranslation.y));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 3 rotation raints of body 1
+ angularImpulseBody1.add(this.impulseRotation.multiplyNew(-1));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the lower and upper limits raints of body 1
+ linearImpulseBody1.add(linearImpulseLimits);
+ angularImpulseBody1.add(this.R1PlusUCrossSliderAxis.multiplyNew(impulseLimits));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the motor raint of body 1
+ linearImpulseBody1.add(impulseMotor);
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 1
+ v1.add(linearImpulseBody1.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody1));
+ w1.add(this.i1.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody1));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 2 translation raints of body 2
+ final Vector3f linearImpulseBody2 = this.N1.multiplyNew(this.impulseTranslation.x).add(this.N2.multiplyNew(this.impulseTranslation.y));
+ final Vector3f angularImpulseBody2 = this.R2CrossN1.multiplyNew(this.impulseTranslation.x).add(this.R2CrossN2.multiplyNew(this.impulseTranslation.y));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the 3 rotation raints of body 2
+ angularImpulseBody2.add(this.impulseRotation);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the lower and upper limits raints of body 2
+ linearImpulseBody2.less(linearImpulseLimits);
+ angularImpulseBody2.add(this.R2CrossSliderAxis.multiplyNew(-impulseLimits));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda for the motor raint of body 2
+ linearImpulseBody2.add(impulseMotor.multiplyNew(-1));
+ // Apply the impulse to the body 2
+ v2.add(linearImpulseBody2.multiplyNew(inverseMassBody2));
+ w2.add(this.i2.multiplyNew(angularImpulseBody2));
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/SliderJointInfo.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/SliderJointInfo.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..617d2bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/constraint/SliderJointInfo.java
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.RigidBody;
+ * This structure is used to gather the information needed to create a slider
+ * joint. This structure will be used to create the actual slider joint.
+ */
+public class SliderJointInfo extends JointInfo {
+ public Vector3f anchorPointWorldSpace; //!< Anchor point (in world-space coordinates)
+ public Vector3f sliderAxisWorldSpace; //!< Slider axis (in world-space coordinates)
+ public boolean isLimitEnabled; //!< True if the slider limits are enabled
+ public boolean isMotorEnabled; //!< True if the slider motor is enabled
+ public float minTranslationLimit; //!< Mininum allowed translation if limits are enabled
+ public float maxTranslationLimit; //!< Maximum allowed translation if limits are enabled
+ public float motorSpeed; //!< Motor speed
+ public float maxMotorForce; //!< Maximum motor force (in Newtons) that can be applied to reach to desired motor speed
+ /**
+ * Constructor without limits and without motor
+ * @param _rigidBody1 The first body of the joint
+ * @param _rigidBody2 The second body of the joint
+ * @param _initAnchorPointWorldSpace The initial anchor point in world-space
+ * @param _initSliderAxisWorldSpace The initial slider axis in world-space
+ */
+ public SliderJointInfo(final RigidBody _rigidBody1, final RigidBody _rigidBody2, final Vector3f _initAnchorPointWorldSpace, final Vector3f _initSliderAxisWorldSpace) {
+ super(_rigidBody1, _rigidBody2, JointType.SLIDERJOINT);
+ this.anchorPointWorldSpace = _initAnchorPointWorldSpace;
+ this.sliderAxisWorldSpace = _initSliderAxisWorldSpace;
+ this.isLimitEnabled = false;
+ this.isMotorEnabled = false;
+ this.minTranslationLimit = -1.0f;
+ this.maxTranslationLimit = 1.0f;
+ this.motorSpeed = 0;
+ this.maxMotorForce = 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructor with limits and no motor
+ * @param _rigidBody1 The first body of the joint
+ * @param _rigidBody2 The second body of the joint
+ * @param _initAnchorPointWorldSpace The initial anchor point in world-space
+ * @param _initSliderAxisWorldSpace The initial slider axis in world-space
+ * @param _initMinTranslationLimit The initial minimum translation limit (in meters)
+ * @param _initMaxTranslationLimit The initial maximum translation limit (in meters)
+ */
+ public SliderJointInfo(final RigidBody _rigidBody1, final RigidBody _rigidBody2, final Vector3f _initAnchorPointWorldSpace, final Vector3f _initSliderAxisWorldSpace,
+ final float _initMinTranslationLimit, final float _initMaxTranslationLimit) {
+ super(_rigidBody1, _rigidBody2, JointType.SLIDERJOINT);
+ this.anchorPointWorldSpace = _initAnchorPointWorldSpace;
+ this.sliderAxisWorldSpace = _initSliderAxisWorldSpace;
+ this.isLimitEnabled = true;
+ this.isMotorEnabled = false;
+ this.minTranslationLimit = _initMinTranslationLimit;
+ this.maxTranslationLimit = _initMaxTranslationLimit;
+ this.motorSpeed = 0;
+ this.maxMotorForce = 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructor with limits and motor
+ * @param _rigidBody1 The first body of the joint
+ * @param _rigidBody2 The second body of the joint
+ * @param _initAnchorPointWorldSpace The initial anchor point in world-space
+ * @param _initSliderAxisWorldSpace The initial slider axis in world-space
+ * @param _initMinTranslationLimit The initial minimum translation limit (in meters)
+ * @param _initMaxTranslationLimit The initial maximum translation limit (in meters)
+ * @param _initMotorSpeed The initial speed of the joint motor (in meters per second)
+ * @param _initMaxMotorForce The initial maximum motor force of the joint (in Newtons x meters)
+ */
+ public SliderJointInfo(final RigidBody _rigidBody1, final RigidBody _rigidBody2, final Vector3f _initAnchorPointWorldSpace, final Vector3f _initSliderAxisWorldSpace,
+ final float _initMinTranslationLimit, final float _initMaxTranslationLimit, final float _initMotorSpeed, final float _initMaxMotorForce) {
+ super(_rigidBody1, _rigidBody2, JointType.SLIDERJOINT);
+ this.anchorPointWorldSpace = _initAnchorPointWorldSpace;
+ this.sliderAxisWorldSpace = _initSliderAxisWorldSpace;
+ this.isLimitEnabled = true;
+ this.isMotorEnabled = true;
+ this.minTranslationLimit = _initMinTranslationLimit;
+ this.maxTranslationLimit = _initMaxTranslationLimit;
+ this.motorSpeed = _initMotorSpeed;
+ this.maxMotorForce = _initMaxMotorForce;
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/CollisionCallback.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/CollisionCallback.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b78e50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/CollisionCallback.java
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.ContactPointInfo;
+ * This class can be used to register a callback for collision test queries.
+ * You should implement your own class inherited from this one and implement
+ * the notifyRaycastHit() method. This method will be called for each ProxyShape
+ * that is hit by the ray.
+ */
+public interface CollisionCallback {
+ /**
+ * This method will be called for contact.
+ * @param _contactPointInfo Contact information property.
+ */
+ void notifyContact(ContactPointInfo _contactPointInfo);
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/CollisionWorld.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/CollisionWorld.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcbdcb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/CollisionWorld.java
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.RaycastCallback;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.CollisionBody;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.CollisionDetection;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ProxyShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.broadphase.DTree;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.narrowphase.CollisionDispatch;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.shapes.AABB;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Ray;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Set;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Transform3D;
+ * This class represent a world where it is possible to move bodies
+ * by hand and to test collision between each other. In this kind of
+ * world, the bodies movement is not computed using the laws of physics.
+ */
+public class CollisionWorld {
+ public CollisionDetection collisionDetection; //!< Reference to the collision detection
+ protected Set bodies = new Set(Set.getCollisionBodyCoparator()); //!< All the bodies (rigid and soft) of the world
+ protected int currentBodyID; //!< Current body ID
+ protected List freeBodiesIDs = new ArrayList<>(); //!< List of free ID for rigid bodies
+ public EventListener eventListener; //!< Pointer to an event listener object
+ /// Return the next available body ID
+ /// Constructor
+ public CollisionWorld() {
+ this.collisionDetection = new CollisionDetection(this);
+ this.currentBodyID = 0;
+ this.eventListener = null;
+ }
+ int computeNextAvailableBodyID() {
+ // Compute the body ID
+ int bodyID;
+ if (!this.freeBodiesIDs.isEmpty()) {
+ bodyID = this.freeBodiesIDs.get(0);
+ this.freeBodiesIDs.remove(bodyID);
+ } else {
+ bodyID = this.currentBodyID;
+ this.currentBodyID++;
+ }
+ return bodyID;
+ }
+ /*
+ public Set::Iterator getBodiesEndIterator() {
+ return this.bodies.end();
+ }
+ */
+ /**
+ * Create a collision body and add it to the world
+ * @param transform Transform3Dation mapping the local-space of the body to world-space
+ * @return A pointer to the body that has been created in the world
+ */
+ public CollisionBody createCollisionBody(final Transform3D transform) {
+ // Get the next available body ID
+ final int bodyID = computeNextAvailableBodyID();
+ // Largest index cannot be used (it is used for invalid index)
+ assert (bodyID < Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+ // Create the collision body
+ final CollisionBody collisionBody = new CollisionBody(transform, this, bodyID);
+ assert (collisionBody != null);
+ // Add the collision body to the world
+ this.bodies.add(collisionBody);
+ // Return the pointer to the rigid body
+ return collisionBody;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Destroy a collision body
+ * @param collisionBody Pointer to the body to destroy
+ */
+ public void destroyCollisionBody(CollisionBody collisionBody) {
+ // Remove all the collision shapes of the body
+ collisionBody.removeAllCollisionShapes();
+ // Add the body ID to the list of free IDs
+ this.freeBodiesIDs.add(collisionBody.getID());
+ // Remove the collision body from the list of bodies
+ this.bodies.erase(collisionBody);
+ collisionBody = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get an iterator to the beginning of the bodies of the physics world
+ * @return An starting iterator to the set of bodies of the world
+ */
+ /*
+ public Set::Iterator getBodiesBeginIterator() {
+ return this.bodies.begin();
+ }
+ */
+ /**
+ * Get an iterator to the end of the bodies of the physics world
+ * @return An ending iterator to the set of bodies of the world
+ */
+ public CollisionDetection getCollisionDetection() {
+ return this.collisionDetection;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Ray cast method
+ * @param _ray Ray to use for raycasting
+ * @param _raycastCallback Pointer to the class with the callback method
+ * @param _raycastWithCategoryMaskBits Bits mask corresponding to the category of bodies to be raycasted
+ */
+ public void raycast(final Ray _ray, final RaycastCallback _raycastCallback) {
+ raycast(_ray, _raycastCallback, 0xFFFF);
+ }
+ public void raycast(final Ray _ray, final RaycastCallback _raycastCallback, final int _raycastWithCategoryMaskBits) {
+ this.collisionDetection.raycast(_raycastCallback, _ray, _raycastWithCategoryMaskBits);
+ }
+ /// Reset all the contact manifolds linked list of each body
+ void resetContactManifoldListsOfBodies() {
+ // For each rigid body of the world
+ for (final CollisionBody it : this.bodies) {
+ // Reset the contact manifold list of the body
+ it.resetContactManifoldsList();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the collision dispatch configuration
+ * This can be used to replace default collision detection algorithms by your
+ * custom algorithm for instance.
+ * @param _CollisionDispatch Pointer to a collision dispatch object describing
+ * which collision detection algorithm to use for two given collision shapes
+ */
+ public void setCollisionDispatch(final CollisionDispatch _collisionDispatch) {
+ this.collisionDetection.setCollisionDispatch(_collisionDispatch);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test if the AABBs of two bodies overlap
+ * @param _body1 Pointer to the first body to test
+ * @param _body2 Pointer to the second body to test
+ * @return True if the AABBs of the two bodies overlap and false otherwise
+ */
+ public boolean testAABBOverlap(final CollisionBody _body1, final CollisionBody _body2) {
+ // If one of the body is not active, we return no overlap
+ if (!_body1.isActive() || !_body2.isActive()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Compute the AABBs of both bodies
+ final AABB body1AABB = _body1.getAABB();
+ final AABB body2AABB = _body2.getAABB();
+ // Return true if the two AABBs overlap
+ return body1AABB.testCollision(body2AABB);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test if the AABBs of two proxy shapes overlap
+ * @param _shape1 Pointer to the first proxy shape to test
+ * @param _shape2 Pointer to the second proxy shape to test
+ */
+ public boolean testAABBOverlap(final ProxyShape _shape1, final ProxyShape _shape2) {
+ return this.collisionDetection.testAABBOverlap(_shape1, _shape2);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test and report collisions between two bodies
+ * @param _body1 Pointer to the first body to test
+ * @param _body2 Pointer to the second body to test
+ * @param _callback Pointer to the object with the callback method
+ */
+ public void testCollision(final CollisionBody _body1, final CollisionBody _body2, final CollisionCallback _callback) {
+ // Reset all the contact manifolds lists of each body
+ resetContactManifoldListsOfBodies();
+ // Create the sets of shapes
+ final Set shapes1 = new Set(Set.getDTreeCoparator());
+ for (ProxyShape shape = _body1.getProxyShapesList(); shape != null; shape = shape.getNext()) {
+ shapes1.add(shape.broadPhaseID);
+ }
+ final Set shapes2 = new Set(Set.getDTreeCoparator());
+ for (ProxyShape shape = _body2.getProxyShapesList(); shape != null; shape = shape.getNext()) {
+ shapes2.add(shape.broadPhaseID);
+ }
+ // Perform the collision detection and report contacts
+ this.collisionDetection.testCollisionBetweenShapes(_callback, shapes1, shapes2);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test and report collisions between a body and all the others bodies of the world.
+ * @param _body Pointer to the first body to test
+ * @param _callback Pointer to the object with the callback method
+ */
+ public void testCollision(final CollisionBody _body, final CollisionCallback _callback) {
+ // Reset all the contact manifolds lists of each body
+ resetContactManifoldListsOfBodies();
+ // Create the sets of shapes
+ final Set shapes1 = new Set(Set.getDTreeCoparator());
+ // For each shape of the body
+ for (ProxyShape shape = _body.getProxyShapesList(); shape != null; shape = shape.getNext()) {
+ shapes1.add(shape.broadPhaseID);
+ }
+ final Set emptySet = new Set(Set.getDTreeCoparator());
+ // Perform the collision detection and report contacts
+ this.collisionDetection.testCollisionBetweenShapes(_callback, shapes1, emptySet);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test and report collisions between all shapes of the world
+ * @param _callback Pointer to the object with the callback method
+ */
+ public void testCollision(final CollisionCallback _callback) {
+ // Reset all the contact manifolds lists of each body
+ resetContactManifoldListsOfBodies();
+ final Set emptySet = new Set(Set.getDTreeCoparator());
+ // Perform the collision detection and report contacts
+ this.collisionDetection.testCollisionBetweenShapes(_callback, emptySet, emptySet);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test and report collisions between a given shape and all the others shapes of the world.
+ * @param _shape Pointer to the proxy shape to test
+ * @param _callback Pointer to the object with the callback method
+ */
+ public void testCollision(final ProxyShape _shape, final CollisionCallback _callback) {
+ // Reset all the contact manifolds lists of each body
+ resetContactManifoldListsOfBodies();
+ // Create the sets of shapes
+ final Set shapes = new Set(Set.getDTreeCoparator());
+ shapes.add(_shape.broadPhaseID);
+ final Set emptySet = new Set(Set.getDTreeCoparator());
+ // Perform the collision detection and report contacts
+ this.collisionDetection.testCollisionBetweenShapes(_callback, shapes, emptySet);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test and report collisions between two given shapes
+ * @param _shape1 Pointer to the first proxy shape to test
+ * @param _shape2 Pointer to the second proxy shape to test
+ * @param _callback Pointer to the object with the callback method
+ */
+ public void testCollision(final ProxyShape _shape1, final ProxyShape _shape2, final CollisionCallback _callback) {
+ // Reset all the contact manifolds lists of each body
+ resetContactManifoldListsOfBodies();
+ // Create the sets of shapes
+ final Set shapes1 = new Set(Set.getDTreeCoparator());
+ shapes1.add(_shape1.broadPhaseID);
+ final Set shapes2 = new Set(Set.getDTreeCoparator());
+ shapes2.add(_shape2.broadPhaseID);
+ // Perform the collision detection and report contacts
+ this.collisionDetection.testCollisionBetweenShapes(_callback, shapes1, shapes2);
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/ConstraintSolver.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/ConstraintSolver.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af837f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/ConstraintSolver.java
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Quaternion;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.RigidBody;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.Joint;
+ * This class represents the raint solver that is used to solve raints between
+ * the rigid bodies. The raint solver is based on the "Sequential Impulse" technique
+ * described by Erin Catto in his GDC slides (http://code.google.com/p/box2d/downloads/list).
+ *
+ * A raint between two bodies is represented by a function C(x) which is equal to zero
+ * when the raint is satisfied. The condition C(x)=0 describes a valid position and the
+ * condition dC(x)/dt=0 describes a valid velocity. We have dC(x)/dt = Jv + b = 0 where J is
+ * the Jacobian matrix of the raint, v is a vector that contains the velocity of both
+ * bodies and b is the raint bias. We are looking for a force Fc that will act on the
+ * bodies to keep the raint satisfied. Note that from the work principle, we have
+ * Fc = J^t * lambda where J^t is the transpose of the Jacobian matrix and lambda is a
+ * Lagrange multiplier. Therefore, finding the force Fc is equivalent to finding the Lagrange
+ * multiplier lambda.
+ * An impulse P = F * dt where F is a force and dt is the timestep. We can apply impulses a
+ * body to change its velocity. The idea of the Sequential Impulse technique is to apply
+ * impulses to bodies of each raints in order to keep the raint satisfied.
+ *
+ * --- Step 1 ---
+ *
+ * First, we integrate the applied force Fa acting of each rigid body (like gravity, ...) and
+ * we obtain some new velocities v2' that tends to violate the raints.
+ *
+ * v2' = v1 + dt * M^-1 * Fa
+ *
+ * where M is a matrix that contains mass and inertia tensor information.
+ *
+ * --- Step 2 ---
+ *
+ * During the second step, we iterate over all the raints for a certain number of
+ * iterations and for each raint we compute the impulse to apply to the bodies needed
+ * so that the new velocity of the bodies satisfy Jv + b = 0. From the Newton law, we know that
+ * M * deltaV = Pc where M is the mass of the body, deltaV is the difference of velocity and
+ * Pc is the raint impulse to apply to the body. Therefore, we have
+ * v2 = v2' + M^-1 * Pc. For each raint, we can compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda
+ * using : lambda = -this.c (Jv2' + b) where this.c = 1 / (J * M^-1 * J^t). Now that we have the
+ * Lagrange multiplier lambda, we can compute the impulse Pc = J^t * lambda * dt to apply to
+ * the bodies to satisfy the raint.
+ *
+ * --- Step 3 ---
+ *
+ * In the third step, we integrate the new position x2 of the bodies using the new velocities
+ * v2 computed in the second step with : x2 = x1 + dt * v2.
+ *
+ * Note that in the following code (as it is also explained in the slides from Erin Catto),
+ * the value lambda is not only the lagrange multiplier but is the multiplication of the
+ * Lagrange multiplier with the timestep dt. Therefore, in the following code, when we use
+ * lambda, we mean (lambda * dt).
+ *
+ * We are using the accumulated impulse technique that is also described in the slides from
+ * Erin Catto.
+ *
+ * We are also using warm starting. The idea is to warm start the solver at the beginning of
+ * each step by applying the last impulstes for the raints that we already existing at the
+ * previous step. This allows the iterative solver to converge faster towards the solution.
+ *
+ * For contact raints, we are also using split impulses so that the position correction
+ * that uses Baumgarte stabilization does not change the momentum of the bodies.
+ *
+ * There are two ways to apply the friction raints. Either the friction raints are
+ * applied at each contact point or they are applied only at the center of the contact manifold
+ * between two bodies. If we solve the friction raints at each contact point, we need
+ * two raints (two tangential friction directions) and if we solve the friction
+ * raints at the center of the contact manifold, we need two raints for tangential
+ * friction but also another twist friction raint to prevent spin of the body around the
+ * contact manifold center.
+ */
+public class ConstraintSolver {
+ private final Map mapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex; //!< Reference to the map that associates rigid body to their index in the rained velocities array
+ private float timeStep; //!< Current time step
+ private boolean isWarmStartingActive; //!< True if the warm starting of the solver is active
+ private final ConstraintSolverData raintSolverData; //!< Constraint solver data used to initialize and solve the raints
+ /// Constructor
+ public ConstraintSolver(final Map mapBodyToVelocityIndex) {
+ this.mapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex = mapBodyToVelocityIndex;
+ this.isWarmStartingActive = true;
+ this.raintSolverData = new ConstraintSolverData(mapBodyToVelocityIndex);
+ }
+ /// Return true if the Non-Linear-Gauss-Seidel position correction technique is active
+ public boolean getIsNonLinearGaussSeidelPositionCorrectionActive() {
+ return this.isWarmStartingActive;
+ }
+ /// Initialize the raint solver for a given island
+ public void initializeForIsland(final float dt, final Island island) {
+ assert (island != null);
+ assert (island.getNbBodies() > 0);
+ assert (island.getNbJoints() > 0);
+ // Set the current time step
+ this.timeStep = dt;
+ // Initialize the raint solver data used to initialize and solve the raints
+ this.raintSolverData.timeStep = this.timeStep;
+ this.raintSolverData.isWarmStartingActive = this.isWarmStartingActive;
+ // For each joint of the island
+ final List joints = island.getJoints();
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < island.getNbJoints(); ++iii) {
+ // Initialize the raint before solving it
+ joints.get(iii).initBeforeSolve(this.raintSolverData);
+ // Warm-start the raint if warm-starting is enabled
+ if (this.isWarmStartingActive) {
+ joints.get(iii).warmstart(this.raintSolverData);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Set the rained positions/orientations arrays
+ public void setConstrainedPositionsArrays(final Vector3f[] rainedPositions, final Quaternion[] rainedOrientations) {
+ assert (rainedPositions != null);
+ assert (rainedOrientations != null);
+ this.raintSolverData.positions = rainedPositions;
+ this.raintSolverData.orientations = rainedOrientations;
+ }
+ /// Set the rained velocities arrays
+ public void setConstrainedVelocitiesArrays(final Vector3f[] rainedLinearVelocities, final Vector3f[] rainedAngularVelocities) {
+ assert (rainedLinearVelocities != null);
+ assert (rainedAngularVelocities != null);
+ this.raintSolverData.linearVelocities = rainedLinearVelocities;
+ this.raintSolverData.angularVelocities = rainedAngularVelocities;
+ }
+ /// Enable/Disable the Non-Linear-Gauss-Seidel position correction technique.
+ public void setIsNonLinearGaussSeidelPositionCorrectionActive(final boolean isActive) {
+ this.isWarmStartingActive = isActive;
+ }
+ /// Solve the position raints
+ public void solvePositionConstraints(final Island island) {
+ assert (island != null);
+ assert (island.getNbJoints() > 0);
+ final List joints = island.getJoints();
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < joints.size(); ++iii) {
+ joints.get(iii).solvePositionConstraint(this.raintSolverData);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Solve the raints
+ public void solveVelocityConstraints(final Island island) {
+ assert (island != null);
+ assert (island.getNbJoints() > 0);
+ // For each joint of the island
+ final List joints = island.getJoints();
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < island.getNbJoints(); ++iii) {
+ joints.get(iii).solveVelocityConstraint(this.raintSolverData);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/ConstraintSolverData.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/ConstraintSolverData.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f75cbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/ConstraintSolverData.java
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Quaternion;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.RigidBody;
+ * This structure contains data from the raint solver that are used to solve
+ * each joint raint.
+ */
+public class ConstraintSolverData {
+ public float timeStep; //!< Current time step of the simulation
+ public Vector3f[] linearVelocities = null; //!< Array with the bodies linear velocities
+ public Vector3f[] angularVelocities = null; //!< Array with the bodies angular velocities
+ public Vector3f[] positions = null; //!< Reference to the bodies positions
+ public Quaternion[] orientations = null; //!< Reference to the bodies orientations
+ public Map mapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex; //!< Reference to the map that associates rigid body to their index in the rained velocities array
+ public boolean isWarmStartingActive; //!< True if warm starting of the solver is active
+ public ConstraintSolverData(final Map refMapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex) {
+ this.mapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex = refMapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex;
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/ContactManifoldSolver.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/ContactManifoldSolver.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dae63b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/ContactManifoldSolver.java
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ContactManifold;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Matrix3f;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * Contact solver internal data structure to store all the information relative to a contact manifold.
+ */
+public class ContactManifoldSolver {
+ int indexBody1; //!< Index of body 1 in the raint solver
+ int indexBody2; //!< Index of body 2 in the raint solver
+ float massInverseBody1; //!< Inverse of the mass of body 1
+ float massInverseBody2; //!< Inverse of the mass of body 2
+ Matrix3f inverseInertiaTensorBody1 = new Matrix3f(); //!< Inverse inertia tensor of body 1
+ Matrix3f inverseInertiaTensorBody2 = new Matrix3f(); //!< Inverse inertia tensor of body 2
+ ContactPointSolver[] contacts = new ContactPointSolver[ContactManifold.MAX_CONTACT_POINTS_IN_MANIFOLD]; //!< Contact point raints
+ int nbContacts; //!< Number of contact points
+ boolean isBody1DynamicType; //!< True if the body 1 is of type dynamic
+ boolean isBody2DynamicType; //!< True if the body 2 is of type dynamic
+ float restitutionFactor; //!< Mix of the restitution factor for two bodies
+ float frictionCoefficient; //!< Mix friction coefficient for the two bodies
+ float rollingResistanceFactor; //!< Rolling resistance factor between the two bodies
+ ContactManifold externalContactManifold; //!< Pointer to the external contact manifold
+ // - Variables used when friction raints are apply at the center of the manifold-//
+ Vector3f normal = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Average normal vector of the contact manifold
+ Vector3f frictionPointBody1 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Point on body 1 where to apply the friction raints
+ Vector3f frictionPointBody2 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Point on body 2 where to apply the friction raints
+ Vector3f r1Friction = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< R1 vector for the friction raints
+ Vector3f r2Friction = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< R2 vector for the friction raints
+ Vector3f r1CrossT1 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Cross product of r1 with 1st friction vector
+ Vector3f r1CrossT2 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Cross product of r1 with 2nd friction vector
+ Vector3f r2CrossT1 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Cross product of r2 with 1st friction vector
+ Vector3f r2CrossT2 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Cross product of r2 with 2nd friction vector
+ float inverseFriction1Mass; //!< Matrix K for the first friction raint
+ float inverseFriction2Mass; //!< Matrix K for the second friction raint
+ float inverseTwistFrictionMass; //!< Matrix K for the twist friction raint
+ Matrix3f inverseRollingResistance = new Matrix3f(); //!< Matrix K for the rolling resistance raint
+ Vector3f frictionVector1 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< First friction direction at contact manifold center
+ Vector3f frictionvec2 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Second friction direction at contact manifold center
+ Vector3f oldFrictionVector1 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Old 1st friction direction at contact manifold center
+ Vector3f oldFrictionvec2 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Old 2nd friction direction at contact manifold center
+ float friction1Impulse; //!< First friction direction impulse at manifold center
+ float friction2Impulse; //!< Second friction direction impulse at manifold center
+ float frictionTwistImpulse; //!< Twist friction impulse at contact manifold center
+ Vector3f rollingResistanceImpulse = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Rolling resistance impulse
+ public ContactManifoldSolver() {
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < ContactManifold.MAX_CONTACT_POINTS_IN_MANIFOLD; iii++) {
+ this.contacts[iii] = new ContactPointSolver();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/ContactPointSolver.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/ContactPointSolver.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..379bb7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/ContactPointSolver.java
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.ContactPoint;
+ * Contact solver internal data structure that to store all the
+ * information relative to a contact point
+ */
+public class ContactPointSolver {
+ float penetrationImpulse; //!< Accumulated normal impulse
+ float friction1Impulse; //!< Accumulated impulse in the 1st friction direction
+ float friction2Impulse; //!< Accumulated impulse in the 2nd friction direction
+ float penetrationSplitImpulse; //!< Accumulated split impulse for penetration correction
+ Vector3f rollingResistanceImpulse = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Accumulated rolling resistance impulse
+ Vector3f normal = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Normal vector of the contact
+ Vector3f frictionVector1 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< First friction vector in the tangent plane
+ Vector3f frictionvec2 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Second friction vector in the tangent plane
+ Vector3f oldFrictionVector1 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Old first friction vector in the tangent plane
+ Vector3f oldFrictionvec2 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Old second friction vector in the tangent plane
+ Vector3f r1 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Vector from the body 1 center to the contact point
+ Vector3f r2 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Vector from the body 2 center to the contact point
+ Vector3f r1CrossT1 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Cross product of r1 with 1st friction vector
+ Vector3f r1CrossT2 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Cross product of r1 with 2nd friction vector
+ Vector3f r2CrossT1 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Cross product of r2 with 1st friction vector
+ Vector3f r2CrossT2 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Cross product of r2 with 2nd friction vector
+ Vector3f r1CrossN = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Cross product of r1 with the contact normal
+ Vector3f r2CrossN = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //!< Cross product of r2 with the contact normal
+ float penetrationDepth; //!< Penetration depth
+ float restitutionBias; //!< Velocity restitution bias
+ float inversePenetrationMass; //!< Inverse of the matrix K for the penenetration
+ float inverseFriction1Mass; //!< Inverse of the matrix K for the 1st friction
+ float inverseFriction2Mass; //!< Inverse of the matrix K for the 2nd friction
+ boolean isRestingContact; //!< True if the contact was existing last time step
+ ContactPoint externalContact; //!< Pointer to the external contact
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/ContactSolver.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/ContactSolver.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..677afea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/ContactSolver.java
@@ -0,0 +1,1109 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.Configuration;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.BodyType;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.RigidBody;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ContactManifold;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.ContactPoint;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Constant;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.FMath;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Matrix3f;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * This class represents the contact solver that is used to solve rigid bodies contacts.
+ * The raint solver is based on the "Sequential Impulse" technique described by
+ * Erin Catto in his GDC slides (http://code.google.com/p/box2d/downloads/list).
+ *
+ * A raint between two bodies is represented by a function C(x) which is equal to zero
+ * when the raint is satisfied. The condition C(x)=0 describes a valid position and the
+ * condition dC(x)/dt=0 describes a valid velocity. We have dC(x)/dt = Jv + b = 0 where J is
+ * the Jacobian matrix of the raint, v is a vector that contains the velocity of both
+ * bodies and b is the raint bias. We are looking for a force F_c that will act on the
+ * bodies to keep the raint satisfied. Note that from the work principle, we have
+ * F_c = J^t * lambda where J^t is the transpose of the Jacobian matrix and lambda is a
+ * Lagrange multiplier. Therefore, finding the force F_c is equivalent to finding the Lagrange
+ * multiplier lambda.
+ *
+ * An impulse P = F * dt where F is a force and dt is the timestep. We can apply impulses a
+ * body to change its velocity. The idea of the Sequential Impulse technique is to apply
+ * impulses to bodies of each raints in order to keep the raint satisfied.
+ *
+ * --- Step 1 ---
+ *
+ * First, we integrate the applied force F_a acting of each rigid body (like gravity, ...) and
+ * we obtain some new velocities v2' that tends to violate the raints.
+ *
+ * v2' = v1 + dt * M^-1 * F_a
+ *
+ * where M is a matrix that contains mass and inertia tensor information.
+ *
+ * --- Step 2 ---
+ *
+ * During the second step, we iterate over all the raints for a certain number of
+ * iterations and for each raint we compute the impulse to apply to the bodies needed
+ * so that the new velocity of the bodies satisfy Jv + b = 0. From the Newton law, we know that
+ * M * deltaV = P_c where M is the mass of the body, deltaV is the difference of velocity and
+ * P_c is the raint impulse to apply to the body. Therefore, we have
+ * v2 = v2' + M^-1 * P_c. For each raint, we can compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda
+ * using : lambda = -this.c (Jv2' + b) where this.c = 1 / (J * M^-1 * J^t). Now that we have the
+ * Lagrange multiplier lambda, we can compute the impulse P_c = J^t * lambda * dt to apply to
+ * the bodies to satisfy the raint.
+ *
+ * --- Step 3 ---
+ *
+ * In the third step, we integrate the new position x2 of the bodies using the new velocities
+ * v2 computed in the second step with : x2 = x1 + dt * v2.
+ *
+ * Note that in the following code (as it is also explained in the slides from Erin Catto),
+ * the value lambda is not only the lagrange multiplier but is the multiplication of the
+ * Lagrange multiplier with the timestep dt. Therefore, in the following code, when we use
+ * lambda, we mean (lambda * dt).
+ *
+ * We are using the accumulated impulse technique that is also described in the slides from
+ * Erin Catto.
+ *
+ * We are also using warm starting. The idea is to warm start the solver at the beginning of
+ * each step by applying the last impulstes for the raints that we already existing at the
+ * previous step. This allows the iterative solver to converge faster towards the solution.
+ *
+ * For contact raints, we are also using split impulses so that the position correction
+ * that uses Baumgarte stabilization does not change the momentum of the bodies.
+ *
+ * There are two ways to apply the friction raints. Either the friction raints are
+ * applied at each contact point or they are applied only at the center of the contact manifold
+ * between two bodies. If we solve the friction raints at each contact point, we need
+ * two raints (two tangential friction directions) and if we solve the friction
+ * raints at the center of the contact manifold, we need two raints for tangential
+ * friction but also another twist friction raint to prevent spin of the body around the
+ * contact manifold center.
+ */
+public class ContactSolver {
+ private static float BETA = 0.2f; //!< Beta value for the penetration depth position correction without split impulses
+ private static float BETA_SPLIT_IMPULSE = 0.2f; //!< Beta value for the penetration depth position correction with split impulses
+ private static float SLOP = 0.01f; //!< Slop distance (allowed penetration distance between bodies)
+ private Vector3f[] splitLinearVelocities; //!< Split linear velocities for the position contact solver (split impulse)
+ private Vector3f[] splitAngularVelocities; //!< Split angular velocities for the position contact solver (split impulse)
+ private float timeStep; //!< Current time step
+ private List contactConstraints = new ArrayList<>(); //!< Contact raints
+ private Vector3f[] linearVelocities; //!< Array of linear velocities
+ private Vector3f[] angularVelocities; //!< Array of angular velocities
+ private final Map mapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex; //!< Reference to the map of rigid body to their index in the rained velocities array
+ private final boolean isWarmStartingActive; //!< True if the warm starting of the solver is active
+ private boolean isSplitImpulseActive; //!< True if the split impulse position correction is active
+ private boolean isSolveFrictionAtContactManifoldCenterActive; //!< True if we solve 3 friction raints at the contact manifold center only instead of 2 friction raints at each contact point
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ * @param _mapBodyToVelocityIndex
+ */
+ public ContactSolver(final Map _mapBodyToVelocityIndex) {
+ this.splitLinearVelocities = null;
+ this.splitAngularVelocities = null;
+ this.linearVelocities = null;
+ this.angularVelocities = null;
+ this.mapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex = _mapBodyToVelocityIndex;
+ this.isWarmStartingActive = false; // TODO default true
+ this.isSplitImpulseActive = true; // TODO default true
+ this.isSolveFrictionAtContactManifoldCenterActive = true; // TODO default true
+ }
+ /**
+ * Apply an impulse to the two bodies of a raint
+ * @param _impulse Impulse to apply
+ * @param _manifold Constraint to apply the impulse
+ */
+ private void applyImpulse(final Impulse _impulse, final ContactManifoldSolver _manifold) {
+ //Log.info(" -- _manifold.massInverseBody1=" + _manifold.massInverseBody1);
+ //Log.info(" -- _manifold.inverseInertiaTensorBody1=" + _manifold.inverseInertiaTensorBody1);
+ //Log.info(" -- _manifold.massInverseBody2=" + _manifold.massInverseBody2);
+ //Log.info(" -- _manifold.inverseInertiaTensorBody2=" + _manifold.inverseInertiaTensorBody2);
+ //Log.info(" -- _impulse.angularImpulseBody2=" + _impulse.angularImpulseBody2);
+ // Update the velocities of the body 1 by applying the impulse P
+ this.linearVelocities[_manifold.indexBody1].add(_impulse.linearImpulseBody1.multiplyNew(_manifold.massInverseBody1));
+ //Log.info(" -- this.angularVelocities[_manifold.indexBody1]=" + this.angularVelocities[_manifold.indexBody1]);
+ this.angularVelocities[_manifold.indexBody1].add(_manifold.inverseInertiaTensorBody1.multiplyNew(_impulse.angularImpulseBody1));
+ //Log.info(" -- this.angularVelocities[_manifold.indexBody1]=" + this.angularVelocities[_manifold.indexBody1]);
+ // Update the velocities of the body 1 by applying the impulse P
+ this.linearVelocities[_manifold.indexBody2].add(_impulse.linearImpulseBody2.multiplyNew(_manifold.massInverseBody2));
+ //Log.info(" -- this.angularVelocities[_manifold.indexBody2]=" + this.angularVelocities[_manifold.indexBody2]);
+ this.angularVelocities[_manifold.indexBody2].add(_manifold.inverseInertiaTensorBody2.multiplyNew(_impulse.angularImpulseBody2));
+ //Log.info(" -- this.angularVelocities[_manifold.indexBody2]=" + this.angularVelocities[_manifold.indexBody2]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Apply an impulse to the two bodies of a raint
+ * @param _impulse Impulse to apply
+ * @param _manifold Constraint to apply the impulse
+ */
+ private void applySplitImpulse(final Impulse _impulse, final ContactManifoldSolver _manifold) {
+ // Update the velocities of the body 1 by applying the impulse P
+ this.splitLinearVelocities[_manifold.indexBody1].add(_impulse.linearImpulseBody1.multiplyNew(_manifold.massInverseBody1));
+ this.splitAngularVelocities[_manifold.indexBody1].add(_manifold.inverseInertiaTensorBody1.multiplyNew(_impulse.angularImpulseBody1));
+ // Update the velocities of the body 1 by applying the impulse P
+ this.splitLinearVelocities[_manifold.indexBody2].add(_impulse.linearImpulseBody2.multiplyNew(_manifold.massInverseBody2));
+ this.splitAngularVelocities[_manifold.indexBody2].add(_manifold.inverseInertiaTensorBody2.multiplyNew(_impulse.angularImpulseBody2));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Clean up the raint solver
+ */
+ public void cleanup() {
+ this.contactConstraints.clear();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compute the first friction raint impulse
+ * @param _deltaLambda Ratio to apply at the calculation.
+ * @param _contactPoint Contact point property
+ * @return Impulse of the friction result
+ */
+ private Impulse computeFriction1Impulse(final float _deltaLambda, final ContactPointSolver _contactPoint) {
+ //Log.error("=== r1CrossT1=" + _contactPoint.r1CrossT1);
+ //Log.error("=== r2CrossT1=" + _contactPoint.r2CrossT1);
+ return new Impulse(_contactPoint.frictionVector1.multiplyNew(-1).multiply(_deltaLambda), _contactPoint.r1CrossT1.multiplyNew(-1).multiply(_deltaLambda),
+ _contactPoint.frictionVector1.multiplyNew(_deltaLambda), _contactPoint.r2CrossT1.multiplyNew(_deltaLambda));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compute the second friction raint impulse
+ * @param _deltaLambda Ratio to apply at the calculation.
+ * @param _contactPoint Contact point property
+ * @return Impulse of the friction result
+ */
+ private Impulse computeFriction2Impulse(final float _deltaLambda, final ContactPointSolver _contactPoint) {
+ //Log.error("=== r1CrossT2=" + _contactPoint.r1CrossT2);
+ //Log.error("=== r2CrossT2=" + _contactPoint.r2CrossT2);
+ return new Impulse(_contactPoint.frictionvec2.multiplyNew(-1).multiply(_deltaLambda), _contactPoint.r1CrossT2.multiplyNew(-1).multiplyNew(_deltaLambda),
+ _contactPoint.frictionvec2.multiplyNew(_deltaLambda), _contactPoint.r2CrossT2.multiplyNew(_deltaLambda));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compute the two unit orthogonal vectors "t1" and "t2" that span the tangential friction
+ * plane for a contact manifold. The two vectors have to be such that : t1 x t2 = contactNormal.
+ * @param _deltaVelocity Velocity ratio (with the delta time step)
+ * @param[in,out] _contactPoint Contact point property
+ */
+ private void computeFrictionVectors(final Vector3f _deltaVelocity, final ContactManifoldSolver _contactManifold) {
+ assert (_contactManifold.normal.length() > 0.0f);
+ // Compute the velocity difference vector in the tangential plane
+ final Vector3f normalVelocity = _contactManifold.normal.multiplyNew(_deltaVelocity.dot(_contactManifold.normal));
+ final Vector3f tangentVelocity = _deltaVelocity.lessNew(normalVelocity);
+ // If the velocty difference in the tangential plane is not zero
+ final float lengthTangenVelocity = tangentVelocity.length();
+ if (lengthTangenVelocity > Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON) {
+ // Compute the first friction vector in the direction of the tangent
+ // velocity difference
+ _contactManifold.frictionVector1 = tangentVelocity.divideNew(lengthTangenVelocity);
+ //Log.error("===1==>>>>>> _contactManifold.frictionVector1=" + _contactManifold.frictionVector1);
+ } else {
+ // Get any orthogonal vector to the normal as the first friction vector
+ _contactManifold.frictionVector1 = _contactManifold.normal.getOrthoVector();
+ //Log.error("===2==>>>>>> _contactManifold.frictionVector1=" + _contactManifold.frictionVector1);
+ }
+ // The second friction vector is computed by the cross product of the firs
+ // friction vector and the contact normal
+ _contactManifold.frictionvec2 = _contactManifold.normal.cross(_contactManifold.frictionVector1).safeNormalizeNew();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compute the two unit orthogonal vectors "t1" and "t2" that span the tangential friction
+ * plane for a contact point. The two vectors have to be such that : t1 x t2 = contactNormal.
+ * @param _deltaVelocity Velocity ratio (with the delta time step)
+ * @param[in,out] _contactPoint Contact point property
+ */
+ private void computeFrictionVectors(final Vector3f _deltaVelocity, final ContactPointSolver _contactPoint) {
+ assert (_contactPoint.normal.length() > 0.0f);
+ //Log.error("===3==>>>>>> _contactPoint.normal=" + _contactPoint.normal);
+ //Log.error("===3==>>>>>> _deltaVelocity=" + _deltaVelocity);
+ // Compute the velocity difference vector in the tangential plane
+ final Vector3f normalVelocity = _contactPoint.normal.multiplyNew(_deltaVelocity.dot(_contactPoint.normal));
+ //Log.error("===3==>>>>>> normalVelocity=" + normalVelocity);
+ final Vector3f tangentVelocity = _deltaVelocity.lessNew(normalVelocity);
+ //Log.error("===3==>>>>>> tangentVelocity=" + tangentVelocity);
+ // If the velocty difference in the tangential plane is not zero
+ final float lengthTangenVelocity = tangentVelocity.length();
+ //Log.error("===3==>>>>>> lengthTangenVelocity=" + FMath.floatToString(lengthTangenVelocity));
+ if (lengthTangenVelocity > Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON) {
+ // Compute the first friction vector in the direction of the tangent
+ // velocity difference
+ _contactPoint.frictionVector1 = tangentVelocity.divideNew(lengthTangenVelocity);
+ //Log.error("===3==>>>>>> _contactPoint.frictionVector1=" + _contactPoint.frictionVector1);
+ } else {
+ // Get any orthogonal vector to the normal as the first friction vector
+ _contactPoint.frictionVector1 = _contactPoint.normal.getOrthoVector();
+ //Log.error("===4==>>>>>> _contactPoint.frictionVector1=" + _contactPoint.frictionVector1);
+ }
+ // The second friction vector is computed by the cross product of the firs
+ // friction vector and the contact normal
+ _contactPoint.frictionvec2 = _contactPoint.normal.cross(_contactPoint.frictionVector1).safeNormalizeNew();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compute the mixed friction coefficient from the friction coefficient of each body
+ * @param _body1 First body to compute
+ * @param _body2 Second body to compute
+ * @return Mixed friction coefficient
+ */
+ private float computeMixedFrictionCoefficient(final RigidBody _body1, final RigidBody _body2) {
+ // Use the geometric mean to compute the mixed friction coefficient
+ return FMath.sqrt(_body1.getMaterial().getFrictionCoefficient() * _body2.getMaterial().getFrictionCoefficient());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compute the collision restitution factor from the restitution factor of each body
+ * @param _body1 First body to compute
+ * @param _body2 Second body to compute
+ * @return Collision restitution factor
+ */
+ private float computeMixedRestitutionFactor(final RigidBody _body1, final RigidBody _body2) {
+ final float restitution1 = _body1.getMaterial().getBounciness();
+ final float restitution2 = _body2.getMaterial().getBounciness();
+ //Log.error("######################### restitution1=" + FMath.floatToString(restitution1));
+ //Log.error("######################### restitution2=" + FMath.floatToString(restitution2));
+ // Return the largest restitution factor
+ return (restitution1 > restitution2) ? restitution1 : restitution2;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compute the mixed rolling resistance factor between two bodies
+ * @param _body1 First body to compute
+ * @param _body2 Second body to compute
+ * @return Mixed rolling resistance
+ */
+ private float computeMixedRollingResistance(final RigidBody _body1, final RigidBody _body2) {
+ return 0.5f * (_body1.getMaterial().getRollingResistance() + _body2.getMaterial().getRollingResistance());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compute a penetration raint impulse
+ * @param _deltaLambda Ratio to apply at the calculation.
+ * @param[in,out] _contactPoint Contact point property
+ * @return Impulse of the penetration result
+ */
+ private Impulse computePenetrationImpulse(final float _deltaLambda, final ContactPointSolver _contactPoint) {
+ //Log.error("=== r1CrossN=" + _contactPoint.r1CrossN);
+ //Log.error("=== r2CrossN=" + _contactPoint.r2CrossN);
+ return new Impulse(_contactPoint.normal.multiplyNew(-1).multiply(_deltaLambda), _contactPoint.r1CrossN.multiplyNew(-1).multiply(_deltaLambda), _contactPoint.normal.multiplyNew(_deltaLambda),
+ _contactPoint.r2CrossN.multiplyNew(_deltaLambda));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initialize the contact raints before solving the system
+ */
+ private void initializeContactConstraints() {
+ // For each contact raint
+ for (int ccc = 0; ccc < this.contactConstraints.size(); ccc++) {
+ //Log.warning("}}}} ccc=" + ccc);
+ final ContactManifoldSolver manifold = this.contactConstraints.get(ccc);
+ // Get the inertia tensors of both bodies
+ final Matrix3f I1 = manifold.inverseInertiaTensorBody1;
+ //Log.warning("}}}} I1=" + I1);
+ final Matrix3f I2 = manifold.inverseInertiaTensorBody2;
+ //Log.warning("}}}} I2=" + I2);
+ // If we solve the friction raints at the center of the contact manifold
+ if (this.isSolveFrictionAtContactManifoldCenterActive) {
+ manifold.normal = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ //Log.error("]]] manifold.normal=" + manifold.normal);
+ }
+ //Log.warning("}}}} manifold.normal=" + manifold.normal);
+ // Get the velocities of the bodies
+ final Vector3f v1 = this.linearVelocities[manifold.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f w1 = this.angularVelocities[manifold.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f v2 = this.linearVelocities[manifold.indexBody2];
+ final Vector3f w2 = this.angularVelocities[manifold.indexBody2];
+ //Log.warning("}}}} v1=" + v1);
+ //Log.warning("}}}} w1=" + w1);
+ //Log.warning("}}}} v2=" + v2);
+ //Log.warning("}}}} w2=" + w2);
+ // For each contact point raint
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < manifold.nbContacts; iii++) {
+ //Log.warning("}}}} iii=" + iii);
+ final ContactPointSolver contactPoint = manifold.contacts[iii];
+ //Log.warning("}}}} contactPoint.r1=" + contactPoint.r1);
+ //Log.warning("}}}} contactPoint.r2=" + contactPoint.r2);
+ //Log.warning("}}}} contactPoint.normal=" + contactPoint.normal);
+ final ContactPoint externalContact = contactPoint.externalContact;
+ // Compute the velocity difference
+ final Vector3f deltaV = v2.addNew(w2.cross(contactPoint.r2)).less(v1).less(w1.cross(contactPoint.r1));
+ //Log.warning("}}}} deltaV=" + deltaV);
+ contactPoint.r1CrossN = contactPoint.r1.cross(contactPoint.normal);
+ contactPoint.r2CrossN = contactPoint.r2.cross(contactPoint.normal);
+ //Log.warning("}}}} contactPoint.r1CrossN=" + contactPoint.r1CrossN);
+ //Log.warning("}}}} contactPoint.r2CrossN=" + contactPoint.r2CrossN);
+ // Compute the inverse mass matrix K for the penetration raint
+ final float massPenetration = manifold.massInverseBody1 + manifold.massInverseBody2 + ((I1.multiplyNew(contactPoint.r1CrossN)).cross(contactPoint.r1)).dot(contactPoint.normal)
+ + ((I2.multiplyNew(contactPoint.r2CrossN)).cross(contactPoint.r2)).dot(contactPoint.normal);
+ //Log.warning("}}}} massPenetration=" + FMath.floatToString(massPenetration));
+ if (massPenetration > 0.0f) {
+ contactPoint.inversePenetrationMass = 1.0f / massPenetration;
+ }
+ //Log.warning("}}}} contactPoint.inversePenetrationMass=" + FMath.floatToString(contactPoint.inversePenetrationMass));
+ // If we do not solve the friction raints at the center of the contact manifold
+ //Log.warning("}}}} this.isSolveFrictionAtContactManifoldCenterActive=" + this.isSolveFrictionAtContactManifoldCenterActive);
+ if (!this.isSolveFrictionAtContactManifoldCenterActive) {
+ // Compute the friction vectors
+ computeFrictionVectors(deltaV, contactPoint);
+ //Log.warning("}}}} contactPoint.frictionVector1=" + contactPoint.frictionVector1);
+ contactPoint.r1CrossT1 = contactPoint.r1.cross(contactPoint.frictionVector1);
+ contactPoint.r1CrossT2 = contactPoint.r1.cross(contactPoint.frictionvec2);
+ contactPoint.r2CrossT1 = contactPoint.r2.cross(contactPoint.frictionVector1);
+ contactPoint.r2CrossT2 = contactPoint.r2.cross(contactPoint.frictionvec2);
+ //Log.warning("}}}} contactPoint.r1CrossT1=" + contactPoint.r1CrossT1);
+ //Log.warning("}}}} contactPoint.r1CrossT2=" + contactPoint.r1CrossT2);
+ //Log.warning("}}}} contactPoint.r2CrossT1=" + contactPoint.r2CrossT1);
+ //Log.warning("}}}} contactPoint.r2CrossT2=" + contactPoint.r2CrossT2);
+ // Compute the inverse mass matrix K for the friction
+ // raints at each contact point
+ final float friction1Mass = manifold.massInverseBody1 + manifold.massInverseBody2
+ + ((I1.multiplyNew(contactPoint.r1CrossT1)).cross(contactPoint.r1)).dot(contactPoint.frictionVector1)
+ + ((I2.multiplyNew(contactPoint.r2CrossT1)).cross(contactPoint.r2)).dot(contactPoint.frictionVector1);
+ final float friction2Mass = manifold.massInverseBody1 + manifold.massInverseBody2 + ((I1.multiplyNew(contactPoint.r1CrossT2)).cross(contactPoint.r1)).dot(contactPoint.frictionvec2)
+ + ((I2.multiplyNew(contactPoint.r2CrossT2)).cross(contactPoint.r2)).dot(contactPoint.frictionvec2);
+ if (friction1Mass > 0.0f) {
+ contactPoint.inverseFriction1Mass = 1.0f / friction1Mass;
+ }
+ if (friction2Mass > 0.0f) {
+ contactPoint.inverseFriction2Mass = 1.0f / friction2Mass;
+ }
+ }
+ // Compute the restitution velocity bias "b". We compute this here instead
+ // of inside the solve() method because we need to use the velocity difference
+ // at the beginning of the contact. Note that if it is a resting contact (normal
+ // velocity bellow a given threshold), we do not add a restitution velocity bias
+ contactPoint.restitutionBias = 0.0f;
+ //Log.warning("}}}}+++++++++++++++++++++ contactPoint.restitutionBias=" + contactPoint.restitutionBias);
+ final float deltaVDotN = deltaV.dot(contactPoint.normal);
+ //Log.warning("}}}}+++++++++++++++++++++ deltaV=" + deltaV);
+ //Log.warning("}}}}+++++++++++++++++++++ contactPoint.normal=" + contactPoint.normal);
+ //Log.warning("}}}}+++++++++++++++++++++ deltaVDotN=" + FMath.floatToString(deltaVDotN));
+ //Log.warning("}}}}+++++++++++++++++++++ Configuration.RESTITUTION_VELOCITY_THRESHOLD=" + FMath.floatToString(Configuration.RESTITUTION_VELOCITY_THRESHOLD));
+ //Log.warning("}}}}+++++++++++++++++++++ manifold.restitutionFactor=" + FMath.floatToString(manifold.restitutionFactor));
+ if (deltaVDotN < -Configuration.RESTITUTION_VELOCITY_THRESHOLD) {
+ contactPoint.restitutionBias = manifold.restitutionFactor * deltaVDotN;
+ //Log.warning("}}}}+++++++++++++++++++++ contactPoint.restitutionBias=" + FMath.floatToString(contactPoint.restitutionBias));
+ }
+ // If the warm starting of the contact solver is active
+ if (this.isWarmStartingActive) {
+ // Get the cached accumulated impulses from the previous step
+ contactPoint.penetrationImpulse = externalContact.getPenetrationImpulse();
+ contactPoint.friction1Impulse = externalContact.getFrictionImpulse1();
+ contactPoint.friction2Impulse = externalContact.getFrictionImpulse2();
+ contactPoint.rollingResistanceImpulse = externalContact.getRollingResistanceImpulse();
+ }
+ // Initialize the split impulses to zero
+ contactPoint.penetrationSplitImpulse = 0.0f;
+ // If we solve the friction raints at the center of the contact manifold
+ if (this.isSolveFrictionAtContactManifoldCenterActive) {
+ //Log.error("]]] contactPoint.normal=" + contactPoint.normal);
+ manifold.normal.add(contactPoint.normal);
+ //Log.error("]]] manifold.normal=" + manifold.normal);
+ }
+ }
+ // Compute the inverse K matrix for the rolling resistance raint
+ manifold.inverseRollingResistance.setZero();
+ if (manifold.rollingResistanceFactor > 0 && (manifold.isBody1DynamicType || manifold.isBody2DynamicType)) {
+ manifold.inverseRollingResistance = manifold.inverseInertiaTensorBody1.addNew(manifold.inverseInertiaTensorBody2);
+ manifold.inverseRollingResistance = manifold.inverseRollingResistance.inverseNew();
+ }
+ // If we solve the friction raints at the center of the contact manifold
+ if (this.isSolveFrictionAtContactManifoldCenterActive) {
+ //Log.error("]]] manifold.normal=" + manifold.normal);
+ manifold.normal.normalize();
+ //Log.error("]]] manifold.normal=" + manifold.normal);
+ final Vector3f deltaVFrictionPoint = v2.addNew(w2.cross(manifold.r2Friction)).less(v1).less(w1.cross(manifold.r1Friction));
+ //Log.error("]]] deltaVFrictionPoint=" + deltaVFrictionPoint);
+ // Compute the friction vectors
+ computeFrictionVectors(deltaVFrictionPoint, manifold);
+ // Compute the inverse mass matrix K for the friction raints at the center of
+ // the contact manifold
+ manifold.r1CrossT1 = manifold.r1Friction.cross(manifold.frictionVector1);
+ manifold.r1CrossT2 = manifold.r1Friction.cross(manifold.frictionvec2);
+ manifold.r2CrossT1 = manifold.r2Friction.cross(manifold.frictionVector1);
+ manifold.r2CrossT2 = manifold.r2Friction.cross(manifold.frictionvec2);
+ //Log.warning("}}}} manifold.r1CrossT1=" + manifold.r1CrossT1);
+ //Log.warning("}}}} manifold.r1CrossT2=" + manifold.r1CrossT2);
+ //Log.warning("}}}} manifold.r2CrossT1=" + manifold.r2CrossT1);
+ //Log.warning("}}}} manifold.r2CrossT2=" + manifold.r2CrossT2);
+ final float friction1Mass = manifold.massInverseBody1 + manifold.massInverseBody2 + ((I1.multiplyNew(manifold.r1CrossT1)).cross(manifold.r1Friction)).dot(manifold.frictionVector1)
+ + ((I2.multiplyNew(manifold.r2CrossT1)).cross(manifold.r2Friction)).dot(manifold.frictionVector1);
+ //Log.error("]]] friction1Mass=" + FMath.floatToString(friction1Mass));
+ final float friction2Mass = manifold.massInverseBody1 + manifold.massInverseBody2 + ((I1.multiplyNew(manifold.r1CrossT2)).cross(manifold.r1Friction)).dot(manifold.frictionvec2)
+ + ((I2.multiplyNew(manifold.r2CrossT2)).cross(manifold.r2Friction)).dot(manifold.frictionvec2);
+ //Log.error("]]] friction2Mass=" + FMath.floatToString(friction2Mass));
+ final float frictionTwistMass = manifold.normal.dot(manifold.inverseInertiaTensorBody1.multiplyNew(manifold.normal))
+ + manifold.normal.dot(manifold.inverseInertiaTensorBody2.multiplyNew(manifold.normal));
+ //Log.error("]]] frictionTwistMass=" + FMath.floatToString(frictionTwistMass));
+ if (friction1Mass > 0.0f) {
+ manifold.inverseFriction1Mass = 1.0f / friction1Mass;
+ //Log.error("]]] manifold.inverseFriction1Mass=" + FMath.floatToString(manifold.inverseFriction1Mass));
+ }
+ if (friction2Mass > 0.0f) {
+ manifold.inverseFriction2Mass = 1.0f / friction2Mass;
+ //Log.error("]]] manifold.inverseFriction2Mass=" + FMath.floatToString(manifold.inverseFriction2Mass));
+ }
+ if (frictionTwistMass > 0.0f) {
+ manifold.inverseTwistFrictionMass = 1.0f / frictionTwistMass;
+ //Log.error("]]] manifold.inverseTwistFrictionMass=" + FMath.floatToString(manifold.inverseTwistFrictionMass));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initialize the raint solver for a given island
+ * @param _dt Delta step time
+ * @param _island Island list property
+ */
+ public void initializeForIsland(final float _dt, final Island _island) {
+ assert (_island != null);
+ assert (_island.getNbBodies() > 0);
+ assert (_island.getNbContactManifolds() > 0);
+ assert (this.splitLinearVelocities != null);
+ assert (this.splitAngularVelocities != null);
+ // Set the current time step
+ // TODO: optimize this... this is so ugly ...
+ this.timeStep = _dt;
+ {
+ this.contactConstraints = new ArrayList<>(_island.getNbContactManifolds());
+ }
+ // this.contactConstraints.resize(_island.getNbContactManifolds());
+ // For each contact manifold of the island
+ final List contactManifolds = _island.getContactManifold();
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < _island.getNbContactManifolds(); ++iii) {
+ final ContactManifold externalManifold = contactManifolds.get(iii);
+ final ContactManifoldSolver internalManifold = new ContactManifoldSolver(); // TODO Note no real need to reallocate a new one ==> maybe reuse (done in C++ not in java ...)
+ this.contactConstraints.add(internalManifold);
+ assert (externalManifold.getNbContactPoints() > 0);
+ // Get the two bodies of the contact
+ final RigidBody body1 = (RigidBody) (externalManifold.getContactPoint(0).getBody1());
+ final RigidBody body2 = (RigidBody) (externalManifold.getContactPoint(0).getBody2());
+ assert (body1 != null);
+ assert (body2 != null);
+ // Get the position of the two bodies
+ final Vector3f x1 = body1.centerOfMassWorld;
+ final Vector3f x2 = body2.centerOfMassWorld;
+ // Initialize the internal contact manifold structure using the external
+ // contact manifold
+ internalManifold.indexBody1 = this.mapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex.get(body1);
+ internalManifold.indexBody2 = this.mapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex.get(body2);
+ internalManifold.inverseInertiaTensorBody1 = body1.getInertiaTensorInverseWorld();
+ internalManifold.inverseInertiaTensorBody2 = body2.getInertiaTensorInverseWorld();
+ internalManifold.massInverseBody1 = body1.massInverse;
+ internalManifold.massInverseBody2 = body2.massInverse;
+ internalManifold.nbContacts = externalManifold.getNbContactPoints();
+ internalManifold.restitutionFactor = computeMixedRestitutionFactor(body1, body2);
+ internalManifold.frictionCoefficient = computeMixedFrictionCoefficient(body1, body2);
+ internalManifold.rollingResistanceFactor = computeMixedRollingResistance(body1, body2);
+ internalManifold.externalContactManifold = externalManifold;
+ internalManifold.isBody1DynamicType = body1.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC;
+ internalManifold.isBody2DynamicType = body2.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC;
+ // If we solve the friction raints at the center of the contact manifold
+ if (this.isSolveFrictionAtContactManifoldCenterActive) {
+ internalManifold.frictionPointBody1 = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ internalManifold.frictionPointBody2 = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ //Log.error("]]] internalManifold.frictionPointBody1=" + internalManifold.frictionPointBody1);
+ //Log.error("]]] internalManifold.frictionPointBody2=" + internalManifold.frictionPointBody2);
+ }
+ // For each contact point of the contact manifold
+ for (int ccc = 0; ccc < externalManifold.getNbContactPoints(); ++ccc) {
+ final ContactPointSolver contactPoint = internalManifold.contacts[ccc];
+ // Get a contact point
+ final ContactPoint externalContact = externalManifold.getContactPoint(ccc);
+ // Get the contact point on the two bodies
+ final Vector3f p1 = externalContact.getWorldPointOnBody1();
+ final Vector3f p2 = externalContact.getWorldPointOnBody2();
+ contactPoint.externalContact = externalContact;
+ contactPoint.normal = externalContact.getNormal();
+ contactPoint.r1 = p1.lessNew(x1);
+ contactPoint.r2 = p2.lessNew(x2);
+ contactPoint.penetrationDepth = externalContact.getPenetrationDepth();
+ contactPoint.isRestingContact = externalContact.getIsRestingContact();
+ externalContact.setIsRestingContact(true);
+ contactPoint.oldFrictionVector1 = externalContact.getFrictionVector1().clone();
+ contactPoint.oldFrictionvec2 = externalContact.getFrictionvec2().clone();
+ contactPoint.penetrationImpulse = 0.0f;
+ contactPoint.friction1Impulse = 0.0f;
+ contactPoint.friction2Impulse = 0.0f;
+ contactPoint.rollingResistanceImpulse = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ // If we solve the friction raints at the center of the contact manifold
+ if (this.isSolveFrictionAtContactManifoldCenterActive) {
+ internalManifold.frictionPointBody1.add(p1);
+ internalManifold.frictionPointBody2.add(p2);
+ //Log.error("]]] internalManifold.frictionPointBody1=" + internalManifold.frictionPointBody1);
+ //Log.error("]]] internalManifold.frictionPointBody2=" + internalManifold.frictionPointBody2);
+ }
+ }
+ // If we solve the friction raints at the center of the contact manifold
+ if (this.isSolveFrictionAtContactManifoldCenterActive) {
+ internalManifold.frictionPointBody1.divide(internalManifold.nbContacts);
+ internalManifold.frictionPointBody2.divide(internalManifold.nbContacts);
+ //Log.error("]]] internalManifold.frictionPointBody1=" + internalManifold.frictionPointBody1);
+ //Log.error("]]] internalManifold.frictionPointBody2=" + internalManifold.frictionPointBody2);
+ internalManifold.r1Friction = internalManifold.frictionPointBody1.lessNew(x1);
+ internalManifold.r2Friction = internalManifold.frictionPointBody2.lessNew(x2);
+ //Log.error("]]] internalManifold.r1Friction=" + internalManifold.r1Friction);
+ //Log.error("]]] internalManifold.r2Friction=" + internalManifold.r2Friction);
+ internalManifold.oldFrictionVector1 = externalManifold.getFrictionVector1().clone();
+ internalManifold.oldFrictionvec2 = externalManifold.getFrictionvec2().clone();
+ //Log.error("]]] internalManifold.oldFrictionVector1=" + internalManifold.oldFrictionVector1);
+ //Log.error("]]] internalManifold.oldFrictionvec2=" + internalManifold.oldFrictionvec2);
+ // If warm starting is active
+ if (this.isWarmStartingActive) {
+ // Initialize the accumulated impulses with the previous step accumulated impulses
+ internalManifold.friction1Impulse = externalManifold.getFrictionImpulse1();
+ internalManifold.friction2Impulse = externalManifold.getFrictionImpulse2();
+ internalManifold.frictionTwistImpulse = externalManifold.getFrictionTwistImpulse();
+ //Log.error("]]] internalManifold.friction1Impulse=" + FMath.floatToString(internalManifold.friction1Impulse));
+ //Log.error("]]] internalManifold.friction2Impulse=" + FMath.floatToString(internalManifold.friction2Impulse));
+ //Log.error("]]] internalManifold.frictionTwistImpulse=" + FMath.floatToString(internalManifold.frictionTwistImpulse));
+ } else {
+ // Initialize the accumulated impulses to zero
+ internalManifold.friction1Impulse = 0.0f;
+ internalManifold.friction2Impulse = 0.0f;
+ internalManifold.frictionTwistImpulse = 0.0f;
+ internalManifold.rollingResistanceImpulse = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Fill-in all the matrices needed to solve the LCP problem
+ initializeContactConstraints();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the split impulses position correction technique is used for contacts
+ * @return true the split status is Enable
+ * @return true the split status is Disable
+ */
+ public boolean isSplitImpulseActive() {
+ return this.isSplitImpulseActive;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the rained velocities arrays
+ * @param _rainedLinearVelocities Constrained Linear velocities Table pointer (not free)
+ * @param _rainedAngularVelocities Constrained angular velocities Table pointer (not free)
+ */
+ public void setConstrainedVelocitiesArrays(final Vector3f[] _rainedLinearVelocities, final Vector3f[] _rainedAngularVelocities) {
+ assert (_rainedLinearVelocities != null);
+ assert (_rainedAngularVelocities != null);
+ this.linearVelocities = _rainedLinearVelocities;
+ this.angularVelocities = _rainedAngularVelocities;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Activate or deactivate the solving of friction raints at the center of
+ * the contact manifold instead of solving them at each contact point
+ * @param _isActive Enable or not the center inertie
+ */
+ public void setIsSolveFrictionAtContactManifoldCenterActive(final boolean _isActive) {
+ this.isSolveFrictionAtContactManifoldCenterActive = _isActive;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Activate or Deactivate the split impulses for contacts
+ * @param _isActive status to set.
+ */
+ public void setIsSplitImpulseActive(final boolean _isActive) {
+ this.isSplitImpulseActive = _isActive;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the split velocities arrays
+ * @param _splitLinearVelocities Split linear velocities Table pointer (not free)
+ * @param _splitAngularVelocities Split angular velocities Table pointer (not free)
+ */
+ public void setSplitVelocitiesArrays(final Vector3f[] _splitLinearVelocities, final Vector3f[] _splitAngularVelocities) {
+ assert (_splitLinearVelocities != null);
+ assert (_splitAngularVelocities != null);
+ this.splitLinearVelocities = _splitLinearVelocities;
+ this.splitAngularVelocities = _splitAngularVelocities;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Solve the contacts
+ */
+ public void solve() {
+ //Log.warning("========================================");
+ //Log.warning("== Contact SOLVER ... " + this.contactConstraints.size());
+ //Log.warning("========================================");
+ // For each contact manifold
+ for (int ccc = 0; ccc < this.contactConstraints.size(); ++ccc) {
+ //Log.warning("ccc=" + ccc + " / " + this.contactConstraints.size());
+ final ContactManifoldSolver contactManifold = this.contactConstraints.get(ccc);
+ float sumPenetrationImpulse = 0.0f;
+ // Get the rained velocities
+ final Vector3f v1 = this.linearVelocities[contactManifold.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f w1 = this.angularVelocities[contactManifold.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f v2 = this.linearVelocities[contactManifold.indexBody2];
+ final Vector3f w2 = this.angularVelocities[contactManifold.indexBody2];
+ //Log.warning(" v1=" + v1);
+ //Log.warning(" w1=" + w1);
+ //Log.warning(" v2=" + v2);
+ //Log.warning(" w2=" + w2);
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < contactManifold.nbContacts; ++iii) {
+ //Log.warning(" iii=" + iii);
+ final ContactPointSolver contactPoint = contactManifold.contacts[iii];
+ // --------- Penetration --------- //
+ // Compute J*v
+ Vector3f deltaV = v2.addNew(w2.cross(contactPoint.r2)).less(v1).less(w1.cross(contactPoint.r1));
+ final float deltaVDotN = deltaV.dot(contactPoint.normal);
+ //Log.warning(" contactPoint.R1=" + contactPoint.r1);
+ //Log.warning(" contactPoint.R2=" + contactPoint.r2);
+ //Log.warning(" contactPoint.r1CrossN=" + contactPoint.r1CrossN);
+ //Log.warning(" contactPoint.r2CrossN=" + contactPoint.r2CrossN);
+ //Log.warning(" contactPoint.r1CrossT1=" + contactPoint.r1CrossT1);
+ //Log.warning(" contactPoint.r2CrossT1=" + contactPoint.r2CrossT1);
+ //Log.warning(" contactPoint.r1CrossT2=" + contactPoint.r1CrossT2);
+ //Log.warning(" contactPoint.r2CrossT2=" + contactPoint.r2CrossT2);
+ //Log.warning(" contactPoint.penetrationDepth=" + FMath.floatToString(contactPoint.penetrationDepth));
+ //Log.warning(" contactPoint.normal=" + contactPoint.normal);
+ //Log.warning(" deltaV=" + deltaV);
+ float Jv = deltaVDotN;
+ // Compute the bias "b" of the raint
+ final float beta = this.isSplitImpulseActive ? BETA_SPLIT_IMPULSE : BETA;
+ //Log.warning(" beta=" + FMath.floatToString(beta));
+ //Log.warning(" BETA=" + FMath.floatToString(BETA));
+ //Log.warning(" SLOP=" + FMath.floatToString(SLOP));
+ //Log.warning(" this.timeStep=" + FMath.floatToString(this.timeStep));
+ //Log.warning(" contactPoint.restitutionBias=" + FMath.floatToString(contactPoint.restitutionBias));
+ float biasPenetrationDepth = 0.0f;
+ if (contactPoint.penetrationDepth > SLOP) {
+ //Log.warning(" (beta / this.timeStep)=" + FMath.floatToString((beta / this.timeStep)));
+ //Log.warning(" FMath.max(0.0f, contactPoint.penetrationDepth - SLOP)=" + FMath.floatToString(FMath.max(0.0f, contactPoint.penetrationDepth - SLOP)));
+ biasPenetrationDepth = -(beta / this.timeStep) * FMath.max(0.0f, contactPoint.penetrationDepth - SLOP);
+ //Log.warning(" biasPenetrationDepth=" + FMath.floatToString(biasPenetrationDepth));
+ }
+ //Log.warning(" contactPoint.restitutionBias=" + FMath.floatToString(contactPoint.restitutionBias));
+ //Log.warning(" biasPenetrationDepth=" + FMath.floatToString(biasPenetrationDepth));
+ final float b = biasPenetrationDepth + contactPoint.restitutionBias;
+ //Log.warning(" b=" + FMath.floatToString(b));
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda
+ float deltaLambda;
+ if (this.isSplitImpulseActive) {
+ deltaLambda = -(Jv + contactPoint.restitutionBias) * contactPoint.inversePenetrationMass;
+ } else {
+ deltaLambda = -(Jv + b) * contactPoint.inversePenetrationMass;
+ }
+ //Log.warning(" deltaLambda=" + FMath.floatToString(deltaLambda));
+ float lambdaTemp = contactPoint.penetrationImpulse;
+ contactPoint.penetrationImpulse = FMath.max(contactPoint.penetrationImpulse + deltaLambda, 0.0f);
+ deltaLambda = contactPoint.penetrationImpulse - lambdaTemp;
+ //Log.warning(" contactPoint.penetrationImpulse=" + FMath.floatToString(contactPoint.penetrationImpulse));
+ //Log.warning(" deltaLambda=" + FMath.floatToString(deltaLambda));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda
+ final Impulse impulsePenetration = computePenetrationImpulse(deltaLambda, contactPoint);
+ //Log.warning(" impulsePenetration.a1=" + impulsePenetration.angularImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.warning(" impulsePenetration.a2=" + impulsePenetration.angularImpulseBody2);
+ //Log.warning(" impulsePenetration.i1=" + impulsePenetration.linearImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.warning(" impulsePenetration.i2=" + impulsePenetration.linearImpulseBody2);
+ // Apply the impulse to the bodies of the raint
+ applyImpulse(impulsePenetration, contactManifold);
+ sumPenetrationImpulse += contactPoint.penetrationImpulse;
+ //Log.warning(" sumpenetrationImpulse=" + FMath.floatToString(sumPenetrationImpulse));
+ //Log.warning(" isSplitImpulseActive=" + this.isSplitImpulseActive);
+ //Log.warning(" isSolveFrictionAtContactManifoldCenterActive=" + this.isSolveFrictionAtContactManifoldCenterActive);
+ // If the split impulse position correction is active
+ if (this.isSplitImpulseActive) {
+ // Split impulse (position correction)
+ final Vector3f v1Split = this.splitLinearVelocities[contactManifold.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f w1Split = this.splitAngularVelocities[contactManifold.indexBody1];
+ final Vector3f v2Split = this.splitLinearVelocities[contactManifold.indexBody2];
+ final Vector3f w2Split = this.splitAngularVelocities[contactManifold.indexBody2];
+ final Vector3f deltaVSplit = v2Split.addNew(w2Split.cross(contactPoint.r2)).less(v1Split).less(w1Split.cross(contactPoint.r1));
+ //Log.warning(" deltaVSplit=" + deltaVSplit);
+ final float JvSplit = deltaVSplit.dot(contactPoint.normal);
+ final float deltaLambdaSplit = -(JvSplit + biasPenetrationDepth) * contactPoint.inversePenetrationMass;
+ final float lambdaTempSplit = contactPoint.penetrationSplitImpulse;
+ contactPoint.penetrationSplitImpulse = FMath.max(contactPoint.penetrationSplitImpulse + deltaLambdaSplit, 0.0f);
+ deltaLambda = contactPoint.penetrationSplitImpulse - lambdaTempSplit;
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda
+ final Impulse splitImpulsePenetration = computePenetrationImpulse(deltaLambdaSplit, contactPoint);
+ //Log.warning(" splitImpulsePenetration.a1=" + splitImpulsePenetration.angularImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.warning(" splitImpulsePenetration.a2=" + splitImpulsePenetration.angularImpulseBody2);
+ //Log.warning(" splitImpulsePenetration.i1=" + splitImpulsePenetration.linearImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.warning(" splitImpulsePenetration.i2=" + splitImpulsePenetration.linearImpulseBody2);
+ applySplitImpulse(splitImpulsePenetration, contactManifold);
+ }
+ // If we do not solve the friction raints at the center of the contact manifold
+ if (!this.isSolveFrictionAtContactManifoldCenterActive) {
+ // --------- Friction 1 --------- //
+ // Compute J*v
+ deltaV = v2.addNew(w2.cross(contactPoint.r2)).less(v1).less(w1.cross(contactPoint.r1));
+ Jv = deltaV.dot(contactPoint.frictionVector1);
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda
+ deltaLambda = -Jv;
+ deltaLambda *= contactPoint.inverseFriction1Mass;
+ //Log.warning(" deltaLambda=" + FMath.floatToString(deltaLambda));
+ float frictionLimit = contactManifold.frictionCoefficient * contactPoint.penetrationImpulse;
+ lambdaTemp = contactPoint.friction1Impulse;
+ contactPoint.friction1Impulse = FMath.max(-frictionLimit, FMath.min(contactPoint.friction1Impulse + deltaLambda, frictionLimit));
+ deltaLambda = contactPoint.friction1Impulse - lambdaTemp;
+ //Log.warning(" deltaLambda=" + FMath.floatToString(deltaLambda));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda
+ final Impulse impulseFriction1 = computeFriction1Impulse(deltaLambda, contactPoint);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseFriction1.a1=" + impulseFriction1.angularImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseFriction1.a2=" + impulseFriction1.angularImpulseBody2);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseFriction1.i1=" + impulseFriction1.linearImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseFriction1.i2=" + impulseFriction1.linearImpulseBody2);
+ // Apply the impulses to the bodies of the raint
+ applyImpulse(impulseFriction1, contactManifold);
+ // --------- Friction 2 --------- //
+ // Compute J*v
+ deltaV = v2.addNew(w2.cross(contactPoint.r2)).less(v1).less(w1.cross(contactPoint.r1));
+ Jv = deltaV.dot(contactPoint.frictionvec2);
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda
+ deltaLambda = -Jv;
+ deltaLambda *= contactPoint.inverseFriction2Mass;
+ //Log.warning(" deltaLambda=" + FMath.floatToString(deltaLambda));
+ frictionLimit = contactManifold.frictionCoefficient * contactPoint.penetrationImpulse;
+ lambdaTemp = contactPoint.friction2Impulse;
+ contactPoint.friction2Impulse = FMath.max(-frictionLimit, FMath.min(contactPoint.friction2Impulse + deltaLambda, frictionLimit));
+ deltaLambda = contactPoint.friction2Impulse - lambdaTemp;
+ //Log.warning(" deltaLambda=" + FMath.floatToString(deltaLambda));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda
+ final Impulse impulseFriction2 = computeFriction2Impulse(deltaLambda, contactPoint);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseFriction2.a1=" + impulseFriction2.angularImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseFriction2.a2=" + impulseFriction2.angularImpulseBody2);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseFriction2.i1=" + impulseFriction2.linearImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseFriction2.i2=" + impulseFriction2.linearImpulseBody2);
+ // Apply the impulses to the bodies of the raint
+ applyImpulse(impulseFriction2, contactManifold);
+ // --------- Rolling resistance raint --------- //
+ if (contactManifold.rollingResistanceFactor > 0) {
+ // Compute J*v
+ final Vector3f JvRolling = w2.lessNew(w1);
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda
+ Vector3f deltaLambdaRolling = contactManifold.inverseRollingResistance.multiplyNew((JvRolling.multiplyNew(-1)));
+ final float rollingLimit = contactManifold.rollingResistanceFactor * contactPoint.penetrationImpulse;
+ final Vector3f lambdaTempRolling = contactPoint.rollingResistanceImpulse;
+ contactPoint.rollingResistanceImpulse = contactPoint.rollingResistanceImpulse.addNew(deltaLambdaRolling).clampNew(rollingLimit);
+ deltaLambdaRolling = contactPoint.rollingResistanceImpulse.lessNew(lambdaTempRolling);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda
+ final Impulse impulseRolling = new Impulse(new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), deltaLambdaRolling.multiplyNew(-1), new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), deltaLambdaRolling);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseRolling.a1=" + impulseRolling.angularImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseRolling.a2=" + impulseRolling.angularImpulseBody2);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseRolling.i1=" + impulseRolling.linearImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseRolling.i2=" + impulseRolling.linearImpulseBody2);
+ // Apply the impulses to the bodies of the raint
+ applyImpulse(impulseRolling, contactManifold);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Log.info(" w1=" + w1);
+ //Log.info(" w2=" + w2);
+ // If we solve the friction raints at the center of the contact manifold
+ if (this.isSolveFrictionAtContactManifoldCenterActive) {
+ //Log.warning(" HHH isSolveFrictionAtContactManifoldCenterActive");
+ //Log.info(" v2=" + v2);
+ // ------ First friction raint at the center of the contact manifol ------ //
+ // Compute J*v
+ Vector3f deltaV = v2.addNew(w2.cross(contactManifold.r2Friction)).less(v1).less(w1.cross(contactManifold.r1Friction));
+ float Jv = deltaV.dot(contactManifold.frictionVector1);
+ //Log.info(" v2=" + v2);
+ //Log.warning(" Jv=" + FMath.floatToString(Jv));
+ //Log.warning(" contactManifold.frictionVector1=" + contactManifold.frictionVector1);
+ //Log.warning(" contactManifold.inverseFriction1Mass=" + FMath.floatToString(contactManifold.inverseFriction1Mass));
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda
+ float deltaLambda = -Jv * contactManifold.inverseFriction1Mass;
+ //Log.warning(" contactManifold.frictionCoefficient=" + FMath.floatToString(contactManifold.frictionCoefficient));
+ //Log.warning(" sumPenetrationImpulse=" + FMath.floatToString(sumPenetrationImpulse));
+ //Log.info(" v2=" + v2);
+ float frictionLimit = contactManifold.frictionCoefficient * sumPenetrationImpulse;
+ float lambdaTemp = contactManifold.friction1Impulse;
+ //Log.warning(" frictionLimit=" + FMath.floatToString(frictionLimit));
+ //Log.warning(" lambdaTemp=" + FMath.floatToString(lambdaTemp));
+ //Log.info(" v2=" + v2);
+ contactManifold.friction1Impulse = FMath.max(-frictionLimit, FMath.min(contactManifold.friction1Impulse + deltaLambda, frictionLimit));
+ deltaLambda = contactManifold.friction1Impulse - lambdaTemp;
+ //Log.warning(" deltaLambda=" + FMath.floatToString(deltaLambda));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda
+ Vector3f linearImpulseBody1 = contactManifold.frictionVector1.multiplyNew(-1).multiply(deltaLambda);
+ Vector3f angularImpulseBody1 = contactManifold.r1CrossT1.multiplyNew(-1).multiply(deltaLambda);
+ Vector3f linearImpulseBody2 = contactManifold.frictionVector1.multiplyNew(deltaLambda);
+ Vector3f angularImpulseBody2 = contactManifold.r2CrossT1.multiplyNew(deltaLambda);
+ //Log.info(" v2=" + v2);
+ final Impulse impulseFriction1 = new Impulse(linearImpulseBody1, angularImpulseBody1, linearImpulseBody2, angularImpulseBody2);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseFriction1.a1=" + impulseFriction1.angularImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseFriction1.a2=" + impulseFriction1.angularImpulseBody2);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseFriction1.i1=" + impulseFriction1.linearImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseFriction1.i2=" + impulseFriction1.linearImpulseBody2);
+ // Apply the impulses to the bodies of the raint
+ applyImpulse(impulseFriction1, contactManifold);
+ //Log.info(" v2=" + v2);
+ //Log.info(" w2=" + w2);
+ //Log.info(" v1=" + v1);
+ //Log.info(" w1=" + w1);
+ //Log.info(" contactManifold.r2Friction=" + contactManifold.r2Friction);
+ //Log.info(" contactManifold.r1Friction=" + contactManifold.r1Friction);
+ // ------ Second friction raint at the center of the contact manifol ----- //
+ // Compute J*v
+ deltaV = v2.addNew(w2.cross(contactManifold.r2Friction)).less(v1).less(w1.cross(contactManifold.r1Friction));
+ //Log.warning(">>>> deltaV=" + deltaV);
+ Jv = deltaV.dot(contactManifold.frictionvec2);
+ //Log.warning(">>>> Jv=" + FMath.floatToString(Jv));
+ //Log.warning(">>>> contactManifold.inverseFriction2Mass=" + FMath.floatToString(contactManifold.inverseFriction2Mass));
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda
+ deltaLambda = -Jv * contactManifold.inverseFriction2Mass;
+ //Log.warning(">>>> deltaLambda=" + FMath.floatToString(deltaLambda));
+ frictionLimit = contactManifold.frictionCoefficient * sumPenetrationImpulse;
+ lambdaTemp = contactManifold.friction2Impulse;
+ //Log.warning(">>>> lambdaTemp=" + FMath.floatToString(lambdaTemp));
+ //Log.warning(">>>> contactManifold.friction2Impulse=" + FMath.floatToString(contactManifold.friction2Impulse));
+ //Log.warning(">>>>** frictionLimit=" + FMath.floatToString(frictionLimit));
+ contactManifold.friction2Impulse = FMath.max(-frictionLimit, FMath.min(contactManifold.friction2Impulse + deltaLambda, frictionLimit));
+ //Log.warning(">>>> contactManifold.friction2Impulse=" + FMath.floatToString(contactManifold.friction2Impulse));
+ deltaLambda = contactManifold.friction2Impulse - lambdaTemp;
+ //Log.warning(">>>> deltaLambda=" + FMath.floatToString(deltaLambda));
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda
+ linearImpulseBody1 = contactManifold.frictionvec2.multiplyNew(-deltaLambda);
+ angularImpulseBody1 = contactManifold.r1CrossT2.multiplyNew(-deltaLambda);
+ linearImpulseBody2 = contactManifold.frictionvec2.multiplyNew(deltaLambda);
+ angularImpulseBody2 = contactManifold.r2CrossT2.multiplyNew(deltaLambda);
+ final Impulse impulseFriction2 = new Impulse(linearImpulseBody1, angularImpulseBody1, linearImpulseBody2, angularImpulseBody2);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseFriction2.a1=" + impulseFriction2.angularImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseFriction2.a2=" + impulseFriction2.angularImpulseBody2);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseFriction2.i1=" + impulseFriction2.linearImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseFriction2.i2=" + impulseFriction2.linearImpulseBody2);
+ // Apply the impulses to the bodies of the raint
+ applyImpulse(impulseFriction2, contactManifold);
+ //Log.info(" v2=" + v2);
+ //Log.info(" w2=" + w2);
+ //Log.info(" v1=" + v1);
+ //Log.info(" w1=" + w1);
+ // ------ Twist friction raint at the center of the contact manifol ------ //
+ // Compute J*v
+ deltaV = w2.lessNew(w1);
+ //Log.warning(" deltaV=" + deltaV);
+ //Log.warning(" contactManifold.normal=" + contactManifold.normal);
+ Jv = deltaV.dot(contactManifold.normal);
+ //Log.warning(" Jv=" + FMath.floatToString(Jv));
+ //Log.warning(" contactManifold.inverseTwistFrictionMass=" + contactManifold.inverseTwistFrictionMass);
+ deltaLambda = -Jv * (contactManifold.inverseTwistFrictionMass);
+ //Log.warning(" deltaLambda=" + FMath.floatToString(deltaLambda));
+ frictionLimit = contactManifold.frictionCoefficient * sumPenetrationImpulse;
+ //Log.warning(" contactManifold.frictionCoefficient=" + contactManifold.frictionCoefficient);
+ //Log.warning(" sumPenetrationImpulse=" + sumPenetrationImpulse);
+ //Log.warning(" frictionLimit=" + FMath.floatToString(frictionLimit));
+ lambdaTemp = contactManifold.frictionTwistImpulse;
+ //Log.warning(" lambdaTemp=" + lambdaTemp);
+ contactManifold.frictionTwistImpulse = FMath.max(-frictionLimit, FMath.min(contactManifold.frictionTwistImpulse + deltaLambda, frictionLimit));
+ //Log.warning(" contactManifold.frictionTwistImpulse=" + contactManifold.frictionTwistImpulse);
+ deltaLambda = contactManifold.frictionTwistImpulse - lambdaTemp;
+ //Log.warning(" deltaLambda=" + deltaLambda);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda
+ linearImpulseBody1 = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ angularImpulseBody1 = contactManifold.normal.multiplyNew(-deltaLambda);
+ linearImpulseBody2 = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ angularImpulseBody2 = contactManifold.normal.multiplyNew(deltaLambda);
+ final Impulse impulseTwistFriction = new Impulse(linearImpulseBody1, angularImpulseBody1, linearImpulseBody2, angularImpulseBody2);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseTwistFriction.a1=" + impulseTwistFriction.angularImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseTwistFriction.a2=" + impulseTwistFriction.angularImpulseBody2);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseTwistFriction.i1=" + impulseTwistFriction.linearImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseTwistFriction.i2=" + impulseTwistFriction.linearImpulseBody2);
+ // Apply the impulses to the bodies of the raint
+ applyImpulse(impulseTwistFriction, contactManifold);
+ // --------- Rolling resistance raint at the center of the contact manifold --------- //
+ if (contactManifold.rollingResistanceFactor > 0) {
+ // Compute J*v
+ final Vector3f JvRolling = w2.lessNew(w1);
+ // Compute the Lagrange multiplier lambda
+ Vector3f deltaLambdaRolling = contactManifold.inverseRollingResistance.multiplyNew(JvRolling.multiplyNew(-1));
+ final float rollingLimit = contactManifold.rollingResistanceFactor * sumPenetrationImpulse;
+ final Vector3f lambdaTempRolling = contactManifold.rollingResistanceImpulse;
+ contactManifold.rollingResistanceImpulse = (contactManifold.rollingResistanceImpulse.addNew(deltaLambdaRolling)).clampNew(rollingLimit);
+ deltaLambdaRolling = contactManifold.rollingResistanceImpulse.lessNew(lambdaTempRolling);
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda
+ angularImpulseBody1 = deltaLambdaRolling.multiplyNew(-1);
+ angularImpulseBody2 = deltaLambdaRolling;
+ final Impulse impulseRolling = new Impulse(new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), angularImpulseBody1, new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), angularImpulseBody2);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseRolling.a1=" + impulseRolling.angularImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseRolling.a2=" + impulseRolling.angularImpulseBody2);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseRolling.i1=" + impulseRolling.linearImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.warning(" impulseRolling.i2=" + impulseRolling.linearImpulseBody2);
+ // Apply the impulses to the bodies of the raint
+ applyImpulse(impulseRolling, contactManifold);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //System.exit(-1);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Store the computed impulses to use them to warm start the solver at the next iteration
+ */
+ public void storeImpulses() {
+ // For each contact manifold
+ for (int ccc = 0; ccc < this.contactConstraints.size(); ++ccc) {
+ final ContactManifoldSolver manifold = this.contactConstraints.get(ccc);
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < manifold.nbContacts; ++iii) {
+ final ContactPointSolver contactPoint = manifold.contacts[iii];
+ contactPoint.externalContact.setPenetrationImpulse(contactPoint.penetrationImpulse);
+ contactPoint.externalContact.setFrictionImpulse1(contactPoint.friction1Impulse);
+ contactPoint.externalContact.setFrictionImpulse2(contactPoint.friction2Impulse);
+ contactPoint.externalContact.setRollingResistanceImpulse(contactPoint.rollingResistanceImpulse.clone());
+ contactPoint.externalContact.setFrictionVector1(contactPoint.frictionVector1.clone());
+ contactPoint.externalContact.setFrictionvec2(contactPoint.frictionvec2.clone());
+ }
+ manifold.externalContactManifold.setFrictionImpulse1(manifold.friction1Impulse);
+ manifold.externalContactManifold.setFrictionImpulse2(manifold.friction2Impulse);
+ manifold.externalContactManifold.setFrictionTwistImpulse(manifold.frictionTwistImpulse);
+ manifold.externalContactManifold.setRollingResistanceImpulse(manifold.rollingResistanceImpulse.clone());
+ manifold.externalContactManifold.setFrictionVector1(manifold.frictionVector1.clone());
+ manifold.externalContactManifold.setFrictionvec2(manifold.frictionvec2.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Warm start the solver.
+ * For each raint, we apply the previous impulse (from the previous step)
+ * at the beginning. With this technique, we will converge faster towards the solution of the linear system
+ */
+ public void warmStart() {
+ // Check that warm starting is active
+ if (!this.isWarmStartingActive) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // For each raint
+ for (int ccc = 0; ccc < this.contactConstraints.size(); ++ccc) {
+ final ContactManifoldSolver contactManifold = this.contactConstraints.get(ccc);
+ boolean atLeastOneRestingContactPoint = false;
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < contactManifold.nbContacts; ++iii) {
+ final ContactPointSolver contactPoint = contactManifold.contacts[iii];
+ // If it is not a new contact (this contact was already existing at last time step)
+ if (contactPoint.isRestingContact) {
+ atLeastOneRestingContactPoint = true;
+ // --------- Penetration --------- //
+ // Compute the impulse P = J^T * lambda
+ final Impulse impulsePenetration = computePenetrationImpulse(contactPoint.penetrationImpulse, contactPoint);
+ // Apply the impulse to the bodies of the raint
+ applyImpulse(impulsePenetration, contactManifold);
+ // If we do not solve the friction raints at the center of the contact manifold
+ if (!this.isSolveFrictionAtContactManifoldCenterActive) {
+ // Project the old friction impulses (with old friction vectors) into
+ // the new friction vectors to get the new friction impulses
+ final Vector3f oldFrictionImpulse = contactPoint.oldFrictionVector1.multiplyNew(contactPoint.friction1Impulse)
+ .add(contactPoint.oldFrictionvec2.multiplyNew(contactPoint.friction2Impulse));
+ contactPoint.friction1Impulse = oldFrictionImpulse.dot(contactPoint.frictionVector1);
+ contactPoint.friction2Impulse = oldFrictionImpulse.dot(contactPoint.frictionvec2);
+ // --------- Friction 1 --------- //
+ // Compute the impulse P = J^T * lambda
+ final Impulse impulseFriction1 = computeFriction1Impulse(contactPoint.friction1Impulse, contactPoint);
+ // Apply the impulses to the bodies of the raint
+ applyImpulse(impulseFriction1, contactManifold);
+ // --------- Friction 2 --------- //
+ // Compute the impulse P=J^T * lambda
+ final Impulse impulseFriction2 = computeFriction2Impulse(contactPoint.friction2Impulse, contactPoint);
+ // Apply the impulses to the bodies of the raint
+ applyImpulse(impulseFriction2, contactManifold);
+ // ------ Rolling resistance------ //
+ if (contactManifold.rollingResistanceFactor > 0) {
+ // Compute the impulse P = J^T * lambda
+ final Impulse impulseRollingResistance = new Impulse(new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), contactPoint.rollingResistanceImpulse.multiplyNew(-1), new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
+ contactPoint.rollingResistanceImpulse);
+ // Apply the impulses to the bodies of the raint
+ applyImpulse(impulseRollingResistance, contactManifold);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If it is a new contact point
+ // Initialize the accumulated impulses to zero
+ contactPoint.penetrationImpulse = 0.0f;
+ contactPoint.friction1Impulse = 0.0f;
+ contactPoint.friction2Impulse = 0.0f;
+ contactPoint.rollingResistanceImpulse = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ }
+ }
+ // If we solve the friction raints at the center of the contact manifold and there is
+ // at least one resting contact point in the contact manifold
+ if (this.isSolveFrictionAtContactManifoldCenterActive && atLeastOneRestingContactPoint) {
+ // Project the old friction impulses (with old friction vectors) into the new friction
+ // vectors to get the new friction impulses
+ final Vector3f oldFrictionImpulse = contactManifold.oldFrictionVector1.multiplyNew(contactManifold.friction1Impulse)
+ .add(contactManifold.oldFrictionvec2.multiplyNew(contactManifold.friction2Impulse));
+ //Log.error("]]] oldFrictionImpulse=" + oldFrictionImpulse);
+ contactManifold.friction1Impulse = oldFrictionImpulse.dot(contactManifold.frictionVector1);
+ contactManifold.friction2Impulse = oldFrictionImpulse.dot(contactManifold.frictionvec2);
+ //Log.error("]]] contactManifold.friction1Impulse=" + contactManifold.friction1Impulse);
+ //Log.error("]]] contactManifold.friction2Impulse=" + contactManifold.friction2Impulse);
+ // ------ First friction raint at the center of the contact manifold ------ //
+ // Compute the impulse P = J^T * lambda
+ Vector3f linearImpulseBody1 = contactManifold.frictionVector1.multiplyNew(-1).multiply(contactManifold.friction1Impulse);
+ Vector3f angularImpulseBody1 = contactManifold.r1CrossT1.multiplyNew(-1).multiply(contactManifold.friction1Impulse);
+ Vector3f linearImpulseBody2 = contactManifold.frictionVector1.multiplyNew(contactManifold.friction1Impulse);
+ Vector3f angularImpulseBody2 = contactManifold.r2CrossT1.multiplyNew(contactManifold.friction1Impulse);
+ //Log.error("]]] linearImpulseBody1=" + linearImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.error("]]] angularImpulseBody1=" + angularImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.error("]]] linearImpulseBody2=" + linearImpulseBody2);
+ //Log.error("]]] angularImpulseBody2=" + angularImpulseBody2);
+ final Impulse impulseFriction1 = new Impulse(linearImpulseBody1, angularImpulseBody1, linearImpulseBody2, angularImpulseBody2);
+ // Apply the impulses to the bodies of the raint
+ applyImpulse(impulseFriction1, contactManifold);
+ // ------ Second friction raint at the center of the contact manifold ----- //
+ // Compute the impulse P = J^T * lambda
+ linearImpulseBody1 = contactManifold.frictionvec2.multiplyNew(-1).multiply(contactManifold.friction2Impulse);
+ angularImpulseBody1 = contactManifold.r1CrossT2.multiplyNew(-1).multiply(contactManifold.friction2Impulse);
+ linearImpulseBody2 = contactManifold.frictionvec2.multiplyNew(contactManifold.friction2Impulse);
+ angularImpulseBody2 = contactManifold.r2CrossT2.multiplyNew(contactManifold.friction2Impulse);
+ //Log.error("]]] linearImpulseBody1=" + linearImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.error("]]] angularImpulseBody1=" + angularImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.error("]]] linearImpulseBody2=" + linearImpulseBody2);
+ //Log.error("]]] angularImpulseBody2=" + angularImpulseBody2);
+ final Impulse impulseFriction2 = new Impulse(linearImpulseBody1, angularImpulseBody1, linearImpulseBody2, angularImpulseBody2);
+ // Apply the impulses to the bodies of the raint
+ applyImpulse(impulseFriction2, contactManifold);
+ // ------ Twist friction raint at the center of the contact manifold ------ //
+ // Compute the impulse P = J^T * lambda
+ linearImpulseBody1 = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ angularImpulseBody1 = contactManifold.normal.multiplyNew(contactManifold.frictionTwistImpulse);
+ linearImpulseBody2 = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ angularImpulseBody2 = contactManifold.normal.multiplyNew(contactManifold.frictionTwistImpulse);
+ //Log.error("]]] linearImpulseBody1=" + linearImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.error("]]] angularImpulseBody1=" + angularImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.error("]]] linearImpulseBody2=" + linearImpulseBody2);
+ //Log.error("]]] angularImpulseBody2=" + angularImpulseBody2);
+ final Impulse impulseTwistFriction = new Impulse(linearImpulseBody1, angularImpulseBody1, linearImpulseBody2, angularImpulseBody2);
+ // Apply the impulses to the bodies of the raint
+ applyImpulse(impulseTwistFriction, contactManifold);
+ // ------ Rolling resistance at the center of the contact manifold ------ //
+ // Compute the impulse P = J^T * lambda
+ angularImpulseBody1 = contactManifold.rollingResistanceImpulse.multiplyNew(-1);
+ angularImpulseBody2 = contactManifold.rollingResistanceImpulse;
+ //Log.error("]]] angularImpulseBody1=" + angularImpulseBody1);
+ //Log.error("]]] angularImpulseBody2=" + angularImpulseBody2);
+ final Impulse impulseRollingResistance = new Impulse(new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), angularImpulseBody1, new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), angularImpulseBody2);
+ // Apply the impulses to the bodies of the raint
+ applyImpulse(impulseRollingResistance, contactManifold);
+ } else
+ {
+ // If it is a new contact manifold
+ // Initialize the accumulated impulses to zero
+ contactManifold.friction1Impulse = 0.0f;
+ contactManifold.friction2Impulse = 0.0f;
+ contactManifold.frictionTwistImpulse = 0.0f;
+ contactManifold.rollingResistanceImpulse = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/DynamicsWorld.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/DynamicsWorld.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85937b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/DynamicsWorld.java
@@ -0,0 +1,1042 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.Configuration;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.BodyType;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.CollisionBody;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.RigidBody;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ContactManifold;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ContactManifoldListElement;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ContactManifoldSet;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ProxyShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.broadphase.DTree;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.BallAndSocketJoint;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.BallAndSocketJointInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.ContactsPositionCorrectionTechnique;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.FixedJoint;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.FixedJointInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.HingeJoint;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.HingeJointInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.Joint;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.JointInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.JointListElement;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.SliderJoint;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.SliderJointInfo;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.internal.Log;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.Set;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.FMath;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Quaternion;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Transform3D;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * This class represents a dynamics world. This class inherits from
+ * the CollisionWorld class. In a dynamics world, bodies can collide
+ * and their movements are simulated using the laws of physics.
+ */
+public class DynamicsWorld extends CollisionWorld {
+ private static int kkk = 0;
+ protected ContactSolver contactSolver; //!< Contact solver
+ protected ConstraintSolver raintSolver; //!< Constraint solver
+ protected int nbVelocitySolverIterations; //!< Number of iterations for the velocity solver of the Sequential Impulses technique
+ protected int nbPositionSolverIterations; //!< Number of iterations for the position solver of the Sequential Impulses technique
+ protected boolean isSleepingEnabled; //!< True if the spleeping technique for inactive bodies is enabled
+ protected List rigidBodies = new ArrayList<>(); //!< All the rigid bodies of the physics world
+ protected List joints = new ArrayList<>(); //!< All the joints of the world
+ protected Vector3f gravity = new Vector3f(); //!< Gravity vector of the world
+ public float timeStep; //!< Current frame time step (in seconds)
+ protected boolean isGravityEnabled; //!< True if the gravity force is on
+ protected Vector3f[] rainedLinearVelocities; //!< Array of rained linear velocities (state of the linear velocities after solving the constraints)
+ protected Vector3f[] rainedAngularVelocities; //!< Array of rained angular velocities (state of the angular velocities after solving the constraints)
+ protected Vector3f[] splitLinearVelocities; //!< Split linear velocities for the position contact solver (split impulse)
+ protected Vector3f[] splitAngularVelocities; //!< Split angular velocities for the position contact solver (split impulse)
+ protected Vector3f[] rainedPositions; //!< Array of rained rigid bodies position (for position error correction)
+ protected Quaternion[] rainedOrientations; //!< Array of rained rigid bodies orientation (for position error correction)
+ protected Map mapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex = new HashMap(); //!< Map body to their index in the rained velocities array
+ protected List islands = new ArrayList<>(); //!< Array with all the islands of awaken bodies
+ protected int numberBodiesCapacity; //!< Current allocated capacity for the bodies
+ protected float sleepLinearVelocity; //!< Sleep linear velocity threshold
+ protected float sleepAngularVelocity; //!< Sleep angular velocity threshold
+ protected float timeBeforeSleep; //!< Time (in seconds) before a body is put to sleep if its velocity becomes smaller than the sleep velocity.
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ * @param gravity Gravity vector in the world (in meters per second squared)
+ */
+ public DynamicsWorld(final Vector3f _gravity) {
+ super();
+ this.contactSolver = new ContactSolver(this.mapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex);
+ this.raintSolver = new ConstraintSolver(this.mapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex);
+ this.nbVelocitySolverIterations = Configuration.DEFAULT_VELOCITY_SOLVER_NB_ITERATIONS;
+ this.nbPositionSolverIterations = Configuration.DEFAULT_POSITION_SOLVER_NB_ITERATIONS;
+ this.isSleepingEnabled = Configuration.SPLEEPING_ENABLED;
+ this.gravity = _gravity;
+ this.isGravityEnabled = true;
+ this.numberBodiesCapacity = 0;
+ this.sleepLinearVelocity = Configuration.DEFAULT_SLEEP_LINEAR_VELOCITY;
+ this.sleepAngularVelocity = Configuration.DEFAULT_SLEEP_ANGULAR_VELOCITY;
+ this.timeBeforeSleep = Configuration.DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_SLEEP;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add the joint to the list of joints of the two bodies involved in the joint
+ * @param[in,out] _joint Joint to add at the body.
+ */
+ protected void addJointToBody(final Joint _joint) {
+ if (_joint == null) {
+ //Log.warning("Request add null joint");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Add the joint at the beginning of the linked list of joints of the first body
+ _joint.getBody1().jointsList = new JointListElement(_joint, _joint.getBody1().jointsList);
+ // Add the joint at the beginning of the linked list of joints of the second body
+ _joint.getBody2().jointsList = new JointListElement(_joint, _joint.getBody2().jointsList);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compute the islands of awake bodies.
+ * An island is an isolated group of rigid bodies that have raints (joints or contacts)
+ * between each other. This method computes the islands at each time step as follows: For each
+ * awake rigid body, we run a Depth First Search (DFS) through the raint graph of that body
+ * (graph where nodes are the bodies and where the edges are the raints between the bodies) to
+ * find all the bodies that are connected with it (the bodies that share joints or contacts with
+ * it). Then, we create an island with this group of connected bodies.
+ */
+ protected void computeIslands() {
+ final int nbBodies = this.rigidBodies.size();
+ // Clear all the islands
+ this.islands.clear();
+ int nbContactManifolds = 0;
+ // Reset all the isAlreadyInIsland variables of bodies, joints and contact manifolds
+ for (final RigidBody it : this.rigidBodies) {
+ final int nbBodyManifolds = it.resetIsAlreadyInIslandAndCountManifolds();
+ nbContactManifolds += nbBodyManifolds;
+ }
+ for (final Joint it : this.joints) {
+ it.isAlreadyInIsland = false;
+ }
+ // Create a stack (using an array) for the rigid bodies to visit during the Depth First Search
+ final List stackBodiesToVisit = new ArrayList<>(nbBodies);
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < nbBodies; iii++) {
+ stackBodiesToVisit.add(null);
+ }
+ // For each rigid body of the world
+ for (final RigidBody body : this.rigidBodies) {
+ // If the body has already been added to an island, we go to the next body
+ if (body.isAlreadyInIsland) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If the body is static, we go to the next body
+ if (body.getType() == BodyType.STATIC) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If the body is sleeping or inactive, we go to the next body
+ if (body.isSleeping() || !body.isActive()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Reset the stack of bodies to visit
+ int stackIndex = 0;
+ stackBodiesToVisit.set(stackIndex, body);
+ stackIndex++;
+ body.isAlreadyInIsland = true;
+ // Create the new island
+ this.islands.add(new Island(nbBodies, nbContactManifolds, this.joints.size()));
+ // While there are still some bodies to visit in the stack
+ while (stackIndex > 0) {
+ // Get the next body to visit from the stack
+ stackIndex--;
+ final RigidBody bodyToVisit = stackBodiesToVisit.get(stackIndex);
+ assert (bodyToVisit.isActive());
+ // Awake the body if it is slepping
+ bodyToVisit.setIsSleeping(false);
+ // Add the body into the island
+ this.islands.get(this.islands.size() - 1).addBody(bodyToVisit);
+ // If the current body is static, we do not want to perform the DFS
+ // search across that body
+ if (bodyToVisit.getType() == BodyType.STATIC) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // For each contact manifold in which the current body is involded
+ ContactManifoldListElement contactElement;
+ for (contactElement = bodyToVisit.contactManifoldsList; contactElement != null; contactElement = contactElement.next) {
+ final ContactManifold contactManifold = contactElement.contactManifold;
+ assert (contactManifold.getNbContactPoints() > 0);
+ // Check if the current contact manifold has already been added into an island
+ if (contactManifold.isAlreadyInIsland()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Add the contact manifold into the island
+ this.islands.get(this.islands.size() - 1).addContactManifold(contactManifold);
+ contactManifold.isAlreadyInIsland = true;
+ // Get the other body of the contact manifold
+ final RigidBody body1 = (RigidBody) contactManifold.getBody1();
+ final RigidBody body2 = (RigidBody) contactManifold.getBody2();
+ final RigidBody otherBody = (body1.getID() == bodyToVisit.getID()) ? body2 : body1;
+ // Check if the other body has already been added to the island
+ if (otherBody.isAlreadyInIsland) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Insert the other body into the stack of bodies to visit
+ stackBodiesToVisit.set(stackIndex, otherBody);
+ stackIndex++;
+ otherBody.isAlreadyInIsland = true;
+ }
+ // For each joint in which the current body is involved
+ JointListElement jointElement;
+ for (jointElement = bodyToVisit.jointsList; jointElement != null; jointElement = jointElement.next) {
+ final Joint joint = jointElement.joint;
+ // Check if the current joint has already been added into an island
+ if (joint.isAlreadyInIsland()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Add the joint into the island
+ this.islands.get(this.islands.size() - 1).addJoint(joint);
+ joint.isAlreadyInIsland = true;
+ // Get the other body of the contact manifold
+ final RigidBody body1 = joint.getBody1();
+ final RigidBody body2 = joint.getBody2();
+ final RigidBody otherBody = (body1.getID() == bodyToVisit.getID()) ? body2 : body1;
+ // Check if the other body has already been added to the island
+ if (otherBody.isAlreadyInIsland) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Insert the other body into the stack of bodies to visit
+ stackBodiesToVisit.set(stackIndex, otherBody);
+ stackIndex++;
+ otherBody.isAlreadyInIsland = true;
+ }
+ }
+ this.islands.get(this.islands.size() - 1).resetStaticBobyNotInIsland();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a joint between two bodies in the world and return a pointer to the new joint
+ * @param _jointInfo The information that is necessary to create the joint
+ * @return A pointer to the joint that has been created in the world
+ */
+ public Joint createJoint(final JointInfo _jointInfo) {
+ Joint newJoint = null;
+ // Allocate memory to create the new joint
+ switch (_jointInfo.type) {
+ // Ball-and-Socket joint
+ newJoint = new BallAndSocketJoint((BallAndSocketJointInfo) _jointInfo);
+ break;
+ // Slider joint
+ newJoint = new SliderJoint((SliderJointInfo) _jointInfo);
+ break;
+ // Hinge joint
+ newJoint = new HingeJoint((HingeJointInfo) _jointInfo);
+ break;
+ // Fixed joint
+ newJoint = new FixedJoint((FixedJointInfo) _jointInfo);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (false);
+ return null;
+ }
+ // If the collision between the two bodies of the raint is disabled
+ if (!_jointInfo.isCollisionEnabled) {
+ // Add the pair of bodies in the set of body pairs that cannot collide with each other
+ this.collisionDetection.addNoCollisionPair(_jointInfo.body1, _jointInfo.body2);
+ }
+ // Add the joint into the world
+ this.joints.add(newJoint);
+ // Add the joint into the joint list of the bodies involved in the joint
+ addJointToBody(newJoint);
+ // Return the pointer to the created joint
+ return newJoint;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a rigid body into the physics world
+ * @param _transform Transform3Dation from body local-space to world-space
+ * @return A pointer to the body that has been created in the world
+ */
+ public RigidBody createRigidBody(final Transform3D _transform) {
+ // Compute the body ID
+ final int bodyID = computeNextAvailableBodyID();
+ // Largest index cannot be used (it is used for invalid index)
+ assert (bodyID < Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+ // Create the rigid body
+ final RigidBody rigidBody = new RigidBody(_transform, this, bodyID);
+ assert (rigidBody != null);
+ // Add the rigid body to the physics world
+ this.bodies.add(rigidBody);
+ this.rigidBodies.add(rigidBody);
+ // Return the pointer to the rigid body
+ return rigidBody;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Destroy a joint
+ * @param[in,out] _joint Pointer to the joint you want to destroy
+ */
+ public void destroyJoint(Joint _joint) {
+ if (_joint == null) {
+ //Log.warning("Request destroy null joint");
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the collision between the two bodies of the raint was disabled
+ if (!_joint.isCollisionEnabled()) {
+ // Remove the pair of bodies from the set of body pairs that cannot collide with each other
+ this.collisionDetection.removeNoCollisionPair(_joint.getBody1(), _joint.getBody2());
+ }
+ // Wake up the two bodies of the joint
+ _joint.getBody1().setIsSleeping(false);
+ _joint.getBody2().setIsSleeping(false);
+ // Remove the joint from the world
+ this.joints.remove(_joint);
+ // Remove the joint from the joint list of the bodies involved in the joint
+ _joint.getBody1().removeJointFromjointsList(_joint);
+ _joint.getBody2().removeJointFromjointsList(_joint);
+ _joint = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Destroy a rigid body and all the joints which it beints
+ * @param[in,out] _rigidBody Pointer to the body you want to destroy
+ */
+ public void destroyRigidBody(RigidBody _rigidBody) {
+ // Remove all the collision shapes of the body
+ _rigidBody.removeAllCollisionShapes();
+ // Add the body ID to the list of free IDs
+ this.freeBodiesIDs.add(_rigidBody.getID());
+ // Destroy all the joints in which the rigid body to be destroyed is involved
+ for (JointListElement element = _rigidBody.jointsList; element != null; element = element.next) {
+ destroyJoint(element.joint);
+ }
+ // Reset the contact manifold list of the body
+ _rigidBody.resetContactManifoldsList();
+ // Remove the rigid body from the list of rigid bodies
+ this.bodies.remove(_rigidBody);
+ this.rigidBodies.remove(_rigidBody);
+ _rigidBody = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Enable/Disable the sleeping technique.
+ * The sleeping technique is used to put bodies that are not moving into sleep
+ * to speed up the simulation.
+ * @param _isSleepingEnabled True if you want to enable the sleeping technique and false otherwise
+ */
+ public void enableSleeping(final boolean _isSleepingEnabled) {
+ this.isSleepingEnabled = _isSleepingEnabled;
+ if (!this.isSleepingEnabled) {
+ // For each body of the world
+ for (final RigidBody it : this.rigidBodies) {
+ // Wake up the rigid body
+ it.setIsSleeping(false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get list of all contacts.
+ * @return The list of all contacts of the world
+ */
+ public List getContactsList() {
+ final List contactManifolds = new ArrayList<>();
+ // For each currently overlapping pair of bodies
+ for (final OverlappingPair pair : this.collisionDetection.overlappingPairs.values()) {
+ // For each contact manifold of the pair
+ final ContactManifoldSet manifoldSet = pair.getContactManifoldSet();
+ for (int i = 0; i < manifoldSet.getNbContactManifolds(); i++) {
+ final ContactManifold manifold = manifoldSet.getContactManifold(i);
+ // Get the contact manifold
+ contactManifolds.add(manifold);
+ }
+ }
+ // Return all the contact manifold
+ return contactManifolds;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the gravity vector of the world
+ * @return The current gravity vector (in meter per seconds squared)
+ */
+ public Vector3f getGravity() {
+ return this.gravity;
+ }
+ public List getIslands() {
+ return this.islands;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the number of iterations for the position raint solver
+ */
+ public int getNbIterationsPositionSolver() {
+ return this.nbPositionSolverIterations;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the number of iterations for the velocity raint solver
+ * @return Number if iteration.
+ */
+ public int getNbIterationsVelocitySolver() {
+ return this.nbVelocitySolverIterations;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the number of all joints
+ * @return Number of joints in the world
+ */
+ public int getNbJoints() {
+ return this.joints.size();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the number of rigid bodies in the world
+ * @return Number of rigid bodies in the world
+ */
+ public int getNbRigidBodies() {
+ return this.rigidBodies.size();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get an iterator to the beginning of the bodies of the physics world
+ * @return Starting iterator of the set of rigid bodies
+ */
+ public List getRigidBodies() {
+ return this.rigidBodies;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the current sleep angular velocity
+ * @return The sleep angular velocity (in radian per second)
+ */
+ public float getSleepAngularVelocity() {
+ return this.sleepAngularVelocity;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the sleep linear velocity
+ * @return The current sleep linear velocity (in meters per second)
+ */
+ public float getSleepLinearVelocity() {
+ return this.sleepLinearVelocity;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the time a body is required to stay still before sleeping
+ * @return Time a body is required to stay still before sleeping (in seconds)
+ */
+ public float getTimeBeforeSleep() {
+ return this.timeBeforeSleep;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initialize the bodies velocities arrays for the next simulation step.
+ */
+ protected void initVelocityArrays() {
+ // Allocate memory for the bodies velocity arrays
+ final int nbBodies = this.rigidBodies.size();
+ // this.numberBodiesCapacity = 0; // TODO: Remove this, this is a test of portage
+ if (this.numberBodiesCapacity < nbBodies) {
+ this.numberBodiesCapacity = nbBodies;
+ this.splitLinearVelocities = new Vector3f[this.numberBodiesCapacity];
+ this.splitAngularVelocities = new Vector3f[this.numberBodiesCapacity];
+ this.rainedLinearVelocities = new Vector3f[this.numberBodiesCapacity];
+ this.rainedAngularVelocities = new Vector3f[this.numberBodiesCapacity];
+ this.rainedPositions = new Vector3f[this.numberBodiesCapacity];
+ this.rainedOrientations = new Quaternion[this.numberBodiesCapacity];
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.numberBodiesCapacity; iii++) {
+ this.splitLinearVelocities[iii] = Vector3f.zero();
+ this.splitAngularVelocities[iii] = Vector3f.zero();
+ this.rainedLinearVelocities[iii] = Vector3f.zero();
+ this.rainedAngularVelocities[iii] = Vector3f.zero();
+ this.rainedPositions[iii] = Vector3f.zero();
+ this.rainedOrientations[iii] = Quaternion.identity();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Reset the velocities arrays
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.numberBodiesCapacity; iii++) {
+ this.splitLinearVelocities[iii].setZero();
+ this.splitAngularVelocities[iii].setZero();
+ this.rainedLinearVelocities[iii].setZero();
+ this.rainedAngularVelocities[iii].setZero();
+ this.rainedPositions[iii].setZero();
+ this.rainedOrientations[iii].setIdentity();
+ }
+ }
+ // Initialize the map of body indexes in the velocity arrays
+ this.mapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex.clear();
+ int indexBody = 0;
+ for (final RigidBody it : this.rigidBodies) {
+ // Add the body into the map
+ this.mapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex.put(it, indexBody);
+ indexBody++;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Integrate position and orientation of the rigid bodies.
+ * The positions and orientations of the bodies are integrated using
+ * the sympletic Euler time stepping scheme.
+ */
+ protected void integrateRigidBodiesPositions() {
+ //Log.error("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++integrateRigidBodiesPositions");
+ // For each island of the world
+ for (int i = 0; i < this.islands.size(); i++) {
+ final List bodies = this.islands.get(i).getBodies();
+ // For each body of the island
+ for (int b = 0; b < bodies.size(); b++) {
+ //Log.error(" [" + b + "/" + bodies.size() + "]");
+ // Get the rained velocity
+ final int indexArray = this.mapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex.get(bodies.get(b));
+ final Vector3f newLinVelocity = this.rainedLinearVelocities[indexArray].clone();
+ final Vector3f newAngVelocity = this.rainedAngularVelocities[indexArray].clone();
+ //Log.error(" newAngVelocity = " + newAngVelocity);
+ // Add the split impulse velocity from Contact Solver (only used
+ // to update the position)
+ if (this.contactSolver.isSplitImpulseActive()) {
+ newLinVelocity.add(this.splitLinearVelocities[indexArray]);
+ newAngVelocity.add(this.splitAngularVelocities[indexArray]);
+ }
+ // Get current position and orientation of the body
+ final Vector3f currentPosition = bodies.get(b).centerOfMassWorld;
+ //Log.error(" bodies.get(b).getTransform() = " + bodies.get(b).getTransform());
+ final Quaternion currentOrientation = bodies.get(b).getTransform().getOrientation();
+ // Update the new rained position and orientation of the body
+ this.rainedPositions[indexArray] = newLinVelocity.multiplyNew(this.timeStep).add(currentPosition);
+ //Log.error(" currentOrientation = " + currentOrientation);
+ //Log.error(" newAngVelocity = " + newAngVelocity);
+ //Log.error(" this.timeStep = " + FMath.floatToString(this.timeStep));
+ this.rainedOrientations[indexArray] = currentOrientation.addNew(new Quaternion(0, newAngVelocity).multiplyNew(currentOrientation).multiply(0.5f * this.timeStep));
+ //Log.error(" this.rainedPositions[indexArray] = " + this.rainedPositions[indexArray]);
+ //Log.error(" this.rainedOrientations[indexArray] = " + this.rainedOrientations[indexArray]);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int iii = 1; iii < this.rainedPositions.length; iii++) {
+ Log.error(kkk + " this.rainedPositions[" + iii + "] = " + this.rainedPositions[iii]);
+ Log.error(kkk + " this.rainedOrientations[" + iii + "] = " + this.rainedOrientations[iii]);
+ }
+ //Log.error("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
+ //Log.error("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
+ //Log.error("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
+ //Log.error("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
+ if (kkk++ == 98) {
+ //System.exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Integrate the velocities of rigid bodies.
+ * This method only set the temporary velocities but does not update
+ * the actual velocitiy of the bodies. The velocities updated in this method
+ * might violate the raints and will be corrected in the raint and
+ * contact solver.
+ */
+ protected void integrateRigidBodiesVelocities() {
+ // Initialize the bodies velocity arrays
+ initVelocityArrays();
+ //Log.info("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@");
+ // For each island of the world
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.islands.size(); iii++) {
+ //Log.info("Manage island : " + iii + "/" + this.islands.size());
+ final List bodies = this.islands.get(iii).getBodies();
+ // For each body of the island
+ for (int bbb = 0; bbb < bodies.size(); bbb++) {
+ //Log.info(" body : " + bbb + "/" + bodies.size());
+ // Insert the body into the map of rained velocities
+ final RigidBody tmpval = bodies.get(bbb);
+ int indexBody = this.mapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex.get(tmpval);
+ //Log.info(" indexBody=" + indexBody);
+ assert (this.splitLinearVelocities[indexBody].isZero());
+ assert (this.splitAngularVelocities[indexBody].isZero());
+ // Integrate the external force to get the new velocity of the body
+ this.rainedLinearVelocities[indexBody] = bodies.get(bbb).getLinearVelocity().addNew(bodies.get(bbb).externalForce.multiplyNew(this.timeStep * bodies.get(bbb).massInverse));
+ //Log.info(" this.rainedLinearVelocities[indexBody]=" + this.rainedLinearVelocities[indexBody]);
+ this.rainedAngularVelocities[indexBody] = bodies.get(bbb).getAngularVelocity()
+ .addNew(bodies.get(bbb).getInertiaTensorInverseWorld().multiplyNew(bodies.get(bbb).externalTorque.multiplyNew(this.timeStep)));
+ //Log.info(" this.rainedAngularVelocities[indexBody]=" + this.rainedAngularVelocities[indexBody]);
+ // If the gravity has to be applied to this rigid body
+ if (bodies.get(bbb).isGravityEnabled() && this.isGravityEnabled) {
+ // Integrate the gravity force
+ this.rainedLinearVelocities[indexBody].add(this.gravity.multiplyNew(this.timeStep * bodies.get(bbb).massInverse * bodies.get(bbb).getMass()));
+ }
+ //Log.info(" G this.rainedLinearVelocities[indexBody]=" + this.rainedLinearVelocities[indexBody]);
+ // Apply the velocity damping
+ // Damping force : F_c = -c' * v (c=damping factor)
+ // Equation : m * dv/dt = -c' * v
+ // => dv/dt = -c * v (with c=c'/m)
+ // => dv/dt + c * v = 0
+ // Solution : v(t) = v0 * e^(-c * t)
+ // => v(t + dt) = v0 * e^(-c(t + dt))
+ // = v0 * e^(-ct) * e^(-c * dt)
+ // = v(t) * e^(-c * dt)
+ // => v2 = v1 * e^(-c * dt)
+ // Using Taylor Serie for e^(-x) : e^x ~ 1 + x + x^2/2! + ...
+ // => e^(-x) ~ 1 - x
+ // => v2 = v1 * (1 - c * dt)
+ final float linDampingFactor = bodies.get(bbb).getLinearDamping();
+ //Log.info(" linDampingFactor=" + FMath.floatToString(linDampingFactor));
+ final float angDampingFactor = bodies.get(bbb).getAngularDamping();
+ //Log.info(" angDampingFactor=" + FMath.floatToString(angDampingFactor));
+ final float linearDamping = FMath.pow(1.0f - linDampingFactor, this.timeStep);
+ //Log.info(" linearDamping=" + FMath.floatToString(linearDamping));
+ final float angularDamping = FMath.pow(1.0f - angDampingFactor, this.timeStep);
+ //Log.info(" angularDamping=" + FMath.floatToString(angularDamping));
+ this.rainedLinearVelocities[indexBody].multiply(linearDamping);
+ //Log.info(" this.rainedLinearVelocities[indexBody]=" + this.rainedLinearVelocities[indexBody]);
+ this.rainedAngularVelocities[indexBody].multiply(angularDamping);
+ //Log.info(" this.rainedAngularVelocities[indexBody]=" + this.rainedAngularVelocities[indexBody]);
+ indexBody++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get if the gravity is enaled
+ * @return True if the gravity is enabled in the world
+ */
+ public boolean isGravityEnabled() {
+ return this.isGravityEnabled;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get if the sleeping technique is enabled
+ * @return True if the sleeping technique is enabled and false otherwise
+ */
+ public boolean isSleepingEnabled() {
+ return this.isSleepingEnabled;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reset the external force and torque applied to the bodies
+ */
+ protected void resetBodiesForceAndTorque() {
+ // For each body of the world
+ this.rigidBodies.forEach((obj) -> {
+ obj.externalForce.setZero();
+ obj.externalTorque.setZero();
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the position correction technique used for contacts
+ * @param _technique Technique used for the position correction (Baumgarte or Split Impulses)
+ */
+ public void setContactsPositionCorrectionTechnique(final ContactsPositionCorrectionTechnique _technique) {
+ if (_technique == ContactsPositionCorrectionTechnique.BAUMGARTE_CONTACTS) {
+ this.contactSolver.setIsSplitImpulseActive(false);
+ } else {
+ this.contactSolver.setIsSplitImpulseActive(true);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set an event listener object to receive events callbacks.
+ * @note If you use null as an argument, the events callbacks will be disabled.
+ * @param _eventListener Pointer to the event listener object that will receive
+ * event callbacks during the simulation
+ */
+ public void setEventListener(final EventListener _eventListener) {
+ this.eventListener = _eventListener;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the gravity vector of the world
+ * @param _gravity The gravity vector (in meter per seconds squared)
+ */
+ public void setGravity(final Vector3f _gravity) {
+ this.gravity = _gravity;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Enable/Disable the gravity
+ * @param _isGravityEnabled True if you want to enable the gravity in the world
+ * and false otherwise
+ */
+ public void setIsGratityEnabled(final boolean _isGravityEnabled) {
+ this.isGravityEnabled = _isGravityEnabled;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Activate or deactivate the solving of friction raints at the center of the contact
+ * manifold instead of solving them at each contact point
+ * @param _isActive True if you want the friction to be solved at the center of
+ * the contact manifold and false otherwise
+ */
+ public void setIsSolveFrictionAtContactManifoldCenterActive(final boolean _isActive) {
+ this.contactSolver.setIsSolveFrictionAtContactManifoldCenterActive(_isActive);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the position correction technique used for joints
+ * @param _technique Technique used for the joins position correction (Baumgarte or Non Linear Gauss Seidel)
+ */
+ public void setJointsPositionCorrectionTechnique(final JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique _technique) {
+ if (_technique == JointsPositionCorrectionTechnique.BAUMGARTE_JOINTS) {
+ this.raintSolver.setIsNonLinearGaussSeidelPositionCorrectionActive(false);
+ } else {
+ this.raintSolver.setIsNonLinearGaussSeidelPositionCorrectionActive(true);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the number of iterations for the position raint solver
+ * @param _nbIterations Number of iterations for the position solver
+ */
+ public void setNbIterationsPositionSolver(final int _nbIterations) {
+ this.nbPositionSolverIterations = _nbIterations;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the number of iterations for the velocity raint solver
+ * @param _nbIterations Number of iterations for the velocity solver
+ */
+ public void setNbIterationsVelocitySolver(final int _nbIterations) {
+ this.nbVelocitySolverIterations = _nbIterations;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the sleep angular velocity.
+ * When the velocity of a body becomes smaller than the sleep linear/angular
+ * velocity for a given amount of time, the body starts sleeping and does not need
+ * to be simulated anymore.
+ * @param _sleepAngularVelocity The sleep angular velocity (in radian per second)
+ */
+ public void setSleepAngularVelocity(final float _sleepAngularVelocity) {
+ if (_sleepAngularVelocity < 0.0f) {
+ //Log.error("Can not set _sleepAngularVelocity=" + _sleepAngularVelocity + " < 0 ");
+ return;
+ }
+ this.sleepAngularVelocity = _sleepAngularVelocity;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the sleep linear velocity
+ * @param _sleepLinearVelocity The new sleep linear velocity (in meters per second)
+ */
+ public void setSleepLinearVelocity(final float _sleepLinearVelocity) {
+ if (_sleepLinearVelocity < 0.0f) {
+ //Log.error("Can not set _sleepLinearVelocity=" + _sleepLinearVelocity + " < 0 ");
+ return;
+ }
+ this.sleepLinearVelocity = _sleepLinearVelocity;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the time a body is required to stay still before sleeping
+ * @param timeBeforeSleep Time a body is required to stay still before sleeping (in seconds)
+ */
+ public void setTimeBeforeSleep(final float timeBeforeSleep) {
+ if (timeBeforeSleep < 0.0f) {
+ //Log.error("Can not set timeBeforeSleep=" + timeBeforeSleep + " < 0 ");
+ return;
+ }
+ this.timeBeforeSleep = timeBeforeSleep;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Solve the contacts and raints
+ */
+ protected void solveContactsAndConstraints() {
+ // Set the velocities arrays
+ this.contactSolver.setSplitVelocitiesArrays(this.splitLinearVelocities, this.splitAngularVelocities);
+ this.contactSolver.setConstrainedVelocitiesArrays(this.rainedLinearVelocities, this.rainedAngularVelocities);
+ this.raintSolver.setConstrainedVelocitiesArrays(this.rainedLinearVelocities, this.rainedAngularVelocities);
+ this.raintSolver.setConstrainedPositionsArrays(this.rainedPositions, this.rainedOrientations);
+ //Log.info(")))))))))))))))");
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.rainedAngularVelocities.length; iii++) {
+ //Log.info(" " + iii + " : " + this.rainedAngularVelocities[iii]);
+ }
+ // ---------- Solve velocity raints for joints and contacts ---------- //
+ final int idIsland = 0;
+ // For each island of the world
+ for (final Island island : this.islands) {
+ // Check if there are contacts and raints to solve
+ final boolean isConstraintsToSolve = island.getNbJoints() > 0;
+ final boolean isContactsToSolve = island.getNbContactManifolds() > 0;
+ //Log.info("solveContactsAndConstraints : " + idIsland + " " + isConstraintsToSolve + " " + isContactsToSolve);
+ if (!isConstraintsToSolve && !isContactsToSolve) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If there are contacts in the current island
+ if (isContactsToSolve) {
+ // Initialize the solver
+ this.contactSolver.initializeForIsland(this.timeStep, island);
+ // Warm start the contact solver
+ this.contactSolver.warmStart();
+ }
+ // If there are raints
+ if (isConstraintsToSolve) {
+ // Initialize the raint solver
+ this.raintSolver.initializeForIsland(this.timeStep, island);
+ }
+ // For each iteration of the velocity solver
+ for (int i = 0; i < this.nbVelocitySolverIterations; i++) {
+ // Solve the raints
+ if (isConstraintsToSolve) {
+ this.raintSolver.solveVelocityConstraints(island);
+ }
+ // Solve the contacts
+ if (isContactsToSolve) {
+ this.contactSolver.solve();
+ }
+ }
+ // Cache the lambda values in order to use them in the next
+ // step and cleanup the contact solver
+ if (isContactsToSolve) {
+ this.contactSolver.storeImpulses();
+ this.contactSolver.cleanup();
+ }
+ }
+ //Log.info("((((((((((((((");
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.rainedAngularVelocities.length; iii++) {
+ //Log.info(" " + iii + " : " + this.rainedAngularVelocities[iii]);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Solve the position error correction of the raints
+ */
+ protected void solvePositionCorrection() {
+ // Do not continue if there is no raints
+ if (this.joints.isEmpty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // For each island of the world
+ for (int islandIndex = 0; islandIndex < this.islands.size(); islandIndex++) {
+ // ---------- Solve the position error correction for the raints ---------- //
+ // For each iteration of the position (error correction) solver
+ for (int i = 0; i < this.nbPositionSolverIterations; i++) {
+ // Solve the position raints
+ this.raintSolver.solvePositionConstraints(this.islands.get(islandIndex));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void testCollision(final CollisionBody _body1, final CollisionBody _body2, final CollisionCallback _callback) {
+ // Create the sets of shapes
+ final Set shapes1 = new Set(Set.getDTreeCoparator());
+ for (ProxyShape shape = _body1.getProxyShapesList(); shape != null; shape = shape.getNext()) {
+ shapes1.add(shape.broadPhaseID);
+ }
+ final Set shapes2 = new Set(Set.getDTreeCoparator());
+ for (ProxyShape shape = _body2.getProxyShapesList(); shape != null; shape = shape.getNext()) {
+ shapes2.add(shape.broadPhaseID);
+ }
+ // Perform the collision detection and report contacts
+ this.collisionDetection.reportCollisionBetweenShapes(_callback, shapes1, shapes2);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void testCollision(final CollisionBody _body, final CollisionCallback _callback) {
+ // Create the sets of shapes
+ final Set shapes1 = new Set(Set.getDTreeCoparator());
+ // For each shape of the body
+ for (ProxyShape shape = _body.getProxyShapesList(); shape != null; shape = shape.getNext()) {
+ shapes1.add(shape.broadPhaseID);
+ }
+ final Set emptySet = new Set(Set.getDTreeCoparator());
+ // Perform the collision detection and report contacts
+ this.collisionDetection.reportCollisionBetweenShapes(_callback, shapes1, emptySet);
+ }
+ /// Test and report collisions between all shapes of the world
+ @Override
+ public void testCollision(final CollisionCallback _callback) {
+ final Set emptySet = new Set(Set.getDTreeCoparator());
+ // Perform the collision detection and report contacts
+ this.collisionDetection.reportCollisionBetweenShapes(_callback, emptySet, emptySet);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void testCollision(final ProxyShape _shape, final CollisionCallback _callback) {
+ // Create the sets of shapes
+ final Set shapes = new Set(Set.getDTreeCoparator());
+ shapes.add(_shape.broadPhaseID);
+ final Set emptySet = new Set(Set.getDTreeCoparator());
+ // Perform the collision detection and report contacts
+ this.collisionDetection.reportCollisionBetweenShapes(_callback, shapes, emptySet);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void testCollision(final ProxyShape _shape1, final ProxyShape _shape2, final CollisionCallback _callback) {
+ // Create the sets of shapes
+ final Set shapes1 = new Set(Set.getDTreeCoparator());
+ shapes1.add(_shape1.broadPhaseID);
+ final Set shapes2 = new Set(Set.getDTreeCoparator());
+ shapes2.add(_shape2.broadPhaseID);
+ // Perform the collision detection and report contacts
+ this.collisionDetection.reportCollisionBetweenShapes(_callback, shapes1, shapes2);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the physics simulation
+ * @param timeStep The amount of time to step the simulation by (in seconds)
+ */
+ public void update(final float timeStep) {
+ //Log.error("========> start compute " + this.rigidBodies.size());
+ for (final CollisionBody elem : this.bodies) {
+ //Log.info(" " + elem.getID() + " / " + elem.getAABB());
+ //Log.info(" " + elem.getID() + " / " + elem.getTransform());
+ }
+ this.timeStep = timeStep;
+ // Notify the event listener about the beginning of an internal tick
+ if (this.eventListener != null) {
+ this.eventListener.beginInternalTick();
+ }
+ // Reset all the contact manifolds lists of each body
+ resetContactManifoldListsOfBodies();
+ if (this.rigidBodies.size() == 0) {
+ // no rigid body ==> no process to do ...
+ return;
+ }
+ // Compute the collision detection
+ this.collisionDetection.computeCollisionDetection();
+ // Compute the islands (separate groups of bodies with raints between each others)
+ computeIslands();
+ for (final CollisionBody elem : this.bodies) {
+ //Log.info("111 " + elem.getID() + " / " + elem.getAABB());
+ //Log.info("111 " + elem.getID() + " / " + elem.getTransform());
+ }
+ // Integrate the velocities
+ integrateRigidBodiesVelocities();
+ for (final CollisionBody elem : this.bodies) {
+ //Log.info("222 " + elem.getID() + " / " + elem.getAABB());
+ //Log.info("222 " + elem.getID() + " / " + elem.getTransform());
+ }
+ // Solve the contacts and raints
+ solveContactsAndConstraints();
+ for (final CollisionBody elem : this.bodies) {
+ //Log.info("333 " + elem.getID() + " / " + elem.getAABB());
+ //Log.info("333 " + elem.getID() + " / " + elem.getTransform());
+ }
+ // Integrate the position and orientation of each body
+ integrateRigidBodiesPositions();
+ for (final CollisionBody elem : this.bodies) {
+ //Log.info("444 " + elem.getID() + " / " + elem.getAABB());
+ //Log.info("444 " + elem.getID() + " / " + elem.getTransform());
+ }
+ // Solve the position correction for raints
+ solvePositionCorrection();
+ for (final CollisionBody elem : this.bodies) {
+ //Log.info("555 " + elem.getID() + " / " + elem.getAABB());
+ //Log.info("555 " + elem.getID() + " / " + elem.getTransform());
+ }
+ // Update the state (positions and velocities) of the bodies
+ //Log.info(" ==> update state");
+ updateBodiesState(); // here to update each aaBB skeleton in the Broadphase ... not systematic but why ?
+ //Log.info(" ===> bug a partir d'ici sur le quaternion");
+ for (final CollisionBody elem : this.bodies) {
+ //Log.info("--- " + elem.getID() + " / " + elem.getAABB());
+ //Log.info("--- " + elem.getID() + " / " + elem.getTransform());
+ }
+ if (this.isSleepingEnabled) {
+ updateSleepingBodies();
+ }
+ for (final CollisionBody elem : this.bodies) {
+ //Log.info("666 " + elem.getID() + " / " + elem.getAABB());
+ //Log.info("666 " + elem.getID() + " / " + elem.getTransform());
+ }
+ // Notify the event listener about the end of an internal tick
+ if (this.eventListener != null) {
+ this.eventListener.endInternalTick();
+ }
+ for (final CollisionBody elem : this.bodies) {
+ //Log.info("777 " + elem.getID() + " / " + elem.getAABB());
+ //Log.info("777 " + elem.getID() + " / " + elem.getTransform());
+ }
+ // Reset the external force and torque applied to the bodies
+ resetBodiesForceAndTorque();
+ //Log.error("<< ============= end compute ");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the postion/orientation of the bodies
+ */
+ protected void updateBodiesState() {
+ // For each island of the world
+ for (int islandIndex = 0; islandIndex < this.islands.size(); islandIndex++) {
+ // For each body of the island
+ final List bodies = this.islands.get(islandIndex).getBodies();
+ for (int b = 0; b < this.islands.get(islandIndex).getNbBodies(); b++) {
+ final int index = this.mapBodyToConstrainedVelocityIndex.get(bodies.get(b));
+ // Update the linear and angular velocity of the body
+ bodies.get(b).linearVelocity = this.rainedLinearVelocities[index].clone();
+ if (bodies.get(b).isAngularReactionEnable() == true) {
+ bodies.get(b).angularVelocity = this.rainedAngularVelocities[index].clone();
+ }
+ // Update the position of the center of mass of the body
+ bodies.get(b).centerOfMassWorld = this.rainedPositions[index].clone();
+ // Update the orientation of the body
+ //Log.error("<< ============= this.rainedOrientations[index] " + this.rainedOrientations[index]);
+ //Log.error("<< ============= this.rainedOrientations[index].safeNormalizeNew() " + this.rainedOrientations[index].safeNormalizeNew());
+ if (bodies.get(b).isAngularReactionEnable() == true) {
+ bodies.get(b).getTransform().setOrientation(this.rainedOrientations[index].safeNormalizeNew());
+ }
+ // Update the transform of the body (using the new center of mass and new orientation)
+ bodies.get(b).updateTransformWithCenterOfMass();
+ // Update the broad-phase state of the body
+ //Log.info(" " + b + " ==> updateBroadPhaseState");
+ bodies.get(b).updateBroadPhaseState();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Put bodies to sleep if needed.
+ * For each island, if all the bodies have been almost still for a int enough period of
+ * time, we put all the bodies of the island to sleep.
+ */
+ protected void updateSleepingBodies() {
+ final float sleepLinearVelocitySquare = this.sleepLinearVelocity * this.sleepLinearVelocity;
+ final float sleepAngularVelocitySquare = this.sleepAngularVelocity * this.sleepAngularVelocity;
+ // For each island of the world
+ for (int i = 0; i < this.islands.size(); i++) {
+ float minSleepTime = Float.MAX_VALUE;
+ // For each body of the island
+ final List bodies = this.islands.get(i).getBodies();
+ for (int b = 0; b < bodies.size(); b++) {
+ // Skip static bodies
+ if (bodies.get(b).getType() == BodyType.STATIC) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If the body is velocity is large enough to stay awake
+ Log.error(" check if ready to sleep: linear = " + bodies.get(b).getLinearVelocity().length2() + " > " + sleepLinearVelocitySquare);
+ Log.error(" check if ready to sleep: angular = " + bodies.get(b).getAngularVelocity().length2() + " > " + sleepAngularVelocitySquare);
+ if (bodies.get(b).getLinearVelocity().length2() > sleepLinearVelocitySquare || bodies.get(b).getAngularVelocity().length2() > sleepAngularVelocitySquare
+ || !bodies.get(b).isAllowedToSleep()) {
+ // Reset the sleep time of the body
+ bodies.get(b).sleepTime = 0.0f;
+ minSleepTime = 0.0f;
+ } else { // If the body velocity is bellow the sleeping velocity threshold
+ // Increase the sleep time
+ bodies.get(b).sleepTime += this.timeStep;
+ if (bodies.get(b).sleepTime < minSleepTime) {
+ minSleepTime = bodies.get(b).sleepTime;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If the velocity of all the bodies of the island is under the
+ // sleeping velocity threshold for a period of time larger than
+ // the time required to become a sleeping body
+ if (minSleepTime >= this.timeBeforeSleep) {
+ // Put all the bodies of the island to sleep
+ for (int b = 0; b < this.islands.get(i).getNbBodies(); b++) {
+ bodies.get(b).setIsSleeping(true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/EventListener.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/EventListener.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08cca1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/EventListener.java
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.ContactPointInfo;
+ * This class can be used to receive event callbacks from the physics engine.
+ * In order to receive callbacks, you need to create a new class that inherits from
+ * this one and you must the methods you need. Then, you need to register your
+ * new event listener class to the physics world using the DynamicsWorld::setEventListener()
+ * method.
+ */
+public interface EventListener {
+ /**
+ * Called when a new contact point is found between two bodies that were separated before
+ * @param contact Information about the contact
+ */
+ void beginContact(ContactPointInfo contact);
+ /**
+ * Called at the beginning of an internal tick of the simulation step.
+ * Each time the DynamicsWorld::update() method is called, the physics
+ * engine will do several internal simulation steps. This method is
+ * called at the beginning of each internal simulation step.
+ */
+ void beginInternalTick();
+ /**
+ * Called at the end of an internal tick of the simulation step.
+ * Each time the DynamicsWorld::update() metho is called, the physics
+ * engine will do several internal simulation steps. This method is
+ * called at the end of each internal simulation step.
+ */
+ void endInternalTick();
+ /**
+ * Called when a new contact point is found between two bodies
+ * @param contact Information about the contact
+ */
+ void newContact(ContactPointInfo contact);
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/Impulse.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/Impulse.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab4b3a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/Impulse.java
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * Represents an impulse that we can apply to bodies in the contact or raint solver.
+ */
+public class Impulse {
+ public final Vector3f linearImpulseBody1; //!< Linear impulse applied to the first body
+ public final Vector3f angularImpulseBody1; //!< Angular impulse applied to the first body
+ public final Vector3f linearImpulseBody2; //!< Linear impulse applied to the second body
+ public final Vector3f angularImpulseBody2; //!< Angular impulse applied to the second body
+ public Impulse(final Impulse impulse) {
+ this.linearImpulseBody1 = impulse.linearImpulseBody1.clone();
+ this.angularImpulseBody1 = impulse.angularImpulseBody1.clone();
+ this.linearImpulseBody2 = impulse.linearImpulseBody2.clone();
+ this.angularImpulseBody2 = impulse.angularImpulseBody2.clone();
+ }
+ public Impulse(final Vector3f _initLinearImpulseBody1, final Vector3f _initAngularImpulseBody1, final Vector3f _initLinearImpulseBody2, final Vector3f _initAngularImpulseBody2) {
+ this.linearImpulseBody1 = _initLinearImpulseBody1.clone();
+ this.angularImpulseBody1 = _initAngularImpulseBody1.clone();
+ this.linearImpulseBody2 = _initLinearImpulseBody2.clone();
+ this.angularImpulseBody2 = _initAngularImpulseBody2.clone();
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/Island.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/Island.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29e6f35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/Island.java
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.BodyType;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.RigidBody;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ContactManifold;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.Joint;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.internal.Log;
+ * An island represent an isolated group of awake bodies that are connected with each other by
+ * some contraints (contacts or joints).
+ */
+public class Island {
+ private final List bodies = new ArrayList<>(); //!< Array with all the bodies of the island
+ private final List contactManifolds = new ArrayList<>(); //!< Array with all the contact manifolds between bodies of the island
+ private final List joints = new ArrayList<>(); //!< Array with all the joints between bodies of the island
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ */
+ public Island(final int nbMaxBodies, final int nbMaxContactManifolds, final int nbMaxJoints) {
+ // Allocate memory for the arrays
+ //this.bodies.reserve(_nbMaxBodies);
+ //this.contactManifolds.reserve(_nbMaxContactManifolds);
+ //this.joints.reserve(_nbMaxJoints);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add a body.
+ */
+ public void addBody(final RigidBody _body) {
+ if (_body.isSleeping() == true) {
+ Log.error("Try to add a body that is sleeping ...");
+ return;
+ }
+ this.bodies.add(_body);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add a contact manifold.
+ */
+ public void addContactManifold(final ContactManifold _contactManifold) {
+ this.contactManifolds.add(_contactManifold);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add a joint.
+ */
+ public void addJoint(final Joint _joint) {
+ this.joints.add(_joint);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return a pointer to the array of bodies
+ */
+ public List getBodies() {
+ return this.bodies;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return a pointer to the array of contact manifolds
+ */
+ public List getContactManifold() {
+ return this.contactManifolds;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return a pointer to the array of joints
+ */
+ public List getJoints() {
+ return this.joints;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the number of body
+ * @return Number of bodies.
+ */
+ public int getNbBodies() {
+ return this.bodies.size();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @ Get the number of contact manifolds
+ * Return the number of contact manifolds in the island
+ */
+ public int getNbContactManifolds() {
+ return this.contactManifolds.size();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the number of joints in the island
+ */
+ public int getNbJoints() {
+ return this.joints.size();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reset the isAlreadyIsland variable of the static bodies so that they can also be included in the other islands
+ */
+ public void resetStaticBobyNotInIsland() {
+ for (final RigidBody it : this.bodies) {
+ if (it.getType() == BodyType.STATIC) {
+ it.isAlreadyInIsland = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/Material.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/Material.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d0ca34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/Material.java
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.Configuration;
+public class Material {
+ private float frictionCoefficient; //!< Friction coefficient (positive value)
+ private float rollingResistance; //!< Rolling resistance factor (positive value)
+ private float bounciness; //!< Bounciness during collisions (between 0 and 1) where 1 is for a very bouncy body
+ /// Constructor
+ public Material() {
+ this.frictionCoefficient = Configuration.DEFAULT_FRICTION_COEFFICIENT;
+ this.rollingResistance = Configuration.DEFAULT_ROLLING_RESISTANCE;
+ this.bounciness = Configuration.DEFAULT_BOUNCINESS;
+ }
+ /// Copy-ructor
+ public Material(final Material material) {
+ this.frictionCoefficient = material.frictionCoefficient;
+ this.rollingResistance = material.rollingResistance;
+ this.bounciness = material.bounciness;
+ }
+ /// Return the bounciness
+ /// @return Bounciness factor (between 0 and 1) where 1 is very bouncy
+ public float getBounciness() {
+ return this.bounciness;
+ }
+ /**Return the friction coefficient
+ * @return Friction coefficient (positive value)
+ */
+ public float getFrictionCoefficient() {
+ return this.frictionCoefficient;
+ }
+ /** Return the rolling resistance factor. If this value is larger than zero,
+ * it will be used to slow down the body when it is rolling
+ * against another body.
+ * @return The rolling resistance factor (positive value)
+ */
+ public float getRollingResistance() {
+ return this.rollingResistance;
+ }
+ /// Overloaded assignment operator
+ public Material set(final Material material) {
+ // Check for self-assignment
+ if (this != material) {
+ this.frictionCoefficient = material.frictionCoefficient;
+ this.bounciness = material.bounciness;
+ this.rollingResistance = material.rollingResistance;
+ }
+ // Return this material
+ return this;
+ }
+ /** Set the bounciness.
+ * The bounciness should be a value between 0 and 1. The value 1 is used for a
+ * very bouncy body and zero is used for a body that is not bouncy at all.
+ * @param bounciness Bounciness factor (between 0 and 1) where 1 is very bouncy
+ */
+ public void setBounciness(final float bounciness) {
+ assert (bounciness >= 0.0f && bounciness <= 1.0f);
+ this.bounciness = bounciness;
+ }
+ /** Set the friction coefficient.
+ * The friction coefficient has to be a positive value. The value zero is used for no
+ * friction at all.
+ * @param frictionCoefficient Friction coefficient (positive value)
+ */
+ public void setFrictionCoefficient(final float frictionCoefficient) {
+ assert (frictionCoefficient >= 0.0f);
+ this.frictionCoefficient = frictionCoefficient;
+ }
+ /** Set the rolling resistance factor. If this value is larger than zero,
+ * it will be used to slow down the body when it is rolling
+ * against another body.
+ * @param rollingResistance The rolling resistance factor
+ */
+ public void setRollingResistance(final float rollingResistance) {
+ assert (rollingResistance >= 0);
+ this.rollingResistance = rollingResistance;
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/OverlappingPair.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/OverlappingPair.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b95d19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/engine/OverlappingPair.java
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.engine;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.body.CollisionBody;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ContactManifoldSet;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.ProxyShape;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.collision.broadphase.PairDTree;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.constraint.ContactPoint;
+import org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics.PairInt;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ * This class represents a pair of two proxy collision shapes that are overlapping
+ * during the broad-phase collision detection. It is created when
+ * the two proxy collision shapes start to overlap and is destroyed when they do not
+ * overlap anymore. This class contains a contact manifold that
+ * store all the contact points between the two bodies.
+ */
+public class OverlappingPair {
+ /// Return the pair of bodies index of the pair
+ public static PairInt computeBodiesIndexPair(final CollisionBody body1, final CollisionBody body2) {
+ // Construct the pair of body index
+ final PairInt indexPair = body1.getID() < body2.getID() ? new PairInt(body1.getID(), body2.getID()) : new PairInt(body2.getID(), body1.getID());
+ assert (indexPair.first != indexPair.second);
+ return indexPair;
+ }
+ /// Return the pair of bodies index
+ public static PairDTree computeID(final ProxyShape shape1, final ProxyShape shape2) {
+ assert (shape1.getBroadPhaseID() != null && shape2.getBroadPhaseID() != null);
+ // Construct the pair of body index
+ return new PairDTree(shape1.getBroadPhaseID(), shape2.getBroadPhaseID());
+ }
+ private final ContactManifoldSet contactManifoldSet; //!< Set of persistent contact manifolds
+ private Vector3f cachedSeparatingAxis; //!< Cached previous separating axis
+ /// Constructor
+ public OverlappingPair(final ProxyShape shape1, final ProxyShape shape2, final int nbMaxContactManifolds) {
+ this.contactManifoldSet = new ContactManifoldSet(shape1, shape2, nbMaxContactManifolds);
+ this.cachedSeparatingAxis = new Vector3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ }
+ /// Add a contact to the contact cache
+ public void addContact(final ContactPoint contact) {
+ this.contactManifoldSet.addContactPoint(contact);
+ }
+ /// Clear the contact points of the contact manifold
+ public void clearContactPoints() {
+ this.contactManifoldSet.clear();
+ }
+ /// Return the cached separating axis
+ public Vector3f getCachedSeparatingAxis() {
+ return this.cachedSeparatingAxis;
+ }
+ /// Return the a reference to the contact manifold set
+ public ContactManifoldSet getContactManifoldSet() {
+ return this.contactManifoldSet;
+ }
+ /// Return the number of contacts in the cache
+ public int getNbContactPoints() {
+ return this.contactManifoldSet.getTotalNbContactPoints();
+ }
+ /// Return the pointer to first proxy collision shape
+ public ProxyShape getShape1() {
+ return this.contactManifoldSet.getShape1();
+ }
+ /// Return the pointer to second body
+ public ProxyShape getShape2() {
+ return this.contactManifoldSet.getShape2();
+ }
+ /// Set the cached separating axis
+ public void setCachedSeparatingAxis(final Vector3f axis) {
+ this.cachedSeparatingAxis = axis;
+ }
+ /// Update the contact cache
+ public void update() {
+ this.contactManifoldSet.update();
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/internal/Log.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/internal/Log.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad567c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/internal/Log.java
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.internal;
+import io.scenarium.logger.LogLevel;
+import io.scenarium.logger.Logger;
+public class Log {
+ private static final String LIB_NAME = "ephysics";
+ private static final String LIB_NAME_DRAW = Logger.getDrawableName(LIB_NAME);
+ private static final boolean PRINT_CRITICAL = Logger.getNeedPrint(LIB_NAME, LogLevel.CRITICAL);
+ private static final boolean PRINT_ERROR = Logger.getNeedPrint(LIB_NAME, LogLevel.ERROR);
+ private static final boolean PRINT_WARNING = Logger.getNeedPrint(LIB_NAME, LogLevel.WARNING);
+ private static final boolean PRINT_INFO = Logger.getNeedPrint(LIB_NAME, LogLevel.INFO);
+ private static final boolean PRINT_DEBUG = Logger.getNeedPrint(LIB_NAME, LogLevel.DEBUG);
+ private static final boolean PRINT_VERBOSE = Logger.getNeedPrint(LIB_NAME, LogLevel.VERBOSE);
+ private static final boolean PRINT_TODO = Logger.getNeedPrint(LIB_NAME, LogLevel.TODO);
+ private static final boolean PRINT_PRINT = Logger.getNeedPrint(LIB_NAME, LogLevel.PRINT);
+ public static void critical(final String data) {
+ Logger.critical(LIB_NAME_DRAW, data);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void debug(final String data) {
+ if (PRINT_DEBUG) {
+ Logger.debug(LIB_NAME_DRAW, data);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void error(final String data) {
+ if (PRINT_ERROR) {
+ Logger.error(LIB_NAME_DRAW, data);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void info(final String data) {
+ if (PRINT_INFO) {
+ Logger.info(LIB_NAME_DRAW, data);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void print(final String data) {
+ if (PRINT_PRINT) {
+ Logger.print(LIB_NAME_DRAW, data);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void todo(final String data) {
+ if (PRINT_TODO) {
+ Logger.todo(LIB_NAME_DRAW, data);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void verbose(final String data) {
+ Logger.verbose(LIB_NAME_DRAW, data);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void warning(final String data) {
+ Logger.warning(LIB_NAME_DRAW, data);
+ }
+ }
+ private Log() {}
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/mathematics/Mathematics.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/mathematics/Mathematics.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf6c69a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/mathematics/Mathematics.java
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ * ReactPhysics3D physics library, http://code.google.com/p/reactphysics3d/
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Daniel Chappuis
+ *
+ * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+ * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the
+ * use of this software.
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ *
+ * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim
+ * that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a
+ * product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ * appreciated but is not required.
+ *
+ * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ * misrepresented as being the original software.
+ *
+ * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ *
+ * This file has been modified during the port to Java and differ from the source versions.
+ */
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+ *
+ * @author Jason Sorensen
+ */
+public class Mathematics {
+ // Function to test if two real numbers are (almost) equal
+ // We test if two numbers a and b are such that (a-b) are in [-EPSILON; EPSILON]
+ public static boolean ApproxEqual(final float a, final float b, final float epsilon) {
+ final float difference = a - b;
+ return (difference < epsilon && difference > -epsilon);
+ }
+ public static float ArcCos(final float radians) {
+ return (float) StrictMath.acos(radians);
+ }
+ public static float ArcSin(final float radians) {
+ return (float) StrictMath.asin(radians);
+ }
+ public static float ArcTan2(final float a, final float b) {
+ return (float) StrictMath.atan2(a, b);
+ }
+ // Function that returns the result of the "value" clamped by
+ // two others values "lowerLimit" and "upperLimit"
+ public static float Clamp(final float value, final float lowerLimit, final float upperLimit) {
+ assert (lowerLimit <= upperLimit);
+ return Math.min(Math.max(value, lowerLimit), upperLimit);
+ }
+ /// Compute the barycentric coordinates u, v, w of a point p inside the triangle (a, b, c)
+ /// This method uses the technique described in the book Real-Time collision detection by
+ /// Christer Ericson.
+ public static void computeBarycentricCoordinatesInTriangle(final Vector3f a, final Vector3f b, final Vector3f c, final Vector3f p, Float u, Float v, Float w) {
+ final Vector3f v0 = b.lessNew(a);
+ final Vector3f v1 = c.lessNew(a);
+ final Vector3f v2 = p.lessNew(a);
+ final float d00 = v0.dot(v0);
+ final float d01 = v0.dot(v1);
+ final float d11 = v1.dot(v1);
+ final float d20 = v2.dot(v0);
+ final float d21 = v2.dot(v1);
+ final float denom = d00 * d11 - d01 * d01;
+ v = (d11 * d20 - d01 * d21) / denom;
+ w = (d00 * d21 - d01 * d20) / denom;
+ u = 1.0f - v - w;
+ }
+ public static float Cos(final float radians) {
+ return (float) StrictMath.cos(radians);
+ }
+ public static float Sin(final float radians) {
+ return (float) StrictMath.sin(radians);
+ }
+ public static float Sqrt(final float a) {
+ return (float) StrictMath.sqrt(a);
+ }
+ public static float Tan(final float radians) {
+ return (float) StrictMath.tan(radians);
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/mathematics/Matrix2f.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/mathematics/Matrix2f.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b336c1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/mathematics/Matrix2f.java
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+ * ReactPhysics3D physics library, http://code.google.com/p/reactphysics3d/
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Daniel Chappuis
+ *
+ * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+ * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the
+ * use of this software.
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ *
+ * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim
+ * that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a
+ * product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ * appreciated but is not required.
+ *
+ * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ * misrepresented as being the original software.
+ *
+ * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ *
+ * This file has been modified during the port to Java and differ from the source versions.
+ */
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Constant;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector2f;
+ * This class represents a 2x2 matrix.
+ *
+ * @author Jason Sorensen
+ */
+public class Matrix2f {
+ // Rows of the matrix (m[row][column])
+ float m00;
+ float m01;
+ float m10;
+ float m11;
+ // Constructor
+ public Matrix2f() {
+ setZero();
+ }
+ // Constructor
+ public Matrix2f(final float value) {
+ set(value, value, value, value);
+ }
+ // Constructor with arguments
+ public Matrix2f(final float a1, final float a2, final float b1, final float b2) {
+ set(a1, a2, b1, b2);
+ }
+ // Copy-constructor
+ public Matrix2f(final Matrix2f matrix) {
+ set(matrix);
+ }
+ // Return the matrix with absolute values
+ public Matrix2f abs() {
+ this.m00 = Math.abs(this.m00);
+ this.m01 = Math.abs(this.m01);
+ this.m10 = Math.abs(this.m10);
+ this.m11 = Math.abs(this.m11);
+ return this;
+ }
+ // Overloaded operator for addition with assignment
+ public Matrix2f add(final Matrix2f matrix) {
+ this.m00 += matrix.m00;
+ this.m01 += matrix.m01;
+ this.m10 += matrix.m10;
+ this.m11 += matrix.m11;
+ return this;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
+ if (obj == null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ final Matrix2f other = (Matrix2f) obj;
+ if (Float.floatToIntBits(this.m00) != Float.floatToIntBits(other.m00)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (Float.floatToIntBits(this.m10) != Float.floatToIntBits(other.m10)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (Float.floatToIntBits(this.m01) != Float.floatToIntBits(other.m01)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return Float.floatToIntBits(this.m11) == Float.floatToIntBits(other.m11);
+ }
+ // Return a column
+ public Vector2f getColumn(final int index) {
+ if (index == 0) {
+ return new Vector2f(this.m00, this.m10);
+ } else if (index == 1) {
+ return new Vector2f(this.m01, this.m11);
+ }
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown column index: " + index);
+ }
+ // Return the determinant of the matrix
+ public float getDeterminant() {
+ return this.m00 * this.m11 - this.m10 * this.m01;
+ }
+ // Return a row
+ public Vector2f getRow(final int index) {
+ if (index == 0) {
+ return new Vector2f(this.m00, this.m01);
+ } else if (index == 1) {
+ return new Vector2f(this.m10, this.m11);
+ }
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown row index: " + index);
+ }
+ // Return the trace of the matrix
+ public float getTrace() {
+ return this.m00 + this.m11;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int hashCode() {
+ int hash = 5;
+ hash = 23 * hash + Float.floatToIntBits(this.m00);
+ hash = 23 * hash + Float.floatToIntBits(this.m10);
+ hash = 23 * hash + Float.floatToIntBits(this.m01);
+ hash = 23 * hash + Float.floatToIntBits(this.m11);
+ return hash;
+ }
+ // Set the matrix to the identity matrix
+ public Matrix2f identity() {
+ this.m00 = 1.0f;
+ this.m01 = 0.0f;
+ this.m10 = 0.0f;
+ this.m11 = 1.0f;
+ return this;
+ }
+ // Return the inverse matrix
+ public Matrix2f inverse() {
+ // Compute the determinant of the matrix
+ final float determinant = getDeterminant();
+ // Check if the determinant is equal to zero
+ assert (Math.abs(determinant) > Constant.FLOAT_EPSILON);
+ final float invDeterminant = 1.0f / determinant;
+ set(this.m11, -this.m01, -this.m10, this.m00);
+ // Return the inverse matrix
+ return multiply(invDeterminant);
+ }
+ public Matrix2f inverseNew() {
+ final Matrix2f tmp = new Matrix2f(this);
+ tmp.inverse();
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ // Overloaded operator for the negative of the matrix
+ public Matrix2f invert() {
+ this.m00 = -this.m00;
+ this.m01 = -this.m01;
+ this.m10 = -this.m10;
+ this.m11 = -this.m11;
+ return this;
+ }
+ // Overloaded operator for substraction with assignment
+ public Matrix2f less(final Matrix2f matrix) {
+ this.m00 -= matrix.m00;
+ this.m01 -= matrix.m01;
+ this.m10 -= matrix.m10;
+ this.m11 -= matrix.m11;
+ return this;
+ }
+ // Overloaded operator for multiplication with a number with assignment
+ public Matrix2f multiply(final float number) {
+ this.m00 *= number;
+ this.m01 *= number;
+ this.m10 *= number;
+ this.m11 *= number;
+ return this;
+ }
+ // Overloaded operator for matrix multiplication
+ public Matrix2f multiply(final Matrix2f matrix) {
+ set(this.m00 * matrix.m00 + this.m01 * matrix.m10, this.m00 * matrix.m01 + this.m01 * matrix.m11, this.m10 * matrix.m00 + this.m11 * matrix.m10, this.m10 * matrix.m01 + this.m11 * matrix.m11);
+ return this;
+ }
+ // Overloaded operator for multiplication with a vector
+ public Vector2f multiplyNew(final Vector2f vector) {
+ return new Vector2f(this.m00 * vector.x + this.m01 * vector.y, this.m10 * vector.x + this.m11 * vector.y);
+ }
+ // Method to set all the values in the matrix
+ public final Matrix2f set(final float a1, final float a2, final float b1, final float b2) {
+ this.m00 = a1;
+ this.m01 = a2;
+ this.m10 = b1;
+ this.m11 = b2;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public final Matrix2f set(final Matrix2f matrix) {
+ this.m00 = matrix.m00;
+ this.m01 = matrix.m01;
+ this.m10 = matrix.m10;
+ this.m11 = matrix.m11;
+ return this;
+ }
+ // Set the matrix to zero
+ public final Matrix2f setZero() {
+ this.m00 = 0.0f;
+ this.m01 = 0.0f;
+ this.m10 = 0.0f;
+ this.m11 = 0.0f;
+ return this;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return "(00= " + this.m00 + ", 01= " + this.m01 + ", 10= " + this.m10 + ", 11= " + this.m11 + ")";
+ }
+ // Return the transpose matrix
+ public Matrix2f transpose() {
+ set(this.m00, this.m10, this.m01, this.m11);
+ return this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/mathematics/PairInt.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/mathematics/PairInt.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07a94a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/mathematics/PairInt.java
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics;
+import java.util.Set;
+import javafx.collections.transformation.SortedList;
+public class PairInt {
+ public static int countInSet(final Set values, final PairInt sample) {
+ int count = 0;
+ for (final PairInt elem : values) {
+ if (elem.first != sample.first) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (elem.second != sample.second) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ count++;
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ public static int countInSet(final SortedList values, final PairInt sample) {
+ int count = 0;
+ for (final PairInt elem : values) {
+ if (elem.first != sample.first) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (elem.second != sample.second) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ count++;
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ public final int first;
+ public final int second;
+ public PairInt(final int first, final int second) {
+ this.first = first;
+ this.second = second;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
+ if (this == obj) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ final PairInt tmp = (PairInt) obj;
+ if (this.first != tmp.first) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this.second != tmp.second) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return "PairInt [first=" + this.first + ", second=" + this.second + "]";
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/mathematics/PairIntVector3f.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/mathematics/PairIntVector3f.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fb379a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/mathematics/PairIntVector3f.java
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+public class PairIntVector3f {
+ public final int first;
+ public final Vector3f second;
+ public PairIntVector3f(final int first, final Vector3f second) {
+ this.first = first;
+ this.second = second;
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/mathematics/Ray.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/mathematics/Ray.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a097491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/mathematics/Ray.java
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics;
+import org.atriasoft.etk.math.Vector3f;
+public class Ray {
+ public Vector3f point1; //! implements Iterable {
+ public static Comparator getCollisionBodyCoparator() {
+ return new Comparator() {
+ @Override
+ public int compare(final CollisionBody a, final CollisionBody b) {
+ if (a.getID() < b.getID()) {
+ return -1;
+ } else if (a.getID() == b.getID()) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static Comparator getDTreeCoparator() {
+ return new Comparator() {
+ @Override
+ public int compare(final DTree a, final DTree b) {
+ if (a.uid < b.uid) {
+ return -1;
+ } else if (a.uid == b.uid) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static Comparator getIntegerComparator() {
+ return new Comparator() {
+ @Override
+ public int compare(final Integer a, final Integer b) {
+ if (a < b) {
+ return -1;
+ } else if (a == b) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static Comparator getPairDTreeCoparator() {
+ return new Comparator() {
+ @Override
+ public int compare(final PairDTree _pair1, final PairDTree _pair2) {
+ if (_pair1.first.uid < _pair2.first.uid) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (_pair1.first.uid == _pair2.first.uid) {
+ if (_pair1.second.uid < _pair2.second.uid) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (_pair1.second.uid == _pair2.second.uid) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return +1;
+ }
+ return +1;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static Comparator getPairIntCoparator() {
+ return new Comparator() {
+ @Override
+ public int compare(final PairInt _pair1, final PairInt _pair2) {
+ if (_pair1.first < _pair2.first) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (_pair1.first == _pair2.first) {
+ if (_pair1.second < _pair2.second) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (_pair1.second == _pair2.second) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return +1;
+ }
+ return +1;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ protected final List data = new ArrayList<>(); //!< Data of the Set ==> the Set table is composed of pointer, this permit to have high speed when resize the vector ...
+ protected Comparator comparator = null;
+ /*
+ new Comparator() {
+ @Override
+ public int compare(final TYPE _pair1, final TYPE _pair2) {
+ if (_pair1.first < _pair2.first) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (_pair1.first == _pair2.first) {
+ if (_pair1.second < _pair2.second) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (_pair1.second == _pair2.second) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return +1;
+ }
+ return +1;
+ }
+ };
+ */
+ /**
+ * @brief Constructor of the Set table.
+ */
+ public Set(final Comparator comparator) {
+ this.comparator = comparator;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Add an element OR set an element value
+ * @note add and set is the same function.
+ * @param[in] _key Name of the value to set in the Set table.
+ * @param[in] _value Value to set in the Set table.
+ */
+ public void add(final TYPE _key) {
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.data.size(); ++iii) {
+ if (_key == this.data.get(iii)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // For multiple element:
+ if (this.comparator.compare(_key, this.data.get(iii)) == 0) {
+ // Find a position
+ this.data.add(iii, _key);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ this.data.add(_key);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Remove all entry in the Set table.
+ * @note It does not delete pointer if your value is a pointer type...
+ */
+ public void clear() {
+ this.data.clear();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Count the number of occurence of a specific element.
+ * @param[in] _key Name of the element to count iterence
+ * @return 0 No element was found
+ * @return 1 One element was found
+ */
+ public int count(final TYPE _key) {
+ // TODO: search in a dichotomic way.
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.data.size(); iii++) {
+ if (this.comparator.compare(this.data.get(iii), _key) == 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ public void erase(final int id) {
+ this.data.remove(id);
+ }
+ public void erase(final TYPE id) {
+ this.data.remove(id);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Check if an element exist or not
+ * @param[in] _key Name of the Set requested
+ * @return true if the element exist
+ */
+ public boolean exist(final TYPE _key) {
+ final int it = find(_key);
+ if (it == -1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Find an element position the the Set table
+ * @param[in] _key Name of the element to find
+ * @return Iterator on the element find or end()
+ */
+ public int find(final TYPE _key) {
+ // TODO: search in a dichotomic way.
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.data.size(); iii++) {
+ if (this.comparator.compare(this.data.get(iii), _key) == 0) {
+ return iii;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Get Element an a special position
+ * @param[in] _position Position in the Set
+ * @return An reference on the selected element
+ */
+ public TYPE get(final int _position) {
+ return this.data.get(_position);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Check if the container have some element
+ * @return true The container is empty
+ * @return false The container have some element
+ */
+ public boolean isEmpty() {
+ return this.data.size() == 0;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Iterator iterator() {
+ return this.data.iterator();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Remove the last element of the vector
+ */
+ public void popBack() {
+ this.data.remove(this.data.size() - 1);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Remove the first element of the vector
+ */
+ public void popFront() {
+ this.data.remove(0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief: QuickSort implementation of sorting vector (all elements.
+ * @param[in,out] _data Vector to sort.
+ * @param[in] _high Comparator function of this element.
+ */
+ void quickSort(final List _data, final Comparator _comparator) {
+ quickSort2(_data, 0, _data.size() - 1, _comparator);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief: QuickSort implementation of sorting vector.
+ * @param[in,out] _data Vector to sort.
+ * @param[in] _low Lowest element to sort.
+ * @param[in] _high Highest element to sort.
+ * @param[in] _high Comparator function of this element.
+ */
+ void quickSort(final List _data, final int _low, int _high, final Comparator _comparator) {
+ if (_high >= _data.size()) {
+ _high = _data.size() - 1;
+ }
+ /*if (_low >= _data.size()) {
+ _low = _data.size()-1;
+ }*/
+ quickSort2(_data, _low, _high, _comparator);
+ }
+ private void quickSort2(final List _data, final int _low, final int _high, final Comparator _comparator) {
+ if (_low >= _high) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // pi is partitioning index, arr[p] is now at right place
+ final int pi = quickSortPartition(_data, _low, _high, _comparator);
+ // Separately sort elements before partition and after partition
+ //if (pi != 0) {
+ quickSort2(_data, _low, pi - 1, _comparator);
+ //}
+ quickSort2(_data, pi + 1, _high, _comparator);
+ }
+ private int quickSortPartition(final List _data, final int _low, final int _high, final Comparator _comparator) {
+ int iii = (_low - 1);
+ for (int jjj = _low; jjj < _high; ++jjj) {
+ if (_comparator.compare(_data.get(jjj), _data.get(_high)) < 0) {
+ iii++;
+ Collections.swap(_data, iii, jjj);
+ }
+ }
+ Collections.swap(_data, iii + 1, _high);
+ return (iii + 1);
+ }
+ public void remove(final TYPE obj) {
+ this.data.remove(obj);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Set the comparator of the set.
+ * @param[in] _comparator comparing function.
+ */
+ public void setComparator(final Comparator _comparator) {
+ this.comparator = _comparator;
+ sort();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the number of element in the Set table
+ * @return number of elements
+ */
+ public int size() {
+ return this.data.size();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Order the Set with the corect functor
+ */
+ private void sort() {
+ quickSort(this.data, this.comparator);
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/mathematics/SetInteger.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/mathematics/SetInteger.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be1aca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/mathematics/SetInteger.java
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Comparator;
+import java.util.List;
+public class SetInteger {
+ private static void quickSort2(final List _data, final int _low, final int _high, final Comparator _comparator) {
+ if (_low >= _high) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // pi is partitioning index, arr[p] is now at right place
+ final int pi = quickSortPartition(_data, _low, _high, _comparator);
+ // Separately sort elements before partition and after partition
+ //if (pi != 0) {
+ quickSort2(_data, _low, pi - 1, _comparator);
+ //}
+ quickSort2(_data, pi + 1, _high, _comparator);
+ }
+ private static int quickSortPartition(final List _data, final int _low, final int _high, final Comparator _comparator) {
+ int iii = (_low - 1);
+ for (int jjj = _low; jjj < _high; ++jjj) {
+ if (_comparator.compare(_data.get(jjj), _data.get(_high)) < 0) {
+ iii++;
+ Collections.swap(_data, iii, jjj);
+ }
+ }
+ Collections.swap(_data, iii + 1, _high);
+ return (iii + 1);
+ }
+ private final List data = new ArrayList<>(); //!< Data of the Set ==> the Set table is composed of pointer, this permit to have high speed when resize the vector ...
+ private Comparator comparator = new Comparator() {
+ @Override
+ public int compare(final Integer a, final Integer b) {
+ if (a < b) {
+ return -1;
+ } else if (a == b) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * @brief Constructor of the Set table.
+ */
+ public SetInteger() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Add an element OR set an element value
+ * @note add and set is the same function.
+ * @param[in] _key Name of the value to set in the Set table.
+ * @param[in] _value Value to set in the Set table.
+ */
+ public void add(final Integer _key) {
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.data.size(); ++iii) {
+ if (_key == this.data.get(iii)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.comparator.compare(_key, this.data.get(iii)) == 0) {
+ // Find a position
+ this.data.add(iii, _key);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ this.data.add(_key);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Remove all entry in the Set table.
+ * @note It does not delete pointer if your value is a pointer type...
+ */
+ public void clear() {
+ this.data.clear();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Count the number of occurence of a specific element.
+ * @param[in] _key Name of the element to count iterence
+ * @return 0 No element was found
+ * @return 1 One element was found
+ */
+ public int count(final Integer _key) {
+ // TODO: search in a dichotomic way.
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.data.size(); iii++) {
+ if (this.comparator.compare(this.data.get(iii), _key) == 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Check if an element exist or not
+ * @param[in] _key Name of the Set requested
+ * @return true if the element exist
+ */
+ public boolean exist(final Integer _key) {
+ final int it = find(_key);
+ if (it == -1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Find an element position the the Set table
+ * @param[in] _key Name of the element to find
+ * @return Iterator on the element find or end()
+ */
+ public int find(final Integer _key) {
+ // TODO: search in a dichotomic way.
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.data.size(); iii++) {
+ if (this.comparator.compare(this.data.get(iii), _key) == 0) {
+ return iii;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Get Element an a special position
+ * @param[in] _position Position in the Set
+ * @return An reference on the selected element
+ */
+ public Integer get(final int _position) {
+ return this.data.get(_position);
+ }
+ public List getRaw() {
+ return this.data;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Check if the container have some element
+ * @return true The container is empty
+ * @return false The container have some element
+ */
+ public boolean isEmpty() {
+ return this.data.size() == 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Remove the last element of the vector
+ */
+ public void popBack() {
+ this.data.remove(this.data.size() - 1);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Remove the first element of the vector
+ */
+ public void popFront() {
+ this.data.remove(0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief: QuickSort implementation of sorting vector (all elements.
+ * @param[in,out] _data Vector to sort.
+ * @param[in] _high Comparator function of this element.
+ */
+ void quickSort(final List _data, final Comparator _comparator) {
+ quickSort2(_data, 0, _data.size() - 1, _comparator);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief: QuickSort implementation of sorting vector.
+ * @param[in,out] _data Vector to sort.
+ * @param[in] _low Lowest element to sort.
+ * @param[in] _high Highest element to sort.
+ * @param[in] _high Comparator function of this element.
+ */
+ void quickSort(final List _data, final int _low, int _high, final Comparator _comparator) {
+ if (_high >= _data.size()) {
+ _high = _data.size() - 1;
+ }
+ /*if (_low >= _data.size()) {
+ _low = _data.size()-1;
+ }*/
+ quickSort2(_data, _low, _high, _comparator);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Set the comparator of the set.
+ * @param[in] _comparator comparing function.
+ */
+ public void setComparator(final Comparator _comparator) {
+ this.comparator = _comparator;
+ sort();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the number of element in the Set table
+ * @return number of elements
+ */
+ public int size() {
+ return this.data.size();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Order the Set with the corect functor
+ */
+ private void sort() {
+ quickSort(this.data, this.comparator);
+ }
diff --git a/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/mathematics/SetMultiple.java b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/mathematics/SetMultiple.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08f660f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/atriasoft/ephysics/mathematics/SetMultiple.java
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+package org.atriasoft.ephysics.mathematics;
+import java.util.Comparator;
+public class SetMultiple extends Set {
+ /**
+ * @brief Constructor of the Set table.
+ */
+ public SetMultiple(final Comparator comparator) {
+ super(comparator);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Add an element OR set an element value
+ * @note add and set is the same function.
+ * @param[in] _key Name of the value to set in the Set table.
+ * @param[in] _value Value to set in the Set table.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void add(final TYPE _key) {
+ for (int iii = 0; iii < this.data.size(); ++iii) {
+ if (_key == this.data.get(iii)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ final int compareValue = this.comparator.compare(_key, this.data.get(iii));
+ if (compareValue == 0) {
+ // Find a position
+ this.data.set(iii, _key);
+ return;
+ }
+ // for single Element
+ if (compareValue == 1) {
+ // Find a position
+ this.data.add(iii, _key);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ this.data.add(_key);
+ }