parseLog.m parses DataLog files. maxUnwrap.m unwraps number sequences, useful for unwrapping e.g. RTP timestamp sequences and RTP sequence numbers. Review URL: http://webrtc-codereview.appspot.com/135006 git-svn-id: http://webrtc.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@521 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
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function parsed = parseLog(filename)
% parsed = parseLog(filename)
% Parses a DataLog text file, with the filename specified in the string
% filename, into a struct with each column name as a field, and with the
% column data stored as a vector in that field.
% Arguments
% filename: A string with the name of the file to parse.
% Return value
% parsed: A struct containing each column parsed from the input file
% as a field and with the column data stored as a vector in that
% field.
% Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
% Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
% that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
% tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
% in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
% be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
table = importdata(filename, ',', 1);
parsed = struct;
i = 1;
while i <= length(table.colheaders)
% Checking for a multi-value column.
m = regexp(table.colheaders{i}, '([\w\t]+)\[(\d+)\]', 'tokens');
if ~isempty(m)
% Parse a multi-value column
n = str2double(m{1}{2}) - 1;
parsed.(strrep(m{1}{1}, ' ', '_')) = table.data(:, i:i+n);
i = i + n + 1;
elseif ~isempty(table.colheaders{i})
% Parse a single-value column
parsed.(strrep(table.colheaders{i}, ' ', '_')) = table.data(:, i);
i = i + 1;
error('Error: Empty column');