R=dutton@google.com, jiayl@webrtc.org Review URL: https://webrtc-codereview.appspot.com/2739004 git-svn-id: http://webrtc.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@5030 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
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227 lines
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Data Channel Demo 1</title>
button {
font: 18px sans-serif;
padding: 8px;
textarea {
font-family: monospace;
margin: 2px;
height: 400px;
width: 300px;
div#send {
float: left;
margin-right: 20px;
div#receive {
div#sendreceive {
margin: 0 0 20px 0;
h2 {
margin: 0 0 10px 0;
<div id="sendreceive">
<div id="send">
<h2>Send data</h2>
<textarea id="dataChannelSendId" rows="5" cols="15" disabled="true"
placeholder="Press Start, enter some text, then press Send Data.">
<div id="receive">
<h2>Received Data</h2>
<textarea id="dataChannelReceiveId" rows="5" cols="15" disabled="true">
<p>Choose SCTP or RTP for transmitting data.</p>
<input type="radio" id="useSctp" name="transportbtn" checked/>
<label for="useSctp">Use SCTP</label>
<input type="radio" id="useRtp" name="transportbtn"/>
<label for="useRtp">Use RTP</label>
<button id="startButton">Start</button>
<button id="sendButton" disabled>Send Data</button>
<button id="closeButton" disabled>Stop</button>
<!-- Load the polyfill to switch-hit between Chrome and Firefox -->
<script src='../../base/adapter.js'></script>
var pc1, pc2, sendChannel, receiveChannel, pcConstraint, dataConstraint;
var dataChannelSend = document.getElementById("dataChannelSendId");
var dataChannelReceive = document.getElementById("dataChannelReceiveId");
var sctp_select = document.getElementById('useSctp');
var rtp_select = document.getElementById('useRtp');
var startButton = document.querySelector('button#startButton');
var sendButton = document.querySelector('button#sendButton');
var closeButton = document.querySelector('button#closeButton');
startButton.onclick = createConnection;
sendButton.onclick = sendData;
closeButton.onclick = closeDataChannels;
rtp_select.onclick = enableStartButton;
sctp_select.onclick = enableStartButton;
function enableStartButton() {
startButton.disabled = false;
function disableSendButton() {
sendButton.disabled = true;
rtp_select.onclick = sctp_select.onclick = function() {
dataChannelReceive.value = '';
dataChannelSend.value = '';
function createConnection() {
dataChannelSendId.placeholder = "";
var servers = null;
pcConstraint = null;
dataConstraint = null;
if (sctp_select.checked &&
webrtcDetectedBrowser === 'chrome' &&
webrtcDetectedVersion >= 31) {
// SCTP is supported from Chrome M31.
// No need to pass DTLS constraint as it is on by default in Chrome M31.
// For SCTP, reliable and ordered is true by default.
trace('Using SCTP based Data Channels');
} else {
pcConstraint = {optional: [{RtpDataChannels: true}]};
if (!rtp_select.checked) {
// Use rtp data channels for chrome versions older than M31.
trace('Using RTP based Data Channels,' +
'as you are on an older version than M31.');
alert('Reverting to RTP based data channels,' +
'as you are on an older version than M31.');
rtp_select.checked = true;
pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection(servers, pcConstraint);
trace('Created local peer connection object pc1');
try {
// Data Channel api supported from Chrome M25.
// You might need to start chrome with --enable-data-channels flag.
sendChannel = pc1.createDataChannel("sendDataChannel", dataConstraint);
trace('Created send data channel');
} catch (e) {
alert('Failed to create data channel. ' +
'You need Chrome M25 or later with --enable-data-channels flag');
trace('Create Data channel failed with exception: ' + e.message);
pc1.onicecandidate = iceCallback1;
sendChannel.onopen = onSendChannelStateChange;
sendChannel.onclose = onSendChannelStateChange;
pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection(servers, pcConstraint);
trace('Created remote peer connection object pc2');
pc2.onicecandidate = iceCallback2;
pc2.ondatachannel = receiveChannelCallback;
startButton.disabled = true;
closeButton.disabled = false;
function sendData() {
var data = dataChannelSend.value;
trace('Sent Data: ' + data);
function closeDataChannels() {
trace('Closing data Channels');
trace('Closed data channel with label: ' + sendChannel.label);
trace('Closed data channel with label: ' + receiveChannel.label);
pc1 = null;
pc2 = null;
trace('Closed peer connections');
startButton.disabled = false;
sendButton.disabled = true;
closeButton.disabled = true;
dataChannelSend.value = "";
dataChannelReceive.value = "";
dataChannelSend.disabled = true;
function gotDescription1(desc) {
trace('Offer from pc1 \n' + desc.sdp);
function gotDescription2(desc) {
trace('Answer from pc2 \n' + desc.sdp);
function iceCallback1(event) {
trace('local ice callback');
if (event.candidate) {
trace('Local ICE candidate: \n' + event.candidate.candidate);
function iceCallback2(event) {
trace('remote ice callback');
if (event.candidate) {
trace('Remote ICE candidate: \n ' + event.candidate.candidate);
function receiveChannelCallback(event) {
trace('Receive Channel Callback');
receiveChannel = event.channel;
receiveChannel.onmessage = onReceiveMessageCallback;
receiveChannel.onopen = onReceiveChannelStateChange;
receiveChannel.onclose = onReceiveChannelStateChange;
function onReceiveMessageCallback(event) {
trace('Received Message');
dataChannelReceive.value = event.data;
function onSendChannelStateChange() {
var readyState = sendChannel.readyState;
trace('Send channel state is: ' + readyState);
if (readyState == "open") {
dataChannelSend.disabled = false;
sendButton.disabled = false;
closeButton.disabled = false;
} else {
dataChannelSend.disabled = true;
sendButton.disabled = true;
closeButton.disabled = true;
function onReceiveChannelStateChange() {
var readyState = receiveChannel.readyState;
trace('Receive channel state is: ' + readyState);