git-svn-id: http://webrtc.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@6891 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
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// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "talk/p2p/base/basicpacketsocketfactory.h"
#include "talk/p2p/client/httpportallocator.h"
#include "webrtc/base/basictypes.h"
#include "webrtc/base/messagehandler.h"
#include "webrtc/base/network.h"
#include "webrtc/base/proxyinfo.h"
#include "webrtc/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "webrtc/base/sigslot.h"
#include "webrtc/base/socketaddress.h"
namespace rtc {
class AsyncHttpRequest;
class AutoDetectProxy;
class BasicPacketSocketFactory;
class NetworkManager;
class PacketSocketFactory;
class SignalThread;
class TestHttpPortAllocatorSession;
class Thread;
namespace cricket {
class HttpPortAllocator;
class Port;
class PortAllocatorSession;
struct PortConfiguration;
class RelayPort;
class StunPort;
// Contains details about a discovered firewall that are of interest
// when debugging call failures.
struct FirewallInfo {
std::string brand;
std::string model;
// TODO: List of current port mappings.
// Contains details about a specific connect attempt.
struct ConnectInfo {
: rtt(-1), error(0) {}
// Time when the connection was initiated. Needed for calculating
// the round trip time.
uint32 start_time_ms;
// Round trip time in milliseconds or -1 for failed connection.
int32 rtt;
// Error code representing low level errors like socket errors.
int error;
// Identifier for a network interface and proxy address pair.
struct NicId {
NicId(const rtc::IPAddress& ip,
const rtc::SocketAddress& proxy_address)
: ip(ip),
proxy_address(proxy_address) {
rtc::IPAddress ip;
rtc::SocketAddress proxy_address;
// Comparator implementation identifying unique network interface and
// proxy address pairs.
class NicIdComparator {
int compare(const NicId &first, const NicId &second) const {
if (first.ip == second.ip) {
// Compare proxy address.
if (first.proxy_address == second.proxy_address) {
return 0;
} else {
return first.proxy_address < second.proxy_address? -1 : 1;
return first.ip < second.ip ? -1 : 1;
bool operator()(const NicId &first, const NicId &second) const {
return (compare(first, second) < 0);
// Contains information of a network interface and proxy address pair.
struct NicInfo {
NicInfo() {}
rtc::IPAddress ip;
rtc::ProxyInfo proxy_info;
rtc::SocketAddress external_address;
ServerAddresses stun_server_addresses;
rtc::SocketAddress media_server_address;
ConnectInfo stun;
ConnectInfo http;
ConnectInfo https;
ConnectInfo udp;
ConnectInfo tcp;
ConnectInfo ssltcp;
FirewallInfo firewall;
// Holds the result of the connectivity check.
class NicMap : public std::map<NicId, NicInfo, NicIdComparator> {
class TestHttpPortAllocatorSession : public HttpPortAllocatorSession {
HttpPortAllocator* allocator,
const std::string& content_name,
int component,
const std::string& ice_ufrag,
const std::string& ice_pwd,
const std::vector<rtc::SocketAddress>& stun_hosts,
const std::vector<std::string>& relay_hosts,
const std::string& relay_token,
const std::string& user_agent)
: HttpPortAllocatorSession(
allocator, content_name, component, ice_ufrag, ice_pwd, stun_hosts,
relay_hosts, relay_token, user_agent) {
void set_proxy(const rtc::ProxyInfo& proxy) {
proxy_ = proxy;
void ConfigReady(PortConfiguration* config);
void OnRequestDone(rtc::SignalThread* data);
sigslot::signal4<const std::string&, const std::string&,
const PortConfiguration*,
const rtc::ProxyInfo&> SignalConfigReady;
sigslot::signal1<rtc::AsyncHttpRequest*> SignalRequestDone;
rtc::ProxyInfo proxy_;
// Runs a request/response check on all network interface and proxy
// address combinations. The check is considered done either when all
// checks has been successful or when the check times out.
class ConnectivityChecker
: public rtc::MessageHandler, public sigslot::has_slots<> {
ConnectivityChecker(rtc::Thread* worker,
const std::string& jid,
const std::string& session_id,
const std::string& user_agent,
const std::string& relay_token,
const std::string& connection);
virtual ~ConnectivityChecker();
// Virtual for gMock.
virtual bool Initialize();
virtual void Start();
// MessageHandler implementation.
virtual void OnMessage(rtc::Message *msg);
// Instruct checker to stop and wait until that's done.
// Virtual for gMock.
virtual void Stop() {
const NicMap& GetResults() const {
return nics_;
void set_timeout_ms(uint32 timeout) {
timeout_ms_ = timeout;
void set_stun_address(const rtc::SocketAddress& stun_address) {
stun_address_ = stun_address;
const std::string& connection() const {
return connection_;
const std::string& jid() const {
return jid_;
const std::string& session_id() const {
return session_id_;
// Context: Main Thread. Signalled when the connectivity check is complete.
sigslot::signal1<ConnectivityChecker*> SignalCheckDone;
// Can be overridden for test.
virtual rtc::NetworkManager* CreateNetworkManager() {
return new rtc::BasicNetworkManager();
virtual rtc::BasicPacketSocketFactory* CreateSocketFactory(
rtc::Thread* thread) {
return new rtc::BasicPacketSocketFactory(thread);
virtual HttpPortAllocator* CreatePortAllocator(
rtc::NetworkManager* network_manager,
const std::string& user_agent,
const std::string& relay_token);
virtual StunPort* CreateStunPort(
const std::string& username, const std::string& password,
const PortConfiguration* config, rtc::Network* network);
virtual RelayPort* CreateRelayPort(
const std::string& username, const std::string& password,
const PortConfiguration* config, rtc::Network* network);
virtual void InitiateProxyDetection();
virtual void SetProxyInfo(const rtc::ProxyInfo& info);
virtual rtc::ProxyInfo GetProxyInfo() const;
rtc::Thread* worker() {
return worker_;
bool AddNic(const rtc::IPAddress& ip,
const rtc::SocketAddress& proxy_address);
void AllocatePorts();
void AllocateRelayPorts();
void CheckNetworks();
void CreateRelayPorts(
const std::string& username, const std::string& password,
const PortConfiguration* config, const rtc::ProxyInfo& proxy_info);
// Must be called by the worker thread.
void CleanUp();
void OnRequestDone(rtc::AsyncHttpRequest* request);
void OnRelayPortComplete(Port* port);
void OnStunPortComplete(Port* port);
void OnRelayPortError(Port* port);
void OnStunPortError(Port* port);
void OnNetworksChanged();
void OnProxyDetect(rtc::SignalThread* thread);
void OnConfigReady(
const std::string& username, const std::string& password,
const PortConfiguration* config, const rtc::ProxyInfo& proxy);
void OnConfigWithProxyReady(const PortConfiguration*);
void RegisterHttpStart(int port);
rtc::Thread* worker_;
std::string jid_;
std::string session_id_;
std::string user_agent_;
std::string relay_token_;
std::string connection_;
rtc::AutoDetectProxy* proxy_detect_;
rtc::scoped_ptr<rtc::NetworkManager> network_manager_;
rtc::scoped_ptr<rtc::BasicPacketSocketFactory> socket_factory_;
rtc::scoped_ptr<HttpPortAllocator> port_allocator_;
NicMap nics_;
std::vector<Port*> ports_;
std::vector<PortAllocatorSession*> sessions_;
uint32 timeout_ms_;
rtc::SocketAddress stun_address_;
rtc::Thread* main_;
bool started_;
} // namespace cricket