It includes unit test fixes to properly initialize SSL if DTLS or SSL random number generator is used in the tests. The private key and certificate constant strings used in some tests are updated to be compatible with NSS. A few potentially overflow type conversions caused compiling warning on Windows and they are fixed by importing and using Chromium's checked_cast, which aborts the program if overflow occurs. It also fixes a leak in nssstreamadapter.cc by releasing the PRFileDesc* in StreamClose. BUG=2253 R=fischman@webrtc.org, juberti@google.com, wu@webrtc.org Review URL: https://webrtc-codereview.appspot.com/4679005 git-svn-id: http://webrtc.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@5459 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
290 lines
9.3 KiB
290 lines
9.3 KiB
use_relative_paths = True
vars = {
# Override root_dir in your .gclient's custom_vars to specify a custom root
# folder name.
"root_dir": "trunk",
"extra_gyp_flag": "-Dextra_gyp_flag=0",
# Use this googlecode_url variable only if there is an internal mirror for it.
# If you do not know, use the full path while defining your new deps entry.
"googlecode_url": "http://%s.googlecode.com/svn",
"sourceforge_url": "http://svn.code.sf.net/p/%(repo)s/code",
"chromium_trunk" : "http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk",
"chromium_revision": "245382",
# A small subset of WebKit is needed for the Android Python test framework.
"webkit_trunk": "http://src.chromium.org/blink/trunk",
# NOTE: Prefer revision numbers to tags for svn deps. Use http rather than
# https; the latter can cause problems for users behind proxies.
deps = {
File(Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/DEPS@" + Var("chromium_revision")),
File(Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/.gn@" + Var("chromium_revision")),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/build@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
# Needed by common.gypi.
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/google_apis/build@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/testing@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
From("chromium_deps", "src/testing/gmock"),
From("chromium_deps", "src/testing/gtest"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/third_party/expat@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
# When rolling gflags, also update deps/third_party/webrtc/webrtc.DEPS/DEPS
# in Chromium's repo.
(Var("googlecode_url") % "gflags") + "/trunk/src@84",
From("chromium_deps", "src/third_party/icu"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/third_party/jsoncpp@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
(Var("sourceforge_url") % {"repo": "jsoncpp"}) + "/trunk/jsoncpp@248",
(Var("googlecode_url") % "webrtc") + "/deps/third_party/junit@3367",
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/third_party/libjpeg@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
From("chromium_deps", "src/third_party/libjpeg_turbo"),
From("chromium_deps", "src/third_party/libsrtp"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/deps/third_party/libvpx@241571",
(Var("googlecode_url") % "libyuv") + "/trunk@976",
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/third_party/opus@245176",
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/deps/third_party/opus@239448",
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/third_party/protobuf@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/third_party/sqlite@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/third_party/yasm@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
From("chromium_deps", "src/third_party/yasm/source/patched-yasm"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/tools/clang@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/tools/gn@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
From("chromium_deps", "src/tools/gyp"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/tools/protoc_wrapper@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/tools/python@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
From("chromium_deps", "src/tools/swarming_client"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/tools/valgrind@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
# Needed by build/common.gypi.
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/tools/win/supalink@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/net/third_party/nss@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/third_party/usrsctp@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
(Var("googlecode_url") % "sctp-refimpl") + "/trunk/KERN/usrsctp/usrsctplib@8723",
deps_os = {
"win": {
# Use our own, stripped down, version of Cygwin (required by GYP).
(Var("googlecode_url") % "webrtc") + "/deps/third_party/cygwin@2672",
(Var("googlecode_url") % "webrtc") + "/deps/third_party/winsdk_samples_v71@3145",
# Used by libjpeg-turbo.
From("chromium_deps", "src/third_party/yasm/binaries"),
# NSS, for SSLClientSocketNSS.
From("chromium_deps", "src/third_party/nss"),
# SyzyASan to make it possible to run tests under ASan on Windows.
From("chromium_deps", "src/third_party/syzygy/binaries"),
"mac": {
# NSS, for SSLClientSocketNSS.
From("chromium_deps", "src/third_party/nss"),
"ios": {
# NSS, for SSLClientSocketNSS.
From("chromium_deps", "src/third_party/nss"),
# class-dump utility to generate header files for undocumented SDKs.
From("chromium_deps", "src/testing/iossim/third_party/class-dump"),
# Helper for running under the simulator.
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/testing/iossim@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
"unix": {
From("chromium_deps", "src/third_party/gold"),
"android": {
# Precompiled tools needed for Android test execution. Needed since we can't
# compile them from source in WebRTC since they depend on Chromium's base.
(Var("googlecode_url") % "webrtc") + "/deps/tools/android@4258",
From("chromium_deps", "src/third_party/android_tools"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/third_party/android_testrunner@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
Var("webkit_trunk") + "/Tools/Scripts@151677",
From("chromium_deps", "src/third_party/openssl"),
hooks = [
# Copy .gn from temporary place (../chromium_gn) to root_dir.
"name": "copy .gn",
"pattern": ".",
"action": ["python", Var("root_dir") + "/build/cp.py",
Var("root_dir") + "/../chromium_gn/.gn",
# Pull GN binaries. This needs to be before running GYP below.
"name": "gn_win",
"pattern": "tools/gn/bin/win/gn.exe.sha1",
"action": [ "download_from_google_storage",
"--bucket", "chromium-gn",
"-s", Var("root_dir") + "/tools/gn/bin/win/gn.exe.sha1",
"name": "gn_mac",
"pattern": "tools/gn/bin/mac/gn.sha1",
"action": [ "download_from_google_storage",
"--bucket", "chromium-gn",
"-s", Var("root_dir") + "/tools/gn/bin/mac/gn.sha1",
"name": "gn_linux",
"pattern": "tools/gn/bin/linux/gn.sha1",
"action": [ "download_from_google_storage",
"--bucket", "chromium-gn",
"-s", Var("root_dir") + "/tools/gn/bin/linux/gn.sha1",
"name": "gn_linux32",
"pattern": "tools/gn/bin/linux/gn32.sha1",
"action": [ "download_from_google_storage",
"--bucket", "chromium-gn",
"-s", Var("root_dir") + "/tools/gn/bin/linux/gn32.sha1",
# Pull clang on mac. If nothing changed, or on non-mac platforms, this takes
# zero seconds to run. If something changed, it downloads a prebuilt clang.
"pattern": ".",
"action": ["python", Var("root_dir") + "/tools/clang/scripts/update.py",
# Update the cygwin mount on Windows.
# This is necessary to get the correct mapping between e.g. /bin and the
# cygwin path on Windows. Without it we can't run bash scripts in actions.
# Ideally this should be solved in "pylib/gyp/msvs_emulation.py".
"pattern": ".",
"action": ["python", Var("root_dir") + "/build/win/setup_cygwin_mount.py",
# Download test resources, i.e. video and audio files from Google Storage.
"pattern": "\\.sha1",
"action": ["download_from_google_storage",
"--bucket", "chromium-webrtc-resources",
Var("root_dir") + "/resources"],
# A change to a .gyp, .gypi, or to GYP itself should run the generator.
"pattern": ".",
"action": ["python", Var("root_dir") + "/build/gyp_chromium",
"--depth=" + Var("root_dir"), Var("root_dir") + "/all.gyp",