kjellander@webrtc.org 3365422c41 Isolate GYP target and .isolate files for tests
This is a re-land attempt of http://review.webrtc.org/1673004/
It now includes a build/isolate.gypi in WebRTC that includes the same
file as the one that would be included when WebRTC is used in a Chromium
checkout. It is needed since it is not possible to use variables in GYP's
includes sections.

Implemented according to the instructions at

Workflow has been like this:
1. create _run GYP target
2. create a stripped down .isolate file
3. export GYP_DEFINES="$GYP_DEFINES test_isolation_mode=check"
4. runhooks
5. compile
6. test if the test would run (i.e. find it's dependencies) without
   actually executing it:
   tools/swarm_client/isolate.py run --isolated out/Release/testname.isolated
7. If failing, run the fix_test_cases.py script like this:
   tools/swarm_client/googletest/fix_test_cases.py --isolated out/Release/testname.isolated

All tests that run on the bots for WebRTC has got _run target
and .isolate file created.

"Normal tests" that run fine on any machine:
* audio_decoder_unittests
* common_audio_unittests
* common_video_unittests
* metrics_unittests
* modules_tests
* modules_unittests
* neteq_unittests
* system_wrappers_unittests
* test_support_unittests
* tools_unittests
* video_engine_core_unittests
* voice_engine_unittests

Tests that requires bare-metal and audio/video devices:
* audio_device_tests
* video_capture_tests

I also added the isolate boilerplate code for the following
tests that are not yet pure gtest binaries (which means they
cannot run isolated yet):
* video_render_tests
* vie_auto_test
* voe_auto_test

TEST=running isolate.py as described above. WebRTC trybots passing. Created a Chromium checkout with third_party/webrtc ToT and this patch applied, passing the runhooks step.
R=henrike@webrtc.org, tommi@webrtc.org

Review URL: https://webrtc-codereview.appspot.com/2056004

git-svn-id: http://webrtc.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@4590 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
2013-08-22 07:57:00 +00:00

236 lines
7.9 KiB

use_relative_paths = True
vars = {
# Override root_dir in your .gclient's custom_vars to specify a custom root
# folder name.
"root_dir": "trunk",
"extra_gyp_flag": "-Dextra_gyp_flag=0",
# Use this googlecode_url variable only if there is an internal mirror for it.
# If you do not know, use the full path while defining your new deps entry.
"googlecode_url": "http://%s.googlecode.com/svn",
"sourceforge_url": "http://svn.code.sf.net/p/%(repo)s/code",
"chromium_trunk" : "http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk",
"chromium_revision": "217707",
# A small subset of WebKit is needed for the Android Python test framework.
"webkit_trunk": "http://src.chromium.org/blink/trunk",
# NOTE: Prefer revision numbers to tags for svn deps. Use http rather than
# https; the latter can cause problems for users behind proxies.
deps = {
File(Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/DEPS@" + Var("chromium_revision")),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/build@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
# Needed by common.gypi.
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/google_apis/build@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/testing@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
From("chromium_deps", "src/testing/gmock"),
From("chromium_deps", "src/testing/gtest"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/third_party/expat@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
# When rolling gflags, also update deps/third_party/webrtc/webrtc.DEPS/DEPS
# in Chromium's repo.
(Var("googlecode_url") % "gflags") + "/trunk/src@84",
From("chromium_deps", "src/third_party/icu"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/third_party/jsoncpp@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
(Var("sourceforge_url") % {"repo": "jsoncpp"}) + "/trunk/jsoncpp@248",
(Var("googlecode_url") % "webrtc") + "/deps/third_party/junit@3367",
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/third_party/libjpeg@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
From("chromium_deps", "src/third_party/libjpeg_turbo"),
From("chromium_deps", "src/third_party/libsrtp"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/deps/third_party/libvpx@212975",
(Var("googlecode_url") % "libyuv") + "/trunk@723",
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/third_party/opus@185405",
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/deps/third_party/opus@185324",
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/third_party/protobuf@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/third_party/sqlite@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/third_party/yasm@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
From("chromium_deps", "src/third_party/yasm/source/patched-yasm"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/tools/clang@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
From("chromium_deps", "src/tools/gyp"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/tools/protoc_wrapper@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/tools/python@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/tools/swarm_client@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/tools/valgrind@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
# Needed by build/common.gypi.
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/tools/win/supalink@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
deps_os = {
"win": {
# Use our own, stripped down, version of Cygwin (required by GYP).
(Var("googlecode_url") % "webrtc") + "/deps/third_party/cygwin@2672",
(Var("googlecode_url") % "webrtc") + "/deps/third_party/winsdk_samples_v71@3145",
# Used by libjpeg-turbo.
From("chromium_deps", "src/third_party/yasm/binaries"),
# NSS, for SSLClientSocketNSS.
From("chromium_deps", "src/third_party/nss"),
"mac": {
# NSS, for SSLClientSocketNSS.
From("chromium_deps", "src/third_party/nss"),
# TODO(fischman): delete this in favor of the copy in "ios" below, once the
# webrtc iOS bots are fixed to target_os=['ios'] in their .gclient
# https://code.google.com/p/webrtc/issues/detail?id=2152
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/net/third_party/nss@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
"ios": {
# NSS, for SSLClientSocketNSS.
From("chromium_deps", "src/third_party/nss"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/net/third_party/nss@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
# class-dump utility to generate header files for undocumented SDKs.
From("chromium_deps", "src/testing/iossim/third_party/class-dump"),
# Helper for running under the simulator.
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/testing/iossim@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
"unix": {
From("chromium_deps", "src/third_party/gold"),
From("chromium_deps", "src/third_party/openssl"),
"android": {
# Precompiled tools needed for Android test execution. Needed since we can't
# compile them from source in WebRTC since they depend on Chromium's base.
(Var("googlecode_url") % "webrtc") + "/deps/tools/android@4258",
(Var("googlecode_url") % "webrtc") + "/deps/tools/android-dummy-test@4244",
From("chromium_deps", "src/third_party/android_tools"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/third_party/android_testrunner@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
Var("webkit_trunk") + "/Tools/Scripts@151677",
From("chromium_deps", "src/third_party/openssl"),
hooks = [
# Create a supplement.gypi file under trunk/webrtc. This file will be picked
# up by gyp and used to enable the standalone build.
"pattern": ".",
"action": ["python", Var("root_dir") + "/tools/create_supplement_gypi.py",
Var("root_dir") + "/webrtc/supplement.gypi"],
# Pull clang on mac. If nothing changed, or on non-mac platforms, this takes
# zero seconds to run. If something changed, it downloads a prebuilt clang.
"pattern": ".",
"action": ["python", Var("root_dir") + "/tools/clang/scripts/update.py",
# Update the cygwin mount on Windows.
# This is necessary to get the correct mapping between e.g. /bin and the
# cygwin path on Windows. Without it we can't run bash scripts in actions.
# Ideally this should be solved in "pylib/gyp/msvs_emulation.py".
"pattern": ".",
"action": ["python", Var("root_dir") + "/build/win/setup_cygwin_mount.py",
# Download test resources, i.e. video and audio files. If the latest
# version is already downloaded, this takes zero seconds to run.
# If a newer version or no current download exists, it will download
# the resources and extract them.
"pattern": ".",
"action": ["python", Var("root_dir") + "/webrtc/tools/update_resources.py"],
# A change to a .gyp, .gypi, or to GYP itself should run the generator.
"pattern": ".",
"action": ["python", Var("root_dir") + "/build/gyp_chromium",
"--depth=" + Var("root_dir"), Var("root_dir") + "/all.gyp",