12cccddc63 NS-SWB: Actived SWB processing at once, i.e., no startup phase.
Performance verified on a few 32 kHz files.
TEST=audioproc, audioproc_unittest

Updated output_data_float.pb
Changes in SWB tests (3, 6, 9 and 12) as

Running test 3 of 12...
src/modules/audio_processing/test/ Failure
Value of: max_output_average
  Actual: 1363
Expected: test->max_output_average()
Which is: 1386

Running test 6 of 12...
src/modules/audio_processing/test/ Failure
Value of: max_output_average
  Actual: 2070
Expected: test->max_output_average()
Which is: 2109

Running test 9 of 12...
src/modules/audio_processing/test/ Failure
Value of: max_output_average
  Actual: 1314
Expected: test->max_output_average()
Which is: 1336

Running test 12 of 12...
src/modules/audio_processing/test/ Failure
Value of: max_output_average
  Actual: 2049
Expected: test->max_output_average()
Which is: 2085
Review URL:

git-svn-id: 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
2012-01-19 08:56:38 +00:00
2011-09-12 16:44:37 +00:00