Also changing generate_gypi.sh to sort the list of files before writing gypis. TBR=andrew@webrtc.org BUG= Review URL: https://webrtc-codereview.appspot.com/751004 git-svn-id: http://webrtc.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2657 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
146 lines
4.2 KiB
Executable File
146 lines
4.2 KiB
Executable File
#!/bin/bash -e
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script is used to generate .gypi files needed to build libvpx.
# Every time libvpx source code is updated just run this script.
# For example:
# $ ./generate_gypi.sh
# And this will update all the .gypi files needed.
# Configuration for building on each platform is taken from the
# corresponding vpx_config.h
# Convert a list of source files into gypi file.
# $1 - Input file.
# $2 - Output gypi file.
function convert_srcs_to_gypi {
# Do the following here:
# 1. Filter .c, .h, .s, .S and .asm files.
# 2. Exclude *_offsets.c.
# 3. Exclude vpx_config.c.
# 4. Repelace .asm.s to .asm because gyp will do the conversion.
local source_list=`grep -E '(\.c|\.h|\.S|\.s|\.asm)$' $1 | grep -v '_offsets\.c' | grep -v 'vpx_config\.c' | sed s/\.asm\.s$/.asm/ | sort`
# Build the gypi file.
echo "# This file is generated. Do not edit." > $2
echo "# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved." >> $2
echo "# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be" >> $2
echo "# found in the LICENSE file." >> $2
echo "" >> $2
echo "{" >> $2
echo " 'sources': [" >> $2
for f in $source_list
echo " '$LIBVPX_SRC_DIR/$f'," >> $2
echo " ]," >> $2
echo "}" >> $2
# Clean files from previous make.
function make_clean {
make clean > /dev/null
rm -f libvpx_srcs.txt
# Lint a pair of vpx_config.h and vpx_config.asm to make sure they match.
# $1 - Header file directory.
function lint_config {
$BASE_DIR/lint_config.sh \
-h $BASE_DIR/$LIBVPX_CONFIG_DIR/$1/vpx_config.h \
-a $BASE_DIR/$LIBVPX_CONFIG_DIR/$1/vpx_config.asm
# Print the configuration.
# $1 - Header file directory.
function print_config {
$BASE_DIR/lint_config.sh -p \
-h $BASE_DIR/$LIBVPX_CONFIG_DIR/$1/vpx_config.h \
-a $BASE_DIR/$LIBVPX_CONFIG_DIR/$1/vpx_config.asm
# Generate vpx_rtcd.h.
# $1 - Header file directory.
# $2 - Architecture.
function gen_rtcd_header {
echo "Generate $LIBVPX_CONFIG_DIR/$1/vpx_rtcd.h."
rm -rf $BASE_DIR/$TEMP_DIR/libvpx.config
$BASE_DIR/lint_config.sh -p \
-h $BASE_DIR/$LIBVPX_CONFIG_DIR/$1/vpx_config.h \
-a $BASE_DIR/$LIBVPX_CONFIG_DIR/$1/vpx_config.asm \
-o $BASE_DIR/$TEMP_DIR/libvpx.config
$BASE_DIR/$LIBVPX_SRC_DIR/build/make/rtcd.sh \
--arch=$2 \
--sym=vpx_rtcd \
--config=$BASE_DIR/$TEMP_DIR/libvpx.config \
$BASE_DIR/$LIBVPX_SRC_DIR/vp8/common/rtcd_defs.sh \
> $BASE_DIR/$LIBVPX_CONFIG_DIR/$1/vpx_rtcd.h
rm -rf $BASE_DIR/$TEMP_DIR/libvpx.config
echo "Lint libvpx configuration."
lint_config linux/ia32
lint_config linux/x64
lint_config linux/arm
lint_config linux/arm-neon
lint_config win/ia32
lint_config mac/ia32
echo "Create temporary directory."
rm -rf $TEMP_DIR
gen_rtcd_header linux/ia32 x86
gen_rtcd_header linux/x64 x86_64
gen_rtcd_header linux/arm armv5te
gen_rtcd_header linux/arm-neon armv7
gen_rtcd_header win/ia32 x86
gen_rtcd_header mac/ia32 x86
echo "Prepare Makefile."
./configure --target=generic-gnu > /dev/null
echo "Generate X86 source list."
config=$(print_config linux/ia32)
make libvpx_srcs.txt target=libs $config > /dev/null
convert_srcs_to_gypi libvpx_srcs.txt $BASE_DIR/libvpx_srcs_x86.gypi
echo "Generate X86_64 source list."
config=$(print_config linux/x64)
make libvpx_srcs.txt target=libs $config > /dev/null
convert_srcs_to_gypi libvpx_srcs.txt $BASE_DIR/libvpx_srcs_x86_64.gypi
echo "Generate ARM source list."
config=$(print_config linux/arm)
make libvpx_srcs.txt target=libs $config > /dev/null
convert_srcs_to_gypi libvpx_srcs.txt $BASE_DIR/libvpx_srcs_arm.gypi
echo "Generate ARM NEON source list."
config=$(print_config linux/arm-neon)
make libvpx_srcs.txt target=libs $config > /dev/null
convert_srcs_to_gypi libvpx_srcs.txt $BASE_DIR/libvpx_srcs_arm_neon.gypi
echo "Remove temporary directory."
rm -rf $TEMP_DIR