#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license # that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source # tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found # in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may # be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. __author__ = 'ivinnichenko@webrtc.org (Illya Vinnichenko)' import buildbot import ntpath import os import posixpath import sys import urlparse from buildbot.process import factory from buildbot.process import properties from buildbot.process.properties import WithProperties from buildbot.steps.shell import ShellCommand from master import chromium_step from master.factory import gclient_factory # Defines the order of the booleans of the supported platforms in the test # dictionaries in master.cfg. SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS = ('Linux', 'Mac', 'Windows') WEBRTC_SOLUTION_NAME = 'trunk' WEBRTC_SVN_LOCATION = 'http://webrtc.googlecode.com/svn/trunk' WEBRTC_TRUNK_DIR = 'build/trunk/' WEBRTC_BUILD_DIR = 'build/' VALGRIND_CMD = ['tools/valgrind-webrtc/webrtc_tests.sh', '-t', 'cmdline'] DEFAULT_COVERAGE_DIR = '/var/www/coverage/' DEFAULT_MASTER_WORK_DIR = '.' GCLIENT_RETRIES = 3 # Copied from trunk/tools/build/scripts/master/factory/chromium_factory.py # but converted to a list since we set defines instead of using an environment # variable. # # On valgrind bots, override the optimizer settings so we don't inline too # much and make the stacks harder to figure out. Use the same settings # on all buildbot masters to make it easier to move bots. MEMORY_TOOLS_GYP_DEFINES = [ # GCC flags 'mac_debug_optimization=1 ', 'mac_release_optimization=1 ', 'release_optimize=1 ', 'no_gc_sections=1 ', 'debug_extra_cflags="-g -fno-inline -fno-omit-frame-pointer ' '-fno-builtin -fno-optimize-sibling-calls" ', 'release_extra_cflags="-g -fno-inline -fno-omit-frame-pointer ' '-fno-builtin -fno-optimize-sibling-calls" ', # MSVS flags 'win_debug_RuntimeChecks=0 ', 'win_debug_disable_iterator_debugging=1 ', 'win_debug_Optimization=1 ', 'win_debug_InlineFunctionExpansion=0 ', 'win_release_InlineFunctionExpansion=0 ', 'win_release_OmitFramePointers=0 ', 'linux_use_tcmalloc=1 ', 'release_valgrind_build=1 ', 'werror= ', ] class WebRTCFactory(factory.BuildFactory): """Abstract superclass for all build factories. A build factory defines a sequence of steps to take in a build process. This class provides some helper methods and some abstract methods that can be overridden to create customized build sequences. """ def __init__(self, build_status_oracle, is_try_slave=False, gclient_solution_name=WEBRTC_SOLUTION_NAME, svn_url=WEBRTC_SVN_LOCATION, custom_deps_list=None, safesync_url=None): """Creates the abstract factory. Args: build_status_oracle: An instance of BuildStatusOracle which is used to keep track of our build state. is_try_slave: If this bot is a try slave. Needed since we're handling some things differently between normal slaves and try slaves. gclient_solution_name: The name of the solution used for gclient. svn_url: The Subversion URL for gclient to sync agains. custom_deps_list: Content to be put in the custom_deps entry of the .gclient file. The parameter must be a list of tuples with two strings in each: path and remote URL. safesync_url: If a LKGR URL shall be used for the gclient sync command. """ factory.BuildFactory.__init__(self) self.build_status_oracle = build_status_oracle self.is_try_slave = is_try_slave self.properties = properties.Properties() self.gyp_params = ['-Dfastbuild=1'] # No debug symbols = build speedup self.release = False self.path_joiner = PosixPathJoin # For GClient solution definition: self.gclient_solution_name = gclient_solution_name self.svn_url = svn_url self.custom_deps_list = custom_deps_list self.safesync_url = safesync_url def EnableBuild(self): """Adds steps for building WebRTC [must be overridden]. Implementations of this method must add clean and build steps so that when all steps have been run, we have an up-to-date, complete and correct build of WebRTC for the platform. It is up to the method how to do this. """ pass def EnableTests(self, tests): """Adds test run steps for all tests in the list. This method must be run after enabling the build. Args: tests: list of test to be run. """ for test in tests: self.EnableTest(test) def AddCommonStep(self, cmd, descriptor='', workdir=WEBRTC_TRUNK_DIR, halt_build_on_failure=True, warn_on_failure=False): """Adds a step which will run as a shell command on the slave. NOTE: you are recommended to use this method to add new shell commands instead of the base-class addStep method, since steps added here will work with the smart-clean system (e.g. only do a full rebuild if the previous build failed). Steps handled outside this method will not lead to a full rebuild on the next build if they fail. Args: cmd: The command to run. This command follows the contract for ShellCommand, so see that documentation for more details. descriptor: A string, or a list of strings, describing what the step does. The descriptor gets printed in the waterfall display. workdir: The working directory to run the command in, relative to the bot's build name directory. The WebRTC root will generally be in build/trunk/ relative to that directory. The caller is responsible for making sure that the slashes are flipped the right way depending on platform, which means you can't use the default value if the step will run on a Windows machine. halt_build_on_failure: Stops the build dead in its tracks if this step fails. Use for critical steps. This option does not make sense with warn_on_failure. warn_on_failure: If true, this step isn't that important and will not cause a failed build on failure. """ flunk_on_failure = not warn_on_failure if type(descriptor) is str: descriptor = [descriptor] # Add spaces to wrap long test names to make waterfall output more compact. wrapped_text = self._WrapLongLines(descriptor) self.addStep(MonitoredShellCommand( build_status_oracle=self.build_status_oracle, command=cmd, workdir=workdir, description=wrapped_text + ['running...'], descriptionDone=wrapped_text, warnOnFailure=warn_on_failure, flunkOnFailure=flunk_on_failure, haltOnFailure=halt_build_on_failure, name='_'.join(descriptor))) def AddSmartCleanStep(self): """Adds a smart clean step. Smart clean only cleans the whole repository if the build status oracle thinks the last build failed. Otherwise it cleans just the build output. """ self.addStep(SmartClean(self.build_status_oracle, self.is_try_slave, self.path_joiner, workdir=WEBRTC_BUILD_DIR)) def AddCommonTestRunStep(self, test, descriptor='', cmd=None): """Adds a step for running a single test [must be overridden]. In general, failing tests should not halt the build and allow other tests to execute. A failing test should fail, or 'flunk', the build though. The working directory for this command will be the WebRTC root directory (generally build/trunk). Implementations of this method must add new steps through AddCommonStep and not by calling addStep. Args: test: The test binary name. The step will attempt to execute this binary in the binary output folder, except if the cmd argument is defined (in that case, we will run cmd instead and just use the test name in the descriptor). descriptor: This should either be a string or a list of strings. The descriptor or descriptors are appended to the test name and displayed in the waterfall. cmd: If necessary, you can specify this argument to override the default behavior, which is to just run the binary specified in test without arguments. """ pass def EnableTest(self, test): """Makes a test run in the build sequence. May be overridden. Override to handle special cases for specific platforms, for instance if a particular test binary requires command line arguments. Args: test: The test name to enable. """ self.AddCommonTestRunStep(test) def AddGclientSyncStep(self): """Helper method for invoking gclient sync.""" gclient_spec = self._ConfigureWhatToBuild() env = self._GetEnvironmentWithDisabledDepotToolsUpdate() # Define how the GClient command shall be executed. # Try 4+1=5 times, 10 seconds apart. retry = (10, 4) # Subversion timeout is by default 2 minutes; we allow 5 minutes. timeout = 60*5 # Removal can take a long time. Allow 15 minutes. rm_timeout = 60*15 self.addStep(chromium_step.GClient, gclient_spec=gclient_spec, svnurl=WEBRTC_SVN_LOCATION, workdir='build', mode='update', env=env, retry=retry, timeout=timeout, rm_timeout=rm_timeout) def AddCommonGYPStep(self, gyp_file, gyp_params=[], descriptor='gyp'): """Helper method for invoking GYP on WebRTC. GYP will generate makefiles or its equivalent in a platform-specific manner. A failed GYP step will halt the build. This command will run in the WebRTC root directory (generally build/trunk). Args: gyp_file: The root GYP file to use. gyp_params: Custom GYP parameters (same semantics as the GYP_PARAMS environment variable). descriptor: The descriptor to use for the step. """ cmd = ['./build/gyp_chromium', '--depth=.', gyp_file] cmd += gyp_params + self.gyp_params self.AddCommonStep(cmd=cmd, descriptor=descriptor) def _ConfigureWhatToBuild(self): """Returns a string with the contents of a .gclient file.""" solution = gclient_factory.GClientSolution(name=self.gclient_solution_name, svn_url=self.svn_url, custom_deps_list=self.custom_deps_list, safesync_url=self.safesync_url) return 'solutions = [ %s ]' % solution.GetSpec() def _GetEnvironmentWithDisabledDepotToolsUpdate(self): """Returns a dictionary of environment variables to be used by GClient.""" env = {} env['DEPOT_TOOLS_UPDATE'] = '0' return env def _WrapLongLines(self, string_list, max_line_length=25, wrap_character='_'): """ Creates a list with wrapped strings for lines that are too long. This is done by inserting spaces to long lines with the wrap character in. It's a simple way to make long test targets wrap nicer in the waterfall display. This method should only be used for lists that are displayed in the web interface! Args: string_list: List of strings where each string represents one line. max_line_length: Number of characters a line may have to avoid getting wrapped. wrap_character: The character we're looking for when inserting a space if a string is larger than max_line_length. If no such character is found, no space will be inserted. Returns: A new list of the same length as the input list, but with strings that may contain extra spaces in them, if longer than the max length. """ result = [] for line in string_list: if len(line) > max_line_length: index = line.rfind(wrap_character) if index != -1: line = line[:index] + ' ' + line[index:] result.append(line) return result class BuildStatusOracle: """Keeps track of a particular build's state. The oracle uses files in the default master work directory to keep track of whether a build has failed. It only keeps track of the most recent build until told to forget it. """ def __init__(self, builder_name): """Creates the oracle. Args: builder_name: The name of the associated builder. This name is used in the filename on disk. This name should be unique. """ self.builder_name = builder_name self.master_work_dir = DEFAULT_MASTER_WORK_DIR def LastBuildSucceeded(self): failure_file_path = self._GetFailureBuildPath() return not os.path.exists(failure_file_path) def ForgetLastBuild(self): if not self.LastBuildSucceeded(): os.remove(self._GetFailureBuildPath()) def SetLastBuildAsFailed(self): open(self._GetFailureBuildPath(), 'w').close() def _GetFailureBuildPath(self): return os.path.join(self.master_work_dir, self.builder_name + ".failed") class MonitoredShellCommand(ShellCommand): """Wraps a shell command and notifies the oracle if the command fails.""" def __init__(self, build_status_oracle, **kwargs): ShellCommand.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.addFactoryArguments(build_status_oracle=build_status_oracle) self.build_status_oracle = build_status_oracle def finished(self, results): if (results == buildbot.status.builder.FAILURE or results == buildbot.status.builder.EXCEPTION): self.build_status_oracle.SetLastBuildAsFailed() ShellCommand.finished(self, results) class SmartClean(ShellCommand): """Cleans the repository fully or partially depending on the build state.""" def __init__(self, build_status_oracle, is_try_slave, path_joiner, **kwargs): """Args: build_status_oracle: class that knows if the previous build failed. is_try_slave: if the current factory is a try slave. path_joiner: function to create paths for the current platform, given a number of path elements in string form. """ ShellCommand.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.addFactoryArguments(build_status_oracle=build_status_oracle, is_try_slave=is_try_slave, path_joiner=path_joiner) self.name = "Clean" self.haltOnFailure = True self.build_status_oracle = build_status_oracle self.is_try_slave = is_try_slave self.clean_script = path_joiner(WEBRTC_BUILD_DIR, '..', '..', '..', '..', '..', 'build_internal', 'symsrc', 'cleanup_build.py') def start(self): # Always do normal clean for try slaves, since nuking confuses the Chromium # scripts' GClient sync step. if self.is_try_slave or self.build_status_oracle.LastBuildSucceeded(): self.description = ['Clean'] cmd = 'python %s ' % self.clean_script else: self.build_status_oracle.ForgetLastBuild() self.description = ['Nuke Repository', '(Previous Failed)'] cmd = 'python %s --nuke' % self.clean_script self.setCommand(cmd) ShellCommand.start(self) class GenerateCodeCoverage(ShellCommand): """This custom shell command generates coverage HTML using genhtml. The command will dump the HTML output into coverage_dir, in a directory whose name is generated from the build number and slave name. We will expect that the coverage directory is somewhere under the web server root (i.e. public html root) that corresponds to the web server URL. That is, if we write Foo to the coverage directory we expect that directory to be reachable from url/Foo. """ def __init__(self, coverage_url, coverage_dir, coverage_file, **kwargs): """Prepares the coverage command. Args: coverage_url: The base URL for the serving web server we will use when we generate the link to the coverage. This will generally be the slave's URL (something like http://slave-hostname/). coverage_dir: Where to write coverage HTML. coverage_file: The LCOV file to generate the coverage from. """ ShellCommand.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.addFactoryArguments(coverage_url=coverage_url, coverage_dir=coverage_dir, coverage_file=coverage_file) self.coverage_url = coverage_url self.coverage_dir = coverage_dir self.coverage_file = coverage_file self.description = ['Coverage Report'] self.warnOnFailure = True self.flunkOnFailure = False output_dir = os.path.join(coverage_dir, '%(buildername)s_%(buildnumber)s') generate_script = PosixPathJoin('tools', 'continuous_build', 'build_internal', 'scripts', 'generate_coverage_html.sh') self.setCommand([generate_script, coverage_file, WithProperties(output_dir)]) def createSummary(self, log): coverage_url = urlparse.urljoin(self.coverage_url, '%s_%s' % (self.getProperty('buildername'), self.getProperty('buildnumber'))) self.addURL('click here', coverage_url) def start(self): ShellCommand.start(self) class WebRTCAndroidFactory(WebRTCFactory): """Sets up the Android build.""" def __init__(self, build_status_oracle): WebRTCFactory.__init__(self, build_status_oracle) def EnableBuild(self, product='toro'): prefix = 'rm -rf out/target/product/%s/obj/' % product cleanup_list = [ 'rm -rf external/webrtc', prefix + 'STATIC_LIBRARIES/libwebrtc_*', prefix + 'SHARE_LIBRARIES/libwebrtc_*', prefix + 'EXECUTABLES/webrtc_*' ] cmd = ' ; '.join(cleanup_list) self.AddCommonStep(cmd, descriptor='cleanup') cmd = 'svn checkout %s external/webrtc' % WEBRTC_SVN_LOCATION self.AddCommonStep(cmd, descriptor='svn (checkout)') cmd = ('source build/envsetup.sh && lunch full_%s-eng ' '&& mmm external/webrtc showcommands' % product) self.AddCommonStep(cmd, descriptor='build') class WebRTCAndroidNDKFactory(WebRTCFactory): """Sets up the Android NDK build.""" def __init__(self, build_status_oracle): WebRTCFactory.__init__(self, build_status_oracle) def EnableBuild(self): self.AddSmartCleanStep() self.AddGclientSyncStep() self._AddAndroidStep(cmd='gclient runhooks', descriptor='gen_android_makefiles') self._AddAndroidStep(cmd='make -j100', descriptor='make') def _AddAndroidStep(self, cmd, descriptor): full_cmd = ('source build/android/buildbot_functions.sh &&' 'bb_setup_environment && ' 'source build/android/envsetup.sh &&' '%s' % cmd) self.AddCommonStep(cmd=full_cmd, descriptor=descriptor) class WebRTCChromeFactory(WebRTCFactory): """Sets up the Chrome OS build.""" def __init__(self, build_status_oracle, gclient_solution_name, svn_url, custom_deps_list=None, safesync_url=None): WebRTCFactory.__init__(self, build_status_oracle=build_status_oracle, gclient_solution_name=gclient_solution_name, svn_url=svn_url, custom_deps_list=custom_deps_list, safesync_url=safesync_url) def EnableBuild(self): self.AddCommonStep(['rm', '-rf', 'src'], workdir=WEBRTC_BUILD_DIR, descriptor='Cleanup') self.AddGclientSyncStep() self.AddCommonMakeStep('chrome') def AddCommonMakeStep(self, target, make_extra=None): descriptor = ['make ' + target] cmd = ['make', target, '-j100'] if make_extra is not None: cmd.append(make_extra) self.AddCommonStep(cmd=cmd, descriptor=descriptor, warn_on_failure=True, workdir='build/src') class WebRTCLinuxFactory(WebRTCFactory): """Sets up the Linux build. This factory is quite configurable and can run a variety of builds. """ def __init__(self, build_status_oracle, is_try_slave=False, valgrind_enabled=False, custom_deps_list=None): WebRTCFactory.__init__(self, build_status_oracle=build_status_oracle, is_try_slave=is_try_slave, custom_deps_list=custom_deps_list) self.build_enabled = False self.coverage_enabled = False self.valgrind_enabled = valgrind_enabled def EnableCoverage(self, coverage_url, coverage_dir=DEFAULT_COVERAGE_DIR): """Enables coverage measurements using LCOV/GCOV. This method must be called before enabling build. Args: coverage_url: See the GenerateCodeCoverage command's contract for this argument. coverage_dir: See the GenerateCodeCoverage command's contract for this argument. """ assert self.build_enabled is False self.coverage_enabled = True self.coverage_url = coverage_url self.coverage_dir = coverage_dir def EnableBuild(self, release=False, build32=False, chrome_os=False, clang=False): if build32: self.gyp_params.append('-Dtarget_arch=ia32') self.build_enabled = True self.release = release self.AddSmartCleanStep() # Valgrind bots need special GYP defines to enable memory profiling # friendly compilation. They already has a custom .gclient configuration # file created so they don't need one being generated like the other bots. if self.valgrind_enabled: for gyp_define in MEMORY_TOOLS_GYP_DEFINES: self.gyp_params.append('-D' + gyp_define) self.AddGclientSyncStep() if chrome_os: self.gyp_params.append('-Dchromeos=1') if clang: self.gyp_params.append('-Dclang=1') if self.coverage_enabled: self.gyp_params.append('-Dcoverage=1') self.AddCommonGYPStep('webrtc.gyp', descriptor='CommonGYP') if clang: self.AddCommonStep(['trunk/tools/clang/scripts/update.sh'], workdir=WEBRTC_BUILD_DIR, descriptor='Update_Clang') if self.release: self.AddCommonMakeStep('all', make_extra='BUILDTYPE=Release') else: self.AddCommonMakeStep('all') def AddCommonTestRunStep(self, test, extra_text=None, cmd=None): descriptor = [test, extra_text] if extra_text else [test] if cmd is None: test_folder = 'Release' if self.release else 'Debug' cmd = ['out/%s/%s' % (test_folder, test)] if self.valgrind_enabled: cmd = VALGRIND_CMD + cmd self.AddCommonStep(cmd, descriptor=descriptor, halt_build_on_failure=False) def AddXvfbTestRunStep(self, test_name, test_binary, test_arguments=''): """ Adds a test to be run inside a XVFB window manager.""" cmd = ('xvfb-run ' '--server-args="-screen 0 800x600x24 -extension Composite" ' '%s %s' % (test_binary, test_arguments)) self.AddCommonTestRunStep(test=test_name, cmd=cmd) def AddCommonMakeStep(self, target, extra_text=None, make_extra=None): descriptor = ['make ' + target, extra_text] if extra_text else ['make ' + target] cmd = ['make', target, '-j100'] if make_extra: cmd.append(make_extra) self.AddCommonStep(cmd=cmd, descriptor=descriptor) def AddStepsToEstablishCoverageBaseline(self): self.AddCommonStep(['lcov', '--directory', '.', '--capture', '-b', '.', '--initial', '--output-file', 'webrtc_base.info'], warn_on_failure=True, halt_build_on_failure=False, descriptor='LCOV (Baseline Capture)') self.AddCommonStep(['lcov', '--extract', 'webrtc_base.info', '*/src/*', '--output', 'filtered.info'], warn_on_failure=True, halt_build_on_failure=False, descriptor='LCOV (Baseline Extract)') self.AddCommonStep(['lcov', '--remove', 'filtered.info', '*/usr/include/*', '/third*', '/testing/*', '*/test/*', '*_unittest.*', '*/mock/*', '--output', 'webrtc_base_filtered_final.info'], warn_on_failure=True, halt_build_on_failure=False, descriptor='LCOV (Baseline Filter)') def AddStepsToComputeCoverage(self): """Enable coverage data.""" # Delete all third-party .gcda files to save time and work around a bug # in lcov which tends to hang when capturing on libjpgturbo. clean_script = PosixPathJoin('tools', 'continuous_build', 'build_internal', 'scripts', 'clean_third_party_gcda.sh') self.AddCommonStep([clean_script], warn_on_failure=True, halt_build_on_failure=False, descriptor='LCOV (Delete 3rd party)') self.AddCommonStep(['lcov', '--directory', '.', '--capture', '-b', '.', '--output-file', 'webrtc.info'], warn_on_failure=True, halt_build_on_failure=False, descriptor='LCOV (Capture)') self.AddCommonStep(['lcov', '--extract', 'webrtc.info', '*/src/*', '--output', 'test.info'], warn_on_failure=True, halt_build_on_failure=False, descriptor='LCOV (Extract)') self.AddCommonStep(['lcov', '--remove', 'test.info', '*/usr/include/*', '/third*', '/testing/*', '*/test/*', '*_unittest.*', '*/mock/*', '--output', 'final.info'], warn_on_failure=True, halt_build_on_failure=False, descriptor='LCOV (Filter)') self.AddCommonStep(['lcov', '-a', 'webrtc_base_filtered_final.info', '-a', 'final.info', '-o', 'final.info'], warn_on_failure=True, halt_build_on_failure=False, descriptor='LCOV (Merge)') # This step isn't monitored but it's fine since it's not critical. self.addStep(GenerateCodeCoverage(coverage_url=self.coverage_url, coverage_dir=self.coverage_dir, coverage_file='final.info', workdir=WEBRTC_TRUNK_DIR)) def EnableTests(self, tests): if self.coverage_enabled: self.AddStepsToEstablishCoverageBaseline() WebRTCFactory.EnableTests(self, tests) if self.coverage_enabled: self.AddStepsToComputeCoverage() def EnableTest(self, test): """Adds a step for running a test on Linux. In general, this method will interpret the name as the name of a binary in the default build output directory, except for a few special cases which require custom command lines. Args: test: the test name as a string. """ if test == 'audioproc_unittest': self.AddCommonTestRunStep(test) self.AddCommonGYPStep('webrtc.gyp', gyp_params=['-Dprefer_fixed_point=1'], descriptor='GYP fixed point') self.AddCommonMakeStep(test, extra_text='(fixed point)') self.AddCommonTestRunStep(test, extra_text='(fixed point)') elif test == 'vie_auto_test': # TODO(phoglund): Enable the full stack test once it is completed and # nonflaky. binary = 'out/Debug/vie_auto_test' args = ( '--automated --gtest_filter="' '-ViEVideoVerificationTest.RunsFullStackWithoutErrors" ' '--capture_test_ensure_resolution_alignment_in_capture_device=false') self.AddXvfbTestRunStep(test_name=test, test_binary=binary, test_arguments=args) elif test == 'video_render_module_test': self.AddXvfbTestRunStep(test_name=test, test_binary='out/Debug/video_render_module_test') elif test == 'voe_auto_test': cmd = 'out/Debug/voe_auto_test --automated' self.AddCommonTestRunStep(test=test, cmd=cmd) else: self.AddCommonTestRunStep(test) class WebRTCMacFactory(WebRTCFactory): """Sets up the Mac build, both for make and xcode.""" def __init__(self, build_status_oracle, is_try_slave=False): WebRTCFactory.__init__(self, build_status_oracle, is_try_slave) self.build_type = 'both' self.allowed_build_types = ['both', 'xcode', 'make'] def EnableBuild(self, build_type='both', release=False): self.release = release if build_type not in self.allowed_build_types: print '*** INCORRECT BUILD TYPE (%s)!!! ***' % build_type sys.exit(0) else: self.build_type = build_type self.AddSmartCleanStep() self.AddGclientSyncStep() if self.build_type == 'make' or self.build_type == 'both': self.AddCommonGYPStep('webrtc.gyp', gyp_params=['-f', 'make'], descriptor='EnableMake') self.AddCommonMakeStep('all') def AddCommonTestRunStep(self, test, extra_text=None, cmd=None): descriptor = [test, extra_text] if extra_text else [test] if cmd is None: out_path = 'xcodebuild' if self.build_type == 'xcode' else 'out' test_folder = 'Release' if self.release else 'Debug' cmd = ['%s/%s/%s' % (out_path, test_folder, test)] if self.build_type == 'xcode' or self.build_type == 'both': self.AddCommonStep(cmd, descriptor=descriptor + ['(xcode)'], halt_build_on_failure=False) # Execute test only for 'make' build type. # If 'both' is enabled we'll only execute the 'xcode' built ones. if self.build_type == 'make': self.AddCommonStep(cmd, descriptor=descriptor + ['(make)'], halt_build_on_failure=False) def AddCommonMakeStep(self, target, extra_text=None, make_extra=None): descriptor = [target, extra_text] if extra_text else [target] if self.build_type == 'make' or self.build_type == 'both': cmd = ['make', target, '-j100'] if make_extra is not None: cmd.append(make_extra) if self.release: cmd.append('BUILDTYPE=Release') self.AddCommonStep(cmd, descriptor=descriptor + ['(make)']) if self.build_type == 'xcode' or self.build_type == 'both': configuration = 'Release' if self.release else 'Debug' cmd = ['xcodebuild', '-project', 'webrtc.xcodeproj', '-configuration', configuration, '-target', 'All'] self.AddCommonStep(cmd, descriptor=descriptor + ['(xcode)']) class WebRTCWinFactory(WebRTCFactory): """Sets up the Windows build. Allows building with Debug, Release or both in sequence. """ # Must provide full path to the command since we cannot add custom paths to # the PATH environment variable when using Chromium buildbot startup scripts. BUILD_CMD = r'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\msbuild.exe' def __init__(self, build_status_oracle, is_try_slave=False): WebRTCFactory.__init__(self, build_status_oracle, is_try_slave) self.configuration = 'Debug' self.platform = 'x64' self.allowed_platforms = ['x64', 'Win32'] self.allowed_configurations = ['Debug', 'Release', 'both'] self.path_joiner = WindowsPathJoin def AddCommonStep(self, cmd, descriptor='', workdir=WEBRTC_TRUNK_DIR, halt_build_on_failure=True, warn_on_failure=False): workdir = workdir.replace('/', '\\') WebRTCFactory.AddCommonStep(self, cmd, descriptor, workdir, halt_build_on_failure, warn_on_failure) def EnableBuild(self, platform='Win32', configuration='Debug'): if platform not in self.allowed_platforms: raise UnsupportedConfigurationError('Platform %s is not supported.' % platform) if configuration not in self.allowed_configurations: raise UnsupportedConfigurationError('Configuration %s is not supported.' % configuration) self.platform = platform self.configuration = configuration # List possible interfering processes here to make it easier to debug what # processes can interfere with us. cmd = '%WINDIR%\\system32\\tasklist || set ERRORLEVEL=0' self.AddCommonStep(cmd, 'list_processes') # Since Windows is very picky about locking files, make sure to kill # any interfering processes. Feel free to add more process kill steps if # necessary. cmd = '%WINDIR%\\system32\\taskkill /f /im svn.exe || set ERRORLEVEL=0' self.AddCommonStep(cmd, 'svnkill') # TODO(kjellander): Enable for normal slaves too when all are moved over to # the new slave architecture. if self.is_try_slave: # Run the Chromium kill process script. It requires the handle.exe to be # copied into third_party/psutils in order to not fail. # Download from: # http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896655.aspx # To avoid having to modify kill_processes.py, we set the working dir to # the build dir (three levels up from the build dir that contains # third_party/psutils). kill_script = WindowsPathJoin(WEBRTC_BUILD_DIR, '..', '..', '..', '..', 'scripts', 'slave', 'kill_processes.py') cmd = 'python %s' % kill_script self.AddCommonStep(cmd, 'taskkill', workdir=WEBRTC_BUILD_DIR) # Now do the clean + build. self.AddSmartCleanStep() self.AddGclientSyncStep() if self.configuration == 'Debug' or self.configuration == 'both': cmd = [WebRTCWinFactory.BUILD_CMD, 'webrtc.sln', '/t:Clean', '/p:Configuration=Debug;Platform=%s' % (self.platform)] self.AddCommonStep(cmd, descriptor='Build(Clean)') cmd = [WebRTCWinFactory.BUILD_CMD, 'webrtc.sln', '/p:Configuration=Debug;Platform=%s' % (self.platform)] self.AddCommonStep(cmd, descriptor='Build(Debug)') if self.configuration == 'Release' or self.configuration == 'both': cmd = [WebRTCWinFactory.BUILD_CMD, 'webrtc.sln', '/t:Clean', '/p:Configuration=Release;Platform=%s' % (self.platform)] self.AddCommonStep(cmd, descriptor='Build(Clean)') cmd = [WebRTCWinFactory.BUILD_CMD, 'webrtc.sln', '/p:Configuration=Release;Platform=%s' % (self.platform)] self.AddCommonStep(cmd, descriptor='Build(Release)') def AddCommonTestRunStep(self, test, cmd=None): descriptor = [test] if self.configuration == 'Debug' or self.configuration == 'both': if cmd is None: cmd = ['build\Debug\%s.exe' % test] self.AddCommonStep(cmd, descriptor=descriptor, halt_build_on_failure=False) if self.configuration == 'Release' or self.configuration == 'both': if cmd is None: cmd = ['build\Release\%s.exe' % test] self.AddCommonStep(cmd, descriptor=descriptor, halt_build_on_failure=False) # Utility functions def PosixPathJoin(*args): return posixpath.normpath(posixpath.join(*args)) def WindowsPathJoin(*args): return ntpath.normpath(ntpath.join(*args)) class UnsupportedConfigurationError(Exception): pass def GetEnabledTests(test_dict, platform): """Returns a list of enabled test names for the provided platform. Args: test_dict: Dictionary mapping test names to tuples representing if the test shall be enabled on each platform. Each tuple contains one boolean for each platform. The platforms are in the order specified by SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS. platform: The platform we're looking to get the tests for. Returns: A list of test names, sorted alphabetically. Raises: UnsupportedConfigurationError: if the platform supplied is not supported. """ if platform not in SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS: raise UnsupportedConfigurationError('Platform %s is not supported.' % platform) result = [] platform_index = SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS.index(platform) for test_name, enabled_platforms in test_dict.iteritems(): if enabled_platforms[platform_index]: result.append(test_name) result.sort() return result