/* * Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "media_optimization.h" #include "content_metrics_processing.h" #include "frame_dropper.h" #include "qm_select.h" namespace webrtc { VCMMediaOptimization::VCMMediaOptimization(WebRtc_Word32 id): _id(id), _maxBitRate(0), _sendCodecType(kVideoCodecUnknown), _codecWidth(0), _codecHeight(0), _userFrameRate(0), _lossProtOverhead(0), _packetLossEnc(0), _fractionLost(0), _sendStatisticsZeroEncode(0), _maxPayloadSize(1460), _lastBitRate(0), _targetBitRate(0), _incomingFrameRate(0), _enableQm(false), _videoProtectionCallback(NULL), _videoQMSettingsCallback(NULL), _encodedFrameSamples(), _avgSentBitRateBps(0.0f), _keyFrameCnt(0), _deltaFrameCnt(0), _lastQMUpdateTime(0), _lastChangeTime(0) { memset(_sendStatistics, 0, sizeof(_sendStatistics)); memset(_incomingFrameTimes, -1, sizeof(_incomingFrameTimes)); _frameDropper = new VCMFrameDropper(_id); _lossProtLogic = new VCMLossProtectionLogic(); _content = new VCMContentMetricsProcessing(); _qms = new VCMQmSelect(); } VCMMediaOptimization::~VCMMediaOptimization(void) { _lossProtLogic->ClearLossProtections(); delete _lossProtLogic; delete _frameDropper; delete _content; delete _qms; } WebRtc_Word32 VCMMediaOptimization::Reset() { memset(_incomingFrameTimes, -1, sizeof(_incomingFrameTimes)); InputFrameRate(); // Resets _incomingFrameRate _frameDropper->Reset(); _lossProtLogic->Reset(); _frameDropper->SetRates(0, 0); _content->Reset(); _qms->Reset(); _lossProtLogic->UpdateFrameRate(_incomingFrameRate); _lossProtLogic->Reset(); _sendStatisticsZeroEncode = 0; _lastBitRate = 0; _targetBitRate = 0; _lossProtOverhead = 0; _codecWidth = 0; _codecHeight = 0; _userFrameRate = 0; _keyFrameCnt = 0; _deltaFrameCnt = 0; _lastQMUpdateTime = 0; _lastChangeTime = 0; for (WebRtc_Word32 i = 0; i < kBitrateMaxFrameSamples; i++) { _encodedFrameSamples[i]._sizeBytes = -1; _encodedFrameSamples[i]._timeCompleteMs = -1; } _avgSentBitRateBps = 0.0f; return VCM_OK; } WebRtc_UWord32 VCMMediaOptimization::SetTargetRates(WebRtc_UWord32 bitRate, WebRtc_UWord8 &fractionLost, WebRtc_UWord32 roundTripTimeMs) { VCMProtectionMethod *selectedMethod = _lossProtLogic->SelectedMethod(); _lossProtLogic->UpdateBitRate(static_cast(bitRate)); _lossProtLogic->UpdateLossPr(fractionLost); _lossProtLogic->UpdateRtt(roundTripTimeMs); _lossProtLogic->UpdateResidualPacketLoss(static_cast(fractionLost)); VCMFecTypes fecType = kXORFec; // generic FEC _lossProtLogic->UpdateFecType(fecType); // Get frame rate for encoder: this is the actual/sent frame rate float actualFrameRate = SentFrameRate(); // sanity if (actualFrameRate < 1.0) { actualFrameRate = 1.0; } // Update frame rate for the loss protection logic class: frame rate should // be the actual/sent rate _lossProtLogic->UpdateFrameRate(actualFrameRate); _fractionLost = fractionLost; // The effective packet loss may be the received loss or filtered, i.e., // average or max filter may be used. // We should think about which filter is appropriate for low/high bit rates, // low/high loss rates, etc. WebRtc_UWord8 packetLossEnc = _lossProtLogic->FilteredLoss(); //For now use the filtered loss for computing the robustness settings _lossProtLogic->UpdateFilteredLossPr(packetLossEnc); // Rate cost of the protection methods _lossProtOverhead = 0; if (selectedMethod && (selectedMethod->Type() == kFEC || selectedMethod->Type() == kNackFec )) { // Update method will compute the robustness settings for the given // protection method and the overhead cost // the protection method is set by the user via SetVideoProtection. // The robustness settings are: the effective packet loss for ER and the // FEC protection settings _lossProtLogic->UpdateMethod(); // Get the code rate for Key frames const WebRtc_UWord8 codeRateKeyRTP = selectedMethod->RequiredProtectionFactorK(); // Get the code rate for Delta frames const WebRtc_UWord8 codeRateDeltaRTP = selectedMethod->RequiredProtectionFactorD(); // Get the effective packet loss for ER packetLossEnc = selectedMethod->RequiredPacketLossER(); // NACK is on for NACK and NackFec protection method: off for FEC method bool nackStatus = (selectedMethod->Type() == kNackFec || selectedMethod->Type() == kNACK); if(_videoProtectionCallback) { _videoProtectionCallback->ProtectionRequest(codeRateDeltaRTP, codeRateKeyRTP, nackStatus); } } // Get the bit cost of protection method _lossProtOverhead = static_cast(_lossProtLogic->HighestOverhead() + 0.5f); // Update effective packet loss for encoder: note: fractionLost was passed as reference fractionLost = packetLossEnc; WebRtc_UWord32 nackBitRate=0; if(selectedMethod && _lossProtLogic->FindMethod(kNACK) != NULL) { // TODO(mikhal): update frame dropper with bit rate including both nack and fec // Make sure we don't over-use the channel momentarily. This is // necessary for NACK since it can be very bursty. nackBitRate = (_lastBitRate * fractionLost) / 255; if (nackBitRate > _targetBitRate) { nackBitRate = _targetBitRate; } _frameDropper->SetRates(static_cast(bitRate - nackBitRate), 0); } else { _frameDropper->SetRates(static_cast(bitRate - _lossProtOverhead), 0); } // This may be used for UpdateEncoderBitRate: lastBitRate is total rate, // before compensation _lastBitRate = _targetBitRate; //Source coding rate: total rate - protection overhead _targetBitRate = bitRate - _lossProtOverhead; if (_enableQm) { //Update QM with rates _qms->UpdateRates((float)_targetBitRate, _avgSentBitRateBps, _incomingFrameRate, _fractionLost); //Check for QM selection bool selectQM = checkStatusForQMchange(); if (selectQM) { SelectQuality(); } // Reset the short-term averaged content data. _content->ResetShortTermAvgData(); } return _targetBitRate; } bool VCMMediaOptimization::DropFrame() { // leak appropriate number of bytes _frameDropper->Leak((WebRtc_UWord32)(InputFrameRate() + 0.5f)); return _frameDropper->DropFrame(); } WebRtc_Word32 VCMMediaOptimization::SentFrameCount(VCMFrameCount &frameCount) const { frameCount.numDeltaFrames = _deltaFrameCnt; frameCount.numKeyFrames = _keyFrameCnt; return VCM_OK; } WebRtc_Word32 VCMMediaOptimization::SetEncodingData(VideoCodecType sendCodecType, WebRtc_Word32 maxBitRate, WebRtc_UWord32 frameRate, WebRtc_UWord32 bitRate, WebRtc_UWord16 width, WebRtc_UWord16 height) { // Everything codec specific should be reset here since this means the codec has changed. // If native dimension values have changed, then either user initiated change, or QM // initiated change. Will be able to determine only after the processing of the first frame _lastChangeTime = VCMTickTime::MillisecondTimestamp(); _content->Reset(); _content->UpdateFrameRate(frameRate); _maxBitRate = maxBitRate; _sendCodecType = sendCodecType; _targetBitRate = bitRate; _lossProtLogic->UpdateBitRate(static_cast(bitRate)); _lossProtLogic->UpdateFrameRate(static_cast(frameRate)); _frameDropper->Reset(); _frameDropper->SetRates(static_cast(bitRate), static_cast(frameRate)); _userFrameRate = (float)frameRate; _codecWidth = width; _codecHeight = height; WebRtc_Word32 ret = VCM_OK; ret = _qms->Initialize((float)_targetBitRate, _userFrameRate, _codecWidth, _codecHeight); return ret; } WebRtc_Word32 VCMMediaOptimization::RegisterProtectionCallback(VCMProtectionCallback* protectionCallback) { _videoProtectionCallback = protectionCallback; return VCM_OK; } void VCMMediaOptimization::EnableFrameDropper(bool enable) { _frameDropper->Enable(enable); } void VCMMediaOptimization::EnableNack(bool enable) { // Add NACK to the list of loss protection methods bool updated = false; if (enable) { VCMProtectionMethod *nackMethod = new VCMNackMethod(); updated = _lossProtLogic->AddMethod(nackMethod); if (!updated) { delete nackMethod; } } else { updated = _lossProtLogic->RemoveMethod(kNACK); } if (updated) { _lossProtLogic->UpdateMethod(); } } bool VCMMediaOptimization::IsNackEnabled() { return (_lossProtLogic->FindMethod(kNACK) != NULL); } void VCMMediaOptimization::EnableFEC(bool enable) { // Add FEC to the list of loss protection methods bool updated = false; if (enable) { VCMProtectionMethod *fecMethod = new VCMFecMethod(); updated = _lossProtLogic->AddMethod(fecMethod); if (!updated) { delete fecMethod; } } else { updated = _lossProtLogic->RemoveMethod(kFEC); } if (updated) { _lossProtLogic->UpdateMethod(); } } void VCMMediaOptimization::EnableNackFEC(bool enable) { // Add NackFec to the list of loss protection methods bool updated = false; if (enable) { VCMProtectionMethod *nackfecMethod = new VCMNackFecMethod(); updated = _lossProtLogic->AddMethod(nackfecMethod); if (!updated) { delete nackfecMethod; } } else { updated = _lossProtLogic->RemoveMethod(kNackFec); } if (updated) { _lossProtLogic->UpdateMethod(); } } bool VCMMediaOptimization::IsFecEnabled() { return (_lossProtLogic->FindMethod(kFEC) != NULL); } bool VCMMediaOptimization::IsNackFecEnabled() { return (_lossProtLogic->FindMethod(kNackFec) != NULL); } void VCMMediaOptimization::SetMtu(WebRtc_Word32 mtu) { _maxPayloadSize = mtu; } float VCMMediaOptimization::SentFrameRate() { if(_frameDropper) { return _frameDropper->ActualFrameRate((WebRtc_UWord32)(InputFrameRate() + 0.5f)); } return VCM_CODEC_ERROR; } float VCMMediaOptimization::SentBitRate() { UpdateBitRateEstimate(-1, VCMTickTime::MillisecondTimestamp()); return _avgSentBitRateBps / 1000.0f; } WebRtc_Word32 VCMMediaOptimization::MaxBitRate() { return _maxBitRate; } WebRtc_Word32 VCMMediaOptimization::UpdateWithEncodedData(WebRtc_Word32 encodedLength, FrameType encodedFrameType) { // look into the ViE version - debug mode - needs also number of layers. UpdateBitRateEstimate(encodedLength, VCMTickTime::MillisecondTimestamp()); if(encodedLength > 0) { const bool deltaFrame = (encodedFrameType != kVideoFrameKey && encodedFrameType != kVideoFrameGolden); _frameDropper->Fill(encodedLength, deltaFrame); if (_maxPayloadSize > 0 && encodedLength > 0) { const float minPacketsPerFrame = encodedLength / static_cast(_maxPayloadSize); if (deltaFrame) { _lossProtLogic->UpdatePacketsPerFrame(minPacketsPerFrame); } else { _lossProtLogic->UpdatePacketsPerFrameKey(minPacketsPerFrame); } if (_enableQm) { // update quality select with encoded length _qms->UpdateEncodedSize(encodedLength, encodedFrameType); } } if (!deltaFrame && encodedLength > 0) { _lossProtLogic->UpdateKeyFrameSize(static_cast(encodedLength)); } // updating counters if (deltaFrame){ _deltaFrameCnt++; } else { _keyFrameCnt++; } } return VCM_OK; } void VCMMediaOptimization::UpdateBitRateEstimate(WebRtc_Word64 encodedLength, WebRtc_Word64 nowMs) { int i = kBitrateMaxFrameSamples - 1; WebRtc_UWord32 frameSizeSum = 0; WebRtc_Word64 timeOldest = -1; // Find an empty slot for storing the new sample and at the same time // accumulate the history. for (; i >= 0; i--) { if (_encodedFrameSamples[i]._sizeBytes == -1) { // Found empty slot break; } if (nowMs - _encodedFrameSamples[i]._timeCompleteMs < kBitrateAverageWinMs) { frameSizeSum += static_cast(_encodedFrameSamples[i]._sizeBytes); if (timeOldest == -1) { timeOldest = _encodedFrameSamples[i]._timeCompleteMs; } } } if (encodedLength > 0) { if (i < 0) { // No empty slot, shift for (i = kBitrateMaxFrameSamples - 2; i >= 0; i--) { _encodedFrameSamples[i + 1] = _encodedFrameSamples[i]; } i++; } // Insert new sample _encodedFrameSamples[i]._sizeBytes = encodedLength; _encodedFrameSamples[i]._timeCompleteMs = nowMs; } if (timeOldest > -1) { // Update average bit rate float denom = static_cast(nowMs - timeOldest); if (denom < 1.0) { denom = 1.0; } _avgSentBitRateBps = (frameSizeSum + encodedLength) * 8 * 1000 / denom; } else if (encodedLength > 0) { _avgSentBitRateBps = static_cast(encodedLength * 8); } else { _avgSentBitRateBps = 0; } } WebRtc_Word32 VCMMediaOptimization::RegisterVideoQMCallback(VCMQMSettingsCallback *videoQMSettings) { _videoQMSettingsCallback = videoQMSettings; // Callback setting controls QM if (_videoQMSettingsCallback != NULL) { _enableQm = true; } else { _enableQm = false; } return VCM_OK; } void VCMMediaOptimization::updateContentData(const VideoContentMetrics *contentMetrics) { //Updating content metrics if (contentMetrics == NULL) { //No QM if metrics are NULL _enableQm = false; _qms->Reset(); } else { _content->UpdateContentData(contentMetrics); } } WebRtc_Word32 VCMMediaOptimization::SelectQuality() { // Reset quantities for QM select _qms->ResetQM(); // Update QM will long-term averaged content metrics. _qms->UpdateContent(_content->LongTermAvgData()); // Select quality mode VCMQualityMode* qm = NULL; WebRtc_Word32 ret = _qms->SelectQuality(&qm); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } // Check for updates to spatial/temporal modes QMUpdate(qm); // Reset all the rate and related frame counters quantities _qms->ResetRates(); // Reset counters _lastQMUpdateTime = VCMTickTime::MillisecondTimestamp(); // Reset content metrics _content->Reset(); return VCM_OK; } // Check timing constraints and look for significant change in: // (1) scene content // (2) target bit rate bool VCMMediaOptimization::checkStatusForQMchange() { bool status = true; // Check that we do not call QMSelect too often, and that we waited some time // (to sample the metrics) from the event lastChangeTime // lastChangeTime is the time where user changed the size/rate/frame rate // (via SetEncodingData) WebRtc_Word64 now = VCMTickTime::MillisecondTimestamp(); if ((now - _lastQMUpdateTime) < kQmMinIntervalMs || (now - _lastChangeTime) < kQmMinIntervalMs) { status = false; } return status; } bool VCMMediaOptimization::QMUpdate(VCMQualityMode* qm) { // Check for no change if (qm->spatialHeightFact == 1 && qm->spatialWidthFact == 1 && qm->temporalFact == 1) { return false; } // Content metrics hold native values VideoContentMetrics* cm = _content->LongTermAvgData(); // Temporal WebRtc_UWord32 frameRate = static_cast(_incomingFrameRate + 0.5f); // Check if go back up in temporal resolution if (qm->temporalFact == 0) { frameRate = (WebRtc_UWord32) 2 * _incomingFrameRate; } // go down in temporal resolution else { frameRate = (WebRtc_UWord32)(_incomingFrameRate / qm->temporalFact + 1); } // Spatial WebRtc_UWord32 height = _codecHeight; WebRtc_UWord32 width = _codecWidth; // Check if go back up in spatial resolution if (qm->spatialHeightFact == 0 && qm->spatialWidthFact == 0) { height = cm->nativeHeight; width = cm->nativeWidth; } else { height = _codecHeight / qm->spatialHeightFact; width = _codecWidth / qm->spatialWidthFact; } WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceDebug, webrtc::kTraceVideoCoding, _id, "Quality Mode Update: W = %d, H = %d, FR = %f", width, height, frameRate); // Update VPM with new target frame rate and size _videoQMSettingsCallback->SetVideoQMSettings(frameRate, width, height); return true; } void VCMMediaOptimization::UpdateIncomingFrameRate() { WebRtc_Word64 now = VCMTickTime::MillisecondTimestamp(); if(_incomingFrameTimes[0] == 0) { // first no shift } else { // shift for(WebRtc_Word32 i = (kFrameCountHistorySize - 2); i >= 0 ; i--) { _incomingFrameTimes[i+1] = _incomingFrameTimes[i]; } } _incomingFrameTimes[0] = now; ProcessIncomingFrameRate(now); } // allowing VCM to keep track of incoming frame rate void VCMMediaOptimization::ProcessIncomingFrameRate(WebRtc_Word64 now) { WebRtc_Word32 num = 0; WebRtc_Word32 nrOfFrames = 0; for (num = 1; num < (kFrameCountHistorySize - 1); num++) { if (_incomingFrameTimes[num] <= 0 || // don't use data older than 2 s now - _incomingFrameTimes[num] > kFrameHistoryWinMs) { break; } else { nrOfFrames++; } } if (num > 1) { const WebRtc_Word64 diff = now - _incomingFrameTimes[num-1]; _incomingFrameRate = 1.0; if(diff >0) { _incomingFrameRate = nrOfFrames * 1000.0f / static_cast(diff); } } else { _incomingFrameRate = static_cast(nrOfFrames); } } WebRtc_UWord32 VCMMediaOptimization::InputFrameRate() { ProcessIncomingFrameRate(VCMTickTime::MillisecondTimestamp()); return WebRtc_UWord32 (_incomingFrameRate + 0.5f); } }