/* * libjingle * Copyright 2004--2005, Google Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef TALK_P2P_BASE_SESSION_H_ #define TALK_P2P_BASE_SESSION_H_ #include #include #include #include #include "talk/base/refcount.h" #include "talk/base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "talk/base/scoped_ref_ptr.h" #include "talk/base/socketaddress.h" #include "talk/p2p/base/parsing.h" #include "talk/p2p/base/port.h" #include "talk/p2p/base/sessionclient.h" #include "talk/p2p/base/sessionmanager.h" #include "talk/p2p/base/sessionmessages.h" #include "talk/p2p/base/transport.h" #include "talk/xmllite/xmlelement.h" #include "talk/xmpp/constants.h" namespace cricket { class BaseSession; class P2PTransportChannel; class Transport; class TransportChannel; class TransportChannelProxy; class TransportChannelImpl; typedef talk_base::RefCountedObject > TransportWrapper; // Used for errors that will send back a specific error message to the // remote peer. We add "type" to the errors because it's needed for // SignalErrorMessage. struct MessageError : ParseError { buzz::QName type; // if unset, assume type is a parse error MessageError() : ParseError(), type(buzz::QN_STANZA_BAD_REQUEST) {} void SetType(const buzz::QName type) { this->type = type; } }; // Used for errors that may be returned by public session methods that // can fail. // TODO: Use this error in Session::Initiate and // Session::Accept. struct SessionError : WriteError { }; // Bundles a Transport and ChannelMap together. ChannelMap is used to // create transport channels before receiving or sending a session // initiate, and for speculatively connecting channels. Previously, a // session had one ChannelMap and transport. Now, with multiple // transports per session, we need multiple ChannelMaps as well. typedef std::map ChannelMap; class TransportProxy : public sigslot::has_slots<>, public CandidateTranslator { public: TransportProxy( const std::string& sid, const std::string& content_name, TransportWrapper* transport) : sid_(sid), content_name_(content_name), transport_(transport), connecting_(false), negotiated_(false), sent_candidates_(false), candidates_allocated_(false) { transport_->get()->SignalCandidatesReady.connect( this, &TransportProxy::OnTransportCandidatesReady); } ~TransportProxy(); std::string content_name() const { return content_name_; } // TODO(juberti): It's not good form to expose the object you're wrapping, // since callers can mutate it. Can we make this return a const Transport*? Transport* impl() const { return transport_->get(); } std::string type() const; bool negotiated() const { return negotiated_; } const Candidates& sent_candidates() const { return sent_candidates_; } const Candidates& unsent_candidates() const { return unsent_candidates_; } bool candidates_allocated() const { return candidates_allocated_; } void set_candidates_allocated(bool allocated) { candidates_allocated_ = allocated; } TransportChannel* GetChannel(int component); TransportChannel* CreateChannel(const std::string& channel_name, int component); bool HasChannel(int component); void DestroyChannel(int component); void AddSentCandidates(const Candidates& candidates); void AddUnsentCandidates(const Candidates& candidates); void ClearSentCandidates() { sent_candidates_.clear(); } void ClearUnsentCandidates() { unsent_candidates_.clear(); } // Start the connection process for any channels, creating impls if needed. void ConnectChannels(); // Hook up impls to the proxy channels. Doesn't change connect state. void CompleteNegotiation(); // Mux this proxy onto the specified proxy's transport. bool SetupMux(TransportProxy* proxy); // Simple functions that thunk down to the same functions on Transport. void SetIceRole(IceRole role); void SetIdentity(talk_base::SSLIdentity* identity); bool SetLocalTransportDescription(const TransportDescription& description, ContentAction action); bool SetRemoteTransportDescription(const TransportDescription& description, ContentAction action); void OnSignalingReady(); bool OnRemoteCandidates(const Candidates& candidates, std::string* error); // CandidateTranslator methods. virtual bool GetChannelNameFromComponent( int component, std::string* channel_name) const; virtual bool GetComponentFromChannelName( const std::string& channel_name, int* component) const; // Called when a transport signals that it has new candidates. void OnTransportCandidatesReady(cricket::Transport* transport, const Candidates& candidates) { SignalCandidatesReady(this, candidates); } // Handles sending of ready candidates and receiving of remote candidates. sigslot::signal2&> SignalCandidatesReady; private: TransportChannelProxy* GetChannelProxy(int component) const; TransportChannelProxy* GetChannelProxyByName(const std::string& name) const; void ReplaceChannelProxyImpl(TransportChannelProxy* channel_proxy, size_t index); TransportChannelImpl* GetOrCreateChannelProxyImpl(int component); void SetChannelProxyImpl(int component, TransportChannelProxy* proxy); std::string sid_; std::string content_name_; talk_base::scoped_refptr transport_; bool connecting_; bool negotiated_; ChannelMap channels_; Candidates sent_candidates_; Candidates unsent_candidates_; bool candidates_allocated_; }; typedef std::map TransportMap; // Statistics for all the transports of this session. typedef std::map TransportStatsMap; typedef std::map ProxyTransportMap; struct SessionStats { ProxyTransportMap proxy_to_transport; TransportStatsMap transport_stats; }; // A BaseSession manages general session state. This includes negotiation // of both the application-level and network-level protocols: the former // defines what will be sent and the latter defines how it will be sent. Each // network-level protocol is represented by a Transport object. Each Transport // participates in the network-level negotiation. The individual streams of // packets are represented by TransportChannels. The application-level protocol // is represented by SessionDecription objects. class BaseSession : public sigslot::has_slots<>, public talk_base::MessageHandler { public: enum { MSG_TIMEOUT = 0, MSG_ERROR, MSG_STATE, }; enum State { STATE_INIT = 0, STATE_SENTINITIATE, // sent initiate, waiting for Accept or Reject STATE_RECEIVEDINITIATE, // received an initiate. Call Accept or Reject STATE_SENTPRACCEPT, // sent provisional Accept STATE_SENTACCEPT, // sent accept. begin connecting transport STATE_RECEIVEDPRACCEPT, // received provisional Accept, waiting for Accept STATE_RECEIVEDACCEPT, // received accept. begin connecting transport STATE_SENTMODIFY, // sent modify, waiting for Accept or Reject STATE_RECEIVEDMODIFY, // received modify, call Accept or Reject STATE_SENTREJECT, // sent reject after receiving initiate STATE_RECEIVEDREJECT, // received reject after sending initiate STATE_SENTREDIRECT, // sent direct after receiving initiate STATE_SENTTERMINATE, // sent terminate (any time / either side) STATE_RECEIVEDTERMINATE, // received terminate (any time / either side) STATE_INPROGRESS, // session accepted and in progress STATE_DEINIT, // session is being destroyed }; enum Error { ERROR_NONE = 0, // no error ERROR_TIME = 1, // no response to signaling ERROR_RESPONSE = 2, // error during signaling ERROR_NETWORK = 3, // network error, could not allocate network resources ERROR_CONTENT = 4, // channel errors in SetLocalContent/SetRemoteContent ERROR_TRANSPORT = 5, // transport error of some kind }; // Convert State to a readable string. static std::string StateToString(State state); BaseSession(talk_base::Thread* signaling_thread, talk_base::Thread* worker_thread, PortAllocator* port_allocator, const std::string& sid, const std::string& content_type, bool initiator); virtual ~BaseSession(); talk_base::Thread* signaling_thread() { return signaling_thread_; } talk_base::Thread* worker_thread() { return worker_thread_; } PortAllocator* port_allocator() { return port_allocator_; } // The ID of this session. const std::string& id() const { return sid_; } // TODO(juberti): This data is largely redundant, as it can now be obtained // from local/remote_description(). Remove these functions and members. // Returns the XML namespace identifying the type of this session. const std::string& content_type() const { return content_type_; } // Returns the XML namespace identifying the transport used for this session. const std::string& transport_type() const { return transport_type_; } // Indicates whether we initiated this session. bool initiator() const { return initiator_; } // Returns the application-level description given by our client. // If we are the recipient, this will be NULL until we send an accept. const SessionDescription* local_description() const { return local_description_; } // Returns the application-level description given by the other client. // If we are the initiator, this will be NULL until we receive an accept. const SessionDescription* remote_description() const { return remote_description_; } SessionDescription* remote_description() { return remote_description_; } // Takes ownership of SessionDescription* bool set_local_description(const SessionDescription* sdesc) { if (sdesc != local_description_) { delete local_description_; local_description_ = sdesc; } return true; } // Takes ownership of SessionDescription* bool set_remote_description(SessionDescription* sdesc) { if (sdesc != remote_description_) { delete remote_description_; remote_description_ = sdesc; } return true; } const SessionDescription* initiator_description() const { if (initiator_) { return local_description_; } else { return remote_description_; } } // Returns the current state of the session. See the enum above for details. // Each time the state changes, we will fire this signal. State state() const { return state_; } sigslot::signal2 SignalState; // Returns the last error in the session. See the enum above for details. // Each time the an error occurs, we will fire this signal. Error error() const { return error_; } sigslot::signal2 SignalError; // Updates the state, signaling if necessary. virtual void SetState(State state); // Updates the error state, signaling if necessary. virtual void SetError(Error error); // Fired when the remote description is updated, with the updated // contents. sigslot::signal2 SignalRemoteDescriptionUpdate; // Fired when SetState is called (regardless if there's a state change), which // indicates the session description might have be updated. sigslot::signal2 SignalNewLocalDescription; // Fired when SetState is called (regardless if there's a state change), which // indicates the session description might have be updated. sigslot::signal2 SignalNewRemoteDescription; // Returns the transport that has been negotiated or NULL if // negotiation is still in progress. Transport* GetTransport(const std::string& content_name); // Creates a new channel with the given names. This method may be called // immediately after creating the session. However, the actual // implementation may not be fixed until transport negotiation completes. // This will usually be called from the worker thread, but that // shouldn't be an issue since the main thread will be blocked in // Send when doing so. virtual TransportChannel* CreateChannel(const std::string& content_name, const std::string& channel_name, int component); // Returns the channel with the given names. virtual TransportChannel* GetChannel(const std::string& content_name, int component); // Destroys the channel with the given names. // This will usually be called from the worker thread, but that // shouldn't be an issue since the main thread will be blocked in // Send when doing so. virtual void DestroyChannel(const std::string& content_name, int component); // Returns stats for all channels of all transports. // This avoids exposing the internal structures used to track them. virtual bool GetStats(SessionStats* stats); talk_base::SSLIdentity* identity() { return identity_; } protected: // Specifies the identity to use in this session. bool SetIdentity(talk_base::SSLIdentity* identity); bool PushdownTransportDescription(ContentSource source, ContentAction action); void set_initiator(bool initiator) { initiator_ = initiator; } const TransportMap& transport_proxies() const { return transports_; } // Get a TransportProxy by content_name or transport. NULL if not found. TransportProxy* GetTransportProxy(const std::string& content_name); TransportProxy* GetTransportProxy(const Transport* transport); TransportProxy* GetFirstTransportProxy(); void DestroyTransportProxy(const std::string& content_name); // TransportProxy is owned by session. Return proxy just for convenience. TransportProxy* GetOrCreateTransportProxy(const std::string& content_name); // Creates the actual transport object. Overridable for testing. virtual Transport* CreateTransport(const std::string& content_name); void OnSignalingReady(); void SpeculativelyConnectAllTransportChannels(); // Helper method to provide remote candidates to the transport. bool OnRemoteCandidates(const std::string& content_name, const Candidates& candidates, std::string* error); // This method will mux transport channels by content_name. // First content is used for muxing. bool MaybeEnableMuxingSupport(); // Called when a transport requests signaling. virtual void OnTransportRequestSignaling(Transport* transport) { } // Called when the first channel of a transport begins connecting. We use // this to start a timer, to make sure that the connection completes in a // reasonable amount of time. virtual void OnTransportConnecting(Transport* transport) { } // Called when a transport changes its writable state. We track this to make // sure that the transport becomes writable within a reasonable amount of // time. If this does not occur, we signal an error. virtual void OnTransportWritable(Transport* transport) { } virtual void OnTransportReadable(Transport* transport) { } // Called when a transport signals that it has new candidates. virtual void OnTransportProxyCandidatesReady(TransportProxy* proxy, const Candidates& candidates) { } // Called when a transport signals that it found an error in an incoming // message. virtual void OnTransportSendError(Transport* transport, const buzz::XmlElement* stanza, const buzz::QName& name, const std::string& type, const std::string& text, const buzz::XmlElement* extra_info) { } virtual void OnTransportRouteChange( Transport* transport, int component, const cricket::Candidate& remote_candidate) { } virtual void OnTransportCandidatesAllocationDone(Transport* transport); // Called when all transport channels allocated required candidates. // This method should be used as an indication of candidates gathering process // is completed and application can now send local candidates list to remote. virtual void OnCandidatesAllocationDone() { } // Handles the ice role change callback from Transport. This must be // propagated to all the transports. virtual void OnRoleConflict(); // Handles messages posted to us. virtual void OnMessage(talk_base::Message *pmsg); protected: State state_; Error error_; private: // Helper methods to push local and remote transport descriptions. bool PushdownLocalTransportDescription( const SessionDescription* sdesc, ContentAction action); bool PushdownRemoteTransportDescription( const SessionDescription* sdesc, ContentAction action); bool IsCandidateAllocationDone() const; void MaybeCandidateAllocationDone(); // This method will delete the Transport and TransportChannelImpls and // replace those with the selected Transport objects. Selection is done // based on the content_name and in this case first MediaContent information // is used for mux. bool SetSelectedProxy(const std::string& content_name, const ContentGroup* muxed_group); // Log session state. void LogState(State old_state, State new_state); // Returns true and the TransportInfo of the given |content_name| // from |description|. Returns false if it's not available. bool GetTransportDescription(const SessionDescription* description, const std::string& content_name, TransportDescription* info); // Fires the new description signal according to the current state. void SignalNewDescription(); // Gets the ContentAction and ContentSource according to the session state. bool GetContentAction(ContentAction* action, ContentSource* source); talk_base::Thread* signaling_thread_; talk_base::Thread* worker_thread_; PortAllocator* port_allocator_; std::string sid_; std::string content_type_; std::string transport_type_; bool initiator_; talk_base::SSLIdentity* identity_; const SessionDescription* local_description_; SessionDescription* remote_description_; uint64 ice_tiebreaker_; // This flag will be set to true after the first role switch. This flag // will enable us to stop any role switch during the call. bool role_switch_; TransportMap transports_; }; // A specific Session created by the SessionManager, using XMPP for protocol. class Session : public BaseSession { public: // Returns the manager that created and owns this session. SessionManager* session_manager() const { return session_manager_; } // Returns the client that is handling the application data of this session. SessionClient* client() const { return client_; } // Returns the JID of this client. const std::string& local_name() const { return local_name_; } // Returns the JID of the other peer in this session. const std::string& remote_name() const { return remote_name_; } // Set the JID of the other peer in this session. // Typically the remote_name_ is set when the session is initiated. // However, sometimes (e.g when a proxy is used) the peer name is // known after the BaseSession has been initiated and it must be updated // explicitly. void set_remote_name(const std::string& name) { remote_name_ = name; } // Set the JID of the initiator of this session. Allows for the overriding // of the initiator to be a third-party, eg. the MUC JID when creating p2p // sessions. void set_initiator_name(const std::string& name) { initiator_name_ = name; } // Indicates the JID of the entity who initiated this session. // In special cases, may be different than both local_name and remote_name. const std::string& initiator_name() const { return initiator_name_; } SignalingProtocol current_protocol() const { return current_protocol_; } void set_current_protocol(SignalingProtocol protocol) { current_protocol_ = protocol; } // Updates the error state, signaling if necessary. virtual void SetError(Error error); // When the session needs to send signaling messages, it beings by requesting // signaling. The client should handle this by calling OnSignalingReady once // it is ready to send the messages. // (These are called only by SessionManager.) sigslot::signal1 SignalRequestSignaling; void OnSignalingReady() { BaseSession::OnSignalingReady(); } // Takes ownership of session description. // TODO: Add an error argument to pass back to the caller. bool Initiate(const std::string& to, const SessionDescription* sdesc); // When we receive an initiate, we create a session in the // RECEIVEDINITIATE state and respond by accepting or rejecting. // Takes ownership of session description. // TODO: Add an error argument to pass back to the caller. bool Accept(const SessionDescription* sdesc); bool Reject(const std::string& reason); bool Terminate() { return TerminateWithReason(STR_TERMINATE_SUCCESS); } bool TerminateWithReason(const std::string& reason); // Fired whenever we receive a terminate message along with a reason sigslot::signal2 SignalReceivedTerminateReason; // The two clients in the session may also send one another // arbitrary XML messages, which are called "info" messages. Sending // takes ownership of the given elements. The signal does not; the // parent element will be deleted after the signal. bool SendInfoMessage(const XmlElements& elems); bool SendDescriptionInfoMessage(const ContentInfos& contents); sigslot::signal2 SignalInfoMessage; private: // Creates or destroys a session. (These are called only SessionManager.) Session(SessionManager *session_manager, const std::string& local_name, const std::string& initiator_name, const std::string& sid, const std::string& content_type, SessionClient* client); ~Session(); // For each transport info, create a transport proxy. Can fail for // incompatible transport types. bool CreateTransportProxies(const TransportInfos& tinfos, SessionError* error); bool OnRemoteCandidates(const TransportInfos& tinfos, ParseError* error); // Returns a TransportInfo without candidates for each content name. // Uses the transport_type_ of the session. TransportInfos GetEmptyTransportInfos(const ContentInfos& contents) const; // Maps passed to serialization functions. TransportParserMap GetTransportParsers(); ContentParserMap GetContentParsers(); CandidateTranslatorMap GetCandidateTranslators(); virtual void OnTransportRequestSignaling(Transport* transport); virtual void OnTransportConnecting(Transport* transport); virtual void OnTransportWritable(Transport* transport); virtual void OnTransportProxyCandidatesReady(TransportProxy* proxy, const Candidates& candidates); virtual void OnTransportSendError(Transport* transport, const buzz::XmlElement* stanza, const buzz::QName& name, const std::string& type, const std::string& text, const buzz::XmlElement* extra_info); virtual void OnMessage(talk_base::Message *pmsg); // Send various kinds of session messages. bool SendInitiateMessage(const SessionDescription* sdesc, SessionError* error); bool SendAcceptMessage(const SessionDescription* sdesc, SessionError* error); bool SendRejectMessage(const std::string& reason, SessionError* error); bool SendTerminateMessage(const std::string& reason, SessionError* error); bool SendTransportInfoMessage(const TransportInfo& tinfo, SessionError* error); bool SendTransportInfoMessage(const TransportProxy* transproxy, const Candidates& candidates, SessionError* error); bool ResendAllTransportInfoMessages(SessionError* error); bool SendAllUnsentTransportInfoMessages(SessionError* error); // Both versions of SendMessage send a message of the given type to // the other client. Can pass either a set of elements or an // "action", which must have a WriteSessionAction method to go along // with it. Sending with an action supports sending a "hybrid" // message. Sending with elements must be sent as Jingle or Gingle. // When passing elems, must be either Jingle or Gingle protocol. // Takes ownership of action_elems. bool SendMessage(ActionType type, const XmlElements& action_elems, SessionError* error); // When passing an action, may be Hybrid protocol. template bool SendMessage(ActionType type, const Action& action, SessionError* error); // Helper methods to write the session message stanza. template bool WriteActionMessage(ActionType type, const Action& action, buzz::XmlElement* stanza, WriteError* error); template bool WriteActionMessage(SignalingProtocol protocol, ActionType type, const Action& action, buzz::XmlElement* stanza, WriteError* error); // Sending messages in hybrid form requires being able to write them // on a per-protocol basis with a common method signature, which all // of these have. bool WriteSessionAction(SignalingProtocol protocol, const SessionInitiate& init, XmlElements* elems, WriteError* error); bool WriteSessionAction(SignalingProtocol protocol, const TransportInfo& tinfo, XmlElements* elems, WriteError* error); bool WriteSessionAction(SignalingProtocol protocol, const SessionTerminate& term, XmlElements* elems, WriteError* error); // Sends a message back to the other client indicating that we have received // and accepted their message. void SendAcknowledgementMessage(const buzz::XmlElement* stanza); // Once signaling is ready, the session will use this signal to request the // sending of each message. When messages are received by the other client, // they should be handed to OnIncomingMessage. // (These are called only by SessionManager.) sigslot::signal2 SignalOutgoingMessage; void OnIncomingMessage(const SessionMessage& msg); void OnIncomingResponse(const buzz::XmlElement* orig_stanza, const buzz::XmlElement* response_stanza, const SessionMessage& msg); void OnInitiateAcked(); void OnFailedSend(const buzz::XmlElement* orig_stanza, const buzz::XmlElement* error_stanza); // Invoked when an error is found in an incoming message. This is translated // into the appropriate XMPP response by SessionManager. sigslot::signal6 SignalErrorMessage; // Handlers for the various types of messages. These functions may take // pointers to the whole stanza or to just the session element. bool OnInitiateMessage(const SessionMessage& msg, MessageError* error); bool OnAcceptMessage(const SessionMessage& msg, MessageError* error); bool OnRejectMessage(const SessionMessage& msg, MessageError* error); bool OnInfoMessage(const SessionMessage& msg); bool OnTerminateMessage(const SessionMessage& msg, MessageError* error); bool OnTransportInfoMessage(const SessionMessage& msg, MessageError* error); bool OnTransportAcceptMessage(const SessionMessage& msg, MessageError* error); bool OnDescriptionInfoMessage(const SessionMessage& msg, MessageError* error); bool OnRedirectError(const SessionRedirect& redirect, SessionError* error); // Verifies that we are in the appropriate state to receive this message. bool CheckState(State state, MessageError* error); SessionManager* session_manager_; bool initiate_acked_; std::string local_name_; std::string initiator_name_; std::string remote_name_; SessionClient* client_; TransportParser* transport_parser_; // Keeps track of what protocol we are speaking. SignalingProtocol current_protocol_; friend class SessionManager; // For access to constructor, destructor, // and signaling related methods. }; } // namespace cricket #endif // TALK_P2P_BASE_SESSION_H_