/* * libjingle * Copyright 2012 Google Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "talk/examples/peerconnection/client/peer_connection_client.h" #include "talk/examples/peerconnection/client/defaults.h" #include "webrtc/base/common.h" #include "webrtc/base/logging.h" #include "webrtc/base/nethelpers.h" #include "webrtc/base/stringutils.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include "webrtc/base/win32socketserver.h" #endif using rtc::sprintfn; namespace { // This is our magical hangup signal. const char kByeMessage[] = "BYE"; // Delay between server connection retries, in milliseconds const int kReconnectDelay = 2000; rtc::AsyncSocket* CreateClientSocket(int family) { #ifdef WIN32 rtc::Win32Socket* sock = new rtc::Win32Socket(); sock->CreateT(family, SOCK_STREAM); return sock; #elif defined(POSIX) rtc::Thread* thread = rtc::Thread::Current(); ASSERT(thread != NULL); return thread->socketserver()->CreateAsyncSocket(family, SOCK_STREAM); #else #error Platform not supported. #endif } } PeerConnectionClient::PeerConnectionClient() : callback_(NULL), resolver_(NULL), state_(NOT_CONNECTED), my_id_(-1) { } PeerConnectionClient::~PeerConnectionClient() { } void PeerConnectionClient::InitSocketSignals() { ASSERT(control_socket_.get() != NULL); ASSERT(hanging_get_.get() != NULL); control_socket_->SignalCloseEvent.connect(this, &PeerConnectionClient::OnClose); hanging_get_->SignalCloseEvent.connect(this, &PeerConnectionClient::OnClose); control_socket_->SignalConnectEvent.connect(this, &PeerConnectionClient::OnConnect); hanging_get_->SignalConnectEvent.connect(this, &PeerConnectionClient::OnHangingGetConnect); control_socket_->SignalReadEvent.connect(this, &PeerConnectionClient::OnRead); hanging_get_->SignalReadEvent.connect(this, &PeerConnectionClient::OnHangingGetRead); } int PeerConnectionClient::id() const { return my_id_; } bool PeerConnectionClient::is_connected() const { return my_id_ != -1; } const Peers& PeerConnectionClient::peers() const { return peers_; } void PeerConnectionClient::RegisterObserver( PeerConnectionClientObserver* callback) { ASSERT(!callback_); callback_ = callback; } void PeerConnectionClient::Connect(const std::string& server, int port, const std::string& client_name) { ASSERT(!server.empty()); ASSERT(!client_name.empty()); if (state_ != NOT_CONNECTED) { LOG(WARNING) << "The client must not be connected before you can call Connect()"; callback_->OnServerConnectionFailure(); return; } if (server.empty() || client_name.empty()) { callback_->OnServerConnectionFailure(); return; } if (port <= 0) port = kDefaultServerPort; server_address_.SetIP(server); server_address_.SetPort(port); client_name_ = client_name; if (server_address_.IsUnresolved()) { state_ = RESOLVING; resolver_ = new rtc::AsyncResolver(); resolver_->SignalDone.connect(this, &PeerConnectionClient::OnResolveResult); resolver_->Start(server_address_); } else { DoConnect(); } } void PeerConnectionClient::OnResolveResult( rtc::AsyncResolverInterface* resolver) { if (resolver_->GetError() != 0) { callback_->OnServerConnectionFailure(); resolver_->Destroy(false); resolver_ = NULL; state_ = NOT_CONNECTED; } else { server_address_ = resolver_->address(); DoConnect(); } } void PeerConnectionClient::DoConnect() { control_socket_.reset(CreateClientSocket(server_address_.ipaddr().family())); hanging_get_.reset(CreateClientSocket(server_address_.ipaddr().family())); InitSocketSignals(); char buffer[1024]; sprintfn(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "GET /sign_in?%s HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", client_name_.c_str()); onconnect_data_ = buffer; bool ret = ConnectControlSocket(); if (ret) state_ = SIGNING_IN; if (!ret) { callback_->OnServerConnectionFailure(); } } bool PeerConnectionClient::SendToPeer(int peer_id, const std::string& message) { if (state_ != CONNECTED) return false; ASSERT(is_connected()); ASSERT(control_socket_->GetState() == rtc::Socket::CS_CLOSED); if (!is_connected() || peer_id == -1) return false; char headers[1024]; sprintfn(headers, sizeof(headers), "POST /message?peer_id=%i&to=%i HTTP/1.0\r\n" "Content-Length: %i\r\n" "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" "\r\n", my_id_, peer_id, message.length()); onconnect_data_ = headers; onconnect_data_ += message; return ConnectControlSocket(); } bool PeerConnectionClient::SendHangUp(int peer_id) { return SendToPeer(peer_id, kByeMessage); } bool PeerConnectionClient::IsSendingMessage() { return state_ == CONNECTED && control_socket_->GetState() != rtc::Socket::CS_CLOSED; } bool PeerConnectionClient::SignOut() { if (state_ == NOT_CONNECTED || state_ == SIGNING_OUT) return true; if (hanging_get_->GetState() != rtc::Socket::CS_CLOSED) hanging_get_->Close(); if (control_socket_->GetState() == rtc::Socket::CS_CLOSED) { state_ = SIGNING_OUT; if (my_id_ != -1) { char buffer[1024]; sprintfn(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "GET /sign_out?peer_id=%i HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", my_id_); onconnect_data_ = buffer; return ConnectControlSocket(); } else { // Can occur if the app is closed before we finish connecting. return true; } } else { state_ = SIGNING_OUT_WAITING; } return true; } void PeerConnectionClient::Close() { control_socket_->Close(); hanging_get_->Close(); onconnect_data_.clear(); peers_.clear(); if (resolver_ != NULL) { resolver_->Destroy(false); resolver_ = NULL; } my_id_ = -1; state_ = NOT_CONNECTED; } bool PeerConnectionClient::ConnectControlSocket() { ASSERT(control_socket_->GetState() == rtc::Socket::CS_CLOSED); int err = control_socket_->Connect(server_address_); if (err == SOCKET_ERROR) { Close(); return false; } return true; } void PeerConnectionClient::OnConnect(rtc::AsyncSocket* socket) { ASSERT(!onconnect_data_.empty()); size_t sent = socket->Send(onconnect_data_.c_str(), onconnect_data_.length()); ASSERT(sent == onconnect_data_.length()); RTC_UNUSED(sent); onconnect_data_.clear(); } void PeerConnectionClient::OnHangingGetConnect(rtc::AsyncSocket* socket) { char buffer[1024]; sprintfn(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "GET /wait?peer_id=%i HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", my_id_); int len = static_cast<int>(strlen(buffer)); int sent = socket->Send(buffer, len); ASSERT(sent == len); RTC_UNUSED2(sent, len); } void PeerConnectionClient::OnMessageFromPeer(int peer_id, const std::string& message) { if (message.length() == (sizeof(kByeMessage) - 1) && message.compare(kByeMessage) == 0) { callback_->OnPeerDisconnected(peer_id); } else { callback_->OnMessageFromPeer(peer_id, message); } } bool PeerConnectionClient::GetHeaderValue(const std::string& data, size_t eoh, const char* header_pattern, size_t* value) { ASSERT(value != NULL); size_t found = data.find(header_pattern); if (found != std::string::npos && found < eoh) { *value = atoi(&data[found + strlen(header_pattern)]); return true; } return false; } bool PeerConnectionClient::GetHeaderValue(const std::string& data, size_t eoh, const char* header_pattern, std::string* value) { ASSERT(value != NULL); size_t found = data.find(header_pattern); if (found != std::string::npos && found < eoh) { size_t begin = found + strlen(header_pattern); size_t end = data.find("\r\n", begin); if (end == std::string::npos) end = eoh; value->assign(data.substr(begin, end - begin)); return true; } return false; } bool PeerConnectionClient::ReadIntoBuffer(rtc::AsyncSocket* socket, std::string* data, size_t* content_length) { char buffer[0xffff]; do { int bytes = socket->Recv(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (bytes <= 0) break; data->append(buffer, bytes); } while (true); bool ret = false; size_t i = data->find("\r\n\r\n"); if (i != std::string::npos) { LOG(INFO) << "Headers received"; if (GetHeaderValue(*data, i, "\r\nContent-Length: ", content_length)) { size_t total_response_size = (i + 4) + *content_length; if (data->length() >= total_response_size) { ret = true; std::string should_close; const char kConnection[] = "\r\nConnection: "; if (GetHeaderValue(*data, i, kConnection, &should_close) && should_close.compare("close") == 0) { socket->Close(); // Since we closed the socket, there was no notification delivered // to us. Compensate by letting ourselves know. OnClose(socket, 0); } } else { // We haven't received everything. Just continue to accept data. } } else { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "No content length field specified by the server."; } } return ret; } void PeerConnectionClient::OnRead(rtc::AsyncSocket* socket) { size_t content_length = 0; if (ReadIntoBuffer(socket, &control_data_, &content_length)) { size_t peer_id = 0, eoh = 0; bool ok = ParseServerResponse(control_data_, content_length, &peer_id, &eoh); if (ok) { if (my_id_ == -1) { // First response. Let's store our server assigned ID. ASSERT(state_ == SIGNING_IN); my_id_ = static_cast<int>(peer_id); ASSERT(my_id_ != -1); // The body of the response will be a list of already connected peers. if (content_length) { size_t pos = eoh + 4; while (pos < control_data_.size()) { size_t eol = control_data_.find('\n', pos); if (eol == std::string::npos) break; int id = 0; std::string name; bool connected; if (ParseEntry(control_data_.substr(pos, eol - pos), &name, &id, &connected) && id != my_id_) { peers_[id] = name; callback_->OnPeerConnected(id, name); } pos = eol + 1; } } ASSERT(is_connected()); callback_->OnSignedIn(); } else if (state_ == SIGNING_OUT) { Close(); callback_->OnDisconnected(); } else if (state_ == SIGNING_OUT_WAITING) { SignOut(); } } control_data_.clear(); if (state_ == SIGNING_IN) { ASSERT(hanging_get_->GetState() == rtc::Socket::CS_CLOSED); state_ = CONNECTED; hanging_get_->Connect(server_address_); } } } void PeerConnectionClient::OnHangingGetRead(rtc::AsyncSocket* socket) { LOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__; size_t content_length = 0; if (ReadIntoBuffer(socket, ¬ification_data_, &content_length)) { size_t peer_id = 0, eoh = 0; bool ok = ParseServerResponse(notification_data_, content_length, &peer_id, &eoh); if (ok) { // Store the position where the body begins. size_t pos = eoh + 4; if (my_id_ == static_cast<int>(peer_id)) { // A notification about a new member or a member that just // disconnected. int id = 0; std::string name; bool connected = false; if (ParseEntry(notification_data_.substr(pos), &name, &id, &connected)) { if (connected) { peers_[id] = name; callback_->OnPeerConnected(id, name); } else { peers_.erase(id); callback_->OnPeerDisconnected(id); } } } else { OnMessageFromPeer(static_cast<int>(peer_id), notification_data_.substr(pos)); } } notification_data_.clear(); } if (hanging_get_->GetState() == rtc::Socket::CS_CLOSED && state_ == CONNECTED) { hanging_get_->Connect(server_address_); } } bool PeerConnectionClient::ParseEntry(const std::string& entry, std::string* name, int* id, bool* connected) { ASSERT(name != NULL); ASSERT(id != NULL); ASSERT(connected != NULL); ASSERT(!entry.empty()); *connected = false; size_t separator = entry.find(','); if (separator != std::string::npos) { *id = atoi(&entry[separator + 1]); name->assign(entry.substr(0, separator)); separator = entry.find(',', separator + 1); if (separator != std::string::npos) { *connected = atoi(&entry[separator + 1]) ? true : false; } } return !name->empty(); } int PeerConnectionClient::GetResponseStatus(const std::string& response) { int status = -1; size_t pos = response.find(' '); if (pos != std::string::npos) status = atoi(&response[pos + 1]); return status; } bool PeerConnectionClient::ParseServerResponse(const std::string& response, size_t content_length, size_t* peer_id, size_t* eoh) { int status = GetResponseStatus(response.c_str()); if (status != 200) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Received error from server"; Close(); callback_->OnDisconnected(); return false; } *eoh = response.find("\r\n\r\n"); ASSERT(*eoh != std::string::npos); if (*eoh == std::string::npos) return false; *peer_id = -1; // See comment in peer_channel.cc for why we use the Pragma header and // not e.g. "X-Peer-Id". GetHeaderValue(response, *eoh, "\r\nPragma: ", peer_id); return true; } void PeerConnectionClient::OnClose(rtc::AsyncSocket* socket, int err) { LOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__; socket->Close(); #ifdef WIN32 if (err != WSAECONNREFUSED) { #else if (err != ECONNREFUSED) { #endif if (socket == hanging_get_.get()) { if (state_ == CONNECTED) { hanging_get_->Close(); hanging_get_->Connect(server_address_); } } else { callback_->OnMessageSent(err); } } else { if (socket == control_socket_.get()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Connection refused; retrying in 2 seconds"; rtc::Thread::Current()->PostDelayed(kReconnectDelay, this, 0); } else { Close(); callback_->OnDisconnected(); } } } void PeerConnectionClient::OnMessage(rtc::Message* msg) { // ignore msg; there is currently only one supported message ("retry") DoConnect(); }