/* * libjingle * Copyright 2004 Google Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef TALK_MEDIA_BASE_MEDIACHANNEL_H_ #define TALK_MEDIA_BASE_MEDIACHANNEL_H_ #include #include #include "talk/base/basictypes.h" #include "talk/base/buffer.h" #include "talk/base/dscp.h" #include "talk/base/logging.h" #include "talk/base/sigslot.h" #include "talk/base/socket.h" #include "talk/base/window.h" #include "talk/media/base/codec.h" #include "talk/media/base/constants.h" #include "talk/media/base/streamparams.h" // TODO(juberti): re-evaluate this include #include "talk/session/media/audiomonitor.h" namespace talk_base { class Buffer; class RateLimiter; class Timing; } namespace webrtc { struct DataChannelInit; } namespace cricket { class AudioRenderer; struct RtpHeader; class ScreencastId; struct VideoFormat; class VideoCapturer; class VideoRenderer; const int kMinRtpHeaderExtensionId = 1; const int kMaxRtpHeaderExtensionId = 255; const int kScreencastDefaultFps = 5; // Used in AudioOptions and VideoOptions to signify "unset" values. template class Settable { public: Settable() : set_(false), val_() {} explicit Settable(T val) : set_(true), val_(val) {} bool IsSet() const { return set_; } bool Get(T* out) const { *out = val_; return set_; } T GetWithDefaultIfUnset(const T& default_value) const { return set_ ? val_ : default_value; } virtual void Set(T val) { set_ = true; val_ = val; } void Clear() { Set(T()); set_ = false; } void SetFrom(const Settable& o) { // Set this value based on the value of o, iff o is set. If this value is // set and o is unset, the current value will be unchanged. T val; if (o.Get(&val)) { Set(val); } } std::string ToString() const { return set_ ? talk_base::ToString(val_) : ""; } bool operator==(const Settable& o) const { // Equal if both are unset with any value or both set with the same value. return (set_ == o.set_) && (!set_ || (val_ == o.val_)); } bool operator!=(const Settable& o) const { return !operator==(o); } protected: void InitializeValue(const T &val) { val_ = val; } private: bool set_; T val_; }; class SettablePercent : public Settable { public: virtual void Set(float val) { if (val < 0) { val = 0; } if (val > 1.0) { val = 1.0; } Settable::Set(val); } }; template static std::string ToStringIfSet(const char* key, const Settable& val) { std::string str; if (val.IsSet()) { str = key; str += ": "; str += val.ToString(); str += ", "; } return str; } // Options that can be applied to a VoiceMediaChannel or a VoiceMediaEngine. // Used to be flags, but that makes it hard to selectively apply options. // We are moving all of the setting of options to structs like this, // but some things currently still use flags. struct AudioOptions { void SetAll(const AudioOptions& change) { echo_cancellation.SetFrom(change.echo_cancellation); auto_gain_control.SetFrom(change.auto_gain_control); rx_auto_gain_control.SetFrom(change.rx_auto_gain_control); noise_suppression.SetFrom(change.noise_suppression); highpass_filter.SetFrom(change.highpass_filter); stereo_swapping.SetFrom(change.stereo_swapping); typing_detection.SetFrom(change.typing_detection); aecm_generate_comfort_noise.SetFrom(change.aecm_generate_comfort_noise); conference_mode.SetFrom(change.conference_mode); adjust_agc_delta.SetFrom(change.adjust_agc_delta); experimental_agc.SetFrom(change.experimental_agc); experimental_aec.SetFrom(change.experimental_aec); aec_dump.SetFrom(change.aec_dump); tx_agc_target_dbov.SetFrom(change.tx_agc_target_dbov); tx_agc_digital_compression_gain.SetFrom( change.tx_agc_digital_compression_gain); tx_agc_limiter.SetFrom(change.tx_agc_limiter); rx_agc_target_dbov.SetFrom(change.rx_agc_target_dbov); rx_agc_digital_compression_gain.SetFrom( change.rx_agc_digital_compression_gain); rx_agc_limiter.SetFrom(change.rx_agc_limiter); recording_sample_rate.SetFrom(change.recording_sample_rate); playout_sample_rate.SetFrom(change.playout_sample_rate); } bool operator==(const AudioOptions& o) const { return echo_cancellation == o.echo_cancellation && auto_gain_control == o.auto_gain_control && rx_auto_gain_control == o.rx_auto_gain_control && noise_suppression == o.noise_suppression && highpass_filter == o.highpass_filter && stereo_swapping == o.stereo_swapping && typing_detection == o.typing_detection && aecm_generate_comfort_noise == o.aecm_generate_comfort_noise && conference_mode == o.conference_mode && experimental_agc == o.experimental_agc && experimental_aec == o.experimental_aec && adjust_agc_delta == o.adjust_agc_delta && aec_dump == o.aec_dump && tx_agc_target_dbov == o.tx_agc_target_dbov && tx_agc_digital_compression_gain == o.tx_agc_digital_compression_gain && tx_agc_limiter == o.tx_agc_limiter && rx_agc_target_dbov == o.rx_agc_target_dbov && rx_agc_digital_compression_gain == o.rx_agc_digital_compression_gain && rx_agc_limiter == o.rx_agc_limiter && recording_sample_rate == o.recording_sample_rate && playout_sample_rate == o.playout_sample_rate; } std::string ToString() const { std::ostringstream ost; ost << "AudioOptions {"; ost << ToStringIfSet("aec", echo_cancellation); ost << ToStringIfSet("agc", auto_gain_control); ost << ToStringIfSet("rx_agc", rx_auto_gain_control); ost << ToStringIfSet("ns", noise_suppression); ost << ToStringIfSet("hf", highpass_filter); ost << ToStringIfSet("swap", stereo_swapping); ost << ToStringIfSet("typing", typing_detection); ost << ToStringIfSet("comfort_noise", aecm_generate_comfort_noise); ost << ToStringIfSet("conference", conference_mode); ost << ToStringIfSet("agc_delta", adjust_agc_delta); ost << ToStringIfSet("experimental_agc", experimental_agc); ost << ToStringIfSet("experimental_aec", experimental_aec); ost << ToStringIfSet("aec_dump", aec_dump); ost << ToStringIfSet("tx_agc_target_dbov", tx_agc_target_dbov); ost << ToStringIfSet("tx_agc_digital_compression_gain", tx_agc_digital_compression_gain); ost << ToStringIfSet("tx_agc_limiter", tx_agc_limiter); ost << ToStringIfSet("rx_agc_target_dbov", rx_agc_target_dbov); ost << ToStringIfSet("rx_agc_digital_compression_gain", rx_agc_digital_compression_gain); ost << ToStringIfSet("rx_agc_limiter", rx_agc_limiter); ost << ToStringIfSet("recording_sample_rate", recording_sample_rate); ost << ToStringIfSet("playout_sample_rate", playout_sample_rate); ost << "}"; return ost.str(); } // Audio processing that attempts to filter away the output signal from // later inbound pickup. Settable echo_cancellation; // Audio processing to adjust the sensitivity of the local mic dynamically. Settable auto_gain_control; // Audio processing to apply gain to the remote audio. Settable rx_auto_gain_control; // Audio processing to filter out background noise. Settable noise_suppression; // Audio processing to remove background noise of lower frequencies. Settable highpass_filter; // Audio processing to swap the left and right channels. Settable stereo_swapping; // Audio processing to detect typing. Settable typing_detection; Settable aecm_generate_comfort_noise; Settable conference_mode; Settable adjust_agc_delta; Settable experimental_agc; Settable experimental_aec; Settable aec_dump; // Note that tx_agc_* only applies to non-experimental AGC. Settable tx_agc_target_dbov; Settable tx_agc_digital_compression_gain; Settable tx_agc_limiter; Settable rx_agc_target_dbov; Settable rx_agc_digital_compression_gain; Settable rx_agc_limiter; Settable recording_sample_rate; Settable playout_sample_rate; }; // Options that can be applied to a VideoMediaChannel or a VideoMediaEngine. // Used to be flags, but that makes it hard to selectively apply options. // We are moving all of the setting of options to structs like this, // but some things currently still use flags. struct VideoOptions { VideoOptions() { process_adaptation_threshhold.Set(kProcessCpuThreshold); system_low_adaptation_threshhold.Set(kLowSystemCpuThreshold); system_high_adaptation_threshhold.Set(kHighSystemCpuThreshold); } void SetAll(const VideoOptions& change) { adapt_input_to_encoder.SetFrom(change.adapt_input_to_encoder); adapt_input_to_cpu_usage.SetFrom(change.adapt_input_to_cpu_usage); adapt_cpu_with_smoothing.SetFrom(change.adapt_cpu_with_smoothing); adapt_view_switch.SetFrom(change.adapt_view_switch); video_adapt_third.SetFrom(change.video_adapt_third); video_noise_reduction.SetFrom(change.video_noise_reduction); video_three_layers.SetFrom(change.video_three_layers); video_one_layer_screencast.SetFrom(change.video_one_layer_screencast); video_high_bitrate.SetFrom(change.video_high_bitrate); video_watermark.SetFrom(change.video_watermark); video_temporal_layer_screencast.SetFrom( change.video_temporal_layer_screencast); video_temporal_layer_realtime.SetFrom( change.video_temporal_layer_realtime); video_leaky_bucket.SetFrom(change.video_leaky_bucket); cpu_overuse_detection.SetFrom(change.cpu_overuse_detection); conference_mode.SetFrom(change.conference_mode); process_adaptation_threshhold.SetFrom(change.process_adaptation_threshhold); system_low_adaptation_threshhold.SetFrom( change.system_low_adaptation_threshhold); system_high_adaptation_threshhold.SetFrom( change.system_high_adaptation_threshhold); buffered_mode_latency.SetFrom(change.buffered_mode_latency); } bool operator==(const VideoOptions& o) const { return adapt_input_to_encoder == o.adapt_input_to_encoder && adapt_input_to_cpu_usage == o.adapt_input_to_cpu_usage && adapt_cpu_with_smoothing == o.adapt_cpu_with_smoothing && adapt_view_switch == o.adapt_view_switch && video_adapt_third == o.video_adapt_third && video_noise_reduction == o.video_noise_reduction && video_three_layers == o.video_three_layers && video_one_layer_screencast == o.video_one_layer_screencast && video_high_bitrate == o.video_high_bitrate && video_watermark == o.video_watermark && video_temporal_layer_screencast == o.video_temporal_layer_screencast && video_temporal_layer_realtime == o.video_temporal_layer_realtime && video_leaky_bucket == o.video_leaky_bucket && cpu_overuse_detection == o.cpu_overuse_detection && conference_mode == o.conference_mode && process_adaptation_threshhold == o.process_adaptation_threshhold && system_low_adaptation_threshhold == o.system_low_adaptation_threshhold && system_high_adaptation_threshhold == o.system_high_adaptation_threshhold && buffered_mode_latency == o.buffered_mode_latency; } std::string ToString() const { std::ostringstream ost; ost << "VideoOptions {"; ost << ToStringIfSet("encoder adaption", adapt_input_to_encoder); ost << ToStringIfSet("cpu adaption", adapt_input_to_cpu_usage); ost << ToStringIfSet("cpu adaptation smoothing", adapt_cpu_with_smoothing); ost << ToStringIfSet("adapt view switch", adapt_view_switch); ost << ToStringIfSet("video adapt third", video_adapt_third); ost << ToStringIfSet("noise reduction", video_noise_reduction); ost << ToStringIfSet("3 layers", video_three_layers); ost << ToStringIfSet("1 layer screencast", video_one_layer_screencast); ost << ToStringIfSet("high bitrate", video_high_bitrate); ost << ToStringIfSet("watermark", video_watermark); ost << ToStringIfSet("video temporal layer screencast", video_temporal_layer_screencast); ost << ToStringIfSet("video temporal layer realtime", video_temporal_layer_realtime); ost << ToStringIfSet("leaky bucket", video_leaky_bucket); ost << ToStringIfSet("cpu overuse detection", cpu_overuse_detection); ost << ToStringIfSet("conference mode", conference_mode); ost << ToStringIfSet("process", process_adaptation_threshhold); ost << ToStringIfSet("low", system_low_adaptation_threshhold); ost << ToStringIfSet("high", system_high_adaptation_threshhold); ost << ToStringIfSet("buffered mode latency", buffered_mode_latency); ost << "}"; return ost.str(); } // Encoder adaption, which is the gd callback in LMI, and TBA in WebRTC. Settable adapt_input_to_encoder; // Enable CPU adaptation? Settable adapt_input_to_cpu_usage; // Enable CPU adaptation smoothing? Settable adapt_cpu_with_smoothing; // Enable Adapt View Switch? Settable adapt_view_switch; // Enable video adapt third? Settable video_adapt_third; // Enable denoising? Settable video_noise_reduction; // Experimental: Enable multi layer? Settable video_three_layers; // Experimental: Enable one layer screencast? Settable video_one_layer_screencast; // Experimental: Enable WebRtc higher bitrate? Settable video_high_bitrate; // Experimental: Add watermark to the rendered video image. Settable video_watermark; // Experimental: Enable WebRTC layered screencast. Settable video_temporal_layer_screencast; // Experimental: Enable WebRTC temporal layer strategy for realtime video. Settable video_temporal_layer_realtime; // Enable WebRTC leaky bucket when sending media packets. Settable video_leaky_bucket; // Enable WebRTC Cpu Overuse Detection, which is a new version of the CPU // adaptation algorithm. So this option will override the // |adapt_input_to_cpu_usage|. Settable cpu_overuse_detection; // Use conference mode? Settable conference_mode; // Threshhold for process cpu adaptation. (Process limit) SettablePercent process_adaptation_threshhold; // Low threshhold for cpu adaptation. (Adapt up) SettablePercent system_low_adaptation_threshhold; // High threshhold for cpu adaptation. (Adapt down) SettablePercent system_high_adaptation_threshhold; // Specify buffered mode latency in milliseconds. Settable buffered_mode_latency; }; // A class for playing out soundclips. class SoundclipMedia { public: enum SoundclipFlags { SF_LOOP = 1, }; virtual ~SoundclipMedia() {} // Plays a sound out to the speakers with the given audio stream. The stream // must be 16-bit little-endian 16 kHz PCM. If a stream is already playing // on this SoundclipMedia, it is stopped. If clip is NULL, nothing is played. // Returns whether it was successful. virtual bool PlaySound(const char *clip, int len, int flags) = 0; }; struct RtpHeaderExtension { RtpHeaderExtension() : id(0) {} RtpHeaderExtension(const std::string& u, int i) : uri(u), id(i) {} std::string uri; int id; // TODO(juberti): SendRecv direction; bool operator==(const RtpHeaderExtension& ext) const { // id is a reserved word in objective-c. Therefore the id attribute has to // be a fully qualified name in order to compile on IOS. return this->id == ext.id && uri == ext.uri; } }; // Returns the named header extension if found among all extensions, NULL // otherwise. inline const RtpHeaderExtension* FindHeaderExtension( const std::vector& extensions, const std::string& name) { for (std::vector::const_iterator it = extensions.begin(); it != extensions.end(); ++it) { if (it->uri == name) return &(*it); } return NULL; } enum MediaChannelOptions { // Tune the stream for conference mode. OPT_CONFERENCE = 0x0001 }; enum VoiceMediaChannelOptions { // Tune the audio stream for vcs with different target levels. OPT_AGC_MINUS_10DB = 0x80000000 }; // DTMF flags to control if a DTMF tone should be played and/or sent. enum DtmfFlags { DF_PLAY = 0x01, DF_SEND = 0x02, }; class MediaChannel : public sigslot::has_slots<> { public: class NetworkInterface { public: enum SocketType { ST_RTP, ST_RTCP }; virtual bool SendPacket( talk_base::Buffer* packet, talk_base::DiffServCodePoint dscp = talk_base::DSCP_NO_CHANGE) = 0; virtual bool SendRtcp( talk_base::Buffer* packet, talk_base::DiffServCodePoint dscp = talk_base::DSCP_NO_CHANGE) = 0; virtual int SetOption(SocketType type, talk_base::Socket::Option opt, int option) = 0; virtual ~NetworkInterface() {} }; MediaChannel() : network_interface_(NULL) {} virtual ~MediaChannel() {} // Sets the abstract interface class for sending RTP/RTCP data. virtual void SetInterface(NetworkInterface *iface) { talk_base::CritScope cs(&network_interface_crit_); network_interface_ = iface; } // Called when a RTP packet is received. virtual void OnPacketReceived(talk_base::Buffer* packet) = 0; // Called when a RTCP packet is received. virtual void OnRtcpReceived(talk_base::Buffer* packet) = 0; // Called when the socket's ability to send has changed. virtual void OnReadyToSend(bool ready) = 0; // Creates a new outgoing media stream with SSRCs and CNAME as described // by sp. virtual bool AddSendStream(const StreamParams& sp) = 0; // Removes an outgoing media stream. // ssrc must be the first SSRC of the media stream if the stream uses // multiple SSRCs. virtual bool RemoveSendStream(uint32 ssrc) = 0; // Creates a new incoming media stream with SSRCs and CNAME as described // by sp. virtual bool AddRecvStream(const StreamParams& sp) = 0; // Removes an incoming media stream. // ssrc must be the first SSRC of the media stream if the stream uses // multiple SSRCs. virtual bool RemoveRecvStream(uint32 ssrc) = 0; // Mutes the channel. virtual bool MuteStream(uint32 ssrc, bool on) = 0; // Sets the RTP extension headers and IDs to use when sending RTP. virtual bool SetRecvRtpHeaderExtensions( const std::vector& extensions) = 0; virtual bool SetSendRtpHeaderExtensions( const std::vector& extensions) = 0; // Sets the rate control to use when sending data. virtual bool SetSendBandwidth(bool autobw, int bps) = 0; // Base method to send packet using NetworkInterface. bool SendPacket(talk_base::Buffer* packet) { return DoSendPacket(packet, false); } bool SendRtcp(talk_base::Buffer* packet) { return DoSendPacket(packet, true); } int SetOption(NetworkInterface::SocketType type, talk_base::Socket::Option opt, int option) { talk_base::CritScope cs(&network_interface_crit_); if (!network_interface_) return -1; return network_interface_->SetOption(type, opt, option); } private: bool DoSendPacket(talk_base::Buffer* packet, bool rtcp) { talk_base::CritScope cs(&network_interface_crit_); if (!network_interface_) return false; return (!rtcp) ? network_interface_->SendPacket(packet) : network_interface_->SendRtcp(packet); } // |network_interface_| can be accessed from the worker_thread and // from any MediaEngine threads. This critical section is to protect accessing // of network_interface_ object. talk_base::CriticalSection network_interface_crit_; NetworkInterface* network_interface_; }; enum SendFlags { SEND_NOTHING, SEND_RINGBACKTONE, SEND_MICROPHONE }; // The stats information is structured as follows: // Media are represented by either MediaSenderInfo or MediaReceiverInfo. // Media contains a vector of SSRC infos that are exclusively used by this // media. (SSRCs shared between media streams can't be represented.) // Information about an SSRC. // This data may be locally recorded, or received in an RTCP SR or RR. struct SsrcSenderInfo { SsrcSenderInfo() : ssrc(0), timestamp(0) { } uint32 ssrc; double timestamp; // NTP timestamp, represented as seconds since epoch. }; struct SsrcReceiverInfo { SsrcReceiverInfo() : ssrc(0), timestamp(0) { } uint32 ssrc; double timestamp; }; struct MediaSenderInfo { MediaSenderInfo() : bytes_sent(0), packets_sent(0), packets_lost(0), fraction_lost(0.0), rtt_ms(0) { } int64 bytes_sent; int packets_sent; int packets_lost; float fraction_lost; int rtt_ms; std::string codec_name; std::vector local_stats; std::vector remote_stats; }; struct MediaReceiverInfo { MediaReceiverInfo() : bytes_rcvd(0), packets_rcvd(0), packets_lost(0), fraction_lost(0.0) { } int64 bytes_rcvd; int packets_rcvd; int packets_lost; float fraction_lost; std::vector local_stats; std::vector remote_stats; }; struct VoiceSenderInfo : public MediaSenderInfo { VoiceSenderInfo() : ssrc(0), ext_seqnum(0), jitter_ms(0), audio_level(0), aec_quality_min(0.0), echo_delay_median_ms(0), echo_delay_std_ms(0), echo_return_loss(0), echo_return_loss_enhancement(0), typing_noise_detected(false) { } uint32 ssrc; int ext_seqnum; int jitter_ms; int audio_level; float aec_quality_min; int echo_delay_median_ms; int echo_delay_std_ms; int echo_return_loss; int echo_return_loss_enhancement; bool typing_noise_detected; }; struct VoiceReceiverInfo : public MediaReceiverInfo { VoiceReceiverInfo() : ssrc(0), ext_seqnum(0), jitter_ms(0), jitter_buffer_ms(0), jitter_buffer_preferred_ms(0), delay_estimate_ms(0), audio_level(0), expand_rate(0) { } uint32 ssrc; int ext_seqnum; int jitter_ms; int jitter_buffer_ms; int jitter_buffer_preferred_ms; int delay_estimate_ms; int audio_level; // fraction of synthesized speech inserted through pre-emptive expansion float expand_rate; }; struct VideoSenderInfo : public MediaSenderInfo { VideoSenderInfo() : packets_cached(0), firs_rcvd(0), nacks_rcvd(0), frame_width(0), frame_height(0), framerate_input(0), framerate_sent(0), nominal_bitrate(0), preferred_bitrate(0), adapt_reason(0) { } std::vector ssrcs; std::vector ssrc_groups; int packets_cached; int firs_rcvd; int nacks_rcvd; int frame_width; int frame_height; int framerate_input; int framerate_sent; int nominal_bitrate; int preferred_bitrate; int adapt_reason; }; struct VideoReceiverInfo : public MediaReceiverInfo { VideoReceiverInfo() : packets_concealed(0), firs_sent(0), nacks_sent(0), frame_width(0), frame_height(0), framerate_rcvd(0), framerate_decoded(0), framerate_output(0), framerate_render_input(0), framerate_render_output(0), decode_ms(0), max_decode_ms(0), jitter_buffer_ms(0), min_playout_delay_ms(0), render_delay_ms(0), target_delay_ms(0), current_delay_ms(0) { } std::vector ssrcs; std::vector ssrc_groups; int packets_concealed; int firs_sent; int nacks_sent; int frame_width; int frame_height; int framerate_rcvd; int framerate_decoded; int framerate_output; // Framerate as sent to the renderer. int framerate_render_input; // Framerate that the renderer reports. int framerate_render_output; // All stats below are gathered per-VideoReceiver, but some will be correlated // across MediaStreamTracks. NOTE(hta): when sinking stats into per-SSRC // structures, reflect this in the new layout. // Current frame decode latency. int decode_ms; // Maximum observed frame decode latency. int max_decode_ms; // Jitter (network-related) latency. int jitter_buffer_ms; // Requested minimum playout latency. int min_playout_delay_ms; // Requested latency to account for rendering delay. int render_delay_ms; // Target overall delay: network+decode+render, accounting for // min_playout_delay_ms. int target_delay_ms; // Current overall delay, possibly ramping towards target_delay_ms. int current_delay_ms; }; struct DataSenderInfo : public MediaSenderInfo { DataSenderInfo() : ssrc(0) { } uint32 ssrc; }; struct DataReceiverInfo : public MediaReceiverInfo { DataReceiverInfo() : ssrc(0) { } uint32 ssrc; }; struct BandwidthEstimationInfo { BandwidthEstimationInfo() : available_send_bandwidth(0), available_recv_bandwidth(0), target_enc_bitrate(0), actual_enc_bitrate(0), retransmit_bitrate(0), transmit_bitrate(0), bucket_delay(0) { } int available_send_bandwidth; int available_recv_bandwidth; int target_enc_bitrate; int actual_enc_bitrate; int retransmit_bitrate; int transmit_bitrate; int bucket_delay; }; struct VoiceMediaInfo { void Clear() { senders.clear(); receivers.clear(); } std::vector senders; std::vector receivers; }; struct VideoMediaInfo { void Clear() { senders.clear(); receivers.clear(); bw_estimations.clear(); } std::vector senders; std::vector receivers; std::vector bw_estimations; }; struct DataMediaInfo { void Clear() { senders.clear(); receivers.clear(); } std::vector senders; std::vector receivers; }; class VoiceMediaChannel : public MediaChannel { public: enum Error { ERROR_NONE = 0, // No error. ERROR_OTHER, // Other errors. ERROR_REC_DEVICE_OPEN_FAILED = 100, // Could not open mic. ERROR_REC_DEVICE_MUTED, // Mic was muted by OS. ERROR_REC_DEVICE_SILENT, // No background noise picked up. ERROR_REC_DEVICE_SATURATION, // Mic input is clipping. ERROR_REC_DEVICE_REMOVED, // Mic was removed while active. ERROR_REC_RUNTIME_ERROR, // Processing is encountering errors. ERROR_REC_SRTP_ERROR, // Generic SRTP failure. ERROR_REC_SRTP_AUTH_FAILED, // Failed to authenticate packets. ERROR_REC_TYPING_NOISE_DETECTED, // Typing noise is detected. ERROR_PLAY_DEVICE_OPEN_FAILED = 200, // Could not open playout. ERROR_PLAY_DEVICE_MUTED, // Playout muted by OS. ERROR_PLAY_DEVICE_REMOVED, // Playout removed while active. ERROR_PLAY_RUNTIME_ERROR, // Errors in voice processing. ERROR_PLAY_SRTP_ERROR, // Generic SRTP failure. ERROR_PLAY_SRTP_AUTH_FAILED, // Failed to authenticate packets. ERROR_PLAY_SRTP_REPLAY, // Packet replay detected. }; VoiceMediaChannel() {} virtual ~VoiceMediaChannel() {} // Sets the codecs/payload types to be used for incoming media. virtual bool SetRecvCodecs(const std::vector& codecs) = 0; // Sets the codecs/payload types to be used for outgoing media. virtual bool SetSendCodecs(const std::vector& codecs) = 0; // Starts or stops playout of received audio. virtual bool SetPlayout(bool playout) = 0; // Starts or stops sending (and potentially capture) of local audio. virtual bool SetSend(SendFlags flag) = 0; // Sets the renderer object to be used for the specified remote audio stream. virtual bool SetRemoteRenderer(uint32 ssrc, AudioRenderer* renderer) = 0; // Sets the renderer object to be used for the specified local audio stream. virtual bool SetLocalRenderer(uint32 ssrc, AudioRenderer* renderer) = 0; // Gets current energy levels for all incoming streams. virtual bool GetActiveStreams(AudioInfo::StreamList* actives) = 0; // Get the current energy level of the stream sent to the speaker. virtual int GetOutputLevel() = 0; // Get the time in milliseconds since last recorded keystroke, or negative. virtual int GetTimeSinceLastTyping() = 0; // Temporarily exposed field for tuning typing detect options. virtual void SetTypingDetectionParameters(int time_window, int cost_per_typing, int reporting_threshold, int penalty_decay, int type_event_delay) = 0; // Set left and right scale for speaker output volume of the specified ssrc. virtual bool SetOutputScaling(uint32 ssrc, double left, double right) = 0; // Get left and right scale for speaker output volume of the specified ssrc. virtual bool GetOutputScaling(uint32 ssrc, double* left, double* right) = 0; // Specifies a ringback tone to be played during call setup. virtual bool SetRingbackTone(const char *buf, int len) = 0; // Plays or stops the aforementioned ringback tone virtual bool PlayRingbackTone(uint32 ssrc, bool play, bool loop) = 0; // Returns if the telephone-event has been negotiated. virtual bool CanInsertDtmf() { return false; } // Send and/or play a DTMF |event| according to the |flags|. // The DTMF out-of-band signal will be used on sending. // The |ssrc| should be either 0 or a valid send stream ssrc. // The valid value for the |event| are 0 to 15 which corresponding to // DTMF event 0-9, *, #, A-D. virtual bool InsertDtmf(uint32 ssrc, int event, int duration, int flags) = 0; // Gets quality stats for the channel. virtual bool GetStats(VoiceMediaInfo* info) = 0; // Gets last reported error for this media channel. virtual void GetLastMediaError(uint32* ssrc, VoiceMediaChannel::Error* error) { ASSERT(error != NULL); *error = ERROR_NONE; } // Sets the media options to use. virtual bool SetOptions(const AudioOptions& options) = 0; virtual bool GetOptions(AudioOptions* options) const = 0; // Signal errors from MediaChannel. Arguments are: // ssrc(uint32), and error(VoiceMediaChannel::Error). sigslot::signal2 SignalMediaError; }; class VideoMediaChannel : public MediaChannel { public: enum Error { ERROR_NONE = 0, // No error. ERROR_OTHER, // Other errors. ERROR_REC_DEVICE_OPEN_FAILED = 100, // Could not open camera. ERROR_REC_DEVICE_NO_DEVICE, // No camera. ERROR_REC_DEVICE_IN_USE, // Device is in already use. ERROR_REC_DEVICE_REMOVED, // Device is removed. ERROR_REC_SRTP_ERROR, // Generic sender SRTP failure. ERROR_REC_SRTP_AUTH_FAILED, // Failed to authenticate packets. ERROR_REC_CPU_MAX_CANT_DOWNGRADE, // Can't downgrade capture anymore. ERROR_PLAY_SRTP_ERROR = 200, // Generic receiver SRTP failure. ERROR_PLAY_SRTP_AUTH_FAILED, // Failed to authenticate packets. ERROR_PLAY_SRTP_REPLAY, // Packet replay detected. }; VideoMediaChannel() : renderer_(NULL) {} virtual ~VideoMediaChannel() {} // Sets the codecs/payload types to be used for incoming media. virtual bool SetRecvCodecs(const std::vector& codecs) = 0; // Sets the codecs/payload types to be used for outgoing media. virtual bool SetSendCodecs(const std::vector& codecs) = 0; // Gets the currently set codecs/payload types to be used for outgoing media. virtual bool GetSendCodec(VideoCodec* send_codec) = 0; // Sets the format of a specified outgoing stream. virtual bool SetSendStreamFormat(uint32 ssrc, const VideoFormat& format) = 0; // Starts or stops playout of received video. virtual bool SetRender(bool render) = 0; // Starts or stops transmission (and potentially capture) of local video. virtual bool SetSend(bool send) = 0; // Sets the renderer object to be used for the specified stream. // If SSRC is 0, the renderer is used for the 'default' stream. virtual bool SetRenderer(uint32 ssrc, VideoRenderer* renderer) = 0; // If |ssrc| is 0, replace the default capturer (engine capturer) with // |capturer|. If |ssrc| is non zero create a new stream with |ssrc| as SSRC. virtual bool SetCapturer(uint32 ssrc, VideoCapturer* capturer) = 0; // Gets quality stats for the channel. virtual bool GetStats(VideoMediaInfo* info) = 0; // Send an intra frame to the receivers. virtual bool SendIntraFrame() = 0; // Reuqest each of the remote senders to send an intra frame. virtual bool RequestIntraFrame() = 0; // Sets the media options to use. virtual bool SetOptions(const VideoOptions& options) = 0; virtual bool GetOptions(VideoOptions* options) const = 0; virtual void UpdateAspectRatio(int ratio_w, int ratio_h) = 0; // Signal errors from MediaChannel. Arguments are: // ssrc(uint32), and error(VideoMediaChannel::Error). sigslot::signal2 SignalMediaError; protected: VideoRenderer *renderer_; }; enum DataMessageType { // Chrome-Internal use only. See SctpDataMediaChannel for the actual PPID // values. DMT_NONE = 0, DMT_CONTROL = 1, DMT_BINARY = 2, DMT_TEXT = 3, }; // Info about data received in DataMediaChannel. For use in // DataMediaChannel::SignalDataReceived and in all of the signals that // signal fires, on up the chain. struct ReceiveDataParams { // The in-packet stream indentifier. // For SCTP, this is really SID, not SSRC. uint32 ssrc; // The type of message (binary, text, or control). DataMessageType type; // A per-stream value incremented per packet in the stream. int seq_num; // A per-stream value monotonically increasing with time. int timestamp; ReceiveDataParams() : ssrc(0), type(DMT_TEXT), seq_num(0), timestamp(0) { } }; struct SendDataParams { // The in-packet stream indentifier. // For SCTP, this is really SID, not SSRC. uint32 ssrc; // The type of message (binary, text, or control). DataMessageType type; // For SCTP, whether to send messages flagged as ordered or not. // If false, messages can be received out of order. bool ordered; // For SCTP, whether the messages are sent reliably or not. // If false, messages may be lost. bool reliable; // For SCTP, if reliable == false, provide partial reliability by // resending up to this many times. Either count or millis // is supported, not both at the same time. int max_rtx_count; // For SCTP, if reliable == false, provide partial reliability by // resending for up to this many milliseconds. Either count or millis // is supported, not both at the same time. int max_rtx_ms; SendDataParams() : ssrc(0), type(DMT_TEXT), // TODO(pthatcher): Make these true by default? ordered(false), reliable(false), max_rtx_count(0), max_rtx_ms(0) { } }; enum SendDataResult { SDR_SUCCESS, SDR_ERROR, SDR_BLOCK }; class DataMediaChannel : public MediaChannel { public: enum Error { ERROR_NONE = 0, // No error. ERROR_OTHER, // Other errors. ERROR_SEND_SRTP_ERROR = 200, // Generic SRTP failure. ERROR_SEND_SRTP_AUTH_FAILED, // Failed to authenticate packets. ERROR_RECV_SRTP_ERROR, // Generic SRTP failure. ERROR_RECV_SRTP_AUTH_FAILED, // Failed to authenticate packets. ERROR_RECV_SRTP_REPLAY, // Packet replay detected. }; virtual ~DataMediaChannel() {} virtual bool SetSendBandwidth(bool autobw, int bps) = 0; virtual bool SetSendCodecs(const std::vector& codecs) = 0; virtual bool SetRecvCodecs(const std::vector& codecs) = 0; virtual bool SetRecvRtpHeaderExtensions( const std::vector& extensions) = 0; virtual bool SetSendRtpHeaderExtensions( const std::vector& extensions) = 0; virtual bool AddSendStream(const StreamParams& sp) = 0; virtual bool RemoveSendStream(uint32 ssrc) = 0; virtual bool AddRecvStream(const StreamParams& sp) = 0; virtual bool RemoveRecvStream(uint32 ssrc) = 0; virtual bool MuteStream(uint32 ssrc, bool on) { return false; } // TODO(pthatcher): Implement this. virtual bool GetStats(DataMediaInfo* info) { return true; } virtual bool SetSend(bool send) = 0; virtual bool SetReceive(bool receive) = 0; virtual void OnPacketReceived(talk_base::Buffer* packet) = 0; virtual void OnRtcpReceived(talk_base::Buffer* packet) = 0; virtual bool SendData( const SendDataParams& params, const talk_base::Buffer& payload, SendDataResult* result = NULL) = 0; // Signals when data is received (params, data, len) sigslot::signal3 SignalDataReceived; // Signal errors from MediaChannel. Arguments are: // ssrc(uint32), and error(DataMediaChannel::Error). sigslot::signal2 SignalMediaError; // Signal when the media channel is ready to send the stream. Arguments are: // writable(bool) sigslot::signal1 SignalReadyToSend; // Signal for notifying when a new stream is added from the remote side. Used // for the in-band negotioation through the OPEN message for SCTP data // channel. sigslot::signal2 SignalNewStreamReceived; }; } // namespace cricket #endif // TALK_MEDIA_BASE_MEDIACHANNEL_H_